Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1898, p. 4

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after taking a course of ayer3 pills the system is set in good working order and a man begins to feel tkat life is wbrtli living he who lias become the gradual- prey of constipation docs not realize the friction under which he labors until the burden is lifted from him then his mountains r sink into mole hills his moroseness gives place to jollity hie is a happy man again if life doe not seem worth living to you you may take a very different view ofit after taking ayers cathartic pills ij ju tint jfm rm thursday march 3 1808 srjavfjirong jfoiits thj cats cons all too oata conaultedt wbatwaa it about how tocatchallttlo moualo jtucdlnglnqd oat puy with tlie long olaws iho niadu tule re- mark i aball oat tbo mouale up bqcanao my noao la atk poaay with tbe long olawiourlod with prldo her lip you can only salpidap im tho one to grip and ill btreteb out my long claws andlll bold mouale tight tbon witbln my btroug jam wfclik her out of tight llttlomoaaie listened heard all that was eaid foit her limbs ahako with affright tbougnt abed boon bo dead but time may lo vraatad if caul havo inaou to bay aud whilotheycomnltod mouelo ran away mducaiionaljournal a lesson with a moral the other day says a writer id grocery world 1 took a llttlo trip put among aomo of the retail trade i went into the store of a retail grooer who- advertised himself on bis sign as a ilrlotly oasb dealer i asked him how the oaah basinets wai doing anil hojudnlieerm to tblnk it was working very itaked bim vrhelher bo advertised he said no j asked bim wnetnsr ne gave his customers any better prides than the cmllt fliiiijnat hnv d h said no with great frankness i asked bim bbwi then be expeotedl to make a go bfit against oredit aqdbe didnt seem to knowexeotly why i eaid youro baoking agalnit big odds people will go every tim lo the grooer who will sell to tbem at the lima prioe and give them time toovi dont know whether the seed i sowed found any lodgment in tho oaah grocers mind bnt i hope so beoana he dont ohango bis metboda its only a question of time getting ready mr wiggles i ordered two dinner sets aent hone today maria mrs wiggles two dinner seta wby joshua wiggles ro yon orsey i w in the world do we want of two more dinner aeta mr wlgglei wby didnt yon tell ma yesterday that yon were going away next week io be gone a month i want to have dishes enough in tbe bonaa so that i wont have to waeh any while yon are away somervule journal the ligh side of nature siddyi wonder if we should and any babiea katie if we dng np these goose berry bushes katie battles dont oome ont of goose berry bathes biddy siddy well where do they oome from then v katie why from the big shops of oourae havant yon seen printed over some of tbem families supplied 7 skleh dragfied from a condi tion of physical wretchedness and misery paines celery compound was the deliverer mr barrand says surely the medicine which hasdone so much for me wllili prove aj blessino to others most desperate oases of rheum atism areoyercome by natures cure paines celery compound the only remedy fob pain- racked and stiffened limbs wells 4 biohardaon co dear sirs just a yoar ago i waa attacked by inflammatory rheumatism in its roost aouto form whioh totally incap acitated me from pursuing my tradethat ofa tailor or in fact from doing workeveq of the very lightest kind as every nere in my body was affeotod i waa in tbi dis- irewing condition for more than seven month when i commeuoed to uao poinea celery compound i soon began to realize the nenefiolal effects of tbe ineaiolne but ray caso wab an obstinate one and required the persistent use of tbe compound for some months before i waa able to move about i am thankfol to bay i am eo far recovered that i havo oommencodl work again and i am very hopeful that by coil- tinning the use of the compound a littlo longer 1 shall pleaae god be restored to my wonted health and strength again barely the medicine thnt lias done somnoh for me will prove au equal blessing to otbera