Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1898, p. 3

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wtb col kerns and others will address the electors at ihetown hall acton on saturday evening 2ethrlf ebruary st bight oclock instead of on thursday ttening as pre iousy announced the bank of hamilton hbadopncb hamilton capital all paid up s 1 2boooooo deserve fund 9 7250006o total assets 884667845 nearly ton ullllorjsof dollars a a rambax vlooprosldont board op directors ohn stuattt irosldout iko rolcu jom pboctob a t wood a d leb toronto w qxmon m p tubnbull cartlor h b steven ant oasblcr b ii watbon iospoctor georgetown agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all pnncipil points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bough and sold savings department deposits of si and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added to principal every year whether pass book is drougnt in or nqj special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont table spoons dessert spoons tea spoons in solid silver siher plate and solid nickle bigger values lower prices and a better assortment to select from than nnyvvhere else bring your repairing in to us we always give satisfaction geo hynds jewelery and stationery store acton ont tllj ctott jfiee ms thubbday rebectary 21 1808 little lo b which causht the eyes or ears of f press repo this week election npittnnlhisy mr kerns mooting saturday night mr barbers redly tomarrow night how will you voo that is the question vote early and then be free to assist your friends the proapeota are bright for good sleighing for the election monday pnow atorm brought tbo biggest fall of snow this eoason vote early next tuesday and then drive yonr neighbor tp the poll a large nnmber of young men in town- will oast their firat ballot next tuesday late trains wero in order monday and statu tuesday aa a reanll 01 tne big snow mr 0 f goodcvo shipped three toba jf roll batter to biitisb colombia tbe past week nearly every elootor in town thinks be nan plok ont tbo winner in next tuesdays contest communications without the authors sfguatard are invariably consigned to the waste bapket the aoton hookey team was defeated by georgetowns on tuesday evening by a score of 8 to 0 xour calendar reached ghicago all right 1 like it better than any previous one yon bave ibnod7 mrs b l attend the polltloaxroeotlng tomorrow light and saturday night and youll bo as thoroughly posted u tbe politicians an assembly was held in the town ball last friday evening under the management of a number of aoton yonng men mr george moholland is hauling bricks from the milton pressed briok gos yards lor an addition to his rosidenoe on tbe first lino dr g h cook dentist of toronto will visit aoton on tbe first and third saturday of eaob month bis office is at mr adam cooks residenoe rev nud mrs j a moliaohlan entertained the members of- tbo ohoir and sunday school orchestra at the parsonage bowet avenuolait friday evening gold waves and bllzztrds aro always likely to be very snortlived in this latitude after tbe middle 81 february that is one comfortable faot to remember when tbe weather is bad the repor of i cohlnoln finnn in last issue failed to state that miss jennie smith played tho accompaniments to the solos rendered by messrs trod ross and p gibbons very tooop tulil j tye hnvo received a copy of tho bilver- tonlan published at silvorton british columbia and edited by mr roderick o matbmoo son of our county crown attorney milton reformer tho ganio wsrdous of ilalton are stfnsou bradley w al johnson and o s raoey milton ltobt m brown and mnrrsy crawford oampbollvlll john lawjso aoton ed e baunders agerton and james wilson bronle the yelling on the street by the visitors lo the ball in tbe town ball as they were vng town earl saturday tnorn- iog gives some o tbeni the reputation ol ffi v twlmbmdlums in the opinion of oltiaens vfttf0i9jfiim a customer 4jtplmftmi plea flndnm for bdwitb jibs wptk aa atr t- kir i the ne at home montly of a local character ant everv item interesting tho political meetings trilby and saturday will bcq tho ollninx f iliu political cuiphitin in aoton in fur ub public demonstrations aro con t-l- mod mr barber will address the elbotoro in tbo town tall tomorrow uiglit and co korna on saturday night in ueither have tho outside epeakera beau