Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1898, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton head ofpioe hamilton capital all paid up 1 25000000 reserve fund- 72500000 total assets 984e67s46 nearly ton millloun pf dollars ag itambay vloo1realdont board of dikbctobs oiin 8tuakt lresldont ko roach john 1hgotuh a t wood a i liee toronto tjvb gibbon mi tultnbull cruliior ii b steven a oat cashlor 11 u watson iimpeotor georgetown agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to he collection of sale- not iis and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of i and upwards received interest allowed at purrent rates and added to principal every year whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for largo sums j p bell agent georgetown ont the news at home mobtly of a looal character and every item interesting table spoons dessert spoons tea spoons solid in solid silver silver plate and nicklo bigger values lower prices and a boiler assortment to select from than anywhere else bring your repairing in to us we always give satisfaction qeo hynds jewelcry and stationery store acton ont i tiaxc ttz firm thtjb8dax maboh 10 1808 little local brieflets which caugrit the eyes or ears of free press feoorters this week the robins arrived lust week and now carol the approach of spring a nambor of rdaidents of thin vioioity leave next tuesday for the north west the gaelph ukraid refers to the into mr storey as aotoua foremost citizen speoial services aro in progress this week in the congregational ghuroh churchill aslefghidk party went m mr h a reeds georgetown to spend the eveniug last thuredny the bright euna of the past week have annihilated the sleighing wheels are running again rcouncil met on monday bat adjourned out of reppeot to the late reeve storey without undertaking any business the farmers are making ready for woik in thp nqaplo bnall new maple ayrujj ii uliortly be on the market when ihd yonng garden breaking through shows a point of greennoia shall we not forget to roe all the march winds keenness when nights are clear and frosts are kcenindlhadayibgarm in thbinnahoi i show wreaths vanish like a breath the sap beiuato ran jitllsoti a prolactin jfitetosoopo aotim fire brigade has arranged for exhibitions of edison projeotiug kino- toacope la the town hall on friday and saturday evenings of this weok reapoot- ing the exhibitions given by this company iu gaelph tho advocate says the city hall was well filled last night to see tho kinotoaoopo views it in one of the best instruments over ehown in the otty thero is dcarcoty any vibration and the pictures shown aro interesting instraollvo and amuaing there will bo a big crowd to night again excouncillor w e smiths rcmovai mr w 13 smith and family will removo to their pew home above rook wood in a few days in tho croft farm he baa boo a red one of the finest properties in eramooa mr smith carao to aoton from a do aster and has been a resident here for boraa fourteen years five years were apent as a member of the manioipal conn oil in three of which ho wa tho chairman oftbo streets and walks committee by hii removal we mo a uooful citizen mr j t elliott of tseqaeaing has rented mr smiths residence a missionary mvealng an evening devoted to miabiona wan held last wednesday iu the dlsolplua chjarab rev t w lax tori the pastor presided a stirring addreaa on the true spirit of glving was delivered by rov h a mcpherson and mr h p moore gave an address on the power of the frees in evangelizing tbe world carefully pre pared esaays on missionary topics were read by miss plank and misa soper aod one of the sunday sohool olaues sang several missionary- bymns miia jessie nioklin sang au appropriate solo with muoh acceptance the meeting abounded in missionary inspiration and a liberal offering was made surprise party at george xemlioa the guelph mercury says 4 happy party of about a dozen left the city friday afternoon and drove oat to mr george lealies in erin township between book- wood and acton the host and hoeteaa received their oity guests with open arras and in the evening about twenty njore frond tho township pqt in an ppearinoe a splendid time was had the sports being kept up till an early hoar the city people were lodged all night- their bones taken care