Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1898, p. 2

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ts d1fd cahiiirilvt woat ruporior win on friday 14th juuuiiry uuuoau coiriibou jr ithuu 33 jouib noitton in aiouwllllatiib on monday juuuary 17ti jaiuon nortoo bjjetl 51 yearn t monllih 17 tlttjb vinohst in acton oil friday jaiiunry 91it julia towueouii wffo of uuoriiu vlncuut bhoii 21 yuan aud two won t lib njckhll at tlio liouio of ills boii in vassnha- woya on niurbdnyjauuftry sotb joint nlukull ugod 77 yaare aud j nioutbo z retort ut r5s u1iu1sday january 27 1808 notes and comments during the present month uvo iownbiepa have votod pu the bubjeot of lucal option threo voted ou the motion to repeal the not but in each oaatv it waa bustuined two new towns pd voted on the question and decided on local option the conservative oonveution for south wellington meeta in this oity on saturday the 29th inat it is generally underatood thut mr hnry hortop of evertori will iftat the nomination and aocept it halton liberal oonventcon tneeta at jvjilton ou the 27th south waterloononventipn meets at gait on tb 81hi jgtiqph mtrciiru tbo olergyooeo ot ontario are reijuested to take notice that thp circular recently eont oat by the registrar general reqaebt- tag them to leud in their half yearly lists ot marriagoa states that buoh returns are lo go to the division registrar who is the municipal clerk tbey are not to be sent to the eegiatratgeneral ab siroo noder- btood and are doing it is underatood to be the intention of the government to introduce legislation in parliament this session defining the posi tion of uoqrganfted territories in the north west and 4eoiarlng them formally to be under tbo jurisdiction of the federal authority the executive of the north west territbries at regfaa seem a to be laboring under- an impression that thny have some authority in the yukon the stalwart prohibitionists of hakoo county probably express the average prohi bition sentiment when they demand tht the plebiscite ballots shall be marked plain yes or no it is known that the dominion government deeires to submit a complex bill involving the questions of enforcement and of revenue and at the annuab meeting ol the halton prohibition association at milton that pjlioy was epecilloally condemned toronto star geo and warden george havlll aoton chairman of the cpmmitteo on education county council committees tho county cpuncil met iu ita initial cession for 1808 at tho court home milton ou tuesday mr havlll of acton the newly elcotcd rcpreaontalivoof diamot no took tbo doolttrutionsof oflioo unci of qimlilluauou and wub welcomed to a eoat among tho county lekitdutora tiip imporiaut buflineaapf the day wub tho election of a warden for tho current joar tho oo for this coveted honor waa equally divided hetweeu counojuors law- eon of deques i rig and andrew ot oakvillo and for eomo time thero wub a deadlock iu the batjtpting filially mr liwaon genet oualy cast bis own ballot for bia opponent arid georq andrpw was olevfttod to tho wardensbip of the county of halton for 1898 tho commit too to atnko tbo standing committees of the year then proceeded with that duty and their report giving tho constitution of tjjo varioub committeos a follows was adopted fimakcb webster obairman havlll and fisher iioub and imn0k9 r lawson chairman hobiueon and butcheon count uuildis08 robinson chairman pottit auii lanaou mintinc pettlt abairman fisher and havlll kdccation havill chairman robinson and webster hlecial communications flahor obairman webftsr and hutoh- eou flailuays and legibutiov hutoheon obairman lawsoraand fettlt messrs dewar of milton and s peers of oakvillo were appointed auditors considerable time was spent in the work of consolidating the bylaws nod not being able to complete it the coanoil adjourned to meet next wednesday 2nd february the san jose scale prompt measures taken by the minister of agriculture tostamp outthe pest halton agricultural society the annual meeting finds a small deficit in winding up the year thp annual meeting of the halton agri cultural society was held at milton and tbo following officers wero elootcd president john btewart 1st vicepres john t elliott 2nd vicepreb frauk green lees directors u stewart a stark jas mcgowan e dixon w patterson w n scott e k hunter d hutoheon a 0 mcmillan w a lawrenoe f ghfsholm t t harris p mooollocb jas brown alex waldie auditors dr