Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1898, p. 4

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sarsaparilla sense any sirsiptnlh n nmpt rilla true so my tci is tci so any flour is flour but grades differ you want the bes i its so ith sarsapanlh there arc grades you want the bct if ou understood sarsaparilla as well as jou do tci and flour it would be easy to determine but jou dont how should jou whctvjou arc going to buy commodity whose a1uc jou dont know jou ck out an old established house to trade with and trus the r ex perience and reputition i o so when buying sarsaparilla ayers sarsipanlla his been on the maikct 50 cars your grandfather used ayers it is a reputable medicine there are many saraaparlllaa bat only ono ayers it cures nwinfttf mow i it 2lrt0tt jfm rm thuesdat januabx 20 1898 sbe anng jfolhs the kin cffe those who have onoo learned this jlnglo which gives the names of england s kings and quooni ainco tho cooquesf liavo no doubt found it vory useful wo ougfioat to teobera especially tbe helpfulness of suoh aids to mom ory as this old rhymo fint william the norman then william hla on bonry stcpbon and henry tnn hlohard and john next henry tho third edwards one two and throe and again after richard tbroohonrys wo boo two edwards third richard if rightly i guoas two bonrys alxth edward queen mary queen bom c than jamie the hootcuman tbon cbarleawuom thoy slew yet received after cromwell another charles too next jamosthe second aseondod tbe throne then william and mary together camo on till anno georges four and fourth william all past uodgave as victoria may she long bo tho last i ziotcs herald pointed paragraphs bachelor are sometimes troubled with buttonless shirts bat its the married men who are troubled with shirtless buttons the secret ot a womans dress is the pocket some men are self raado and some women are tailor made all tbe world is a stage and to the bar ber la given many parts no young man is quite ae good as bio beet girl ever thinks bil piolare looks grabs may not be as palatable as lobsters but they will do in a pinob it is probably their stare way that some people bscve that makes them flighty tbe manufacturer of a flesh producing remedy lives on the fat of tbe land tbe man who says what he likes often hears thtnga he dont like cyclists evidently have a poor opinion of pedestrians as they are continually run ning them down after eome men pray to be delivered from all evil they look around for some new evil from which to be delivered be patient with the old literals nothing moro beautiful in this world limit lo obseno the uiuh mean ot some fliiltt toward their hhi1 ruluiivtn denr th ncluiot lit r iivukh ilireml hoi ntrdlca eo fumlv ho utiul ftlui ia senfiinuoii tfiu subject ami duen not liko to h ton uljmtmiuiv helped to limo atton linn culled to htr fmliuk ojodikbt which bhuo inuuli nuretb and does not liko lo hilmil i hew aro two wjjys ul imetlufj ihu diftlouliy uaitie a kliidhearud girl wuhoulmuchtuctwtluxolaim t o grand ma 1 what uoiihoiieot for you to f uea over that needle i you know jou cannot find tbo hole where tho ibroud should go in jour eyeb are too old give mo tho thing ill thrcail vour needles 1 the intentiou is most excellent but the old lady it hurt aod btifles a aigb sho bad joong eyes once sod bbo hab tbo same independent spirit still cditli in the saroo oiroum stances manages in another fashion she simply threads a dozen needles aud leaves them allready for gnndmamma lahct needle book baying pleasantly i saves bo mucb tlmo dear in theae bbey daye to have ones need lea all ready and waitiog varieties dr johnton tonrioe spared nobody and naturallyenourh if anyone ever got the bettor of htm in a vorbal encounter it waa considered a memorable victory in this spirit a tscotoh family oheriahea an aneodotoof bis trip to scotland ho bad btoppedat tbo house for a meal and waa helped to tho national dibb dr john boh bald abo hostess what do yan tliiik of our scotch broth madam wae tho answer in my opiuion it it only fit for pige then have bomo more aaid tbe woman selected sir henry irving at a flapper given in bis honor recently at the arts club man chester told bow chatting with tennyson soon after be had reoeived bis ennoblement he said to him i cant call jan lord said tennyeon