grandfathers hat and within it you ice grandfathers favorite cough remedy whether twas as p or croupi qr baby at night waked the house with a whoop witrfayers cherry tcctoral granther waa sure that no cold or cough would eer fall of n cure la list si the styles chnuge twit the records will ahow coufjiia ore cured as they were 50ycarsngo ayers cheriy pectordl has no equal lis a remedy for coauhb oolds and lurigdifl oncd3 where other soothing cikirs palliate ayora cherry pectoral heals it is riot clhcsip cough- pyriip whioh cbotitea but does not strength en it is a physicians cough remody and it euros it 13 put tip in largo bottles only to household use it waa actordod the medal at the worlds pair of ninety three tfc has a record of 50 years of cures t jutrni frte im thctbbday february 24 1808 ttlje oung jolks on the ca rafter isxonoof theold cathedralb in enropo the glide bids the visitor watch a oertain spot nrtil the light from a window falls upon it there he sees carved on a rafter a face of soch marvellous beauty that ii is the gem of the great building the legend ishat when the arohiteot and rnaattrs were planning the adornment of the oiiifaedral au old man came in and begurf leave to do some work they felt that hie tottering stepb and trembling hindi anflttod him for any great servioe sotliiy sent him up to the roof and gave bimt permission to carve upon one of tba niters he went hia way and day by day ha wrought there in the darkness one day ho waa not mm lo oome down and doirjgop they foond him lying lifeless on hi boiffolding with hia sightless eyes turned upward and there they saw a face carved on the rafter a face of buob eaceedlrg beauty that architects and grciat men bared their heads as they looked upon it and recognized the luabter in him who lay there alll in death in ihe church of the living god we are all eolto oarve the beauty of the faoo of ohr ill not on the raf terb or walla of any catfcodral but ononr own heart and life bo il oura to do this work with such oare and iklll thatwhen our oy closod in death men may look witn reversboenpon the beauty of tba faoo our hands have faabloueil some of u may feel burselvea t t rt g work in this world for christ but none are too unskilled to oarve the beauty of christ in our life and it may bo that in ills time of great revealing it ahall appeir that some trernbling diaolple among oi timid and shrinking whose voice is not heard in our meetings whose work is in some quiet corner out of eighthaa wrought the beanty pf christs likeness in an ainoliiteneaa which ahall ontenlne all that any even of the greatest of us have done a female sherlock holmes mary bald mrs wise with a pained expression im snooked- ffty vi hnnt mfithnr lnnomptw inojnlred her air young daughter what about yob know perfeotly well what about when you atarted ont sleigh ing i told yon distinctly not to let that young irian kiss yon put bis arm around yoa or even holdybnr handfl and hahas done all ibeio things ob mary mary 1 ablpsh burned marys oheok but what contytlia poor girl do mother ebe bravely said tell me how yon know those things and i will own op oertslnly said mrs wise maternal gric glvlngway to the logicians pride fint tharee bo powder on your upper lip hie mustache did that secondly iba busk of bis collar waa marked by a strsuk of blaok conclusively showing that hs bid the lines around his neck theres snow all over your jtoket except a narrow atrip around your waist then yon wore no gloves and your hands are perfectly soft rod warm not chapped a bit i own np mothers despairingly ex olainnd mary new york journal an excellentorind8tone do you want a grindstone whlob one man oars lorn and grind with comparative easel if ad read what an ohio corres pondent tells tfiirof yew york about bis machine i planned a maoblna at small cost that will do the work to make one take t be m sail prooket wheels and chain from an old worn binder or other farm maoblnery ana kar ittwo to bnetbatis ihaiowar or oranfi abaft wheel must have twice as maxiyoogs as tha one on the atone shaft tjsevi erione 20 or more inohes in diameter aool be sure to get agood one if geared hlgfcer than two to one it will run bard an inneh leas gear wonld not tor fast it is the fast motion that onu enorngb one may find an excellent pair of cranks from some old bloyole a friend gave nio mine yoa oan grind anything i use it more for grinding mowing maobine knives than anything else tbtb pan o vovt1i nr louib h van molman tlio playtlilngb drop from tbe tiny liaurti autl oil uliboedori llo anil tils households darling wlilinprlnb stan with iuraodiir llpbto cry ihlt soon lios fbrgottou his wooa to toll pbr mother llab klbsod it and mado it woll a rosy boy with a woodou ablp a cry and a iroundod liauill 01 whywlll ft jaokknlfo always allp with tlio veenol liigb on land dot tlio grftvobt trouble thooor bofoll la notlilnu wlmn mother