robertson and samuel dice the financial statement showed reoeipts for the year 1628 81 disbursements 8163206 liabilities unpaid 970 the directors met after the general meeting and made the following appoint meqta wm clements seoretary e dixon treasurer to meet in ottawa the executive of the canadian press association met last week in toronto and made the important departure of obabging their place of meeting from toronto to ottawa where the annual assembly of the association will take place this year on maroh 10 and 11 the executive com mil tee are now engaged arranging a programme those present at the meeting were j b mclean printer and publisher toronto president j j b willlaon globe j t clarke saturday night a h u colqnhoan dry goodrlievlno dmcgilll oaddy goderlch signal w b dlngman stratford herald w ireland north star parry sound and a g f macdonald alexandria news news of the day rev t dowitt talmage the noted divine of washington and mrs elmora mocutoheon collier of aliorhany city were married at pitubarg george armitsge a prisoner in the county jail at berlin upon his discharge saturday was re arrested charged with the theft of a bone and burglary at ripley dr james d kellopk one of perths oldest physicians died id bis cutter while on his way home from the country on saturday where be had been attending a patient that afternoon mr william low aud warden monteitb of perth county were stopped by footpads while drivlpg near stratford saturday night the robbers got 85 cents from monteilh but missed a roll of bills that be carried russia la about to present a note to tnrkey demanding payment for the wbolo balance of the indemnity of the rusao turkish war amounting to two nty eight million ponnds with a view of making tbe saltan more docile iu tbe settlement of the cretan question crewson8 corner3 trouble seldom comes singlehanded and that u the case in the home of mr j r nickel last week mrs nickel 1 was called away to attend tbe funeral of bar brother mr wm campbell who died very suddenly in west superior wis while there mrs niokall was summoned home hy altuflpt tfttfradifihlmdnltiar father- inlaw the bereaved family will have tbe heartfelt sympathy of their many friends in this vicinity mr bobr gibbons has been seriously 111 the past week bat is improving some what mr john murray is nov comfortably settled id his new home rose hill quite a number from here attended an assembly at eden mills on monday oight last miss katio niokem who has beep spend ing lbs past two months with friends in toronto returned home last week on wednesday evening tbe 10th inst two sleigbloads of merry makers left aoton for the boms of mr a murray erin the first load arrived all right bat the second which by tbe way bad a cargo of oysters and passengers lost their way and tbejr frjends think that they have rods to tbv klondike or tome plaoe relatives woqd bo glad to receive information regatdlpg ihem those wbioh were for- tdnauvsnoogu to srrlva all right were hblfwyntrtaidtd by mr and lira lislaammable family sod wjoybleiime perhaps ths otbetjoaajsnow flbdnderlag abour with ihfopini iba wmla pms with the threatened destruction by the terrible san joao scale of tbe pleftsant prospect of ontario fruit apples peaches pears plums and graces gaining a market in the british isles and other european countries and even rivalling the value of the oheeae product of tbe proviuoo the prompt and vigorous mobnreb to fight this insect invader taken by the hon john dryden minister of agriculture lire other evidences if that were needed of the wisdom which marked the selection by sir oliver mowat when premier of tbe government to which he h npw her majeatys representative ot a practical farmer ab the responsible boad of a depart ment haing to do with thorrcateet indus try in the country under authority conferred by tbo legis lature the minister of agrionlturo already has inspectors at work in the nnraenee and orchards of the districts where the scale haa got a start and it is being thoroughly stamp ed out how serious a matter dealing with this dangerous microscopical psat la may be understood when it is learned that not only all kinds of fruit trees shrubs and bushes are subject to destruction by the scale but all bard wood growth in our forests as well may be ruinod tbe enor mous loss suffered in the 17 states of the neighboring republic where tho scale is ravaging is but a measure of what this province