similarly sfflioted end to enob i say give paines celery compound a trial for what your medicine haa done for me yon have my mobt grateful thanks yours traly john bahiuot barrio ont when poverty oomea in at the door love goes home to papa and brings hubby with her who unlit tbe fyranildat hard to tell in some instances but wo know who are the great nerve builders tbey are soott and bowne thoir bcotts emulsion feeds and strengthen brain and toy tbtajko plytd peculiar to hoods nua basil la cbcteht thorough as ont man bare takeaapul tm it is erer mo xx hood et c proprietors lowell maaa the only puis to take with hoods sasauaril friend bow do you get along with the cooking the bride admirably i i blame it on tbe range the klo wealth would be no inducement to the sufrererlf it stood between him and perfeot health h h little oampbellford writes about one year ago i bad a severe attack o typh f a i le m s in- a very weak and nervonb condition infaot so badly that i almost entirely despaired of recovery i waa induced to try south amerloan nervine- in a remarkably short time my health improved and when i bad taken a few bottles i was completely cored and bave better health aiuoe than for years before sold by a t brown if the aoalp does not give ont oil to keep tbe hair from baoomlng dry and harsh use halls hair eenewer to render i bo hair healthy sofa and pliable ethelrnw able to speak freoeb we iarj ybat in a pnbllo oon- veyatnoe andf nrfbohfaelae will know what isrielngsaid jpred xm hot eve3 a fredohman v milboms 8trhnafheadaoho powders owethe worst heyraoho in from ato to tjvenfjr ralniijrand leave no bad- after effeots one powder 6c a powders 10j l 10 powders 3o my husband was going to tbe klondike but be changed bis mind whalfor he read in a newspaper that they have pillow shams up there worma aerange tbe wbole aystem motber oravee worm exterminator deranges worma and gives rest to the sufferer it ouly costs ss ceijltoy it and lie codvinoed a 25 cenirtory biperienoe aaid undo eben is er good teacher i bnt education is lible ter be wasted oo a man dat donpend on nuffln else the bluobird fa bailed as a harbinger of spring it is also a reminder that a blood- purlfler ik needed to prepare the system for tbe i debilitating weather to oome iiiaten apl yon will bear the birds tliging take ayersj baraaparllla in march april may gammoy bp you eayv eether eyether slanders tub dictionary ays lhatyoaoan say either oummey dont it permit yon to say eyolber toof sbewelll think it la about urns for matossidf adiroe dons every- tbwwltlofjorfbitit sbbsrwysi ibl ive spent nearly all your vijonej for infants and childreijl t wejum s friend wonldnt yoa like to have me lit here nd iboot at the poets when tbey come in editor no yoa are two poor a bfaot the dnbftrf of spring wbloh arias irbm imparities blood and depleted oonditlomot fl aid may be entirely averted by eoodv saraaparilla tbi great medlcino oaroa all epriog bamort boil- eraptiom and sorea and i by enriohlng and vitallcinfi the blood it oyeroome that tired feeling and givee yuallty and vigor an honest aroument moat of tho araumontb offered in favor pf tbo uaeot ulcohuioithorubivbovcrufiooroh ii niociiciiie iirojiiiheil upon oitlior ihiiorauoo of itu piiyhiolokioidior ruthcr unpliyaiolofi- iuul iiropertieft or upoha defliro and delcr- ralnutionupou tho purt o tlio dofoudcr of thiadrag to flud ah apology or a pretext for it it uao no matter wliovt iho facte may bo aud if tbo fuots do not firop tbon it ie bo much worao f9r tbo facte in tbo jaly number of tho xoiulon westminster revitwt a 23 t longburat m d in an article entitled boioutiftc aspoote of tho tomporanco qqeatiou very pithily eayi for a man to any that ho takes alcohol becauso be likes it rofjardlosa of tbe oon- heqaenceb of boalih wbloh it ontaiu or tbe possibility of a drunkards grave ta at any into honobt but whoa ho bays be takes it as a food bccaqaohia doctor tolls bim it is so and is a neooabity then ho dofles aoiopco and brings a reproach on tho profeuuion of sclontiflo modioino the dootor further rays it wo sum- raarize tbo moat recent eoloutifio