Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1898, p. 4

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picking up- knowledge jk oasy enough if you look for it in ttie right place this istlio xight place to learn just what to dp for that debilitating obriiiitiori whioh briaecblway a brin bs do you want to be cured of that languid iteelinsr get back yoor appetite sleep soujcidlyi and fsel likeanew man ayers sarsaparilla will do it it has done it for thousands it has been doing it for eo years try it bend for hie curebook loo piucilree j caycr co xowch maaa wt xtim jtttxtss thursda maboh 10 1809 why the bund do not smoke a peculiarity about blind people in that there is seldom one of them who scookes soldiers and sailors suicaetoraed to smoking and who hive lost tbelr blftht in notion continue to imobo for a- short time bat boon rive ap tfao habit they say it gives no pleasure when they cannot ice the smoke and tome hive laid that they cannot taste the awoke anises they bee it in view of tho warlike preparations being made by chili the argentine gov ernment has decided to purchase three warahips and arrxii for 160000 men t15 hi did you over moot a rotjbor with a pistol tul a t knife whokq prompt niidconlliil grooihii wm your money or your lifo who whilo yon ulopd iitrombllim vflth your hands above your head took your fiold niobt grimly olturiiie to ropuy you lu cold load well i ouco iimtarabbur i wabjolulio to ton tlju way wniirblhnriouul thouiili not yet too dark to boo that tho fitunly rouuo who ntojircd ino tliero wftfl very fully armod uut im hoiicht in uiatiituluiiitf that i dlilut tool nlftrmod ho woa pantiub hard from runuiiir bo i netuu till uqdauntod vory lbldlyfacod tlio rascal and aomanded what bo wanted i woa aulo ob hi no be wau and i was uot out of breatb bo i ludntfcnr iiib miootiiir mo cr ftiimfrj mo todoatb lu answer to my question tlio highwayman ralsodan arm aud polntod ltatralaut at mo tlibugb i fitlll folt hoalann ho did not ask for money but what tie said wan thlsr you cannot inip ps6 unless you lve your boy klas i ve i run across a station agent op in the the bilid the other day who cam as near beinjtjaok of all trades as any man i over struck bald henry darby i rotor to a little dried op looking fellow with moro energy than carter had cats and more irons iutho fire than any blacksmith of long experience could possibly keep hie eyes ou to etart with my little friend ia uxprebs freikht and ticket agent has a ten cent store eenda a telegraph megbagp when he has tous postmaster treasurer for the local sunday school union and two lodges aota as distributer for a bible society then be is examiner for an insurance company jsanflb policies for fire accident and tornado inaqranoejtb switch tender at his station buys frnifc for one eastern house in enmmer and produce for two others in fall and winter he has long been a justice of the peace mends boots and shoes was twice school trustee and town councilman is a deacon in htaahnrch and a leader of the hamlet choir plays a trombone in tho local band and bv oello in aqorohefltra he was chairman of the city republican committee has tho aflenoy for platform scales riding cultivatora and two lines of bioyoles sella threshers and light vehloles and eroota windmills he also is a oamera fiend and after sawing hie own wood and bat of pcm ral of his neigh bors finds time to abii tklittloovery ipridg louisville post hints to housekeepers eke ginger snaps one onj of hioiuhhp nno half cup of butter or ihrrfeinii hunted hnd put in thu inoluhree mm ijunrter uij of water ono toaspoonfui of soda mio uml a half tetibpoowul of k flour enough to toll rather soft bake in rv qttijlti ovon soft giiirer cakes ono pint ofr mollis- bop onocup of liri onu oup ot water ono tcattpuonf ul of hitjtnuun one tublcapoonful of unit ono tublonpoouful of ninor allow flour orioiinh to roll uoft aa poaalble and bako quickly but not wjji aey hot fiirc as thoy bum easily fried cutlets of fldh cut any kind of froah flab in billets havo all the bume eizo and ahope bphnkld with pepper and halt dip in egg batter and fry in boiuug hrcl arrangtlin a oircle on a chhi and gurulbh until fried parslny aurf etibeh of lemon fiuh sitiice chop lino six hardboiled egge and stir in two otips of drawn butter lot biiumer mini udd one- takloapooiiful of pepper sauce tcof minced parsley yvith a littlotbymo and hhu pour over bolted fla