uorn ll vrriu haisohawoi a on tuesday 93th jan uary to dr tuia mr llatl a aou anuknuon in aqton on friday fobruary lih to mr and mrs w 1 anderson a son wilson in guolph on ttpireday feby hrd to mr and un o m wilson a daughter bandbiihon in st catharine ou monday 7tb tobrimry to mr and mrs f w bauderaou a mruklup 3iakr1jsd7 ilkwrt haiuiibos in milton oo tuesday 8th i ebruary by ltov d bolder mr hamuol itowa to miis uortha bnrrison both cl milton parliament at wor the house of commons opened last thurei ch outline of 8peechfrom the throne himiat hornby on wodnosday tuby 2nd janokldfc widow of tho late hamuol king aged 78 yean howsos athlo rouldoqoe aiamu on monday january slit tbomu f honson agod 70 yoaiiand lotnontba pamtoh atbls retldenos qoelnh on wodnoi day febnury sod j h pantouot tbe ontario agricultural college aged 80 yours ftlje qtton ttt firm thurbday febbuary 10 1808 noteand comments ohlet gsnie warden tinsley writes the pnblio espeoially tbou who profess to be sportsmen aro to a lurgo extent ignorant of tho dot tliat owl co protected by the inseotivorooj birds aoc an1 that it is unuwtal to kill or take them at any season except under permit and then only or eoleutiflo purposes tho finance minister has received the depont of 1250000 from messrs mann mokensle being the security stlpulatated for in their contraot or constructing a winter road and s railway from blloune river to tothn lake mr mokensle goes to england in a few days to finance nis yukon railway scheme mr mann is now on the paoluo coast preparing to commence operations tbe klondike seems to be tho leading theme in the isbruarydnaatym uanaxine 3 gordon smith contributes a general artiole on the region there are soma qnottliods from mr ogilviee new book j and tbomis 8 boolt one of tbe engineers who assisted major walab across tbe mountains writes humorously of his ex periences in lbs obilkoot pass some twenty valuable illustrations and maps aoooropany tbe artioles the stories and departments are as interesting as usual prof john w perriu pn d of alio ghany college wields a treuohant pen in bis discussion of german social dernocra- oy for tbs benefit of the febrnsry chau- tanqiian readers thoroughly alert aud judicious in all its statements and orlti- oiami tbe artiole is pleasing in both mater ial and treatment another of tbe solid features of ibis issue is pres henry wade rogers keenly analyitioa study of the influence ol roman law on englah law in wbloh is displayed tbe oaref ul investi gation of the legal expert r w perks m p intends to submit to the british wealeyan oonferenoe at hull next july a proposal to commemorate tbe beginning of tbe twentieth oentnry by raising 16000000 from the three mijllon methodists in the united kingdom he proposes to spend 1250000 in the erection of a central methodist hall and ohuroh building in xondon 11350000 for small oentrtl ball in twelve large cities in england and scotland and ta50000 to be spent by tba foreign mission hootety tbe home missionary food and the vintage schools and the high sobools in london the metbodlai uounoii has approved the soheroe at the agonal meeting of the dominion allianoe and tbe prohibitionists in par llament on tuesday it was deolded to ask parliament to submit the dlreot question as to prohibition only during tbe debate mr henderson member or this oonnty la reported as saying there need be no delay tn getting the question before the people it need not take one honr to put tne bill through the house tbe determination ol the government is to make the bill as obnoxious as possible sir oliver mowat a year ago wrong bis sanotlmonloos bands and said nd doubt pro i a goad th if prat tlcable and if yon are ready to assume the revenoe burdens aud privations incident to the giving up or your little glass laughter dr modonald inter- jeoud we have nothing to do with sir oliver here now mr henderson replied we had a year ago though oitaha feb ii bettor wcatbor for tho opening of parliament could not bo lmd than wbb experienced last thnrsdiy with tho thermometer about 8 degrees below zero and excellent alelghiug it was ubt that sort of winters day whloh one thorough enjoya at the oapllal there were tbe usual oeromonlob in con nection with ilia function the prinoese loniee dragoon guards supplied the escort and tho govornor generals foot guards tba guard ol honor while a silute was fired from nopen point by tho ottawa field battery the genate was orowded as lord aberdeen delivered the epoeoh from the throue the ruivatk dills there are 70 private hills ontorod for tbo session of these 80 are applications for yukon oharlera four