Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1898, p. 2

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v- ju imoxn llkmikh on hattiatlay bth february to mr and mrs william uarnoa twin daugbtofs mahapitat tho mruisc mtlton on baft u r lay fltti b obruary to itov a and mrs matmtiy a ibudlitor iuubuaw at orowaona coruura on saturday i ebrunry uth to mr ami mm jam is ham sunw a dnvuijlitr oiiaiirium in llrampton on wodnosilay oth luhruurj to mr and mr h ohnrtord of tliu comikiivaruii a iuu bandei tios at tho roaidouoo of win itmioud aoton on tuesday fltbtubruary t mr aud rirtt j l handoreon of tit catbarluua a la ii i tor ma itlll ed 1 modouoalu maiitim at tho ronldslhai of tho brldoafatbor on wednesday fob v 16th by itov xi ierrln b amr donald modougatl son ot tho late johu modougall esq to sada b daughter of jobo martin esq all of bs- quealug pluuubh dnown at tho resldnnao of tho brides father qualpb township near tho o a o on weddosdsy bad day of february by itov it j m olaaaford or chalmers ohaioh john h plqinmer of the township of era tuosa to may oolv laugtatorof john brown mar r logo llaonies appointmonts mode h p moolik offloo or rosldonoe badnkb in erin on snudav feb 6th infant daughter of mr and mrs william barnea hepileu in llstowol an thursday jan 97tb taoob hepplor aged 69 yean and montba wnioqlbswontn at onolph dn sunday fob- rury lath georgo wiigglosworth id his 81st year kixdoun at 68 brunswick ave toronto on wodnasday 9th february edmund 8 kugour of guelph aged 40 yean and s muuths kite jufnit jfres rm thursday tebruaby 17 1698 notes and comments sir richard oar right has gone to washington in oonneotion with tho proposals now pending in the senate to reatriot the bonding privileges in regard to the navigation of the stiokine tho announcement ia made that the manitoba provincial iioklslatare will be called together on thursday march 10 the ministers say that at present there seems to be very little legislation reqairod and the session is likely to be a short one the eleotion workers in the province do not take kindly to the new registration bcheme in vogue in towns and oltie for they say that it really means a double eleotion it takes as much trouble to get men to register as it does to get them to vole that england has been brought into oloser touoh with canada is apparent by the need for increased facilities for trans- pore the dominion steamship qpmpany will run a weekly instead of a fortnightly passenger service between montreal and liverpool during tbo coming season and a new twin screw steamer of 6000 tons tho dominion will be placed on the servloe a new preferential tariff has proved its benefit to canada trade with great britain has increased eaob way baring january imports from canada increase 147582 or 82 per cent compared with january 1897 the chief increases were animals 7000 wheat 85000 wheat flour 4 000 bacon 4000 butter 3000 oheese 66000 eggs 3000 fish 78000 the decreases were wood 18- 000 and bams 5000 tho exports to canada inoeeased nearly seven per cent sir charles dilke in an artiole in british dailies entitled why we need an army embodies this utterance it is probable that in any general european war in whiob we engage the united states will be neut a will fr us from too close- attention to tbe defence of canada this hand to light i ipioda ungl able to peace than tbe existing condition of affairs it is certain that no british- government will propose to keep a largo force in canada in time of peace while to send one there in hone of war would be more a question of tbo command of the sea than an army question speculations as to the outcome of the halton eleotion are numerous mr kerns has succeeded in defeating several candi dates in the past and both he and his strongest supporters have confidence that he can continue in this way bto has fought some strong men and beaten them hut his present opponent is a man of onnspal strength in the political fleld a man whoi while he has been engaged in a business that has grown enormously tinder bis direction bas always taken time to show his interest in tbe welfare of bis town township and oonnty and has done so so the benefit of all mr kerns bas perhaps never had an opponent who is so strong personally and in every other way as mr barber georgetown htrald g0ldth chi topic the yukon gold fieldsare the cap itals auabsorblnir subject estimated yield to date jls 4038500 ottawa ifeby 10 canadas new old uelda command tho almost undivided attoution ot the noople in all parts of