voiiume xxiii no 55 acton ontario thursday february 24 1898 price three cents he utoit xtt ftess ib puulibhed every thursday morning at the frcoprcssstcum printing oulcc will stiu3et aoton ont thumb op suimaniirion ono dollar ior year strictly in advauca all bubbarliitlons discon tinued whoii tliu tiino for wliioh thoy havo beon paid baa ox pi rod tbo dato to wlilcli ovory ubforiptlouia pnld is denoted on tlio addroia label advaivmawa kites transient advortlflo- uiouta 10 acuta por nonpareil lino for first in sertion a oonta per liuo for each subsequent aaortlon oohthact batkfl tho following table btaows ur ratos for tho insertion of advortboniouta for spealned periods 1 1 tit 0 mo a- mo imp aolnohaa 00 xu 833 00 33 001 ao 00 sffloo 7 00 aoo loinoboo 12 oo sloobob 20 oo la oo 700 960 linoh j 000 360 300 100 advortin omenta without anociflo dlrcotlonb will bo inserted till forbid and charged aocord- ngly transient advertisements nnist bo paid n advance advertisements will bo changed onoa each month if dosiwd for changos oftenor than once a month tho compobltlon must bo paid for at regal ai ratoe changes for contract advertisements must bo n tho oluco by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hpmoore editor and proprietor bwsincbfi fflmriorp wall paper sales 1012 ib97 were ho largest in 36 cars in making room for our big stock of paper fop this season we find several small lots which v6 will clear for a mere trifle- ends from a to iz rollb almost givqti awav at days bookstore- gnelpli -thb- traders bank of authorized capital 1000000 potfrg day sells cheap medical j f uren m d 0 m ofllooandroaldonco corner mill frodorlok streets ao ton as elliott m d m b- aoton qnidtjite tobonto unlvknbity office main stroot third door south of frosbvtoriancriurcb aoton d r dryden eve en tiinoat and kobe mcleans block douglas st near p o guelph omen houna 10 am to 1 p m aud 3 to 6 p m bondath 10 am to 1 p m vtewnary surgeon a lfbed p husband v s qradaato of tho ontario votorlnary college honorary nionabor of tho veterinary medical boelety ofpioe wna hnabonda lot 2 con anasa- agawcya calls day or nigbt promptly attondod to dental ll bennett lds dentist oeobqk10wn ontajuo dr f s meboer dentist qraduiti of toronto unlvoralty and r od s offiuoovoj- drugstore acton vlbitinq dltb tudnsday avd tlhdat jm bell dds l d6 dentist blkjokville honoh graduate op tohohto univehbity work modo batlifaotory prices modorate vibitikq days tuesday and friday of each weolc m clean mclean barristers solicitors no tar i on convoy an corn 1c private funds to loan qfflooitown hall aoton wm a molixxn jno a mclean j mcaokinnon balliubtbil soliciton convetakceb ofsice mill btroot in matthows block rjpbtain t gj m atheson a j b moleod abuxstekis olicitobb convejrahceils georgetown and milton money to loan at lowest ratos j j monaeb uierk fourth division court county of hal- ou oonyoyanoor agent fire and life asburanoo ileal estato agent mouoy to loan etc ovriob 1errymansblook aoton ont 2siscell aneo us h enrr qeist ottawa canada bolloltorof patents for invontlon etc prepares applications for tbe canadian amer ican and european iatout oiflcca and for the beristratinn of irado marks bond for pam- pbtec thirty two yoaraoxporlonco f ibanolfl nukan bookbinder wyndbatubt qaolpb ontario ovor williams store account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of ovorydosorlptionoarofaliybouna uullnpnoativjinr promptly done m arriaoe licenses n p mo oft e tinmen ov wabhiaqb lioenbsb private offlcn no wltnobbob required issued ronidodoo in tuo ovonlng froo press olllco aoton f iarmbrb i you wish to reduce your intoroat a2 or aeonro flravolaga loon of monoy at low inutmt na on ony term j ropf vment call on mo i make a apeolalty of londlng monoy and iitro plenty of fundi i alao lend on vlllago property w c jackson gonvbyancbil ano monby ijbmdbn orwich wynuham b gltyhall ouelrn wellington mutual fire insurance company bbtibubhxd 18i0 insuiianoe on oali and untoal plan any odmmnnioitlona forwarded to my adaro box m or tolephono 58 will bo promptly at tended io jountatnonabnt gnelpb 1m hbkstbbet ijicixbed aootionikb wor tho oonntlos of wellington and ijalton orderaleflattuoab in ofboo aoton or atmyralldenoolnaaton will bo promptly at- endod to fees redaood to is oo for farm saiks- alio monoy to loan on the molt favorablet vurna and at tho loweat rate of interoat in nmaodsooauid pwardi f man wanted orerorv onpoeuplad dotrlot in panada to aell our hign grade oanadlah orown nur9fy stock every treo aud liuau naran- taed free from ban joaa acajou mbeial terrnl to part time men and bood waflee to tboae giving their entire tlmo to tlio w demand lor good home grown and aooll- mated liuraory itoek la on the iboreaae apply now and aeenro rood gronnd allouratook