Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1898, p. 1

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ht stn volume xxiiino it acton ontaeio thuesday lie15ruaity a 1898 price tnree cents ik rublihuj d- every thursday morning at 1he free prcbs steam printing ofllce viilfc stiibet aoton ont trnaib ov sdhuoiuptios oho dollar lior joar strictly in advance all mhaoriptlonb discou tlnuod whon tho tluio for which thoy liavo boun paid bah oxilrod luo dato to which ovory aubseriptlon ispald 1b douotcd oh tlio addrubh label auvbhtihino iijltps tranblout advertlso- uiants 10 coutaior nouparollliuo for first lu- dortion 3 ooutb per lino for oaob buuboquout usortlon optfxjuat iutkb tbq following tablo shown our jatce for tlio iuaortlou of advortiaeuiontafor poolflod porlodb school supplies scribblgb ex0rcise st orthnciisc books evxaa 1tr 0 mq 3 110 luo 20 luoaoq v 10 laotaoa ff inoboa llnota 860 00 83 0o 20 00 600 sj5 00 90 00 uoo u50 6b0 0o 11 no 700 9 00 7 0o aoo 950 10o advertieopionta without bpoclflc dirootiono will be lusortad till forbid ana charged aocord- ngly tranalont advertisements must bo paid n aavanco advorttaomonta will bo changed onco each month if doalrod i or chaiiroa of tenor thm enoe a month tho composition muat bo paid tor at rogulai ratea ohangos for contract advortlaomonta must be tbe offlco by noon on tueedaja accounts payoblo monthly n pmoore editor and proprietor the books required in the collegiate and public schools a fulljock at days bookstore guelpli -the- traders bank of authorized capital 8 i 000000 day sells cheap witeittm jdirerforp medical j f urln m d o m offlco and residence cornor mill trodoriolc 8 1 recta acton as elliott m d m b acton gtniddatt touonto university offloe maiu btruot third door eoutli or prosbytorlan church aoton tr dryden eye ean throat and nobe bicloan a block douglas et near p o gueijph office houns 10 am tolpm and 3 to 0 p m bondaxb 10 am tolpm veterinary surgeon a lfred p husband v s graduate of tbo ontario votorlnary college honorary member of tbo votorlnary medical sooioty office wm husband a lot 34 con i naas agawoyo calls day or night promptly attended to oiiri pn i business college uuclrn shorthand institute bookkeeping penmanship shorthand typewriting and actinl office work a specialty write for circulars gualph j sarp principal acton saw mills and wood yards manutaotuimh and dsalbb in lumber lath shingles wood eto dental ll bennett l d s dentist oeoroetown ontario dr f s mercer dentist oradu to of toronto university and rods 001 co over drug storo acton vistwho days thursday and piiiday jm bell dds lds dentist biiookt ille honob gbaduatb op tononto unrvkiuuty work mado satisfactory prlcos moderate visitinq data taobday and friday of eaok wek je k g h cook dentist cor collogo bt and bpadlna avo tononxo will vlelt acton on tho first and third bat ur day of each month office- gnow a hotel all kiuda of wood in stock and promptly delivered to any part of tho town at reasonable prlooa hardwood and slabs out btovo lougtb always on band tolopnono communication guelph branch sutna of si and upwards received on deposit and highest current rnto of interest paid or compounded jiftlf yearly deposit raieipts msucd for largo bums deposited advaucoa mado to rpaponaibto farmers on tboir own names no charge made for collecting 3alea notoa if payable in guelph a goneral banking business traubactcd a 1 it jones m nungcr jjaptrri till iitati agtftfec cyrus kent wash day worries are materially lessened if the housewife has all the little helps she needs hundreds of women would never twist tliejr wrists in hand wnnging another hour if they knew the many advantages of one of our clothes wringers if not satisfactory bring the wringer back and gee your money sunsavfngs and loan go head office toronto ont authorized capital 5000000 00 ten yeir maturity shares are paid in monthly inslalmentb of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 860 00 pud in maturity aide 8100 00 money to loan at 5 straight loin or repayable in monthly instalments on apph cation to rj mcnabb agent aoton robtnoble the hiijliim pita fur m oleaniclean jsarrliterb solicitors notaries conveyancer io frirate funds to loan offlco town hall aoton wm a mclean jno a molean a j mackinnon babbi8teh soiiloiton conveyance on ice mill street in mattbowd block u t q mathesqn t j b moleod i ajuubteba fiolicirobs conyeyancerb goorgotown and milton monoy to loan at lowest ratos r 3 monabb olerki fourth dlvlalon court county of hal on oonvoyancor agent b iro and lit 0 absuranco ucal estate agent monoy to loan etc ofcvice lerryinau sulock actolt ont miscellanso us el enby qrmt ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invontlon oto proparoa applications for tho canadian