named upon tho poster but it is generally uncle etood tbat both candidates mil i supported by prominent representatives of tboir respauie parties a o v w home an at home was givon by tba a o u v in their lodgo room on tuoaday evening loth tost an entertaining pro- erame was oarried oat very successfully tho tnutlo furnlehed by he jubilee orobesl ra was much appreciated tea was served from 8 80 to 0 oclock and everyone enjoyed brp grahamb line coffee ac after tons songs and addresses were the order of tbo o veil inland theeo were both hnmqroas and instructive the oventaga proceedings were brought to a close by singing god save tbe queen stole halt a set of harness sometime after midnight on saturday mom i pk two thieves entered tho barn of mr j h denny mrs a h brown farm and btole one half a set of doable harness they aleo went to the granary and scattered about a largo quantity of oate presumably while filling a bag or two to take with them the unwelcome visit ors went to tbe barn through tbe corner of mr n f lindsays farm and left tbe place in the direction of the third line mr denny taoked them for some distance and and conolnded they oame intb town a missionary evening an evening devoted to the dlaoo anion of subjects relating to foreign missions baa been arranged by tbo pastor of the disoip- letv chnroh for wednesday 2nd march the programing will ill ol ode addresses by rev h a mcpherson on the truo spirit of giving by h p moore editor of tbe free piiebs on the power of the preia la evangelizing ttie world and by rev t w l oxford the pastor on missions miss jcbbio nlckliu will sing members of the snnday school will read papers on missionary topics and give recitations bearing thereon the pnblio is invited onr chief magistrate a illness for the past month mr w h storey beevo has been confined to his residence through illness induced by an internal growth which recently developed after qonanltation with a nnmber of physicians of eminent standing it was deoided that a snrgiaal operation would possibly give relief this ooureo was followed and aa operation was performed yesterday morn ing evidence of an affection of a some what serious obaraoter was fonnd bat it is hoped that no unfavorable developments will follow in the near future mr storeys general health has been excellent lately and ho endured tho effeots of tbe operation romurkably well and pobbibly he may be ablo to rosume his business and ofljoial duties within a short timo the eotire community unites in tho hope that the most sanguine expectations will be realized and that reeve storoy will be restored to at least a measure of his heretofore robust health happily wedtied last week on wednesday february 10th at the residence of mr john martin scotob bibrthoaptialaomiiidotialdlvmia idnngall and mian sarah a the oldest c a hose tower wanted the fire brigade anftlous to keep their hose in perfect condition daughter of mr martin wore oonsammated- rov l pernh b a of georgetown per formed the ceremony tho bride who was prettily auired in cream cashmere witb lace and pearls carried a bouquet of rosea and oirnatlons she was assisted by her conbin miss casino wheeler of glen- williams who was also dressed in cream oabhroero with lace and obifloq mr d mclarty of hartney man supported the groom after tbe ring was placed on tbe brides band and the benediction waa pro- nonnobd the guests sat down to a sumptu ous weddfog repast tho esteem in whioh the youpr couple is held was shown by tbe many beantifal and useful presents reoeiv- od mr and mrsmcdongau will spend a few weeks with friends here alter wiuon they will leave for their home at hartney man a fast round man tbe hamilton times of saturday says last night detective bleakly arrested alex bwaokharomer a wellknown young man at the instance of the chief constable of aoton swaokbamroer la wanted in that town to answer to a oharge of fraud in connection with a tobacco deal about a year ago be was sent to genital prison for six months for stealing mr fred dl ok on sons bloyole swaokhommor was brought baok from hamilton by chief lawson on saturday night and occupied a cell in tbe town hall nntll monday morning for couple of montba be bad bean running a tobacco business in mrs scoords blook with stock supplied by geo adams grocer he made no returns to mr adams and last friday packed op tbe stock and left for