Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1898, p. 2

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stohkyiu aoton on bunrit gth march wil liam hyilop utoroy agod 61 yearb pettioiikw at korvalonthuraday marnb ii nl iilnilo tboiupaou bolovod wife of ocurgo lottljtrorr egedttl yearn thursday march 10 loc8 notes and comments arch ourrfo the ox patron whip wm id tarouto on monday ontarlu iloes not wajit the ptroni said be to reporter as a prflltio organization they will ro oak of business the annual mrattak wm to bo held io february bat war postponed until after the elections xl will never be hold sir willum ufcwon lato ghadoellor of moqill university montreal appeal to the parliament at ottawa to arrange that the coming vote op prohibition should be a straight reingle issue leparsted from all votber quoetlbni of public policy and further that the government hoald do nil id its power torid tbo klondike country of intoxiaatiptf jbevdrages speaking particularly of canada t victoria golteo banqaet at toronto lit friday ovaoinu hod clifford bifton minister of the interior laid tbebomin tons 5000000 of people were only beatnn tag to realize that theirs wai the greatest national heritage enjoyed by any people they were only beginning to realize what the dominions resources were upon the young men devolved the task of developing those reioarces and he thought it ooold not be too often pointed oat to the young men that in this respect they had a re- sponsibiuty as well aa an opportunity 8 access depended upon the assiduity and energy with which tbey set themselves to their work the government majority the latest returns give premier hardy fortynine seats qoykrnubnt opposition patbon vjtcint librium skats 40 algouia ki muskuku ajtfoma went brant north brant south brookville bruce south bruce 4oriu bruce centre elgin went essex north issaax south haldimaud hal ton haiti pun etht uuron e kent emhi kent w kingston lamb ton east lamb ton west lanark north lennox london middlesex north middlesex west ocnssbvitivb heats 43 niptsanik norfolk bniub norfolk north north umber laud e north pmber land w ottawa 1 oxford dutitli oxford north parry sound peel perth north peterborough kst peterborough veht prescptt beufrew south wellaud weufuflton euft wellinkion south wen worth south york east york north york wet monok olifjr chief magistrate has fallen acton is overwhelmed with sorrow because her first citizen has passed away 0 lamentable death of w hstorey esq reeve amuuluipality mourns the loss of its ox porta nueil und honored chief magistrate a devoted wife and family mourn tho loss of tha boloved head ot tho home a community mourna tho loss of its moat booefloietit aud ubeful citizen an immense business loses its founder andhuudreds of employees thoir employer tliq commercial oentrottot the djmiuuu rsgrek he removal by death of one of its molt auooessf ul apd important manufac turers w h storey 1b dead fc fiaij sad indeed was this sorrowful intelligence as it was passed from one to aaother ofoar oitieepb on sabbath morn ing and in strange contrast was thu event to tha lorioaa majesty and brightness of of the beautiful morning whioh otherwise would have brought gratitude and gladness and joy into every heart jevery oitizqn feels that a friend ia gone but o very heart looks beyond the general sorrow and breathes nymnathy to tho bereaved family mr storey peacefully breathed his last shortly after eeyeu oolook on sunday morning hie fatal illnebb waacauaed by a canaer- oai growth in the bladder which developed withreat rapidity after the aggravated attack whloh gave evlderiao of its presenao thelkot week of january the specialists who conducted a critical examination at tha time advised the family that the trouble was cancer and that mr storey obatfor a taw momeuta on tho way to his owo business ii o was in the shingle and ajtavo buainobf u mombor of the firm of macro broa and used a pair of heavy barvoat mitts for handling the steamed elm boltu wlijlo autting them iuto btavee having purchased a couple of pairs for this purpose and having them with him tbe oanvoreutioa drifted iuthat direction and mr moors voluutecred to mr storey the question wby couldnt you make mltta ukotheao a well no anyone else the question proved tobe tin inspiration mr storey concluded that he could scoured from- mr moore ouo of the pairs ueod them ia cutting pattorna and