merits -of- avers cherry pectoral would include the ouro ot ovory jt6rm of disease which affects the throat and lungs asthma croup bronobitis whooping courh and other similar complaints have when other medicines failed yiolderl to ayer8 cherry pectoral b ctott ftttttss taxmsdax januaby 27 1898 slje oang folks tub millennium wbon lermoql aro ten minutes lous and dover bule or flat when congregations rlio and pay boforo they pau the bat when silence jlnsloa every whora and banks so not to smash wheo bill collectors aro to spare and people boy for cash wben politicians join tho oburoli and ceaso to plot and plan wben tbero ira fifty oflloea to every blessed man wben orators know wban to stop wbon poets oouo tq caper wben vholo oomrauultios admit thoy cannot ran the paper tben will tba great millennium dawn brightly but alas 1 vou 11 die while you are waiting for tboao things to oome to paas a few annoyances vivid deaorlptlon of one pays work in tho household of simons wife we have not had muoh company late ly and i have been too busy to go any- where i began to want to sea somebody so i coaxed bimon to go to ohoroh this morning eo tried to beg off because be had bean working hard in tho cornfield and wanted a rest and a good long nap i was sorry afterward that i did not let him for be not bo aleepy i bad to keep an eye on him all the time beaidea now and then kicking hie foot or bitting op olosa eoongh to give him a hnnoh with my elbow- onder ray oape tben 1 remembered that the waili boiler bad sprung a leak last monday and i bad negleoted sending it to the shop to be mended so when j kuaw simon was wide awake enough awake to avoid tba dsgraoe of snoring my mind waa boar with plana to get my washing done without a boiler and i really under stood very little of the sermon bat after itwaiaoverwe atayeu around aa long aa we ooafd to visit and name home feeling quite freshened op i believe 1 think aa muoh ot my family as moat women bot i often wish they could be all out ot the way till t got my work done op oca day last week i waa in an awlol harry to get my baking done i ran to the cellar for a onp of cream and waa trying ray heat to reaoh the mixing pan before it dripped too much for me to hold and wben i got to the pantry door i had to belt for bimon and tba ohildrer were holding oonnoil over a melon that katy had pioked simon had the towalltand was vigorously wiping his banda and face while be inspected the fruit i hustled them all oat of the way and they thought me orosa and onsympatbeuo i mads my cookiea that day from equal parte of eonr areata end sugar with a proper amoootof soda a little salt and nutmeg thay were so rood that simon and tba children ate half he batch before i finished baking tnd the rest was gone in no time they boide eooh ado about them that i had not the slainina tttrefaao- so longaa ona was left i was not too buay though to notioe bow muoh more ready tbsy ware to mention ray ill temper when i drove all of them oat of the pantry than thay were to make a fate over my goodness io allowing nem lo eat all my cookies the ohildren let flea into the bouse too and that frets lou she insists in having tanglefoot everywhere and it ia a great nuisance always ready to form unpleasant attachments last year a sheet of it that aba pat in the wood boose stuck fsst to a turkeys tail audi tba poor fowl waa trying to run away from it for two or three days that made fan for the children and even simon bad a beauty laugh over it last weak ibe stuff made another little episode for as boa had spread soma upon the dining room tabhl when sapper oame sha wasflaitered beoaqae oompany oame and 1 wsa in the huckleberry swamp in bar hurry to get the paper out of the way ahe could think of no other place so aba timely suqqestions itoturnliik unexpectedly to the sloro ut n irtte hour tlio proprietor wa fiirpriscd to nee dim lilht in tho oftlcr strain g sollly lo tho duur he ditcovernl two imrg urs in tho not ol crooking tho eafo he watched ihem as they upplicd tho putty around llo door adjusted tbo oirpump at the hotloiu uud threw iu tho ponder ut tho top becoming intoroled ho looked oil breathlessly while thoy word putting the fuse in plaoo andjust aa thoy wore about to lixlit it ho callrd out bojb lutein t j ou bolter try tho knob the sulo isn t looked and thbroa 19 conta in the