volumk xxiii no t0 acton ontaeio thubsday january 20 1898 price tiikeh cents 18 puhlibiuu eveinrthursday m0pntng7 at tue- frcc pressstuim printing office iilij stuclt aotoi ont taiuta or bdusciiiptiov ono dollar pop yoar strictly in advance all a lbflcrlntlous dlecon tinuoti wheu tha timofor uhich tuoy havo boon paid has oxplrod tho dato to which ovory subioriptlon iapaid is denoted on tho nddross label adventifllna hatib tranalimt advertise moots 10 coots pur nonpareil huo for first in oortion j cent a per liuu lor cach aubaoquont asertion contract hatkb tho followiug table abows tour rates f on tho insertion of advertisements for sjiaoiaod porlods hpaok lit i 8 iio j no imo sjcjhool supplies 4 schibblgb exehcisb drhming books 20 luohes 10 lnohos ainohoa unoh few oo j3 00 20 00 600 835 00 920 00 30 00 32 00 12 00 700 hfio 2 00 7 00 800 2 50 100 ajvortlaouioiits without flpoclflo dlrootions will bo fnaortod till forbid anil chargod acpord ngly translout bdvcrtlsqmonts must bo pkitl n advance advortfsoniontfi will bo cbangol onoo oaob month if doflirad tor chanros of tenor than- onoo a month tho composition must bo paid for at regulm rates changon for contract advortiaomonts muflt bo u tho offlco b n on tu the books required in the collegiate and pubhg schools a full stock at days bookstore tiuelpli- day sells cheap accounts payable monthly h p mo one editor and proprietor iffiuhiiusb biwrtorp medical t v urln m d c m offlco and roaldonco corner mill frodorlok 8 1 roots aoton as elliott m d m b acton office mala stroot third door poutu or irobytorlan church acton d r dryden ee et tlinovtand nosp mcleans block douglaa 6t noar p 0 guelph office houub 10 a in to l p m aud 3 to 6 1 m sokdayb 10 am to 1 p m veterinary surgeon a lfred p husband v s graduate of tho ontario votorfnary coll ceo honorary member of tho votorlnary medical booloty office wm husband b lot 21 oon 4 nass agawoya calls day or night promptly attended to dental l bennett lsb dentist qeonactown ontatuo dr r s merger dlntibt oradu it a of toronto university and rods olbupo visitisa datb tuupadalt anp tluday ju bell dd s ld s ib dentist bnoorviite honon qlladuate op tobonto umvei181tv work made satisfactory prices modorato visits a days tnosday and friday of oacb wtek robt noble ihe highest price for wheat at the peas warehouse oats acton barley station flour at bran acton shorts riour ind seeds au teed kinds of feed ston norval flour the best family flour in the market frank harris manager n the liitle trifles j r g h cook dentist cor collcgo bt and spadlna avo tononto wlfl visit acton on tho first and third batur day of each mouth offioe agnow s hotel m olean mclean barristers solicitors notarlob gonvoyancora ac private fanda to loan offloo town hall aoton w a molfcan jno a mclein douglas fe murray hannibteiis solicitors notabieb etc offices 1296 quoon bt parkdalo vlctorlachambera 61 victoria st tolophono 297 touonto j po a q j mackinnon bannibten holiciton convetahceil of ice mill street in motthowa block upstairs rp g m4theson j b moleod jl aanibtens bolicirons conveyances goorgetown and milton mouoy to loan at lowest rates r j monabb dork fourth division court county of hal on convoyancor agont iiiro and lifo aaaurauoo ueotqststo agont money to loan otc office porryman alllock aoto ont miscellanro us h enry grist ottawa canada solloltor of ra tents for invention eto prenarob applications for tho canadian aiuer lean andearopoanlatontoulceb and for tho heglbtratlon of trado marks bond for pain pblet thirty two years oxporlonco f tranois nunan bookbinder wvndham st qnolph ontario ovor williams store aooonnt books of all kinds made to order pariodlcala of ovory description carefully bound bmilninoiitivirt promptly done m arriage licenses h p uoolte ipfirnin or uaiuuaob iiiokhbes prlvato often no witnossos roqoircd isauod residence in tho aventng freepren 6mee aoton 1 ulubrb if yon with to rednca your intorost or aoon re a firstclass loan of money at lowlnurost and on my terms of ropaymant oall on ma i make a specialty of landtag uioaoy and hare plonty of fundi i also lend -otudllago- w c jackson cosvbyahn aso monkv ijkndkn ovicb wynduamst noarcityhall qull1ii wellibflton mutual fire insurance company bbtabmbiibd 1810 in6uuanoe on cash and mutual plan any oouimunloatioub forwarded to my adaroas ibulfiaa o tolophonom will bo promptly at- jonn taylor agont ouelili tondod to w m hembtreet licensed auctionien vox tho oountlea of wellington and hal tod onlerslbflattbofiueb pitbbb office aoton or utmyroaldenooln acton will bo promptly at touded to foe roduaod to ss oo for farm saxes also money to loan on tbo most favorable bums and at tho lowest rates of interest in inmioftaooand p wards job printing i nolo di no book