hamilton mr adams wont to his rescue on monday morning and in order to save him being sent down for a term in addition to his past kindnesses to the young man settled tbe nosts and made some arrangement witb swaokharamorto secure himself t death of an acton pioneer charles davidson manager of the wel lington fire insurance co died at his borne in quelpb last wednesday after m long illness mr davidson moved from acton to guelph in 1853 and was manager of the insurance company named from 1864 until his death he was a merchant hero fifty years ago and met with gratify ing success he also took a lively jntoreat in aoton materially and spiritually dario tbe half dozen years he was in busioeae bore y dorrtg his residence here the granrl truffle railway line was bqns through- aoton his name has always been esteemed by old residents here mr davld- sotrwas born at woodpfde farm parish of paly near glrvan ayrshire scotland on february 181c ho was the eldest son of john davidson and jeanie mitchell and was the 18th generation of that family that was born at woodslde tbe davidson family bad been jp possession for nearly three hundred years the funeral took place friday afternoon and was very largely attended a private service waa bald tbe residence by rev dr bmitb si andrews chqrpb pastor of tbe dsosased and rev dr torrance tbo remains were then taken to st andrews charon where a large congregation was assembled dr smith who baa been unwel for some time did not feel able tp acoomplab tbe task of addressing the people and assigned tba daty to be dr torranow who dslysre4 a very jmpreeslfe address beyv ivstrachan also assisted lu tbe skhc tha wsatber lb eogland whlob ww mdoviedwro w at the cuqnoil mooting on monday even iu tho busiiiqhb wj8 cinflnoil to routine matters thero woro however lniporlunt boggoatiqiih upon uevurul points whiob will probably materialize m the nour future coutioil 11104 fh roaur doaaion uud tho proaeedlna op6iie 1 promptly at tilit ooloob members proaent councillors james clark john clarke j a murraj and i fran oil coanoillor jamcu clark was inoed to the ohair the committeo ou finance presentod their second report recommending payment of accounts as follows j b pearson struct light account 4 2 43 j m warrtm wood g 6q tho itoyal oil co oil 7 03 ii p mooto iirlntlng anqual btato moot ftl fio r mossago to it j parko 25 188 00 movod by j a murray seconded by i francis that the second report of the finance committee ba adopted carried the following letter was received from boderiok j parke cbnsulting electrical bnglneer berlin bin took t moohb municipal clerk aoton dear sin in roply to your favor of tab 9th i bog to state that i will bo plowed to meet the council on tho ovonlng o tbo slat inst and to pvo with thorn all nocesaary data and j u formation in detail aa icijuobt od oonoorulos tho purebaso and operation of a oombinod hgbtlns plant for vour municipality trusting tbat you will find all aatlsfactoiy i am very truly yours eodbnickj pabke e e chairman clark explained that owing to tbe illness of tho reeve and the debirabll ity cf him being present during the inter view the electrical engineer was 00m- mnnicated with and requested to postpone his visit until a later date tbe burdensome seotions of the trans lent tradors bylaw again came up for disoussion certain olaabes will be sub mitted to the munfoipal solicitor in tbe meantime the municipal officer was in struoted to enforco the provisions of the by law counolllor murray introduced tho matter of tho necessity of a hose tower the fire brigade said mr murray feel that the question la an important one and should have immediate attention as there are evidences that the hose is being damaged by being reeled op without being properly drained and dried the matter was carefully considered and tbe following aotioh taken as an initiative ooarse moved by john clarke seconded by i francis that the olerk be instructed to aak mr john law son to prepare a plan and estlmato of coat of constructing a hose tower in connection with jbe fire depart ment carried the matter of the introduction of a by law providing for a liaenso and prohibitive fee for the bale of cigarettes was spoken of tbe matter will be considered at a future meeting coanoil adjourned at nine oclock coming jand going visitors to and from aoton and varlouaother personal notoa tho fnan ineua lnitoa