Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1898, p. 3

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hie hank of hamilton head office hamilton- capital all paid up i 25000000 roeervo fund s 72500000 total assets 084678 45 nearly tuu hllllouu of dollura board op directors ohn stuaht y lruuluunt iaoru a q liamhay vlooliunldunt the news at home mostly or a looal charaotor and overv itom intorotttlns luotltoacii john iuocron a t wooi a d lhk toronto wll fjflibos ml tullnuulij cashier ii 8 steven anst cavulor h u watbtsnldbiiootor georgetown acncy a general banking business transacted motes of- responsible farmers discounted andspeciol attention fjiven to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper enerauy js rafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britainbought and sold savings department i deposits bfjfti arid upwards receivcct interest allowed at- current rales and added 6 principalevery year- whether passboojc is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown property vhatties utul improvements mr wp uiimpball ima aold tho now houaooiihrook street mount campbell to councillor murayl the price paid was fflioo tir ciunpboll haa purcbaaod a lot oti cliiircli btreot and will build a couple of fruciiq houaee tbereou tho coming summer particularly deserving of ilomark tho canadian printer and publisher bays of the many calendars issued from newspaper offices thib your ono from tho aoton fiiki fiikbs is particularly kaerviujj of remark ic bears a largo otiuiidiau uik in coloru flying aoross the top tin j ut ouo uidu u dtbign showing a ciuihiliati colhgn girl with a book in her rhjliti i hand unci her left blind resting upon her bioycle standiug tipou a globe with lsw in rnya over it mr moore is to bo congratulated on tho success with which tlio idea is worked out mtltin won n game acton hookey team wept to milton thurtdn evening and suffered defeat by a scare of t tine to two tbo game was fust but rather rough the aotons bep tho rubber welt urouud the- milton goal during tbo ieucmd halftime and ecored a lame wlicb wua not allowed just as time was called the teams linadup aafoliows 6 nt spectacles if you have any trouble with your spex if the glasses do not suit your sight if the frames want altering if there is anything wrong give us a call we carry the largest stock of spectacles and eyeglasses and always give satisfaction in our repairing headquarters for wedding and birthday presents tab hynds jowelery and stationery store acton- ont ttook at tbo date on tbo label on your j paper and you will seo how your eubscrlp- uon stands ronow promptly it will confer a vteftjbbday february 8 1898 acton a bnackbauior a built t molliull i b mcintosh i e kydor i a quriiov umtydorcapt uttle local brieflets vhloh caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week february qaite a taste ot klondike weather this week dont expect an advertisement to boar fruit ijx oiio night prvtiipial nomination on february 29nd election march 1st the orpkinole club will give a concert on mpnday evening 14th inet bread 1b the btaff of human life and advertising ia the btaff of business the mercury registered 10 degrees ilow zero fa mornin county councillor havill was at a aeaafon omhecooniyconncil at milton milton lit liotvinau cioa o uurrowb 1nlnt p elliott covurlolut o johnson jfeacack a match with berlin is arranged for next week information wanted mr a mcnabb baa reoeiyed a jotter from mr j d livingston banker forest abkiag information respecting frienda of a young man uamed albert hoi thorn who ure thought to reside in thia violtilty he wab a yonog englishman who had been working with a farmer near forest for a fow wcoksaad while tbero broko his leg tho town ofiloials jtook charge of him and in order to scoare him all possible attention sens him to qaxnla hospital ho died tboro last thursday and refused to give any informatiou regarding his rela tives ho was about eighteen years of age the- authorities believo he has relatives in or near aoton it be bab mr monabb would be pleased to hqar from thorn the homo cirolo afew officers aotoa lodge of tho canadian homo circles held their regular monthly meeting on thursday evening last the business of the evening was tho installation of officera by brp hynds p l the follow ing are tho officera for the ouauing year pei ixts jobn aguow loader airs john ii matthews v lc williams fin secy and troaa wm williams cor secy