pamphlets posters llil hoadiolronlarsao ao exooutod in tho beibbtyleof ttinlnrt at moderate prices andun bliortuomco lply or address h p moollk fhkb pliksb offlco acton that help brighten up a room such as taney china brie a brae c are found in great virlety in our store wall papers blotures picture frames mouldings and such requisites are leaders with us thl pricl we think the closest buyer will bejleasetwi tltourva ue watertbros st georges square guelph winter is here and cooper akins aro well prepared for it having jaet opened a flno new btook of olotha speolally saitablo for winter suitings winter overcoatings c wo have a very fine aasortmont iu all lines since commencing bublnoes in aoton wo have bad aaaurauoo from all cubtomora that the rot men tb turned ont by ua bavo given mitirn rfttiflfanfeinn from ftll nlftrnlpntntfl tit etylo prices and enduring qahtiea your pironagais aohcited cooper 6t akins main street aoton the campaign prepare for winds wo would oull yonr attention tb ihe faot that wo aro prepared to anpply yon with lumber of unliable length for yonr barn doors viz 10 12 id or 11 feot also sa8h doors frames mouldings oto for building storm doora pnt ap at ftb low a rate ab poaaible pj7utps repair jour pampaor put in new ones boforo it ia too cold wm can no it shop at root of river street acton thos ebbace manager sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorized capital 6000 ooo 0o ten yeir maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per shire for no rtionths when payments cease 6o 00 pild in maturity alue ioo 00 the traders bank of authorized capital 1000 000 jjottrg cuelph branch sums of 91 uud upwurdrt received on deposit and highoet current ralo of nitercet paid or compounded bulf yarl deposit roloipts leaned for lure buiiih deposited t advaucofl mgdo to reeponmblo farm era on their own namcb nocuarjo raadc for colluttns ileenotoa if payable in guolph a general bunkint btidineab tronenctect a i- if jonfs lamps no matter for what purpose we have the lamp you want vioney to loan at 5 straight loin or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton j h hamilton duutn in marble and granite hamiltons blook guelph having on hand a largo quantity ot sootoh norway swedish 041 d russian grhnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for npring stock now purchased i will sell nt a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow all expenses to customer to and fronuour works jobnh hamilton library s2q0 or to hanging 800 hall from si 75 to s050 banquet from 15 to s8 00 stand fiom 20 j m bond co hardwrl geiih farmers look here you want something for your stock and ou want it cheap look at the follow ing prices sulphur 10 lbs for 30 cts cnrttle- saltpetre 10 cts per pound we hne also on hand an icellcnt sheep and cattle wash one tin does 100 sheep or 50 heid of cattle is easv to use ond nt er fills only 50 cts per tin also pureimporied white cisiilc boip she 1 brind 3 lb bir 30 cts use mckees condition powders lb package 25c 5 lb pacvsafces for 9t 00 oi it pitict s akl kioiit j d mckee chemist acrom limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles i ast twill as long all cast parts have our mrac and address in full on them sec that you get them it will pay you the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in the market guaranteed to cut 20 ions an hour and dclicr 40 feet i ull line of straw cutters and root pulpers roller bearings ah kinds of wheelbarrows the wilkinson plough company umi1ed toronto w barber bros paper makers georgetown oni make a specialty of machine finished book papers iiioii ubade wkkkl1 newh tho paper usod in thib journal 19 ftom the above mills wm baitberft bhos acton livery bus line tho undnralgnod robpoclfnllynohclmuioptrtron go of tho public and informs thorn that well equipped ami stylish riga onn al ways be seoured athlsrtablofl a comfortablo bun moots al tririi between 0 b m n b18 p tu oarfiful attention glvon to ovoryordor tho wants of oommerelal travel i ori fully mot john wjlliams pnornieton acton saw mills and wood yardq j37vtes brosftn kahtjiaotonktl and dballn ik iumtfttr 10th aalnglea wood etc all kinds of wood in a took and promptly dolivored to any part of the town at raaonblo prjcos hardwood and slaliioot itovo 1cillt alwuyn on band telffnnuao aoniiuuulcatloi rec tblti pooui which appoarod in the london titnchjust at thooloao of tho quoon 8 jublloo la rocoguleod by tbo crltios oa one of tbo groat pouma of the utfc it ia worth btudjlog and prcnorvlufi qod of our fathers known of old- lord or our fur llung battlo lluo ilonaatb whoso awful band we bold dominion over palm and pine lord qod of boats bo with ua yet lost we forgot wt wo forgot i tho cuiuultaud tho shouting