oouolo- biuns as to and ito action on the haman aystem tlioy will bo eomewhat aa follows it ja uot found in n at aire nor provided by her aa a nccoaafty of animal life it prodiapoaca to dipoaae dvrangea tho constitution of tbo blood unduly cxoitob tho heart and circhfation paralyzes the minuto blood veisela impairs tbe funotioob ohbo digest ivo orhttna distarbs the regularity of nerve notions lowers the animal temperature lessens muscular power is not a food tbe highest health and longevity aro attainable xvitirout it with ao much evidence of tha evils of alcohol and auoh ecicntillo exprcbaions akainst ils use in tho animal economy it la high time that the profeaion of modi- cino ahotiltj speak about it from tho boicn- tiflo aapeot of tho qucelion i dont know til at man but i know be haa genius how do oil know hta clotliea dont lit him hagyardd yellow oil euros apraius bruiaoa wounda cutp frostbites chilblains stings of iuacots burna aoulda contusions etc price 25a woods norway pine syrup heals and soothes the delicate tissues of the throat and lungs curing coughs colds bronchitis asthma hoarseness sore throat influenza and pain in the chest easjjtojake j4s t spre to ci l mrs totter what wore poor mr donaways last wordu mr potter ho didnt havo any wife was with him nn fumilyjivlug in a bil ooantr ii ie should be without parmeleea vegetable pills a few doses taken now and tbon will keop the liver actlvu ortanue tliu stomaob and bovelb from all bilious matter and prevent ague mr j it prioe shoals martin co- indj i have tried a box of parraolcos iillsand find thom the best mediaino for fever and agoo i havo oyer ubcd the trouble with the advanood woman eaid tbo wise man from birmingham is that ebo thinks she ia ad vanoed when ebo is only forward blood thnt lf bud blood that ia bad biases tho whole body siok blood that ia good makes the wholo body strong healthy and vigoroub bur dock blood bittern mauob good rich red blood l regard u ij a ob iho best mediotno in tbo world to make rich red blood it cured me after sufferiog two years from weak thin blood jennie a gleason gentreton ont tbo tbe evil men do uvea after them good is oft interred in iheir will dr lows worm syrup is a safe sure and reliable worm-tnrpoller- aots equally well on ohildron or adults be sure you get lows hoods pills onre naasea siok liedaohe illionsness and all liver ills prion 25 oentsf haw roornit on duty who fzoos there answer a friend raw bearoit advance friend an pis apipo o baooy donus kidney tills doans kuhiey pills act onlbo kidneys bujje and urinary ofgans only they- onre backaobes weak back rhonmatiero diabetes congestion inflammation gravel brights disease and all other dlieavaos arlalng from wrong aollon of tho kidnej and bladder executive i would appoint your man bnt les too ignorant for tho polios force heeler dan put him on the sobool board a pa tortured and tormented with rhou matlam and somstloa 8outh amerloan rheumatic cure worke the wonder an irldbjnant obaerved that it was bard thing for a man to be turned ontof the houae wbloh his father built and his grandfather was born in very many persons ddh annually from oholera and kiodred aammer complaints who might havo been aaved if proper remedies had bun used if attaoked do not delay in getting a bottle of dr j d kellogge dysentery cordial ttaefhedioine that never fails to eftect a onre those who bave used it say itaatb promptly and thoronghly sobdaea fat pain and dlsesso mkoksxgsstaienmajmmaa promotesdigeslidnchceiful- liessandrestcontalns neither chmintmorpujne nor mineral not kahc otic itaiaraiditsmvnritcnen apctfecthemjdy forcorallpa- hon sour slomachdiarrhoea worms convulsionsjevensh- ness mid los of sl tac simile sign of bcactcoprol vmap hail itf that the facsimile signature is on the wrapper ofeveet bottle of outorlft la put tip la onaalio dottloa only it if not bold in bulk dont allow anyono to cell yon anything oluo on tho ploa or promlo that it juitfta good and will anawer every pnr- ipom bco that you got oabtobia thafivo- utipptr photographer now iry to look like yoareelf noting the tffeot well er