all it roaden tooon tribute to tula colutuu if you or your friends uro going away on a holiday trip or if you have irioudavibltfiib ynu drop a card to tbo fnifl 1iiebb miee nqllie matthews of berlin was homo a couple of days thin weak mr robert watson sr of norval was the guest of ex councillor dunuy last friday mr james symqn returned from a six wtfckv trip to manitoba and the north pweat last saturday mr j c cprry returned from bis trip to the maritino provinces last friday he had a successful trip mr w e bmitb has purchsieii a farm between rockwood and guelph and will ehortlytemove thereto mr kerr teacher of duttertn sobool was the guest over sunday of mr fred nixon of dublin sdbcol mr r d grabatn attended tba grand lodge a o u w at toronto last week as representative of aoton lodge mr edward matthews and family will shortly remove to berlin where tbo two eldest danghters bave flood situations mr murray m fen wick president of the publiflhers syndicate of ontario of toronto was the guest jeiterday of councillor clark tbe misses annie and mary hall id ay hae returned to aoton after spending their holidays very pleasantly with friends at oakvllle and glenoroby messrs thos j edmlston president and a e gurney are representatives of the epworth league attending the con ference league convention it gait this week rev j w rap of toronto junction spent a few hoars with aoton friends last saturday ho was en route to walker ton to preach anniversary sermons there on sunday mr aqd mrs samuel molam and their two boys arrived in town last wednesday evening to spend a week or ao with roithves and friends here mr molon is in toronto this week completing arrange ment for an artinoat limb to replace the one he was qo unfortunate as to lose a month or so ago miss bollerr of guelph has beep eleoted the delegate to represent the students of her year at yiotoria university at the wo rid u convention of the students volunteer movement whioh opened in cleveland yesterday several thousand delegates are present representing all the universities of the christian world mercury ures curt talk in favor 9mmm m m of hoodfbamaporitla 7 i m as for no other modi- m cine ita great cnreaiooorded in truthful convincing language of gratef al man and women constitute ita most effective ad vertising many of these c tires are mar velous they hnvo won tho confidence of tbe people have given hoods earsapq- rilla tbo largest oales in the world and bave made necessary for its manufacture tbe greatest laboratory on earth hoods sarsaparillals known by the cures it hrs made cares of scrofula salt rheum and eczema cures of rheumatism neuralgia and weak nerves euros of dyspepsia liver troubles catarrh cures which prove these miss francis wlllard dead president of the worlds womens christian temperance union passes away after a short illness new yonk feb 18 mian frances e willard is dead miuflwiliarowlast appearance ln-caoada- was as presiding offi of tho world w 7 vv 77 m i- c t u convention in toronto from ootober23 to 20 inclusive during which time bbe added to her millions of friends by her thoughtful broad minded address a white life for two though not at tbat time robust miss willard hoped to regain her health and her demise at this time will oaaao aatooibhment among her millions of friends all over the world canadian press association the annual meeting of the canadian press association will be hold in ottawa maroh 10 ix among tho important mat terstobe considered will bo tho postage question insolvency legislation and tbo visit of prltish journalists to canada frank a mnnwey who has b wlthont doubt tbe roost successful modern publish er will gave an address on and diecues tbe elements of success in newspaper pub lishing it is hoped that one or two of tbe following representatives of tho british institute of journalists will be present lord gleoesk london morning poat sir hcgb g held m p j m maolean zkt p and sir edward russell tbe din ner will take plaoe aa usual when a num ber of important speeches will be made surprise party at rev mr fprbcs a large 8arprse party from churchill congregational chnroh invaded the homo of the rev t r and mrs forbes bower avenue last wednesday evening bringing with them an abandanoe aiid variety of good things sapper was prepared by tbe ladles whioh all heartily enjoyed a very pleasant evenlug was bpent during