mra jan molam chapjniri x francis marflliall n p mclam warden j malam guard a mcpliorbon sontliml thoa elliott medical kxaminora dra uroii and mckonguo mrni francis is representative to grand lodge to bo held in london after tho installation ceremonies tho members ot tho cirolo eat down to an oybter bupper providod by tho brethren a very pleah- ant social ovening was spent a number of the mernbersof acton circle wilf visit the si ill on cirolo tomorrow evening halton farmers insurance company a j argo attendance of farmers was prea- bntatrthermeeticgofthe couiityinsarance company last friday afternoon tbo neighborhood new news itoms supplied bvcorros- ponuonto and exchanges everton mr simpson ot nasiugawoyn i the gucat of her tlaughtcrhcru mrd mimhall tholittlo twoyaurolu of mr and mth janioa black who ha boon dangerously ill for ntno wcjektt ia htitl very low with rhuunittio fuvm tho dootord doul oxpoot hortbrtgiin herformcr health until spring brius warm woatlur and bright sunshiue mr jaakson ban received tho full aiinuut of inburanco on bis birn which wa lirod by lightning recently duo thouaaiul and fifty dollars alroady ho has with help drawn over uty loadd of sand uti1 will mako all furthor propirjtion for building early in tho spring tho funeral of tha lute johu bickieaon was largely attended j3eing a meinbor in goodatatiding ofewrtdilidgoc ocf about forty o tlio friondd surrounded iho grave and drpppod in evergreen tokens and went through their hervjoe friends j sunler and itdus kerr road tjia horyioo tho faniily havo our sympithy wo learn mrs diokieaon i biill in a dtnjer jih uou- dition general sympithy a felt fortln tolton family too in tho losa of thoir son a bright young man mr henry hortop was eolcotad on satur day- as tho btundardbouror in the coming provincial olootious of tho cjtisfitivdj of thia riding ashqrove fiarvoy nixon son of mr j h nixon of avhgrove is vory ill with blood-poibon- ink ns a result of ohickbn pox revival eorvioos at aahgrovp olosod on subltulji lat with excellent results re ported nassagaweya crewsons corners tliu lihorals ot hulton pro to bo con gratulated on thobeleatiouof their stun jurd- beurcr for tho coming provincial election in the person of mr j r brbor of george town ho is i ho right man in tho right place and we ure cbnudent of him redeem inn the couuty a snrprise party of yoang people from eden muib and this place to tho number of sevonty took possession of the home of mr a anderson of nasaagaweya last thundtty evening a highly enjoyable time was ppent in games and dancings mrr anderson and his estimable wife proved tiicrmolves to be admirable host and hoetess tho party broke up early friday morning councillor a j and mise floronce mur fay o aoton npent sunday at the homo of bia father mr ifolin murray roaehijl viilr it ctippa is visiting friends in heepcler mebsra cliaa gamblo and john camp- boll spent sunday withfrienda in elora mrs wm anderaon id recovering from an attack of the grjppo coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousot her person f rockwood quite a number from nassigaweya attended tho liberal convention at milton on thursday last and report an enthusias tic convention mr and mr thomas wilson of knatcbbull roturned homo iabt tuesday after a tbroo woeks visit to relatives and friends in wawnnoah february d here look out for blustery weatbor messrs tlioa r taylor and benjamiu b wilson ibft monday for a few weeks vlait to friends in clifford and wawanosh the tbermomoter registered tlio lowest temperature this year on sunday morning it was ten degrooa bolow zoro tho first blockade of the roads this winter occurred on tuesday morning tho wind being high tho snow pilod up in good bhapo the ladies aid of tho ed on mills metho dist obureh will hold an at homo in tho foresters hall this thursday ovening a- good programme has been provided the eboner choir will assist in the programme and rev dr scaulan will give an addresb quarterly communion services will bo held in tho ebonczer church noxt sunday morning at 130 oolock tho pastor will conduct tho service georgetown a very agreeable aurpriao was tendered the rov father haley of acton by tho members of tho georgetown oboir on the eveofhia departure to hu now parish of maoton tho choir asspmblod at tho rosi- douce of mr john ryau where they pros anted their beloved pastor with u inaguitl- cent gold headed caue and tha following addroas read by miss katie ryan tho