piokoolil bita ofldh in piecea put hi a baaoepan with two table ppoonaful of liour hnd buttercdeh mix well andadd a pint of boiliug water havo ready uot slices of buttertd toast pour tho luuh over andeerve baked white fieh soale and remove all the fina and bead tbeu clean thorough ly wash and wipe lb and bait it well inbide make a dresain of stale bread- crumba moiettfned with a little milk und butter the aizaof an em aalt and pepper fill the fiuh and aew it up to keep itssbupe dredge it over with cotumeal and baete with the water in the pau that is bulled bake btowly an hour guruiah with celery topa or paraloy well bid the auction room was crowded and tho oolleotion of furniture art and bricabrac being unusually choice the bidding had been very spirited duriu an anterval of the sale a man with a palo and agitated oountenance pushed his way to the auctioneers aide and engaged liim in a whispered conversation presently he btood aside and tbo auctioneer oalled attentiod with his little hammer ladies and gentlemen he aaid in atoud voice i have to inform you that a gentle man present has lost his pooketbook con taining fifty pounds he offerb live pounda for its return instantly a small man in tbo back ground sprang upon a chair and cried nxoitedly fiu give ten pounds oliufp5j avcgemjcprcparalionforas- sloiuatlng uetodd andrcgula- liqg lhc3tomah3andbowel3 of 1m is eroiiiotesdite5ll6nchemful- tttssandreatcontalns neither opiummorphine nor mineral wotnabicbtic xuvttroidiirsamvnrrraien joxjmnm jmmfslnt apcrfcct remcly for constipa tion sour stotnachdiarrhoea worms convulsionsfeverish- ness and loss of sleep too simile signat of that the ifacsimile signature of is qn the of evebt bottik of ttri exact copy of wrappcb a oaitoria is put tipfn onsslie oottloa only it ll not sold in bulk dont allow anyono to sail i anything else on the plea or promlio that it til jmt as good and will answer arery por- ijow bc6 that yon got oabtoeia a familiar tune a few years ago at a boaiat gathering biubop harrla was invited to aing he declined but told the following incident aa illustrative of his talent in this line daring his journey through paleatlneone evening after he and his travelling oompan ion mr spencer wbo ocoupisd thesama tent had gone to bed tho bishop begun humming a tune of the olden time oalled now durham mr spencer joined id and they began singing a verse of one of the familiar hymnb 13 o to re the versa was finished a donkey just outside the teut brayed as only a donkoy in tho eabt can bray whilo the hills of jade a wore sending back the echoes of this most extraordinary and untimely performance of tho donkoy tho arab drag oman put his head insido tho tent and apologizing for his donkey aaid i ha i you sing ono tune ho think ho know- bejliotm nem jrailway time table fr1 we have practically no old goods t6 offer everything new fresh and uptodate larger stock than in former seasons all from the best makers latest novel effects make it a point to see our stock in above lines mill st db co acfon opticians and fine watch repairers guelph gnt tihte only sprixcj remedy iix tile tstold tlxat has stood er tfmtvr c fyti new spbing s in hrrdttnd soft shrpes newest styles all colors starting as low l as 75c up to 3 we handle only the best makes a very special offering this week of winter weight beaver overcoatings cut prices to clean our winter goods leave your orders and save money 25 coats for 20 22 coats for f 18 and 20 coats for 16 made firstclass in every way new furnishings and colored shirts latest goods ren6lsqn in march april and may use pftinea celery compound and only painea celery compound i for it ia natures remedy it is the only spring medioino that the beat physiomnfl rewnamond clergymen of all denominations speak of the wonderful medioino with enthusiasm poines celery cocipoond haa a record of lifesaving work that baa never been equalled palnea celery compound cures diaeaao trnske peoplsjbill has saved thwjn uvea of thbuanda of aofferera it makes the weak strong it purine tho blood and enriches the norves every condition of winter life baa been detrimental to health there hat been a steady decline in nirvana vigor now that spring cornea the body ib ready to oast oh unhealthy tltsnea if it is only given a chance this opportonity oomos when the excretory orfians kidneys akin and bowels are made to worse actively and the nerves are able to forniah imffloient