till if joa blow tho door cit jou 11 put roe to the expense of why what b your hurry now avery hxppy man mr t r baxter says after the use of seven bottles of paines celery compound i wasperfect- ly cured and feel young again the gkeat medicine is triumphantly victor ious after medical men fail this almost miraculous cure has vastly increased the fame of paines celery compound in the maritime provinces assurance and hope fob the most desperate cases wclla 4 biohardeon co dear sire x desire to let yon know about my wonderful cure by yonr preoioos medicine paines celery compound i was bfoloted by three complaints that made my life a misery and a harden i had erysipelas for forty yearb bleeding piles for fifteen voars and soiatio rheuma tism for over a year 1 tried tho dootors and all kinds of medi cines bat no help or relief wab affordod me and i oould not oat or sleep i was then advised to obo fames celery com pon a oh what a mighty change the ase of the first bottle enabled me to eat and sleep and after obing seven bottles i was quite another man wab perfectly cured and felt young again all that 1 have written can bo proven by morohants doctors magistrates and three ministers of tbo gospel and by roores of other people i shall always thank you and your wonderful medicine paine s celery com pound thos b boxter earsdale n s t hereby certify that paines celery compound has made a well man of thomas it baxter james h thorne justice ot the leaoo constipation cswaeafunyhalftka alekneaa hi the world i retain the digested food too long lb the bowels luces biliousness torpid liver lndj teniae tick somnla etc hoods pills eoraoonitlnatlod and an its results easily and thoroughly ago anoxnitlats xrepared by 0 i hood co lowell mass tho only fills to take with hoods sarsapadtta good doos dr gardner ot rlimoi fipllngu now york it tin o iier of b cml iloggordon anil irldh slttnh a lltllo wlulo ogo four of tlicin c1ih poind turd were til lent for six days ouodaytlu luluriioj not toother but nparutol ut inlervalb of ubout ten minutes 1 ho do j k i i ulf slaived and ovi dintl cxpccli 1 to iu piiiilhe for then iruanoy in tin ejvdiini tlitir huhoiioo was fntlbfttctoriu cxiitincd ouo of tho doctor h lured inon john h tiler blurkd foi u ond uboul tub ratios distant for tho uric bo of gulhenn pond lllieb as he neartel tlio pond ho cftnro serosa 1brcci of tho dc nellto beauty and brownie in tho woodc bix woo not in oiglil john prcstnlly dlcccovtreii that thu do8 had chuued two jounc coona into the hollow of an old tin r x had forced himself so tljity into the tree tllu ho could lot rclcusci hluiaelf tho three other dona would i ui tfetcrt him in bia trouble but remained by him bix days thoy had mide efforta io release llix y breakup the irco but to no purpose thoy had barked o call fothdp tul ho uelgh borettlio heard tl em pair no attention with tho all of a teuao rail hillor reiloas ed llio clog from ins porlloun poslllon tbo coops wer6 dead bix would certainly have died had tbo other dogs deserted bim countinc the cost tho big baseball money makcra were tho boston nud now york oluba it is believed that the boaton club o oared 8100 000 in ipito of tho faot that tho south end gronndi sro tbo emallent in the league tho new champions drew larger crowds on tbo road than any other learn and the attendance at homo was phenomenal the new york club in spite of their 100 oooeipeneer had a profitable season it was aisled that the slab mado 875 000 bat this b regarded aa excersl e prom personal experience 1 many have tried for years to discover a remedy suitable to thoir own cabo for tho constipation biliousness indigestion headache kidney and liver complaints arising from poor digettion weak stomach and dlnrdmd lutr to these we say try the new medicine pills bead what people nay here it la mibs b lawson moncton n b bays they curod mo of constipation and blck headache mb it jaues st nicholas hotel hamil ton ont bays thoy are a pleasant euro and quick ouro for constipation dyspepsia and biok licadache mibb m e hicks south bay ont iaxa livor piiih aro excellent for siok- headaohe- causing no pain or griping mnb john toiiinhon hamilton ont they aro a pcifcct euro for even the bevorcntihoadache give holtowftya corn cure a trial it removed ton cprns from one pair of feet without any pain what it has done once it