presentation being mido by miaa celia langau to the rev i haley acton itov and dear father havlns loarnod with dqopt0rrot ttratyou sever you r- ooonoctlon with tbo peoploof qoorgotowti tbo presbyterian congregation of mil- verton has extended a unanimous oall to rov mr anderson of guelpb who was recently called to rock wood mr j t diokiejoo who wa ran over at tbogt r station last tuesday atter noon died at the general hospital guelph next day mrs diokiebon la alowly re covering the coroners jury exonerated tho g t r trainmen of any blame in tho matter the fnnecal took place on friday at tho stone churoh mr k fitxaimmonsp lately of wood- btookis home on a abort visit twoof ourold residontb squire strango nod georgo dunbar are suffering from paralyeia miea a stull is vialtiog her mother for a hhort time while nhloading a aafe at the g t r elation last wednesday george bolton bad bis leg ornahed bat not broken he is doing nicely bat will not be around for a while on weduobday 20th inst miaa h knowloa and mr john lister were married at st johns church of england by the rev mr godden the church waa orowd- ed to tho doors and about forty guests sat dopn to supper at the home of the brides father tho happy couplo left the village on tho 557 p m train on a short trip eaat- the roc kw cod hookey team played a loam from guelpb on wednesday uigot a lecture in connection with the hpworth league of tho methodist churoh will bo given on thursday evening feb jird a silver collection will bo taken at iho door tlio fiibr rnuhh invites all its roadors to con tribute to tils column if you or your friends arogolug away on a holiday trip or if you have frienda vlaulug you drop a card to tbo fitas iiiksb mbs ida qriudoll visited milton friends last week mr wm mcleod o georgntown waa in own ou monday arch campbell etq ia in vory poor health at pro sent mr will stathara visito 1 friend in guelpb laat weok mr tbomraa c moore has been feeling ao mo hotter tho past week mr and mrs wm hcmstreet viuitod friends in milton oh saturday miaa foster of milton baa been tho gaebt of aoton friends thia week mjbb lane ot erin waa the gtioit of hor 8i0tor mran p moore thin week mr thomaa wreuwho was very ill iabt week with pneumonia is blowly recovering r uids hauliu otfergqa was the gaeat laat week of her friend mraq c clark mripetor macpheraoh of gait is the gucat of hla brother rev ha phersou mr h j halt of berliuhas been oleoted prealdent of tbo north waterloo agricul tural booiety mr a e nioklin representing w h storey sod aoton ont is at tha grand yarmouth n s light mr r buobart of toronto saturday night bpent monday at the homo of hib grandmother mra e royoo mrd henderson mp leftlaat evening for ottawa to bo in his placo in the houeo for the opening of tho house of commona mra nfllles who went to maltpn at christmas to nurse her mother who was seriously ooalded returned home yeaterday rev hugh a mopheraon of aoton occupied chalmers clinrcb pulpit sunday morning and evening delivering two able aermone guelph mercury mra reed of erin who was bo ill in toronto general hospital a few weoks ago is alowly recovering and regaining atrength her frienda are much enoouraged at the proapootb of ooraplete recovery at the end of february rav mr mo- alpine pastor of the baptist churoh bore twill go to aoton and georgetown the con gregations of those places having extended o him a annnimoua call everyone here will regret the departure of mr moalpine whitby chronkic local bri eflets 0 1 010 ia ebflontial to bealtb every nook and cornor o tho nyatiim is reached by the blood end on its quality tbo oondltlenof every oroin do penda good blood uoana atronj noryei good digestion robnat heolthv impuri blood mcona borofule dyapepala houm- tlam catnrrh or other dlieaaeatho aureat way to havo good blood la to toko hood a baraaparllla thia medlclno purldca vl- talliea and onrlohea the blood and aendi tho elomenta of health and atrength to every nerve organ and tlaaue it creates good appetite glvca refreshing aloop and ourea that tired tcellng bemembor it pays to buy at boltcrts it pays to buy at bellcrts henoiration sale is the best- in fact the one trus bloo purlncr hnnrlc liic ill5i uuu ring talcoreasy tooperuteacq we are determined to make this last week of january a big week for seeing every part of uie house is laid under contribution for bargains for this sale the enthusiasm stirred up during the past week will rise to summer heat