before retiring take ayer3 pills and you will sleep better and wake in better condition for the days work ayers cathartic pills have no equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation biliousness sick headache and all liyer troubles they are sugarcoated and so perfectly prepared that they cure with out the annoyances experienced in the use of so many of the pills pn the market ask your druggistfor ayerjs-gathartie- pills when other pills wont help you ayera is the pill that will i jlcton xtt frm thursday jantjaby 18 1898 lje nnnj jolka a soso of cbsebfvinsss tuowoary worlds a cnoorfulnlaoo for oiofowltti hearts to wlnit thank qod theres not abuuian aco but has soino laughter in it i too soul that oomea with boaost mirth though healthendfortuno vary brlugb baok the childhood of tho earth and keeps it sound and merry tbo plodding worlds an eager place for tbobo with wjt to use it whoro all are blddon to tho race lot htm who dare refuse it i the simplest task tho hand can try tho dullest round of duty kuowlodgo can amply slorlfy and art ban crown with boauty a busy bopny kindly plsco is this rough world of ours for tbobe who love and workapaoo and ml tholr hands with flowers to kind and just and grateful hearts the present grace is givon toflndaboavon in themselves r and find tbcmselvos inhoavon 1 cariahw herald what some authors earn mr gladstona prioe for a review ie 11000 oonan doylo received s85000 for bod- ney stone buskins m books bridr him 20000 few swinburne who writes very little makes 18000 a year by his poems anthony hope obarges j450 for it roaga- sins story reserving the copyright browning in hi later years drew 10- 000 a year from the sale of his books ian maolaren made 85000 out of the bonnie brier bosh and anld lang syne tennyson ie said to bays received 00000 a year from the maomillana during his last years boles first li books returned him 4220- 000 and in 20 years he haa made at least 1375000 mrs humphry ward received 40000 for robert eilesmsre 80000 eaoh for david grieve and maroella 75000 for blr george tresssdy and 16000 for bessie cottrell j moouvh b to- ha bo all others as more than aiojsoooo has been paid in royalties for the gospel byrons and tunes issued by him in conjnno- tlon with mr sankey the p all hall oasttle paid badyard kip- lirigiysoior eaoh of his barreokboom ballads andtbe seven seats brought him li000 he haa repeived 60 cents a word for a 10000 word story rider haggard asks from 76 to 100 a oolomu and will not write an artiole for which less than 10000 la to be paid two hundred thousand dollars waa paid to alphoue daudot for his 8appho the highest price ever paid for a novel love an the f xonhave heard it ssldand ibdlievo there is more tbsn faney in that saying but let it pass fuf a fanolful one that flowers only flourish rightly in the gardens of some one who loves them i know yon would like that to be true yon would think it a pleasant maglo if yon could flush yonr flowers into brighter bloom by a kind look upon them nay more if your look had ihepower not only to cheer but to goard if yon coald but bid the blsok bllgtai turn away audthe knotted oaterpll- ar spare if you ooold bid the dew fall upon them lo the drought and say to the siutbwiiid come thou and breathe upon my garden that the apices of it may flow out this you would think a good thing and do you not think it a greater thing than all this and how muoh more than all lhlaybuband6 for fairer flowers than the flowers that ooold bless you for having lovod them flowers that have thoughts like yoors and lives ike yours and which once saved you save forever john bus- it i bettor tuau klondike guld is lioulth and strength rained ty tuktng hoolv sarhitpxrilth the grft blood purifier it fortius tho whole ulim and gives you uuoh utrennth- ylinfc- nervous troubles oeaut and workwliioli seemed wearing and ittboriouk becomee cany and ib eheerfillly performed it iiuh dono this for nt itirk it whi for you lluotlv piiih uro tho btst family oithtirtiu anil liver lotiio gfnile reliable euir watchdoq and incendiary ho who