dioa tbo cui talus and tho kings dupart still btauds tbiua undent saorlnco a n buuibo and a contrite lioart fcord ood of hosts bo with us yot lost we forgot lost wo forgot i y i ftrijucd our uavlos molt away on duno and headland sinks tbo flio lo all our pomp of jostorday is 0110 with nlotrveb and tyro i julgpof tbo uatloua aparousyot lest wcforijotjoflt wo forgot if drunk with sight of powor wo looso lid tonguos that bavo not tboo in awo suuh boasting a tbo qontlloa ubo oi lobbii breeds without thb law- lord ood of hosts bo with us yet lost wo forgot lost wo forgot 1 for hoatbou heart that puts lior trust iu rocklpg tube and iron bhard all valiant dust that builds on dust and guarding calls npt thoo to guard i or frantic boast and fool lab word thy mercy en thy pooplo lord t amen itudtaqd k1pxinq f tett jfamilg rafting lxot blouerice slit was a queor little woman there was no doubt ubout it a- uttly dowdy creature barely five feet high with a a mall fata and a big forehead and wutfal gray oos that ahvaa deemed to be asking quea ttonb sunh a contrast to her brother the big handaomo archdoaeou who gained all hearts with hia charming mannem and winning bnule aud won golden opinions from everybody for his eloquent eermopb his eister lived with him mid people rather pitied him on that account mibb mernficld was bo ah ho difficult to get on with she never had a word to aay for herself aud apparently bad no ideas beyond district vitrtting and needlework ouo of the greatest of tbo a roh deacons many admirerh was the deand daughter llla st clare ella was a beauty and aho know it moreover she wo a an heiress for her mother who had dud when ola wad quite a nhild had loft her a considerable fortune which was to corno into her solo poabcsbion as soon as she attained her majority she bad enjoyed tbo command of this mouoy for aomo three years now and bad hitherto shown no inahnntion to share it with anybody the artillery oflloore from the neighboring garrison had come and gone aud had laid themselves and their gorgeous uniforms at her feet in vain ella was nothing if pot striotly ecclesiastical although of course ordinary wears andcuratea were as utile eligible ab artillery officers moreover she worshipped intellect and the average man irj generally npeaking hardly to be dea cribed by tho torm intellectual the hero ot ellas day dreams was ono who woud away tho hearts of thoubandb with hia eloquence and gtin a world wideffaceboried in his band reputation by reaaon of hia brilliant and unit iiit i talents it wuh utifortiiate thit she could not got on with m si merndeld with youthful impetiiority ella had dtoi led after her very u at interview with tho arohdeaeons fluter hat the latter was an impossible old pnrhqii whom it was not worth takinif the trouble to know ella thoroughly understood tho art of dressing well and could not understand or sympathize with poor mtaa merrifield for never having acquired it tho year after tbo morrifiolds came to itoxtoo the bhihop lobt bis young wife uuder very 6ad circumstances they had only been married a short time and she died of a rapid deolino ou tho sunday following the funeral tho arohdeaoon was announced to preach and it was generally expootod that ho would make some allumoua to the sad event nor wero thebo expectations disappointed tho toxt was as ono whom his mothr comrortalh so will i oomfort thee and from this tho arohdeaoon preached a ser mon which wont straight to all hearts there was no fine phrases in it no ague speculations on tho glorits of the hereafter no quotations from the poets the words ho bpoko wero very simple and direct and such as tho poorest could understand but their patho3 aud tendernoss tbriljed and touched those who listened till the whole congregation beemed to havo but one heart throbbing with keenest sympathy as tho arohdeaoon came out through the cloiatera afterward on his way to his own houao groups outside made way for him in rovurenf silence and ft was almost a shook to them to hear tha same ringing musical voico which had just thrilled them in the cathedral addressing miss st olaro with a request that flho woujd come to tea with himaolf and his slut or tbo following after noon ls5 than a fortnight afterward her en gagement to the arohdeaoon was aanonno od a plcco of news which gave unusual eatlbfaction as it justified everybodys expootatioos poor httlo miss merrifield who had teen what was going on from the very first and had shod many secret tears at the thought of parting from her idolised brother schooled be me it to receive the announce mont with rcquiaito manifestation of ploaburo and as ella deolared afterward really congratulated me quite prettily a few das after however el orprls ed hor in toars leaning