Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiii no t7 acton ontabio thuksday makcii 10 1898 jpitlce thbee cents 18 rcdlibued every thursday morning at the free fresssteam printing olllco uilti btiteet aoton ont thumb of suusonnrrion olio dollar per yoar strlatlylu advauoo all bubaorlntlonb diacon tluuod whon tho tlmo for wnioh thoy liavo boon paid has ox pi rod tho date to which ovary subscription la pawiil is denoted on tho address label advertibivq iutfs transient advortlao uiouts 10 conta per nonpareil liuo for first in ortlon 3 cents por lluo for uaah subsoquont asortion oontraot hatkbtiio following tablo shows or ratoa for tho insortlon of advurtisomodtator specified poriods space 1 tn 6 mo a mo imp so idobos 860 00 essoo aooo 7 00 10 ldqbefl 35 00 aooo 13 00 800 fflnahos so 00 laoo 700 060 llnoh eoo an a oo 100 advertisements without epoolao dlrootiona trill bo inaorted till forbid nod charged accord ngly transient advertisements must bo paid n advance advert aomenta will bo obangod onoo oaob month if doiirwi for o ban rob oftonor than encoamontlitbo compobttlon mubt bo paid for at rogulai ratoa chanfloi for contract advortisomontb must bo a tho oluoo by noon on tuosdays accounts payablowouthlv h f moore editor and proprietor vissiims bimtorp j medical t urln m d c m otttoe and residence corner mill frodorlck 8 1 roots acton baby carriages new styles in baby- carriages first supply for 1s9s at days jbookstove guelph day sells cheap the traders bank of authorized capita 9 1 000000 cuelph branch sums of 81 and upwards received on deposit and highest current rate of interact paid or compounded half yearly tjcncnjit rocoipts iflaued for large sums deposited advanooa mad a to responsible farm era on their own names 3so charge made for oolleoting sojob notes it payable in guelpb j a general banking business transacted a jf b jones manager as elliott m d m b aoton qbadtj1tc tononto university office main stroot tlitrd door couth of presbyterian church aoton d r dryden eye ear tunoat and nosf molioan s block douglas st noar p o guelph ornce hounb jo atn to 1 p m andtjtogpm sundays 10 am to 1 p m veterinary slroeon lfred p husband v s graduate of tho ontario vo tori nary coll ceo honorary monibor of tbo votorlnary medical boaloty office wm huabands lot u con a naas aganeyo calls day or nlgbt promptly attondod to jsental ll bennett ldb dentist l qkoboetown ontario dr t 8 mercer dentist 0 qrauuato of toronto unlvoraity and it c d s ofllco over drug store aoton vlbitik a dats thursday and tniday m bell dd8 ldb eflookvlixk dentist honon gluddate op toronto un1vei18ity work mado satisfactory prlcea modorato vibitino days monday afternoons and frl day of oaoh wtol ji r g h cook irbntlbt limited toronto wilkinson ploughs lost longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long alt cast parts have our name ind address in full on them see that you get them it will pty you the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in he market ruannteed to cut 20 tons an hour and dclier 40 feet full line of stnw cutters and root pulpers roller bearings all kinds of wheelbarrows the wilkinson plough company toronto robt noble the highest price for wheat at the peas warehouse oats acton barley station flour at bran acton shorts hour and seeds all teed kinds of feed store imorval flour ibo nest 1 orally flour in tho market frank harris manager stocktaking sale or lamps all latest styles nice fresh up todate goods no fossils big bargains to early comeis we must not carry stock over 0rirti m bond co hardware guelph klondike is rich in cold and wokeea preparations never fiil to do jiipt what we represent them below are a few of our specialties mcktjls lmulsion of cod liwii oil wrriihhroi hospiiites contains 50 oil is the most palatiblo and never fails to cure a sizes 35c and 75c best lue going mcivels caroi 1na plne bai sam the greatest cough medicine largest sale gives entire satisfaction 2 siies 25c and 50 cents mclvtlb plki lct livltt pills cure all ailments arising from derangement of the stormch and lher and only 10c per box try them mckee s anticrptic tooth wash a dclightfullyf ngrint and healthy substitute for tooth powder preserves the enamel hardens the gums ind imparts a sweet per fume to the breath 25c per bottle the march winds a re drawing nighvhen chaprjedhinds d th or t day sir grepare yourself with a tube of lozli ll s ream of almonds and roses it softens the skin and prevents chipping is highly perfumed nod is on sile it our store 25c per tube also just irrked larko davis hnthymol cream larkodaus enthymol tooth piste remember