of returning home saturday mora- iug one pf the visitors was beard to remark next morninp for a good open hearted welcome go out into the country and that was tho feeling of tho whole party rev sir mcalptnos inaugural sermon rev ws moalpblne the new pastor of the raptibt ohqrcb recently of whitby met the congtegation here fortbe first time as pabtor laat sanday afternoon at three oclock his sermon was moat appropriate to the occasion and was calculated to cement the reiattonblifpot pastor end people very closely the discourse was baaed upon 1 cor s 0 for we are laborers together with god ye aro goda husbandry 16 his very interesting and impressive amplification of tbe subject the speaker ill nitrated forcefully how the pastor arid people should work to gether and the value uf being coworkers with god if we do oar part be said to the oongregatiod god will give tho increase tbeaacramentof thejjorda sapper was diapensedr at the close of the service a very interesting evening was official returns in halton mr barbers majority declared to be 123 tho dcotnrutiou of tho roturniug oflioer of the vote in this county was mado on tuesday the total voto and the majority in each polling plooo was as follows acton keitka iiatinin no 1 polling subdiviaion 77 g7 2 87 83 coming and going 1g1 ho majority for kerns 24 iiuiilinqton no 1 polling sub division 7t m 2 75 go 1g1 101 majority for korns go ck0wietown no 1 polling subdivisions 48 121 2 4 111 01 2u5 majority for barber 144 milton no 1 north ward 48 go 2east 11 82 8 south 47 07 131 158 majority for barber 27 oakviixk noi 1 ward go 37 v 2 07 40 v8 7i 81 ft 200 107 majoritv for korns 83 bbquesino t no 1 sproats sohool go 84 2norval 108 00 11 3 btewarttown 83 83 4 dublin 42 100 5 thompsonscoroer 74 80 0 glenwilliaroa 103 02 470 538 majority for barber 68 naflbaoaveva no 1 campbellville 105 103 2 brook ville 00 110 sknatohbull o7 122 majority for barber 83 nelb0x no 1 freeman 2 neldon village 3 cammiobvilte 4 lowville 5 bells school 0 appolby 70 f8 92 70 08 67 68 51 37 87 18 41 mjority for kernb 110 trafalgar nolthoboyna 03 2 dromquin 188 8 poatvillo 78 i mnnns garners 70 5 palermo co 0 bronte bu mjority for barber 20 total vote barber kerns mu jority for barber 78 01 128 75 69 107 609 2581 2408 a serious experience passed throuch by one of brockvilles best known men his legs pave out and when he sat dowrtet1aa no control over them dr williams pink pills restored him to activity from tho brookvlllo roaorder there are few men in brookvllle or vicinity better known to the gduoral publio aud there is certainly no one held in greater esteem by hfs friends than mr l decarle br mr decarle camo from england to canada rortyfour years ago looatiug in the county of glengarry eight years iaterjieirfirnovedtobrookviileau4jiajl mado his horn here over biooo he establiahedthe large marble bttsinebb atfll visitors to and from aoton and varlousothor personal notes tho fbbh paaas invites all its readera to con tribute to this oolnmn if you or your frlencti aro going away on a holiday trip or if you haw f rionds vlaltlag you drop a oard to the fiuu fmua mr rolland smith of gait was home for sunday mr l d orr was home from toronto over sanday mrs james mclim ielted frivuds in toronto last week miaa mamie milne of ripley is vialtng her relatives in town miss bella btephenaon vialted frleods in guelph during the week mias helen bymon of toronto ipeni sunday at her home here mr frank molntoih spent three or four days with friends in waterloo mr chaa h moorr of toronto was home from saturday udtil monday mr d henderson m p left on thurs day morqiog for ottawa ana retarped on saturday t jtev j e howell m a6f waurlpo made acton friends a brief visit last thursday- mr and mrs james henderson anl daughter of milton visited aoton friend last friday mr a e nickllu arrived homo from tho maritime provinces on saturday he bad a very sqacessfal trip mr william gould left on tnesday night for toronto where bs expooti to spend a month or ao mrs col murray of btewarttown and her son mr traoy spent friday afternoon with mrs 6 a secord mrs thomas gowdy of guelph and mrs john moore limehouae spent last friday with aoton friends mr h p moore left yesterday morning for ottawa to attend the annual meeting of the canadian press association mrs