i oant help it i only did it for the sake or the boy t no evil dooms as hopeleebly except the evil we love and deeiro to continue in and make no effort to escape from geoeqe eliot to remove dandruff keep the scalp moiat clean and healthy and give vitality and color to weak faded and gray hair use ayers hair vigor it has no equal in merit ao a hair dresairg and for the prevention of baldnecs sqalp humor b and dandrq0 lawyer yoa aay tbe prisoner btole your wach what distinguishing feature was hero about the watoh witneaa it bad my aweathenrts picture in it lawyer to dodge a mlcrqbe in ye odtn limn ih hut i hoeta thodo anoienti nopt ru tut if da to tit prentnt lttnit n i n lunu imurojbcn thtv th lift tho hinlior i lit 1 jonug inc tore wuur to nmhii linn hiivih i ik witr able must no jtoq uihi this mrrvin croltea of dieeimo lit them 1 ik i ilo i ui i ut drink milk for tmr iiilti urn tn nibin in it thoy imvu to boil nil out wuu r htforo drintuttk it for did imi hum tuiiuo wifou bihtcru buby dm mul ihoy think hoawtillow ee u miorobo lvaryono ouht to imvo single bedateude bo buy tho miorobo crunkp old maidoim und bachtlorh eliould be especially thankful i hut thty linvo kept their falhorb nunich iud thoir oinlo bod yteada a fow rules would not bo amiss jast to tfraah aporhon to dodo a microbo do not drink tho mtk in which tho hired man or owner han waahed his hands do not attend too miny of thoao air tinht meetings whero jnautuksof hot coffee nd swebt oako aro coiiturnid xo not attend big political guthtrlngu of either party aud imbibo too much of their lovo foaets do not get entangled in tho yooni u db whibkora do not botievo there laut each a thing sb microbes for thero ip and your au cob tors ate uud drauk quantities of them do read the third chapter of james and profit by it- bunn a poor grazing ground n6w judt 3d yeara ago to day eatd tho old eoldier the top of my head was grazed by a bullet there isn t muolt grug thero now is there grandpa wub the comment of the youngest grandchild aud ss the old gentle man rubbed his bare poll be hud to admit tbo correctncbb of tho assertion ab tbe ingredients of ralluhair re now er are mixed with tho beat gtyaerlne nnsbakon it makes the finest dressing for tbo hair and keeps u soft and of even bue ah i t a woman in the case catarrh la a dlsenso which requires a constitutional remedy ik connofc be oured by local applications hoods saraaparilla is wonderfully suoceaa ful in oaring catarrh booaaao it oradioates from the blood the borofulons taints which oauoo it safferere with catarrh find a cure in hoodo bareapartlla even after other remedies fail tfulh you val never bgs9rry for living a pare life for doing your level belt for being kind to tbe poor for looking before leaping for hearing before judging for thinking before speaking for harboring dean thoughts for standing by your principles for being generous 16 an enemy for stopping your ears to gqssip for bridling a slanderous tongue for asking pardon when in error for being as courteous as a dake for being square in business dealings for giving an unfortunate person a lift for promptness in keeping your promisee for putting your best construction on the acts of others hoods bile aro prompt efficient always reliable easy to take eaay to operate binka have you heard tbo new boor there s only one girl in the world for me thicksnew why adam sung that in the garden of eden cured attheshrine almost hopeless cases of kidney trouble dally belnarcured by that most wonderful remedy the great south american kidney cure d j locke ot sherbrooke p q spent 100 in treatments for a complicated oaae of kidney disease and received no benefit he says i began tho use of south american kidney care and whori four bottles ware qisd i waa completely oared this is one testimony of thousands more who have gone almost discouraged to this great care shrine and have returned with joyful hearts and lasting cure sold by a t brown areyou having a pipaaaut onrlacrriah nan oh lovely bob took me down town and showed me the beautiful things be would give me if be wasnt broke odds and endst tbe boston journal suggests the follow ing as an exercise likely to test tbe agility of tbe tongue the exercise is to be read aloud if yoa stick a stick across a stick or stick a cross across a stick or