over her little old fashioned davenport with a bundle of manuscript paper before her which she thrubt away from her when she peroelved her future sister in law 1 believe jour eletor is writing a novel ella said to her betrothed afterward tho arohdeacon started and frowned impossible ho sjld curtl ella laughed why impossible she demanded gsyly bu ai mr merrifield rnudo no reply with her nsaai taol the changed the subject tho wedding oamo off in due course and wns as brilliant ard successful as ooald have been wuhed mihj merrifiuld whs for once in ber life nicely drenuyl ella herself liavhft choie her costume aud superintended the making thereof hot biio looked smaller jind tnoro fragile than ever sbo made no violent demonstrations of grief at parting her big handaomo brother his face radiant with happlueup put hia arm around hor and bent down to kih her wbito ella took both bauds in herd goodbje we will wtlte to jou from pane goodby dear brothor aud sinter god bless you she rephe ella wai touohed tho toarb sprang to ber eyes and she bent down and kissed alias morrjftekj willi genuloh tendernoss tho hone moon wb over and the brfde aud bridegroom wero returning they arrived tn england one delightful summer evening and travailed dlreub to london when they reached their hotel a letter was put into mr morrlfields bands briefly an nouuolug his slaters death the dny before she had gone to bed in her usual health and when her maid weut to arouse her tho followiug morniug she found ber dead ella was sincerely sorry but alio grieved more on her huebandn account than ber own perhapb deep down ti hor heart there waa a feeling of relief thou ebe hated herself for it when she saw how tor nbly stricken and overcome the arohdoacon was on learning of this bereavement like all very intollealually aud highly strung characters he has a mot affection ate and sensitive nuturo aho explained to their many inquiring frionda mouths passed and tho arohdeaoon began to recover his spirits but eomo subtle ohango had 00 mo over him hia eermonb were no longer what thoy uacd to be whereas formorly he upake ab a dying man to dying mon lie nov uttered trito and oommonpluoo apliorfamt which fell vaguely on the cars of those who listened tho delivery waa the asmo tho voice deep full und musical and llio gestures simple and graceful but l subject mat ter alab how different it was i what had become of tho beautiful poetical thoughts where were the strength and pathos and tenderness which hud oha ran ton zed ticr archdeacoud former dlsoourees people begin to whisper among them selves of the change and iiaulgned as the cause the shock ot the newe of mipb merri field s sodden death but to ella the thing was bitter in the extreme when ehe came out of the cathedral atter hor hatband had preached jnatoad ot a murmur of raptur ous apprabotion therewas now sijcnco it was positive torture for hor to listen to him iler heart beat and her cheeks trow palo whenever sho bw him ascend tbo pulpit and bho fancied that people looked pityingly toward her sho became aensi tivo upon tho point at last that ou the aooasions when her husb was g to preach she used to mako eomo exouso for remaining at home tbo climax carme when tho archdeacon was requested to preach a special eermoa when tho new bell was hung in the tower the cathedral would bo graced by tho presence of royalty on that occasion and ella ooald not oonoeal her anxiety tor a fortnight beforehand mr merrifield ubed to bhut himself up itf his ptudy ovory morn lug after breakfubt wlulo bis wife kopt watch aud ward and periniteed no one to disturb his meditations when tho day oamo ho was not ready at hia usual time so ella wont to tha study and kuooked at tho door receiving no answer she entered and found her hus band sitting by the writing table with his are you ready dear lil asked soft ly it is tune we started ho lifted his head and looked at her btrangoly gome heroy ello ho said hoaraoly i wout to tell you bonilthing sho was alarmed and went haaiitj over- t hm la hand n inu h give attention to reading co mo aud lot us have a talk about how to real i dont mean how to read aloud 1 thats elocution and the boat elocution lies in fooling what you are buying how elo quent everyone beoomes when his heart is in the matter 1 how ranting or dull ho ia when bis heart is uot in it i it will do jou a great doal of good to learn to rcadaloud aud read well for thero is much to be learned that way 1 11 tit cannot be learned any other the bulk of tho mietakes peoplo make in conversation mfbpronouuo mg wordb forth anae iu tho oiso of otherwise intelligent and edudated people from their being in tbo habit of reading rouob perhaps but reading always to themselves you will bo astonished how many