r l hemstreel mrs g a he ma tree t and mrs j w bews of milton speut laat thursday with aoton friends the official board of the wei land avuqae methosist church have extended a una ni mo os invitation to the bev g h cobblediok m a b d of glecooo for the enbaing conference term to succeed rev dr philip who ia invited to first ohurob st thomis the general board of missluus of tho methodist churah iu canada is sending the rev a carman d d general superintendent to japan for the purpose of coneulthig with the jap in board-regard- lug the muhionary enturprisos there dr carman will leave for jajaun april and will rotutn to make a pergonal report to tho general conference this la the complaint of thousands t this season they hare no appetite food doeanot relish they need the toning upot tho stomach and digestive orgmni which a course of hoods sarsaparllla will give them it also purines and enriches ths blood cures that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyapeptlo can know creates an appetite overcomes that tired feeling and builds up aud in stain a the whole physical system it so prompt ly and efficiently rellevegldyipcptle symp toms and cures nervous headaches that it seems to have almost a maglo toach anyone can buy goods not everyone can buy just the right thing for the price 1698 marks tho most extensive pur chasing we have ever accom- flishea and- there aro two ines that we pride ourselves on particularly wall pap er and window shades it pays to buy at bollcrts it pays to buy at bollcrts value is our motto and success has crowned our efforts we would like to convince you on this subject new books and stationery la the best r in ct the ouetruo dlood purifier aro tlie hqitntlertllnner tlood puis pills aid aisestioti 3fe arc being opened daily curtain poles mouldings and baby carriages are also ready this meek 1 c l mm the un will lot only id tho neat bat an ojdhea will betanyffhere- a hians a man fo a that even ifhehig oorm on both tau bat be itrgnger happier and wiser man it be nsea fatnama painless corn eitraotor mid geta rid of the nnalghtly corn paio- loly and at onee the tblrtyaovonth annual nifiollng of the ontario educational asioolatloa will be held on tuesday wojnoday and rhnraday april 12 13 and 14 in toronto we hava no hesitation in baying lhatlr i d kellogga dyaontory- cordial ia irilhoat doubt the beat modiolus ever introduced for dysentery diarrhoea ofaolera and all anmrner complaint9 ickness eto it promptly glvb relief and never falls to effect a posittvs core sf others should never ho without n bottle wben their children are teething an actor talks thb lerefsri cublph v- vvp 16800 wcywe8 given away free to wllllnt workers who will help ua advirtlia nnd sell drvyounei kldneyuver cur in their locality no peddllnir no xprianc or ciplul required work durlnsr your spare time chemical 8upplv co picton ont every part of our business is in- full working order true our renovations are not at all completed yet tneir progress will in no wise interfere with the conduct ot business what has been done so far is an indication of the great im- provement that will be when all the work is done today monday the dressmaking rooms reopen the millinery department reopens large quantities of new spring fabrics have come to halid and more are 6n the way and everything is lnfullwing to serve you well the pulse of business beats strongly have prepared for big things never in ourjiistory have the indications been so favorableyou will find this store as usual leading the trade with everything that a clean firstclass dry goods trade represents we solicit your patronage tlls what dr agnewa catarrhal powder did for him and his wife truly afhomd to the pro fession a maqazine which builds rhousesr r carried on by his sons fcere and is himaelf one of the most expert stoneoatters in tbs dominion of canada lie ia alao well- known as an artist in other lines and as a draughtsman has few equals and no superiors ample evidence of this is afforded in tbefaot that when the conatrao- tion of the canadian facifio railroad was begouj sir sanford fleming obief engineer of that great trans- continental road requested bim to join hjs staff mr decarle accepted the position at sir banforda request and remained with the company for nine years during whloh