the dominion to day but in no placo so fully as at the seat of government one is a ma id ut the complete effaoeraent from the houkuta of parliamentarians of all other subjects of interest in this great oountry a faot which furnishes ovldonoe of the magic power of tbe word gold here isaaeotlonof the dominion fas up within tho arotio oirolo o which a year ago most pf us knew as little as we do today of siberia aud that now oocupica tbu u u ntiou of parliament and the country aud indeed of the whole tforth american continent to the exclusion of almost everything elae agrloulture odm merce manufactures producing more in value in a year than all the gold in tbe world is worth are forgot top and the man with tbipiokaxe and the pan is tbe cynosure of all eyes to tbe fact that tub ytkon mines abb fbagbbs where no capital li needed to win gold save a stout heart strong armi ana a miners pick iadae muohof the attention cantered upon hai region other gold fields are rich and have produced enormously greater quantities of gold within tbe last few months but tbe yukon is heir to tbo traditions of california and bendigo and the cariboo it lithe greatest poor mans gold field in the world today it must not be supposed however that only poor men are interested in it great capitalists in theoldworldand the new seek to share in tbe yukon trade to balld railways secure lands and operate mines in these mighty strlvingsof oapltaltbe yukon railway pol icy of the government has become involved oovettrmkhte yukon baxlway the opposition baa declared war to the knire against tbe governments yukon railway polloy this was decided at a cauousof the conservative members and senators held last wednesday morning the oauous was attended by every oonser valive member in the oity except sir mackenzie bowell hon john coatlgan and mr w f mnleaq m p senator ferley occupied the chair sir charles tapper was the first speaker ho explain ed tho reasons why be bad spoken so strongly in favor of the immediate con struction of a railway whioh would give an all canadian route to the yukon omzi sbbvaks pbbqciscres mr mulook is to introduce a bill to pre vent civil servants and government em ployees generally from acting as tiokel sailers gatekeepers at fairs ushers at theatres floral decorators waiters at government houee reception s and dinners mtrkers at rifle matcher etc the report of the matter does not mention ottawa bat the evil here sboald be remedied and ofjjoorse will be if the bill is passed it is the custom hero forgovernoeut clerks messengers watch men and other employes ot tbe govern ment to ask for their holidays at exhibition time and during rifle matches when they find ready employment in the oapaoity mentioned canada at vlts vab18 exhibition tb6 first privatetnetnbers day since tbe opening of the hoase was on monday and a fortnights acoomalation of questions was showered on the beads of the government seven and a half pages of tbe order paper were taken op w queries we if in only a few of tbe questions mr fisher informed mr lemlenx that 800000 square campaion n halton opened hon o w raos minister of educa tion spake for two hours at oakvlllemonday night the oampitn in hallou wan onuned monday night by a hboral rally in tho oakville town hull which was orowdci to the doors the oh air tyncn 1 b andermu prtsidtmrof tho oikvillo liberal club tho priuoipal spaakor was hon g w robs minister of education he was given a rouatn reception and pro vlonsly bo was escorted to tbe moeting by the brontebrass band and representative liberals mr j r barber tho liberal candidate bpoke first dealing with tbe fiuances of tho province mr john husband tbe liberal candidate at the last election followed prophoajiog vlovoryfor mr barber hon g w ross spoke for about two hours replying first to mr wbitunys oritioisms of tho ontario ministry and mentioning mvttiy matters of lcfuslatloo affeoting every utttustjf aitizeus whiob the liberals bad to carry through the houee at the point of the bayonet and wliloh mr whitney and mr kerns the local member opposed mr robs defended bis own administration of the affairs of tho depart ment of education his remarks being liberally applauded he showed that the cost of an entire set of public school book covering a ohiid s course from the lowest to tbq highest olasa was only 94 00 tbe same in the state of new york coat 90 go he refuted the cry that there was a mouoply in the printing of school books by showing that tbe books were print edby several firms and others might also engage