miatakoa you aro in the hnbit of makiug when you apply to yourself tho lost of reading aloud but i want to bpeak about reading itself whether bileutly or aloud dont think yoa bavo learned to read beuauio you can pronounce in ouo way or another every word in a book bight reading means la telligent understanding and thero ia snarco ly a book you can take up or even a mngamo but you rtilt oomo across tome phrase or allusion or suggestion which does not fully explain itself but which 1 a expect ed to throw aomo light 011 the matter that is being spokon about never ekip these bita this is tho temptation i know and only too many jield to it but they never do so without losing much that on a coming day they will wieh tbey bad takoa pains to gather when a writer for instance says that birds or boasts or men or whatever thoy might be woro massed together as thick ab loaves in valoinbrosa dou 1 you be content witbrnotioing that be had a certain opimon ou tho paint stick to the quotation and seo that it sticks to 30a i dout bay yoa should atop jour roading of the nico story perhapb at the most interesting part till you have found out ull about tho quotation from whom it is tuken where valoinbrosa if or why it ahould bo strewn with leaves more than any othr place where leaves can be blown together jubt mark tho bit and tho number ot the page and when you have read al you want to read at the time look up the quotation aatn and fix it accurately ia your ralud suro ab bure oau be you will oom across it soon again in some other book and with a little moro light thrown on it it is canons is it not bow things torn out ib ibis way no sooner do you meet witb new word that takes your fancy or just aivoa you the description you want than to a certainty before a day or two baa goae yooxneetiho bame word again you are seldom iutro duoed to a person of whoso very existence you wero unaware before than you cither fteqqentl or aboot- him very often yet tho strong chance is that that person had passe 1 before yon many times but you bad not in ken notice of him till you wero introduced fjud what ypu thought was a new word was ono thitt had probented ltbelf to your eye often and often but till you took parti calac notice of it it had remained to you as a stranger it is just the same with quotations and illustrations they come aud go and loave you no wiser than before till yoa have taken bold of them looked keenlylntothelr faces so as to know them ajaiu wheu yoa bee them then they como back aud back upon you from all quarters and row quite familiar next time you read of valom brosa there will be something lo let you know that the quotation j 4 from milton after that you will meet with something to show that the place mun bo nearriorenop and so forth and so forth you see quota tiona and choice sajins treasure i in this wayaro like striugu suspended in solutions of sugar just becausethatjlriugsliaxobeeu thero tbo oryatuls of sugar gather round them aud you got tho muo suir cindy aro yon ill deafest she aukod anx lonely ho mado au impatient movement and she drew her hand away 1 i know that you havo noticed us every body else has noticed tho wretohed falling off in my sermons lately ho said abruptly go 1 knows i havo tried hard and dono my beet ho broke off abruptly and there was a long pause i never wrote a lino of them ella be roaumed at last sho wrote them alt je all i was only her mouthpiece and ho pointed to tbo photograph of hia eiiter which stood upou his books and papers ella reeled tho shock was too jroat she could not utter a word either of oom fort or reproach and turning away etole silently out of the room tho arohdoacon never recovered his lost gifr and peoplo ubed to speak of it ua a singular instance of tho fleet of grief upon a sensitive and tender heart thero is a tablet to the memory of miss merrifield which was placed in tho cathed ral by her brother but tbo inhabitants of boxton will novor bo aware of how great and noble a soul onoo dwelt amortj them in the person of the archdeacons sister quiver when the boy departs farmer when your boys voice a deoieion of going to town to work though you half mistrust then as to thoir ability do not try to discourage them but rather clap them on tho back and say do as yoa think best my boy though i shall find it hard very hard to do without you i shall do the best i can for your sake yoa have been a good son to us aud god will guide you if not to a better end then baok to us and home now a large per centage of our farm lads having tested their courago so to apeak in tbo battlo of life as it is fought in the orowded cities find themselves huudmuppod and foroed into oouutry life aguiu but now in the uncongenial serwcca of strangers all through pride and