amor lean and europoan 1atent offices and for tbo bohlatratlon of trade marks bond for paxn pbiot thirty two yeara oxporlpnco toibancis nunan a bookbinder wyndbam st guolph ontario over wiluambbtorp account books of all kinds mado to order periodlcalsof ovory description oarofullybouna bulinrnoativanfl promptly done m abriage licenses n f moorte ipflnup ov manniaob licknsea frlvatoofllcn no wltueaaoarcqairod loaned resldepiwi in tbo ovonlng froo proas ollee aoton 3won6y fmiubsiis u yon wih to roduco your lntcrot or seonro a antela loan of mouoy at low inttroit anil on oay tarrnn of rotifunom sail on mo i make a ipoalalty or lending money and nave plonty of fund i alw loud on vlllabo property w c jackson comvhtanobu amd monklt lkndbn orncn wynduam bt noar city nail quelpll vtelllngton mutual fire insurance company enuuroid imo insobakob on oaiu and mntnal plan anj oommnuloatlon forwardod to my adjrosr box 0i or tolophono 68 will bo promptly at tended to tavlob abeot ouolpb w m hemstbbet ltob1fbxn aootiok kor tbo ooanllei of wellington and ijalton order left at tue finn fbb offloo aoton or atmyreeldeneeln aoton will be promptly at tendodlo feoi rodueed to 8 00 fob farm bauds alio money to loan on the root fannbla ami and at the lowait rate of interut ill umiof moand pwarda man wanted fob ererr nnooonpled dutrlot in oankda to veil onr blab grade canadian grown mnraart stock bvery tree and bmh ratran med trai from han jote toale ebeial term to part uma mon and sood wan to tbom glrlm thlr entire time to tbe w demand for good home grown and leell mated nnnory took i on tpo inoreaao apply now and ioouro rood ground all onr toov gnaranteed trae to name or pur ohaie prloo refunded p bla9kfobd co toronto ounda wheat peas oats barley at the warehouse acton station flour bran shorts seeds all at acton flour and teed kinds of peed store try norval flour the d family fluut fa llie maik frank harri8 v manager the limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long all cast parts have our name and address in full on them sec that you fid them it will pay you the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in tbe market ruaranteed to cut 20 tons an hour and delher 40 feet full line of straw cutters and root pulpera roller bearings all kinds of wheelbarrows the wilkinson plough company limited toronto the jlspemcpe- boy usually knows how to kick and stamp out his shoes in very quick order just now in tho language of thobdytitmself woliavo go the bulge on him in tho shape of a stock of shoes that for wearing quilitics cannot be beaten and the price is very low we have not forgotten the older heads cither having put in a large and varied stock to suit all require ments and all purses come in and see cm w williams tlio old reliable boot and shoo dealer mill st aoton j m bond co hardware dyspepsia positively cured by mckees dyspepsia powders miny dyspcpsk remedies hae been discovered ind offered to the public is cures that hdve filled but if ou arc wiyspepilc ind hae tried many of thebe o called cures with repeated fiilure don t gic it up and settle down to a life of misery just when this greit boon is within your reich there is no other dib ease which brinflg so rrnny other derangements of tho sjstcm to dyspcpia are due cry often all such conditions as sick headache sleep lessness heartburn biliousness nausea constipallon tmndice and liver complaint thcse powders give dscided relief from ihc first and fvqnrpn refi i dlfilsilvc organs to their ordinal healthy con dition now don t be a skeptic try them and be convinced only 50c a box 2 j powders manufactured and sold only by j d mckee chemist acton the little trifles that help brighten up 1 room such as taney chini unci brae c are found in grcu anety in our store wall papers pictures picture frames mouldings and such requisites are leaders with us thl price we think hc closest biiier will be pleased with our values watertbros st georges square guelph winter is here and oooper akins aro well prepared for it having just opened a flno new etook of olotlis epeoially suitable for winter suitings winter overcoatings c wo have a very flno assortment id all lines since commenoiptf buainees lu aoton wo have had assurance from hii cuatomcrs that tho garments turned out by us have ftiven entire uatin faction from all btandpointa fit stylo prices and enduring qualities yoor paironsgo is solicited cooper akins main btrett aotoq the campaign prepare for winds we would call jour attention to tho fact that wo aro prepared to euppry yon with lumber of suitable length for year barn doors viz 10 12 10 or 14 feet also sash boors frames mouldinqsr eto for building storm doors pot up at as low a rate ae possible repair yoor pumps or put in now once before it too