ruaranteod troe to namo or pnr- ohaae prioe refundod e- f blaokpobd co toronto canada job printing inoluoincl dooka pamphlcta poaton nil head olrculara 4e ao eaooiitod in tlio lat atylo of tho art at moderato prleea apd on abort nolloo ipply or aoiirea vp moobr paaa fnrfii ofnoo aeton cheap feed american corn chop 1896 sound plnd drv cuelph branch sums of 91 and upwards received on deposit and bighoat current rate of interest paid or compounded halfyearly deposit receipts iaaued for largo aoma deposited advatjcoa made to robponeible farmers on tbefr own names no obarfio made for aotlohinft 3aios notes if payable in guelpb aqoneml banking jjuainesa trnnaaoted a f it jones manager compare it with the soft new grain chopping promptly and carefully done at the eockwood chopping mills harris co clearing sale of all fall and winter goods in order to make room for our fine new stock of spring suns trouserings and overcoatings we will hold a clearing sale of all fall and winter stock during the month of february we are prepared to take your orders for suits trous9rs oercorts at ery low prices for first class garments our repntntion for style and fit is alreidy established and we are prepired lo ensure satisfaction to every customer call early and have a good selection cooper 6c aklns main street acton tailors j h hamilton dealen in marble and granite hamiltons block oue having on hand a large quantity of scotch norway swedish and russian grhnite and in order td dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will nllow nil expenses to customers to and from our works john h hamilton the campaign prepare for wlndrf wo would oall yonr attention to tbe faat that we are prepared to aopply yon witb lumber of suitable length for yodf bnto doors viz 10 12 18 or 14 eet also sash doors frames mouldings oto for building storm doors pat np at as low a rate ab possible pumps repair your pnmpe or put in new ones before it is too cold w out no it shop at foot of river street acton thos ebbace manager main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manafaoturor of saah doors framoa monldlu in all atylea drxssirro mjitcbufo and moulding to order on short notice will atiortod atock on band at price loin the times john cameron proprietor w barir bros paper makers georgetown ont aub a spe0i41tt or machine finished book papers aatdv- iiiqii obaob weekly news the paper used in thia journal it front he above mills wm babbdr at bhos fillcl du i business college ft uuclrn shorthand institute bookkeeping penmanship shorthand typewrlttno and aclnnl office work a specialty write for circulars j 8uarp prlaaipal otielph big bargain sale op silverplated ware to make it easy for those who want quadruple sil verplated ware at less than cost price we have made an other big cut and youll find reduced prices on the goods in our north window bear in mind that all our silver- plate is quadruple made by people who know how to do best of best work make it a point to see these goods and you neednt ask a silver smith to teli you how very very little the prices are till attraction of gbavjtation ob doar i bald little johnny frost slodu aro uuob difforont things i wbon down tbe bill you swiftly coast youd think that tlioy bad wings but whan uphill you slowly climb and bbvo to drag your elod it rods so heavy that youd tbtuk twna really made of load aud all becauso an eaglislimad sir ianac nowtou named invented gravitation and dooauio unduly ianldd whtlo if ho bad xovorsod till law so foltn uphill could coast it soomb tq mo ho would bato had a bottor claim to bout tbon ooastlng would til pleisura bo to slide up would bosllcfct and dragging sleds downhill would bo an awful cosy trloltl sisltst yamily jkafcirtg the pa se urrinors j m bond co hardware guelph dyspepsia positively cured by mckees dyspepsia powders many dyspepsia remedies have been discmered and offered to the gubhc as cures that have failed tut if you are a dyspeptic and hae tried many of these socalled cures with repeated failure dont give it up and settle down to a life of misery just when this great boon is within your reach there is no other dis ease which brings so many other derangements of the system to dyspepia are due very often all such lessness heartburn biliousness nausea constipation jaundice and lker complaint these pouders gho decided relief from the first and eventually restore the digestive organs to their original healthy con dition now donl bo a skeptic try them and be convinced only 50c a box 24 powders minufaclured ond sold only by j d mckee chemist acton wanted agents in ctory district on tho continent to tako orders for blgbgrado can ad ian grown nurs- e fr flw jja mu oasortment in tbo trado fast solltog spoclal tlos itiporb samples furnmbod roe corron