energy to tbe digestive organs no remedy in the world aooompliflhob these results like paine celery compound it nourishes regulates and invigorates the entire nervous system from the brain to the minutest nerve filament it causes an increased appetite and tones np the stomaoh to deal with the iooreaaed food its nourishing aotion ia immediately manifest in a blearing np of tbe muddy unhealthy akin an iooreaae in weight and more refreshing sleep first discovered after laborious scientific essa by t ables p a has produced prof edward e pbolps m d ll d of dartmouth qouegs it is presoribed and publicly endorsed by the best practitioners in every city of america it has been so enthusiastically recommond ed by grateful men and women in every walk of life that ft is today in every sense the most popular remedy the world ever knew it has proven itself the greatest of all spring medicines in montreal toronto hamilton london qaebeo halifax st john winnipeg and other cities the leading druggists nave found that tbe demand for paines celery compound surpasses that of all other remedies together painoa celery compound taken during the early bpring days has evon moro than its usual remarkable effloaoy jh jnaklng people well it makes nhort work of disease it rapidly drives out nesraia sleeplessnesp dyspepsia and rheumatism from the by stem it removes that lassi tude or tired feeling whioh betokens weakened nerves and poor blood omen working fo oloao offices aalea- jzzfl women tired out and nervous from long hpura standing on their feet and waiting on impatient irritating customers j over worked worried and disheartened men and women every where willbe astonished to find how muoh happier lifo becomes when their nerves have been strengthened and their btood purified by means of this great remedy no other remedy has tho hearty approval of a like body of eduoated men and women and professional med nor has there ever beena remedy that was welcomed in so many intelligent prudent homes whoro care is taken to get only tho bebt in so vital a matter in such families all over the country paines celery compound is tho first last and only remedy used prof phelps had studied the nerves in health and disease when well nourished and when undernonrished in men and women and children years before he looked for the remedy paines celery compound a the outcome of his ontire professional life it is the one remedy that tho world oould not loose today at any price p celory compound induces tbe body to tako ou solid flebh pbyeioians recognize painos celory compound as the ono apocific spring remedy and it is universally prescribed by the in whorever thero is great need of a vigorous and prompt restoring of hoalth and strength to the wornout systom paino6 celery cuoipound is the best spring remedy booaube it ia moro than a mere bpring remedy it bring a about a healthy appotito complete digoation regal ar aotion of tho bowels and the other oxoretory organa wbenover taken whether in summer orinwinter but as the greatest of spring remodiea it has extraordinary opportunities for inducing the body to throw off morbid humors thatpoiaoo it and cause rheumatism neuralgia heart trooble and a general low atato of the health bb in spring the syetem ia moro pliable and obronlo diseases so boourely lodged in tfao system that they aro with dimanlty ousted become more tractable thousands of mon and women have found from personal experience that paines celory compound makes people well and keeps all from eipknebs who take trim ho bpring many a father and mother havo noticed ibe unmistakable improvement in the health of their obildren fromtaklng paines celery compound in the spring it ia the one boientifioally accurate remedy fitted by its contpbaition to thoroughly purify tho blood and dispel that exhaubtedfoelingand ret rid of bkin diseases hoadachob and flta of depreaaion with which children with weak nervoua systems as well as grown people aro afflicted polite hint8 william dean howell a father who emigrated to ohio half a century and more ago need this formal a to ret rid ot an in trusive visitor who bad worn out his welcome hs would be called oat on some busloess and woald amy to the guest i suppose you will not be here whan i re tarn so i wish yoa goodbye this was not bad except in comparison with the eaperb stratagem ascribed to gerrtt smith in snob emergencies a that named to sayin his family