everything is ne v and prices are right at the people s drug store time to quzt will teuplbh 1 was couolderod some on 1 roptooiyiu woathor jea glvb mo ono bwoopln look i could toll whothor it would rain or enow aoeordin to tho soaeon an i novor made perdlotlotis bbout a reason como a lomonoolorod aundowd algod with nam un call ll woathor wisdom initlnot okll itrammon ez you ploaflo i satd old mliter woat is oomlu- an ho always did an sot all tblugt vbumtnln but rvo quit itpd suutlaoa was anotbunivooislfdaturo an if i do aaylt tboro wan t aorcatnro llvln atibroatblo aaaouldbotniobooln rings around tho sun or moon lundogf an such llko things wbon watohlu oil canlaiab day i spooly sbono fir carol obb ones novor d notice in i alone hod tho honor of tollln ifthabeir como out and wontbach in hla bole orltop staylaabout but i to quit whon it coma to road in hoga naolli i was tboro depend tbln tblak or bulglu at ouo or tlioothor end ono kin forotoll sighta o weatbor whon bo klllin hoga almobt as much nawatchlu fob uory foge which moans bnt tboro i vo bald that i would novor pcrdlot as in i that onoo nu tbo tight bo clovar uy all of my frlonda an nolgubonan bymytolf hob joagono out o biznoagan crtiwlod on tbo bholf fur ive quit e lookouts a glvln crlos arawalcrs fly in ion wbito coatod anowblrds round fetch in a storm of buow smoko a fallfn down tho imo as n inmp 0 load flga a carry hi straws to mako a stormy bed maro tails crowin tbo sky thunder headb in the woat wblto trobta auhollor air boy all klu tkoa rcbt rolka boa got outo mo all tbo weather they u git mobbu thoy 11 como oak uioi woat lot up a bit fur i vo quit i vo quit bocauso tbo nowspapars aro publish in each day what thoy vo hoard some dudo in taronta or phlladolpby say to wit high winds will rago today on tho pacific eoaat- in canody thoy ii eblvor au in florldy tboy 11 roaat thoy a an arlo of low prosauro aloi g tho yallor- stouo drouth con tin u ob in rinluckoy jiu in maine tbo probsuroablgb twill bo coo in minnesota an tlo gulf atatoa will bo dry yob ive quit so what a tho ueooftryln tobokcen anwoathcr wiao an qtudyln fur uothln tall tho oar tb tbo air an bkiob whon folks git their patont weatbor in tbo papora ov ry da why i vo board om right aforo did talk in to ouch otbor emy undo ebon len t in it prophoayln any moro git j or woathor from tbo papers er tbo notlco at tho btoro thon i turn away in eorrow but tboro a ono thought doos mo rood a prophet b eoldom honored in his natlvo uojgbborhood so ho quits j 3fm lunfriug too bai tor if there was ono thing that i was supposed to be good at next to rowing it wab greek you aeom to be very well educated for yoar position id life remarked oorftldioo ob i dont know answered jaofa and he added quickly tho freo libraries are so convenient jou know but i might return tho oompliment and say that you seem very well read for a youog lady when the returned to tho ferry ger afdlrjo extraoted uio purse but ne she was taking out the munoy jaok said pointing to ha ami or ton the for ry man that la the parson to py please i nm not allowed to uko any money whon tbo young lady was out of bight jack said quietly to the boatman dont forgot dick if alio should hap pen to make any inquiries that i ana only one of yoar assistants all right sir answered dick with a knowing look wont forget for he next month geraldino wont on the river every floe day sometimes in the morning sometimes in the afternoon and these boating expeditions were extended on many occasions up the stream to k tug ton molesay and sunbury and many aa argu ment they had on literature and art for as a rale their opinions on thebe bubjoota were diamotrloatly opposite na thoy drift ed down htfraoward bound ooe afternoon they were returning down the river when the conversation turned apoo the wedding of a lady o property in the neighborhood who had recently mat ried her ooaahman poor unfortunate woman i eiolaimed geraldino how bitterly she will regret ill why should ahe inquired jack booanso happinees is impossible with snob an ill assorted match how do you know thoy ftro ill as sorted why the man is only a common coach roan but you must remembor she baa mar ried the man not tho coachman and if they are fond of ono another wlfy ehould they not be happy it is impossible exclaimed geraldino how can she a lady by birth and educa t ion have auything in common with a fellow liko that a hewer qi wood and a drawer of water 7 don t be too hard on us said jaok seriously rornombor that ho trior was a slave burns a piowrnad and your favorite pope only the son of a linen draper ah but genius levels all