t volume xxiii no si acton ontario thuksday janualty 27 1898 pkice three cents t juton isxtz fhcss ib rublibhfd every thursday morning at tlik free press sttaiil lriiitliip0hte mill stkeet acton ont terms ok sdubohiitios ono dollar per your strictly in advauco all tmbaarlntlotib dlflcou tlnuou whou tlio timo for wiiiob they bav o boon paid has expired tbo date to wlilcb ovory ubsorlptlon upald 1b donotod on tbo addrosu label advehtiaino rates tranblont advortlao incuts 10 conta par nouparull uii6 for a rat in bortlon 8 couta par lluo for each subaoquout uaortlon contract rates tho foil owl tig taulo b1iowb our ratos for tho insertion of adv ortlbotnouta or spooiqod porloda r bpaoh ltl 0 mo 3 mo imp 900po 35 00 895 00 820 00 30 00 13 00 30 00 moo 700 600 j no a oo 7 00 3 00 350 100 30 lnohoa 10 lnohoa fl lnohoa unoh advertisements wlthont spool do dlroctionn will be losortad till forbid and chargod accord qgly trnalout advortlfiomouta must be paid n ad van oo advortlaoments will bo changed onco each toonth if doslred for changca oftonor than onee a month tho compoultlou niuat bo paid for at rogulat ratos chanffofl fpr contract ftdvortlsomonta must bo n tho otfloo by noon ou tuosdaya accountb paabo monthly hp moore editor and proprietor husiness lirfrforp j f uren m d c m ollloo and roaldonco corner mill frodorick st roots aoton as elliott m t m b acton gnaddatb tohonto university office main btroot third door eoutb of fresbytorian cburoh acton xvr drydln ee ean tlinovtanu nqbl mclean b block douglas st noar p o guelph office houns 10 am to l p m and 3 to 0 n in bondath 10 am to 1 p in yv veterinary svrqeon alrred v husband v s graduate of tbo ontario oturlimry college honorary mombor of tho votorliiary medical society opfick m husband b lot 21 con 4 nass agawoya callb day or night promptly attended to ll bennett l d 8 dentist oeoboktown ontario dr f 8 mercer dehtibi graduate of toronto- uulvorblty and rods ofucu uvpr drug storo acton vlbitino dab tnunhdav a0 fluday jm bell 1 d s l d s dentibt bftookville honon gnadtjate of touonto umvensity work mado satisfactory prices moderate visiting days tuesday and friday of each week ttr g h coo dentist cor college bt and spadlna avo tonosro will vieit aoton on tbo first and third satur day of each month office a gnow b hotol m olean a mclean ttarrtatera solicitors notariob conveyancers c private funds to loan offloq town noil acton wh a molkan jso a mclean douglas a mdr1uy llaitnibtenb solicitors notabies etc oficeji 1200 queen st parkdalo victoria cuambers61 victoria su tnlopbonojmt jonoiiia john douglas a g mumiay jl j mackinnon liaimisteb soliciton convftancek ow ice mill street la mattbowe block upstairs rp g matiieson j b mcleod jl awliateilb solicitors coneyanteilh goorgotown and miltou money to loan at lowest rates r j monabb ciefk fourth division court county of nal on conveyancer agunt lira and liio assurance tteal estate aeout lfionoy to loan oto ovvicb lorryiaan sblook aoton ont miscellanso us h enby grist ottawa canada bolloltor orfatottti lor invention oto protiuoi applications for tlio canadian amor leatn and eoropoan 1otont offlcoa and for tlio itoolatratlon of trado markb bond for pam pbfot thirty two yoara ol tjibanois nunan bookbimdeb wvndbamst onolpb ontario ovot w btoro aocount books of all klnda mado to order porlodlcaia of ovory doaorlptlon carefully bound uulinenatlrind promptly dono m arriage licenses h p m00iie jpfivyn ov maniuaae licfnbeb prlvato offlo no wltnobboa required issuod robldence in tbo ovoniug free press offlco aotov woney f vltmens if you with to reduce your intercut or aocuro a nrtclai loon of money at lowinwroat and on easy terms of ropaymont call on mo i make a specialty of landing and bam nlonty of flipds i also lend school supplies scribbler ex9rcisb si drhwimg books the books required in the collegiate and public schools a full stock at days bookst6re guelph day sellb cheap ortyilfago property w c jackson gonruyasarn and money xihndbn opmon wyndnamstnoarcltynoll quchh wellington mutual fire insurance company established 1810 insobanob on oasb and mutnal plan any ooinmnnloatlona forwarded to my adlross vot 03s or telephone 08 will bo promptly at tended to jobjs taylob agent qnelpb w m hemstbeet lloensid aootionxeb por tbo counties of wellington and balton orders left at tbo van pnnaa ofneo acton or t my rosldonca in aeton will be promptly at tended lo fees roduood to 5 oo for farm sales also money to loan on tbo most favorable sums and at tbo lowest ratos of interest in sumaoffmoand p wards job printing rnciiudino booka pampbleu posters nil l heads eiroularaao 4o oieouted in the best style of the art at modorato prions and on snort ooneo apply or addrosa ii p moonn fnbh pnkss ofoeo aetou limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long