will escape by the governments admirable action quite appropriate in this connection is tbe following extract from an iotervlew with mr albert pay proprietor of the prospect hill fruit farm near 8c cathar ines ontario in tbo buffalo kxprtw of january 8th instant my politics are oppodod to tbe government of ontario said mr pay but i must say tbat in mr dryden the present administration has a most competent man when he asked me to oome to toronto to look over bis bill i and those with me expected to find tbat we were necessary to tbe oomp lotion of tbe bill bat we were not the bill was drafted and was submitted to ub for onr approval we found the groaud fully covered and instead of teaching the minis ter bow to preserve the frnit we found our selves listening to mr drydens plans it would be impossible to find a mote oapable minister of agriculture in tbe province we were delighted with him it is tbe governments intention continued mr pay to destroy or cause to be destroyed every fruit tree that is known to be infected with tbe sin jose scale it is believed that the pest waa brought in to canada from united states nurseries and it has become so fatal to the frnlt trees tbat extreme measures are necessary the bill provides for compen sation to an amount which will enable the grower to replace the trees wltboui any expense to himself and the pmalty for neglecting to destroy infected treea is auqh as to induce every owner of an orchard to ee that this is carried out when the infected trees are destroyed we can then start over again under a new law providing fpr tbe rigid inspection of all imported nursery stock and the exoluiioo of trees affeoted by the scale- the board off ed organized for tho present year with mr jamoa mo lam ae chairman tho members of tho publio suhool board met on wodnoidtty evening at 7 oclock aa provided by statute or oranisilion mombora cleat iljnda holmod aud urcu eubbonbod to tho declarations of ofllco aud took their souu with mossrh mul im and wallace tho hccretar 11 p moore took tho chair and requested thomembers to olcot their ohilrmau for tho car movtffl jby jgeqrpo hynda toconded by dr urenthaj juincfl mclam bechuirmun of the board for 1898 mr molum was unanimously elected he assumed the positiou reluctantly but thanked tho members very cordially for the honor thus placed upon him iio roferred to the kindly rolatiousof the mem bers of the bottrd in psat yours and anticipated that the business requiring their attention during the proeont joar woutd be trhtnmutld in the pie as up teat poaetblo mitmir tho next butnms waa the strikiujt of the atandlug comniiueca for the year moved bygeorge hynds seoonded by bobort waluco that the blandiug oom- mitteee for tho eueuinjj year be constituted as follows finance geo hudd chairman and dr uren pnoieitty robert holmes chairman and tho new member to bo elected 6 uiimes robert wallace chairman and jamoa mclam carried the rebiguatiou of t h hardiug as a member ot tho board dialing that he had lately learned that haviug deposed of his busioese and oeabiug to be a ratepayer he was consequently rendered inelligible to berve on tho board was received and read moved by bodertwarflaoe seoonded by robert holmesttilat t h hardings resignation asx member of the board be acoepted ana that we deflire at the same time to express our appreciation of his devotion to he interests of tbo board and to the publio school as woll as his uniform kindness and courtesy during his long term of office aa member and chairman of the board curriod moved by gtiorgo hynds seoonded by dr uren that the secretary be instructed to notify the municipal clerk of tho vaoanay on the public school board caused by tbe resignation of t h harding and request tbe council to tako such steps ua are required by law to 1111 tho vacancy carried the committee on finance presented their arat report and rccommonded pay ment of accounts as follows tbo bryant trcsi diaikles colo- iodta in nlno volumoa a 21 00 j j lawson repairs 1 03 a titojilionson ropalra 69 the report was adopted moved by robertwallace seconded by dr uren that the secrotary be instructed to advortisofor tenders for thirty cords of good sound green body wood four feet long mostly maple to bo delivered at tbe school before tho first of maroh tenders to be received up to monday february 7th carried the board toon adjourned to meet on monday evening 7th february at 8 oolook a sol life only veterans