time he drew nearly all the profiles of the road and the plans of the bridges between ottawa and thunder bay his work was commended by a tbe readera of the ladles home journal aro about as responsive a clientele aa any magazine possesses about tlx months ago the philadelphia tnakaalne started to publish a aeries of praotlnal arohlteetaral plans showing how artiatlo homes could be built at moderate coat it employed a epeoial architect and his work was cer tainly artistic beside the plans it agreed to furnish complete specifications of each loan but proclaim vc aijnewe qtar- hal powder a wonderful medioiae pirtiou- larly for speakeru aud singers or ttiote who hvs a teudenoy to sore throat lioarnneea lobbilitis and catarrh myself and wife ire both aubjeuta of aatarrh an i to mil ilia wo liad tried mou everything but have devur found auythin to equal tbig freat reanedy for quick aoiioti it truly ii p wonder worker ioouldot be without it by me and i am continually recommending it to my brother pufeauionaiu al em- met fos tell 207 east 101st streel now york oity sold by a t brown faonsestnrmtnlmdm cost thousands of people liked the plans given and the series hum hiftn firnml mniwm fnf th rr there never was and never will be a qniyersal panacea in one remedy for all ilia to which flesh is heir the very naturo ot many curatlvoa belq such that were tba gorms of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the syatem of the patient what would relieve one ill in turn woald aggravate the other wo have however v qoinine wine when obtained in a bound naavdulterated btate a remedy for naany in grievbob ills by its gradu pndloiriaa potatoes wanted highest price paid in trade forallgobd potatoes deliver ed at symon bros acton we carry a full line of hardware groceries boots jfe shoes symon bros cor mill and main sts acton e jr bollert co 25 aud 27 wyudliam street ouelph gl asgowhouse acton j h hamilton dkleb m marble and granite hamiltons book oue having an hand a large quautlty of sootoh norway swedish and russian and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now- purchased i will sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow nil expenses to customers to and from our works johk h hamilton cheap feed american ate the frallestaystomi are led into con- valeacenoe and strength by the infltienoe which qnlninn ptflrth nn mritnpw mn a feature with us this week will be an early shipment or americangprints fancy sateens etc just to hand in exquisite designs and perfect color ings which will be cleared duringthe next ten days to make room for regular stock exceptionally tasty goods for wrappers and waists prices will range from 8c to ioc worth 12 jc to 15c go c 1 e agm ous aoton sandy sohool oroboatra and klisa mlna walksr went to norral laak evenfug to take part in an epwortb losrdo entertainbiedt knox oboroh sabbath sohool have arranged for a lectnro accompanied by lime light views on trlndad by bev john oangb jd of hamilton on monday waning uaroh 14 dr t t harris deniiat oakville twlllrnext visit ioton on thnirsday 17th inst he ia becoxnldg well acquainted now ip thla vioinity and as a roanlt ia being favored with a larfjs practice mmirrtjredmibton president and a e oarnoy seoreury gave i i n l enjoyed at the publio recaption tendered labt ovenlng worthy objects of philanthropy civilization in ontario has grown to the point where rich men want to feel that life is worth hying and do something plil- anthropio with their money jjately the free piuess waspleaaed to absibt in draw ing attention to the needa of tho siok cbildrena hospital in toronto which la largely a monument to the blir hestt ani open parao of johq roaa bobertaou sot the apeoialf 20000 aeked for that institu tion la in- afght laat week we willlpgly gave apaoet6 aomo parlionlara of the phil anthropy whioh owea its birth to 4hs generosity of mr w j gage another this spring the boilding of over five hnn- dred honsep varying in coat from 91500 to 7000 each will be started in different parte of the country by journal readers in addi tion to over one hundred other houiea whiob have already been bnilt auction sle thubsday 17th march auction sale of farm stook and irnplementa the property olbobtn garvin lot25oon luiqaetlog salefat 1 oclock wiii qeustnaet aoo- tioneer could do