vill not unsuit to iho rudder must answer to thu rook bltioasocsp sallow com- etc yield to tiie curativo powers ot lsialtvcr pilla they are furo lo cure diver troubles pexion yellow eyes jaundioo the difference paid asbury feppore though no one hud asked him the difference between a blpyole puihp aud an antiprizefight law ie that one 1b need to blowup the tires and the other totiq up the blowers whereupon the serious boarder told him that he ought to go on the stage or if luo- slsge was not available to go on tho neat train to ricvcnt coneunipuonv hard to curey easy to prevent scotts emulsion nourishes the blood kcepball the organs and tissues healtby and the con bumption germb cannot get a foothold never try to outabine but to please xoliovlsklnantleyc8 biliousness causes yellow skin arid eyes tired weary sluggish feeling etc burdook blood bitters cleanses the blood and regu lates the liver curing all its diseases from a child i buffered from biliousness and beadmobe and all the money i spent for medloine brought me no relief four bottlee of bbb cured mo eompletoly however and 1 gladly recommend it mrs w coleman toronto out lute hllloumeu dyspepsia headache const- nation sour stcmaeh indlgesuonara promptly sured bynoods fait they do their work easily and thoroughly best after dinner pills ts cents all druggists prepared by c x hood b oov xowell mas the onlv ffll to take with roods barsspariua our women and girls too many are broken down weak and wretched paines oelefty compound isheifetlipeoiver for all who are sick and ailing it has rescued thousands and made their lives happy oiiolmk night itit did inn uiipltttmumt- ft i wmclirlcj wh iul bttii luniei out to di whh tl hii impty liggalifa in lieillcy irukof tho bi bton joloiifjing to hiri mtihtcr wlicn i io wiih tiwaktnol hy u eupicioiib if ou n i pfiitiii einiiiotmly out of luhtotrtfil lio hiiw a nimi in iv bhtuk miihktt op hteitliliily up lo tho- building utul tiiiii piling hll iimniiblu iimtcriiil figiiinutit ah lliounbi thu yulch dij here is ti tiood olmiico to du ood for evil and lienp cpnla of lire on the hpitdqf l iuel mart- tor i only lliib inonihu im kicked me from tliopreniieea 1 imvo yuiirded bo long eaying bdkoiio you worthlose curl and bruiaeii humbled ntid wellntth broketi- hoart t criil in imro to re3t and rcfleot little dreunaiii lliat i would noon have nn oppotuiiiiv to dcindiintrtito my worth uud carif tlio liflong umtitude ot my miiattr by aaviou hidproihity from tho torch of ftn inoendiary so tklnkinj tin ftiiihful old dojf aum- monirir nil liis bireiiyih apruiry upoutlie mtjbked iutrurr mid boro him to tho ground just w ho wn ttbout to uppfy tle match tliuro uu torrlflu btrugilq but the niaati 0 htirg on until a poltouaiun reached tha spot and took charge of tho wouldbo incendiary tbo next day tho insurance authorities took thooasc in hand- and indite oourae of tioio the faithful and plucky old watch do waa flttcd out with a gold collar and furnibliod with au easy berth aud luxurious quartern inr bifi inaoranoebuildintf while tho dogs uriuratcful maiiter for the man fu the black maak was indeed he received hia juatdeaaertb by being nentenoed to seven yeara with harl labor for attempt ed arson momlit uever pays to ro baok on an old friend fcitbor fomvlejged ortwoiekged reopecially if you are no log into aome crooked trunaaotiou where be ia liable to oat ob you aitit women noed not look to those dear thprn to kuow their mooda a she 3uhstr to and he thought the buzzing in his head was caused by ltdr agnews catarrhal powder un deceives him and cures a case of chronic catarrh of thirty years standing i imvo had ohronla ontarrh over since the war tlio dieoao affected my hearing greatly there was a ditjugreoablo ringing n my ears which i attributed to the faot of a bliell bursting near me while in an engagement i used three bottleb of dr agbewa catarrhal powder and my catarrh haa entirely loft me the noiaea in my bead have also ceased it ia a great medi cine bo easy end pleasant to apply i bavo hb hesitation in recommondiog it aa ai safe and certain