can realize the sufferings of army life the municipal council midlandroutecalifornia ex cursions via the chlpaaro milwaukee sl at paul railway to los angelee and other polnta in southern california these popular every saturday california excursions for both first and secondclass passengers are personally oonduotsd by intelligent competent and courteous o wh wi s to t all passengers en route this is ap entirely new feature of tourist car service and will be greatly appreciated by families or parties of friends travelling together or by ladies travelling alone the midland route tourist oars are upholstered sleeping oars and are supplied with all tbe accessories necessary to make tbe journey comfortable aod pleasant and the sleeping berth rate is but b00 foftwo persons from chicago to california ask the nearest tioket agent for a tourist oar folder giving complete information about tbe midland route or addren eastern manager midland bonte no 06 adams street chios go iii or a j taylor canadlao passenger agent toron- mrs sternamans trial juatloe robertson will heopen the cm a e may a ottawa oni jso m the department of jostles bat fixed tbe new trial granted to mrs bteruaman for tbe hay aiilsei before josttoe robertson who will decide and eay whether there should bo a change of venae arranges for an eleotlon to fill the vacancy on the school board the council mot on monday evening in regular bi weekty session reeve storey was absont but the members proceeded with their duties in a bualnesaliko man ner and refreshing indeed as compared with what visitors to tbe council chamber have sometimes witnessed members present councillors james clark john clark j a murray and i francis in the absence of the reeve mr jameb clark was moved to the chair tho commuteoon finance presented their first report recommending payment of accounts as follows hon demon 4 oo felt for council tablo mix qeorflo hynds stationery a tl tno cray oil company coal oil 6 6a u p mooro printing ballots o 10 05 20 83 moved by j a murray seconded by i franois tbat tbe llrst report of tho com mittee on finance just read be adopted carried notice was given by tbe secrotary of the publio school board of tho resignation of t h harding ab a member ot the board and the council requested to take the steps required by law to have the vacancy filled the matter waa immediately taken up moved by j a murray seoonded by john clark that leave be granted to intro duce a bylaw for tho purpose of appoint ing tbo time polling places and returning officers for the election of a troatee on aoton poblio school board to fill the vacancy oausod by the retirement of t h harding and tbat bylaw be now read a first timo carried tbe bylaw was introduced read tbe retjqired number of times and passed the date of nomination being fixed for satur day 5tb february and measrh thos t moore and j o hill were appointed as the deputy returning officers the anditors report for tho year was presented and taken in charge by tho com mittee ou finance for review cblef mcqueen addressed tho council as to certain improvements desired by the fire brigade especially tbat an tffort bo mado to seourc a satisfactory alarm gong for tbe east eud of the town it is likely a small gong will be placed in tbe home of one of the firemen the wires and bat teries are already in plaoe having been adjusted last summer for the largo gong whioh proved to be a failure as far as its alarming qualities were concerned connoll adjourned at 8 as oolook litera n the methodist magazine and review maln- t c b troatment of recent events its initial article is a finely illustrated one on the asbtrouungarian question the second article is one copiously illustrated on tho recent exploration of tho barren lands of canada by the brothers tyrrell a story of stirring incident and adventure another is a character study of the relgdlng einperor o ger and au account of his remarkable career by the rev j o seymour numerous other articles of interest also appear torouto william brigri montreal o w cosies halifax strong men made helpless invalids the story of one who suffer ed day and nght for twenty yeara from tlio chatham ilannor everyone living in and around tho village of wbeatloy bnowa mr poter slippc who has been a resident of tho place for upwards of twenty jeara who during the whole of tbat period up to last year was a constant e offerer from acute rheumatism oomplioated by other troubles