prayer after breakfast may the lord bless brother jones who leaved us on the looolook train this moro- fov- i alan auction the nearrsigbted temper ance lady always bids in the plaster cast of bacchus dr lows worm syrnp ia a aafe sure and reliable worm espalier acts equally well ou children or adults be sure you get lows the farmers prefer tho silent lay of the hen to the musical notes of the rooiter a lady writes i was enabled to remove the corns root and branoh by the dse of holloways corn cure others who nave tried it have tbe same experience the woman wbo hesitates is won moodtlnulnhad blood that is bad makes the whole body siok blood that iigood makes the whole body strong healthy and vigorous bur- dook blood bitters makes good rich red blood i regard bl b b as the best msdiplne in the world to make rich red blood it cured me after suffering two twntwealhisibloodi gleasori cantreton ont wlio built the pyramids t hard to toll in aorrae instances but we know who are the flreat nerve jmllderp they are scott and bowne their scotts emulsion feeds and atrsogtbeus brain and nerve i tbe kingston xaoornotivs works closed a contract with abv wfnister of hallways at ottawa toballd several locomotives for the intercolonial lullway fat is absolutely neces sary as an article of diet if it is hot of the right kind it may not be digested then the body will not get enoiigh of it in this event there 16ffttstafvatigfk the colonel our whiskey and ou horses majah are still reckoned the bebt in the orid the mayor yea colonel but even in kentucky the bicycle is taking tho pi a co of the horse the colonel that may bo majah but you and i will novor seo anything that will take the place of tho whiskey not so easy it is not so easy to ouro an obatlnato cough it wont oure itself norway pino syrup is tho remedy indicated becaueo its record shows thac it always aures coughs colds and all lung troubles necessity knows no law and is usually too poor to hire a lawyer hagyards yellow oil curea sprains bruises wounds oute frostbites chilblains stings of inseotp burns scalds contusions etc price 26o mrs strongmind and for what are you incarcerated here my poor man prreoner i married a hew woman mrs strongmind sbtonibbodimporb- iblel you couldnt be put in jail for that prisoner but i was i i married ft new woman and tho old woman i already bad kicked about it and put mo here for bigamy how to keep well without rrgular aotion of the bowels good health is impoaeiblo laxallver piiib regulato the bowelb oure constipation dyspepsia biliousness bick headache snd all affections of the organs of digestion prlco 2go all drufigists a great many pcrsoub blnpu uetr come in for tbe simplu reaou umt they are wreoked on the bar of a saloon scotts emulsion supplies this needed fat of the right kind in the right quantity and in the form already partly digested as a result all the organs and tissues take on activity 50c and 100 all drugrlfti scott a bownb chcmiiu tonuoa among the few great joys of life la stsy- tnin bed fifteen minutes after we have been told to get op pile tarr bwe pr agnaws olntbt inds at the hto as wllsvsrpbetjsrlftd w feiormio blrtisttilifw woman are judged by their acbompllbh- ments and men by what they accomplish mr t j hnmep colombup ohio writes i have been affile tod for some time with kidney and liiver llompiainis and und parmeloes pills the best mediolne for those diseases thoso pills do not cause pain or griping and should be nied whon a oatbartio is required they are gelatine coated and rolled in the flour of licorioe to preserve their purity arid give them a ploaaaut agreeable taato sometimes the girl helps her bashful lover out and sometimes it is her father doane kidney nils doans kidney fills act on the kidneys bladder and urinary organs only thny joure baokaohes weak baok rheumatism diabetes opngeatinn inflammation gravel b rights disease and all other diseases arising frbrn wrong aotion of the kidneys and bladder the servant girl is burrounded by perils seen unseen and korosoco milbnrns sterling hnadaobo powders oure the worst headaohe in from flvo to twenty ralnuies and leavo no bad after effects one powder fie s powdera 10c 10 powders 25a silent pooplo are not popular beoaase they are eupposod to bo engaged in crit icising talkatlyodeopte castoria for infants and children 99 wyndham slguelpli the leading tailor and furnibher case ajsd one pbtoe r shops and wareroom3 