hi m try to look like somebody elae the gold rush is mot more enthusiastic than are the praises of thousanda who are living today because of south american kidney cure thousands verity whut ia ol aimed of south american kidney care greatest safest qolokeot acting permanent reaalta a epeoiflo for kidney disorders inyounr or old malo and female it enjoys the dig- ti notion of a hearty recommendation by moat eminent pliyaioiana it relieves distroasing kidnoy disease in six boars never fails to oare if persisted in aots direatly on tbo circulation and eradicates from the system alt solids j and foreign bdbatanues whioh olog up these sanitary organs of tbe human anatomy yoa tost what others havo proved those words from a letter received today i despaired of recovery until i uaedisonth american kidnoy cure sold by k t brown yoa dont seem to object to your daughter gatherdk autumn leaves no it takeb her mind off painting thom queer heart feelings queer feelings in tho heart aro daily complained of by multitudes of people dont know tho cause but it makes tbem tioyvonja lrrltablu- undnnfltrf or-eithnr- work or plesaro mr b a boss ailaa craig qrit e- it he says it oamofrom la grippe i was irritable wor ried dizzy short of breath and had suab a qaeor feeling in my heart that i thought i would glvenp thegltobt milbarns heart and noryo pills cuaoged all this and i am free today from all tbeso troables -xrt-hclp4uuomg-to-tho-6urface- in the form of ulcers sores boils pimples and rashes pf one kind and another especially is this so in the sprinq at this time of the year the blood needs purifying the sys tem needs cleansing nothing will do it with such- perfect success aa l b d jessie johnston rockwood ont writes i had boils very bnd and a friend ad vised me to try burdock blood bitters so i got a bottle the effect was won derfulthe boils began to disappear and before the bottle was- done i was totally cured as an effectutil and rapid euro for impure blood b b b cannot be equalled old bach well bave you saoceeded in subduing yoar wifo yet young bonedict oh yes 1 1 am able to mako her do anytulng she wants to how to keen well without regal a r action of tbe bowels good health is impossible laxaliver fills regulato tho bowelu euro constipation dyspopaia billousnesssiok headache and all affection a of tho organs of digestion prico 25o all druggists- qlcjfig the ghildren dont scold miu litllc ones if urn hed is wet in lo tuorninp it isnt the childs fault weak kidneys need strcngthiiiin thats all you- cant afford to rialt delay neglect may entail a life time of suffering doans kidney pills g strengthen the kidneys and vf bladder then all trouble v ccaaco 5 mr john carson employed at v m s bradt t cos store ham- jf j hmnf0ntrrsnrt v- 0 my little bov boven yearn o npro w vt has been troublcil with hln kidneys s since birth nnd could not hold lifo w we uf tl v- w lars doctorlncrund tried many dif- w w ferentroinedfcribiit they were rf no f y- avail one box of iiohuh kidney v y pills completely cured bim w tho disposition to givn a cup of cold water to a ijbcipio is a far more noblo prosperity than the finest intellect there never was and never will be a universal panacea in onb remedy for all ills to which fleah is heir tho very n at aro of many curatives being each that were the gorma of other and differently soated disoabcs rooted in tho system of the patient what would relieve one ill in tarn would aggravato tbo other wo- have howover in quinine wiqe when obtained in a bound if you are ill you need a doctor in whom you have confidence if you need a remedy you want one that has been tested for years notanobscureun- tried thing that is urged upon you or on which you save a few cents thatis ho consid- i crii 3p mrs john hither vooditook n b writes i bad ben suffering for over three years from muiouur rbsomatlim and on one oootilon i had a very adate attaok of olalloa- forsveral wlwiwfpdabj io walker timeiid to ray hbomholdldqtles oars soldbyatbrowq eration as against health for wasting in c ults scotts emulsion odliver oil with hypo- osphites has been the ognizedcemedy