will do again the first bteel pen was made in 1830 tho boat pilla mr wm vandervoort sydney csrobs ont w bava been using parmelcoa fills and find them by far the best pills we liave over used tor delfoate and debilitated constitutions these pltls act liko a charm taken in flmall dgaoa tho effect is both a tonic and a stimulant mildly exoilintf the secretions of the body giving tone and vigor that the facsimile signature of ltomotespiesttoicheeirul- ness and resttcontalns neither opnimmorpwne nor mineral not narcotic jtaioitinsamvnri7vixn ilaaealn sui- jbcsmnm kmusja- w- apctfectnemedy for constipa tion sour stomach diarrhoea worms convulsions teverish- npsg and loss of sleep tocsimita signature of ewtetcopyotwbappehi is on the wrapper of evebt bott3le of oastorfa 1b pat tip in onoiuto dottles only it ll not sold la balk dont allow anyono to sell too anytmag elao on the ploa or promuo that it la jmt aa good and will answer overy pur- poifl bco that you got 0 aflt 0 ei a tlu- t aatf -0- 1 aa a goal in heaven may look baak on earth and smile at its past sorrows so even here it may rise to a ophero where it may look down on tho etorm that onco threatened to overwhelm it i liver trouble biliousness ballow com pexiod yellow oyes jaundice eto yield to tho curative powers of laxa liver pills they are euro to euro tho pianoforte waa invented in italy about 1710 athumpinq heart is only one sensation in heart dis ease may be its yours dr agr- news cureforthe heart never falls to give relief inside of 30 minutes i am glad i used dr agnewd cure for the heart the remedy wasa wonder worker my base wab obronio having had muoh uneasiness about tho heart with palpitation more or less sevore since i waa a boy i had abnormal aotlon tbamp tng fluttering and choking sensations i tried many remedies bnt without any bene fit after ubing five bottles all the distrea ing symptoms left me rev l w showers ldertou pa sold by a t brown qcod manners aro a part of good morals and it is as muoh yonr duty as your interest to practice both dont go on dont go on suffering from nervous tronb les that mako strong men weak impot eat and nnablp to do the right thing at the right time all beoiuso the system ib tobacco poleonod wo urge you to teat milburn b heart and nerve pills they will make tho blood pnro and rich tingling with life and energy and tho man who feels old they make young and happy again i look upon the simple and childish virtues of veracity and honesty bb the root of all that is bublime ia character speak aa you think bo what you aro pay 3 our debts of all kinds worms cannot exist erher in ohildren or adults when dr lows worm syrbp is used 25 0 ah dealers in various quarters and in all demon stration the mistake is at times made of introducing improper amusements into the social gatherings whatever lowers the tone of morals or blants the edge of canadian refinement is oat of place among christian young people and should not bo tolerated to artificially bleach the hair will destroy- its growth bnt if the hair iodines to graynesa assist nature to arrest it with halls hair ronewor the chinese invented paper in 170 b c bead ayerfl almanac which yonr druggist will gladly hand yon and note tho wonderfal onrea of rheumatism catarrh scrotals dyspepsia eczema debility tmmorsand aoret by tho use of ayera sarsaparllla the only saraaparilla admit ed at tha worlds fair hit a pfan win 011 floor tho plants were all oat ud the oartaln drawn ao no one saw it that night simon thought lia saw oomethtng or somebody around the boast got op to look oat aud just stepped oat into the plant window andtdglefoot with hta bar feat hsrafod saoh a racket that it woke nearly everyone in the hoose tha minis ter who tun verted him once waa staying wtho if httfoderslood what waitaald fas most have thought ttlilfh lime the job waa done over igaln people nwd to have to take all the flies that oame except what they managed to trap ip a tumbler of soap ads oovtred with m si toe of sweetened bread or muticd between a oouplo of ahlngte ppreadon the pslde with roolas- ei and suspended from the oftillng with a tiiog they lived to a goodl old age then too k i riieai a doseu or two fifes will not hill any ol am now at least i shall never wsfr myself oat chailog after hem simons tife i wan invented ia 1500 iorsoelirl wwb wsiis ilrst