poadodco in any language tboso positions are money inakora and torrltory should bo soourod at 0000 for tho season by all hustlers looking for asoodtbldg oar salary or commission otfora will iotorest anyone not earning 8100000 per year got in communication with our noarost offlpe an otnportuultyto roprofiontawouostabllnhod bouso ability more important than experlonao uuke brothers company international nursorlos chicago iii montreal quo rochester n y i tcllh tell him to go about h a bariuees returned tho dootor energetically stirring the fire until u red btream of sparks flew up tbo chimney mrs pengrovo olosed tho doar and went back to the kitohon porah milo eaid bhe my haaband will have nothing to do with you i dont blame him muoh djeotedy responded mtlo york who wae indeed an unpromfding looking subject enoogh with bin unkempt hair liauging over his brow ins garmedtg in rage ancl the end of hia noae chilled and purpled with the bitter night air h but its a dreadful night aolily added the little trifles that help brighten up a room such as fancy china brie a brae c are found in great variely in our store wall papers pictures picture frames mouldings and such requisites arc leaders with us the price we think the closest buyer will be pleaukvvith our values watertbros st georges square quelph cash store tor best values in readymado clothing underwear and general dry goods finest brands in teas coffees oatmeal cornmeal jftonr i eath actonontario hy am lundolpix tho red curtains were drawn the are blazed cheerily 0 the li birth and tbo click of the sleety rain ageintt tbe window papea only seemed to heighten tbe enjoyment within whero a shaded lamp gave out in serene glow and the pic tured folds of an ancient cblaeiie eoreen ebat all possible and impossible draughts away from the ruddy flreaide doctor fengrove sat on one aide with newspaper in hia lap mrs pongrove sat on tbo other tranquilly oooaplcd in darn ing stooktogs while a chubby yearold lay asleep in its orib juat where tbe fleelight touahed its curls with fleelidg jllmpsea of gold well said the doctor letting the news paper slip down to the floor this is com fortable i dont often get an evening at home since hello i whats that borne one knocking at the kitaheu door mrs fengrove rose and answered the gammons presently she oatne back 1 its mio york doctor said she milo york eh dootor fengroveb countenance darkened us ho spoke did not i tell milo york never to darken my door again but hes hungry my dear pleaded tho gentlehoarted woman aud homeless mr evarton haa turned him away and i dont blame mr evarton i tartly interrupted her husband a miserable drunken loafer who i dont ihiuk ho has been drinking to night dootor eaid mrs feo grove he looks pale and urod he aayu ho haa had nothing to eat since noon and lias no plaoe to bleep that no affair of miuel retorted boo tor fengrove who though free hearted and hospitably inclined in general had hardeued hia heart agaiust this particular instance of humanity mrs fengrove still hesitated jura f wttis o he the porob will shelter you from the raiu the coffee pot is on the stove yet ond ill bring you a plate of bread and cold meat and cup of coffee thankee maam said the trmp gathering himself like a heap of raga into the corner to wait he drank ilia coffee and ate bis sapper like a famished bound and then mrs fen grove gave him a tattered old shawl long sineo oast aafde by her hnabautd take this ehesaid and lie down in tho barn loft theres plenty of rood sweet hay there but be sure youre off before the dootor oomes out in the morning 3r maam again uttered lhe man and he disappeared like a shadow in tho howling tempebt whore havo oa heeu all this time suspiciously queried tbo dootor bb his wife oarao into the aoftly ill u mine tod arch of chinese eureon again mrs fenrovo turn ed soarlbt under bis penetrating glance i i only gave milo a little 10 roe thing to eat and driuk ahe faltered k know tbo good book eaya tarn not thy fa oo away from auy poor man 1 yep dryly coughed the dcotor but i guess tho good book didnt make any allow ance for tramps and i tell you what dolly it isnt eafe to harbor these miser able wrotohgp with auut dorotnya silver teaset in tho house let alone your own spoona and forks especially as lam obliged to be so muoli from home mrs fengrove sewed on in alien oe ahe was almost aorry ahe had told poor milo york about that anng corner in the hay loft but she lacked courage to oonfois the whole truth lo her husband it will be all right i davasay alio told herself but milo york rarjitnt come banging a h a lo in the dead of the tempeataoas night there oame a ring at the dootori night- bell old mr castle ton was very ill dying perhaps tbe dootor was wanted at onoe with a yawn our good eioaliplaa rose