in a few days mitts acid gloves of tho ooaruer grades of his manulvoture we ro upon tho market from tbooqtbet auooeki attended the now cnierpriao and from thk small beginning has grown the immonoe business which employs ita two hundred skilled operatives and whoso products ara on sale in nearly evcryaity towu and bamlet in tho broad dominion for owuu ruber of years the bubinea was conducted under the firm name of v h storey a co mr jamea moore being the btlent partner mr moore subsequently retired stova the business and purpbased tho tauniog business then run in con junction yrith the glove works mr btproyd oldest son fred was then admit- ed toparlnarahip and the business name was changed to w h storey son which itfhsb ever bidcq remained ad ding ton cardwell oarletod dafferln dandas darbam east durham west elgin east f leeds lincoln middlesex east ontario north ontario south ottawa 1 perth south prinoe edward renfrew north blmons jgesez simooe east slmooe centre stormoos toronto 4 victoria bast victoria west waterloo south waterloo north wenthwortb north granville grey centre grey south grey north hamilton 3 hastings west hastings north huron sputb huron west lanark sooth othbbi west wellington patron kttsssllysvoant j in sooth baron both parties claim s a ooess and in north toronto tbs reanlt li so close and ibtrs were so many undered balloistbat mr marur canbot bs sars of his seat obtll tbs ballo hate beeti subject ed to a sorot iny elkctiom jtchobb mayor hewer seems to be mors prompt in agreeing to pay bbj election bets in the oonotry than he is in the olty mr john wilson of nasaagawsya is sporting a new 260 bat today which his worship bad to whsck op for betting against mr barber ip halton gucipi mercury an analysts of the newly elsctsd ontario legislature shows the members to be divided as to religions as follows mstbo- diste 84 anglicans so pfssbyterini m baptlstsb boman catbolios 8 other dflnomlnatlbos 4 eiftht newspaper men sought election ol whom ave wers saooessf nl all llbendsv they are u follows j b strattob west pstsrboro g p graham brookville t a pattnllo north oxford t jva aold sooth essex and 8 kasssll eaik hastiqgs dr dewarts rspwrud iijsctlon north toronto m wirerjsedon tbarsday mr msrhr won by majority thv only osomntrlsri who voted pc tuesday in onteild inarksd his ballot for a f pirie tfais was old uncle adam bit jyw a hoadrsd years on his shoulders and oast his ballot good for old tjnole adanj- jydmsdtvmr yv mr john leslie of glenwllliams was e5iearec4dontqeaday march lit he informs the htfrnwlhst he oslsbrated the event by rsoordrng a tou for mr barber jifistixju u ooi jaei 4i hats he was ears inst thenrythortop would wib pd that is eweiy he bst fiss gang aftiagles end tpday 40indpsndsntand grit friends are sporting new head gear st ins mws eipeoioeloii advocate h pi moors of the aotou pass pcu was the very hsppteet roao in hal top op tnsstyulgtit tim the late w h storey esq reeve of acton ww not likely to survive its progress and devejopement many months tbe operu- tion on wednesday 23rd februaty whilo it fave temporary jrelief proved copolus- ivaly the presence of the cancer and tho rapidity of its growth after the opera tion he was considerably relieved and madt eraooaraging progress until fast wednesday when the energy of bis constitotioil sectaed of ther large and growing basiness and to tepee and he peacefully sank and the j ends of time gradually fibbed out on bnaday morning it was a satisfaction so htm and to the members of his family that during his last hoar all the surviving members were at bis bedside the itoldyouhk man is in efldence very muoh solncs the election tbrii peel hslton a blessed trio shake brampton banner the toronto 6tarye j- b barber will be a valuable member of the mloleterlsl side the bronte majority would indicate that if the bind boys cant play tbey oan vote oakville star willtam hyslop storey was tbo only ohild of george and jano storey aud was bom in the village of ajton yorkshire eogland on the 8tb of march 1837 his fcqeral was cdnsequeotiy held on his iityflrst birthday his early advantages fyf education were flood bo that he obtained m oreditable english education which was qpplemented with aoademlo training ha qsmo to capada with his parent b in 1645 and ihey settled on dundas street in tbs county of york- both parents died hortly after and at fifteen years of age he era left an