ah cast parts hae our name ind address in full on them see that you get them it will piy you the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in the market ruannteed lo cut 20 tons an hour and deliver 40 feet tull line of slnw cuticrs and rpot pulpcrs roller bearings all kinds of wheelbarrows the wilkinson plough company limited toronto the little trifles that litlp brifihtcn up a room such is 1 incy china bnc a brae c ire faunii in great iricty in our store wall papers pictures picture frames mouldings and such requisites are leaders with us thl price wc think the closest buer will be pleased with our vilues watertbros st qeorge9 square guelph jehjfi mcqueen co n l leave j our orders now for your winter s supply none but the very best scranton coat delivered i can supply egg stove and nut sizes the liberal patronage accorded me last sfiison by mr brown scus tomers whose business i bought was much appreciated i can give even better service this year and solicit a contininnce of their orders coal delivery to commence in september john mcqueen j h hamilton dealen in marble and granite hamiltons block guelph naviug on band a largo quantity of scotoh norway swedish and basslan grhnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell at a reduction of 20 pur cent and ull allow all expenses to customers 10 and from our works john h hamilton main street planing mills acton ont traders bank of authorized capital 1000000 cuelph branch soma of si and upwards received on deposit and highobt current rate of mtcrcet paid or compounded halt year deposit receipts istmcd for large sumb deposited advaucos mado to responsible fur mora on their own names no obartio made for collecting 3 ties notes if payable in oualph a general banking btmnesa transacted a r it jonhs manager jjorfrg joh ca architect and jjntractor manufacturer of bash doors framos monldlu inall styles dbsssino uatwm m0uldtlla to order on aliort notice will assorted stock on hand at prlcci oiu tb umoi john cameron proprietor will you spoil the appearance of oiu hall with a common cheaplooking linoleum or oilcloth dont come here english scotch and canadian linoleums and oilcloths a splendid range prices 25c to i 25 sqr yd j m bond co hardware farmers look here you want something for your stock and you want it cheap look at the follow ing prices sulphur 10 lbs for 30 cts cattle salts 8 lbs for 25 cts saltpetre 10 cts per pound wc have also on hand an escellcnt sheep and cattle wash one tin docs 100 shecpor 50 heid of cattle is easv to use and nlver fills only 50 cts per tin also pure imported white castile soap she i bnnd 3 lb bar 30 cts us mckees condition powders lb package 25c 5 b pacl ajes for si 00 oi r piticlb aul right j d mckee chemi8t acton the average boy usually knjus how lo lick and stamp out his jhocfl in very quick order just now 111 the impinge of the boy himself vvelnvc got the bulge on him in the shipc of 1 stock of shoes that for vvcirnif qui 11 tics cannot be beaten and the price is very low we hive not forgotten the older heads cither having put in 1 lirge and varied stock to suit all require ments and all purses come in and see em wwilliams the old uclnble boot and slioe dealer mill st acton acton livery bus line tbo undo ril n od roapoctf ully solicit tbo natron ago of tlio public and informs tbom tfint wolf equipped and stylish rigs oan al ways bo soourod atbltstablus a comfortablo bus moots ul trtklnn totwoon dam and 816 it m careful ntusntlon glvon to ovtiryoruor tbo wuou of oomruoroial travel 1 era fully inot j w pnornikton georgetown electric works tjsfjilqut proprietor manufacturers of dynamos necectrrttmotor3r water motors and hydraulic rams tuk my and hxsahgelh i ujlltbued liy nf quest ob i niotlior i ye boou with tbo augob to day i was 0 it aloiio in tho forest at play chasing after tbo buttortuan watqbldg tbo boea aud boariiig tlio woodpecker tapping tbo troos so 1 1 lajod and i p ayod till bo woary i grow i sat donii to robt lu tbo abado of tuo yow wbllo tlio birds sang so awootly far up in its top i hold my broath mother for foar tboy would stop tupu aloug 1vi1ii0 laat looking uf to tlio iky looking up to tho dioujb that wont hurrylog by wboti i lioard a volco calling just over my band that qouudb as if point o brother 1 it said and thoro right over tbo top of tho tree oh mother an angol wm hook nln0 to mo i vnd brother i onco moro coma oh brothorl liotirlod and flow on bright pinions down by my aldol an 1 motlior oh i uovor was bqlay to bright as tbo 0110 wlijch tlioo beamed ou my wondorlag alfib 1 1 ills faoo was as fair aa tbo dolioato shall his hair down ills shoulders in fair rloglots foil with cyei reettng on mo bo molting with lovo woro as soft ud mild as tbo oytb of a dovo i nd souiobow