out of his warm bed dressed himself and caddllng old roan set out for bti midnight ride of six long miles bat when ha reach ed caatleton court all was still and dark uo rang two or tbr times before m nlgbt- oapped head popped out of tbe window that of tbe old squire himself dear dear said squire caatleton what the matter nobody 111 i hope i why you are arent you leatily de manded dootor fengrove i not a bit of it i ad the aqulr in surprise didnt you send for mo no i didnt said the iqulro and if youve got anything more to say youd better coma in out of this aleot itorm and bay it no at id dootor fengrove letting his teeth together ill nut oomo in thank you it aint a joke in it quest ioueil tiquire csntteton im afraid its something more serious tbau a joke said ppctor fengrove goodnight and turning old roans head ho set spars to him and trotted rapidly away evidently the night call was a concerted plan a plan devised to leavo his home unprotected and his miud turned with keen distrust to milo york and bis tale of distress god keep dolly and the little one safe until get homo again i be muttered between his oloaed lips faster roan faster i with a toach of the whip wbiob was scarcely needed so thoroughly did lhe good horse enter into the spirit of hie rider you know not how daaoh may depend upon your speed to night 1 mean white mrs fengrove who had just fallen into a restless slumber after looking the door behind her husband was unwontedly startled onoe again by a low steadily continuous sound like the rasping of some bard instrument bhe eat up in bed nod listened a minute under her window the sound of muffled and subdued voices wore audible even above tbe rattle and roar of the wintry storm burglars 1 bpo gasped to hersolf apd my husband is gone and oh milo york is at tbe bottom of this how wrong it was of mo to give him shelter in the barn i springing to ber feet she threw on a blaeqttnnel dressing gawn and hurried to the cupboard where hor few simple treas ures were kept besides the square morocco ease containing aunt dorothys service of solid oldfashioned obina she turned tbo key and was just dropping it iuto pookot when a rude grasp fell on ber arm no you dont 1 muttered a gruff voice give that here 1 mrs feugrovos heart turned chill as death as she found herself face to face with a tall ruffianly man whoso fane was half hidden by a sort of visor or mask of black leather while another was busily engaged in ransacking the bureaudrawers opposite give it here 1 he uttered eavagely or grasping the throat of tbe sleeping baby who had awakeued with a ary of in fant terror ill wring the brain ueaji as if it were a chckens mrs fengrove gio a shriek of affright bnt at the same ecooud a stunning blow from a spade handlo felled the man opposite like a log to the floor and a strong hand twisting itself vise like eu the neokorohiof of the nearest villain compelled him to loose his bold of tbe ohild you will will you thundered milo york not if i know it i guess 1 and suddenly closing with tho burglar there ensued a desperate struggle for a minute or two during which mrs fen- groves blood seemed turning to ioo within her veins it was britf bowever milo flung hlaopwonent heavily to tbo ground and tearing one of che sheets from the bed ho twisted it around aud above him knotting it bore and there until the cowardly bur glar lay helpless and pinioned at his feet id ooghter out jer throat said milo afigbtin babieb and women you mean skunk you i but i wpnt ill leave you to tho uw doa y tight- home bible study enough i aint no good guesser i and with equal rapidity ho tied tho hands and feet of the other man who still lay insonaiblo on the floor is is he dead gasped poor mrs fengrovo acaroely daring to look in that direction no ho aint got his dobberta milo an- bwerod wiping the sweat from his brow hell hvo to be hanged yet maam never fear and at this momont the sound of old roan gnllop on the halffrozen road atruok like welcomo musio ou mrti feu grovos ears tmy husband 1 bhe criod out hyateri- o my husband 1 milo york went down and uufasteued the door the burglars had effected their nefarious ontrance through the parlorwin dow and dootor fin grove found himsolf face to faoe with the tramp york 1 ho exolnirned yes sir york nodded milo and if it hadnt been york your wife and tho tho little uo would have been in a bad us oh husband 1 shrieked mrs fongrove flinging herself into his arm milo york has saved our lives 1 i aint altogether sariin about that added milo hot i guess ive saved your money and valuables but how oame you hero questioned doctor fengrovo i was ttsleepin out iu the barn said milo she told me i could she give me a blankot and food and drink when i was moot ready to drop god bless hor i and i beerd their footstep