tbinga 1 re plied geratdine with a smile there ib something olse whioh lovelb all things 1 observed the young boatman what is that love answered jaok that glorious feeling which is the true philosophers stone which gilds the road of life no mat ter how rough it may bo mak68 a dry crust with the object of ones affection more acceptable than a feast without her and which sweeps away all distinctions of rank as the running water washes away the dull earth and leaves tho grains of gold ex posed i have oorae to aak jou to finish what you wore saying to mo when your aunt interrupted our conversation replied jack 1 oh i do idol exclaimed geraldino i never knew how much nntil wo were parted and now please go away oh here comes lady althorpe i ah lord john 1 i was going to intra duce you to ladgeraldine but it seems as though you have mot boforo ripplod tbo gonial hostess ah ou bly tbingb i ob jack cried geraldino when they were once egaiq alone in the crowd why did you do this 7 because i wished to bo loved for myeolf alone darling whispered lord jasper aud i had given up all hope of it when providence brought ub together at dear old twinkenhara ferry princess sharp reproof unintentional souvenirs the present custom of bouventrs for din nera visitp and in fact for nearly all oeoabtons sometimes leads to deplorable mistakes a writer in frank lfuhe weekly recalls an occurrence io tho hospit able oareer of a hostess who had reason tn regret that tbo souvenir craze had ever been hoard of mrs j was tho happy possessor of a dozen salt oellars of repouwe ailver which were almost the apple of her eye she was to give a luncheon in honor of a friend from a distant city and covers were laid for fourteen in the arrangement of the table the preoioaa salt cellars wero placed for the gnests another kind being bqpplicd for tho hostess and her daughtor tho cards designating tho places were laid upon these little empty dishes and through some error remained there so that the absence of salt was not discovered when the company assembled at the table one lady took up her oard saw the empty salt cellar and remarking at some length on its beauty said it was a lovely souvenir and slipped it into her pocket her example was promptly followed by tho rest of the oompany with tho exception of ono unfortunate woman who either bad no pocket or was unable to find it the hostess was petrified with grief aud despair as ahe saw her oheribhed ppbses aiom oalmly appropriated but she was unable to offer the necessary explanations in the face of a torrent of acknowledge ment and compliment after she had reoeived the adieus of the last guest and had heard the departing rustlo of the last gown whose pooket held one of her beloved salt cellars she bat down like the little maid aroadce and wept it was eoou disoovered that the woman without a pooket had forgotten her prizo and mrs j beized upon it with the concentrated affection whioh a parent bestows on the last of many obildrcn her joy was of brief duration the fol lowing morning brought a polite noto from the pooketless woman baying that bbe bad forgotten her beautiful souvonir would mrs j kindly send it mrs j sont itbut in the bosom of her family eho expressed punishment of lots wife had overtaken tho woman for looking back on the charms of that unintentional souvenir tho private records of tho groat english families bhow bow often vast political events havo grown nut cf individual quarrels or friendships one of tho oddebt examplos of thoso huo oak growths from littto uoornb is found in the life of lord brougham with all of hla knowledge and talent brougham was econlrio and slovenly in his poraonal habits while ho was a youogand comparatively unknown barrister he was asked to a dinner at whioh tbo prince rego it presided mr ijrougbams bands needed washing the regents keen eyes rested on thorn ho beckoned to tia waiter and gave an- order wbiah tbo man hoard witt a scared jao- and then going out he speedily returned with an ewer full of water soap aud a towel he carried them to brougham presenting them with the prince regents oompliments the barrister instantly withdrew and norer afterward referred to tho insult tears later when the prime now king triod to divorce bis wife brougham as her defender bo rehemontly sustained her cause that she triumphed the kings name was not mentioned during the trial though the nation know that he was scoretly the prosecutor brougham in bis speech declared that he saw in tho distauco tiid nameless persecutor of bis innocent client qaoting with ternflo efleot miltons words tho otbor bbapo lfshaj0 itmlgbtbocallod