orphan in a atrange land with the determination to saooeed which obumoterissd blm through all his future ystrs he apprenticed himself to the late jtohp- g bogers olambton mills- to fesrn the saddlery business to the inflbenoe of this esteemed and good man bu wise counsel and direction mr storey svleays gratefully acknowledged muoh was dot in tbs formation of hfs oharabter prom him was inculcated the principles of integrity aud upright bbsineu methods which beoame tbe domlnatldg principle of lili bstreer in sifter life saving oompleted bis apprentioeihip in 16j heoommenoed buines in the fall of lihityser in acton io partnership with j sf taylor ondei the firm name of storey taylor saddlers the follow log year be was united in wedlock with hannah jsts daughter of aneou smith esq of olinford who was for some ten yea m reosntly an esteemed resident of acton ai a result of this union sevon children the home threw a and foug a fow months after this ohauge hte sou fed died tbta bereavement was tbe heaviest blow that mr storey over exper ienced and it was many months before he ooutd become reconciled to his great loss tbe psat bix years his eon witllam a bets been his partner in basiness and hs sbarod with him the exacting oares unanimously conceded that aoloo should take advauoedsepb ip tho mail or of elec- trlo liithttug and permanent walks mr storey wai naturally looked i o as tbo mot desirable citizen to be at the head of nttaira duriugtho introduction of auoli improve ments and he was eleoted utiauimously aa beevo for 1818 ho has falleu wilh tho reins of office in hand serving the town he loved so well ho was olosoly allied with our educa tional interests and was for many years a member of the publio school board and repeatedly its chairman he retired from the board only last dectmber duriug tho life of tho late robert little he took an active interest ip the library of the publio sobool and they succeeded by frequent additions in gathering a library o some 1800 volumes which were read with muoh intoreat by the community his lsst pub lie act as reeve ot the municipality was to appoiut the members of- the tree library board which is to take over tbo school library arid modernise the methods bf its operation in fdture his isst publio speech was delivered at the organization of ibo counoil of 1898 when hoaddrcssod tbo rbemberti as fol- lowp it baa always boon customary for tboitoovo at tho first meotliirtosay a few words rospeot- ing tho datlos of tbe mombers of the council and tbo questions wblob will probably ocouty tbolr attention during ilo year tbo position i boouiiy la ouo ontlroly uusougbt by me but tbo pooplo bayo voluntarily plaood nip bero and will do my boat to advance tbo intereau of tbo mtinlolpallty 1 am pleaaed to bd bers this year because of tho com potent men who are assoolatod with mo considering tbo important matters to oomo be fore us tho people did a wise thing in putting in a counoil of mon aoqaalntod wltb businoss methods i say tills without intondidc spy rofloctiou upon tbo good monwbobavo preceded us i bollovo it ia gonorally concododby ouroltltens that wo hufo arrived at tho tlmo when a bettor syatem of atreet lltjbtlng must bo introduced io tbo estimation ot visitors to our town our reputation a immediately lowered when tbo matter of atreet lighting la introduced the people demand elebtrie hfibt and this qq cation must recoivo our cartiful conaldoratlon a good deal of attention has boon given tbo park but for soma roaaou tboeo io obargo havo not auccoodod in aoourlng tho growtb of auade troea tuo boaullfying of tho park will rocjulro tolo looktd into of lute yoara a apirlt ol mlaoonduot on tbo publio btroota has boon uotlcoablo ospoolally on certain atreotooinera we must do all it our power tostipproasali lawloaaneaa and for any dlaturbance upon tbe atroots wblob cornea before mo tbo offenders will bo punished with severity if tbo present couatabloa aro unable to oope with tbo disorder thoy muat liavo additional help au disorder must be aupproasod aa our population boa increased we uaturally bavonioro oblldron on tho streets at night i think tho introduction of tbo ouifaw ia doalrablo if parents will not koop their chlldrou away from tbo ovlla of bolug out aftor night civic authority must stop in and i am in xavor of tbo onactinont of roralatlonft requiring all oblldron uudcr u cortaln ago unaccompanied by their purpi