ko work t t sanita t consumptives in muskoka if any of oor readera feel their hearts warm to that iostltauou afterreading of the work it is intended to do and is doing oontribatlons bentto mr gse will be promptly acknow ledged ofjntereattqteaohcrabdpapila from a aircolar just iisued from ths education department we select ths following items whiah wlil- be of nee to teabhera the hfgb school entrance and pobilo school leaving examination for 1s00 will begin tnesday june 38 at 845 a m theoourae of atudy preaorlbed for the examtuatlons is that given in the revised begniations exoept that physiol ogy and temperance take the pltbe of botany at the publio sohpol leaving exam inations any misunderstanding on the part of candtdatee regarding ths requirements is to be dealt with by the looal board in settling results tosrsylaed begniations do not aa formerly 0u for the presentation of book work io writing drawing etc at either the high noboci entrance or poblio sohool leaving exams tor the latter examination book work it presented by candidates is to be takao into acobiintaa laat year in view of the speoial proviaiona annonnoed for 1808 crbwsons corners the fine weather of the past week- has given thooooptry vervjprlnglko appear anoe boblna and other spring birds strs becoming numerous in this ylblnlly r it was with a feeliog of deep regret ibst the people of thla vicinity received thsnews of the death of mr w h storey acton onsonday laat by his death aoton has lokt coo of its most highly respected citi zens and prominent business men large sorea brokeout on my body head a umoe ana aiao oh rny bands so that i conld not do any work and my hairoame out my trouble was called eczema i began taking hoods saraaparllls when 1 had taken aevsral bottles the sores and itching- disappeared and i was oured mrs j 0 browr brentford out restoratives it relieves the drooping ipirlta of tboaewitb whom a chrooio stato ol anorbiddespbudenveand lack of interest in life is ft disease and by traotjuilizing iba nerves disposes to sound and refresh- ingj sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood which being btimnlated oqnrseb lorooghoot the veins strengthening the hsallhy animal fqnotions of the ejitem thereby making activity a necessary resnll iroogthenlog the frame and glviosi ufa to iba digestive organs which nainnlly demand inoreaaod aubatanoerebalt im- prdved appetite northrop 4 lyrrnd of tosonto have given to tho publio their quinine wine at the ubus1 rate and gasvged by the opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perteouon or any in the market all druggists as it sound snddry corner king and hukiisoii sts- jlarailton compare it with the soft new grain chopping promptly and carefully done at the fiockwood chopping milla special carpet sale in spite of the unpleasant weather we have sold hun dreds of yards of the carpets advertised last week some styles are all gone those still here we will offer as follows harris co regular dr35 brussels for goci regular erio brussels for 75c regular ir85 wilton for si 10 regular ti 85 axminster forjl15 nj tapebtri 7 six only indian rugs nt the following reduced prices 153 x 163 regular 875 for 942 15g 103 regulnrsoo for s45 13 x of reguliir g4t for o convention recently held at gait at the league meeting on taesday evening mr w n adams tailor baa received a oontraot for thirty tuoica for the members of aoton fire brigade tbey will be of blaok melton trimmed with scarlet and brass buttons tho cro laddies will look gayio ibeir new ooilame high miss will be celebrated in st peters chnrob ouitio marob 17b intbe eveniog in ths aaizts obnrch a aacred oon- oert will be given by tho members of our ladys obufoh choir from guelph bey fayhet fmney will preach tho sermons of the day y lih the young meix snndhnced to leave on a trip to england last week are still at home their negotiations failed to connect mrs thomas 3owdy of guelph waa the guest of mr john moore and family tot weslt- tbsr report of the poblio sohool for february la al follows iv ben o marshall 216 f swaok- hammer 334 j j liewton 207 iv too 0 line au b marshall aoov m- j oneill 3- jhalnar ml w mddowbll ajoi b lspoldevln 237 y bsfokhamm i j mcdowell 205 1tb us pt it bw03slbralth 101 e mere- aith led a dwimsri i8i anaspowait loalwiililxffirlbvontjn 