black it btood as night iorcoaa ton furiosi torrlblo as boll and shook a dreadful dart what aooiuod hla head lha likeness of a kingly crown had on george xv felt berioubly tin eavago attaqk the nation sided with tin quean ana bor defendant had paid his debt with interest youws companion a protest the workinggirls great chance the average home holds out a far moro comfortable time a more leisurely life a healthier existence and batter wages tbau does the office store or factory to an in telltgeut rfirl or woman vmtes edward w bok of tho working girls great chance in the ladies home journal tbo bamo time devoted for example to the study of shorthand or typewriting if given to tho study of nursing or domestio eervioo would mean twice tho income to a bright steady girl unfortunately girla will not see this and thousands of them who aro to day struggling through an existence in the outer world could havo far more comfortable lives aud better wages m excellent homes how the average girl can deliberately shut her eyen to the opportnn lty which fairly glareb upon her as a good maid uurse companion or domestic of any sort passes average comprehension tbere has never been a time when mistresses wero readier or more willing to pay good wages for rood domestio service wages compared to whtcb tho pittanco pai 1 in shops or factories sinks into insignificance and on tho other hand tho anlariaa of women iuigittin moot conaaruo 1 tlrud o ou lu htuli atop rhjmub and if tho pools ku 1 it 111 i i lit thoy v o ild sometimes just chatigo 0111 round u tlttlu no v n il 1 jt bo amiss instoad o bavin utalrfitoi iluo3 to ituti lty down llko thfe j offor tlia bu uool lu t uti ir i lalnoi 01 j pralso aud aa tbo rule is dol ouetl toor that dooait work both wftia if that acoius incompatible with truo potillo bliub r a- 3 j tboro a nothing to prevent om runnings of courao it a barely posalblotbo otalrstcp etyto la beet loaatwayfjjrat its ai 1 roi iluto must really lie confosbod vox fortuno dooau t ilwaja aiuilo alio aomo times frowns his voreo dig liko llfo poet a is of and and tho full jowis wilmam h t shade hard to beat a boy a aigar doultr in the west end said to a reporter for tho cinoinattt commej ciat jnbuitr it takes a mighty bhurp man to get ahead of a boy for a fact ono of them came in hero not long ao and ho wab old enough to buy cigarettes and wauted a package i sold thorn and got tho money in a minuto a neighbor camo in and wanted to know what tho boy bought i told him well baid he that beats the dovlll do jou knowwbat that boy did ho was in my store about rlvo minutes ajo and asked mo to buy a pamphlot that is issued by tho anti cigarette l what over that u ho told me that tho hoys in the public schools wore trying to sell tbotn everywhere to do away with the inbit of cigarette smokiug among tho boys i thought it was a good thing aud 1 bought ono from him ho sold others in tho same neighborhood now that little rascal como in hero and spends my monoy for otgarettes and 1 11 bet a dollar you ii had him around horo somewhero noar smoking for all thai j out im lom to look him up tho next day i asked him if ho bad caught the kid and ho said i did he and somo chums wero bav ing a good time- of it and moro than that that all of thorn wero in tho business they thought it was a ood joke and i suppoho it was on me but if they corao around my storo again they 11 get bootid out but said tho cigar dealer thoy only work ono man at a time and none of the gang over goos back uam tbey keep a list aud i expect an examination will show that they have been to eery btoro in the wholo neifehborhooj where thej jet tho pimphlots i do not kuovv but i imagiuo eomn of the good pooplo of tho long no print id them for gratutious circulation uhd the boysconcluded to sell them they ro pretty eliok cor college hi and 8 adina avo toiionto wlllvlalt acton ou tho first aud third fiatur days of oach monlb office mr adam cook a residence llain street legal m clean wclean barriaterb solicit ora notaries oonvoyancora 0 privatofunda to loan offloa town ball acton wh a molian jmo a mclean a 3 mackinnon ilannibtbit 6oxioitoi conveyance op ice uitl stroot in matthew block upatalri rri g matheson j b mcleod j atinibmns hoxiciroiis convpvanceiis qcorgotoira and uttq monoy to loan at lowest ratoa r j mcnabb olofkfourui divljlon court county of h on oonvoyaqcor agontllraiindltfoasauriluco hoal ebuta agont mouoy to loan oto ofrloe 1 orryxnan aulock aoton o the campaign prepare for winds wo would call j oar attention to tbo act that wo are prepared to eapply yoa with lamber of suitable length for yoar