cold wi oak do n t shop at foot of river street acton th03 ebbace man ax or aoton machine and repair shops rbniiy onindbll proprietor ann well equipped with all tlis inaoliloflrv ueaosaary tooxeuto alt roplr to macliln or andgrimi1turahmplononlind to do all kind of stoam nttlnff homo ihooliifland nnaral blaokamltlilnb u woouwork roplri mrforuiotl in a attlafaotorjf manner wa eax repair and maehlne oi iniplomont of any mnko saw gummlnr and filiitn donu vyillteultifb it muat bnvtj liu a twenty years ago sonco bam iilack act to mo j cy kont ia a gittlucrary jtol wolltliot he is bojj lir hub wont an gouo riht off his head why what bos ho douo i bob i donul tain t no ono but aorazy man iwoald ovor go an buy ivo buudrotl of joung oourchurry tooa an sot oui out in rows up onto tbat stony rltlgo of his wboro notblu ovor growa dxcoptlu bomoquaok an joliqswort hosssorrol an goldou rod lluthorotbls oruprooioui luuatlou bon tearln up tho sod an plautluit outti oburrlos it a notion that borfgot an holl follor out bis notion to hta ruin llko aa not 1 ur blaok knot au cat a plllors an tbom worm 8 that oata up fcult will take in his llttlo oburry troon an cy kout a caal to boot nur it vvaau t ouly dlaok alono who lowed that ivout was raali b ur wo al uvod on an waltod fur to aoo him go to bmaali jjutnovor a bit wopld that kent smash as wo all thought ho would tho each of us agrood with him fur to show him wheroho btood ijut lio etill kep on a plantln applos ohurrloq liluuis and peara jca u mlneiin hlu own bin ness tondln to his own alfatra wblol wasdigglu pruntn trltnuiln 800 mod bis work wasuovor dooo turbo wont to fortuizlu an with bomothln like a gun was aarjulrtiu pizoned water which ho said would kill tho bugs burculiarb cat a pillars aulmalouleraaudbluga hut whou ho got ronnd to fungios in a eon tldontial toao thou it was too much wo fled an loft that lunatic alouo which wovo bon a dolu sonoo then fur wo could 11 1 bco tho bonao ofhisbuyin bono an potash au his goln to cxpouao dolu bouiothlu that hla father nor hlanolghbors never douo dut this mild lunatic workod on an lot ua havo our fun woll of lato yoara its bon whlsiiorad that kent wunt crnty qui to that of churrloa poars au applos ha wai sslllu of a hight an wo niut lil m joggln homaward anmmor ovonlus oil tbo road with a atack of empty baskota aftor markottn a load fur bo bod a ion j to tnarkot purty naariy ov ry duj an it vvabii t vory long boforo tbo fplks begun to eay- cy kent is a glttln woalthy ho ho li now did j oil bear wlij bin income from bis orchards la two thou sand ovory j oar orcftt hcottl yas sir lot mo toll you what i heard ol sam iilack flay that kent could draw his cbeok fur twonty thousand auydav au that aamo ol moddllu rascal d usod his nolgbbors fur a tocl to ad ortiso fur fifteen yoars that ov kent fur a fool au now sonco oy boa got thero with his brains an by hla pluck this eauio ol blaok goes a tellln ronnd it s only cy kent a luck sktltct yamilg jkaing rtonville when i can road my ti tlo clear to man that s tbo third limn tbia morning becky mursha sodk had oome to an abrupt end with the exclamation alio hoisted herself laboriously from the high long seat of her loom and crawling under neath with difficulty she patiently fixed a refractory treadlo baok again in an in secure socket this accomplished with mndry grants and groans she swung herself bsok to her seat nnd took np again both shuttle and aong- alona in the skies 1 11 hid faro well to ov ry fear and xtlpo ray wtop ing otob well miss march yon neednt oonnt on doing tho first it yoa keep on with that work id that you dr boebe 8ho craned her neck aroand the post at her side to soe tho figure standing in tho wood h on bo door way yes and i warn yoa that a woman who has just bad a apellof rheumatism in the shoulder had better ask to keep her fears with her awhile for she stands a pretty good chance of wiping her weeping eyes a good many ticaos especially jf she is bound to keep pounding on an old loom you aint obliged to ridicule old orton- villo if yoa dont approve of the work miss marsh turned back grimly to her work oh i havo a high respect for orton- villo if i hadnt yon would make me have for yoa are always staging it and i dont disapprove of tho work its tbe worker two red pump cteak bnmp 1 miss march had darted ono qaiok fdance at him as flho oousaltod her stripe stick before she bent tho shuttle flying through tho warp ehiftcj he treadles and beat np vigorously tbe last thread of wool into place tirerrbtnroartly answered 1 1 cant slop my weavlnjast toaaityour notion you will moit likely have to stop to suit that shoulders notion bones aud muaolo arent always polite enough to say by your leave i tell yon my shoulders most well a little eqtunge now an then and