i i the grim reaper fifty year ago no theory ot gcrmb to chill affections lnuldlng tillftnen when ardent lover topic their fill no ilcrobcfl on their knacn how happy they were not to know the gcrmfod 30 years ago ayers cheriy pectoral fa the standard family remeiiy of the world for ooldscouffhs arid lung diseases it is nota palliative and is not therefore put up in small cheap bottles it is put up in large bottles for the household they cost more but cure more fads pome and go but no theory or fad can overthrow the fact that the greatest cure for all colds ooughs and throat and lung diseases is ayerfl cherry pectoral 50 years of cures wft jutoii jfm thursday february 10 1898 vas waiting to receive the burdened victim of kidney disease paines celery compound saves a life after fifteen years of terrible agony one of the greatest victories over disease ever recorded mb kevilu says your compound banished all my aches and pains no case too complicated for the great medicine feije 3anng folks kissing tjtg c kiuos in tho morning make the dyaom bright filling every comer wlthaijleamof light and wbt happiness he mtasoa who axtootlons imp also booming dopxtfl and glros no kisses to the children in tho morning many think it folly many say its hlisa very muob doponding on whotte llpa you kiss bat tho truth i am confessing and id have yon all lako warning if you oovot anyblosstog kibb the children in the morning kisses la too evening wbenthollghtaoralow sot two hoartb aflamlng with affections glow and tho angels bwarm in numbers hound tbo pillow tboyars proaiug who arc wooed to peaceful si urn bora by a dear ones fond oaroailog klasoa in tho mornlng aro not ont of place eissor in tbo evening have a special graco audit seems to ma that this is for indnlgonoo lawful reason bwooteat tulips i mean kisses yo are never oat of season t johnnys conposition on boys im one and im glad of of it id bate to be a girl beoaabe she cant climb a tree jikatbeoyaterinj oonqndroro why in an oyster like an elephant ive always well a riobardson go dear sirs for tbo past fifteen years i have been troubled with diseased kidoeya i am eognsed in the raannfaotnreofobeebe aadam obliged to work more or less in a stooping posturo at times i found it al most impopuiblo to work owing to severe pains serosa my kidneys often after working in a stooping position for a time i would find it very difficult to btraifthten up at once and could only do so after re peated efforts of late yearn while laboring under tbeao severe attacks i became very nervous and oontinually had tired wornout feelings my rest at night seemed to do me no rood and i always felt tired oat in the morning i had been taking various medicines and was retting worse all the time at last i decided to give pained celery compound a trial 1 prooured a bottle and took it according to direction a and foand its effect wonderful before i had used the first boitfo i began to improve after i had used the second bottle i felt as well as ever i did in my life it had banisbod all aches and painp my nervousness was all gone and the tired and worn oat feelings were banished i can go to bed now and bleep well and rise in tho morning rested and refreshed i have recommended paines celery com pound to my friends who were suffering from tho earne troubles as i bad and all havo been greatly benefitted knowing asens1ble man in speaking of adverting wtuiamaker says i never in my lifo tincd niioh a thii its u handbill my phiii for twenty years liau buon to buy eo much npuco in a nowa- paper unci ill it up iih 1 wanted i would not givo uu adveriihcmont in u newhpnper df 500 oircuation for fi000 dodgers or f tester h i wt to nel c jowollry or run 11 gambling rohame i mijiht uae poutcth but i would not insult a decent reading public with handbills the oluse of people who read them are too poor to look to for support in mercantile affairs i deal directly with the publisher i say to him how long will you let me run a column of m tutor through your paper for 100 or 8c00 as the case maybe i lot him do the figuring and if i think he is not trying to make moro than his share i givo him tho copy i lay aside tho profit on a particular line of goods for dverlirinupurpodes at ilrdt i laid bbidu fillooo lint year i laid aside and- spent 910000 i have done better and shall iuarouho the sum as profits war rant it i owe my buoceua to newspapers and to them 1 freely givo a certain profit of my yearly business partnership dont dissolve a partnership without designating a member to settle up the affairs dont imagine that an agreement for one partner to take all asaota and pay air the debts will release the other partners from liabilities to third persons dont coubent to acknowledge ono part ner sb your bole creditor unless you wleh to release the others dont think that a