barn doors viz 10 12 is or 11 foot also sasb doors fkames mouldihgs eto for building storm doors pat np at as low a rata as possible repair joqr pnmps or pat in new ones before it is too cold wx out do it shop at foot of river street acton thos ebbace manager j d mckee chemi8t acton telephone correspondence miscsllanso vs enry gribt- ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention oto h prepares application for tbo canadian amor icanapdearopoanlatontoincm and for tbo llmlitratlon of trtdo marks bond for pam pbfat thirty two yoars axporlonco f iranoib ntjna8 dookiilndeil btyndbamst ouolpb ontario wy oyor williams btoro aocount books of all kinds mado to ordor periodicals of oyory description oarofallybonnd qallnffneaclvitnfl promptlvdone abriaoe licenses m n p moore iprttfn of djinjliaob llcfnses private oolcn owltnanos roqnlrod iisuod rsildonro in tho ovenlng froecrosi ofllco aoton i71abhbiib if yon wlab to roduco your intorost v or sooara i fltitclass loan of mouoy at low interest and on many terms of ropatmont call 0 mo i ratko a spoclalty of londlnrt money and havo plonty of funds i also lend oavlllago property w c jackson convhiinceii amd monbv lknden ornob wyndbam bt near city nail auelpll clearing sale of all tall and winter goods in order to mike room for our fine new stock of spring suits trouserings and overcoatings we will hold a clearing sile of all fall and winter stock during the month of tebruary we are prepared to take your orders for suits trous9rs ou6f2007cts at very low prices for first class garments our rcpntntion for style nnd fit is already established and wo are prepared io ensure satisfaction to every customer call early and have a good selection trust us to look after your wall paper wants carefully trust us to make the price as low as honest business methods and straight cash buying can make it trust us when you want your pictures neatly framed we will see you do not regret it waters bros st georges square j guelph main street planing mills acton ont cooper akins main street actov tailors sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont john cameron architect and contractor uanutaoturcir of saab doors framoa mouldlu in all styles flrjssjwq matching and moulding to order on abort notlco wellington mutual fire insurance company m 1m inbokace on cisb and mutual plan any oouiniuuloitlon forwarded to my addrosj llos has or tolopliotio sb will bo promptly at tended io taylob ascot guelpb authorised capital 6000000 00 wll oarorud stock on bond at rrlccs toiu tbs times john cameron proprietor lfo7e bezels ll 4 is this the ferry the speaker was a tall bit girl whoso pale statuesque beauty ai acceritaated by her mourning dress and black hat and her inquiry was addressed to a handiome broad shouldered man in flibdoln who was fubteulnga boat up to thoiteps as the young man did not reply the girl repeated her question can jou tell me pteaso if this is the ferry p then he looked hastily around and aa there was nobody else in hlght he seemed to como to the conclusion tliblt he was the one to whom the lady was speaking i brg your pardon he said i did not know tbal you were addressing me this is twickenham ferry thank you responded tbegirl and will you bo good enough to ferry me over with pleasure wai tbo reply and stepping forward he asslited her into the boat shoved off and commenced sonlling aorosa the river when they bad arrived at tho opposite bank and aa the young lady was being assisted oat she asked how much do i owe you ploiee the ferryman turned rather red and hesitated for a few moment before he replied 1 the faro is a penny but ou bad better pay when you come baak i am afraid i shall havo to replied the fair girl looking iu her puree fori have nothing less than a shilling shall i expect yoa down this afternoon for a row inquired tho young man very probably i think io by tbo bye whats your name whoie boat shall i ask for v my name ia joho bat my friends usually call me jack very well john i shall best the laud ing place about half past two and she walked away with that grau and vigor whiob are inseparable from a girl who has been brought qp in the fresh air aud alb letio surroundings of a country life the half boar bad barely itruok whon the young lady made her appear ft nco at the ferry jaok waa wait j ma for her and without any loss of timo tbey got afloat and started np the river this was a memorable day with ger aldlne for it waa her flrit intrn tn how eloquent jou aro this afternoon x remarked geraldino but bor voice was tremulous hod it was evident that her playful aaroasm was but assumed what