jtidt after you had gone out and i busploionod as all was not right so i jost got up and crept after ihem and bore thoy is with a nod toward the two napilves on the floor and if youll just lend hand dootor well hist em out into tho hall whero thoy wont interfere with folks and then ill go ovor to the vlllago for the constable and tho handoafls howoan i ever roward you for this milo said dootor fengrove in tonoe stifled hy grateful emotion i dont want no reward said milo stoutly id a dono more nor that for bet with a twitoh of his head toward mrs fengrove ab sir you dont know the sort o feohn a man has for tho only person in all the world as holds out a help ing band when hes ready to drop with hunger and faiutneaa i and now moro briskly ill go dolly said the dootor as tho honest fellow vanished what would have hooomo of us all tlib nigbt if you had not been more merciful and tenderhearted than 1 1 qod be praised that jrnur sweet woman nature gained the victory i that was the last midnight alarm that our dootors family ever sustained the two burglars disco trid to bo old and experienced hands t the business were safely lodged iu prison for the longest praatlcal term the gat was effectually broken up and tho nchjiborhood was at peace again and milo york i an u jotloss despised tramp no longer ii a iu dootor feugrovos hired man now as muoh a friend as a servant and jou may seo him any sunny day at work in tbe garden with tho baby playing around him all i wanted was a chunce milo york says it is better to purchase two oertts worth of muslo daily from the urmiigriuder than lo owe fur a grand plan men aud mediclum ure judged by what they do the great cures by hoods sar- aparllta give it a oo3 earn 9 everywhere tho following artiole on home bible study has boon aont by tho editor of the sunday school uanncr as a communication to tho fiieb pjibssand several otber leading papers in canada for the purpose of pro moting iu all tho ohnrdbes tbe study of the bible that beat foundation for personal piety aud public weal the result of sunday sobool work in enlisting some twenty million persons in the systematic btudy of tbe bible is a note worthy feature of modern times jt has qreated a vast literatnro and engage 1 the generous and unpaid alerviaeb of two millions of teaobere this system of bible instruition jb reoeivinfi a striking expan sion jt ja bolng oarried to the homos of tbe people and is eonbraoiog not merely the young people id the schools but the adults of the family who cannot or do not attend the aobools moat of the denomi nations have their vigorous home depart ment of bible a tody its members are enrolledaspart of the sunday school study tho same lessons as tbe bohool and reoeive tbe same lesson helps there are many persons who are unable to attend tbo sunday school mothers engrossed in household earns invalids the poof who will not go for lack of suitable olothing unlettered persons who shrink from comparison with the bright boys and girls in the olaeses and those in country plaoeb remote from the sobool tho vital link between the home clues and tho sunday school is the quarterly visitor tbe visitor ia generally a young lady of leisure aud culture and winsome wayp who first hoc area tbe promise of the homo department scholar to spend at leair half an hour in tbe study of the scriptures evory week and then makes periodical viblts to reooivo reports help with difficulties and distribute the lesson literature tho genial mfluence of saoh visits to the homes of tho poor and negleot- od or those who are shut out from sooial intercourse by aiokneaa or isolation is in itself an unspeakable benefit it is an exhibition of christian altruism that over comes prejndioe and wins confidence it is a proof that tbe churches are not mere social clubs of tho welltodo but that they book to remember the forgotten to visit the neglected and to benefit tbe needy the intellectual etlmulaa of snoh study upon even slufiijibb miuda is vary great they feel the inspiration of keeping step with tho great army o twenty millions who are every week stndying tbo same chapter of tho bible they bhare the advantage of the cheap bat valuable litera ture which is prepared for the explanation of the selected lessoob they are encourag ed to give written unswera to questions on the text they acquire a new interest in the greatest classic of all the ageb and many are lod to reformed lives the domestic effect is scarcely less strik ing parents lake a new interest in the bible studies of their children and feel a new sympathy for the sunday school frosh themes of thought take the place of mental vaonjty new topioa of oonveraa- everv farmer interested ttonttre suggested oeteadof trivial-gossip- a love of hooka is fostered tbe bunday- sobool libraries