for twen tyfive years 50c and iuo ill druggist scott uownli chemliu torooto luttle elmer pa what does reiiui afl oat io pace mean profeisor broadbosd pleaeo btay dead is near onough- not 80 enay it is not ao eaiy to oaro an obstinate cough it wont oaro ileolx norway pino syrup is tbo remedy indjonted beoaase its record shows that itfclttayi oares ooogbs colds and all long troubles f mawbon btruok oil and mado bis fortune vqawaslaohy how sou struck dymanite attain ado bis exit there is not a moro danreroos class of disorders than those which ttffeot tho breathing organs nullify this danger with dr thoroaa ealeotrio oil a pul- monlo of acknowledged efdoaoy it oaroa lameness and aorenesa when appllod externally as well as a welled neck and oriokin thebaok jundaaan inward specitlo posseses most substantial olalma to pnblia oonudeooo 1 unadulterated state a remedy lor many and grievous ills by its gradual judicious rise tbe frailest systoms aro lod into con valescence and strength by the inflaenoo which qainlno exerts on natures own rcstoratlvob it relieves the drooping spirits of thoao wltb whom a chrbnio state of morbid despondence and lack of interest ta life is a disease aud by tranqailizing the nerves dibposeb to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the notion of the blood whioh being stimulated ooarses throughout tho veins strengthening the healthy animal funotions of the ays torn thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening tho frame and giving life to tbo dfgobtivo- organs whioh naturally demand increased sabbtanco result im proved appetite northrop lyrrian of toronto havo given tq tho public their quinine wino at tho usual rate and gaaged by tho opinion pf scientists this wine approaohesnoaroat perfection of any in tbo markot all druggists so it railway time table glasgow house acton a feature with us this week will bean early shipment or american prints fancy sateens etc just to hand in exquisite designs and perfect color ings which willbe cleared diyfing the next ten days to make room for regular stock exceptionally tasty goods for wrappers and waists prices will range from 8c to ioc worth i2jc to 15c henderson go tlie riglit house corner king and hughson sts hamilton special carpet sale in spite of the unpleasant weathelrwe sold hun dreds of yards of the carpets advertised last week some styles are all gone those stillhere we will offer as follows regular 81 35 brussels for 90c regular 8rlo brussels for 75c regular j185 wilton for jilo reguiar8x85 axminster for si 15 regular 90c tapestries for 75c regularsx wools for 75c regular 50c union for 4oc brussels hassocks special 45c six only indian rugs at tho following reduced prices rj3 x 103 regular i75 for tia 156 x 103 regular i60 for jj 12 x 94 regular j45 for i30 142 x 94 regular kj for 36 122 x 83 regular 45 for 30 84 x 03 regular 24 for 15 brussels rugs special at 9250 each remnants of oilcloths and linoleums less than half price during this sale all the above carpets will be made and laid without extra charge and stored until required housefurnishings one case of job white blankets sire 72 x 90 weight 8 toio lbs one third less than regular prices extra super white blankets 8 9 and 10 lbs at 80c goc and 81 per pair 50 only vhitc quilts 2 x 2j yards special at 89c down quilts 5x6 regular 550 for 8450 6 x 6 regular 8950 jor 8675 fine white nett curtains regular 81150 for 87 irish point curtains regular 815 for 88 curtains lace 60 in wide regular 50c for 35c irish point sash nettregular 70c for 50c curtainsi muslin regnlar 35c for 250 regular 30c for 20c regular 25c for 15c gold printed art cloth regular 25c for 15c art silks 30 inches wide regular 75c and fi for 45c upholstering in all its branches promply attend ed to old furniture recovered to look like new our stock pf draperies and hangings is fully up to the standard thoma c watkin slibseriibe tisli op ciohinu hah- 1 golnj wcptj qliitn nnd 0140 pm oolnitettfit 10 jflanliidb 45 pin thin thno tnblvkvcut into ffict in mot da nov 30u roht jsioble the highest price for f3t3at at ilia peas warehoube oats r