te to bo off tho atroots by nine oclock i boo no nocobbity for disturbing prosont ojucora in town i think acton li woll ofllcorwl aud bo long aa our public oflloora aro faithful in tho dlacbargo of thoir dutloa thoro will bo no dlaposltlon on my part to cbango them wq should howovor endeavor to aoporfcot all matters tliat tbo municipal maolituory will run with tho utmobt satisfaction i fool that wo shall havo a plo year to- flotbor and that tbo bobt of fouling will oxlst wo may dfaagroo upon aorno matters nblcb will como boforo us but wo can do this good- naturedly the improvements outlined above in mr btorevti inaugural address for acoomplish- ment during tho year are by hie romoval placed upon other shoulders for oonanm- raatioti but mr btorey did not oonpnolile efl brrt to business and rhhnloipal matters and the forty years he has been a member of the methodist church here and though his interest in the church services has not been ep marked in past yeare as in tbo earlier days his loye for the church of his choice was ever manifest he was chairman of the building committee whioh erected tbe church in 1875 and was again chairman of the building committee whioh expended 91500 in improvements last summer pot years he has been treasurer of the trustee board and occupied that poiitiojurchanjio died his leadership in matters of churoh improvements has always been gratefully appreciated in politics he was not a atropr partisan i we need tlie room liiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiaiuiiiiiiiuiiiiuaiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiiuuiuiu we need eve y foot of space for our big purchasers of spring gqods which nro ariving daily nnd to get thib room wo must olonn out mid mak a comploto clouranco of all winter goods nt muttor what tho sacrifice now this is the geatest opportunity ever offered in georgetown to close buyers seasonable goods ut your own prices comprising dress goods dress trimmings ladies smallwares mods underwear furs of all kinds at sacrifice prices boys youthsand mens suits overcoats nnd odd panta at cost nnd less than cost to mako a clearance as wo aro ovdrstockod in this department just to hand tlio latest styles in hata and caps frem the leading manufacturers fine high- cas taiiopiftg although this is hetweon seasons wo atebasy yes busy in this department our long experience in tailoring in conjunction witfi firstclnss cutting iiull workmnnbbip gives us full- coii- fideiico in our ability to satisfy all who fifvor as with their patronage we show a full stock of tho latest in spring overcoatings iue scotch englit t excluflively our own directly imported nglish nnd irih suitings trouserings etc patterns we thank our mauy friendband customers for their patrbnage in the past and- hope we will havo them all with us again this season n georgetowns livest store gibson milkrcqm roe block wkin st corctojfln produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here p s no space to quote prices hero but visit our storo nnd see how far a little money will go saul the memorial address delivered by rev j e howell m a a masterly and eloquent tribute thuro was no lire- some flattery but an imprefsive present a tiop of the well known traits of character poaaeaaod by tbo deceased it broathed forth tbo teedcrcat sympathy for the bereaved family and an exhortation to all present to prpparo for the final reckoning rev mrhobba who was tbe pastor here twenty years ago added a few words expressive of the personal worth of tbo deceased aa ho had known him in tho early years at tlio conoluiou of tbe service tho ourtego was formed in the following order townimd county councillors rrcaont and fortnor mcmbora of tbu publio school board ludopondont order of poruttors oourt ollvo branch no 00 canadian ordor of homo circle no 00 order of woodmou oltbo worm xo clorgvmou hoarse and pall buarors mourners einployoob of canada glovo works aud tannery employees of board more co qonoralfublla carriages mob bra walter george aud a o board- more mr hah scott of tho millers and mannfsctnrerb insurance co toronto john i hobioa aud john goldie guelph fatortmov-07-hender- n m jlivington son mp wore the pall bearers at the grave 111 evehton mr john fcrwur nd eldwl daughter are visiting at tli old homestead ben this ip bami and mr john bmallhorn trrifwbonwtiri bstturdy nlh ftr prolong vall with frtfl mto orlwhinb and fowl