cross a stlok aaross a stick or stick a cross aoross a cross or cross a cross aoross a stlok or cross a cross across a cross or stick a cross across a stick or stick a crossed stick across a crossed stick or cross a crossed stick aoross a oross or oross a orossed stick across a stick or cross a crossed stlok across a crossed stiok the bishops kneb breeches it is told of a certain bishop that while dining at the house of one of his friends asy to take asy to operate pftctiluu to hoods rills bnauta efficient thorough as one moa hare taken a pltt ever jm c i hood ft proprietors lowelv mass 7 vr the only pill to talcs with homasoraadorlu the engagement was broken off wba waa the oaueo oh a iovera quarrel what waa tbe nature of it a dispute between tbem ae to which loved tbe other better lift disrojiiiffcigiip cured gentb i have used hagyards yellow oil in my family for croup and brunobitte during tho pabt 12 yoars and never found it to fad it cures overy time i have recommended it to my nelghbora and thoy keep it on hand i would not bo without it for any price mra henry warden wmthrop ont it id so easy for narrow p jople to identify their ppouliur wjiime with tho absolute train 1 3e br woods norway pine syrup is sure to cure coughs and colds trice 25 cents 3 -s- 4 twinging sbootluc tains mr wm dyson guolph ont t says my experience with boana kidney pills proves them to be a splendid medicine for anyone troubled with baakaoho or urinary troubles bad bad pains in my back and shooting pains all over my bod together with dizsmesa and sleeplessness throogh thft imft nt nnftnw kirfnfiy ptlln t nn nnw nil ii ayeeelabletrcparalionror as similating ihctood amines nla ling iheslomacks and bowels of that the factmlve signature -op- hiikin fromotesdigeshoncheerful- tiess and rest contains nelllief ojnummorphlne nor mineral qt narcotic jtbejinnm hjmusju- apferfectremedy for constipa tion sour slomachdiarrhoea worms cotivulsionsfevensh ness sl lac simile signature of is on the 557 1 the wrapper of eveby bottle of outorla la ptit tip in one also bottloa only it is sot bold la balk dont allow anyone to soli yon anything oho on the plea or promise tbat it is jnrt as good and will answer every pcr- poie bee that you got 0 abt 0 ei a tbi nwj ualls 01 s t s- 1 on viappir would that bo an aorobtic in tho klondike region in mid winter tho sun risea from 9 30 to 10 a m aod bete from 2 to 8 p m this is the way of it the alycrino ip scotts emu la ion soothes the rugh end irritable throat the hypophotfphucb tone up the norvoa and tbo cod liver oil heals and strengthens the bronchial tubea and air oolls a barrel of flour weighs 10g pounds tor nmo years mr samuel bryan t bed ford writes for nine yeara i suffer ed with ulcerated sores on my leg i eoorhororttorrphytriot preparation t heard of or baw recommended for such disease bub could get no relief i at last waa recommended to givo dr thomas eoleotno oil a trial which has rebulted after ubing eight bottles using it internally and externally in a complete cure i believe it is tbo best mediciuo in the world and i writo tbia lo let othera know what it has done for me i n en otsom nohw h atam ank nowa- e- lt is what ho 1a learning that gives vitality to his mind lhver trouble biliousness sallow com pexion jellow oycep jaundice elo yield to tho curative powers of lax a liver pills they aro euro to cure entirely cured and feel braced up and as young as i ever was one piece of work thoroughly well done is better than half a hundred ill finished jobs i will be herald in letting the world know what a boon catarrh sufferers have in dr agnewa catarrhal powder when we cannot do arwo would it will smooth the jolts to lie willing to do as we should cast away forever paines celery compound banishes rheumatism and sciatica mb bee0hinor was in a terrible condition gould not walk or put hla hand g jqib m john e dell of paulping o baya of xr agnewa catarrhal powder i was a sufferer from chronic catarrh i was advised to try dr agoews catarrhal pow dor it worked a great cure in me i bad almost inbtant relief it is the beat rem edy i over tried for this disease i will do all i can to make ita excollent qualities known to thoao stiffen og as i did sold by a t brown one troublo with tbe world is that there are so many people in it who aro