doarmothor i folt not afraid as bis baud on my bead be caressingly laid and wblspurod softly and gently to me c01110 brother tbo augols aro vvaltiuc for tliool aud tbo ii on my faroliead 10 toqdorly proas ed buchldhioa oil mother tboy thrilled through my brennt as swiftly as j lblitniog leaps down from on high who 11 tho ohailot oi god rolls ulou tbo blaolt akyl ljilo bis broathjtoatod round mo as soft as ibo brcoiio aud p ajod la my trcssop and rustled tbo troop thou pliimod iiib bright pinions and upward ho floart 3 1 vid up ho wont through tho bluo sky so far ho boomed td lloat thoro llko a gllttorlug star yot still mj uyoi followed bis radiant flight till lost in thu iteuro ho passud from my eight thou bill how i foarod as i caught tbo last gleam of his vanishing form it was only a droatn i whonaoft ojcoj whlaporod ouco moro from tbo tlcq cjuio brothei tlio lugolu aro wivltingfor tboo ohl pnlo growa thai niothor and haavy liar heart lor hiio hiiowj her f ilr boy frjiii tlia world m lot doi art i that bis bright lookauiubt fido in tbo dust of tlio to aiu h a tho nutninti wiuds witborod tho summon rloti bio j 11 i oh bow ills ouug f 00 ut opt shu watoliod day by dij as his dulicatu arm wasted tljwly away till tho soft light of hoaven shod 9 or his faco u j ho ciopt up to dlo in hor loving amhraco i oh elnapnio rttar niothor ciojo oloso to your lironit ou that intlo 1 lllow agaiu lot mo roat i lo uiu oncu uaoro gnso up into that daav loving oyo aud oh i motbluka i can willingly dlo 1 now klsh mo dear uiotbor ah quickly for boo tuo bright blessed angola aro tvaltlug for mot oh wild uab thoanguibli that swept through bar b roast aa tho long frantic kiss ou bis polo lips sbo pfthbot and xolt tlio valu soaroh of his soft pleading oye as it strovo to moot bor soro thofalr boy oould dlo i boo jouiiot mother for darkuess and night but i board your low sobbing doar moth or good bol tho augols are rody to boar ma on high i will wait for 30u thoro but oh tarry not long lost grlof at j our absenco will sadden my song ha ceased and ills hands gontly alaspod on his breast whlo his iwoot aco sank dowu ou tho pillow to rest thou closing his oyo now all rayloss and dim wont up with tliu angola that waltod for him 7lona herald fclfct family heading a doctors nfjeritarice 11 anna sueiidh 1 wo griiiilonien both past middle age avere bested beside a lowioj grttte are chatting as old friends will who have met after a long separation tho hour wob lute nearly midniht but no ain of weri nose was on eiilier face the room was a library with well tilled book cases on all sidop a large tmeiuess like table in tho centre and deeply cushioned chairs ecatter cd about one book ease contained only medical works en substantial bindings and with marks of servtoe plainly visible dr thornton host and owner of the handsomo houso in which the room wbb situated was a man past fortj with iron tfray hair strongly marked features a tall eroct fly ire and an eipression at once kindly and resolute you read prompt dooiaion in tho dark blue een and a sym pathy 111 the pleasant smite that often crossed lib hpfl ii is companion heavily bearded and bronzed by travel was a far handsomer man but with a weaker face at last lie said stielohiin himself lazily in his deep armchair i find you alone and disengaged oivo me permission to stuff a towel into that obtrusivo office bell of yours so that no whining woman or aqualliufj brat oan summon yon away and mako mo unhappy cant ba done tom make the most of mo now for the claims ot the whining women aud tho equalling brats cannot be domed you know what i want to hear i i left jou twelve cars atfo a poor man with a struggling almost wholly gratnilioos prao tu e a sworn tohelor and almost a hermit outatde of yoar professional datiea i find you wealthy with a charming wiff and a popular mombor of society and yet our praotioo is ai before almoat entirely amongst lliose who 00 a id not tea you if they would from whirt relative tro known to mo your own coaein did you inherit your fortano did it ever oooar to yon tom tint thoro aro romances in real life all about us qnito aa improbable aa those found upon tho shelves of the circulating library my cxparienca will convinoe you that f apeak with authority twelve yean ago we pre ttsttlog old tpm i wa pi jqh w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont 1k af0taliioi machine finished book paps nioh grade wcekly nbw8 tho paper usetl in this journal ib from i ho above mila wm babbbr bros riiw and steam fitting and lonoral hcnalr lug doing equipped wit 11 a gas b railing machlno i am prepared to do braving on illoyclo framos ao wheels eouvortod from direct to tan go nt hnokw handle han bent to any doslrod anglu fill una of bpokos kopt in stock batlifactloo guaranteed