in supplying them if tbey could oomply with the conditions the meeting closed at 11 oolook with the usual cheers the farmers institute able to reblst any foe canadian artillery to ba promptly provided with the most modern quns board op education appoints rev j k ooddan ma thoa t moore and john camer on to the public library board foes dm men nterved lor iba brmid empire at the puis exposition of 1000 osnada bad liked or 60000 sqaro feel and tbe government bad appointed lord stniboona hlgb commissioner as tba representative for canada upon tba im perial commission at tbe exposition xtohdnca ttonns roucm in newer to mr foster 81c wilfrid said tbero was s polioe io tbe yukon prior to msjgr walshs sppoiotment and 100 men were being added tbe monthly ooat per man wae about 195 tbo whole foroe bad ooet 1130 000 up to data for wagea and transport of provisions xbs following are the principal talarlea h- ju m wslsb commissioner 5000 f o wwui r 8 ottiwa feb 10 at tbcrannual meeting of tba dominion artillery association to day there wbb a great deal of talking as to the neoessity for promptly providing tbe artillery of oansda with modern guns end the possible resistance which this coactry oould offer in case of attaos by an outside foe some announcements of an important oharaater were also made dr borden minister of militia stated that the policy of interobanging bodies of oanadisu troops with detaobments of imperial soldiers was to be oontinaed and that in the spriog a battery of oanadian artillery would tem porarily tske the place of a battery of boyal artillery at halifax xbs minister did not say whiob battery would be saleoted bat it is understood b battery at quebec will go and that tbe regulars from halifax will take the formers placet6r the specified time in tbe anoient oity general uaioolgnolntimatod tbst be bad- asked the government to make provision in tbe estimates this year for the pnrobase of four additional field batteries besides the ten already ordored bio blaze in hamilton ontario rollins mllle burned down and nearly three hundred men thrown out ot work hauilton feb 14 there was another disastrops fire here batnrday evening the ontario rolling mills being barued down tbe are wae discovered shoot 10 oolook in tbe main bnilding by thomas may nigbt watcflesln he got baroed hiully while rnnnlajffsngh tlin flamm tn w h j the board of trustees of aoton fubllo bobool met on wednesday evening last 10th inst members present james molatn chair- map george hynds robert holmes bob ert wallace and or uren tbe beoratary intimated that mr hiram swaokhamsr bad been elected to complete the term of t b harding resigned tenders for tba eopply of wood as per i peolflastions published in thofasi fnass were received as follows 87s0 8000 moved by robert wallace seconded by dr uren that tba tender ot john gordon for thirty oords wood at 18600 be accepted contractor to oomply with speolfloauons published id the fen faasa carried tba committee on finance presented their second report recommending payment of tho following aoooudts j b pearson sapplta 187 b p uoore stationery fosuge to as 71 upon motion tbe report was adopted moved by rnbort holmes ea by j l and j m wanen thirty oords john a gordon do a bliss accountant 000 h norwood inspector of mines 1500 d mcgregor inspector of mines 1600 t d fattollo secretary 000 thosfawmtl gold commissioner 1800 jss gibbous aask surveyor 1005 it w coutley atst surveyor 1005 j a oadeohead aast surveyor 1005 e d bolton aast surveyor 1005 3 a clark stenographer 000 cliltil o0muikt hardly an ontario member is in town and there will be very few here for tbe remainder of the month as they are want ed to take a band in tbe local fight or dawson direotor ot tbe geological survey estimates tbe gold taken out ot the canadian yukon last year at mekwtoo since 1bb5 14088600 bas been taken out in gold mrs iiivingatone formerly of the do minion lands office at winnipeg bas been appointed by the department of the interior to take charge ot the tmmlgration of superior class ot domestlo servants from britain to aladitoba and the ter ritories telephone ip an alarm in a fewminntes the large structure was sending big forks of flames heavenward and olouds of live sparks were carried toward the 0 t r workshops the whole oity was illuminat ed before tbe firemen arrived on the scene tbe department prevented tbe flames from spreading to tbe adjoining balldiogs about 280 men day and night sblfta are thrown out ot employment tbe loss will amount to about 180000 