liaaklbaod it moll ob would hint wo men tbroukh tho ycara of pain wuon curoboutwolbti our joys could fly to our uiotkora aldo again just ib wo did wbon boys and fool tho power of that oldtlmo apoll wboli motbor klsacd ua and mado it woll he wouldnt fait am fiction prima under tho head of fact wo may asumo what purports to be lliiapplicallou of a man who wantedto bean army chaplain blorlnn the admipia- tratiou bf prebiden lincoln allaobed to itraro a nurnlier of indorsements which are nol only interesting in tbemselveebui as thaolosing ibis oharsoter of tbatwo men whoee induenoe largely moulded the policy of the government in those- turbulent times the endorsemenla read ae follows dear stanton appoint this man ohap- lain in the army a liuooln dear mf lincoln he is not a preaoh er em stanton tbe following indorsements are dated a few mootba later but pome just below dear stanton he ia now a lin ooid dear mr llnooln jbut there is no vaoanoy e m stanton dear stanton appoint bim chaplain at large alincoln dear mr lincoln there is no warrant of law for that e m stanton dear stanton appoint bim anyway a jlinooln dear mr lincoln i will not e m stanton tbe appointment waa not made but the papert wore tiled iu tbe war department where they remain as evidence of lincolns friendship and stantons obstinate nerve looking indian somebody dropped a silokpin in tho liall tho qtlior day andhal hard work to find it she hunted high mid loand on her hands and kucor and with a candle specially proourtu for the puioni- but it wan no uae tho pin- waa very tiny and unporoeiv- nblo its vulo bcinn tliot of aepooialion rather limn bizo or bnlllapoy the soino body lifter a final shako of the rua wub just about to civo it up forovorwhan ono of tho children chanced to come along why dont you look indian for it ho ttbkcd before tlio somobody realized what wan mount down dropped tho young- eler on the floor hio head and his whole body lying oidowiao and juat oh oloeo to tho dead level as poaiible in this pooi tlon hia eyea rovod rapidly oyer tho floor i havo it ho ubouted presently and bare enough right in the middle of the floor in bo plain a place that it hat escaped notice was tho missing etiokpin the youngster llien explained that look ing indian meant putting the head li the ground in order to caioh light of tiji smallest objeot between ones self and the horizon tbey do it on the plainb all the time lie said thatd why they oan alwajb tell whos coming bat it works in houses joat as well a9pp plains why wo nover lose anything in the nursery nowadayswo just look in diari atfd find it right tff new york suit how bee wax is made one of tho most taxing of the beo indus tries is the making of wax bccb qorge themselves with honey tbon bang them selves np in festoons or curtains to the hive and remain quiosoont for hours lifter a tlmo wax saalea appear forced out from ilia wax puobets the beee remove theee boalee with thoit natural forceps carry the wax to tbe mouth and chew it for a time thus ohanglngit oheniioaily thus it may be soon that waxmaking is a great expense to the colony for it oosta not only tbe time of the workers but it is estimated that twenty one pounds of honey is required to make ono pound of wax the cliau- tfitiquan rev w a dunnett a man whose good work is widely known he relates events in his career of general interest for years he suffered from heart trouble and frequently from collapse on one occasion five doctors were in attendance he is now freed from his old enemy and enjoys the blessing of good health rev w a dunnett from tbe smiths falls jtocord tbtbngbout canada from ihe western boundary of ontario to he atlaullo ooeac tbersia noinsme rnoro widely known in tenaperanos and evangqliatio worktban that of the rev w a dunnett mr dunnett has been the grand vice- uoanolllor of 0 and quebeo in ins royal templars end ao popular in he amoor tbs members of the order that in montreal there is a royal templars ooonoll named dnnnett oounoll in bis honor for more than ten years mr duodett fats been itolng from place to place pursuing his good work sometimes assisting resident miniileri aometimta condactlng aierlsa of gospel temperanoe meetings independently but always laboring for the good of hit fellom while in smllha falls a few month ago in oonneotlon with bis work he droppe i t s of areltbi read so many casss of people being boried alive is there no remedy for llj jonea tba only remedy i know is for the laalilature to pass a law pompelllng doctors to finish their work properly visit with the editor daring the conver sation the jrccord ventured to temsrk jhst his duties entailed an enormous amount of hard work to this mr dunnett alien tod but added that id hia present pbytloal oondlllonbe was equal to any amount ol bard work bat it was not always so he said and then he gave the writer the followlogjitlle personal history with per- mlsalon