until he waa worn almobt to a shadow at tho ago of twenty he joined the 21st new york volunteers aud after being a member of that organization for three yearn ho joined tho now york cavalry and served through tho war of the rebellion he took part iu tbo hlstorla battles of bulls rup frodricksbnrg culpepper etoaud at qdo time rode oigbty miles at a stretch carrying dispatohes through the enemys hues on another occasion ho was on horseback for four bays and five nightp aud it iajittlo wonder that unob hardships left him us they did thousands of others with a wrecked con stitution wbilo in tbe array ae a result of poor food and worso water he wsb attaoked with diarrhoea wbioh assumed a chronio form this of coarse greatly weakened him and he fell an easy prey to the pains and terrors of rheumatism to areencspondent of the manner ho said i never expeoted to be any bettor in this world ae i had tried scores of medicines which brought me no relief at all some times for weeks at a time i could not ho down or sleep and could eat but little i was not only troubled with rheumatism but at times waa subjeot to fainting spells and at other times everything appeared to turn black before my eyes i would often feel biok at my stomach at wbioh times food would prove loath aome to me my kidneys also troubled ma greatly and my nervous system seemed completely shatter ed tongue oan scarcely tell how much i endured during those long and weary years about a ear ago i was advised to try dr willi a ma pink fills and it was a grand day for me that i began their uso after i had used a few boxes my paius had decreased and t was considerably better liter through a continued use of these pills i could cat ileep and felt ab able to work as i had d6ne twenty years ago i now feel well and strong and if any of my old oomradefeee this and are afflict ed i would urge them to try dr williams pink pills an analysis shows that dr williamb pink pills contain in a condensed form all the elements neessary to give new life and richness to tbe blood and restore shattered nerves they are an unfailing speclfio for such diseases as locomotor ataxia partial paralysis st vitus dance sciatica neuralgia rheumatism nervous headache the after effects of la grippe palpation of the heart nervous prostration all diseases depending upon vitiated bnmors in the blood bach as sarofula chronic erysipelas eta they aro also a specific for troubles peoaliar to fanaales they bulid up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks in men they effect a radiant cure in all oases arising from mental worry or over work of whatever nature the right house cornei of king and ilughson streets hamilton january sale great special offering of mantles and mantle cloths 3ihg3ilggsig ladles molibsa olotti uutors with detachable cape waterproof rorutar price 1200 olenrlnu at hi 00 ladles colored denver cloth jnckotd rogular 12 00 to 14 00 olonrlns btfi00caob ladles colarod hoavor cloth jackets bilk lliiod regular 14 00 to 2oq0 clearing at hoo each ladles black jaokota regular prlco from as 00 to 7 00 clearing at3 00oach j lad i os black jackets regular 7 50 to 000 olonwng at i caoli ladles black jackets fl ilk lined regular e12 00 to 1700 clearing at h7 w each two only ladiouvblaok hoavor cloth capon appllquo tri aimed silk lined logular prlco 175 oloarina at h oo mch faur only ladlos hoatotto jacket collar regular hi 950 clenrjng at 14 childrens ulttero in twood frlezu or boavor detachable aanoa regular 9b0 aloarfng at 3 00 regular h4 78 to 550 clearing at y60 regular 87d0 for m 00 regular 8 75 for 5 co mlfl80b in frioee cloth detachable oapqa regular 000 clearing at 5 00 quiltod satlu unod storm g4 inch brown boaver cloth regular 2 00 clearing at 1 00 64 inch beaver cloths in brown navy and fawn sultablo for mens oi boys wear regular prices ftajm clearing at 173 fiolueh navy beaver suitable for mens overcoats regular price a so clearing at 330 o 601 rich navy pebble cloth sultablo for mous or boys wear reg ular price 399 clearing at 200 winob covert coating suitable for jodlos ooitumos regular i2 00 clearing at 1 60 61 lndh covert coating brown or fawu sultablo for mens over coats regular 3 25 ol oaring at tl 06 51 iboli hlsok covert coating regular a3 20 clearing at 1 25 m lneb navy sorgo sultablo for boys wear rogular prlco jj7tf clearing at ftibs oi nob black jersoy cloth regular price 1 35 clearing at 60c vfit inob fancy tweed