the bnilding was owned by tbe g t b and was valued at so 000 the building and msohmery were insnred but not sufficiently to cover beloas tho meetings at aoton last friday replete with interest and profit the meetings of halton purtxierd iuetl tute in tho town boll last iyiday nf tornoon aud ovoning woro woll atlltilel uud all who werg prcbqut must liavo realised benont from the praotfoul eubjeotu bo intelligently disoneeed by praotldl men mr j ij warren tbo proaidont ooonpiod the ohalr to the cutortb of bfmaelfandmrw b robbing iboenergetlo sooretary ronoh credit ia duo for tho auooeon of tbe meetinga the inatitnte waa fortunate in bcoorlng men of experienoe to addreaa tjio farmers and their friends and nopertioonlqueatlon asked waa not intelligently ansyored tbe programme of the afternoon eoseion included tbo following sddresaa each of whioh oontained valuable poiots gleaned from practioal experienoe w w hitborn leamington iojarioua inbeata and diaeaees john mophedran naasegawayn keep ing farm accounts tbos momiiranseafortb breeding gd feedjng of beef cattle root alklna naasagaweya ti ve minnies talk on growing small frqlt from a poor man standpoint tbo evening sera on foaud a full honbe with a fair sprinkling of ladiea notwith standing that it wab raining heavily tbo addresses wore both entertaining and instruotive mr w w hilborn gave an address upon ornamental trees and sbrabs and how to care for them instructions as to seleotlon and oolture were given mr hilborn referred to our publio park and pointed out bow it might be beautified with a proper aeleotiou and arrangement of trees tbe address of misalaararoae assistant instructor in tbe dairy department ot tbe o a 0 guelpb was deliohtfally enter taiulug terse and suggestive ii was crowded with sensible and np todto advice to farmers to keep one eye on tbe fields and the other in the town whioh if followed will result in mnohprofiuo them and pleasure to their families tba interest in miss roses address wsa mncb intensi fied because of tbo faot that ahe ja a native of halton and that this was her first address within tbo bounds of faer native county miss rose is a daughter of the late lawrence rose esq of georgetown mr robbins in a mirthful bpeech ex plained the objects of the farnura institute and the benefits accruing totboao oonneoted with it tbe dosing address wsb a very fitting conclusion to the interesting proceedings of the day an addresa upon miking onr way in life by mr thoi mcmillan it contained many excellent blots to those starting in life and bad its eloquent periods and apt anecdotes jndioioaaly sonutored tbe arthurs family oroneatradieooura- ed sweet moaio atintervala during tbe evening and were repoatedly encored churchill tbo annual tea meeting of tba congrega tional church on wedneaday evening last was a great buooeaa in spito ot threatening aepeots of the weather a crowded and- lenae many of whom were from acton enjoyed the tea whioh waa given gratis and served gracefully by the isdiei of the ohnrob the building waa tastefully de corated for tbe oooasioo tbe programme that follo w all t mingied- with wiedom could desire ministerial friends who were expooted nassaqaweya robert wallace that the following puisens be and are hereby appointed members of the free library board of the munioipal ity for the following terms bev 3 k godden m a for one year t t moore for two year john cameron fpr two years moved in sjnendment by george hynds that the fomoelog gentlemen ba appointed merdbersof tbe free librarytxjard or 8 a mokesgus for one year john cameron for two years t t moore for three years the motion was carried- moved by george hynds seconded by robert holmes that tbe auditors report of tbe publio bobool board llsbed ia pempbtst with tb mnololpal carried moved by dr uren eeoooded by robert holmss that ths treasprer be instructed jiai l alnst the most at richer th the klondike fabulous find of aoldon the united stetee side of the alaskan i boundary vmooovxa b o feb 10 a fabulous find is recorded today on an nnknown creek on tba united states slds in the ynkon territory frits behnson of viotorla b 0 writes his brother karl we have strnok it rloh on an nnknown oreak across the border never bsfora seen by man in the province or ahe rocs in one day we plokad np 150t 000 in coarse gold give it away and men the bohniofls bell your business or corns quick with ten have large business interests here and are thoroughly reliable tbe news spread liks wildfire tad a stampede to the united slatei side will