nmm osprfovi vwm safe w t flrt it bi dibgbteri tha ldeit and yoadfjit oqs died wltbln a few montbi of oaob other omaiietenteen yeara ago tho surviving miajbera of tbo family in addition to mr storey are mr alex beeord mr a b wloklld and mr wa btoroy aoton j llni pr drydoo qnelpb and mrs dr j b payne rlohland iowa in 1859 the aaddlery builnon wm dliioled by mptnal oonaeris mr taylor mnorlng to deornetown the bnelneii vvisboqllnoed under mr btoreye pereonal hperylilon ontll 1808 and the work turned opv mi ilwaya of a aaperlor olan bolb a to quality and workmanthlp in tbe latter jut tha naolena of tbe pretent large bmlnwa anlerprlie known front the atlnho totb paolfto the canada qlot worki wm laid a paragraph aa totavlnfloenoe wblob e4 mr stony o with ths additional aeaiatanoo of his eoni- kloklin at the hoade of departmenta be has been relieved from personal attention to many of the detail and eojoyed more tbo leisures of life whioh natnrally oome to a man alter yoars of faithful application theoareer of mr storey gives maoifeet evidenos of wbat enterprise economy and qtiring business energy can accompliah within the past tbreo months he informed tbe editor plthe fimi pmcss in a personal ooqverbatiop that when be oamo to aoton ho was liot in posaeeslon ot oapltat exoeedi iogssoo his bnaitiess today is the largest of its olasa in the domlhion it is housed id the finest and beat appointed buildings whioh could be devised for the pdrpoee and snndotland villa the family residence hare is wellknown as an ideal of ooraforti convenience end homelike sur roundings for fortytwo years aoton has been mr storeys home and no citizen evor dwelt within bee borders who was more foya to her interests or more anildns for the material progress of the place of bis adoption he saw it rlsefrom a mere post village with bat fow honses to one of the most prosperous incorporated municipal- itloaof its site on the bontinent and to his personal efforts and the influenoe of hla large business muoh of this prosperity is due hi love for aoton was evidenced tine end again when approaohed by odlplals of other towns and oltles with tempting indnceraents in tbo shape of money bonuses buildings and lands in oon elderatlon of removal but to oyery advance he lovirtably enawored no lie wai loyal to tho laat and hie lamp ot life went ontwhen ae beevo of the town be had important lmprovemenlb under bousidsra mon aathe correapondenco on fllo in hla in i he year 1878 it was felt that aoton had arrived at that stage in her blatory wbeu iocorporatiori would advance ber interests andjwjih this in view mr btoroy br meqarvip md a few others oalled a meeting of thealtliene and in responso id a atrongpetition incorporation was secured the first oouncll was composed of w h storeyas beeveand dr mcoarvlni john spelflht asa ball and o t hill ai oonn- olllors mr storey continued a member of the connoll either as reeve or coun cillor for some eighteen years he was a valuable member of the county counoil and was honored by his oonfreres during bis laat year aa a member of that body in 1b80 lib eleotion to the werdenulp to tilraffvrti aa a memboroftbe council aoton eves rouob of her attractive appear as6t pobllo buitdlngi park and general imjirorvstnenls i while aa a joatloe of tha mji w it otoupled the bench ia the fost 1 g wore ii the other local magistrates interests vero at etake in the days of bis early residence io hilton hs gave bis bup port to the la to john white m p bat siooe mr whitea retirement his prefer ences have usually been with the conser vative party this party fully appreciat ed his ability and in their convention prior to the general elections for the souse of co do mon s in 1882 he was the candidate of their choice he refused to accept th nomination however feel or- that the olaims bf his bpsinesa woold not permit bim to glvo the dotiea of the office the at- tention they demanded ho was a charter member of several of the benevolent societies in town a metb ber of the board of the woodmen ot the world and director of several inaaranoe oompaoies in torontoikllaawbbre and several yeara ago ocedpied the honored poaitfon of presldenv-of- the canadian manufacturers association w h storey was a man ot muoh kind ness ot heart no person in want ever called upon him in vain none out of work were refused employment if within bis power to give it his was m generous nature as hqodrodsin