as early in february as possible the carpentes and painters will make extensive alterations in the store and we want as much of the stock out of the way as possible hence this renovation sale we cant give details of the entire stock but here are just a few pointers take it is early to say spring bui six cases of new window shades came to us yesterday nnd the prices were so good lhat weraust give it away cloth shades with rollers 23 cents eaoh fringe and lace in proportion c l nelles the l6rd6r gublph halton farmers institute a meeting to be held in actoh on friday mthlnat a mcotiogof halton farmers institute will behold on friday 11th inst and the program mo promiuea to be one practical and full of interest tho fi session wih held in the afternoon and president j l warrmpwitp full moon next sunday ample anow and good alejghjng now have yon renewed for the fuee pbess the political campaign ison in earneat your portrait keep your enow shovels busy these stormy days lirge qaautities of wood are being i teamed iu now 1 school trustee nomination next saturday est noon tho roads have been drifted in some plaoea thia wetb tbo special services in tho diolplea church are atill in progress frozen eara aud uosca were much in evtde titnlirtnflrjdaymdini ri have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits clothing mens suits our own make tjnality guaranteed regular prices 89 to 815 per suit at onethird off the price boys suits about53 of them two and three riicce suits prices 82 to 86 at one- third off the price mens overcoats a i6t of frieze tweed and heavy ulsters our own make price 8 to 814 one- third off the price a lot of mens beaver overcoats well lined and made regular 8750 coats for 4 95- bys overcoats all sizes and prices at reductions of one fourth and on ethi rd off the prices boys fea jackets doublebreasted tweed lined and made ofi good cloth worth 84 each for 82 cheapest and best coat for your boy fur caps genuine otter caps genuine reaver caps persian lamb caps nutria caps possum caps all at reductions of 25 to 33 per cent off marked prices ordered clothing all orders during this sale for mens suits or overcoats will be at a saving to the customers of fully 25 per cent we have special bargains in fancy scotch suitings and black worsteds mantles 17 ladieg wraps sonm of them- plfiin some fur trimmed all good styles regular prices from 816 to 825 at exactly half price 33 ladies and misses tweed- ulsters all sizes most of them with deep capes prices j from 8610815 at onethird off the price 46 iadieslacrcts correct styles in all colors materials and prices at reduction of onethird off the price v misses coats all sizes pret tiest styles at 25 psr cent off regular prices these are very attractive and good 0 fur lined capes and prices from i7 to 835 at onethird off the marked price 7 ladies fur jackets elegant quality regular prices 830 to 845 guaran teed the best astrachan jackets in the citv without exception at n big reduction in price every jacket warranted dont- miss these or buy the poor stuff offered by so many 6 ladies seal astrachan and possum canes prices 811 to 835 all first class and at a big reduction in price fur muffs vu r collars fur ruffs all at clearing prices see the dress goods bargains e r bollert fc co 25 and 27 wyiidham street guelph gl asgo w house acton h ramshaw acton photo artist a feature with us this week wijl be an early shipment or american prints fancy sateens etc just to hand in exquisite designs and perfect color ings which will be cleared during the next ten days to make room for regular stock exceptionally tasty goods rorwrappers and waists prices will range from 8c to ioc worth 12 jc to 15c yesterday the grain market hero continues active and farmer b are disposing of considerable grain rev father fceny will moot his coogregation for tho first time at st joaepha church next sunday dapatcbea from many pointa in eattorn ontario and quebec say that on sunday fhetbermomoter registered at from 12 to 42 below zero barrboms iu norway cannot net big fortunes to their ownerb for by law no pereou may apend moro than 0 ccutaat ono vlait to a pubtio hobae the jbird annual convention of annual report waavvery encouraging one and the secretary stated that tho govern ment inspector had complimented tbo company npon its excellent standing the lojfl on tbo barn and contents of mr monaglian isaasagawoya waa adjusted an interostinj debate took place upon tho