divorce bill have been entered the applications of it a o hart of montreal haywsrd toronto james pearson t onto and eugene ward of toronto s1be0b fjloh tub t1ihonk in the speech his excellency said i have observed with great pleasure tho remarkablo advauce in the pohtioal im portance and material prosperity of canada during tho year whloh hasjust closed the loan reoently tffeoted bas shown that the credit of canada has never stood so high in european markets and affords reasonable grounds or expeating that the burdens of the people will in the near fntnre be materially reduoed by the substitution of a much lower rate of interest on our indebt edness than that which now exists closer to ubitain i congratulate you upon the exceedingly oordial reception accorded to the represen tatives of canada at the jubilee ooremon ies aodolso upon the warm appreciation manifested everywhere tbrougbont the mother country in rcf orenoe to tbe conduct of canada in materially reducing the rate of duty upon goods imported from the united kingdom to the dominion the aotlou of the imperial government in denounomg the treaties with germany and belgium also affords most satisfactory evldeqoa of their desire to facilitate your efforts to promote tbo clceal possible com meroial relations between gaoada and the remainder of the empire and will i trust contribute materially to the developernent of imperial trade the cold nxtexopeuents the extraordinary gold discoveries recently made upon the yukon and its tributaries appear likely to result in an enormous influx of people into tbst region and have compelled the government to take prompt action or the preservation of law and order in that distant and almost inaccessible locality measures will be laid before you or that parpose i a oontraot has been entered into subject to your approval for tbe oouipletion at the earliest possible moment of a system of rail and river communication through canadian territory with the klondike and the prin cipal gold fields which it is expeoted will secure to canada the larger portion of the luorative portion of that country mnobrrpnogrects the bountiful harvest with wbioh we have been favored by a benevolent provi- dence has contributed greatly to the inorease of our prosperity and i am glad to note that tbe trade and commerce of tbe dominion aod more especially the amount and values of her prtnoipsl exports have increased greatly dnrlng the past eighteen months and there is good reason to believe that the improvement may be maintained if not augmented daring the remainder of the present year i observe with pleasure that oertain government contracts reoently let oontain provisions oalonlated to suppress the evils of the sweating syatem tbe estimates or tbe ucoedlng year will he plaoed upon the table at an early date measures will be anbmttted to you res u euuetauuuailuu suj t rep o the present franchise not and a plebiscite on tbe question of prohibition oub candidates tho men whoaro contesting halton for a seat in tho legislature the candidates suleotori by thtir respiot ive parties to contcbt iho oounty aro both actively eniatjed in the oauvubi thoir supporters aro alao hard at work and purty caucuses uro il order at every point throughout tho count next week aod the following will s o a series of public meetings at various planea and by tho end of tho month the county will bo in tbe throob of ono of the hottest election contests over seon in ibu oonslituenoy on tho ovo of a general election wu kerns cosbkmatlve we give herewith the portraits of the candidates we cannot boast of a high degree of excellence in either of the engrav ings and we hope noither of tho candidates will enter suit for libel as a result of their appearance in these oolumnb each por trait is labelled so that tbe respective frlendb of esoh need have no doubts upon which to bestow their admiration john r barber revormeb the last contest in last lasoe of tbo fbee press wo pub lished the majorities in eaoh of the polling subdivisions in tho county below we give the total vote at each polling place these returns will be appreciated by tho varioub committees acton kerns no 1 polling sub division 75 2 07 husband 83 40 qeorqbtown hjevvs ofthe day the divisional court at oegoodo hall has granted a new trial of w j hammond nnder sentence of death for wife murder tbs lang tanning company will short ly begin tbe erection of a tannery in berlin wbloh will tie tba largest in canada three hundred bands will be employed a despatch from quebec says that it is rumored teas lbs messrs petersen have succeeded in their negotiations assuring the suonesa