aoton today grate- folly testify he lived a buiy and nsefol life od was a benefactor to the community bat death oame no men ii spared pq age nor pbaracter is exempt tbo majsillo and courtly roads wblob monarobs pass over the way that lbs men ot letter tread the short and simple anoali ot ths poor all lead to the same place alt termi nate however varied n their routes at that one place appointed for all living one short sentence closes the biography of every man and he dd actons greatest oltiten is gone a com- mnmty weeps with a family bereft a thousand hearts poor forth linoercst tnrr o th church was read by rev j a malaohlan ma b hcbbb and j e howell m a after whioh the order of woodmen of the world carried out their funeral ritual acting con flnl- commander d henderson mp read tbe impressive bervioo of the order aud was asbisted by adyieorlieut john konny jr and the brethren paid their last tribute of respect by dropping into the open wave tbci customary spring of evergreen tbe fouowiog officers of the woodmen were present pr harrison grand phyfllbian of toronto j e hi chairman board ot managers st thomas wh greaves head organizer toronto w mohan clerk toronto camp toronto th rfwqptl ffrn i grand office of this guehh nov 23rd 1897 tiiii sloan medicinu company hamilton dear sirs for years i was troubled with periodical sick head aches being affected usually every sunday and used all the remedies that were advertised as cures and was treated by almost every doctor in guelph but without any relief one doctor told me it was caused by a weak stomach another said it was hereditary and incurable i was induced by a neighbor to try sloans indlarrtonic and 1 am happy to say i did so a few doses gave immediate relief and one bottle and a half made a complete cure this was three years ago and the headaches have never returned i was also troubled with asthma nnd nothing helped me like your sloans indian tonic i can heartily recommend it to all and will be glad to m glvs any particulars to anyone afflicted as i was 1 w c keougm for sale by nil druggists or address the sloan medicine company hamilton limited ftroo per bottle 6 for 50 if the tiabues about tho roots of tho hair become unhealthy tbe hair will soon torn gray or fall off correct this trouble with halls hair beuewor newmusic liberauoffer x j monthly publics sorrow ana sympathy order the following relatives and friends from a distance attended the fnneral obsequies dr and mrs j 1 payne and children- of richland iowa dr and mrs dryden and children guelph anson smith sr and mr and mrs jacob smith anoaster andrew swaygle and jameti howard hamilton mr and mrs o l young oakvlle messrs joseph and jathos first- brook mrs holland miss firstbrook mrs i wrighli mr aastio tubby t milburo mr and mrs j e moqarvin j a knott j f taylor j j kelly miss ahem tor onto j p beoord orillia j a stauffor gait john trirgarson brantford sheriff broddy mrs jdrownridge brampton a b wright john graydou mrs john bennett sttoevsville vald rrtjltels6n dr lowry 0 w kelly w a mclean jos heffernan v x christie john davidion qoelph j w knowlee jsgo p lee bockwood john k barber mpp wm moleod dr boo joseph barber dr webster q o boe j p bell lacblto grant h b hendernon w p moore nianian lindsay e b nloklln major goodwill r d warren rev w s moalpine h p laweon georgetown dr daok pitiermo henry bobinson trafalgar richard graham- abgrove xavid hatch eon naasagaweya mr and mrs j0h11 moorejlimeboubo capt pan- ton wm clements w a lawrence thos henderson end henry houderson milton the aortal tributes were magnificent in their artisvlo beauty and fragrance and represenred all oiroles wberoin the depart ed had tnoved amoom them we noticed the following pillow from tho children orossf torn the employees broken oolnmn frojb ths oitleonl of acton wreath from tion american popular musk we make the following liberal offer send as the namesof three or thote performers on the piano pr orgawn and fifteen cents in money or poatao and we will mail you aizteeo pages of the latest popular songs two steps etc follsbeet tnablo arranged for piano or organ and amerlcai popular music for tbreo months address popular music co indianapolis ind oiittvel jmue they alio ixlteyephlrcm from dyspcpsls indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in ihc mouth coated tongue pain in the side jtorpip uver- they regulatolhc dowels purdf vcgcubk small pills