application of aovora policy holders who havo linhtutog rods on their barns etc for a reguldtioq of the company allowing a rebate uppn premlqma where fluchalleged proteotion exiata no action waa taken several speakers thought if lightning rod pobsessora were given rebates similar reductioua aliould bo given policy holders who are nonembkera this waa claimed to be reasonable inaampoh aa there was pr o t o t inaar oompaoiob through the habit of smoking by farmers about their premises a anggea- tion to pay premiums annually instead of triannualy waa laid on tbetablp mr john jthtneav waa reoleotcd president and colin camofod secretary sy or d and bayonet competition next monday ovening the sons of saot- land of damp ivanhoa aoton will give an entertainment in tho town hal at once oniquo exciting and interesting attrao- iivo mam math posters freely circulated witbin a radius often miloagive parliculara of thia anusnal evening tho principol attraction wilt be bayonet oompotitona between pto stewart and sergt waaaon theohampiona of the world and whose excellence aa bayonotiata created snob a furore at tbo jnbueo contests in england last year thoir trainer sergeant wil liams will also ongago in aword con teats with sergt waaaon the champions were at orillia and whitby laat week and the globe ears of their exhibitions private goo stewart champion of the empire and sergt wabion winner of the second prize gave an exhibition in orillia last week at the burns cpooert in aid of the boya brigade sorginatruotor williams was referee therri were three bontb in all two bayonet v bayonet between stew art and wesson eaoh winning one and a sword v bayonet betweon williams and waab which waa wow bylhe i latter it was a vory flucoessf id affair and drew a largo audience on wednesday vpight stewart and waaaon gave an tyntbltion before a larflo audlopco in whitby at a scottish conoert mayor farewell presid ed tbo halt waa packed with scotchmen and tbelr frienda from all parts of the bqrronndlng country to vary the oontluuo your worli ina now frolj of lubor wo tho choir cannot but tuku ajvrmtago of tills occasion to ondoavor to convoy to you in aahght degree tho eat com iu which you aro bold and to bxprcbb tho borrow wo fuel at tlio thought of your intended doparture during tbo four and a half yoart you havo ariont amongat us jou have byyoiiritinil patlont and untiring offorta a ltd over gonial dlapositlou woo for youraolt tho ofioodj and goojwlil of ono and all in tho choir as wo moot borothia oven ing aud recall tho many happy o von bigs wo havo bpout in tho onjoyniont of your kind hospitality languago that groat instrument of oxproaoion by moans of which wo givouttorajioo to ourtu- moat thoughts sooins woak atia powarlcas to oxpross what wo fool hut coulil our footings and wlahos proval you would still rotnalu our pastor and even now in thia tmd moment of parting hopo springs oxoltlng on triumphant wing that circling time may in ita otornal euanbprobtotoyantd your placo 4uunrijiir3ut onoo mora meanwhile duar fathur we ask you to ao j opt as a mom on to of tho georgetown choir this gift which is of no intrinala valuo bat larloh in lovo gratitude and raspoat in oonolualon woagainoxprassourdoop regret at your joparturo and our aincoro grutltudo for your bludnosaa and good work in tho past and oarnostly hopo that god may bios you with hoalthandbtronqth to labor long and ftiltlifully in ilia vineyard and that la your now hold of labor you may bo surrounded by frienda whoao hearts ara as true aa tho hoarta of tboso aaaom- bled hero tonight to bid you adlou signed on bohalf of tho ohoir katik m hvan ljkiltiia bcott cblialanoan qobrgotown jan 36th 1893 rev father haley in oloqiicut and vory feeling words responded to the addrese ho briefly roviowed tho pleasant associa tions of the past few years bpent with them complimenting them upon that spirit of unity and harmony ho had been pleased to see ever prevail amongit them and expressed hia most heartfelt thanks fnr the honor conferred upon him by this manifestation of their kindly bentimcnta toward binf deaotlful aleighing bitterly cold weath er busy people it the reoord of tho week palp wood for the- paper mills is tho the absorbing i thought of wood boilers jaat now the abating rink is ready after ao many disappointments an iriabraaffhada very heavy fall on ft i a head the other night but still bad wit enough to say that ice always froze in this country with tlio