foot ol willow st calls attendeid to day or night j jl sjeilit fc go undertakers and embalmers acton opt- latest styles lexperienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furni of ait kinds i a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited 0 a speight co orders left with j n 8tin8on rocscwood will receive immediate attention o4frooooeoooooooooseciio grand trunk railway noind wkht mall 4rtftiii kxprca i cipni mail 7 coinn 10ki i fxprtbh kxiircfth mall mfxu n an nm 10 47 nm fi 11 u io cu jm tim1- or lorjlno mm mi goliii wopt0 25 nm ancljsho pm going kabt 10 10nni mid b 45 pm itfiu timo tabic wont into effect on mnntln nov sotli ibm brhntford galvanized steel wiajd mills and towers for foiyet and pump tqk wiriixn- toflaicovflrod ooar patent roflar ana ball bearings maple leaf- grain grinder two sizls for an y powiill no i has io inch reversible burr no 2 has 8 inch single burrs both have ball- bearing burr plates r c 1 1 e springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in tho market best material lig hies running send for illustrated catalogue bbantfordcari johnwqueen acton agent for above also for frost and wood binders and mowers a full line of all kinds of farm implements and repairs these you want- worth wear style strength ghocegheapnessr the combinailon is offered- in our stock o new and ras goods wh eludes all things new and desirable in line of boot9 shoes and rubbers examination will show that our stock 13 especially strong in style besides bcinj un equalled in variety and first in favor because ofthe hirii grade quality nothing will convince like personal inspeciion that for seaspnablegootts and reasonable prices the best place in nt williams boot shoe store mill street acton georgetown electric works tj sphiailt proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams plpa anabtoilui fitting uid qonoral ilcpalr ift lloinscqaippodnuuabaabreldknichluo am prepared to do brazluon blovda kraiuoa ac whuoli coavartoil from dlroot to tangent bpoltoa emiiiio liars bont to anv doslrod angln pull line of bpokob kopt in atook hatisfaatlon bnaantcoil llloyolcs euauiellod in auy color tj spetaht qooibotown s for the early to bed early to rise stick to business and ad nowia the lime to advertise teonle are going to have money to spend this win ter as they liavo not had for years enquire ntthe fpeefbiiss office for rates and space bring health tiion beauty fbliovs thby clear the muddy complexioi chnso away slcfc headaches and bilious spells cure dyspepsia and remove all poisonous matter from the system mm addle therrlalt i6 brussels htreot ht john nik saysi iko- liver rills curod mo of constlpntfoti indlfrentlon and hhiihia henclachen they hnve corrected iho irreffularlttea of jliver and btomnch and restored my entire system to hoalthy natural action tlio roost meddlesomo perbona alwayb have an idea that thoy liavo no onriosity wbatever a life saved mr james bryaoti oameiod btates i was oonflnod to my bed with inflammation of the inngeand wswivftnhpby4libphysioianura nlgb bor advised mo to try dr thomas enleo- trio oil stating that his wife bad used it for a throat troublo with the best results acting- on bis fcdvioe i proonred tho mediolne and less than a half bottle cured me 1 certainly believe it saved my lifo it was with reluctance that i conientocl to a trial as i was in suoh a stnte tint i doubted tho power of any remedy to do me any good 3toai vhermoineterb are foafadiiiqentlqokltg ffain knd yet thay have inado hopeltsa r ont of thou and of mm one laialiver fill enry night for thirty daya makra a oomplote care of illoaineia and constipation that it nal 25 oonla to bo onred gongoniality ia what wo discover io pooplo who keep still and let us lalk about ouraelvea qnccr heart fecllngg queer feeliuga in iho heart are dally oomplaioed of by muhlludea ol pooplo dont know tho oanae but it makes them nervon irritable and unfit lor ellher work or pleaare mr d a boia allaa cralp oat eiplainb it uo lays it oimo from la grippe i waa irrilabls wor ried- dlray abort of breath and had aaoh ijaeer feeling in my heart that i thoaght i woam give op the ghost milbnrns hi art a nerve fills changed all thl and i am free todayfrom all thiae troubles you get all the local and general news and it costs you only thi larqcbvdalbsm canada sckntlflc jftncricaii r eerorsuwcwldaior t a

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