tomako it pnbllo he said that for the past thirteen yeara be had been greatly trsnbled with a pain in the rrgian of bit heart from wbioh ho was unable to gel any relief at times il waa a doll heavy pain at others sharp and severe oftentimes it rendered him unfit for fail engafernents and at all times it made il dlfflooirto rriove his trouble waa alwayi ylllblo to tba publlo and frequently when oondcoung eervioe be would give oat and tptllid tobaoalsd in to attend him brwai to blmjn th xoni ihorcb toronto tba daptlit ohurob iwelr ui iharijwhpdut obnroh pi6nbanolroioilon avglondiwtia tfiim theymnkhostresloongrfttatlon vsjisi ohurch at manchester n ii five doctors bad arrived and were in attendance before ha regained oonsoionsness in all these cities and towns the newapapora freely mehtloned bis affliotionat the time mr ddnnett said ho had bonsultod many physicians though bo said to be entirely fair he had never been any groat length of time tinder treatmentby any one doolor booaubo of bis itinerant mode of life in the early part of the enmmer of 1800 while in brookvllle assisting the pastor of the wall street methodist ohurch in evangelis- tlo servioes hewaa speaking of his ironblo to a friend who urged him to try dr wil liams pink pills and next day presonted him with a dosen boxes i took tba pills- said mr dunnett and i deolare to yon1 am a wqll man to day i used to worry a great deal over the pain about my hut t i all d n aud i f like a new man all tbia the reverend gentldman told in a simple oonvorsatlonal way aud when it waa suggested that ha let j it be known he rather demurred because ss he put it mi am almost afraid to say i am cured and yettherc is no man enjoying bettor health today than i do at that time at mr donnetts request hia atatoraent waaooly faublished locally but now writing under tbe date of january slat from fitohburg mass where he has been conducting a very anoocssful series of evangelistlo msellngs he saya 1 had held baok from writing in regard to my bsallb not beoauso i had forgotten but because it seemed too good lo be true that the old lime pain bad gone i cannot say whether it will ever return but i oan certainly say it has not troubled me for months and i am in better health than i have been for yeara i have gained in flesh benoe in welgbt i would prefer not to say anything about my appetite like the poor li ia ever with me yes i attribute my good health to dr williams pink ill and you have my content to dta the fact i jd1tojiiitrr av slmilaiing uietoodarulrcgula- tiig the stomacks and bowels of iiuiiii see that the ifacsimile signature of protnote3taesuonclieetful- tvessandhcsttcontalns neither oprummorpwne nor mineral not narcotic jsatrouxtsvniclrittneji pmrku smj jtlsmnm apcrfecmcmedy rotconstipa tion sour stomachdiarrhoea worms convulsions jevensa- ness and los of sl tac simile signature of m siffffhs is on the wrapper of eteby botttitii of tv- i i i jvrosstorla laput up in eaeslse hotuos only it 111 sot sold ia balk doat allow anyone to sell ijoa anyuihuf elae orithe plea or promise that it lis ijnst as good and will- anawer every pnr- beo that you getoastpbia btact copt of ymappeb ethel will your hounds follow u fox algy why awri think thoy would if the fox was dressed and oookod a vegetable remedy for diseases arising from disrdered liver stor mach or bowels such as headache biliousness constipation coated tongue bad breath feeling of languor distress after eating etc mnn olaha howe monoton nb says iusod laxalivor pills for headaonoa arid livor trouble and qiay nob only re- lioved me but burud mo iboy do nok gripe or ciokon and are easy to take bold by all druggists at 260 a vial op 5 fop 100 man wants but little hero bolow and keeps on wanting hard and soft oornb cannot witbbtand holiowayb corn onro it is effeotnal every itmo oeta baltlea-l-tirotrotntlbrhbrppyt- fathor who is the best boy in tho eobnol- freddie chip -hardboy- he can almost liok tho toaoher itd bo pleasant to take that children ory for it but llu death to worms of all kindb dr lows worm syrup prioo 25 oonts all dealers you aan draw your onu conoluaion from the faot that there isnt enough truth in existence to keep tongoosof goasips- con stantly wagring delicate children 1 what a source of anxiety they are the parents wish them and strong but th hearty ey keep thin and pale to all these delicate chil dren scotts emulsion of codliveroil with hypo- phosphites comes with the best p news it brings rich blood strong bones healthy nerves and sound digestion it is growth and prosperity to them no matter how delicate the child it is readily taken 50c ndioo nhdnibgliti scott v bowne qiemtt toronto saploymy dootor aaya i have an enlargement of tbe headdoncher iidow mabel 01 course thoraa ubthidr ia it countless bodily ailments dlreotly attributable to a disorder ed nerve system dispelled in a hurry by the great south am erican