ol tbe fast atlantio steamships japan is going to invade the klondike it it stated that an army of 5000 abls- bodleo laborers is being got together or the gold fields and in a month it will make a descent en dawson city a landslide ooourred five miles below the town ol qqssnelle b c and buried three miners named wm allen jus bleb and alexander mclean the slide is 1000 est wiile 800 feel longnd 25 set high geo irving a tramp who left montreal ten days ago arrived at windsoron satur day night and was given lodgings at the polioelation ho was afterward sent to tbe smallpox hospital after leaving mont real irving slopped at toronto and other places nultv found ouilty bentonoao t b h on m 20th next joumi que feb 6 the natty murder trial was brought to a close last evening and tom nulty tbe slayer of bis three listers and little brother on novem ber ib last will expiate bis crime upon the scaffold on may 20tli next at nine oolook in the morning a query answered anxious questioners ask is tbsre no sure core for corns 7 wa are glad to be able to tsll these sufferers tbat putnams painless oorn eitraoior will relieve them n a day sud extract oorns without pain it never alls new mu8icuberal offer tb ihtiooosvoiirqw monthly publics- jmhssnsvn make mi ti a sign of good tinea is shown by the unusual activity in basiness at this time of the year when we frequently find numbers of men ont of employment at the rate tbe farmers are bringing in wood it will not be long before the whole country about georgetown will be oleared of forest last sabbath the bev l perrin b a and the bev wm farquhereon m a of claude exchanged pnlpits the pulpit of tbe baptlat ohuroh was occupied by tbs evangelist rev j mod kerr last sunday morning the revival services in the methodist ohuroh are attracting large orowds of people they will continue another week last sabbath the rev g a mitchell held a memorial servloe for the late addle c walker the teachers and aoholars of the sunday bobool and also a number of yonng people from tbe village attended tbe sermon was especially directed to the oblldren and yonqg people tbs rev jw bio of toronto junc tion leotured in tbe pretbyterisuonurotr last monday evening the subjeot was great britain her power and perman ence every one waa roused to entbu- slam by the loyal appeals of the lecturer tbs funeral of the infant son of mr robert watson formerly ot georgetown now of toronto took place on monday from tho station to qreeowooi oemetery congratulations ojlonel goodwlllio the hookey matob between tbe george town olnb and tbe elms of toronto sousd4na vlotoi li l- wiib a score of 0 to 8 a little ohild of mr hoar was run over on guolph street last monday and was seriously injured tho marriage of miss bertha harrison and mr sam dews both of milloo took plaoe on tuesday several from george town were present for the interesting occasion miss harrison tanght inonr publfo sohool for several years and faer former pupils wish her a long and happy life quarterly servloe in the methodist ohuroh next sabbath and also oommnnlon strviss in the presbyterian chorch pre paratory eervloee are being bold wednesday and thursday evenings mrs q d bvan and mrsdoctor mills of goslph addressed the womens mission- sry society ol tbs methodist church on wednesday afternoon they were guests at tbs isirsonage fltrl bid wrwo m1 d barker were georgetowns delegates to theoountjibundsy bobool convention at all your ordjtr m h paolpg ralll h2 majority for kerns 08 11urlinoton kor4-folliog-sub-dlvieiou-rhl- 2 70 130 majority for kerob 40 oeoroetown no 1 polling sub dhision 67 2 60 120 majority for husband 87 milton no 1 north ward 40 1 2eabt 45 8 south 44 135 majority for hdsband 13 oaxvtlle no 1 word 60 rrrrvv 70 60 permanently cured a story told by a justice of t peac attacked with laorlppe whloh left him weak and worn out kidney trouble added its complications and the sufferer wos dlsoour- erffeeli j fiom tho journal bummorsiuu 1 i i ouo of the boat known uioti around bidiquo and vioiuity is mr alfred bahurman who bab reoently removed to north carloton mr satilrman was born in bodiquo about bovonty ycare ago somo twenty flvo years ago ho was sworn lu as a justice of tho poaoo and about twonty ono jcars ago ho waa appointed olerkof the oounty oourt in both of which ooicob ho bas given overy satisfaction mr soburman was also a farmer on a large ooalo and like moot men engaged in that occupation led a busy life being compelled to attond btriotly to buainebs but less than a year ego he rotirod from arming and now lives in a ooby oottugo in north carloton before hib retirement work auah as