tbe evening mr alex russell aburch treasur er addressed mr and mrs forbes in tbe name of the church expressing their appreciation of the work and faithful aervloe which they had done during their abort timo amongst them the growing prosperity of tbo church was noted and all sincerely hoped and trusted that mr forbes weald not olose his ministry amongst them at tbe end of march but continue with them mr russell then presented an envelope containing a sum of money as an expression of thuir apprecia tion of mr forbes services as pastor mr forbes made a suitable reply expressing cordial thanks on behalf of mrs forbeb and himaeirroraofliuob klndnebb and tbe christian good will manifested in word and deed bonn who wero expected to take part wore prevented by tbo snow drifts and cold the company broke up leaving the pantry and home of their pastor enriched bynomtrouii itur tbo exhilmiou and leoturo to bo given in tbemelliodist church next monday evening under the auspice of tho epworth league by rev dr scanlan will be a most enjoyable entertainment in addition to sixty beantifal limo light pictures a nnmber of local scenes will be thrown upon tbe canvas family tloketi 3 cents 1 one of the most prosperoui and appreciated rovinoial weeklies in canada is tbe newmarket era it has a large circulation a profitable clientele and its weekly issue is an immense budget of local news neighborhood correspondence an epitome of the worlds doings and a oboloe election of pure family reading adver tising space la tbo ava u in demand and in order to mso this without infringing upon pace alloted to news and reading matter the paper baa been enlarged to tho extent cf an extra oolumn on eaob page tbo british government baa invited tender for four first class armored cruiser of 31000 borsepower and slightly lets tonnage tbat br potwui tbe powerful 1 is of u disponent sarsaparilla ilho bestin fact the one truo blood purlnor ji nsi c lvl lllateasjr to hoods pllls tala01uytooueruu31u women and weak nerves lives of misery and afflic tion esquesinq mans misfortune the tenant of mr wj nobles farm haa hla right arm cruelly laoerated last wednesday afternoon james oiven who is a tenant on tba farm of mr w j noble aoton nbioh is located a oonple of miles above georgetown was working at a straw cutting roaohine when hia right- arm beoatne entangled in the tnaohinerv and before it could bo stopped the limb was badly lacerated dr wtbator of norval and dr nixon of georgetown were oalled and recommended fbe moms immediate remova1 to tho general hospital toronto he went to tbo oily tbe same evenlno and waerernovedtottae hospltslhrtbo police ambnlanoe the knife of the miohine aompteieiy severed lite donna of ilia arural the elbow and almost severed the arm but strong hop5n are entertained that the arm will be saved mr given is an nurairrled man and lives with bis brother erin breach of promise case miss jessie mclaren has been paid 1 200 by wm barbour who pays wj costs oruxaevnu feb 19 the bresob ot promise ttuit of mips jessie ana mclaren against william barbour has been settled by the defendant paiok miea mclaren 81200 and all tba costs of tbe euit both parties to the snit are residents of erin township and it waa charged that after w anil wluuluy miss mula da boor obanged his mind and on deo 1 last weddeda neighbors daughter one of his wedding presents was tbe writ for fodoo damages rubies on the frazer a bricklayer in british columbia stumbles on a mine of gems vancouveb feb 19 a big sensation was caused in town yesterday over- the faot tbat j bailey a brioklayer while eioavatlng for a building blundered on a rnby mine tbe gems are pronounoed by experts to be gonnine fairsized stones and perftot in ouality the place where tbs flnl was made was on a blgh tertiary level of tba fraser river above new westminater a stampede has set n for tbe soens of tbs find 13 vour wif illt 7 examine her feet and if ah has oorni boy her putnams painless corn extractor home will then become an eden mneh of the misery of married lift la das to oorns putnams extrsotor is sure paid- less and prompt i the smit d attaoked by that most insidious of marauders kldnay dlsease qets good health by usinb south amerloan kidney cure a kid ney speolflo tbeopblle gadbois ot arnprlor writes my daughter was a great sufferer from kidney disease medical men did tbelr host for ber