nervine- get well and keep well with it noble wriflht dairyman of orange ville aayb for a number of yearal waa a great sufferer from in digest ion add dyspepsia my liver and kidneys bothered me i treated with many doctors and need many remedies i proonred south american nervinq one bottle greatly benefitted mo and bx bottles entirely cored mo and today i am as woll as i ever was it ii a great remedy and i am glad to bo able to recommend it always sold by a t brown mrs digfl bennie disturbed mo bo that i couldnt tabo my nop owk aflerroon mr bigg prelty noiuy wdti 1c mrs bigg no lie waa au quietthat i just know he was sick mnwingrm mr stephen wescott freeporti ns found burdock blood bitters a wonderful blood purifier and gives his experience as follows vi was very much run down in health and employed our local physician who attended me three months finally my leg broke out in running sores with fearful burning i had thir teen running sores at one time from my knee to the top of my foot all the medicine i took did me no good so i threw it aside dtid tried bbb when onehalf the bottle was gone i noticed a change for the better and by the time i had finished two bottles my leg- was perfectly h and my health gr i proved we havo to guess what tho future and tho merchant who never advertises have in storo continued success continued ouooeaa moans eterliog merit norway pine syrup has sterling merit hence ita continued success it cores ooaghs oolds asthma bronchitis hoarse ueea sore throat and all throat and lung troubles only a few yeara ago people gazed in wonder aft the first gas light now they gazoin wonder at their uat gas bills there never was and never will bo a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ula to whjoh flebh ia heir the vory naturo of many ourativen being auoh that were the germs of other and differently seated diseates rooted in the syalom of tho patient what would relieve ono 111 la tarn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained vn a sound unadulterated btate a remedy for many and grievous ills by us gradual jadioions ase tbe frailest ystems are led into con- valesceboe and strength by the jbaenoo whioh quinine exorta on nat ares own reatoratlves ik relievos tbe drooping spirits of those with whom a xlironio stats of raorbjd despondence and lack of interest in life is a disease and by tranqailizing lhn tmrvi hmpoiag to honnd and rofreah- the two olaoaes i see that timrriins is getting out another ndvel hietorical or hysterical yon cftiivtclir you dont know wfiolhaf cough will atop the eough of couaamption hae just such a beginning take qoottahmalalon now while the eough is easily managed fools mako feasts for wlso men to eat and got tho gout strength came back log sleep imparts vigor to the action of tho blood which being stimulated courses throughout the velna strengthening the healthy animal fu notion of the system thereby making aotlvlty a neoemttvy result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand iporeauod aubstance reeuh im proved appetite j northrop a lymnp of toronto havo given to the pubtkl their quinine wine at tho aaual ratoand gusged by the opinion of loisntistb this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market all druggists ep ii ths anvil onoo moro rlnnv with the 41 strokes o hia lismroar mr thosrortoonbt tho well known blacksmith of godorich olit tolls how slcknoso andwonkncim gavo wnyto he aadstrength for the past four years mf neisr seiiasra hats in hhrd hlno soft shhpes newest styliis all colors starting as low as 75c up to 3 we handle only the best makes a very special offering this week of winter weight beaver overcoatings cut prites to clean our winter goods leave your orders and save money 25 coats for 20 22 coats for 18 and 20 coats for fid made firstclass in every way new furnishings and colored shirts latest goods e n6lson 99 wyndharastauelph the leading tailor and furnisher 0a6ii and one price y a ladys purse railway timbtablhi crand trunk railway nailau wickt noika aft mail a in am kxiirihb a 5 d11 mall 7 coprii kxiulnn kxiirutib mull mfxod 10 47 b m 0 11 pul 10 mitn timk of ciohikm itallc onliit woit 3 25 am ana oho iu aohir eiibt 10 15 iiin and 5 45 ini ladies fine leather silver mounted purses at cost price only till february 12th skmsgegq jewellers ixelph shops and warerooms foot of willow st galls attendeld to day or nright j a speiglxt co undertakers and em balmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges fusnitdre of 4tl kinds a wellassorted stqck at reasonable prices your inspection invited ja speight go orders left with j n stinson rookwootj will receive immediate attention oaaaoaaoooa6a brhntf0rd galvanized steel wind mills and towers tor power jwd fump- laff within ternl covered qoar jptoat roiler and ball bettriugs mapleuteaf grain grinder two sizes for any power no i has