only a man on- guged in that occupation knons anything about olaimed his attention his increae- iug years made the burden hoavior aud tho spring work of 1808 wore him complete ly ont this is what he tells about it aud how ho wbb cured in the spring of 1808 tho constant toll und drudgery connected with tho work of farming wore mo out oomplotely and the break down was the more complete witb tho bad effects left by an attack of la grippe one of tbe results ot la grippe wbb nasty cough another waa the complete lose of my appetite my spirits were greatly depressed and i felt that i hod lived out my daysrirtwayb felt cold and consequently the stovo and i wore great friends but tbe cold effected more especially my feet andcaubod mo great annoyanco added to this complica tion was a serious kidney trouble which threatened to prove the worst enemy of all i was unable to do any work bad no am bition and lebs strength and was not a bit the belter of all tbe doctors medicine i had taken it was my wife who advibed mo at last to try dr williams pink pills 1 bought six boxes and began taking them my hopo revived becaube flyctiange for the better was soon taking nface aud beforo they were done i was loured tbe six boxes brought hack my appetite btreogth and ambition in short all that i bad lost in the way of strength and health tbo next spring however my health again gavo way and i immediately began using tho fink pills again and i am happy to say tbat they effected that time a permanent core and to day i am vtoll and hearty as if i wero only forty i strongly recommend dr williams pink pills to all who are suffering as 1 wae dr willlamb pills oore by going to the root of tbe diaease thoy renew and build up the blood and atrengthen tho nerves thus driving dieeaao from tho sybtera avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purchase is onoiobod in a wrapping bearing the full trado mark dr ffllliamb pink pills for palo people the sunday school workers of halton meet in convention for two days at oakvllle with pleasure and profit for forty years tbe sunday boliool workers of the county of halton havo met annuallymooavention tooompatamethodr- study new plans and to wait together at the throne of grace for a renewed meas uro of the holy spirit to aid them in 103 46 81 72 41 rrfto 40- 8 00 70 170 169 majority or kerns 10 esqueslko no 1 sproats sohool 60 78 2norval no fi 8 stowarttowq 82 71 4 dublin 25 88 5 thompsons corner 78 04 0 glenwllliams 101 60 460 442 majority or kernb 14 nasbaoawkya no 1 campbellvide 87 108 2 brookvllle 88 107 sknatohbnll f8 105 228 816 mejorltyfor husband 02 1- nelson 70 47 2 nelson village 07 8 oummlqsville 08 01 4 bells sohool 00 01 s appslbe 115 62 400 291 majority or kerns 109 traraloau no 1 tbe boyne 88 01 2 drnmquin 108 47 8 fostvllle 72 108 4 munns corners ib 78 5 palermo 02 00 0 bronte bj 87 472 461 msjorlty for kerns 11 total vote kerns 2260 husband 2158 msjorlty or kerns ill nine flibviooa contests iu the nino previous contests in haltou since confederation the majorities obtain ed at eaoh were as follows 1871 barber william 252 1872 barber william 168 1875 lyon w d 07 1870 robertson dr- david 82 1888 kerns william no 1880 kerns william 122 1800 kerns william 181 1804 kerns william ill rjuuodsorrobuablxuulatiiiiu 1867 legislature dissolved on 35tb fb- rosry 1871 1b71 nominations mthmarob polling 21st march legislature dissolved 28rd december 187 1878 nominations 11th january pol- ling 18th january legislature dissolved 25lh april 1870 1870 nominations 20th may polling 5th jnns legislation dissolved 1st febrn- ary 1888 188flnomlnstlons 20th february pol- ling 17tn february legislators dissolved 10mtmpjmloni 21st dsoembsr pol- luwmomt legislators dlsjblv- mtllpo i4s0mnltioni 80th may polling 5tb jqns k f sgtjtljliijjlons joth june j polling with jnns ti i hi- their important work in tbo masters vineyard to many this annual gather ing is regarded as a vety bright spot in the years oxperisnoe and is invariably anticipated with pleasnro the oouvontfon held at oakvillo labt thursday and friday was a gratifying suooeis the papers and addresses wero praotioal interesting and genorally help ful ab a result of the various bubjeota presented and disonssed a wealth of hints for improvement vas gloaned by tho workers present rev joseph fennell of st georges obnrob georgetown tbe hopored presi dent presided with graoe dignity and consideration befitting tho position the part taken by the looal workers of the countys bobools wsa very credltablo and showed that oar schools aro fully abreast of the times iu the matter of equipment modem methods and