sultablo for childrens ulsters rogular x 25 clearing at 85a 64 inch xtovaralblo tweeds regular price 3 00 cloarina at ai 00 00inch bilk sealotto rogular tjsq clearing at 6o0 regular hii00 clearing at 9800 the right house jan l8th 1898 j thomas c watkins after the christmas holidays wkjlt quiet times and dull trade hot nt nil i we will start a trade invlgorator on saturday the 8th instant a great winter clearing sale and all our sales have been successful why because first goods aro as represented second at the close of the season we mark down surplus stock to prices that effectively empty the shelves third oo rubbishy stuff is ever imported whereby a cheap show may be mado but our regulir stock is reduced so m to crowd the store with buyers while tbe sale lasts when the season is about ended we consider it legitimate business to thus dispose of surplus stock and it tends to confirm the esteem and goodwill of our customers which we hope to maintain as heretofore our present sale we expect will be a record breaker wo arc not sending out patent dodgers and as it is manifestly impossible to enumerate every article in a newspaper advertisement we earnestly request your presence as early os possible a few lues of special value are hereunder quoted but remember all goods can be had at a big reduction from regular prices actoinf markets jon 27 1b98 flour 3 40 to 9 40 fall wheat white fall wheat rod gooso wheat oats poos v ityo barley ouelph markets flour roller wuito wheat bed wheat q 0040 wboat i barley oats byo peaa hay eggs per dos butter dairy paokod butter rolls potatoes per bag apples toronto markets white wheat bod wboat gooso wheat oats barley foaa hay butter rolls bggs potatoes 67 to 77 si to 81 73 to 75 21 to 25 3 to 65 3 to 13 93 to 33 et8 jan 27 1806 caas ein 83 to 01 80 to 85 os to 06 23 to os 27 to 38 0 to 15 65 to 60 son to 700 18 to 23 u to 15 16 to 30 go to 70 000 to ets 700 jan 27 1806 7a lo 88 ta to 80 7a to 73 37 to 38 31 to 85 67 to 68 800 to 000 is to 16 10 to 30 00 to a fine hihclass tailoring there is an unmistakable individuality about our clothing that stamps tho wearer as welldressed we have a number of fall and winter suitings overcoatings trouserings etc to be cleared out at cost to make room for spring importations now is the time to get the best at the clos est prices fit style and finish guaranteed ladles dress costumes worth 35 oo and 6 oo for s4 oo ladies dress costumes worth 87 00 and 98 00 for 95 00 heavy velour cloths in black brown navy blue and myrtle green 81 25 for 90c heavy velourclothsr in black brown navy blue and myrtle green 9t 00 for 65c a great variety of fimcy dress goods in all colorings worth 65c for 45c per yd persian lamb caperines with frilled muffs to match worth 2500 for 817 50 black astrachnn caperines silver lama trimmed worth 20 00 lor 815 00 girls grey persian lamb tarn oshan ters worth 95 00 for 93 50 ladies muffs in all furs from 75c up ladies all wool vesta worth 35c for 20c ladies all wool vests worth 40c for 25c ladies all wool csts worth 75c or 50c ladies all wool vests worth 9i 00 for 75c lndtes all wool vests worth 9x 25 for 90c boys 2 piece ready made suits worth 8z 25 for 9 1 75 boys 2 piece ready made suits worth 83 00 for 92 00 boys 2 piece ready made suits worth 3 50 for 8250 boys 2 piece ready made suits worth 95 00 for 83 50 youths 3 piece ready made suits worlh 93 50 for 8275 youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 84 00 for 83 25- youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 84 50 for 93 50 youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 95 00 for 93 75 only a few mens and boys overcoats left but they will be sold out regardless of cost a snap for somebody 1 large goat robe 812 50 for 8 00 1 astrachnn buffalo kobe large size 81600 for 810 00 wo wilpgivc you a hearty welcome to come and inspect our poods and sec what a slaughter we have made in prices you will scarcely realize it the terrific cut we have made in all lines of goods we will alvvayb givo the highost price for butter and eggs just the same as cash to bargain day every day dress goods furs and ladies goods fine high class tailoring ready- towear clothing etc gibson 7i1lkr st co rob block 2usyirs st corgtojflfn 92 00 a year tl00 for ell 8 f uuoblfs modtba tbo february ibsufl of tlio delineator ia oalled the mldniutor unmoor aud again thorouplily juallflea ila reputation aa womans authority in faabiona