rrirntment tho result of harsh pareuialcntiuain and discourage tnentrattheetytnmenrtnaightaayr of stepping forth from tho homo threshold into a strange woil 1 f t iro and strife is it not iuthmely bcilrr iv bless their going forth by m ll moouraf mont ami aesur auae that their rttiirii if foroed by adverse circumstances will mrut with parental love and tbaukfulneaa and thus inoreaao he boys self reppeoi and loio of home sweet home 1atmck duim the oldest man sunday school teach r can any httlo boy tell me what man nt amid tho greatest age in tho world bobby hold ipg up ln hand 1 oan teacher woll vylji bobb santa cjiatis jliupci a jtottmt table bibles w1titbcunders of curious bibles the names ot which flguro occasionally in sales the following are tho beat known the v11 o biblo is so called beoauso tho parablo of tho viueyord id printed parable of tho ine gar the date of this bible is 1717 the bervant bible mukes the error ot print log servant instead of serpent in the the third chapter of genesis thin now tbo eervant was more subtl than u y beast of the field the judaa biblo has a bad typo gaphioal error substituting judas fur tbo savior thou comoth judas with tht in into a place called getlibematie ihe wicked biblo is of 1cs1 an 1 thu not is left out in the seventh ootumai dment tho printer paid for that hlmlder so it is recorded to tho amount of m00 the pagan bible contuina in its illus rations aomo terrible nuacltroni0mn it was published 111 1572 at the nmc wheu the same wood auth bervod for m mypur- jj03c6 at the head of st john h first epistlo chapter 1 appear mount oljmpus loda the siren daphne und apollo tho least that can bj eid of tho pluurea is that they aro good examped of the old art thebuige biblo is cxctdlinjy rare psalm xci 5 reads tu the matthew biblo 1551 so that tbou shall not nodu to be af rayed for an ye buggea by nlhi by bugge is meant boie a perfect bug bible will bring 9300 or more occasionally tho brceohoi bible turns up in genesis 111 7 tho text reals avd they sowed fig leaves together and made themselves breechea guverdale makes it apunim and erbaps comes noarer to primitive fashions a queer miutuku ia iu whaj it called ihe he bible in ruth n lo tho aomposi tor uusexod ruth and made her he xbid blunder wan printed 1011 ihe edi tion iu whiah tho word ia corrected is knowu as tho she bible the treacle bible is the ono in which the balm of gilead jeremiah viii is made to read there is no treacle at gal aad then this double blunder was mado in 1577 tho translator and printer were held to task and nearly all tho copies were destroyed troeaclo or triacle is not after all such a blunder becau30 in the eixteonth century treacle meant any kind of au antidote or a mixture which assuaged pain galaad was perhaps tho compositors mistake tho wooden leg bible ia so called from a ptoturc where satan with that conaploioua taihvhfch belongs to thopart sports a wooden leg but why ot wood there may be many surraiseh iudulged in ono is that in tbo eugland of that timo th brewfirffn trnrerotis aotd 1 e ra who were tramps and some well knowu one who had a woodon leg and tad traits the suar needed something to cluster rouud aud you must havo nomthjng fixed in your miud if you would havo other facts take hold upon it and gather thero never let a passage of a book or a new word or allunon pusa by as eornotbing you do not uuderdtand read it over and over aguiu till you bavo got it thoroughly into your mind then wait and watch it wont bo long before fresh light corning from fresh facta will clear up what had been eo dark and bring more and more interesting und profitable matter with thorn in this pleasant way whilo hardly being awaro of it you shall be furnishing your mind with riohea that on many an occasion in tbo future shall be both a help to others and a strength to yourbolf suoh as now jou cannot guess dont skip but grip i education for qirls in childhood our girls should have the bimo preliminary trainlug rb the boys thoy should bo encouraged to play with their brothers boys grow more gentle and oonsiderate by this association whilo the girlb gain in tior and force indeed thib ex ohango of courtesies no find all through life first in play next in the 00 educational schools and lastly iu tbo new homes that are made if a daughter is delicate ehe ehoald not be orowded with work let hor ed neat ion take a longer time there is 110 oocd of hurry why cannot the truth be rocog nized that the years of training aro the moat beautiful years ot life they are full of hoped and aspirations which beautify tho soul eveu if they aro never fully attain ed tho wise mother will do all in her power to extend this delightful period a thorough education mukes it poaslblo iorayqiangwqmantoonbar