ive got a yarn carpet and a hit anmlts sides nothor striped one to gst oat after thia 1 just cant stop get some one to help yoa thats all a man knows boat it what help could i get id hks to know who knows anything abont my weaving thero aint a soul in barberry that conld make an even stripe let alone get tin warp on to that beam teaoh some one then yonll have it to do yoa are overdoing mind whati say miss marsh looked at him with fine bcorn in her eyes who would i teaoh perhaps you know of some one that d like to tako weaving irssonv there is boiuo one dr beebe stam mered under the suspicions plernfng glance she gave him and dropped duwn uninvited on the bench by the door blurt ing out as he did so miss marsh jor dans wife is dead bump bnmp one green creak bump bump 1 miss marsh set her lips sternly and beat the one thread lnton almost invisible lino of color i heard it she finally snapped tbroagh set tebtli and ihertis his girl pursued dr boebe bending over to luv hia hut down upon tho floor with an ulr ot bottled deter mination that didnot cenapo mihs marshs notice look bore dr bcobe miss marsh turned about ou tlio old oakm seat you know wooldnt hate ono of jordan marsh a cbildron in tho houto no moron jd havo bo much pien when jordan married that otrcub girl and went alowin hi washed my bauds othim and all that belonged to him fer odoo au for all bat wo cant wash our handd of fluty very well persisted tlio doctor hravely he was your ball brother j dont i know that aint tbat what im ashamed of sbo curtly anawerod roaohing forward to sot down the warp from tbe beam and deliberately winding ap a finished length sacli sin n follys he followed after i no sir wo mot just ouco after that he took his way and tbo words wo had will stand twixt us forover his oiraas wifes as good as i wo a ho rose to go with an air of sudden in difference if i could get a decent one that woald learn 1 dont know as id mind it for a spell anyway i goose i oonld reol rags and make quilt b ah e observed somewhat raol hfled at tbo abandonment of the nnpleaeant theme im not achin for another tour of rheumatic ill bond one over if i oome across a good strong one he answered nothing in the world keepb you at that but your everlasting will should oarth agalubt my boui engage miss marsh smiled grimly aa bhe poured out the scoond stanza in jerky accompani ment to her labored movements and watehod the doctor as ha et ratio dowu to tbo gate it was not a pleasant sabjoot that dr boebe had brought up why should he not have left it alono what right had ho to mix in family t roubles if he was a doc tor jordan marsh had been a willful disgrace to the family and she tbo iabt one of thn marshes oho eaid to herself was not going to condone his misdeeds because he happened to bo a half brother she was sure too that she was in tho right and aa long as fiio kept her ponees she would have nothing to do with thorn oatch her giving up now i let this she bad never seen her keep to her spangles and tights her lips drew into harder lines as alio thought of it deapilo the anfr however alio oonld not still tho thought that her brothers child was homeless she worked the harder as she thought and at noontiroo she looked at tho glowing roll upon tho boam with considerable oomplaceuoy not a sleezy yard in it she remarked as ahe stopped onoo more lo lot down moro warp i detebt sleeky work and sleezy folks alio panted with tbo exertion re currmg again to tho nnpleaeant topic and if dr beebe tlnuksl en going to bo brow beat into ivin in and taking ono of tho tribe be just don t know decky marnh yet bhe emphasised her determination with a last decided twist of tho crank as sbo r up t but slit dropped it abruptly with a b mothered cry and caught her right arm with her left hand it had oome and no mistake there was no use of trying shecoald norrmao her arm to save her j she crawled off tho seat holding it piteously as she eropt oat of the loom room while ortonvilto lumbered on halt iagly almost mockingly through her brain and a tor uis of sorrotv fall as she hovered over tlio kitchen stove with the vain hope that tho heat might assnage the pain she wondered for a mo ment if he oonld really echo iho mean log of old ortonville after all sbo even vagno ly began to ponder wbolber she had not b u t l tu dr beebes advice 8ho groaned in despair ab the pain noted over her slioatder down her arm stopping to tweak vloiously her elbow joint before proceeding lo her finger tips with exasperating decorous dnllnebb her old enemy was indoed upon her and by tbe end ot an hoar biio was in a btato of savao debperaton as eho said to herself that if dr beebe know of anybody he oonld send she wished ho would hurry np and do it she did not hoar lbo timid knook at the door