care for catarrh in its moat aoato form j o taylor 210 n clinton avo trenton n j sold by a tbrown lliiuihhhiimhlllmiiihihllllilllllll dtffbill jfegetahlppfeparartonroras slmllatlrig ihetoodandhegula- tlrg thestwnflchs and bgwels of hatthe facsimile signature -of- lllllhtrn promotesdigshbncheetful- iiess and restcontalris neither siuntmorpwne nor mnerali otnahcotic juxvtafouuysamvarnvmn apcrfccl remedy for constipa tion sour stomachdiorrlioea worms onvulsionsjeverish ness and los of sl toe similesignaturcof is pw the wrapper 0f eveby bottee of 7t wrappefjr ssissaw i i mk0 osstorla is put up in onsrslie oottles only it itlnot sold la lalk dont allov anyono to sell 1 70s anything elao on tbs plea or promise that it il jolt as good and will nnawor every por- bco thit you get 0abtobil isnt palette tho artibtdriukina tooh deal yes ho has been trying to get a caso of horrors disappointed in lovo oh no its alt id tho lino of business he wants bomo new poster dceifnc the marvellous compound is womans best friend jessie m ross says i was completely cured by your wonderful medicine wells a riohardeon co dear blra it affords ma much pleasure to testify to the great good that paineb celery compoudd bas dope for me i was ea run ju i h a a v hi8 sp title the late professor key hen headmas ter of a large london school was on a of the most genial gentlemen that oyer ailed trie position he was food of encoor- sriog fun in bis boys and was not averse from rsoonntingoooaaionally during class time when anything prompted it the manners aud oostoma of countries he bsd visited- on one occasion he was telling his class abpnt spaio and aald do you know boys that when a man attains to erolnonoe there be is not oslled blr hot is dlvsn ths title of don one of tbboys hr oalled but pixisnt yonudnksirr the gravity of the olass was ooropletely upset for trie remaind of the a oil pa eiolaimed the dear girl her ssppblre eyes brlmmlntf with mtiua tears hov eanvob y foiltiymimkmv vfsf shouldnt retorted ps with a uenbtsmwod b kad pawmor wjiiiniftwi iiiilsuisjy hooldut 1 when i have to fflplwij- misssf of female weahneas and after using three bottles of your wonderful inedrciue i was completely ourej ft the best r blood plriflcr i know of and i recommend it to all who are troubled as i was yours very truly jessiem ross qdypn p q eternal joy and everlasting love theres in you woman lovely woman the grizzly discolored and uncouth beard can be made to appear inviting by buckinghams dye whidh colors an even brown or black may be applied at home no man oan either live piously or die righteous without a wife old yet ever new and simple and beautiful ever sings the poet in words which might well apply to ayera barsapa- rilla the moat efficient and scientific bloodpurifior ever offered to suffering humanity nothing but superior merit keeps it so long at the front never forget that vulgarity lias its origin in ignorance or selfishness milburnd sterling hoadaohe powders are easy to take harmless in aotioo and sure to ooro any headaohe in from 6 to 20 minutes never intentionally wound tlio feelings of a human being eczema relieved in a day dr agnews ointmont will enro this disgusting skin disease without fail it willaleooure barbers itch tetter bait sheum and all akiu ernptious in from three to six nights it will care blind bleeding and itching files one spplioa- t b ouu i the most i cases 96 cents sold by a t brown never treat inferiors with arrogance if ypu cannot get beef mutton will answer you may choose between milk water coffee or tea but there is no second choice for scotts emulsion it is scotts emulsion or nothing when you need the best codliver oil the best hypo- phosphites and the best glycerine all combined in the best possible manner ypu have only one choice it brings prompt results in all aiwses of wasting or lossinieht aldrvtsjesnilioo sdott4bowmb durmlti toronio always give precedence to others visitors and euporiora offer them the bbhtree at lli i he- fire and tlio first of ovcrytbiog qo farther thao mere form and see that they areeomfortsbfo