third party ia put upon his inquiry us to whether a loan mado in tho firm name is intended for a partnership or not dont go on a bond guarantee a debt snbsaribe for stock or fpecututa in- pnblid fundd without the knowledgo and ooneont of your partners dont do any act outside the usual course of businoas without your partners consent dont attempt to executo a power of at torney without tho eiguaturo3 of all the partners dont oompromiao a claim on your boio responsibility tills tolls where ifealth hay be found and that is more important than making money if your blood is impure hoods sarsaparilla is tho medio ae for you it cures scofala salt rhenm rheumatiam catarrh and all other diseases originating in or promoted by impure blood and low etato of the system railway time table a ladys xt llxov3 ladies fine leather silver mounted purses at cost price only till february 12th v s k ykgecq jewellers guelph glasgow house acton outorla a pat tip in eneslie bottles only it u sot sold in balk dont allow anyeno to soil 1 jbtt anything else on the plea or promlso that it 11 jost as good and will answer ovory pnr- poio jwbcotkat you got oabtohia ucn tor vnppor oh my friends there are some bpeotao- les that ono nover forgets 1 said a lecturer after giving a graphic description of a terrible accident he had witnessed id like to know where they eel 1b em re marked an old lady in tbo audience who is always mislaying her glasses doctored for nine years for tetter there is no dispute managed without a passion and yot thoro is aoaroo a dispute worth a passion shorlook 10 years town coiifitahlc what it has done i can cheerfully recom mecdit to any person buffering from kidney disease yours troly o f kevill dansfordont sloseings ever wait on virtuous deeds and though late a sure reward auooeeds oongreve gripe hoods flits are easy to take easy to operate cure indigestion headache the ohortebt and surest way to live with honor in tho world is to be in reality what wa would appear to be sooratep you cannot be happy while you have corus then do not delay in getting a bottle of holloways corn curo it removes all kindb of oornb without pain failure with it ia unknown been a boy too and couldnt help myself somehow or other boys seem to have mora an than girls- tbey know more and love danger whloh rirl do not i wonld rath- er have danger than a doll any day jnst look at girls on skating ponds and see they always stay where- the ice is thiok hut do we well i guess sot we skim along the raggy edge near the red signs wbioh proves what i baid and then in samaertop yon-always- find nssoaling dizzy heights like barns and ienoee and trees butthe girls are alwaya on dry land and scream even then this shows that boys are brave and ooorageons and bold andin every way much more manly than any- girl that ever drew breath thttta what i dont iii xhsy are not manly bnt shy and likely to quail in the presence ot danger that ia why so many boys and so few girls ever beoome pirates 1 dont oare muob about being a pirate myself bnt its nice to think x oonld bait i wanted to and make people tremblq at the meremention of my narne tbongb if i was a pirate id have a better name than johnny thompkins some thing like marmadtake de vera or bed- banded henderson or somsthing else that could be roared ont in the midst of a battle and ba beard abova the din of war boys are mora mescaline too than girls who aro ephemeral by natorawa like to be out in thunder storms and get our feet wet bat girls are like ohlokena when the rain oomesdown it always makes me jangh tbsy are so afraid of getting wet and if the wind blows and musses their hair you dont want to ask them to do anything for anybody jnst then they oant flab either beoaaie they are afraid of the water in drat place the bait in the second place and the fish in the third plaoa it they conld go flsbjng in a wsgjipn in a flower gardsn with oandy for bait and be mighty oertain that they would not oatoh anything alive theyd like it bnt fishing for flab isnt any fan for girls whlob i bent see why because i thick a person that oant enjoy inshlbg has got something wrong with him and ought to ba evaded some people think it cruel to flab and maybe it is is and if it is im sorry id rather fish withont burting anybody and thats why i went llshlng ones and oaogbt a lot of minnows withont hurting tbara or a single worm by taking my sisters straw batandpalllngit tbroagb l be water ilka a backet bringing up seven mlnnles at a dip bnt it was cruel sport jnst the same only i was tbe oo that got when yott take heads fills theblg old-fash- lonedsugaaoated pills wnloh tear yon all to it with nooda easy to take m jdsytooprawutnii at hoods fills whloh nr sp to date in every respeet bafe oertla and aure all- rngglsts 250 oi noodscorlowelimsjj the onlrpiustotakewui roods hh if every