as she hnddled closer to tho stove groaning nor did she nolo that tho door was pushed open miss marsh dr boebo said bo thought you wanted a girl miss marsh started at tlio yoioethjt reached her ears and caught at tho dear oheery tone as a drowniug man at a btraw she turned painfully abont and saw a robust young girl hesitating 011 tho three bold no thought about it i do tho pain only made her voice moro rasping come in and tell mo what you can do im handy at anything they say sbo answered with a modest flash as bbo camo forward removing her bonnet as bhe bpoke somebody handy about everything was miss manhs crying want just then and a fiji ialauder poaaesfled of enoh qualifica tions would have stooi a fair ohnnco of securing an engagement miss mitral therefore did something that eho never coald account for under way reabon other than aouto rheumatic dementia bho asked no further qnoatlon see if j on can mako a flaxseed ponllloo first thing im goln to try horoio mras ares at tbo start ive no notion of boin floored for a month dawdlin long with csmp liniments an floch the shoulder was toon swathed doftly in a hot mushy affair tho big chair was bronght out and rriido eomforuble with cushions the kltoheu lil tor was cleared up and the girl bat fashioning tlannel bags filled with salt and kep hot i ahould not wonder if we could not get it right out she had tugecu 1 itwas then in thlull of painthatmies marsh bethought heroelf of her unheard of omission i haint a muuh hu ashed you our name she sud dyddy wan the a swer as tho girl stopped to pick up sumo 1 ieoes dyddy who what maam murmured lyddy nervously as she ralael herself from the floor watt eh lyddy watt humph i lyddy was my mother name she mas ed b pose youre relation to the wattses over on the inlet wei she continued i like the first part in i aint got no call to qaarrel with tother lyddy do you think j on coald manago to weavo if i could manage to show jou hpw i expeofc sos toon as i got tho kusok i mos know i could looking up eagerly with crimson chocks she got tho kuaok surprising quick miss marsh horaolf admitted in less than a week sbo oonld sond tho shuttle through tbe warp with uuorriug aim and rapidity sbo easily conquered tho fow mcobanicsl movomenlb aud miss marsh was forood to confosb as well that tho strong young arms could beat up tho threajs as cloaoly aa bho herflelf tbon miea marsh aat down to think again tho ehoaldor was improving with such holp ho could dispenso with dr beebes services thero would be no need lo strain that contrary member of her body lyddy was aloneno near rol ativoa to speak of bhe had elicited that muob sho was not given- to prying into matters outsfdo and was satisfied with what the girl had told her and her own conoinbion8 that she bad oomo of good btaok tho wattbes wero all deaent pooplo if they were poor she folt a new senbation too she liked lyddy she began to think that here might be one who would booomo a prop to her in her old ago lyddy was not giddy thon camo tbo other idea that with lyddy near hor sho woqld have4be satisfaction or knowing that no strolling olronb folkfiiwbald have an opportunity to got a pins worth from her sho would not own to herself that it was a pang other than rbeumatlo that caused hor to heave a sigh ab bho thought what might have been if jordan bad only con dnoted his marnago affairs so that now sho would not bo shut off for all blood rela tions for the thought of jordans daugh ter somowhero in the world alone would obtrudo itself bat be had made his bed she dcolared to horaolf and sho fortified herself anew with her oftrepeated assertion that what sho bad said sho bad said and she was fixed as tho everlasting bills she would have nothiug to do with them sho grew fixed npon something oibo the bright faco bending cheerily over tho big baikat of rags sorting out for the next carpet bo wisely was a pleasure to look upon miss marsh oven bad hopes that tho mysterious prtjoass ot warping might be accomplish ed through ber without much delay yes lyddy should stay it bho would no one need mention jordans folks again with this determination she found hcrhelf burn ing aa lyddy worked at tho loom auduot a wavo of trou bio roll elor oong was interrupted as onco before dr beebe stood m tbo doorway smiling upon her im glad miss mrah to see jouve reached that btate i knew jou would if you would only let voureelf do tho right thing if by the ribt thing you moan getting somebody wbo has sense enough to wiave i bpoeo i did come in you havent been near biuoo tho day yoa sent lvddy here but i dont need your dootonn thankd to her weirrim willing to resign praotioo on you moro than willing in his case and glad that youve overcome yoor aenseloab prejudice against jordans girl jordans girl