result as soon ss tbe locality is located peels new candidate halton farmers institute held a moot ing at brookville on saturday wbfob wsa a good success the afternoon session was addressed by mr thoe momllian of sua- fortb on corn growing and tbe silo his address was vsry instruotive and a lively discussion followed mr hilborn of leamington spake on the orebard how to take cars ot it and make it pay his address was toll of information and many good points were brought out in the discussion the last speaker was mr sprsgoo of guelph o ao he spoke on dairying and some useful bints were given both in the address and in the dls- cusslon the ohalr was occupied by mr d hartley of milton vice pres of tba institute at tha evening session tbe hall wmiprowded to tbe door the president mr jas zi warren of acton was in the ohair there was an excellent programme in whioh the following took part brook ville brass band opening address by mr hilborn on house plants how to propa gate and grow them miss mokensie of corwhin sang several fine scotch airs mr bert hewer of guelph comic vooallat was loudly encored miss laura rose of tha o a o guelpb gave an address on one eye on the fields the other in tbe town her address was very interesting mr bpragus spoke again on dairying the misses fletober tang several duels and were enbored the meetinga were instruotive and entertaining and all went away well pleased with vibat they hard messrs j d anderson and j miller of st helen west wawanoh are vlsitiog relatives and friends in nasssgawsys mr david agnaw bas started a chopping mill at kqatohbnll he chopped about 300 bags in 8 hours the other day this- is kenneth cameron resigns the nom ination and j w beynon q c nominated on monday bsutnox feb 15 mr h kenneth the tp obliildl l to nominate another pndldale to oppose mr bmft wb0 botsnffsirrointbreetio a consider able extent uif sfrsyoon j florae tbscboioeof tbeoonvsolion pretty fast work ha is giving excellent sstlal action we are pleased to learn ibat ths family of mr sherwood effected with aoarlal faver are in a fair way to recovery mrs wm husband who was laid up with ioflammatlou of tba lungs ja improv ing mrs angus motavisb who was ill with typhoidfeverrimendingrddc lrbopcd she may soon be around again edwin dunn a young lad living near oorwbln was fooling with a horse pistol last friday tho pistol was loaded and tbe barrel aud ibe stock severed companionship the stock flaw op strnbk ths boy on tbe edge of ths lip ootling it and than made a gash op tbe forobsad he waa laksn to the general hospital guelpb by his ttep brother jobo evans ot aoton were unable to attend with the exception of rev h a maopheraon who with mr john warren ben mr wanaboroagb mr john warren jr and rev t r forbes who aoted bb chairman gave addreases wbiah were very acceptable to all who were present the musloal and recltativo parts of the programme were very variod and many pieces were enoored tbe order was as follows tbo cboir led by mr gibbons and accompanied by miss s swaokbammer after doxology and lords prayer rendered feelingly oh father havoraeroy reoita- tion by mies ina denny nelliea xmaa vlsitiorohestra from gonlngabv ledby mr marlinoni gave at intervale ave ex oe a i p a o wblo were enoored aong by mlaa matthespn acoompauled on the violin by her brother rose ot sharon j instrumental duet by mr j swaokbammer and mr g anderson two delightful pieces one of whiob waa enoored recitation miss gerty swaok bammer tbe goblins will get you recitation by mies perry the vicara cow tbe oholr sleigh bong accom panied by bells j reollation by mali burt the new obnrcb organ recitatlen by rev h at maopherson sir colin camp bell and tbe dying soldier song by miss mattheaon jesus lover of my bool recitation by miss gerty bwaokbammer a very bad oaso qusrtstts by mrs bwaekhammer and miss swaobhammer of ospringe mr gibbons and mr barnes instrumental duet by messrs j bwaok bammer and g anderson the choir how beantiful the meek a very hearty vote of thanks wau moved by mr wansborougb and seconded by mr johnson to all oonoerned the proceed ings were closed by a verse ot ths national anthem and a merry sleigh ride borne proceeds amounted to 148 60 the pro moters think it tbe most plsssant meeting held for tome years pait and think all friends who helped to mako it to snooesstul nirwfwmnfwffwffwwmffftfwfwwwwfitfffmnfwmwfwg i sste neecl tlie room 3 we need every foot of space for our big purchasers of spring goods which aro aiiving daily and to got this room wo mast clean out and