atppory aide p- tho dltpibl anniversary sorylqca were held last sabbath lrof farmer of momaater university gavo two excellent and inspiring aermons from tha text whether therefore yo cat or drink do all to tho qlory of ool the rov o a mitch- tako iho obair at 1 80 oolock four vuluiblb addroasts will be given at tliis bebston w w hilborn leamington will bpcak on injurious insects anddiaoaa- ea john mcphedran nasaagaweya on keeping farm accounts thomas mc- millao seaforth on breeding and feed ing of bjef cattle an 1 robt akins kaasawoya will give a tiveminate talk about qrowing aoiall fruits from a poor niana utandpoint the ovening molting will bu ot general intercat the nddreaaea will be interpperi- oj with a muhioil prog ram ma of merit mr uilborh will apeak upon ornament at trees and shrubs fur the farm this will naturally interest farmers but it ahould uutuuiaiia thuauuutlunut hib pa com mitleo of tho monioipal council for there will uo doubt be pointers of valae to them aa well miaa libra rose aaefatant instructor of the dairy department at the agricultural college guelph will give an address entitled one eye oa the fields tho other on tre town the meotings are free to all and the officers of tho institute cordially invite the public oapeoially to thia evening meeting oindidate johiir barber called on a number of aoton friend laat saturday halton county convention at oakville opens today acton will aend a good repreoeutitavo delegation evangelists croaaloy and hunter now in gall are announced to be in burlington about the first week in march r tho danoan grant property on pl street was cold under mortgage sale jaat friday to robert n garvin for 8405 the liberals in town will meet in the town hall tomorrow evening at 780 mr barber tho liberal candidate will be present a menoorin1 aervice haying relation to w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont k spkoultt or machine finished book papers and high grade weekly new 8 tho paper nsed in this journal is from the above mills wm barber bros 1 wanted agenia llcniailtod poaferenoo epwoftb xjeaoe will btt held inlhfl aletbodit choral gait on the 22od 28rd and 24th loata tia meetiog of the publla school oosrdckued for konday ovenlnn 27th iub ha been poatpoded until wednesday ovening oth inet at 8 6block abarp y fiauqn diatriot bona of tempcrancb inetat on january 19lh andglect- ed j3 tnuon of abhgrove w p and 8 d daviespoiniero recording boribc next monday evening is tbe regular veveniiig for the orobinoleolud gathering oniog to the bona of bootlaod entertain ment being arranged for that evening tlio next meeting will be held on wednesday eyenibgroui fatat ibewhr maopiieraon preached in obarob gaelpb last sunday be pnjpit of euox ohurob waa ooaupiad vary eooeptably by bev dr wardrope of odelpb bevmr maopberaon will ba in hbi own palplt next sabbath the following xioonao corpmiaaionera for haltoh fo 1808 have been gazetted yxi v wfiihier henry cook alex waldle mesara cook and waldie are mw rnambera xbese gentlemen are all wellltnowrl tamparanoe men ocbi pxjaxaa calendar to band and it tsjlmt the kind of work that all your blot frienda eipeot yon to turn out icoond to norfi p a0m han ior tho ame- wlttibeat wlabea to all my aoton frlendajj tfoura ia of old ton kshhedy i rpn saturday afternoon mr and mra john kbtaell of brln bad ao npiet at tbo oornar of frederick and agnes streets they were thrown out and the hore ran down atrtet collided with the street lamp an important case orr uhmth bl immhlpg l and punt damage to horse sod tig was slight meaara j a bpright ou have uat manufaolurd lor messrs beaadmoro ool for their bracebrldge tannery a doable hsir prs of urga proporliona it works prfeotly anil is very aatlafaotory to the lirtn the press in ass in the tannery hero was msnufaotated in the united states since the oily hall diaaater at london ba tbo nlgbt of the municipal election ciitloal ioapeotlqn of town balls has keen p made in many oitiea towns and villages by lijbo authorities tbroaght the country sbmo fenav been oondemned i otnsrs have been ki strepgtllspbd in many halls dancing has istwmttbblbited giiveyevanrslistlb ysjtyioes in tho melhodiat oburoh were obnoluded on mtbs earnest and lmpreaalvo fo postflt ooji evsnlng for miprwilnvtqiitiii were kotoftilifbiiithe metp bars otha ohurob 4siwfjwhaaiwv vinwffist ntirfeilafrlivm ten new a were rtoelved daring the pait wtf- j nmltteo prboeodlngu uf tbe evening the oomj