conse crated snd self sacrificing officers and teaohers in addition to tho weekly study of the aoriptures a growing interest is manifested in mission work as it relates to the denominational enterprises as well as that undertaken by the provincial bnnday school association tbe ques tion of temperance is also receiving con siderable attention the borne and prim ary departments are being intelligently developed and the sunday sohool is expanding its influence in oonteqnence the report of the statistical seoretary or the jear ending 81st december 1807 giving tbe standing of the individual schools and some of the results accomplished was encouraging fiftyseven sobools wero reported and these havo 060 teaohers and officers 6448 aoholars witb an average attendance ot 8588 1033 scholars are members of the ohuroh nearly every sohool is supplied with literature including helps papers and library and these with one exception are all procured from denom inational publishing houses of tbs several schools tbe finances of tbe schools wsre well sustained during the year the aggre gate amount raised reached 1189748 an lnoreats ovsr tbe previous year of 128 the amount devoted to the support ot missions was 418 62 fortyoight qf our bnnday sohoole are kept open every bonday during the year nine of tbem still hiber nate tod dsprlvs tbs aoholars of the privil eges of the sunday bobool service snd united and systematic bible study during tho winter months our schools generally arataklng mo ints i teq s atns for use in weekly teaoblng of the lesson and maps and blackboards are yearly increasing denominationally tho sobools are as follows baptist 4 oborob of england 8 congregational 1 dlsolpfee 1 methodist 28 1 presbyterian 18 union 2 in oonoludlng his report tbe secretary said there arormny faithful nnes engag- ed in this wo let our mot or 1808 be more of onr lime more devotion better servloe on behalf of this great work tbs popular evening addresses were in every oaae eloquent and hejpful tbat given by rev j l gllmour b a of hamilton on foe to face with your class wss exceptionally inspiring mr alfred day general seoretary gave a vivid picture ot the wilderness and solitary places in the sunday sohool field sbd as a result missionary aeal was lotsn- smsdi bev f e howltt tt hamilton spoke upon tbs teacher and tbe word giving a most impressive address tbe closing address by rov vf l hutledge b a of hamilton iwmau eloquent exhorutloutomtitlnusaiissshiess and oqosmfitted hspfcpcrtanl sou- llonolthsmmvtestlpwd the wsllduown hospltalbry ot tba oak d the right house corner king and hughson st hamilton special midwinter attractions efectsrs ef halton i in the gleak rqqffi ladies black jackets wuh stprm dollar regulir 9640 clernnr nt 250 rcgulnr 88 00 clearing jl 300 regular 81075 clefrinfc at 81 lid lea black or colored jackets latest atj les this seisons importation regular 5g cleinng for 5 811 clearing irsg regular 813 50 for 8 ladies black or colored jackets newest ind nobbiest styles bnid trimmed borne silk lined regular prices trom 817 50 to 825 take your choice at one price 810 ladles silk seal capes quilted satin lining regular pnee 816 50 clean nj for 811 better quality regular 818 50 clearing ati3 ladies blick cloth capes silk lined rcgulir price 811 clearing at 86 regular 813 50 clearing at 89 at 82 50 former price 86 50 3 only girls cos tumes coat and skirt fit girls 12 to 14 yeirsof age at 86 former price 88 2 only ladies black serge costumes at 88 former pneo 812 4 only ladies tweed costumes odd line of ladies waterproof cloiks lest than half regular price regular 8775 for 8350 regular 812 73 for 86 ffihite muslin ftriderwear opened to day ladies white skirts six tucks and embroidery frill special price 81 ladies white skirts muslin frill of fine embroidery special price 81 25 ladies cotton night robes tucks and insertion roll fine embroider tpmming special price 81 fine cloth at little prices at 85c former price 8 r 50 i inch fancy tweeds suitable for children s wear at 81 former price 82 54 inch rcersible tweed at 8 25t regular price 82 54 inch nay or brpwn serge at 81 50 54 inch black chinchilla cloth former price 82 25 at 81 75 former prico 2 75 54 inch fine worsted especially suitabe for mens suits at 82 25 former price 83 50 54 inch fine navy- beaver suitable for men s overcoats or ladies mint les readyltowear garments ladies eiderdown wrappers in 3rey pink cardinal or blue full skirls regular 97 clearing for 84 50 tinest flannel wrappers pink blue cardlnator terra cotta regular 3 25 clearing at 02 25 regular 95 clearing at 82 75 regular 10 clearing at j3 30 