aontout to drift down stream hopos fulfilled tbo following letter tolls what people think about laxa liver pills dear sirs i gladly toatify to tho vir tues of laxa liver pills 1 used to be troubled with sovere headaches and 00 null pation for a long time and took those pills hoping for a curd and my hopes wore rap idly fulfilled i have found them a never falling remedy and heartily recommend them signed miss s lawson mono ton n b housekeeper you think you can do he moving in five load mover yes m that is it ii be flvn tegular loads but i thenill he twn or thrcoexti u t loads tf jr h trim tlmt flnrl eedfl a n learning it is equally true that ho needs no mans ignorance napoleoneuloss it is baid that tmt ror an attack ot indigestion brought on by over eatiug napoleou would have won waterloo great ibbuea depend upou good digestion good digestion depends upon burdock blood bitters two years ago my wife was ill with dyspepsia six bottles of b b b cured her and she has since 1 ad no return of the malady wm day fort william ont when a man makes a fool of himself he generally does tho job well blood bitters has tbe most natural action on the stomach liver bowels and blood of any medicine known hence its effects ore prompt and lasting it cures without fail all such diseases as dyspepsia constipation biliousness bad sick headache boils pimples tumors scrofula kidney complaint jaundice coated tongue loss of appetite and general debility the fact that ft is guar anteed to cure if used according to directions warrants any sufferer in giving a fair trial to burdock blood mra bloozin liavo you been to any of tho fall openings my dear 1 mrb buzbuz not exaotly but i tumbled into a ooaubole tho other day painwrack no station in life is proof against rheumatism all come under the ban south american rheu matic cure cures all unas cotton of gananoque has been employed by tho kathbun company for nearly twenty yoars as engineer and from tho nature of the employment was subjected to bovero attacks of rheumatism he tried many remedies with scarcely any benefit south amejioaobheumvio-6ure- was recommended to him ho found almost instant relief and tho firat bottlo effected a acre sold by a t brown it isa living faith in a living savior that dolivors us from tho guilt and dominion of bio scottb emulsion is not a baby food but is a most excellent food for babies who are not well nourished a part of a teaspoonful mixed in milk and given every three or four hours will give the most happy results the codliver oil with the hypophosphites added as in this palatable emulsion not only to feeds the child but also regulates its digestive functions ask your doctor about this 50c anil 1 00 all druggists scott downe cliemliui timnto don t jo on dont go on suffering from nervous troub lea that rnnkn rtrnrtg rnp wgak out and unable to do the right thing at tho right time all beoaueo tho eyatcm is tobacco poibonod wo urgo you to teat milburna heart aod nerve pills they will make tho blood puro and nob tingling with life and cnorgy and tho man who fcole old they make young and happy again worms cannot exist eiher in children or adults when dr lows worm syrup is used 25o all dealers pew of ua gain by the mistakes of otbors but ho who tails to profit by his own mistakoa will soon bo bankrupt in know lodge fagged out none but those who have beoomo faggod out know what adepresaod miserable feeling it is all strongth is gone and dospondenoy has taken hold of unbidden gueats give pleasure when they go nearly all infants are more or iosb subjeat to diarrhoea and bucii complaints whilo teething and as this period of their uvea is tho most critical mothers should not bo without a bottle of dr j d kellogg a dysentery cordial this modi ine 1a a bpoaiflo for euoh complainta and is highly spoken of by thoao who havouaod it the proprietors claim it will cure any oaso of oholora or summer complaint a little mans hpppinoaa consists in magifytng himaolf pioasant as syrup nothing equals it as a worm modloine the name is mother graves worm lxtormmator thi groat est worm debtroyor of tho age the finest of teas pure and rich pure i i black on ceylon i mixed in lcad packet onlv 1 2 and 1 s r pound tpj l 25 30 40 50 a pound at and 60 cents all grocers 5 the davidson hay ltcl wholesale agents toronto i railway