small doses small price substitution tho fraud of 1 day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills b tub roraiui tha f aneral oo taesday afternoon was the most largely attended er hem in this part o the ooonly not onlj did par oltl- aehs and ths ooatitrvalds itira oaten matse bat hundreds earns from a dlstaooe de- oeaseda prominent oonoeotlons in basioess and flnanoial oiroles the county ooanoil and various bonotolentinatlinhoda in all o whioh he was resarded with tha hlrhest esteem rendered him intimately and widely known and repreasdtativea from alt these were there in large nnmbera the awrvloe was in charge of bar j a- moiiioulan ma the pastor of leoeaaed who hadjwaoolatodwlthbim bsr j e howell m a of waterloo iter it bobbs london and bev william dryers mil pr mar pastors at tax a brlsf tervlos at abe realdenoe the remains ware oarritd to the methodist obaroh wbme the mttnorial servle was held moteiajtdld thaj andltoriom kallarlea anf biatmn were crowded it ia mmum thai bonsand s were npabjs to gain tdmftlarioe ae rnonrnsrs entered tbe sureot mlfloe tbe a pealed forth the dead march in the canadian manufacturers association heartlrom tho ulllera and mannlaotnrere ihranqse co gates ajar from the head offloe and wreath from aoton lodge wood men ol he eworld 1 wreath from the membara ol the uetbodlat ohorob spray of rosea from btardmore bros toronto wreath from the independent order of porestaraj wreath from g x- b- employ- sea aoton ipiay of lilies from bbsriff broddy brampton pillow from j a knoll toronto j wreath from j p bell georgetown ool flowers from mrs brown- rldge brampton theqonnly connoil which was io moot in mlllon on taesday aajonrned on ol retpeolto their former fellowoonnoillor andtbt members attended the fqperal too pobllo bohools and all basiness pleoeslp town wete olosed daring he after over th p pt b on roots to the ynkon gold tilde since january 1st a good peroehlage of them went by way of edmonton disordered pcrhapsthoylrelthe source of your ill health and you dont know it heres howyoucantell if j ha b or la bac if you have ptaffineht under the eyes or swelling of trsoteet if your urine caiitalns sediment of any kind or is high colored and scanty if you havo coated tongue and nasty taste in the mouth if you havo olrzy pells headaches bad dreams feel dull drowsy weak and nervous then you have kidney complaint the sooner you start taking doans kioney pills the more quickly will theyve cured thou sands of cases of kid ney troubleduring the past year if you are a aulterer they cure you book that- tells all about fjoans kidney fills sent free to any nd dress the doan kidney p1u co toronio ont jshn ibgijaeefl leave your orders now for your winters supply none but tbe very best scranton coal delivered i can supply egg stoveand nut sizes the liberal patronage accorded me laat season by mr browns cus tomers whose business i bourhl was much appreciated lean give even better service this year and solicit a continuance of their orders coal delivery to commenctf in september y john mcqueen meiv abbertitenunts etjbber btatli8 hiiwior klamph 1iuib iih mo ritu tu io curry co klnji- ht hatt torontv ijiuit agent8 glimlbks of tbo untoon ftoclnatlnrj book bwoepa the odtlroflold of borderland buii jocu evorybody ordor marvolloun lllutlra- tlona frospeotub frco to oanvubora thr linadleyqaiuletson co limited toronto for immediate or exchange sale the uudoralruod bavo for lm mod la to sals ono now sidrio batt of harueu and a good top y or would oxcbadro for good nilloli cow orao t o moore li bon job printing inoluding books pamphlets pbuloraim boadt circular a o oxoedtod itj tbo beit stylo ot tho art at moderate prlcci and on bore ootico 4pply or addrons y h p moobfe pbeb pnfifbfl offloo aoton agenic3 w oman ia tha tltlo of our crcat now book- dibcubiob all pbastmof tboeabjoct con- talflt tbo iiifo and work of miib wlllard tbe moit woudorful woman of tbo ooutury 0cr bnudrod boautlful portraits of tbo gretst women known with bloerapbloal akttbob btap for oantaasers the linbcott company toronto out iwl k agents sell londikegoid fleltu llkoa whirlwind experienced canvassers reaping the rlobest rybodysnbioribes o on a farm at is a month li making 970 harvest of their lfves berlnner doing woitder snbsqribes nearly everybody 1 on a farm at 1s a tvpowiiter at 3 iff suj 2 moobanlo who had earned si jo 4 day isoleuins onayonng fello w