and books of bible com ment and illustration are drawn npon those libraries possess great possibilities of popular education they already far out number all the other librariea iu the country and they rmy bogroatly developed in size and scope and elevated in tone in the churoh with wbioh lam most familiar they number 875000 volaraea and about 825000 are ezpendod yearly for sunday kchool hteratnre otber ohuroheb have similar librariea and expenditure by tbo homo department a now opportunity of circulating good reading in the homes of tbe people is made easy ii will he fleet what largo possibilities for the montal development mural train ing aud booial betterment of the people for the brightening ol dark lives and the cheering of solitary boqib tho homo de partment offers the number reaohed by this means in oar country might be readily doubled by goneral and systematic co operation theso bentonces are written to awakert more general sympathy and tffortonjjchalf of this movement all the church publish ing houses i think will gladly furnish leaflets for orgauizinit and conducting this syatem thoao who aro moat familiar with it are loudebt in its praise it haa been tried in many parte of canada from newfoundland to the paoifio coabt and needs only to be hotter known to win heartiest commendation and support cement not necessary it will bo possible hereafter to repair bloyole tires without cement small robber bauda are foroed one at a time through the pnnotaro into the tire being held in by tho lower end of a tool shaped like a hook until a aufuatmt number of bands have been pushed inside they are then drawn outward until about half of their length ib oalaido tbey are then stretched of course and when tbe tension is roteased they swell the punoture full and by expanding sideways sad contracting in the other direction are claimed to effect a positively tight repair the ends of tho bands being expanded form a head inside and outside and the outside onda may be trimmed off nearly to tbe surface of tbe tire the annual report of tho ontario agricultural collase and exper imental farm at ouelph supplied free oilvies klondike book is tho best selling one of tho year but a book free to all who ask that excels it in real merit because treating effectively of a snbjoat of more laatlng importance to tho people of this province is the annual report of tbe ontario agricultural college and experimental farm at guelpb where one man will wax rich in the now famous gold mines of the yukon district of canada a hundred may acquire a competence if not a great deal more by sticking to tho farm in ontario tbe woaltrrpf matter iu tbo re port is of incalculable value to the country agrlonlture is our greatoat industry and the information given tberoabouts by this publication of tho ontario department of agriculture toronto is up to date and reliable the report ia moreover well illustrated and for a government bluebook written in a most interesting style the ontario agricultural ooiioge is beginning to feci the full cumulative force of nearly a quarter of a century existence the past year having been the moot successful in its 24 yearb history proof of this is found lo tbo fact that of the students now in attendance over 05 per cent oame on tho express recommendation of exstudents president mills lo accounting for this pleasing feature ol the collegen prosperity says the great majority of thottj who have been with ua long enough to get a fairly thorough knowledge of our course of study and apprenticeship aro giving a good aooount of themselves at home and abroad they have gone baok to work with an in creased liking for farm life they are push ing to the front as practical progressive men and wherever you find thorn they are warm friends ot tbo col lego at guplph at tho present time every bed in ttio residence is oacupied and 27 studenta are lodging outside moat ot them in tbe im mediate neighborhood of tho college the total number ou tbe roll in 1807 was 275 212 in the renglar coarse and 03 in the special dairy course the great majority being ontario farmers sons of tbe very beet class as an outcome of tho tuberculosis agita tion the hon john urydeu minister of agriculture deoldod about a- year ago to provide for the manufacture of tuberculin in the college tbe neoesbary apparatus was ordered atonco and tho baoteriologiet mrf c harrison boon got thinga in sbapo to commence work the first 11 doses were sont oat about the end of last may and since that time the do hi and has in creased eo rapidly that it was found necessary to order an additional incubator and add a room to the laboratory with these additions ills hoped to bo able to supply what is required in the province the work in tho department of field ex periments is growing