construoted in u70 i j the first inoifer matoh was mado in 1820 the coughing and wheezing of persona troubled with bronobitis or the asthma is excessively harassing to themselves and annoying to others dr thomas ecleotrjo oil obviates all this entirely s a rely and speedily and is a benign roroedy for lame ness sores injuries plies kidney and spinal troowcs a woiran hates a question bnt loves to ask one hopeftlqlllllcd the following letter tolls what people think about laxaliver fills dearfiirs i gladly testify to the vir toes of laxa liver tills 1 used to be troubled with severe headaches and consti pation for a long time and took thesa pills hoping for a cure and my hopes were rap idly fulfilled i have found them a never failing remedy and heartily recommend them signed miss s lawson moncton n b by doing nothing we learn to do ill castoria 3or infants and ohildren tksfas alalia lfsttan wu4s ww milbnras sterling hoadaohe powders are easy to tako harmloss in aotion and auro to cure any hoadaohe in from 5 to 20 minutee tight moves 108000 miles per second appetite and streiuuh i have been a viotlm of indigestion and i took medicine without relief i resolved to try hoods sarsaparllla after taking one bottle i found that my appetite waa better and 1 had more strength i am now able to eat heartily without any distress afirward mrs geo klrkpstriok windsor mova sootia hoods pills aura all liver ilia mailed for 25a by g i hood a co lowell mass god never made a law without also making a penalty for its violation no one need fear eholera or any aummer complaint if they have a bottle of dr j d kellogga dysentery cordial ready for nse it corrects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes a bealthy and natural action this is a medicine adapted for the yonng and old rloh and poor and is rapidly becoming tha most popular roedlains for eholera dysentery elo iq the market first make your will i want to see tba editor said the man with a club ia ha in t yes be ia in replied tba intelligent office boy but you bad belter step into the mom adjoining first add ase mr cove hes a lawyer what ou earth do i want to aea a lawyer for t lua editor i band to ase and im going to tbraah him yell thats alright not yod might want fa make your will after you have done with the editor you might not be able lo sound moves at the rato of 713 miloa an hoar fever and aguo and bilious dorange meats are positively oared by the ueo of parmalees lllla thoy not only oleanso the stomach and bowels from all bilious matter bat thoy open tho oxoretory veaeelfl causing tliem to poor copious effusions from tho blood into tho bowels afior which the corrupted mass is thrown out by the natural paseage of tho body thoy aro aeed ae a general family roediolue with tho best results bear head helmetb were common among the american lodtans at tho beglning of this century life dcsroiiuj croup cured gents i have used hagyards y6llow oil in ray family for croup and bronobitis during tbo past 12 yoars and never found it to fall it cures every time i have rooomraendud it to my neighbors and thoy keop it on hand i would not bo without it for auy pnoo mrs hanry warden winthrnp flnt tho rabbit pest in new zealand began with the introduction of sovon rabbits into tbo country about 1sd0 pleabajitassyrup nothingequals it as a worm mediolne the name is mother graves worm nxlormirrutor tbo groat est worm destroyer of tho age nature makes the cures after all now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out thing get started in the wrong direction something is needed to a batrel of pork weighs 200 pounds for internal or oxtornal use hagyards yellow oil oannot bo excollod as a pain relieving and soothing remedy for all pain a peach 183 inches in circumference waa raised iu momfnn county tenu labt season those worrying piles ono application ofdr agnewo ointment will give yon comfort applied every night for three to six nights and a cure is effected in tho most stubborn cases of blind blood ing or itching piles dr agoewa oint ment cnrob eczoma und all itching skin disoasob it aots liko magic s5 cents sold by a t brown system in the right direction toward health scotts emulsion of cod- liver oil with hypophos- phites can do just this it strengthens the nerves feeds famished tissues and makes rich blood- 50c andioo alldruggbta scott