188 marshall ia8 pt iijobl dlokell 1gb khainer 168 ijw walker 1s7 marks possible iv and iii classes 000 ii lo a go r na38aqaweya mr pavi aner ren his far to r7teroy gos figure mr agosw intends hatlng a sale shortly uro a- grfdav formerly of paris bas moved into hi hooie at knatchbull th ebiinezer epirorlh leagtie spent a social time oh toasday evening with the bpworth leagne of the eramoaa metho- dlslpboroh nr the osutre inn a good annvpfpawbls lime tas enjoyed jihrswuj to be a union meeting of oampblivilenaaigawbya and ebensker ybtiffwlf b presby terisu ohrirdb sodoro lal jtsnlng thu4nsilhifof ths past week orsohmrnajietboileghlng very thin in a givroapvpihiesu mr and mluj jstooollongh of clifford sj vlsimnjrslativss and friends in nasaa- thwostt are bpay laying in their mivittitlwr bavs m and mr paul crlbb ue th gotb anuiversary of their weddina ou tbs 27th ot february last the old oouhlo are still both halls end hearty although they havbexrmrlenoeorairthe trials alii iarcfl ships of pioneer life of which the prisenl generation know little wo alooerely bone that they may long be spared each others company we are sorry to bear of the illness ot mr h molaoblan of nasaagawsya mrs frick of aoton spent sundty at coldbrook miss a teeter of aoton spent sanday wltb her friend miss l oann mr and mrs geo laurance of post- villa apent a few days last weak at the home of mr b a allen of thla ylonlly i mr wm goleman spent a few last week in hamilton messrs g t end a atlbaoith lowvllle spends few diprs ismisb log friepds in briraqdwsjaieiisj ifemit daya with bis bhmkritgrsy the companys employ since leavjng the companys aorvice mr deoaje has lived a retired life enjoying a wellbarued oonape tenoe at hia ooay home in the west end of the town mr deoarlo ia poaseised of a ragged oonatitatlon and bad always ebjoyed thebeaiof beauh uotil the fall of 1800 then he wob atrieken with an affection of the limbs whioh much alarmed him speaking with a liecorder representative xhp other day the conversation happened to tarn upon thie event and the oircam- stances oonneoted therowith can beak bo told iu hia own wprds laat fall said he my leg- became iu auoh a condition that when i sat down i had no power over them i could not move them one vay or the other aud wan naturally muoh alarpned 1 was advised to try dr williams fink pills i bad read of their ourid oases limilar to mine and so 1 decided to give them a trial i pnrebased a supply of the pills anil commenced taking them aooord- iog to directions 1 had only taken them a bort time when 1 foandthat i wai regain ing the dso of my legs and ooold raise one op and cross tba other without muoh diffloolly i also remarked to my wife that the pills were doing me muoh good and sho was both aarprised and delighted when i showed ber with what ease i obpld more my limbs i continued taking the pills for about a mopth by that time i had as fall control of my legn aa i ever had in fa0twaso0iniletelyoiirdrlfaavfl never had a symptom of the trouble since and am now as welt as ever 1 was i attribute my euro entirely to dr williams pink pills in foot it roust bavo been tho pills for i took nothing else in the way of medio ue nnd i cannot oo strongly reoommend them to anyone oflllottd as i ff your regular i wools for 75c regular 50c union for 4oc brussels hassocks special 45c dyepopsia and indigestion o w snow s co byrsonse n y- writs please jqniiiuenjcojiqteill w ara seuicg ihoreofparmelees pills than auy other pill we keep they have a great reputa tion for tbe onre of dyspepsia and liver complaint mr ohas a smith lind say out writes parmelees fills are an exoellent medicine my sister bas been troubled with severe headache but these pills hava oured her hoods pills are the only pllla to take with hoods sarsaparllla cure all liver ills dont let it ache if yonr atomeob liver and bowela aro working properly you will have no head ache burdock blood bitters will keep yon right so there is no need io let your head aobe there is ids of proof that this la eo i bad sevsre beadaobe for oyer three years and was not free from it for a single day finally i uied burdock blood bitters with the result that 11 has completely cured mev mrs affleok toronto arobbishop bleary a total estate amoouta to about 868000 consisting of life insurance to