and happy in bis veretablefius dr farmelce has given to tho world the fruits of long soientiflo reaearoh ili tho whole realm of medical bcienoe combined with new and valuable discoveries never beforo known to man for delicate and debilitated oon- stitntions parmeleea fills act like a obarm then in small doaeb the effect is botb a todio and a stimulant mildly oxciting tboecbrotions of the body giving tone aad vigor ilcnry you look very pulo whutfl the iroublo 1 wab stung to iho quick by an adder thib afternoon how did it happou why i dropped in at the bank arid tho boqkkocportold me myaccounttftr over drawn iliiokin cough cuioil gentlemen my brother was- troubled with a verybad hacking cough but after using threo botlloa of norway pino byrup coughsgoldsr bronghiti5v sewaacompletelylcnrfd i ninnot recoy mmedd it too highly l mies m bradehaw wobloyvillo ont never in trudo 111 hoalth pains losses or misfortunob vo cure torpid liver constipation sick headache and dyspepsia as a laxative one pill acts perfectly and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills in obstinate cases where a pur gative is necessary three pills will be found sufficient these pills leave no unpleasant nfter effect one pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation price 28 cents or b- for 100 dr woods norway pine syrup heals arid soothes- the delicate tissues of the throat and lungs curing to be beautiful wo must bave pure blood aud ft clear ukia burdook blood butera purifies tbo blood and makes tlio akin bright and clear it cures all skin and blood disaaecb witness tho following i had scrofula on my face for some timoand ooaltl get no relief until i tried bdb 3ti i 0ao bottlo boated mo andleft no soart it ib the greatest blood purifier iu exiatenoe mary c berry toronto ont asthma hoarseness sore throat influenza and pain in the chest easy to take j s a codo of signals how to be beautiful nature hatj a podo of bjrnala a liatlesa btep and tired weary feeling are in tbo code they bbow that the eyatem is ran down and dragged oat natures medicine for this fa milburna heart and nerve pilla they benefit the entire eyatem brace the nerves and brighten tbo brain curing nervousness bleeplessneee weakness and palpitatiwof the heart eto brown i am going to challenge- that man who ran off with my wife jones why that was aix months bro brown i know it but ho haa eont her baok severe hcnduclic cured pear sirs being troubled with a severe headache i was advisod by a friend to try laxa- liver pills i only urod half a bottlo and have not eicoo suffered from the com plaint they seem to be a porfeot euro mrs john tomlinson hamilton ont it jb baloalattid that there are more than five thoaband peoplo in daweon city with provisions for only two thousand what evfiryboody knows or ouht to know is that health and oveu lifo iteolf dopends upon the condition of the blood feeding as it does all tho orgatiu of the body it must bo rich uud pure in order to rivo proper nourishment hoods sarasparilla makeb tho blood pure rich and noariabiup and in this way btrengthuns tbo norvea orcates an appetite tones iho htomacli baildn up health wards off colds pnoa mrn ia and fovem remember woman irf most porfect when most womanly for interim or extornal uao halyards yollow oil oaiiuot bo excelled ob a pain relievitik and soothing remedy for all pain au lam or oan bo i owe to my angel mother hamilton groans are turned to sonar and pains aro effectually dispelled by the greatest of allpalhcurea south american rheumatic cure if yon were as full aa you say yon wore bow did tbo judge come to discharge you ho didnt know i was loaded excellent reasons oxiat why dr thomab eclcotrio oil bhoold bo used by poraono troubled with affections of the throat or lungs sores upon the skin rheumatic pain cordb bunions or external injuries tho reasons are that it is apeedy puro and nnobjectional whether taken internally or applied outwardly hilda i envy kvo she didnt give a fig for the change in stylos dorothy but still when she changed bar costume it was a re leaf worms cannot