ployolea onamellod lu any color tj spktoht qeorgotown fillfi ph buftlne cohege shorthand institute bookkeeping penmanship shorthand lypowriting and actinl office work a slwchlty write for circuhri i j sharp principal guelph aay a poor man studying hard living in a stuffy little bouio in a poor neighborhood hoping for belter times more profitable praotioe unci a fuller puree i was a bachelor booamo 1 00 old offer only poverty to a wife a hermit because my studies were engrossing in my email houso i kept one old woman servant who ouul i for me and kept thing tidy having no oarnage i needed no boy for martha oould write aud x bad a maoh larger offloo praotioe than lhatoatalde it was late one bitter night in january whrn i was rotisod by the offloe bell and tho sound ot exalted voices oudar my win dow iuitenliik down i found several men currying upon a shutter the union eoioub pallet 1 1 was lo aid if possible an old man air knocked dowu by runaway horses and run over eaid o a ct tho part as thoy gontly deposited their burden upon a sofa badly hurted im thinking doopr but not doad i 1 badly hurt indeed i found him and my examination convinced me that any further motion would reeult fatally keep him i must or risk his life by removal to a hospital with tlio assistance of two of the men i uudrohsod him aud put him lno my own bed nqtioing then tlmt he word no coat somebody took it off 1 they told me and apparently somohody kept it as it never appeared ngitn in the trouaera pooketa were only eomo trifling articles a bunoh of keys and 0 handkerchief bat nothing to give any olovto the identity of my patient and uninvited guest i will not enter into the details of they injuries that excited my interest ns a pb- btoian and surgeon aa much as they called for my sympathy as u nun there wero complications in the oase that called upon all my skill and knowledge aud the patient euduraucq of great suffering made mo respect my unfortunate- guost from tho firdt it was nearly a fortnight before ho re covered from tlio brain injury eurlciontly to bpeak didetnatly when tho sufferer eoald speak lie told mo that his name was fanshawo but said nothing more of bim self and i supposed htm tinvvillidg to con fesa to poverty and tho inability to pay me for my borvioeb i do not take muoh orodit to myself for my hospitality or devotion beosubo i was so deeply mtorusted in tho case pro fesrjionubly considered thut i woul 1 have lived on bread and water rather than bavo it taken out of my huu id at ho bee 1 me stronger mv patient becamo my friend and interested me deeply by the variety aud depth of his information his ex per ieuco of travel and of conversation not until hu was convalescent und had beeu an inmato of ni home for four mouths did i know that ho was a man of wealth living in tlio houso i now occupy to euro him w h hrond human fkill but throigh two jotrtt i attendel him alleviating lrtat eufteriij and often accept lug ills mviiaiiiiih to sptud tin hour or two with u lonely o 1 man when he died lie uft mo inn entire for tune vvluch i hupposed to bo rmno only bcciuae ho had no direct heir a or near relatives he hud mvor spoken but ouoo ot hu family aud then and briefly that ho was a widower and hud lost hie only child i had enjoyed my inheritance for more than nine veara then i fell in love i who hud never oared for fomalo society before hecamo deeply attached to tho mother of one of my pationts a lady noarly my own ago the widow of au artist who died in rome some four or five years before i met hor she had bent for me to ecu her boy au only ahild slowly dying with an in onrable diaeabo of the spine mrs eastwell kuow btfore sbo saw mo that thero was no hopo of saving the child s life but she thought i could case tho pain and restiessnesa from which ho buffered she was hersolf un artist working in wateroolora fir tho iirgdhouao that dealt in tanoy goodd mid embroidery most exqme itely but hor child olnimed much of her time and attention and i know piio worked in hours whon she should havo shared tho boys slumber patient self sacrificing genllo and re fined she filled my ideal of pure woman hood and i loved her with all tho strength of the first love of joare i gave her a man b devotion not a boys infatuation but i knew that it wad useless for me to speak while tho child lived she would have though it sacrilege lo gtvo my lovo consid oration while the motherlove in her heart was the ruling spirit lovo making whilo her child wan dying i i could see how she would shrink from the mere bugletuion so i tued to bo content with winning the place of a trusted friend delicately trying to make ray probcuco a comfort and a help to bor and doin all thut i could to mado amoothen tho hard path the ohildibh feot were proving one afternoon eho camo