cashmere wrappers in pink or cardinal full skirt trimmed with ribbon vehet lined throughout regular 89 50 qlearing at 8450 special purchase of 11 dozen fine tlannelette wrappers lull skirt yoke back regular value 82 special price 8r 25 thomas c tstatkins- ssajitjfil after the chr holidays what quiet times and dull trndc 5 not at all i wc will start a trade inugorator on saturday the 8th install t a great winter clearing sale and all our sales have been successful why because first goods are as represented second at the close of the season we mark down surplus stock to prices that effectively empty the shelves third no rubbishy stuff is ever imported whereby a cheap show may be made but our regular stock is reduced so as to crowd the store with buyers while the sale lasts when the season is about ended we consider it legitimate business to thus dispose of surplus stock and it lends to confirm the esteem and goodwill of our customers which wc hope to maintain as heretofore our present sale we expect will bo a record breaker we are not sending out patent dodgers and as it is manifestly impossible to enumerate every article in a newspaper advertisement we earnestly request your presence as early as possible a few ines of special value are hereunder quoted but remember all good3 can be had at a big reduction from regular prices fine hihclass tailoring there is uamlstukabli in about our clothing that stamps the wearer as well dressed we have a number of tall and winter suitings overcoatings trouserings etc to be cleared out at cost to make room for spring importations now is the time to get the pest at the clos est prices fit style and finish guaranteed ladies dress costumes worth 85 00 and 86 00 for 84 00 ladies dress costumes worth 87 00 and 88 00 for 85 00 heavy velour cloths in black brown navy blue ahd myrtle green i 25 for 90c heavy velour cloths in black brown navy blue and myrtle green 81 00 tor g5c a great va of fancy dress goo in all colonngs worth 65c ior 45c per yd pe la capot with fa mufls to match worth 825 00 for 817 50 black astrachnn caperiqes silver lama trimmed worth 820 00 for 815 00 girls grey persian lamb tarn o shan- ters worth 85 00 for 83 50 ladies muffs in all furs from 75c up ladles all wool vests worth 35c for 20c ladies all wool vests worth 40c for 25c ladies all wool ests worth 75c for 50c ladies all wool tests worth 9i 00 for 75c ladles all wool vests worth 81 25forgoc boys a piece ready made suits wortl 8225 for 81 75 boys 2 piece ready made suits worl s3 00 for 82 00 boys 2 piece ready imde suits worth 83 50 for 8250 povv 2 piece ready made suits worth 5 00 for 83 50 youths 3 piece ready made suits worlh 83 so for 82 7s youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 84 00 for 83 25 youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 84 50 for 83 50 youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 85 oo for 83 75 only a few mens and boys overcoats left but they will be sold out regardless of cost a snap for somebody 1 large goat robe 812 50 for 88 00 j astrachan buffalo robe large size 81600 for 81000 wc will give you a hearty welcome to come nnd inspect our goods and see what a slaughter we hac made in pnees you will scarcely realize it the terrific cut we have made in all lines of goods wo will alwayb give the highest price for butter and eggs just the same as cash to us bargain day every day dress goods furs and ladies goods fine high class tailoring eeady- towear clothing etc gibson 7vul7tr si co ceoegetomn rob block 7wc751n st yilu friends was folly sustained tho social sldawfts appealed to at the oloso ol the afternoon sobbiod on the second day when tho delegates wero entertained at innoli in tho sohool room of tho methodist ohuroh tbe ofiloers elected for the onsuina year were president e b oleavcr turlington sec treas miss clara davidson nelson fitatistioal secretary- mrs lucy m smith oakvillo bepresen tatlve to provlnoial eieootlvo mr w v hopkins burlington auditors j w elliott and s bews milton township representatives on county exeoutive eiquesing t grant f s near t l warren nassagaweya tfaos storey jno kitohen trafalgar tnos m stepbonson jno e mckay nelson geo harbottlo jno jmiiler bepresontatlves to provlnoial association rev j p mcquarris nelson and imr j 8 deacon milton the resolutions urged all bnnday sohool workers to aid the plebiscite help ory down the nse of tobaooo enoonraga a missionary spirit amodj the children and tbs osnal thanks to retiring president and ouloers speakers united ohoir and the people ot oakvillo for their hospitality the next conventiou will be held in milton in febrnary