novel have you been reading perhaps i am eloquent replied jack it has been said that all men deeply in earnest are so and this is a qqastion whioh affects mo to the bottom of my boui in days of old women married men became thoy loved them irrespecti o their bank accounts or pedigrees if a man was honest brave and honorab e ho waa con aidered a match for any madjo faire and why should it not bo so now 1 times have altered faltered geral dine ber usually pale face a rosy red and we have altered with them not so responded jack tho times have changed i grant jou and in many respects for the worse but men and women are still the bame indeed so sure am i that this is tho case that i am about to stake my whole future happiness opon it i love you truly and devotudly i have nevrr loved before and i shall never lovo again will jou be mine w1i you trust yourself and your future happinesa to me ob this is unkiud and ungenerous orled geraldino her eyor filling with tears you should not you ought not o talk to me like this 1 why not out of tbo fullnese of tbe heart tbe month spoaketh answered the young man and leaning forward he pos aoased himself of ono of her handf pat on one side all disparities of rank or for tnne and aak jonrself the quoation do i love him geraldine dear ger aldlne do oot let tbo orael laws of bocioly come between as and ruin the happiness of two lovers speak darling and tell mo you love me can you not see cried tho poor girl oommenoing to weep bitterly it is unkind of yon to press mo farther i i want to hear it from yoar own dear lips persisted jaok i only want you to say i love you jaok and will bo your wife oh i cannot but yon do love me yea bnt oh look there ia my nunt exolalmed geraldino please pnt nas on shore at once jaok looked round and discovered an old lady watching them intently from tbe towing path and taming tho boats head ho aoullod in to tbo bank aayiug as he nutated geraldine to land lost his oase my flrbt oabeof any importance d the lawyer who wont to grow up with the country and then repftnted was a damage suit for 910000 a oan of powder exploded in tho basement of a bardware btoro and my client who had just purchased a nck knife was trying it wbilo occupying a nail beg on tho floor above be came ou of the wreck minus part of an ear aud the end of a finger and he claimed that one eye was lest aleetle bit off oothe day of tho trial i almostneelfoff my chair when my man enterod i know that tbe day before he had run a foot race pitched horseshoes aud gone swimming now he tottered into court with two canes had his neck and head mufflad liko a man with neuralgia eat down slowly and with the greatest oare and settled back with a groan that could be heard in the street what in creations the matter bill i whispered blowed up ho grinned dont yoa think i know my business 7 there ham t nothin ou earth that aint the matter with mo till tbia here case is tried im the worst exploded feller you ever see yoa ask tho questions and look after the law pints iii tend to my end of it all whats worry in me is that i didn t have gumption enough to ask for 920000 two men helped bill to the witness btand he groaning his beat from bia story of the accident youd bolleve that he was blown half a mile straight through tbe roof and hadnt a sound spot left in his anatomy lie waa in the midst of his btory and pity was written on tbe facod of tho jury when bill a woolly dog fell foul of a foxhound belonging to the court tbey were knocking furniture helter shelter and filling the air with yelps and hair whon bill let out a whoop jumped over a table danced around encouraging his dog wanted to bat ho would whip add bhovod the judge over a obair to prevent his parting the brutes get a verdict case was dismissed bui was fined 925 fof contempt and was in jail for three weeks boforo i could get bjm out thon ho told around that i was no lawyer detroit free press in business as recent fatal id tics plainly obow are gradually on the decrease because of tho willingness of hundreds of girls to work for a mere pittance every business huasohas today wuitiug lists of scores or hundreds of applicants while hnudreds of homes cry out for intelligent domestio eorvio lost i lost 1 shakespeare versus burns at the close of a leoturo to tho mombera of a certain literary society the following dialogue between a sootohman und the leatarer was overheard yo tbiuk a lino lot o shakespeare doctor x 1 1 do sir waa tbo empbatio reply ye tetnfche wa8mair clover itobblo bums why there s uo comparison between them i maybe no but ye tell ua the moht it was sbakospeare who wrote