exist either in children or adults when dr- lows worm syrup is uaed 2go all dealers eihol tom says that that now yonng man who comes to see you is a stock broker what is bo a bull or a bear maud well i dont just know but ho baa aome of a bears proclivities castor i a for infants and children tkshs itnlli mtfk is on owrf wrtppff tntnorttinipatiniitr i suffered from kidney trouble so muoh that iho pain in my back was almost un bearable and i felt tired aud worn out all tbe time my tqnguo waa coated and until i took doanvkidnoy pills i had been un able to do my housework for over a month these pills have made a obmpleto cure all my kidney and bladder troubles have dis appeared and i feel liko a now woman mrs presley kingston o nt speak as kindly to a day laborer ae to ono occupying a high position there aro a number of varletiesof cornb r ffa holloways corn cnro will remove any of them call on your druggist and got a bottle at otico atrn i mofurlane 240 wellingtod at nj3amiltcn saya was very bad with rhaunmtiscn for many weeks ou rod with twobotttoa of sonth amcrloan rhentnatio core mrs phillipi sr corner hunter and gftuh ita says sonth american rhfipmatio ouro is the quickest oure for rbeumitiaml ever tried mra parkin binbrook save i bad loiatfoa o badly i ooold not put ray feet to the floor pains were lettneo great relief from one bottle 4 bottles oompletoly oared mr j s bates olandford writes south amerl- oan rbeutnillo cure is tlio best reintdy iq hie world for acute rheumatltm bflyn trleditind know sold by a t brown it reported rocn ohfoagj that an enghiv oompaoy his taught ont twinty blgoorporatiopb cpntroutng the flheriovof the gnat lakes iftberobe anything in tho world i halo said tho proud plutocrat it is being patronized thcroa nothing i liko better said ills acquaintance who keeps tho grocery there never was and never will be a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir the vory nature of many cuiativeh being such that were the gorms of other and differently beatod diseases rooted iu tho system of tho patient what would relieve ono ill in turd would aggravate the other wo have however in qainino wiue when obtained inasoiuud unadulterated state a roroedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judioiotjs na thn frnhnnt ry am ind i np valescenco and strength by tbo influence whioh quinine exerts on natoros own restoratives it relievos the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronlo state of morbid despondence and laok cf intoreat in life ia a disoaso and by tranquillzing tbe nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing aleep impartjjjdgojr to the aoi i ju of tbe blood whioh being stimulated courses throoghout the veins strengthening tho healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a necedsaryresou strengthening the frame and giving life to the dlgestivo organs which naturally demand ittoreauod substance result im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto have given to the publio their quinine wine as the usual rate and guagod by tho opinion of scientists tlila wine approaches nearest porfrcllon of any in tbo market all druuglsts so it earth has nothing more tender than a plouo mothers heart bemembor that good manners aro thoughts filled with kindness and refine ment and tben translated into behavior no peraou bhoold go from homo without a bottlo of dr j d kollogga dysentery cordial in their pobaeaeionaa chango ot cooking climato otc frequently bring on eummor oomplaiut and there ib nothing liko beiug ready with a euro remedy at hand whioh oftentimes saves reat suffering and frequently valuable lives this cordial imb gained for itself a wide spread reputation for affording prompt relief from all summer oomplaiuts said the braoing you have a fino qlimato bore visiter to a resident such sir 1 yes rcplioq iho resident gloomily bat ihem thord bjcyoiiats como along an 1 parnp tho air into their pneumatic tires and carry it off one source of pain and suf fering under control tho remedy known aa south amorioan kidney cure never alla to give