i itd lyddy watts sho gasped its lyddy jordan your niece said dr beebe firmly for the moment miss marsh felt that everything had returned to chaos like a flash oame baok hor own qnory as to the name her own inferential blunder was clear what was queer she coald not ma a tor ap a eingle harsh fooling toward tbe child instead she folt au increasing anger against bereotf why bad tbo old bocky marsh not up what sho was going to do over what the new becky marsh had determined upon thon she found hor tonguo dr beehe mobt not see her we i didnt know it was his girl she said etillly if i had shed never set foot in here an what ive said i stick to i dont expoot to give an inoh well miss marsh dr boebo had not seated himself and now ho stepped outbide there he stood and finished bluntly ive always said yoa needed doctoring for some thing else than rheumatism and yon do you need something to draw that stubborn will or youre and if what ive got doesnt do it i give yoa ap itll bo like a spanish fly blibtor i suppose but 1 cant help it say what youre goin to an done with it eaid miss marsh braoing herself ap figuratively speaking sb tbe doctor paused at tho bound of lyddy 0 fresh joung voice which camo to them from the loom room beyond becky mason if you let your brothers oliild go bomoless just becausu youve bet up that youll have nothing to do with any thing of hip yoa need nover expect to read your title olear to maubions in tho bkios as tho words of the hymn floated luto them good day miflb marsh was alone tho audacious doctor was driving from tho gate boforo sho realized it the stoady swing of the loom outside was ho only sound except tho od tune as lyddys voioo swayed in it with her work sbo mast face it now had eho dona right was thero any re n boo why aho eliould hold to the old will in tho matter dr boebos warning came again and again as lyddy a tones roso and fell lyddy was her own kin sho liked hor tho girl did look hko jordan oome to think of it sbo had liked jordan thoro was a time when tho froakloi faced tow headed half brother had thought 111 world of hia sister bcoky lyddy aud he had named her after their mother tbo sho suddenly gulped down a sob what a fool i am eho atraigbtonod herself up sternly should earth a gain at my aoul ougago a nd flo ry darts bo hurlod thon j can smile tvt edtati a rago and faco a frown ing world lyddye voice rang out joyously above tho loom clatter misb marsh listening dropped her face in hor hands then she rose unsteadily she opened the wood shed door lyddy marsh t bho called abruptly maam i the girl at the loom dropp ed the shuttle in consternation as her narno was emphasized by her aunts lips sho looked up beseeohiugly lyddy marsh this is to be your home horesfter yoa and iro are all thats left an its wont be ray fault if things dont go right twist us b nobody ever knew how much that speech coat miss marsh but she was oonsofoas that shofrjt moro than repaid for the sur render whon lyddy springing from her sent throw her arras about her with the words i did so want to oome to yojti aunt beaky miss marsh eveu sent for dr beebe ho mot hor wnli a provoking bmik sho anawerod her interpretation of it btforo bo could bpeak oh i aint tho first one that sings loud ly boat fnom a frowning world an aint got nuff spunk to fuoo their ownsolves on a moral question well you can bmilo sinoorely now ho replied really misa marsh your attack of rheumatism was the best thing for your will after all rhoucojtiz hadnt anything to do with it eho oqntonqod bat with aoftoncd tones id juh6 got eod to understand ortonville newyork independent just as he put it modest pooplo should havo a oare if carried to an extreme modesty is liable to become ridiculous ab in a case reported by tho st louis qtobtdemocrat years ago a member of the indiana legislature in a brand now runt of broad cloth and a silk hat gold headed aano and whito lawn tie wandered up into tho banc turn of tbe courier journal stood around in a libtles way looked ovor tho papers went down atairs and camo baok several times he wab asked to take a beat which he declined elaborately and ended by drawing his chair in a confidential way up to the roundabout mans desk couldnt you ho eaid put in the papor that i am at tho gait houao with my bride and just flin in something about my being a prominent iudiaoaian i dont care tho least bit at all about this sort of thing mjfiolf but yon know tbo women do i want fifty copies of the papor eont to this addrobs he laid down two dollars and a half grinned got rod 10 the face said good morning and vanished next morning hu read that mr john huckleberry requests us to say that ho is at tho gait ho u so with bis bride that bo ia a prominent member of tho indiana legislature and that he