man governed himself there wonld be no neoeasity for arty other govern ment buokinghame dye for the whiskers buckinghams dye for the mustaohe buoklnghams dye for the eyebrowa colon a baautifnl brown orblock hort when the news reached borne whlob it did jast before me as it wouldnt bava if my sister hadnt been girl who are lat- latalu of the worst description i heard a man say onea blood will tall bnt it oant beat a girl for tailing bnt i got even with her afterwards i gava bar a book oalled sporu for oy tbs next christmas and she didnt ilka it a bit boys are moro ingenious than girls too edison who invented tbe telegraph wires was alioy bo was george waahlngton and book ewlng the captain of new yorks no girls obold bava been those bnt boys can and may bo 111 be president some day bat roy sister nsvsr will which is a goodthlbgjjaoausa wed have a war right off with some one she is so qoarrslsoroe yours truly jointkt ah tta element that nature demands to maittijiakibowsn4 v j xmsidry id hrab and jj7l tyrethnmarhi l a r oonatiatly passing away and yet constant ly coming on now think about your health in the warmer weather of spring yoa boald be strong and in robust health jonr blood pare and your appetite good otherwise yon will be id danger of serious illneai purify and enriqh your blood with hoods sarsaparilla and thna prepare for spring this medicine makes rich rod blood and gives vigor and vitality reward of virtue at what age does selfadmiration end 1 perhaps ii aged people were entirely frank they would have to tell tbeic selfoonoeited grand oblldreni if they asked this question yoa most ask some one older than we qrandpa brown is eightytwo and time kit not spared biro he is bald toothless nd wrinkled the other day his grand son tom looked at him long and atead- ilyand aald gnndpa when i get to be as old as yon shall i look yu you do qrandpa beamed oh yes tommy lit aniwered yon may if you are good and take oare of yourself all your life i steel wood ho that too roaoh refines his delioaoy will always endanger his quiet its so pleasant to take that children cry for it but its death to worms of all kinds dr lowa worm syrup prioe 25 coots all dealers there is the law of benefits between men the ono ought to forget atonoe what ho bbbg1vbn7andtbo-6tborongnt-nover-to- forget what he baa recoived beneoa your weak spot mr james gaaton merahant of wilbes- barro pa writea for nioo years i havb been disfigared with tetter on my hands aed faoe i have spent hundreds of dollars with doators and tried scores of remedies at last i have found a cure in dr agoows ointment it helped me from tho first application and now after abbingit for two months i believe i am permanently- oored aa my bkin la smooth and soft and free from eyeryblemiahl- 7 8ick headaobe however annoying and diatroseinp ia poaitivoly cared by ijaxa- liver pills they are eaby to take and never gripo after coughs and colds the germs of consumption often gain a foothold scotts emulsion of cod- liver oil with hypophos- phites will not cure every case but if taken in time perhaps it is your ttfroat or bronchial tabes if yoa take cold easily take scotts emulsion it checks any tendonoy in your system to serious inog trot bio impose not a burden on others which tbon oannot bear tflybelf undonbtod kvldence gentlemen i am ploased to recommend your xaxa liver fjlls for oonsllpation dyspepsia and sick headaobe i have used tbem for those troubles and find them a pleasant asfe and snro anre free from tbe annoying griping of other pilla i have horo rtofore used signed h james nioholas hotel hamilton bnt blood bitters has tbe most natural action on the stomach liver bowels and blood of any medicine known hence itseffects are prompt and luting it cures without fail all such diseases as dyspepsia corutipation biliousness bad sjcfc headacte boflsy pimples tumors it will cure many even when the disease is farther advanced some re markable cures are effected in the most advanced stages it prolongs life and makes the days far more comfort able everyone suffering from consumption needs this food tonic mr b knisley hagersville ontario holds the record of having been town constable for 18 years mr knisley sayb i was cured of kidney and bladder weak ness by threo boxes of doans kidnoy pille i oftenhad to rise in the night on account of bladder woaknosb tho pilla entirely did away wilti this annoyidg symptom i- highly recommend them for all kid ney or bladder troubloh ono of the godlike things of this world ia the vonoration done to human worth by the hearts of mon carlyle mrs celeste coon syraouae n y writes por years i conldtiot eatmanyr kinds of food without producing a burning excruciating pain in my stomach i took parmolees pills according to dlrcation under tbe head of dyrfpepuia or indiges tion ono box entirely bured