mako a complete clonranco of all winter goods no matter what tho aacnfico now this ia the g eatest opportunity ever ottorod in qeorgotown to close buyers seasonable goods ut your own prices comprising dress goods dress trimmings ladies smallware mens underwear furs of all kinds at sacrifice prices boys ytouths and mens suits overcoats aud odd pants at cost and less than cost to make it clearance as weare oyorstocked in this department just to hand the latest styles in hats and caps from the leading manufacturers fine highclass tailoring although tins is between seasons we are busy yos busy in this department our long experience in tailoring in conjunction with firetclnss cutting and workmanship gives us full coil fideuce in our ability to satisfy all who favor us with their patronage we show a full stock of tho latest in spring overcoatings fine scotch euglish and irish suitings trouserings etc patterns exclusively our own directly imported wo thank our many friends and customers for their patronage in the past and hope we will have them all with us again this season year vote and influence are respectfully requested for the undersigned a candidate the coming georgetowns livest store gibson millhr st co roe block 7mt2nis st corctomn produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here p s no space to quote prices hero hut visit our store and see how far a little money will go 3 the right house corner king and huqhson st hamilton specihl midwinter attractions in the gteak reetru fine gloth at ladles black jackets wllth storm collar regular 86 40 clearing at 2 50 regular 8 00 clearing at 3 00 regular io 75 clearing at 84 ladles black or colored jackets latest styles thia season a importation regular 9 clearing for 85 811 clearing at 10 regular 813 50 for 88 ladles slack or colored jackets newest and nobbiest styles braid trimmed some silk lined regular prices from 1750 to 25 toko your choice at one price fio ladies silk 6eal capes quilted satin lining regular price i6 50 clearing for 8ji better-quallty-regulor- i8 5p clearing at 13 ladles btacv cloth capes silk lined regular price f 1 1 clearing at 86 regular 813 50 clearing at lg at 2 50 former price 96 50 3 only girls cos tumea coat and skirt fit gfrls 12 to 14 years of age at jo former price 88 2 only ladies black serge costurnes at 8 former price 812 4 only ladies tweed cqstbmes odd linfc ol ladies wartrproof cloaks less than half regular price regular 87 75 for 83 5 regular 87j for 86 ffihfte maslin afieerweav kqflqolo uraamm lotas itltfat embroidery frill special price 8i ladles white skirts muslin frill of fineembroldery special price jr 25 ladles cotton night robes tucks and insertion roll fine embroidery trimming special price 81 irittle prices at 85c former price 81 so 5 nch fancy tweeds suitable for childrens wear at ti former price i 54 inch reversible tweed at 8 25 regular price 82 54 inch navy or brown serge at 8x 50 54 inch black chinchilla cloth former price82 35- at8 75 former price 82 75 54 inch fine worsted especially suitable lor mens suits al 8 is funu mlue 8j ju 54 ludi flue navy suitable for mens overcoats or ladies beaver mintles readyqwear garments ladies eiderdown wrappers in grey pink cardinal or blue full skirts regular 87 clearing for i4 50 finest flannel wrappers pink blue cardinal or terra cotta regular 83 25 clearing at 82 25 regular 85 cloaring at 82 73 regular 81o clearingat83 50 cashmere wrappers lined throughout regular 89 50 clearing at purchase of lull ok price 8r 25 velvet 8450 special wrappers full skirt yoke back cfal p specie dozen fine flannelette regular value 82 tliomas cx isratkins omrc2 cheap feed american corn crop 1896 sound femd drv robt noble the highest price for wheat at the fssa8 warehouse oats acton barley station they slaoreucvodiatrest from dyspepsia indigestion an too hearty eatln a per- thk trade winds is in the blow strong slhoenartljii sate ftavjmwwni m phi solxtulnj 1 power is aaobhbavyellef is almost lottan taneottsi try it and woontinbeo- i feet remedy for dlixlness nausea browsl nets bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver tbey regulate the bowels fireh yegeuabk small tilt tmall pom rriall prloe substitution tho fraud of the day see you get carters ask carters insist and demand carter jlittle liver pills compare it with the soft new grain chopping pt6mptly carefully done at the rockwood chopping mills and harris co bring your cuatpm logs in and take thelurnber homewath you shyeris mlllejn8safcawiya p sayeb8 proprietor