himself personally caroa nothing for newspaper notoriety but that a society note would bo very gratifying to mis huckleberry he udded that ho wanted fifty copies of tho papor for diatri bution to his constituent a im or a uonnir v jl t1udj in 111 iii 1 1aiub lart 1 1 hu ijouuut a bit of foundation uu hy au joui baud hows of ribbon an 1 jaeo wiru uufllclont to mul o tin m htand a handful of lobott a vul u bund it lacks but ouu ciownuif iiilll lart j tholilrd a chirp a twit tor a llnib of wlua pour wldo open mouths in a nout rrom morning till night tthu briud and briogti 1 or growing birds they uro hungry things ay i hungry tblugb at tho beat tho crack of a rlllo a shot woll npod a criniboa btalu on tbq grans fpur hungry birds in a uott unfd ah well wo ujji loavo tho rout unsaid bo mo lhlngs it wore hottci to pas part j tho wooror tho lady has buroly a beautiful fact bho has curoly a quotmly air tbo bouuot had 11 o worn and llbbou aud laco but the bird has added tho cionuiuf braco it ia really a cb arming affair is tho lovo ol a bonnet euprouio over all lu a lady bo fauitlubsly fair i tho 1 athor takes hood wbou tbo sparrows fall flo hoars wbou tbo starving nestlings call can a tyudor woman not caiiv subas e gammon b srie used the pass a genial chicagoan who for obvious reasons does not care to have his namo printod on this occasion secured a parlor car beatbnau express train for indianapolis a few dayn ago und as ho wad about to pass through tho gatos was surpriaod to hear himself acaotted in fomimno tones with tlio somewhat startling quedtion please mister could i borrow yoa for a whilo looking uro mid ho found two buxom women who hasitattnly explained that they were rid ng on a pibtt imtdu out in tho name of a gentleman and his wife and hh the gentlemau waa not present they want ed the genial looking citizen to placo his bongbt ticket at tho dnpasi of one udy and4kethsothor one under his wing while he peraouated tho ahtent owner of tho pass whh if fy mtfi niqnirih an inward qualm leat hia own absent better half should over bear tho story yoa oin take your oholco air said tho lady in search of an escort and ho prompt ly did bo by taking tho arm of tho younger and fairer one under hte own and leading her into tbe oar the ooaplo proved to bo right jolly travelling companions aud the citizens only regret in the transaction was due to a fear tbat tho story might leak out and get home ahead ot him the bible and death the bible deals largely with life and very little with death it has much to bay about tho present probationary state nnd wbut fnllnwh mh 1 a mnmnntnry experiencethe gateway from time to eternity he who is ready for tho trans for finds the portal to heaven the inspir ed record tells of thn deoda and services of the saint bat earns up his exit in very brief bat significant terms according to the old tebtament he was gathered to his fathera and in tbo new testament ho fell ou sleop wo talk aboat tbe mystery of death bat he who meets lifeb duties aa a christian enterr no strange land but goes to be with christ which ie far better gods heroes are not so maob those who die bravely and nobly as those who live bravely and nobly tho character of ones departuro depends npon tbo char acter of his living if we want to get the best out of the hour of bodily dissolution we mubt first get tho boat out of onr hfos lease which thon terminates a lovers note a young gentleman whoso gallantry and pecuniary means wore by no moans com raensorato arranged with a gardener to lot him havo a bouqaet from timo to time in return for his oast off clothe one day bo received a bunch ot beautiful roao whioh be at onoo eont off to hia fiancee in iiaro anticipation of a friendly welcome he called at tho houso of thn lady tho eamo evening ahdwaa not a little surprised at the frosty reoeption which ho met you sent me a noto lo day tho yoang fady remarked after a paueo in tho rnoat frigid tones i a note ho inquir ed in blank astonirthment certaiuly along with a nosegay to bo sure i sent you a nosegay and thoro was this note iueide do jou still mean to denj it with ihobo words she handed iho dum founded swaiu a sorap of paper ou whioh thrrfoh wu written duut- forget tho old trouaora you promised mo the other day i 111 abraham lincolns auto- graph editors will appreaialo the following sentiment abraham lincoln onoe roooivod a letter asking for a sentiment nnd bis autograph he replied dear madam when vou auk from a stranger what is only of interest to yourself always enclose a atamp thero s your aontlmont and boro la my autograph a iilhooln one to the barber bco no crowded barber bhop eater castomor who seeing a friend being shaved addressed tbe barber with i did not know yoa shaved monkeys barber yes sir take a seat