and litera ture the lateat winter atylea aro elabor ately illustrated and accurately daaoribed and the number ie a matt interetting one thronghoal order from the looil agent for tbe uotterlok patterns or addren the zwirtmtor pnblublnx co limited si rlobmond st w toronto ont bub- orlfctlon prloe of the jottttuator f 100 per year iloglo ooplev lflo sarsaparilla is tho original sarsnparilla the standard of tlio world others j havo imitated tbo remedy 5 they cant imitate the record 50 years of cures luiiniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil your portrait limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long all cast parts have our name and address in full on them sec that you get them it will pay yon the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in the market guaranteed to cut 20 tons an hour and deliver 40 feet full line of straw cutters and root pulpers roller bearings ah kinds of wheelbarrows the wilkinson plough company limited toronto 99 wyndhamst telephone 140 i you cant 40 robt noble the highest prico for wheat at tho peas warehouse oats acton barley station have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits h ramshaw aoton photo artist man wanfed fob otorr nnoootipm dtitilot iu canada to u ten onr high grade canadian orown utmal urma to partunal man and good wagwto ineee lrtp tbijr oltri time to tbo uamqittaivonnd and aoolf tha demand fi natednnnerya applrj aaa enaee prtee ef ojmea f j pla0dtohd4o0 rj v3qorijirto canada flour at bran acton shorts flour and sbbtds au feed kinds of peed store attord lo oerlook our alues in fine order ed clothing our assortment is choice our prices very close and our work unequalled lor style and finish r e nelson merchant tailor and furnisher ii caen and one prloe quelph potatoes wanted i highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at symon bros acton wc carry a full line of hardware groceries boots shoes cok symon bros mill and main sis 1 acton ilchi afiuertibmiunts wanted tndustilkurjsmon of character the linbcottcomlany toronto odi wanted xi a experienced rnnvubsor to travol ami appoint agents no eanvaiinfik balnrv uu oximtibob mid- tim ihudlfy oamiktson c6 limited toronto wanted ntqos nodouveriug ccmmfniion nald week ly a canvaasrroports tils nrat wool niikino ovor sevotity rjoilaru profit agents sell klondike gold fields like a whirl wind prospootui 25 contu worth 91 big pay capital uanoocsbry the bradley gahbbtfion co ltmltod toronto 1o0k ie we have for sale debiiuble building lot in aoton two in cooks bcmoy and tno in smltha burvov toncodand in ftooa suano thoy arc a bargain if purchased fnimodiatoly aro offered at ly t o moore son wanted men to sell tt- the fonthlll nurseries over70o acres ot canadian crown stock wo import jvb stools from tho states iparmbits fvinorssonsitupleniontarenta 9j tlierarotlrodmiuiatrenor rotioolorkanlio wlh to inako advancement 5iis j 0 r hardy home- grown nursery stock pleasant aa woll aa prontblo wo want mora suoli mon tbls season aa the demand for onr joodh is increasing owing to the tact that we gomirajitee all our btook free from don jobs aoalfi wo mako contracts for wbolo orpart time men employment alio yoar ronnd wo pay both salary and conamlbiiion outfit free write ub forour tortus stonh an wellington toronto ontario if you aee enebgetic and strong if you aro above foolish prejudice against can- vasningfor a rood book wrlto and ont my proposition tho information 111 oost notlilua i havo puthundtodfl of mon in tho way of nmk- lng money aoraoof whom aw norrfcbrtnan do coca things lor you 11 you aro honorable and will wrt hard t b linscott torouto wanteb- canvassers ouken victoria hor ltfp and rolgn has cpturod tlio british empire extraordfn- arytoatimonltfl from tbo great mon sand for copy fro marquis or lorno says tho boat popnlar lifoot tbo queen i havo soon hor monty sands a kind lottor of appreciation selling by thousands givos onto nslab tic satis- faction canvaumrs make 815 to 910 weekly the bradley o arbktson co iliniiod e w lee teacher of piano and organ will form classes in hand shaping exer cises in acton on thursday january 20th pupils will be ciammed at the end of the term for terms and particulars apply to mrs d smith main st acton cheap cheap these cheap fencings as well as mcmullens choice steel wire nettings for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc are sold much lower this year than ever before they