to my office to hbk soma question about tho little boy and aa tho waiting room wub full i took hor through iho parlor lo the front door ab wo pushed by the mantol piecn of tho front room sho suddenly give a cry of pain and surprise stopping nhort boforo a life bizo portrait of mr fanimaw her face was white hor whole form troubling and boforo i oould catch her she gave one ory of fat her 1 aud dropped iu a dead taint it wafc tho old btory tom sho had loved her husband better tban her father and eloped with him nover wiuuing for giveneesr the home 1i10 had left was broken up and mr raushuwe removed to another oity eo that for yearn tthe had not known where to und him aud had nover beard of hid death her husband had taken hr abroad boou after their marriage and alio did not know whether hor father had ever tried to trace or ft how them yfa may imagine bow like a thief i felt when i could calmly consider this story and think of my inheritance 1liv ing in luxury and eho toiling for bread i and the money wub hers by every olaim of humanity at once i commenced to nrrfiu for restoring tho property to her add knowing her pressing needs instructed my lawyer to supply her with money and inform hor that as soorr as it oould bo legally done her fathers fortune would be roatored to her a snowball fiqht reindeer in alaska tom sho tlatly refused to take it sho had offended her father and accepted her punishment and she would not listen to any proposal to accopt his monoy in vain i urged the justice of hr claim the bnrdon that money ao wrongly willed away from her would bo to me sho threatened to leave the city and novtr return if i per slated while nothing whs sot tied her ohild died sho eucu as only tho uiotbor of an only elt d oiu rieve and yet i think t comforted ik r i dropped all quibtion or the diapu ed inheritance in theae long momhi when her loneliness led her to tnm to me her ti ue loving friend and ao tom when a jcar had passed and the littlo lifo was a sacred memory no longer a passionate piin to remember i asked her ones more to accapt her fathers fortune and his heir with it wo neoded 00 lawyer then to mako tho traiufwr for i won my wife without losing my inheritance and thero goes that confounded office bell said tom rising so 1 am off the following inoidont oocarred dfirmg tho late civil war the cavalry regiment to wluoh i belong odwab encamped on tho montpeller tarm in virginia tho homo of president madison manyotimo have i visited his tomb and thought what our country wan before it was torn up by civil war it wbb in the early spring of 1801 whou the event am about to relate took place in a oopao of woods about a mile from ub was a division of infantry eaoamped which wits commanded by that brave aud gatlant officer 0n j u gordon one night there was a snowstorm and when wo awoke tbo noxcmoroiog the hills were liko midwinter clothed in white while wo wero getting ready for breakfast we hoard a about from a bill not far from our oamp and saw a lonx line of men during uu out for a sbow ball torgetting broakfaat our whole oanip rushed out and for a while tho air was filled with ihe white bulietb ihe cavalry drove tho infantry off tbo hills back lo their oamp and then returned to their own camp to proceed with break fast leaving a picket ou duty it was not loug boforo tho picket wasruu in and reported tho uifuntry returning with heavy reinforctmoiitb things beg in to look dosparate it was in tho yoara when rations wero soarcr wheu blankets were few and only here and thero a cooking utensil in oamp our wbolo camp was puzzled we knew that wo didn t hav me ouough lo with stand the coming onslaught wo knew tqo if wo were beaten back and out of our camp that to thowctorbbetonj theapoiis and the few fpjila wo hud were very dear to us something must be dune and done quickly a oounoil of wur wis oallod ut onoe uiuk and tlio oompjsed that council it wab decided to send out a flug of truce with tho request that each aide ohooao a hundred men and go out in a field aud decide tbo ismo of baitlu true to in stiuots of every southern heart equality was all that was asked the other btdo ucceptoj the propositi when the time came for the cavalry to muster their hundred men ilioy oould not got over seventy five volunteers however we marohed our seventy five men into the field commanded uy our bravo mujur tho colors of otir regiment carried by as brave and gallahta soldier as ever wore a subor a glorious fellow in war and peace little jiromie ub ho was called in the regiment we took our posi tion m lino of bittlo the infamy in their line two or three hundred yards off with a regiment or two of their comrades looking on soon wo hoard tho word charcot from the infantry and on tboy came with a about and a whoop auoh as a confederate