almost any occupation bho may desire tor those who havo been brought up tenderly it ia not always pleasant to be oom pel led to oaro for themselves but it is a thousand times better to bo ablo to do so iu an emergency than to oat tho bread of dopondonoo edu cation will fit thorn to meet just suoh omergeuoies how to put- life into society to put life into a o e society there is nothing like having some useful work to do work that oalls forth tho heart and gives tho head something to think of aud makes a demand on the pocket work for others work that wars against onr inher out selfishness work that breaks ihe bauds of souuhuess and sets the man in the high est and best part of hia nature freo such woik may be looking after poor families teaching a mission school in n kitohen or a coudtry school bouse supporting a native missionary n a foreign field or a bibls woman at home do something for others get out of self think ot others pray for other live fur olhfrrj inn blnjo word itve others it wore on him can any one tall why it is that in all the psthctio stones of house cleaning with which the newspapers periodically abound it is invariably ihehueband and father who ib represented as tho chief puffcrer here now is tho latest of such veracious rhronio le dipped from tho st louis post dispatch perhapb the mystery is explain ed by the excessively uympathetio nature of the average man directly after breakfubt 1i10 man ot the houbo took to the sofa in tho pitting room with the morning newppiper while hia wife set ubout tho iioubo cleaning sho was dismantling tho front room and before he had finished the sporting column biio had carried past him neve 11 chaire three tables a dtek four loo 1st no h all ihe 1 tclurcs a piano stool a boike ise and btindry other pieces ot furniture then ubo luig il 111 a pair of htt pi and a pai o wtp to c do yon want any ndrjibtanc maria raid the man at that pmnt na ho rose and folded the paj er not just yet dear paid maria 1 well ihud i think i ii leave ioii said he and bo started for tho office on tho way he stopped to tell ihreo men that if there was anything that woro him to tho bkin and bone it waa that confound ed boubc cloaning said he we are riht in the midst of it now aud i tell you 1 m about used up heartlove i never saw a garment too liuo for a man or a maid thofe noor waa a chair too good for a cobbler or a cooper or a king to sit it never a bouse too qno to shelter tbo human bead tho cltments about ua the glorious sun tho imporiul moon aro not too good for the human race elegance fits man but do wo not value theao toola a little moro than they aro worth and some times mortgage a house for tho mahogany we bring into it 1 would rather eat my dinner off the bead of a barrel or dress after the fashion of john the baptist in the wilderness or sit on a bloak all my life than consume all on myself boforo i got a home and take so muoh puins with tho outside when the inside was as hollow as an empty nut boanty ia a groat thing but beauty of garment housoand furniture are tawdry ornaments compared with domestic love all tho elcginoo in tbo world will not make a homo and i would rive moro for a spoonful of real heart love than for whole bhlp loads of furnitnre and all the gorgeoufanesb all tho upholsterers in tho world oan gather an experiment mrs bmallporshun remarked tho btar boarder if 1 am not too curious i would like to know why you glvo tho boarders so many eggs for breakfast when they aro so dear i am trying an experiment mr huuker of what nature you know that jgb make coffee settle yea well i hoped for tho same tffeot on my boarders but so far x must confess to a lack of biicoesb prosperity a8a leader as yon never work slowby i cant understand why you take buoii nu luterent it trade report well when other men are prosproua its easier to borrow money from them an a matter of faot nobody behuvos in a hell except for his neighbor coughs ooldp pneumonia iiml foverd may bo prevented by keeping the blood pure nnd tho ityntem tout it up with hood rt sartapan la contj ntall nt ijiant fll 0tiln along tho ran 1 that runs hut vuun tboilvorand tl 0 lllilaua a coui la laiiuod tlio ot or day bcokliir coiltuntmcul iuaud thoy asked tho u ildruil or tl 0 kciiooi thoy askod tho smiluf n inn tor thoy aakod tho town clurlc attko 1 hi u 1ft and tukod the vlllafio j aatoi tuochildroncriod itafm t a in thu ifuiuu ocolij 1 the maator murmured 11lol with ull a scholar a fond lu 0u011 go homo tuo town clink a ltd aud tin j hlsflvus with lovo woro shinlnj fiis wlfoprossid clohuratiu ttio thil 1 rafugl htr kujorochniug tho pohtor qiibwcioj liot but ral so j hijojcq to tho fulr siuikur tuo 11 turnadtheiii wistfully jlj 01 tl u iitibhtjorjsji gods act 0 tbo two roamed on