and we tried all the remedies al command and not until booth amerloan kidney cora waa tried did she get any benefit three doles brought great relief two or three bottles completely cored her f not a sign ot pain ot distress ol any kind left it is trnly a wonder worker sola by a t brown marvellous case in man- toba paines celery compound prove a wondrous blessing miss parr saya after the firat dobb i felt new hope and new life coming nervous prostration men tal depression and ex cruciating sufferings are banished palnes celery compound the great life builder and vltallzer wellii itlouardhon co dear sirs for several jesrs 1 have bad weak nerves and was gradually running down and last maroh i was prostrated with nervons debilitv my bufferings were excruciating in tho extreme i really thonght thero never was another who suffered quito as much with mental de pression and weak nerves tbie lasted abont three months and i waa taking doc tors medicine continoally bnt was getting worse instead of better one day while feoling qoito discouraged and wondering if i was over to get ont of my dreadful state a doar friend said to me i wish yon would try paiues celery oom- pound as i bad intended to try it i aoted npon her advioe and started using it the very eamo day and from the first dose i felt new bopo and new life oomlng t continued using it aud am still taking it once in a while always asking gods bless ing on each bottle i am very much im proved aud cannot sa too much in favor of the medicine and would reoomroend it to- alt suffering from nervons prostration and mental depression yours faithfully l e parr crystal gity man a lot of secoridhand watches in good running order at low prices at pringles guelph second hand watches tak- r en in exchange for newones agents glimpses of the ucseon fascinating book sweeps the entire field of border land sabjaetst everybody orders marvellous illustrations prospectus 1 bbaddhy q aiibet80n company limited toronto look ie 1 we have fob saxe tb an xj oook s survey and tw fenced and in good abana a bargain ifpurobased liiunedlatoly book a survey and two in smiths survey fenced and in good abaps ibey are offered at t c mooiie a son you staiitl worth wear style strength choice cheapness the combination la offered in our stock of new and fashionable goods which in cludes all things new and desirable in the line of boots 8hoes and rubbers examination will show that our stock is especially strong in style besides being- un equalled in variety and first in favor because of the high grade quality nothing will convince like personal inspection that for seasonable goods and reasonable prices the best pace is at williams boot shoe store villi 8treet aoton it fays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts suit sale commencing on saturday february 19th and closing on monday february 28th we shall hold our grand suit sale everybody is in terested in this as the amount we will save you in the price of a suit of clothes made to your measure in perfect fit and most uptodate style will enable you to pend considerable on other things the materials we offer are entirely new our tjuyer having made a special trip to secure goods for this sale bankrupt stocks bought at a high price or old shelf liners are not in it with s offering of choice new goods the lot consistsof canadian tweeds scotch tweeds fancy and black worsteds and the prices are as follows j it is early to say spring but six cases of new window shades came to us yesterday and tbe prices were so good that we must give it away cloth shade with rollers 23 centa each fringe and lace in proportion g l nelles thb lendsr cublph your portrait have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory phptographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits h ramshaw acton photo artist bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you skvers lumber planing mills ffqaaagaweya p sayees proprietor has constantly on band a full line cf lumber imox shingles cedar fouta wood kto custom logs and bill stuff cnt to order on short notice planing and matching done to tbe best ol witlsfcictlun p li i cheap nud mad to suit the customers pocket p sayers potatoes wanted i highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at symon bros acton we carry a full line of hardware groceries boots shoes symon bros cor mill and main