soldier knowa bow to give orders camo unging down our line steady boys steady i receivu their charge 1 they camo at a dash and wo withstood their charge and soon had them broken all to places and on tberun we charged them for a mile and drove them into their camp we captured bats and various other things and if we had had a few moro men could bavo taken the whoto camp tho day was ours we baved our camp and property and wo wero happy wherever thoy may bo scattered now can any of those who took part iu thoao grand old dayn ever forget that mow ball light on tho montpelier farm the country editors work when cornpnrihoua aro made pud thfy often are botween oity and country news papers they aro almost alwayp unjast to the latter for tbo faot is it takes a ratio of muoh more ability to succeasfolly run a country nowspaper than it doeb to do nioo- tcntha of tho work on a city one in illustration of this fact it is known to peoplo financially intonated in couutry newspapers hi at it is almost impossible to fill tho poition of editor from thosoemploy ou the oity papera wo admit that anper- tor talent is required on oily pupora and that they frequently possess men capable of running a country nowspaper men hko these however cannot bo pro cured at any pnoe which oaotry news pjpird can afford to pay aud whon we got into tho lower grade ot journalism lu ihe cities wo find to uso an ordinary expres sion no all around men tho babineas of newspaper making in the oily is divided in tho aamo way that the meohamaal arte are for instance if wo want to build a hotibo iu the country wo go to a aarpeotor aud he will do all tho work from tho laying out of tho sills to tbo bhingling of tho root there are no such carpenters in the oity if wo want a honso built there we em ploy a builder who hires ouo carpenter to muke tlio framo another to put on the biics still another to build the btalrn and bo on through all tho manifold operations nccefiaary to complete the homo it is tho aamo way with tho nowspaper business iu citiea it is divided op eaoh mau bolng capable of performing his diutinct duties though ignorant of those of others that aro as important to the mak ing of tho nowjp1ipor aa his own now and then thoro is a bright young man from tbo country thai knows bow to do it all and aa a rebult ho riioa step by step to tho top of the ladder and there he remains almost without exception thobe w mana r newnpamr8 metropolis were born in tbo country city exchange the reason for it too maoh sensibility creates unhappl nets too much iuaetialbllity creates jjrime tho superintendent of a sunday school was ono afternoon explaining the story of elijah and the prophets of baal how elijah built an altar put wood upon it and cut a bullock in plecoc and laid it upon the altar and then said the superintendent he commanded the peoplo to till four barrels with water and to pour it over the altar and thoy did this four umoi now i wonder if anyono can tell me why all this water was poured over tho bnllook upon the altar thoro was silenoo for a few momenta and then ono little boy spoke up please sir to make iho gravy within thp last fow yoara tho lakunoa who inhabit the arotio and bering sea ooass in alaska havo otcn been rodaosd almoat to starvation as tbo result of tho faot that iho whale ond walrus whiuh have always been tho no urea of their food supply havo hoen nearly exterminated by whalers these eskimos are a peacoable friendly and fairly intelligent people aud muoh sympathy has been felt toward them for bomo years it had beeu suggested that if they were taught to rear and mako uso of tbo reindeer pon which tho tribes of the far n6rth in europe and aeia almoat wholly bubliat they could easily dispense with whales and walruses and bo not only muoh better off bot iu a fairer wuy to advance in civilization congress which had already established industrial behoofs for the benefit of tho nativeb of alaska was asked last eur to make ao appropriation to bring reiudetr from siberia and to provide mons to toaah the tskiraoe in these schools how to manage the auimalf goitre as failed to make such au appropriation und aa tho case wub urgent money was subscribed b privuto persons 111 tliid touutry to i uy a few reindeer and bring ihein over the siberian natives aro us groutly attached to tlutr reiudeer ub iho arube aro to their horses and it was feared that it would be impobsibto to gel them to part with any good specimens it wub albo feared that if tho deer wero ubtmied ihey quid not bo kept ulive on tho voyage to alttuka aa it is sat 1 that thty will imt cat food ihitl hut bcui totielittl h a white man ii n ever tho unite 1 state h elucation ojent fur alttska visited siberu lust year und euc deeded 111 tettm a few reindeer just us travellers have uuccttded