in importance from year to year tbo experiments with varieties of wheat oate barley peas corn tujp ojvj3 to ask ob its tlmo i should talk to your motuor sweet mary says i oh dont talk to my mother mja mary beluuliitj to cry for my mother bujb man aro ilocolvom and never i know v 111 consent hbosays girls in abqrry to inarr at lolsuro rollout them its tlmo i should talk to your father swoot mary save oh dont talk to my father bas mary beginning to ory for my fatbor bo lovos mo ho dearly hell never cousout i should go if you talk to my father bays mary hell surelv say no then how will i ot you my jon ol swoot mary suya i with jour fatbor and mother bo cruel most surely ill die oh never say die doar mary a way now to aavo you iboo binco my paronts aro both no contrary youd bettor ask mo bamuel lovun two mothers turaipsixuvdgolb potaloop qtvrrptpgrceu fodders grasses olovert mixtures of grain etc have been carried on systematically and persistently on well defined lines for seven or eight years on plots in different parts of afiftyadrofleldand under olimatio oondltions which have varied with tbo years hence the results now begin to indicate very dearly which varieties are best adaptod to theboil aud cltmato of tho college farm and the cooperative experi ments throughout tbe province oarried on simultaneously by the codego experiment al union largely under lhe direction of the fjxpermentalist mr c a zavlu go to show that tho varieties which havo done best at the college give the best results all uvef hm p in this way soma excellent foreign varieties have been introduced tested and distributed throughout tbe frovlnco varieties whiob jfeld from six to cig bushels per acre moro limn any varieties previously grown xn oats and barley alonethe varieties introduced and distn nted by the experiment station have withtu tbe past four or fivojeara paid to the provinoe a good deal more th1untbrfetjttre cost of the college fdr tlio last ten yearu common sense in doing good devious definitions trubt an aibooiatiou of capitalists that refuses to trust bar a plaoe in a river or on shore whore water is scaroo lawyer tho only man who ever geta satisfaction by 301 rir to law hopo tho uutx ring for t of a woman to find a hnrglar under tho bed auctioneer a man who cries beoaube has to make an no neat living spinster a woman who wouldnt rparry if she could and couldnt if she would parity tbe soma of perfeotion found in tho soap and baking powder advertise ments intuition what some people claim to havo when they succeed in making a good guess first year of the century tbe nineteenth century will end and tbe twentieth cent vary will begin at mid- night between deo 81 10oo and jan 1 1001 the year 1o00 will be the last year of the twentieth century this is because there was uo year 0 the first century began in the year 1 and aoousb- quently included the year 100 a d tho nineteenth century aooordingly includes the ttmr ifjqo a d we want more oornmon bodbo iu do ing good oh how many people thoro are who want to do good and thoy aro dead failures why ielt thoy do not exeroise the bo mo tact tho same strata gem tho common bonsb in tho work of christ that they do in worldly thinga otherwise they would buooecd in tbo other there aro many men who have an arrogant way with them although they may not feel arrogant in thoir goal or they have a pulroniaog way they talk to a man of the world in a manner which seems to say v dont you wish ou wero as good as i am why i havo to look clour down before i can seo you yon aro so far beneath me that manner always disgusts always drives mon away from tho kingdom of joans obrjat instead of bringing them in dr talmogo i notiaed her when she entered tbo oar there was something strangely attractive about her though she must have been at least bixty and ler faco was so care worn and the saddest i ever saw iu bpito of my great trouble i found myeelf wonder ing about liei and aomotimea for a moment would almost forgot my grief only for a moment though then tho rocollcotion that my bibyrmy little tender baby used only to tho loving clasp of a mother arms was in that dreadful box in tho jolting baggage car would come to me in all its terrible reality and i would forgot everything and everybody aud remember only my great borrow 1 waut ed baby o how i minted him i my heart was aching bo for tho sound of his little lisping voice aud tho touch of inn baby lingers how could i hvo without him why did god give him to me only to take him baak after that one 3 ear for weeks i had been ao happy planning a vipjt to my old home w baby i had told him so mnoh of the dear old grandmother ho had never seen i hai looked forward so hungrily to the day when bbo would tako him in ber loving arms aud ouddlo him as only she know how