ikiugro ala is olearinp iu ylsoleurl caoviulns s s day we wantmoreagehti outnt as eonu worth i tub detadleyganretbon co limited toronto notice to creditors notice la hereby given pursuant to b s o cap 110 see stt and amending aoti tbt all lwirsqaa bavlng olaims against tbs satate of john nickel i late of ths township of bsqaaalnes lu tbe connty of balton who died on or about tboir name addresses and doaedpuons and a full statement of particulars of their elalnib ana the uatare of the seoority if any hold by them duly certified and that afte the said air tbe oxqoutor will proceed to distribute tbo aauts or tbo deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the olaims of which tbey shall ibon have notice james newton exwator dated tbln 3rd day of march 1898 before buying seeds you should write a postal for bwtpjees for farm annual 1898 the leading seed catalogue a hand some new hook of 144 pages tells allnbout the best seeda that prow twentyone exclusive novelties of ufiusiial merit hundreds ol illustrations new flowers painted from nature burpees seeds grow our business grows also we fill more orders every spring than do any other seedsmen ihthe world you join our army of customers if so write today w atlee burpee co philadelphia pa execu sale the farm andall effects of the lath johnniokell the uodoralffned has been instrnotod by jaoaei new ton executor of the estate ol the late john nickel to sell by publlo auotion on tbe jpremiau eit faalf ipt 89 eon 4 eaquealng on wkjdneudau tith apk1l lboe ht one oclock the ohowlnr- tbbfab1c bast half lot s3 con 4 esauoi- idv oomprlalnslopaores loss tbufsxmls conveniently situated to mil- ways towns schools and eburohes tbera te a aretelaas btiokbooae wbloh ooouples a very commanding position giving a picturesque viev over a large sectldn there is a neverfalling spring on the premises and lbs farm throughout u ltta good state nt opltlvatlon tbe property will be sold subject to a lease held by thomu bomsrrlue and to explre4n april 1901 ohattbls and household gqods- horee baggy cotter ugbt- waggon single harness and three bnffsjo bobes a lot ot houseboldbffectslnolqdlpg btofee boditeadi bnreaos tables arranges obeli oarpeti bedding lot of dfsbor knlvm forks flpoons kltcken utenallb etc tbrlats op fiijb on farm tenperoont on on day ot sale the balanee within thirty dam thereafter obattels and household oooda to da cbb1i 1 jame8 newton wm bbstbtbbbt r ijtnehonse exeoot auotionecr lsbll ipaper we takepleasure inaclvisthfi you that our new lines of wall papera cehtnar papers tig puriwcatloii the qloggedup machinery of the system requires cleapin out after the wear and tear of the winters work nothing will- do this so thoroughly nnd perfectly as the old reliable dock it cures constipation sick head aches feeling of tiredness and all the evidences of sluggish liver and impure blood which are sppreva lent in the spring it makes rich red blood and gives buoyancy and strength to tbe entire system wanted ttunmbnavaons or otw ibdastrlou persona j ol fair shtaoatlon to wtiom en a moetb wonldtmattltidaeement rooniaalsoengstaa rw ladies at uislr own hemss t n lin800tt toronto i grow paying crops beeanse tbey are fresh and always tub best fpr sale everywhere refose subslltutesi stick to fekkys beenb and prosper 1808 seed annual free write for it d m fbrhyob fl datrolt mloh i and sortfajmi for thlssensonarenow ready for your inspectidn window shiades etc our window shade and curtain poile de- parttflentlsrtmplote we havo art- assortment ol window shades to suit every one either plain or with dado fringe or lace jl- curtain- soles ail colors at all prices wood or brass trimrntngs ah we ask is that you reserve your orders until you baye examined pur samples in above lines acton livery rimd bu rth undersigned npmuallrults ttlsdatron age of tbe publje and tniorina tbepa tbas vtell equipped and btyllah blga oan al wayabebeonred athuatablea a eoufonabie bna mtetsal taralns between sasn and 818 em oarefal attention gt van toeyuyonr tbe wants of qcnnmeretaitretel lersfnllrmsl john williams fmtmiiraa aoton llacliine and repair shops hbmbyoi protrtator laasauataetorr manna nwhi or implesnaot of an 1 ginmrtut and aunjf dona ti the cash store for best values in fieiidymado clothing und3rweai and general dry goods finest brands in teas coffees oatmeal cornmeal blouivc- a mm

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