actou bahlby station r flour at a bran acton xhortb flour and sheds all feeil kinds of feed ston try norval flour the best family flour in the market frank harris manager 2 ii i iiki 0 limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest york easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long all cast parts have our name anchaddress in full on them see that you get them it will piy you the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in tbe market guaranteed to cut 20 tons ah hour and deliver 40 feet tull line of straw cutters and root pulpers roller bearings all kinds of wheelbirrows the wilkinson plough company limited toronto 13rkntfqrd calvanized steel wind mills and towera for jpowot n fpr the jetoii aaaa sttastssaassassissasssst www wwv ww v w v w ww ww ww only a few yoara ao people gazed in wonder at the oral gas light now they gaze in wonder at their juat gas bills doivl ut it ache if your btbmboh liver and bowels aro working properly you will havo no hoad- acho bard 00k blood bitters will keep yoa right bo there is no hood to lot your head aoho thero la lo of proof that thte ia ao i had severe headaoho for over threocmajliid was not free from it for a single day finally i u9od durdook blood bitters with iho robult that ik has completely cured me mrs aflkck toronto my party may bh a always bo right but right or wrong my party pamthehemt too serloiis a condition to npsloot- a guolph harness maker tells how ho was cured mr wm dhou tho woll known saddler and hnrnoss niaklr of luolpli out makos iho following btatciuont i heartily re- piiranil oett for tabic and aatry no iif alteration nover cakes in a country newspaper sppearb tho following imnouncomonl a number of deaths unavoidably prosponcd one laiallver 1ill every night for thirty days makra a complete euro of bilionanoas and cooatipatfon that is jost 2o cents to be cured borne men are born great aomo aoliiovo grsatness and aomo become aldormen oollo and kldoev ulffloultvmr 3 w wilder j p lufanisviilr n y writes i am sokjeol to aavere attacks of colio and kidney difficulty and find pr- moloes pills afford ma great relief nhllo all other remedies have ailed they are the beat mediolno i have ever used in fact so great is the power ot this medloins to oleanae and purify that diseases of altnost every name and naturo are drl von from xbe cody yon get all the local and greneral news and it costs you only inp with in ternal covered gear- patent roller and snlz earibs maple leaf grain grinder two sizes for any powpr no i lias 10 inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8 inch single burrs both hat c ball bearing burr plates roll c springs and shike feed grind fine power always guaranteed a triil given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of all kinds tho finest in tho market best material lig h t e s running send for illuslrated catalogue brantfordcar actpn agent fojr above also for froet and wood binders and mowers pgjryemlr 00vcioacot commend mllburnn tlcart and norvo fills to anyono suffering from nervousness and heart troublo tbey aio a splendid incdloino for suoh complaints for a long time i waaaflliutod with norvouanosa aha pain in my heart whioh was espcolally sovero at night oftendestroying my rest these pills cured mo and in vigors tod my norvoim system which fa now strong and tioallliy thoy ret tmri restful slcopljesldcs removing tho dirtnhtti ng heart pains which fpmicrly gavo mo so muoli anxiety and trouble afilburno boart nnd norvo pills 150 ote a box b for li5 sold by druggists or sent by mail t mil burn js co toronto ont laxalivep pllb cupo cons lptlon shops and warorooms foot o willow st calls atlendeid to day or night j a speigm fe go undertakers and em balm ers o latest styles experiehcbd attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furn vi y 6ptikaids a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited orders left with j n 8t nfoipwoi r m a full line of all kinds ol farm implements and repairs tob twbhtybbwiktitaiis thec6uagetfrf largest sallmrf oaoa

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