ibm potatoes wanted iattlo plua they alto relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dlulncss nausea drowsi jicss bodtastein the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable mall pill small dose mall price substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little ljiver pills highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at symon bros acton we carry a lull line of hardware grooeries boots shoes symon bros coh mill and main sts acton acton saw mills and wood yards j h hamilton marble and granite hamilton blook oub having on hand a largo quantity of bootoh norway swedish and huatsian and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow all expenses to customers to and from our works john h hamilton year vole ad influence are respectfully requested for the undersigned a candidate in tho coming provincial elections if fivorcd with jour confidence i will sup port the government in all measures intended to increase the productiveness and alue offarm proper my special attention will be given to the preservation of our forest wealth and the manage ment of our mines to the end that they may yield a perpetual revenue sufficient to meet all charges on the provincial treasury believing that these are the most serious questions before you at this time i remain jqurs truly john r barber paper maker ceofccetown ileia alnriisemtrtis wanted a few good men for canvtuslug on yetuly nalarioo nile llnsgosacompany toronto wanted at once four oiovo makers for heavy goods pleco or wok work steady employment to good handfi osgood glove works preston wanted solichors for canada an encyelopodla of tbocountrj inrivolloyal quarto vol nmoj no delivering commission paid week ly a camasbcr roporta tiia ilrut wook making ovoreovodty dollars pront agents glimpses of tho book unsoon fascinating swoops tho entire hold of bordor land bubjootu fvorybotfy ardors marvellous illustrations prospoatua 1 bradley g aruetson company llmltod toronto look ie we havflpfor sale desirable buudlor lots in acton two in ooolts survey andwo in smiths bnrvoy fencodanti goodshano they sreoffer6dat a bargain if purchased immeatatoly t o moorb 4 son d wanted men to sell for the foathiu nurseries 0vejr7oo acres ot canadian grovm stoqjc wo import no stock from the states iparmeils fftrmora sons iniplomont agents btudedtsteaobon retired ministers enor aetloclorki who wish to make advancement find tbe wrk or sol ii 03 our hardy home grown hursery stock pleasant as well as profitable ws wantjnoro such men tula aeoaon as tho demand for our goods it increasing owing tatbo foot bat vo guarantee all ouratook free from ban josp scale majtei o contracts for wbolo or part time men employment tbo yoar round we pay botb write na for our torma wo ma oyr jary and commission outfit free stone wellington toronto ontario cheap feed american corn crop 1806 sound hmd drv compare it with the soft new grain chopping promptly and carefully done at the eockwood chopping mills harris co aoton macliino and repair shops hbby qllnvdblx proprietor abr well equipped with all tbs maolilnerv bmeasary toextute all rapalrs to maobln err and agrlonltaral implements and to do all kinds of stoamottlnahonwsboaing and general blaobsmlsblng woodwork repairs perfocmod inasatisfaetdtr manner we oaa repair and maoblns or implement ot any mako saw gamming and flluut dona jtcotbs brolnin wahofaotonhb ahd dbalbb ik lumber lath ghlaglcm wood iito all kinds or wpod in stock and promptly delivered to any part of the town at raaaonabla prloei hardwood and alaba out stove length always on band telepnoae oommuoleatlop agents wanted woman maiden wife and mother a book wbloh every woman will hoy is a mostrasdy speolalprsraesbytjadyalmrdmn iutrodnoubn by ml praboss b whiard an aaoielopsaala on tba woman question por traits ofa tiundrad noted woman and numerous otbsr dlsstrauona a snap for aitbar men dr women canvassers jpruspaotqs swo tab linboott company toronto dot early to bed early to rise stick tosjualnoss an- wvirtlafk now the tlrns lo advertise people are going to have money to spend this win ter as they have not had for years enquire at the free press office for rates and space wantedagent8 both mbn and women iv yon ars willing wworltws oaa give yon em puymaotintn bow iss7i end you can work suorpmstbsttmaimiplsravallosi tbe work ullimlom ssft- wtiu a ono or tsrmaso7csii- j thx bxyfxavxmsxbrt oomfamt agents riiondlkm oold melds valuakl book selling i baatitltal wrospsstns twentybt stats books oatlms tub aftadlbimjabbbtbon oo limited toronto luakl boea7 selling ilk awnwwinjf prible carefully ttelies m guelph 9