tuljcomluf whom llio ancluut igj ii uvilul thoy font a ray limru i furn pr who riitii foollelinuertrtoiuk 1 loino luittuod tlu inland iuqtli ht kuo it iilh ui on thu it 1j h ailed in to 1 ortli a tl cunt by rocks and south i y 111 no hotloa still down tlio load tbat runs but rooii tiuiu 8 btnaui atil death a dark liigb laud o travillora loam buulilu 1 oailbiclt for fair con tin tn out inland and miss it wlioro it lioi liohu by in calm ant peaceful uluul bounded to north and cant bj tovo an 1 oil thu south liy dutj fixed for both worlds llio following in 1 red it nd to the iltv stro p jouetj it id iuil to huvu been p of a bermo 1 routilnj b him 111 st louis boforo i wus u chribtian 1 lean id one tlitnvl and i want you to liuu tlnn i wus awiy from home and was robbol mi a train i had all tho money me und my friend both hud ho did not hao auy and they got mine ni d wo tot off at a btution thatiwas when i waa a sinner and that was 2o years ao ho wus a uteward in tho methodist church and i was jost a plain common sinner that was all i was when we got off at the station wo stayed arouud there a moment or two he eays sam i wonder if there ie an oddfellow in town i said an odd fellow he says yea well i said what do you want with au ojd lellow ho saysv toanget nnuio money ifl oau jlud an ojd fellow i uaid aint you a methodist on he says i said why don t you go to tho methodists oh bhucke he eaid i will go to tho odd follows aud ho struck out and after a very fow m inn tea came book and i said how did j ou como out all rifchtho sayp i got it who did you get it from from au odd rellow hoeays then ho says sam ifyou went to go to heaven you join the methodists but if you want to get a hold down hero join the odd fellows so when i etarted in i just joined both und tonight i am a mothodiat and au odd folrpw and am ottinj along woll for both- worldf value of sincerity though a man niuat bo slniero iu order to be freat ho need not ba great in order to bo sinccro whatever may bo tho size of our brain tho ntrength of our powers the talents of anj kind with which wo are gifted sincerity of heart or of belief or of life i possible to all it 1 of itself a kind of ri tat nes whicli in ppuo of many other draubicks will muke 1 tea if felt the honift upright man who lives openly fiarliftilj and truly profcssini only what hofitln ii h j dim ouly v hit ho believes in prtt ndnifs notliinj in guihin nothing decuiit 1 no out cluim uncoil cionsly a resiect and hohoi that wo cannot give to i i o abi w duplicitv or cunning if no could correctly divilo tin wot id into thu suicero und tho ltidii ccn vto nhoilld luvu a much truer leniii ol real wi rth ti hi wo generally obt nn havea good cry- teari aro food for wonmn pays dr campbell in the hospital tho beneficial effect of a good cry heeiyj id partly due to the increased depth of rffipraiion and tho improvement in thocircutatton thereby induced but to a largo extent it is tho result ot the muscular exercise involved bt which the enerid vaacuur tension and espooially the blood proaoro in tho brum is much rcducod tho flow of tears no doubt also acts on tho cerebral circulation in still further reducing tension the sob bing movements havo a food jullueucn upon tho venous circul ulon in tho abdona mal aud pllvio viscera while tho c1iuue tion produced tends to cuuso sleep and tbustorivo tho nervous system its bubi chance of recuperation language of th e postage j stamp a contemporary gives to a correspondent what is alleged to ba the postage stamp flirtation language as a matter of fuo the key to tho ian guano should begin putting a stamp on an uivolopo any whori exoeptiug on tho upper rlht hand coruei means i am a fool wonderworking diamond dyes thounandri of ladles iu canada know well that diamond dyed oombino immense variety morit and great beauty theso wonder work hi g dyos aro propared in forty eight of tho great ataudard colors for wool silk or foathera with special dyes for coloring cotton and nil mixed goojd minute and full directions go with each paakago ot diamond dye so that the most experienced parson can do a good work as the proicauonal dyer bern ember that imitators aro trying to copy the stylo and pigkao of diamond dyes when you buy ayo for hoinedye ing sco that your dcnlir uivts you the diamond no olhor matin of pit cits go dyes will do onr worlt with profit and batlpfaotioit bond to wills a hioharja 11 co mont real p q for vuluublohoik of directions and ramplo curd of culirn pout freo to any address tho folly or pn jn h e 1h frcijiionlly uhown by fjicnplu who priftr to etifftr for years rather than try nuarlerlimd reirnly the millions wh 1 havo no hiiih imiinns take ayers sarnpurllln for hlon i tlltlaroi and aro cured fi 11 mli fir c nunon sense