sts acton acton- livery bus une 7he anderalanedzsspeetfaliysolleltsthadatnhi age of tbe pnblio and txaorais them tat well equipped and stylish big oan al waysbegsonrs at hi stables a comfortable bus masts al trains bstwsan eta and sat ilm careful attention ivan to varroraet tbs wanta ot oomxnsreialttaval- lersf ally tost john williams aoton machine and repair shops henby aaindbui proprietor arr well equipped wilb all tba meeblnerr neoouary to exeouta alt rapalra to machin ery and agrlonuqral itnplomanls and to do all it l blaelsmljrirr wooogotkmiiaja uerju in a satisfactory manner we oaa repair ana machine or implement of any make saw gmnmlnff and flllnr done ajjp fancy canadian all ho i wool tweeds regular v 18 oo suits for 1450 fine black and col ored worsteds beauti ful materials regulnr- 423 00 suits for 1650 g e8e4stsi4iai ii ft nobby scotch tweeds hoi l fi choice of patterns r regular i21 00 suits for 8 1550 jmaaiziiia rra our pant sale at 2 95 per pair which has beeu such a grand success will continue during tbls suit sile please note this tbe sale positively closes on monthy evening february 28th and alllines unsold will go into stock at regular prices so dont miss this opportunity tertuts spot cksh e r bollert co 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph tlxe right house corner king and hughson ste hamilton special carpet sale in spite of the unpleasant weather we have sold hun dreds of yards of the carpets advertised last week some styles are all gone those still here we will offer as follows regular i 35 brussels for 00c regular i 10 brussels for 75c regular x 85 wilton for 1 io regular si 85 ax minster for i 1 regular 90c tapestries for 75c regular fi wools for 75c regular 50c union for 4oc bcuss3lshassocka epeci ulr-jrsc- stx ony indiin rugs it the following reduced prices 15 3 x 10 3 regular 875 for 842 15 6 x 10 3 regular 6o for 845 12 x 9 4 regular 45 for 30 142x9 regular 065 for 936 122x83 regular 84 for iho 8 k 6 3 regular 824 lor ij brussels rugs special at 2 50 each remnants j of oilcloths and linoleums less than half price r this sale all the above carpets will be made and laid without extra charge and stored until required ho usof urnlshlnga one case of job white blankets size 72 x 90 weight 8 to xo lbs one third less than regular prices extra super white blankets 8 9 and 10 lbs at 80c 90c and ftx per pair 50 only white quilts 2 x 2 yards special at 89c down quilts u 6 regular 85 50 for f4 50 6 x 6 regular 9 50 lor 16 75 fine white nett curtains regular 9n 50 for 7 iribh point curtains regular 15 for 98 curtains lace go to wide regular 50c for 35c irish point sash isett regular 70c for 50c curtains muslin regnlar 35c for 25c regular 30c for 20c regular 25c for 15c gold printed art cloth regular 25c fdr 15c art silks jo inches wide regular 75c and 1 for 45c upholstering in all its branches prornply attend ed to old furniture recovered to look like new our stock of draperies and hangings is fully up to the standard thomas c watkins prints we have practically no old goods to offer everything new fresh and uptodate larger stock than in former seasons all from the best makers latest novel effects make it a point to see our stock in above lines gurney guiuil nov 23rd 1897 lltlsfoan mlllllim compan 11 am 1 1 ton ii ah sins 1 or years i was troubled with periodical sick head- nehes bcinj if fee tod usually cery sunday and used all the remedies tlint weie acrhsi d as cures and was treated by almost ccry doctor in guelph but wiilu ut any relief one doctor told me it was caused by a weak stomach another said it was hereditary and incurable i was induced by n neighbor io try sloans indian tonic and 1 am happy to say i did su a few doses gao immediate relief and ono bottle and a lnlf made a complete cure 1 his was three years ago and the headaches have never relumed i was also troubled with asthma nhd nothing helped mo like your bloans indian tonic i can heartily recommend it to alt and will bo glad to 11 v a any particulars to anyone afflicted as i was w c keoucii tor slc by all druggists or address tho sloan mcdiclno company hamilton limited j ft 00 per bottle c for i5 60 h mill st acton fish fish fisbt fish dried pish shltfjsh fkkled pish crnn6d pish you will want fish all through this month come and see what we have orjj co

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