aud now i was taking him to her not tbe warm laughing dimpled baby she had longed 00 to sec the little still whiteclad figure iu the casket seemed anolhor child and the oruel oars jolted noisily on and seemed to say ovor aud over till i could scarcely keep from soreoromg wherou baby wheres baby suddenly tho train stopped and my hubband went out to ascertain tbe oause it was a brokeu rail and we would be detained about half an hour i was glad for baby could bavo a rest from that cruel jolting it was then that sho came aud bat down by roe the woman with the sweet bad face and almost without knowing it i found myself pouring out my grief to her it was buoh a comfort to me mine wbb belubh grief i ouly thought of myself and she seemed to understand didnt talk much but her very pretence soothed me i remember ono thing she said 1 oan hear her low sweet voioo now my dear it is no blight honor to be tho mother of an angel i did not take in tbe fulluess of her meaning then but i havo since my heart was eo full of rebellion that day that i did nob want to find torn tort any where i was borry when the train started again i change rarb at tho noxt station bhe eaid and it may help ou a little in bearing your bnrdon if i tell you bomo- thing about myeolf 1 am on my way to b to see my only son tomorrow he goes to tho statu prison to servo a life bentencu i would be thojiappieut mother on gods earth to day if i were in your place tho train aloppod and ahe prcsaed a m faa i could through my blinding tears till shn was lobt in the crowd bub lhobotears ucro not for bah blanche bailey king the joy of service to be at work to do thingi for tbo world to turn tho current of things about up at our wilt to mttko our exiatenco a positive element even though it bo no bigger limn a grain of sand in tlin great system where we live that ib a now joy of whieb the idle man knows uo moro than tho mole does of bunshino or tbo serpent of tin caglua triumphant flight into the uppei air the man who knows indeed what it is to act to work cries out this alone i to live i phillips brooks home dyeing made easy even a child can dye with diamond dyes downed the president it was at a meeting of the darktown debating society and mr heury clay lincoln jaokson who bad been called to order ihreo times for disregarding pah- limentry rnlea got up and eaid beg pahdon miatah preadent i dont wish to be obnoxiouablo to tho olub bdt souse me for orreotin yo miatah jaokson said tho preeident but i guess yo means obnoxious atidof obnoxionoblo souse mo bah baid mr jaokson with asperity i infer from your remabk that you aro not aware ob do fo dst obnoxion- able and obnoxious aro one and the same word will some mombnh bo bo kind as to infom me if i am not correct no one oorreoted him and tho president was equelohed aooordioflly- inducements to whisky drinkers a grocer inserted thit unique advertise ment in a st louib paper nolioe is hereby given that if yon will come to my store three times a day dqrlug the next year and buy a drink of whisky each time paying 10 cents a drink at the end of eaob year i will donato to you 5 barrels of my beat flour ioo pounds or lino grim- nlled 100 pounds of rice 10 pound of ooffvf 10 gallons of nyrup ao yurds of oallooyb pouudn ot tea- ono 910 60 cloak for your wlfo andttptopay for the liquor you drank diamond dyes color anything any color makes old cloaks gowns scarfs and suits look llkenewhow to dress well at small cost diamond dyaa aro a wonderful holp 1 1 economical dressing these simple bom dyes will color anything ojiy color an i they make cloaks stockingb dresser feathers luce curtains oto look like nen many of tho diamond dyes are raadu from specially prepared djoatuffs aud i no otber way can homo dyeing be done 10 simply and so satisfactorily th en lu all colo mid tho plain and explloit direotious on each package make it caby for tho inexperiencod- to asr them with buocosb fjvoua child cat dyo a rich perfect color if diamond dyen are used do not risk your materials with dyeo that claim to color both cotton and wool with tbo same dyo for it is impossible to get satisfactory results with dyes of that oharaoter in diamond dyes thero arc speoial dyea for cotton and special dyes for wool and thoy aro all guaranteed to give satisfaction if used according to dirootious a little west end girl snid to mo tho othor day undo jaok and i havo been teaching mamma to ride the biojcle indeed you havo and what did yon do oh undo jaok held her 011 and i stood around aud sympathized peoplo who buffer from loss ot appetite indigestion sour stoinuch and flatulence find prompt relief in tho use of ayera pi he as 1111 after dinner pill they aro unequalled causing the rtigentivo und excretory organs to perforin their functions aa nature rtqutrus i