haa arranged a strong programme to intorapetae the eonteate piper smeaton of inglotrood late of edinburgh will render seotoab airi mr e b japkaon barltono soloist will flidg a number of sootoh songs mr g- qraham and ten of his pupils of tho balllpafad public sobool will give a rorics of evolutions of military drill tho tvanboe oamp oroliestra will rebder scieotione miss jennie bmitb will be the accompanist of the evening ohiof bxm- sbnw will take the obair promptly at eight ocloolc orand chief frasor of toronto will be present ell and kvnbiui j med ksrr took part in the moruiifg acrvoo and the rev l perrin and f h rogers in tho ovening the anniversary concert was hold on monday evening tbo oxoellent program me was greatly enjoyod by all present tbo rev 3 mcd kerr is osoliting tho rev g a mitchell in holding revival servioes for tho noxt two weoka after groat buffering death came to bring rest to addio 0 walker beloved daughter of mr john walker on sunday aa this is tbe flrstdeath among tlio young peoplo of the methodist obarch for a length of time tbe sad event has caet a gloom over tho olrole of relatives and friends of the deoasaed tbe burial took plaoe on xuoaday to the greenwood cemetery and was oonduotod by rov g a mitchell tbejlev j h mcartbur preached at terra cotla laat sabbath afternoon ddr- ing tbe sermon iho oelliug around the stove pipe took tire and there was a lively time in the obnroh for a few minutoe till the fltmcb wero put out tben tho service ooutlnuod tbe ioeouttsrs are busy on kenuedys pond they report a one quality again ibis yesir mtem a pedlar sentto prlfcfn for repre- sentlnann imitation pill to be the same ao dr williams pink pills a far reaching decision montreal jan 24 1899 a case of more than ordinary intereat to the public odmo boforo judgo lafbntaine today tbe facta being aa follbwa for aome time pant one u e mlgner has been going about peddling a pill whfobhe represented as being the same aa dr williams pink fills the dr williams medicine co placed the matter in the hinds ot detcotivo haynes of the canad ian secret service who boon hod oolleoted sufficient ovidenco to warrant the arrest of uignor on a charge of obtaining money uddor false pretenses meantime mlgner had left montreal going to st jobn n b on bia arrival iu that city he was at onoe placed under arreat and an bffioial sent to bring bim back here he was brought beforo judge iiafontaioe this morning on two ohirrea and pleaded guilty to both it waa pointed out that his offence was a gravb ono and left bim liable to a lengthy term ot impriaonment tbe oodnberfor the dr willlanib medicine co staled that bis clients did not wish bim topreeb for everehhilehoent at t ti t o wished 10 establish ihofaot that represent ing an imitation pill to be the same as dr williams pink pills was a orlmo whloh left the perpetrator liable to lengthy imprisonment 0n one charge the jodge then irnpoied a sentence ot ten days with tho option of a flno of ten dollars and in the otbtr base a sentence of two daya in jail without the option of a fine thirderolalqnbbwlytoliayetftari reaching effect as it seems to establish tbe principle that sabsllluters and those wbo sell imilatloni representing tbem to be the aatne si dr williams pink fills are liable onder tho oriinlnaroode wbiob is in force all over the dominion and it will no doubt to a considerable extant put an riid to tills not arioua bubiuesn as it is evident from tbe fact that dr williams medlolno oo went to the uxpense of bringing ibis man back from ao great distanoe aa st john that khsy intend sparing no expsnas to protect both the piiblfo endbemeelves in saohoaies tbb late mra7debrgq vincentivill be held in tbo methodist ohurob next sunday evenio the anunal teameeting of the congre- gational cburoh churobill will be beld next wedaeeday evening oth inet an excellent programme haa been arranged tho missionary anniversary of tbo methodist ohuroh will boheld on snnday 13th inet dr jobn j malaren q c of toronto will preach morningand evening the annuttl convention of naasaga woya buuday sohopl aasociatlon will be held in tbo presbyierian ohurob sodom on xhnraday afternoon aud evening 17th inet mr thomas storey the prealdent is having an attractive programmo arrang ed in every district on tho coallnent to take orders for blgbgrado oanadlaoitrown nora- orytockaddboeda ijargeat and moat complete aaaortmone in tbo trade fast eelllag apeclal tiea superb aamplea nrnhhed