time table 90 wyadhamsc tolophvna 140 you cant afford ip overlook our mluesinrine order ld clothing our assorlmenlis choice our prices very close and our work unlquallld for style and finish r e nelson merchant tailor and furnisher cash and one prloe ouelph shops and warerooms calls altendeid to toot of willow st day or night j a speight co undertakers andembalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse rmoderatecharges furniture of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co i orders left with j n stin80n rockwood will receive immediate attention i iiii lpi gbranby rubbers are out again this season in new styles and all the new shoe shapes right up to date but with the same- old wear like iron quality that has always char acterized them because they are hon estly made of pure rubber be sure you get granbys this year aaaaaivaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa 4aaaaaaa www ww ww ww vwvww ww ww gbood istine littlonoss of tho soul is bred by exclusive attention to trifliog affairs and it is a thing to bo moat diligently avoidod for internal or cxternul use ilagyards yollow oil oat not bo excolled as a pain relieving andboothiog rcmody for all pain it takes both graoo and grit to boar disappointment woll tbora never was and never will be a univarsal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is hoir the vory nature efma betnfl euoh that were- tho germb of other and difforcnlly seated disoabos rooted in tho system of tho patient lat would relievo ono ill in turn would aggravate tho other wo have however quinine wine when obtained in a bound unadulterated stato a remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual judicious use tho frallost sysloma aro lod into con valesconoe and strength by tho induonco wh loh qu in j ns exer tson natures own restoratives it reltovos the drooping spirits ot those with whom a chronic state of morbid despodemp and lack of intorest in life is a disease and by tranqmllnng tho norvee disposes to sound and rofrosh ing sloop imparts vigor to the aotlou ot tho blood which being stimulated ooureos throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animil functions of the system thereby making aotivlty a nccebsary result strengthening tbo frame uud giving life to the digeitivo orgaus whloh naturally demand increase substance resnlr im proved appetite northrop a tj man of toronto have given to the public their quinine wine at the usual rale and gusgei by the opinion of scientist this wine approaches nonrent per foot ion of any in the market all dniitglats no it were told needs no bush and by the same ratio good newspapers need no blowing the many merits of the free press acton ont as an advertising medium are wellknown far and near grand ttunk rnilv y m itl t xi 1l miiil ml i i i 1 xi t m 1 i mr 1 i 1 i i 10 17 i i ii i i hi 01 1 i 1111 til t i is 1 ma i joil t lit i i 111 1 m 10 i m ooiiifl i ml 10 1 ii i mi 15 if i t ii l hiii 111 ii int i tt ui isq jotll 1sji brrntford calvanized steel wind mills and to were for power and pump ing wriih in ternal covered qear patent roller avd ball searings maple leaf grkin grindsr iaso sii s 1 on as lowlu no i has io inch reversible burrs no a his 8 inch single burrs both havf ball bciring burr plates relief springs ind shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a tnil given hundreds in uee uerrjake pnlcnt roller ind hall henr in steel windmills of allkmds the finest in tlie rmrkct best matenil lihtes running send for lllubtntcd catalogue 50ldj rhapley smuiri gollmlj brantfordcan john wqueen acton agent for above also tor frost and wood binders and mowers -r- a fall lino of all kioda of farm implements and repairs jehn sreqaeerf co k l leave our orders now for jour winter b bupply noneout tbe very best scranton coal delivered i can supply egg stoe and nut bizes the liberil patronarc accorded me last scison by mr brown scus tomcrs whose business i bought was much pprcciated i can give even better service this year and solicit a continuance of their orders coil delivery to commence in september john mcqueen majn street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor mnufacturor of snah doors frames mouldlu in all stylos dkessma ma tchwa and moulding to ordor on short notice w11 assorted stock on hsnl