untasy lies tbe head that wears a crown now hobbio would never have written sio nonsense as that nonsense sir 1 thpndorcd tbe indignant dootor ae just nonsense robbie would hac koot fine that a king or a queon either disna gang to bed wi the crown ou his head they hang it over tho back of a chair tho doctors faoo dropped for ho realized that his leoturo had been givou in vain scottish nighlb l momonts bpcnt in idle gossip hours in aimless castle buildipg diys moaning it might have been i weeks in hopeless lifting months iu waiting for a bettor ohance yoars in climbing without a ladder score a of golden chances to im provo self hundreds of opportunities to lift up others thousands of opou doora passed by unentorod power with men forfeited bocauso of seperateness from god infiuenoo thrown overboard by reason of a thoughtless misstep tho past is gone bnr r days weekp month j ears i them i lpwurth herald redeem no use for funerals lux of course you aro going to dig gins funernl thin uftornoon knox 1 of courao i nm hot i liavo an avermou to attending funerals tox yep but biggins was a friend of yours you oan oertuinly mtiuo an exeep tiou ui hla favor knox an exception in hie favor why man i would not go to my own funeral if i could help it its easy to dye settling the boys career from qay to grave an old dutchman had a boy of whom ho was very proad and ho- decided to find out tho bent of his mind ho adopted a very covol method by which to test him ho slippod into tho little fellows room ono morning and placed on his table a bible a bottle of whiskey and a ailvor dollar now eaitl he ven dot boy comes in e he dakea dot dollar hes goiu to bo a beobinofla man if he dakea dot biblo hoa floln be a preaoher ef ho da lies de whisk ey ho a no goo t ho s goin bo a drunkart and ho hid behind the door to see whioh tho young hopofal would ohooae in oamo the boy whistling ho ran np to the table and picked up tho dollar and put it in his pocket thin he picked up tho biblo and put it under his arm then hoanatched up tho bottlo and took two or three drinks and went out smacking his lips the old dutchman poked his head oot from behind tbo loor and oxolaimed jmoin gracious hesgotntobo a boll ttolan home dyeing with diam ond dyes is pleasant and profitable beautiful an d brilliant colors that will not fade diamond dyes have speolal colors for cotton and mixed goods how wise women economize in hard times a tencent paokage of diamond dyes ofton saves- ten dollars in these days of enforcod economy it would be a pleasure to any woman to learn bow she could save tho costof a now gown for bersalf and colt for tho little oiip or cau make hor husband h clothing look liko new diamond dyes wliloli are pre pared especially for home uae will do all this thoy aro eo bimple aud easy to ubo that even a child oan got bright and bean tiful oolord by following the dirootlons ou eaoh package tn6re ib no licofl of boiling tho iafldb with diamond dyca jast lift and stir tho goods with two sticks whilo in tho dyo bath and one will not get any stains or spots in coloring drosaos coats aud all large articles to got a full and satisfactory color it ia abaolutoly necessary to hitvo a special dye for cotton gooda and a dlfforout dyo for woollen goods this is dono in diam ond dyes ami beforo buying dyes one should know whether tho urtiolo to ba colored is cotton or wool unci tot tho proper dye do not buy dyes that claim to color everything for their uso will result in failure w m hemstrekt lloxnbid auctionied for tho oouutlos of wellington and hal ton ordera left at tbo fnxa paaaa ofllco aoton or at my roaldonao tn aoton will bo promptly at endeato faoi reduood to v f5 oo for farm sales alao money to loan on the moat favorable urns and at the loweat ratea of interest in lami of boo and pvarda ten ycir maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c por share for 120 months when payments cease 860 00 paid in maturity aluc 9too 00 money to loan at 5 straight loin or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you acton saw mills and wood y jh7vtbs brolitfls kahofaotutlkit a dkamta im lumher jnth httittaleh wood eta au klnda of wood in atook and promptly delivered to any part of the town at raswdjo proea hardwood aod alalia oat atovo length always on jiand telapnono oonamuolcatloa w barber bros paper makers ge9b0etown ont aumm tkinauvnt of machine flnl8dbiok papeis j -mm- man obadb wxkky nbws tbe puper used ia this journal is from ho abovo mills w babbbb bttos shyers lumber planing mills nassagaweya p sayeks proprietor has constantly on band a full line of lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood jltc custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customer s pocket p sayi2rs 6lelph business college shorthand institute bookkeeping penmanship shorthand typewriting and actual office work a specially write for circulars gfutpa j sharp prinoipml the silvery thames and as ahe leaned baok on the oniblona in thai item aheeta the ripple of the water and ti songs of the birds combined with the rhythio sound of tbe boatmaus aoolli to make aweel muaio whioh aba enjoyed in illenoe nntil they arrived opposite fopea villa which jaok duly pointed oat a grand poet i exolalmod geraldlue with enthusiasm muoh overrated answered jaok his brain waa aa crooked aa bis figure yon have been misinformed observed geraldine of courae yoa hare not read hla iliad it i not a book that would appeal to yon bnt ob van i have interrupted jad and his ojyaaey too dot i would rather read one canto from childo harold than the whole of fopaa works tbif led to a diapuuiioae argument in whiob geraldine lost hat temper and waa rode enough to aay you araeillenily an eiaranlideatlon of the old saying that a liltld learning ia a dangorooa tfalop well im bothered exolalmed jaok with a satirical ami if f that un i a utile i bhall call upon you in the morning be did bo and was informed by the satvant that tho family had gone away early that day and hid left no address as tbey were going to trav i on the oontinont it waa the middle nf the london seaeoo and lady aitliorie n rooms ware orowded with the yonth b uty and elite of the arlatooraoy bn iliug np to geraldine the energetio little lioscua rxolalmed 1 dont move avay fur a minute dear i i want to introduce lu i john jsaper to you a moat e edible parti my dear bo handsome as iloh h9 c uusub and so de ltgblfully eccentric i 81 ia up as a woman hater yon know but if ha resists you my dear why i aliall give bim up altogether a minute after she had gone in aearoli of his lordship a well known face caught geratdlnea attention and the next moment jaok tho boatman was ttamlhifz in front of her at irri he said in a low deep voice while his eyea seemed iu plcrco loril rough and throagu obi jack orled geraldine what are you doing here tbo death of an ossified man in tenea eo is reported lie died hard chicago tribune this ia bad as a man who awnl lowod a thermometer and died by degress it auggeata sibo tho consumptive under taker who died a oofuu medical record thoso remind ua of a man who ohokod while eating an applo and died of apple plexy national medical review it waa in a bt louis hotel that a piko county farmer blew out the gaa and died from g at trills heiei ri others dntfjqut mot any worse than tl e man atruok by an engine verdiot diet from locomotor attaoksla atlanta medical and surgical journal tho other day at a amashup on a railway near here an old negro found a broken car full of watermelons he ate 8 and died of molanoholera montreal pharmaceutical journal gaily tho troa badoar touohod hia catarrh yoa will remember and that la what la tho mat tor with the troubadour national and summing np of ho lint waa ernem piffled in the death of a lifo f nan ran 00 agont who died the other day of knows allogy or enlargement of the brain detiou i mil col solomon in all hi9 qlorv we have recently read a description of a donation party given to a good country clergyman iu part payment of his small salary the prlucipal result being 27 bush els of beans and a largo variety ol oeoond band olothing for hia five children tho pationoe of tho alorgymdua wife gavo oat on tho next bunday she droaaed all her five children in the donated aeoond hand oloth ing aud under her direction they marohod up tho aialo juat aa hie good pastor waa reading that beautiful paaaage yet 8olomoii in all hla glory waa not arrayed like one of these we need not add that tho next donation party was an entirely different charao ter pittsburg news in parle offlotale look after the welfare of the trees on the public streets with all the care lhal la given the plouia n tha botan loal gardona americas grcilcttt mo lioinn is hooda barsaparilla which euros whon all other preiwrntloifi ml do any good what qvr that touor uf ourn has a tuarvelloii voice llu atin hold ono o his no it a or half a minute shuoks i i vo hold uito uf bin notes for two years while no phaiuian or pharmaolat onn oonsalentioualy warrant a euro the j c ayer oo gaurantoo the purity strength aud medical virtues of ayer h haruuparilla it was the only 1 lood puriuei admitted at the great wtrlcl it iir in chiuugo 1hd

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