in getting arabi 111 hoori by tempting iho cupidity of their possessor ho also a 11 com ltd in transporting tho deer bevpnl hundred miles across tho siberian mainland and and bthring sea tb ooualuuka in alaska here upot a wooded 1alu11 1 the reiudeer wtru left to taka caro of the mi lies over winter in may labt iho united states steamer bear visited oonalauka to bxo how tho reindeer hud wintered ihey were found to be plump tu exoellont co idition and evidently enjoying their now honr during the prencnt sohhou it id iiiteudcd to bring over several hundred more rein detr from siberia together with a euffioieut number of sibenau herdere hi d to take them all ta port clarence of tho alaskan mainland from thin point tiny will bo distributed through tho lmiive industrial schools the siberian herders will teach tho native atamans how to tako caro of and mako use of their new acquisitions little by littlo it is proposed to extend the ubo of tho deer tbrnugh alaska und eventually to establish a sort ot reindeer expresa to tbo arctio shoren which will greatly assist in opening up the vast inter lor region ot alaska to eoitio degreo of civilization at tho same time that the animala relievo tho necessities of the natives the extent to which the laplanders and other peoplo of tho far north depend upon tho reindeer is well known tho re seems to be 00 good reason why the reindeer should not flourish aa well in the arctic and sub arctio regions of america ue m asia and europe how doih xt si 1 m to you it hoouib to mo i 1 hko to go whoro bells don t ring nor wl ihiob blow norcldckh don t htrllto 1101 jo 111 ihn t bound and id bavo stillnoflh all urou 1 not real still stlllnosa b it juat tlio trcob lot wblbporliia or tbo lima ol uocb or brooks faint babbllnn o or utoiith in strangolj softly tauylud tones or niaybo a crickotor kntydfd or tbo songs of birds in tlio ik lild or just some such swooteouuls an uiobo to 1111 a tlrid heart with ease it twerut for sljiht and sou ml and amu 1 id hkoa city protty woll hut whon it coiliou to getting rent i llko tho country lots tlio host sometimes itsooms toauo j mil at fubt quit tho city a dlu nud dual and got out whoro tho aky is bluo and say uow how doos it soeiii to you ricti- mkld thegreat ribbon muddle he entered the shop hurriedly with the air of a man whose mind wua filled with a weighty commission those whom bo passed at the door heard bim muttoring under his breath a formula which ho seemed to fear might blip away and be lost he approaohed tho oouuter like ono who wibhes it were well over i wibh to ltt ho said boldly some ribbon for a rod baby the abop girls blank sturo seemed to arouse lnm tu a eeuso of somathim luck ing that if ho suid ft should llko sumo baby for a red ribbed 0111 tho shop girl waa emiliug broadly now and four errand boys a tdiap walker and seven lady customers luihei6d mid cmiled in nnison ho began ugatn that is of course ou know i rntan home red ribbed biby for ono that is some rtd ribs for ono baby some one a pod babya ribs so mo baby for one red rib some thunder and guns 1 where a the way opt he departed at a run i wonder said the shop girl thought fully an hour or bo f torwar 1 if he could havo meant red baby ribbon black and white tho borttbu biuitet siiyb that 11 merohant who lives near boston numt era among hid friendu an old colored preauhcr by whom the waa reoantly invited to mako a sund ty morning oall at the cburoh over wluoh tho latter presides tho merohant although wishing most heartily to naorpt the invita tion and to bring his wife uts3 wut some what 10 doubt aa to ho propriety of to doing i am afraid ho euid in expluna tiou that our presence would not be wholly aoceptablo to jonr ohgrgation the shephord reassured him why nab ho exclaimed dores eo many whttq folks in dat cbnrch fouio sundays ma congra gaaion looks hko a hanful of blueberries in a bowl of milk 1 a savage criticism in ono of tho clovcjimd public bchool rooms of tliu pruuury mde tho fctachur hus been reading lonifelluwd iliuwatha to her pupils ot courso this is a rather ambitious work for tho littlo ouct pays tho plain dealer but they tnjoy it uul tho rythm necrin pirtimlirlv pinning to them when ill y con u to u hurl ivurtt tho to tcher lots to tho bl albqti ii und druws a pieluie to lllnatrato itrt ineiinin thia tho pupils flnrl highly tiitertuiniug and it helps lu ijuttu u ruinxrkiblu way to fix tho text in their mmdf a few dayn auo lln eum lo liiu lino in tho oirly part of the potin at tho door ou buinuior cvoainsu bat tho llitlo vnia at ih door c 11 b 1111 inrr evi t ins nut th lit uu re id the llnlilrt 1 goon auiii the teiieher but lhe tjuldutl0 on ihe ti mm nt iliavvuthj wan too nnicli foi iheiu ilioy knew who iii tvvath 1 w is i eit i li dilnt reco his nam so tl o ttelicr