lit i rlcos tosui tbo tlinos john cameron proprietor georgetown electric works t j spb1gut proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams pl o alil 6toim fitting and qonornl ltcnalr ir hultig onnil pod with a rub brasliifi uiaculno i am nroimrou to do hraslng on ulovclo brauios ao wliools aonvortod from ulroot to taugout bpobos hnndtu liars bi ut to any doslrod analn t ull lino of bpokos kdpt in stock ufttlsfaotlon guarstitlod lticolcs onauicllod in any color t j speight aooraotown toh wbntyrbevblt yeara ha was pleased to observe that ba was ilia object of marked attention from tba son of bis host whose eyas were firmly rlvlted apon him after dinner the bishop pprosohed the boy aod asked well my yonng friend yon seem to ba interested iti me do yon find that i am all rlrht y air replied tbe boy with a glanoa at the bjehops knee breaches yonre all six bottles of nature6 med icine effect a complete cure a strong and convincing letter rinljt only hesltatinrly wont yonr mamma let yon wear trousers yet london figaro touch his pride blobly positively refnias to have yonr name mentioned in his prasenoe it inoitas him as a rol flk doaa a bnll whas tba trouble did yon ever tee any ft tbat fellows writing iws trylnx lo contraot with bint to put np a building for ma ha wrote me about tba matlkr and i replied tbat i bad raoelved bla jrongh skatoh of balldlag ana nrronndlnga thats all there ato h no aaorlfloa la bitter when sweetened by love wells rlofaardaon co dear sirs for five jears i enflerod from solstioa and rheumatism at limes being ao bud that i ooold not walk or put my band to my month if i attempted lo do any work i would bo crippled for weeks i took medical treatment turkish and mineral baths bot all failed to meal my oaae soma tlmo ago i tried palnaa oelery compound aud after nalng six bottles i feel ilka a new man and din do a bard day work and fuel none tho worse for it i bare also gained in weight and can lay i am permanently cured toon truly j beeoblnor bbllol ont a quire mi a aanulns 040 acres to take the things wo forgot tfio host ever usui messrs t mllburu a go doar sirs i oan lilithly recommend dr woods norway pino bjrnp as tho vory best medicine for ooughs and colds eore throat and weak lungs which i have ever need yours truly wht terry dlonhelm ontario castoria for infanta and children str f tecs treit milborn sterling uondaohe powder are easy to take hermloia in dtlon and ore to oare any beadaohe in from 5 to 80 mlontei tba commonest kind ot oheerut ylvor ip tho one who gives nothing bntrood adwlod tho eufferoro they feel as though there is nothing to hvo for there however is a on re ono box of parmeloea vegotablo pilla wilt do wondera in restoring healtl and strength mandrake and dan del aro two of tho articles entering into tho composition of farmoloee pills r inqn tho pruned limb is seldom tho ono that dios mr thomas ballard syracuse n y writes 1 havo been allliotod for noarly a yoar witli that most to bo dreaded disease dyspepsia and at tfmca worn out with pain and want ol sleep aud after trying almost ovorything rocommondod i tried one box of parmoleos vokotablo fills i am now nearly well and beliove they will cure me i would not ba without them for any money ak how that it is the only paper in acton how that it is the leading paper in its dis trict how that it has by far the largest circulation of any paper sent into the district how that the character of i its circulation is higher than most papers7lecause every subscriber is paid in advance knowing these facts is it to be wondered at that adver tisers should cheerfully pay for space it its columns dunns baking powder thecooks best friend umimsts h oa bo years h 1 mooite i publisher acton ont nn copvbiokts ac anroneiimlnritilioieti anrt dmerlptton mar iiloklr mnertam aiir opinion free whether an lnrnlion ti prohnblr natqnumo comnmnfoti tinnmrlewroonqilentriil nnnrtbookon wtonta nont fmk olrteat aoenor for nocurinir piuenu patsnu taken uimash munn 7a netro ipucial notice without ebnnto in tho scientific jltncriciii a hanaaemoly lllnnttntart weeklr lnnieat etr muluan or nnr xolanttfln jctnrnnt tormn f3 a rnnri mnrmhtiili fl ptit 1 1 y till tinwhiloalarn minn co new york unuoti omoa 0 if ut- washuigiob v o

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