are the best ask you hardware merchant for them the wellington mutual fire insurance company the general annoal mooting of tbo woliing- ton mutual fixe insurance company will bo btld in the companys ouiqo ouolpb ott tuesday 8th february at 9 oolook pm to receive tho directors re port with tbo pinraolal sutotqont for tho yoar bo election ot slrectora lor the onsnlng year and other tmslnsi rolovant to tho meoiiuy by oxdoc charles davidson bocrotaiy tenders for wood tendehs vlllbe nealtad by tno nndorall op to moadiir jin pebrnary for ml irty oorda off aonnd btmd body wood mostly maplo tour ost long to bo dolivorod at aoton rubllo scboot before tlo nnt of maroh 1b98 tbo lowest or any tendir notnooaasarlly aoooptod h p moore sooretary aoton janoary xoth 2898 try norval flour the beat family flour in he marsct frank harris manager jehn fl co k l lcavq your ordors now tor your winters supply nona but tbe very best 8cranton coal delivered i can supply egg stove and nut sires the libera patronage accorded me last season by mr browns cus- teniers whose business i bought waa much appreciated i can give even better service this year and solicit ft continuance of their orders coal delivery to commence in september john mcqueen aknter is here and cooper sl akin 8 are well prepared for ie having jual opened a line new stook of olotba specjally suitable for winter suitings winter overcoatings 8tc wd have a very fins aisorlmeut iu all lines since oommenoing buatneeb in aoton we have had assurance from all ouatomera hat the garments turned oat by as have given entire satisfaction from all standpoints fit style prices and enduring qualities yonr patronage is lolloltad cooper st akins main street aoton aoton machine and repair shops nenkyaitlndhlruvoprlotor anb well equipped wltb all the maoblnerv neooasary to exotute all repairs to maobln ery and agricultural implamonta end to do all klnaaoratearnflttlnrliorsasbongaudganefml blaokemluitng woodwork rspalra nerformed in a satlafaetory manser vtt eaa repair ant maehlno or implemont of any make baw gumming and filing done early to bed earlv to rise stlclc towusjhess and ad mow he llrne to advertise people are going lo have m6ney to spend this win ter as they have not had for years enquire at the idbb fresj office for rales and space the campaign prepare for winds we would oall your attention to tbe fact that we are prepared to anpply yon with lumber of suitable length for your barn doors via 10 w 18 ot 14 feet also sasr doorb frauds monlpmoa mortgage sale of house lot im the viglaoe of aoton pnnoantto tb power of sale contained in a oertaln indenture or mortgage mado by concan a grant and bia klfe for tbo purpose of baring be prodnood at tbo sale there mill be ottered forlialo by rub llo auotlon on tbs promises on friday the 28th day of jan next attbelionrof ooo oolook pm tbo following property vis lot nnmbor 83 la james tonnes server of part of tbevltlagteor aoton as laid down on tbe registered plan oxuld sarvey pntbepronilsoels gobdfrems bonso con taining 0 rooms tuero is a garden and bard and soft water on lie premises tbla property islnaverydnslmlile locality situated on iool btreet near tbe onnd trunk sutlon tbla property will twtold subject to a mort- gageforaloai ro tba oenadlan mutokl loan s luveetmont company ftbla mortgage baa about flyears to sren paymenta montblv tbla mortgage may be pud off if desired by tbe pur- ebeaer tbrmb or 8aik tot pareent on tbo day of sale dalanoo in two weeks porfurtbxrrnutlonlara apply to wm heu8tkeet uolean 4 molban anetlonior vendors solicitor dated tbe utb day of january 1s08 eto for building storm doors nnt up at as low a rate as possible fvisps repair your pumps or put in new ones before it is too oold w ou so rr shop at foot of river street acton thos cb9ack mananror b r sunsayings and loan co head office toronto ont aufjaarfaeo capital 600000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease f6o oo paid in maturity value ttoooo money to loan at j straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation lo n j monahl aflat aoton emulsion of pare cod liver oil with hypophosphites of lime and soda a most valuable remedy for colds and chronic coughs scrofuiatdi srsresofchildren amsenia or poor condition of the blood and general debility also a preventative of con sumption price 50c ask for a sample bottle prepared by fpiplr t i-

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