mo lean now eat anything i ohooae without distreaaing mo in the least these pills do not caubo pain or gripping dud should bo nsod whbu a oathartio ia required repentanco ib a second innouenco will yon try 1 will you try to get rid of constipation if we toll yon bow 1 the remedy is burdook blood bitters it p the stomach liver and bowolu in -poneot- pruer wo prove what wo print i think there ia no equal to b b b for constipation says mrs thomab tamblyn oabawnont it oured both my husband and mysolf after using only five bottles iu all a feature with us this week will be an early shipment or american prints fancy sateens etc just to hand in exquisite designs and perfect color ings which will be cleared during the next fen days to make room for regular stock exceptionally tasty goods for wrappers and waists prices will range from 8c to ioc worth 12 jc to 15c henderson go q4wtmwmittwt is shops and warerooms foot of willow st calls attendeld to day or night j a speiglxt go 50c and 100 scott downe all drugglsti chemltts toronto fire and awordro hnfc riqw- onginnb nf deetraotiop in oomprison with tbo babbler steele does your food do you good f if yoa havo dyepopaio yonr food can not do all the good it should b d b cares dyspepsia and rogalates tho etomaob bo that every grain ot nutriment ia extracted from the food solid faots coont mian mary roao betlivue ohorah point nova scotia says burdook blood bitters made a complete cure in my oase after i had buflered two years from dyspepsia i bellevo it oannot fail to cure the higher we are raised tho mora prominent are oar errors and infirmities inatant relief guaranteed by aainp mi i burn a sterling headaoho powders no depressing after effeot pay as you go and keep from bra all eooree safe certain prompt economic these fow adjectives apply with peculiar force to dr thomas is dec trio oil a standard external and internal remedy adapted to tho relief and cure of aoaghe sore throat hoarsoneas and all affection a of tho breathing urgans hidnoy troubles excoriations sorea lamcneas and physical pxb- grieving for misrortunoa is adding gall to woemwood hagyards yellow oil is prompt to relievo and aa re to oure coughs colds sore throat pain in thechebt hoareenoss quinsy oto prioe 25 cents undertakers and embalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furwtiatwie of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speiqhtco orders left with j n 8tinsqn rockwood will receive immediate aueslon 1iiv ol ciohinlj 11aiul lolni wuft j i 11 111 iliki nijoplil ooilik liubt 10 ir am iiiitlg 10 p111 tijjh tiiiki tnlilo uditt mlo cjttut uu moiida nov 30tli ihjil wanted agents in ovory jihtrict ou tho continent to tako ordure for hlliyrado cnnndiaurrdwn nurs- ory stoclf autl hucjb jjafcest hut most couiploto asnorttnoiit in tho tradu fast solutik tmucli- tloa nuport aamploo urnhhod troo cones pond cd co in any ian gun no tlioso nobltlotib aro uicnuy innktirfl unci tprrltorv shoum bo eoourod tttouco for tho bcafloil by nit huntluri lookluft for a cood tliiiiu our uitrtitry or cornmlssfoji otforo will lntorohfc litiyouo- not oarniuk 1000 00 per your out lu oouitnuulcatlon with our- hoarost ofllcc an dppdrtutiltyto rcprbhouta wolfjfltatjlipliocl boubo ability- iuore lujportaut thau oxpoilonco luky brothers 9ompanv r nureorloe chicago iii montreal quo itocuoator n y w barber ros paper makee8 georgetown ont uaee x bfeculty ot machine finished book papers and high grade weekly news tho paper nsod in this journal la from tho ubovo millb wm bafbbn bt108 your portrait have you had one taken lately if not give ramshawy the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable cail to day this veather just suits h ramshaw acton photo artfst brkntf0rd galvanized steel wind mills jor power and -pjxmp- iog vnth in ternal covered oear patont roller arid ball bearings maple leaf grain grinder two sizes forany power no x has 10lrich reversible burrs no 2 lias 8inch single burrs scrofula kidney complaint jaundice coattd torigik loss of appttlte ntj general dtpillty the fact that it is guar anteed to cure if ittcd according to dlrectioia warrants any sufferer in giving a fair trial to burdock blood a flbroos preparation of steel made in the sama manner as the sooalled mineral wool by pnsslnn sin air blast throngl molten steel is oomlog into uao for olsan- log pollshldg atai instsad of sandpaper ills formed ot extremely fins filaments and hu the exaos etppearaiioe of grayish wool lilts wool it is vory compressible ills acid indifferent degrees ot nneness the tint three grades are known by tbo i the four following- gradss whlob are coarser by that of shavings the wool does not break and does not stick to padnl or varnish so its ose is attonded jlth krtat advantage roya pbt n tbey are fond of pet names in tbe royal family tbe duke of flfo