howne chemlli toronto glasgow house acton bailway time tabtjj a feature with us this week will be an early shipment or american prints fancy sateens etc just to hand in exquisite designs and perfect color ings which will be cleared during thenext ten days to make room for regular stock exceptionally tasty goods for wrappers and waists prices will range from 8c to ioc worth 12 to 15c henderson fc co ree44ee shops ond warerooms toot oi willow st eees calls attendeid to 4 day or night j a speight fc co undertakers and embaumers acton ont- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniture or all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders loft with j j stin80n rockvvood will receive immediate attention 1 freeeetieeeie we cannot afford lojiat to be wrong it costs money you go to a tailor leave 7 your order then wait after a wearying wait your clothes come perhap the do ts a month sincti oadcfted that suit please cancel my ordeftt have ouqhta suit of 5h0revs ready-to- wcafi clottitng atmalr rvua pmc tho vatioan is the largeet residence building in tho world manacled by acute indigestion wealth would not buy freedom south amorlcan nervine broke the shackles reuben e truax m f millowuor and manufacturer of walkorton oot writos of the great south american nervioe i had been for over ten yeara very muoh troubled with acute indigestion tried many remedies and treatments and got little or no benefit your remedy was recommend od to me i obtatnod great relief from a few doses and whon i had taken only two bottles 1 folt entirely free from my nilmont i strongly recommend it and believo it will care any who may be buffering as f did sold by a t brown not fit or when madeup do not look as yon thought they would when in the piece but if you buy shoreys gffi you are fitted in a jiffy and save from 25 to 50 per cent of your money but are your clothes as good the makers saytliey ate if they are wrong- the dealer is authorized by them to refund your mouej consequently the makers canuqt afford to be wronq see that shoreys duarantee card is in the pocket of every garment crand trunk railway 1101n 1 1 t oin i 1 am maji kjcim mull 0 11 1 1 i i xi rifh i iii 1 xj hhh v lo 1 ii milll i ml i 111 01 cm is 1 mai 1 t 1 11 in und clio 1 11 1111 if i 1 11 11 win in 10 47 n tn ii 1 1 1 111 iu 01 1 11 golmb l golnul hi rilin dim til lo uunt into eltlctoii monilaj nq joth 1w 11 l in man wanted foh ourv uiiocoui iu 1 district 1 cmatla to noil our tilkb unuio canadian grown nursery stock i vory irroond bush nuoran toad fruu from tiun jorjo ecalo li bom tornir to art tlino mon and good wafica to tli obo living ttiulr outlro tlmo to the ork doinnnd for good homo grown and acoll liuruqry stock is ou tlio incrooo apply now ami aocuro rood ground alt ow stock mtariintocthruoto umo or pur cliaso j ricorofiindod e p blaokfobd ft co toronto canada acton saw mills and wood yards j7s7utes broilcn manofaotdbkll and delcen ik zumbtr tath shindies wood jbuo all kinds of wood in block aril promptly dollvorod to any part ol the town at iqasonuuj prices nardwood and slabs out btovo lcimtn alwayn on band tolnpliono comuiuulcatlot your aiaaaaasiaaaaaalssjm portrait have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits h ramshaw acton photo artist brhntf0rd galvanized steel wind mills and towers tor power and pump- jag witft 7n- tarnal covered gear patent roller tnd ball bo wrings maple loaf grttirsl grind9r two iizes for an power dr afmowe liver pilla for sick lioad aoho and liver ilia 20 conta a phial sold by a t brown governor morris wob tho fraraer of the constitution of tho united states xin first moamer crossed the atlantic in 1810 tlio host ever usud meqsrs t milburn co dear sire i oan highly rooommond dr woods norway pino byrap as tho very best modloioe for coorhs and colds sore throat and weak lung which i have ever ubk ifours truly wm terry blenheim ontario gold wab discovered iu california in 1848 this is tho way of it- tho glycerine in scotts emulsion soothes the rough and irritable throat the hjpophosphitoa tono np the nerves and the cod liver oil heals and strengthens the bronchi si tube and nir cells advenlty borrows its sharpest iliug from our impatience vamxa blocd tint of allrat is tftt staitlng poht oa tbeioad to health without it dyspep sia constipation blflousncss headache