roliof in bjx hours in all derangements of tho kid- ii blad br dia- botes inflammation or ulceration of the kldnoys neuralgia consumption bermor- hge and catarrh of the kldnoyo inflam mation of tbo bladder etc it purities and regulates tbo nrino removes sodlment in urinqand prevents baalding it ia worth a thousand times its cost for proa tat io troubles in the old such as enlargement inflammation and ulceration of tho pros trate gland sold by a t brown bakes bo you wont to old billions office and asked for tho band of hia daughter eh rakes yes bakes how did you como oat rakos really i dont know it was done ao quick yon see parmeleea pllln possess the power of acting specifically upon tho diseased organ stimulating to action tho dormant energies of tho system thereby removing dlioaae in fact so great in the power of this medicine q cleaobq and purify thai d ilea tee of almost every name and natn aro driven from tho body mr d on swell owwell p o our writts i have tijqdv ptrmolpps pills and and them an exoollen aari6lotv and one that will eel i well dldi ouse cor of kiiig and hiiglisoii sts special sale of mantles and millinery oommoncinii touionow wouiioedny uioruiuh tlio ijutiro stock ot matitllutiud jaokuta ollurud nt u awitfijinn roouclioii thu following iiutii- burn aro now limkutt of cloth jood etyltib and iichtiit an oiniorlunit hiicii im iu aeldom mot with ladlca hlaok cloth jnckota roguint esand 85m oloarliir iriuo ia0 eaoh ludlos illack jnclcotri in frlcxo bouolc and cheviot ruuular urlpu 3i uud 7 clearing price 63taoh ladlus illuek jacltutb in bovor frlozo and houclu rorular prlco fiom 70tn 075 oloatlny prico rl each ijarttoa kino dlack jaokotti regular 610 to 6h7a clqarlnr at 317fi oaoti latitat lilflck jackctb robu1ir612 to 61350 gloarins prjoo 575 hix only hiroic jaokbtk rcrular price 91450 to 61750 cluarlim prico 970 ouch hix only ladies hack jackotn roffular prico 81h50 to 2j oloaririff nrlco 6850 each fcovon only laillos colored cloth jackutfl ruculur price 677s to 60 ol oaring pricts 60 each ilvo only rorular sio to 61q each clearing at 6350 uaoh five only 61250 to 6u oloarlng at 66 each nloiouly8h75to 61575 cloarlug pilco6h each fourtoqu only foftuor iirlco ftl7 to 620 clour- ins at 6h oacb tho followiiir number all thin naahona im portations aro tlio latent styles and uowuit makas of olotb ladloa black frieze jacknta with otorin collar rorular i376 clearing at 63 each regular 4a5 to sh75 ol oaring at 6350 each regular 60 and 9515 clearing at 84 each rogular 61 and 4760 clearing at 5 each rogulttr 677o to q cloariub at 0 each ladios colored cloth faokotadouhlo- breasted poarl buttons storm collar illk cord trlmmlrig regularfld olearltia at 67 oach rohular 69 to 10 oloaring at 67 each ladios j3olored jackets in flue beaver or ker- eoy cloth illk lined blerantly trimmed rogular prlcofrom 12 to 614 oloaring at ho oooh regu lar 6u75 to 17 clearing price 111 eaoh ladles ltldok bovbr or keraoy cloth jackotn silk lined rogular ks to 1575 oloaring price 1150 eaoh regular 17 and lfj clearing at 613g0eacl ladloa colored- jackota in floe heaver and korsoy oloth regular prico 6lb to il clearing price 15 oaoh speciklskl millinery and millinery 0f rimmings ladlea hcavor hats regular prico 150 clear- lug at 25c each ladios and chlldrone pelt hats rogular price 75c and 1 clearing at hjo oach ladios felt hats regular prlcoo 1 and 150 cloartngat 50o each colored wlogs and 11 rda regular 25a aud 50o clearing at 10c oaoh regular 75c oloaring at 25c each regular b5o clearing at 85c oaoh regular 61 and hias cleariug at 60o oaob fancy jot and gflt wings and bonnet crowns regular 75o to 125clcarlng at 25 and 85o each chonille trim tilings regular price 25 and 40o oloftrlnput 5 and loo per yard rogular 75o aud 6185 clearing at 20 and u5c poryard veilings in millinery dopartmont regular 63c clearing at 50c rfer yard milllnory blbboob regular 65c cloarlng at 35c regjolar 61 atsoo sboclal sale of silk shirt waista latost now york atyloa qbflckod taffota shirt waists groan and bluo ana groou and pink regular prljo 610 cloarlng