the extent of 128000 and property val ued at close upon 136000 whloh came to the arohblshop from the oleary family of pongarvio by the terms of the will 86000 is devised to beopolls oollege king ston now is the time to purify your wood with hoods sarsa parilla at this season yonr blood is load ed with imporiles whloh have accomnlated daring tbe winter and wbloh should be expelled hoods sarsaparllla baa accom plished thonaands 6f remarkable cares of blood diseases it is what ths millions lake in the spring to bnlld op health and warri off aloknaas join hand8 lnteillnat of that curative powers of oivasxht curator- tha htftut m v thomas of stanley house kings ton writes dr agnsws can for ths heart bat proved a woaemfnl nsstloum in my case i was a gnat sirfferer from heart tronble 1 tarndmrsgrmtrtesulh bnlldsr and rsoelvsd great baosdls my wife also bee need the heart ours tad can bear squally as strong testim of the wonderful benefit received it relieves in 30 mlnntes bold by a b brown ths war oflloe sebsms f of tha refovru p the british army adds- 19000 nirnlo iba army tha largest noreaat svnproppfed jo great flaljalpjn tlmof rantes j tbsspsdia ftadtnotf nllamstnrmedy far alldsimngrslsnt4btitirtid lungs u ayeryoberwesflrajftwis wondsrfol trtrio ebeff eai ludqeei refreerrlog alasp an4sontijret relief vsn in lbs anoed atuss si bonsumptioo spring seeds vecetable and flover all standard kl ids 3o a faokage 01 10 for 26o mailed to any address postpaid guaranteed fullsized packages quality the very best seeds imported direct by ourselves order early pbrtrait 142 x gaj regular 865 for 936 122 x 83 regular 845 for 930 84 x 33 regular 824 for 915 brussels rugs special at 8250 each seed crain all kinds peas oats barley wheat veto mammoth long red mangel ioc a lb 11 lbs sioo turnip seed any standard kind 15c a lb or iba for 1 1 00 lxng or short white fiold carrot seed oc- a lb geo j thurp seedsman market 8q cublph a lot of secondhand watches in good running order at low prices at second hand watcbes tak en in exchange for new ones haye you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits remnants of oilcloths and linoleums less than half price during this sale all the above carpets will be made and laid without extra charge and stored until required housefurnishings one case of job white blankets size 72 x go weight 8 to 10 lbs one third less than regular prices extra super white blankets 8 9 and 10 lbs at 89c 90c and fr per pair 50 only white quilts 2 x 2 yards special at 890 down quilts 5x0 regular 5jo for tf 50 6x6 regular in 50 for 9675 fine white nett curtains rcguar 4ir5o for tj irish point curtains regular 15 for 98 curtains lace 60 in wide regular 50c lor 35c irish point sash nett regular 70c for 50c curtains muslin regnlar35c for 25c regular 30c for aoc regular 25c forljc gold printed art cloth regular 25c for art silks 30 inches wide regular 75c and r for 45c h ramshaw acton photo artist thought my head w blyife a frederlottjn lsdys terrible snffering mas oxo dortxart tells the following emerkablo alory of relief from anffering irid reetoration to health whloh ahoola lloar awy all donbts as to the efneaey el uubnrna heart and nerve pills from ths tabids ot iba most skeptical for several years i have been a con stant sufferer from nervous headache and lbs pain was so intense that sometime i was almost eraay i really thought that fny head would burst i oontnlled a nam bar of pliyelclana and took many rttnsdiee ink without effect i noticed mubnrne heart and nerve pills advertised suttvu m tltntaivslreontcrtny elsinvv inijiroveinau ruuedy upholstering in all its branches promply attend ed to old furniture recovered to look like new our stock of draperies and hangings is fully up to the standard thomas c isttatkins tweeds i tweeds i tweeds i we are offering special values in these season able goods see the display in our window it is but a sample of our stock if you once ask the p and t quality we wil risk your buying overcoats at less than cost c f goqbgpte co cheap i cheap i fheap these pfihincs 11 well as mcmullens choice steel wire nettings jibr trellis 1 yards lawn fencings jelcnro sold much lower this year than ever before they are the best merchant for ths m ask you hardware

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