liver and kidney complaints scrofub ulcers and abscesses thrive and increase ia the human syitcrrj but with pure blood circulating freely these disease cannot fong- remaio there la nothing to keep then there no impurities lor them to feed on birdock blood bitters purifies the blood and drives out all impurities waste end effete nutter more quick and surely than any other remedy if you want pure biood nino hundred and fifty sub marine oables aro now in oporation most of them in europe their total longth is over 8g 000 miles napoleons loss it is said that bnt for an attack of indigestion brought on by over eating napoleon would have won wat or loo groat issaoa depend upon good digestion good digestion depends upon dardook blood bitters two years ago my wife wbb ill with dyspepsia sis bottles of b b b ourcd her and alio hab einco 1 ad no return of the malady wm day rort william ont fwdodt 6foodmbitteaa twlnsina shooting pains mr wm dyson qnolpli ont says my oipcrlonoe with doana kidney ill la proves tliem lo bo a splendid modioins for anyona tronbled with baokaoha or urinary troubles i hni bad palua iu my baek and hooting pains all over my bodi together with dlssiuosa and sleeplessness throngh the naa of ddans kidney pills i am now entrely cared and feel braced up and aa yonng aa i ever was in 1u60 richard 11 boing in financial distreas pawned 1ib orown and regalia for a loan of 10 000 thoro nevor wae and novor will bo a universal panacea in ono remedy for ail ills to which flesh ib hoir tho vory nntoro of many curatives loing bnoh that were storm clouds mora at tha rata or thirty- all miles per hour the germs of other and differently seated diseahoa rooted in tho system of tho pationt what would rolievo ono ill in torn would agoravato tho other we have however in quinine wino when obtained in asonnd unadulterated stato a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judicious uae the frailest systems are loh into con valeacenoe and atrength by tho inflqonoo whloh q exorta on natnroa own restoratives it rolieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chrouio stato of morbid despondence and iaok of intorest in life is a disease and by tranijnilizlng the nerves disposes to sound and rofrosh ing sleep imparts vigor to the aotion of the blood whloh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions ot the system thereby making aotlvlty a necessary result strengthening tha frame and giving life to the digestive organs whloh naturally demand increased sotstance result im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto have given to i ho pnblio their quinine wine at tho uaual rate and gosged by the opinion of scientists this wipe approaches nearaat perfection of any in tho market all drncglsta so it hrbyou in business for business no t has io inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8 inch single burrs both havo ball beiring burr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use wo make pntent roller and bilf bear ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in tho market best material iig h t c s running send for illtistritcd catalogue brantfordcan john jufquesn acton agent for abfive also roit frost and wood blndors atjxl mowers a full lino ot all kinds of farm implements and repair3 ifyouhadan opportunity of addressing i ooo people in a hall with ihe prlnlege of delivering an address on your business and the wares you sell you would be apt to mike that address as interesting as possible so that your hearers would listen and you profit by it it is just the same with an adcrtiacment in the free pkess you hive the privilege oi talking every week to thousands of people and if you aro selling honestgocdaanrrtel lite op about them in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit wo stand ready and willing it nil limes lo assist our pat rons in preparing iheir advertisements 1 yes give them assistance that would cost from is to jjo if n city ad- crlising expert were consulted and do it free of charge but bear in mind that no man can get out is good an ndtertlaement for ypur business ns you can youkhow all the little details the goods you bought at a birgnin ind all that just drop in and hae a talk about it the free press acton ont canada aftoojfar amrtnritwiu jiinerkji month f i fuiivlrnll nprtnr ottoo f bt wfwhlnflton c l