prioo65 shot taffeta bhlrt waists blue green otc rogulag 610 cloarlng at 65 plaid- taffeta- bhlrt waista regular c 1050 cloarlng at 5 one only greeu and black check shirt waist rogular 618 oloaring at 67 thomas c watkins the right house hamilton imi are out again this season in new styles and all the new shoe shapes right up to date but with the same old wear like iron quality that has always char- acterized them because they are hon- estly made of pure rubber be sure you get 6ranbys this year bssatgisafasrals shops and warerooms calls atlendeld to foot of willow st day pr night j a speiglit fc co undertakers and embaujvi ers r latest styles experienced attention rrdasshear moderate charges crancl trunk railway fktinr wiiht doind txvr mull hxiiroh mull i if iim iu 7 ul in uiail i mixed 10 17 15 11 10 tt timj oi croslnl 3iaiii goin wohtl iti nin mid lillll im goiitr viiht m ir nin nmir ir pm tin thnn uiliu vunt m cirm dii qvmtiiiwi moulnj earlv to bed earlv to rise stick to business and advertised now is the lime lo ndvertisu 1eople are oinr lo have moliey to spend this win ter ns they have not had for years enquire at the biiee 1iiess ollice for rates and space j v j h hamilton lnalhn ix marble arid granite hamiltons block cuelph having ori baud a largo quantity ot scotch norway swedibliand russian grhnite andln order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow all expenses to customers to and from our works john h hamilton the limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long ailcast parts have our name and address in full on them see that yoii get them it will pay you the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in the market guaranteed to cm 26 tons an hour and deliver 40 feci full line of straw cuuers and kobt pulpcrs roller bearings all kinds of wheelbarrows the wilkinson plough company limited toronto brhnivohd calvanized steel furniture of allkinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n 8tin80n roclcwood will receive immediateattention aosaoosooti wirfd mills and towers jfor power and jpump- terrial covered ooar patent roller and ball bearings maple leaf g rh ih gri nbe f2 two si 12 es fob any power no t has xo- inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8inch single burrs both have ball- bearing burr trfrrnrs rarief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use to advertise profitably a firstclass medium must bo used the freepress of acton ont is recognized as beiqg tho great home paper of this section everybody reads it and this is tho pest evidence of its value lo ndvertisera who wish to reach tho buying classes successful adverliberb m recognizo that the fkue innss is the leading paper in this sec- tion because 01 its circulation its character its influence nnd experience shows that it brings them tho quickest and largest returns we make patent roller and hallbear ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market best material ligh test running send for illustrated catalogue rooldj jhapley fmuiri llimlj brantforocan john wquesn i acton agent for a30ve also for frost and wood binders and mowers a fnll line of all kinds of farm implements and repairs voodenc photo f there oan be no better than the best i llrllh in lead packefs c only black or ifeeylon ktea whebtest mixed half and one pound paoketsr retail 25 30 40 60 n3 60 cents pound 4 thi dvidson 4 hay ltd wholesale agents tononto lliti a jjt- wjswak t heap cheap cheap these a8weit as mcmullens choice steel wire nctlinga lot trellia poultry yards lawn fencings itc am sold much lower this year than ever before they are the bet ask your hardware merchant for them khothi anil rieflcriptlon mar r oplninn froo wfiethei jr nntftntnblo oomn tionimtrlctltooniidentlal tliuiribook on r hontfroa itest nftonor foraecttrtnir ptnu intenu takon through muiiii a co reoolra tpeeuu nolic without e in tho scientific hntericitt a hiihrliomely idnmralixt wortkljv 1 41 moat oir nntntiuu nf nhr htitutinfln lonrnnl tertna fptttttir tiioiitlm f i hnlii tirnlt nowader ira 029 if 8u woahlnitoh dxh km