freeteorre pondenco in any laoguage these posltione are money makers and territory ahoalu be eoonrm at onoo for tbo seaaon by all haulers lookloglor a qood tbiog our salary or oommualon offers will interest anyone not earning flooooo per year get in communication vltn onr nearest office an opportunity to repreaent a welloatabllehed bouse ability more important than experience luke brothers company international nurseries obloago iii montreal qae itocbeator n y toplcsoftheday every one la sarprised at the rapidity and effioaoy with which nerviline nerve- pain cure relieves neuralgia and rheuma tism nervlllnelia epeolflo for all nerve paius abd sfaould be kept ou band by every amlly early to bed early to ri se stick to business and ad mow ia the lime lb advertise people are going to have money to spend tbls win ter ns thoy have not had for years enquire fit the free fresj office for rates and space ijadies fine leather silver mounted purses at cost price only till february 12th jewellers guelph half a cent a baby t tho cost of the few drops of ayers cherry pectoral that will cure croup whooping sough end any other cough if administered in time is perhaps half a cent it may prolong babys life half a century s33ss33ssssssssa wantepragents both men and women if you are willing to work waean gtvo you em ployment with good pay and you can work all or part time end at home or traveling tbe work la light and easy write at onoo for terma etoto the hawks nursery company ropbester nt mw faiicy gtoods agents klondike gold fields a urge ofaoan valaablo book ulling mko a whirlwind beautiful proapcotua twentyflvo conu ilooka on tloia the diudleygauhetson co lltnlted toronto agents tlie boat llo of ilermajoatv i liava torn wrltoi lordxjorn0a1outquefla victoria ageqts maka flvo dollan daily t lma co iiluhhta just in some of which aro wools slnglo and double berlin andallisian zephyr beehive saxony and shcliana floss in all colors silks filo floss wash embroidery shaded crochcl and spool silk for hand kerchiefs japanese linen footing edring insertion point lace and honiton braids for sofa pillows plaids sateens silkoline villa cloth etc baby ribbons all widths and shades black velvet rib bons chlnahnd brocaded silks stamped linens of all kinds as well as a full range in dry goods s3 toronto new music liberal offer to iruroduo oardew monthly pablion- tion jitnerican popular music we make tbo following liberal offer bend m ibe names olthroo or more perform or on tbe piano ororfltn and qftoen oente in money orpoitare and wo will- mail yon- sixteen pagai of be latent popular loogj two atepa etc full sheet maafo arranged for piano or organ and american popular muaic for three lajw tti- ijdrow fopalar moiiq oo indlanapolu iud goeliii nov 23rd 1897 thk sloan miidicine company hamilton dear sirs for years i was troubled with periodical sick head aches being affected usually every sunday and used all tbo remedies that were adttlselaa cureat and was treated by ilmost every doctor rt guelph but without any relief one doctor told me it was caused by a weak stomach another said it was hereditary and incurable i waa induced by a neighbor to try sloans indian tonic and i am happy to say i did so a few doses gave immediate relief and one bottle and a half made a complete cure this was three years ago and the headaches have never returned i was also troubled with astbma and nothing helped me like your sloans indian tonic i can heartily recommend it to all and will be glad to glva any particulars to anyone afflicted as i was w c keough cfg0cdeme kctqn main 8treet planing mills acton ont iimmiim w if you want ftrat olae quelph aab anj doors at cuelph prioes t birps oan 811 your order at bis planing naill i for sole by nil druggists or address the sloan medicine company hamilton limited sroo per bottle 0 for fspq m8i john cameron architect and contractor at anufacturer of 8aah doora vrames aiouldlu tnallalylea drxsnto uatcbjno i and moulding v to order on abort notloe wall aaaorted atbek oh band at rrlcen toiu john camieron proprietor j h hamilton dbalxr in marble and granite hamiltons blook ouelph having on band a largaquautity ot scotch norway- swedish and bnssian grhnite and ill order to dispose of it to make room for sprlnu stock now purchased 1 will sell nt a reduction of 20 per cknt and will nllow all oapenses to customera to and from our works john h hamilton

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