xo- inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8inch single burrs both have ball- bearing burr p taxes rlie springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always ijuaraiiteed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmill of all kinds the finest in the market best material light es running send for illusl rated catalogue wttey brantforditon john w queen acton agent pobabqve also for frost and wood binders and mowers a full line of all kinda of farm implements and repairs your help is needed fok oketo the be5 all charities supported by voluntary c0ntbibution8 m us kpka cottage sanatorium graven hurst for the treatment and cure of pulmonary consumption i incorporated- by sjtectal act of dominion parltamtnl president lord strathcona and mount royal canadian high commissioner london ehg vicepresident sir wm ralph meredith kt toronto gd1l leave your orders now for your winters supply none bnl ihe jtjtyjiastscrant3n coal delivered i can supply egg stove and nut sizes tho liberal patronage accorded me last season by mt browns cus tomers whose business i bought was much appreciated i can give even better service this year and solicit a continuance of theirorders coal delivery to commence in september john mcqueen sunsavings andloan co head office toronto ont authorised capital 800000000 tenyearmmnritysharc m p monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease s60 00 paid in maturity value 9ioqoo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton r memorial cottagn rrrarnteri bj mr it in darlrs anil family jarvla rtrat toraitca opened only 4 iiiqnths mitt 43 patients have been received a number have een discharged as cured of itli disease arrested is evidence ojimprovenient nearly all the patients have gained in weight and 20 ottt of the entire number have shown a gain of from 15 to 28 pounds iii two or three months of their stay 3000 yofing men and women die each year in ontario from this dread disease lives of 15q 7oatdtibe saved if the necessary f mds ire forthcoming and the disease was proinftly detected vv v ivillyon aiti fin iuisgootlworkr your dollar may save the nfejjf soriiji young man georgetown electric works t j 8pbig11t proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors 4 water motors ad hydraulic rams plpaand stoam fitting and repair ing doing oiulnped with a gas brailng machlno iain prepared to do braalng on blovdlolframea ao wlibels converted from direct to tangant rpoliea handle bars boat to any dealrod angln full line of fppkoakept in atoelrw batiafaotion guaranteod ftioyoles enanielled ia any dolor tj spiftqhtaeoraotbwil iilltle bob aw i i oould walk ihe rope last as wall aa the olroua it it wasnt for ona thing little willierwliat is that little bob id fall off nerves havo been vory treat my sleep fllfo1 and dibturbed by dreams consequently i nroso in tho morning unroatod i was frequently very diray and wab mtioh troubled with a mist tliit cameeforo rrty eyes my momory was often dofcotlvo anal had fluttering of the heart together wltht sharp paia through it nt times in this condition i was onally worried and fall enervated andexhaubtorl two months ago i began taking mllburna heart anil norva pills blnee that time i havo been gaining in health and atningth daily thoy havo restofod my nervos to a hoalthy oondltlon ramorod all dlahluosaand hearttronblo ana how i sleep well and derive oorafori and rost from it that mllburna heart and nerve fills are n good remedy for nervous- ness weaknoas heart trouble and similar oomplaints goes without saving prloe m ota a box at all druggists or t milbnrn co toronto ont laiallyor puis euro dyspopsuu is a disease of the poor yoti help those 7010 most need help while all suffer both rich and poor consumption is especially a disease of the poor rev j pbarbn a well known mathodut minister of toronto la writing to the aledacal superintendent aays am desirous that ell sufferers should know of the good work that the sanatorium is doing when i sent my daughter to the institution i felt that it was our last hope so tar as human help goes but after spending about three months there she returned with a new lease of life up6n her face the benefit she received seems also to bo permanent for she has increased in weight since her return a month ago yours truly j pbarm dr osler ot baltimore one of the most distinguished physicians in america writes as follows enclose my cheque tor twentytfve dollars and you can put me down as an annual subscriber for that aimount am nothing which has been stmried in canada yylll do more practical good vvf- contributions niny bo sent to any of thstrngtees or to w j uiqg cliniriiinirkxccnllvo commlttoor to ambb08b kbnti ir toronto f v 1 p -v- v ipjljetloa wlthoaiobamatee j- inline hitieriean awnasotnolj llluitmuhl freoklr jan iw oqlmlon of unr olentiflo jnuntsi tsrms el yesruojirraoaihstl 801a otoii mrmin dratai otflro 05 p bt wjhlb