is called msedaut tbe daohesl is oalled her boyitl shyness becaoiw she is sovery nllrldg in disposition little frinoe edward of xork is known a the new boy- aba vrlnoes patrlolaof oonoaogbl who vrs so ohristensd after har father nod bwanse she was bdrn on 81 falripks dsy ia affeellonately dubbed paddy princess paddy is a oheerfol ehlldi aged 11 years tubiu met hi hal wjay the utest prodigal son closed a letter to hli fathir with a quotation bit m sonte bsf vy task to dor- i tm aid rerjwtaris bowing i the old pin was no post but hs replied tatfollosrbils- itn gtsd to sea the change in you oomelmcliindactoplotigriiug atlanta cwumutlon the beat atonement for evil derda is to sst about the performance of good ones a few doses qave permanfnt relief jas alien of st stephen n b writes i was troubled with very severe pains iu the heart paid in tho side and shortness of b i be compl exh with the least exertion doctors said my oaae was a hopoleas one 1 prooured a bottle or dr agnews care for tho heart a few doses gave mo permanent relief six bottles oured mo today i om well bold by a t brown god has nover oeassd to be the one true- elm of all right human aspirations vinot a pinner pill many persons suffer exoruolating agony after partaking of a- hearty dinner the food partaken of is like a ball of lead npon tbe stomach and instead ot being a healthy nutrient it becomes a poison to tho system dr parmelees vegetable pills are wonderful oorreoiiyes nf euoh troubles they correct aoidity oprin secretions and convert the food partaken of into healthy nutriment they are- jnst the rnodioine to take if troubled with indigestion or dyspepsia early tombed and early to ribo makes a man healthy wealthy and wiso frank lin castorfa dr woods norway pine is sure to cure coughs and colds price 25 cents for infants and children fools rush in where angoufear to troad pope cholera ahdull summer dogaptalnta are ao quiok in their aotion that tbo oold hand of death is upon the vlotlms before tbey are kware that danger la uoar if attaoked do not delay in getting the proper medioine try a dose of dr 3 d kollogns dysentery cordial and yon will gel immediate relief it acta with wonderful rapidity and never f alia to effeot a dnre xlkensss begsts love yet proud men hate one another- tot to- sbstu slut tut bee svtry vtijpsb mo uatter no matter how obstinate the oougli how severe the oold-norway- pine syrup will cure and cure quickly no other romody equals it in ourativo power over threat and lung troubles kindred weaknesses will induce friend ships aa often as kindred virtues acqipen will happen john brown a g t it veteran of 3440 marabell st philadelphia says by a mere acoident i onrne acrpit dr agnowe oaurrhal powder i was a great sufferer from that dread malady catarrh this wonderf ol remedy effeot ed a speedy and permanent oure in my base and 1 hays bean so thankful for itthit i am will- ibis ifbd the remainder of uiy days in preadlng ihe good newa to roy fellow suf ferers sold by ay t brown not education but oharactor is mans greatest need and mans groatost safe- gnard sponser thero never wab snd nover will bo a universal panaoca in ono remedy for all ills to which flesh is hoir tho very nature of many curativoh boing such tliat wore the germs of other and dittoreutly seated diseases rooted in tho system of tbo pationt what would relievo ono ill in turn would aggravate tho other we have howover in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual judioloua use the frailost systems are lod into oon- valeacenae and btrongth by tho influonoo whloh quinine exerts on naturos own restoratives it relisvoa the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronio atato of morbid despondence and lack of interest iu life is a disease and by tranquillslng the nerves disposes to sound and rofreah ing sleep imparts vigor to the aotion of tbe blood wblph being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a neoessary result atrengtbaning the frame and giving life to the digestive organs whloh naturally demand inoreasod substance reaoui ira proved appetite northrop a lyman off toronto have given to the- pjiblio tbelr quinine wine at the uruel rate andji gaaged by the opinion of scientists thf wine approaches nearest perfcollou ofeny in the market all druaglsls so ii momullsns choice steel wire nettings ffor trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc are sold much lower this year than fievec before they are the best ask you hardware merchant lor hem jwioi eb and eeserli iton iae wl iuwo tpemi landbookonl qnfalilv aseertilt lntbntlnnjs proba entnea olgeat ssrmeror secnrinaimi fcaataotles wlthouxenarsstntrie scientific htrieiti a tiandttornelr htnuttnlwl wobwrv onlsuonof any nolenjltlg jodrnalfti tsmijfimr month 1 tfolu broil mjunn co dmnchofnco m v st wl r vv iiswfiill