youre next the roars of laughter allonood tho funny one so affectively that he left hurriedly if you feel wcok dull and discouraged you will find abotthjof hoods ssrssparlla will do jou wonderful good success in striking titles tho value ot a btnking title to an articlo or story is understood by no american periodical eo wall as the ladtee home journal writis a new york correspondent it has mado ita litlcs famous by their uniqueness ite sulo talks with girls heart to heart talks and unknown wives of woll kuown men havo been ridiculed and paraphrased from ono end of tbo country to tho other but it hae all been gnat for tho philadelphia periodical juat now tlio title of tho inner lxpor lenco of a cabinet member h wife ib attracting attention julia magrtidors now love story is given the title of a heaven kmsing hill taken from shako epeare real but who but iho journal would have thought of it 7 minim craw ford b new story is called the dead smile a title good enough to acll any story the men i never married ia tacked to a new b nei tho man under thirty fi to made tho reputation ot lilian bell in this magtziuo my literary passion under which mr uaivella vvroto in tho journal served at onco to attraat attention julun huwthorno sends u atrong story to tho magazine but with a poor title it is immediately re christened there aro 110 wolves in ireland yut each titlo adopted b oils clever maauiu utb the story and u really tho i et cuption for it a minibter of tho world started hint btory on 1u buoacha mr btueher ns i knew itira was au itnuiitab o title for mrs boecher s memoirs of her husband the gentleman who is going to d10 ia tho caption for a forthcoming story by clara morrtii talk about etovofliesaiur titlee what maiume lu epch a postmaster in the art a i the ladtn home journal 1 dud a newspaper man knows bow didiault una art of titlo ma ing is but nothing is so valuable in attracting tho eyo of tho publio sits down to walk tho webteru ludiaos though not fond of work do not approve ot indolont whito men tho heap good white man 14 tho whito man who works hard and to ait by and watch him as ho toils seems to afford them never failing pleaaqro some young warriors of tho blaokfoot tribo sat ono day watching a group of laborers who wero constructing a grado for a branch railway in montana they were commenting upon tho workmen and thoir work when a b fi they iad seen oamfl riding along tho newly completed grade ho had got off tho train at the last station and was going to tho fort a little farther on the indians watched tho wheelman without a word until ho passed boyond a knoll whioh hid him from view then they evpressed thoir bentimonts concerning him no good whito man ono remarked no answered another with great acorn heap l7y white mau sits down to walk good intentions many a good intention dies from matton uon if through carelessness or indolence or solflbhuoss a good lutention is not put into effect wo havo lost an opportunity demoralized oorscives andntolen from the pile of posbiblo good to be born and not fed is to perish to luuuoh a phip and neglect it is to iobo it to havo a talent and bury ft is to bo a vviokcd aud slothful servant for in the end wo shall be judged not alone by what no havo done but by what wo oould havo done sunday school tinua diamond dyes are the only safe and pure dyestuffs oar logiblatord have a lop tod stringent laws against fond adutoraltoi and as a rfsult our pooplo havo been hentilttud and all classes of our population get bolter valuo for their money it would bo a boon to the tvomou of canada if tho adultera tion act applied to pacloigo dyca for homo dyeing dyestuitd are now used in tens of tho a sands of home a und too frequently valuable goods utiil materials aro spoiled by uso ot adultoratcd dyes thut should be prohibitod by law tho diamond dyes fur long yoars havo given tho most complete sutiflf action they ure the only reliable pure nnd fust dyes now before tho publio tho only pack age dyes that can stand tho moat crucial teats diamond dyes aro eold byall up-lo-date- druggihta and dealers if jou nicot a deal er who reoommetida some olher mako of dye pauso before you buy from him suou a dealer is working only for big profits ho has no regard for your aucoosu and comfort other blobsingd may bo taken away but if wo have acquired a good frioud by good- noss wo have a bleating which improvos in value when others full it is even height ened by sufferings few consumptive belle vo they are in danger till medicine ia of little avail ayers cherry pectoral taken hi tho early stages lias prevented furthor progress of the disease and saved many a life at any staga of phthisic ayers chorry teoloral affords great relief

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