has constantly on bind a full line of lumber lath shingles cedar sbc wopdjtto custom logs and bill stuff but to order on short notice planing and matching done to tbe best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made 10 suit tbe customers pocket p sayers agists wanted nymmn tjutdanwlte andjlotbsr till boy is al ijaofs leatquiiuon por- maaiui numerous anaj 1 hot ahbjr men or isq canvasser 1roepntm 1 00 thb uhsooit oottramt toronto oot i 1 flour brak shorts 8bedb au kinds of feed at acton hour and feed store try norval flour the best family flout in the market frank harris manager main street planing mills acton ont j h hamilton marble and granite hamiltons blook gtub having on band a large quantity of sootoh norway swedish and rondan and in order to dispose of it to make room lor spring stock now purchased i will sell at a redaction of 20 peb cent and will allow all expenses to customers to and from our works john h hamilton the john cameron arohiteot and contractor manufacturer of saab doera frames jnt onloln in all atyln drxssjjfo itatobara and mouldwo to order on short notice woll assorted stock on land at rrleas losu toe times john cameron proprietor agents tub best life of bar malastr i have seen writes ixird lome ataoat queen victoria agents make five dollars eully thb bbadlhyoaiibkt80n oo limited toronto wilkinson plough co limited toronto electors ef halton if favored with your confidence i will sup port the government in all measures intended to increase the productiveness and value of farm property my special attention will be given to the preservation of our forest wealth and the manage- ment of our mines to he end that they may yield a perpetual revenue sufficient to meet all charges on the provincial treasury believing that these are the most serious questions before you at this time i remain yours truly john r barber paper maker georgetown attn bbtttistmtttts wanted a few good moq for canvassing on yearly salaries tijb lin800tt company toronto jitjbber stamps fob pino finbber stamps fads ink eto write to go curry co king st east toronto agents klondike gold fields a largo cheap valaabje book selllog llko a whirlwind besatual prospectus twenty ave cent books on time tee bltadleygailreteon co limited toronto wanted s0eioxtob8 for canada an encyclopedia of the country in five royal quarto vol anuw no dehrerfng commission paid week ly a canvasser reports his first week mung over seventy dollars profit agents glimpses of tho unseen fascinating book swoops tho entira field of border land anbjeots everybody orders marvellous ulaitrauon prospectus ih beadleygruet80n company limited toronto look ye i we have for sale ebirablebdlidldblots in aoton two in cook s survey and two in smiths survey fenced and in good shape they are offered at d t o moobe son ice ice oeorqb adams abdeoided togolqto tba iee bnsiness and la storing a large quantity for next aeuon a btlness sufficient to supply very borne and bmineu in aoton orden solloitod now for daily detlvery or as may be desired next sum mef prices will be reasonable and no customer disappointed geo adams h sherrys seeds grow paylnrcrops because they are fresb and always tile best for sale everywhere refuse substitutes stick to perrys bbedb and prosper 1898 seed annual free write for it d m ferry co detroit mloh acton saw mills and wood y jtxmps brolnin icunnraotufibb ahd dsalsm t camber ith shingles wood etc all kinds of wood in stock and promptly delivered to any part of the town at reaaonablo prloes bftrdwood and slabs out stove length always on band tolepbone oommnnteatlon potatoes wanted highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at symon bros acton we carry a full line of hardware qrooeries boots shoes symon bros cok mill and main sts acton soaps wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long all cast parts have our name and address in full on them see that you get tbem it will pay you the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in tha market gnaranteed to cnt so tons an hour and deliver ao lest poll lino of straw cutlers and hoot polpers bearings all kinds of wheejbarrov roller just received a large assortment note our prices babys own 10c 3 large cakes carbolic 25c rino tar sc savars white cnatlle 10c a lb mottled castile 3 cakes 10c williams jersey cream 35c size for ijc tor bllliousoess headache etc use browns little liver pills purey vegetable small sugar coated pills only io cents a box a t bbqjgg

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