wuitt to iho bo ir 1 nud lok coiihi i ruble p tins 111 drawing fint a wiwim with piles stiuk iu np ubove it aiu a rud 1 tibiriiiel irumg on tho side seunnd littlu iinwulli 1 villi fitthirb in his hair cq 1 ttu 1 ut the vvijwitn dur third a fine h trvlst inooi i hen sho pointed at lliawiiilia and uskcel what it was rh wia a ucnlrul urtuuig of necks and shuktng of lie d come ooroo btiu tlio teacher you know whit thutlt then ono littlo girl spoke np i luea8 its a irud turtle aud instantly with ono accord tho oiups glibly repoated 1 at th door on sum mar eio ulni sat th ht tlo mud dy turtle aud the teacher feels that hor a r untie cleverness received a hard uod cruel blow sandys salvation an boo s the guid wife sandy taid one farmer to another ii3 thoy in l m tho markot placo and etclmngod snuff boxes did yo no hear eho s dead and bnriad said sandy soli muly dear me i exclaimed his friend s mpa thoticallj surely it must iiavn beon very sudden ao it was suddeu returned saudv ye peo when she turned ill wo hadua time to fiend for a doctor bae i ted bur a bllpduther that i had lying in my drawer for a jear or twa an tliat i bad got from tho doctor myaol but hudna tuvu what tho pouther was i dinua vcrra weel keu but biio died soon afterwards its a eair loss to mo i can assure ye bat its bomething to be thankful for i didoa take tho pouther mvsel the african native and the locomotive qjnio iniororiiitik rcuuitks by tbo mata belc on the steam engine aro recorded by mr 1 raticis cox one of thole idingviditors to btilnwavo iihj lonmotivo waa thus described it is it htue umtiml bcouging to tho whito ni v u h is only onooyo iho head lamp it feeds uu ire mil hates work when tho white nun umin it to mako it work it pcrtnms ft coitus ftom boiih where but no onu known from vvhcncj of a hteitn tr teti n 1 1111 it s jou whin tin driver wjti oilin 1 tho mtthoo and that it vvfii a hugs anuntl w hibh lad tho fovr verv b idly bica uu iho whito man poured in ino ltcmo aj pq many parts of its body look out for the newspaper men oavhtspotrritartt a veritable klondike shortleigh my uuoio trank h a veri tably klondike longlelgh why how s that bliortfeigh plenty of wnnlth but cold and dialnqt the king of belgium whon walking ono day called at a far mil on so and asked for a glass of milk while he waa drinking it he heard the hoateaa say to hor liubband in flemish i wonder what that long nosed englishman will give us for the milk whereupon the king took out a five frano pieae and handed it to the woman saying in flemish allow mo to offer you the portrait of the long nosed englishman the stamp act lady of the house did you post my letter as i told you bridget bridget sure mum i did but i had it weighed first and as it was double weight i pat another stamp ou it i lady thats right only i hope you didnt pot tho extra stamp on eo that it would obliterate the address bridget indeed i didnt mum i just stuok it on top of tho other stamp mum o as to save room 1 aftrr senutu illma hko typhoid fovor pneumonia or tliu grip iiikmih hrtrsapa nllahsb wonderfnf strength giving power the late lamented bill n 0 onco said do not attempt o cheat an editor out of nia carn subscription to ins piipor or any otlur eum cheat tho miniotrr cheat uuj body and every holy but if 011 hive any regard for future onteqiliicea don t fool tho editor you will lo put up fir cilice some tunc or want somo pubho ftvor for yours if or f n tula an 1 when jour luck is a thing of beaut a j iy forover tho editor will open on jou und knock your castles into it cocked hat at first lire iiull subdue you and then you ii ctiit your stupidity for a drivijling idiot 10 turn hoiih rnnn to knock you down and kick jou for fallit p womans idea of excellence tho ccoijmiaal and wiao woman who has tho inarjakamont of a home knows frnm ni ihst w thot of any homo ncccoaaily is cgtablishcd and kuarantcod money and umn aro saved whon auoh goods aro used ihe diamond dyes tor homo djcuift havo a worh wido rppntntlon and stand flrat in purity btronrth lastness and aim- pllty of nae when tho diamond djcb aro need old faded and dingy karnionta aro mado to look as good na now at an exceed tngty msnlc0bt diamond dyob hko nil oilier popular and porfoot goods nro largely jmitatod oo not allow your doalor to aell you some inferior mako of dyo auk for tho dia mood and bco that jou fot ihrni bond to wolls a uichardbon co mont real 1 q for valnablo hook of direotioua and sample card of colors nont free to any address ilia til at atlunlio oablo operated in 1858 i havo heon a victim lo tcrriblo head- aohoj writoa o t nuwmn biiij bpiir va and uavo novor found anything to relievo them so quiokly na a era 1illn sinoe i began taking thin inpilnim lio attacks havo been iiimh frrijiiim llll thoy have coased altogether