Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1898, p. 1

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vo linus xxiii no i8 wht xtoit jtsz rss ib puflllbhkd every thursday morning at the free preasstcani printing ofhco mllh street acton ont thumb op souacniptios ono dollar nor yoar striatlyiu advauco all mibacrlptlonb diacon- ttuuod wlion tho time for wit leb thoy have boon paid baa oxrrpd tho ddto to which ovory subjorintlon 1b paid 1b douotod on tho address labol advertibino ratkb trftublont advertise- uioota jo couta nor nonparoullneffor first tn- ortioii 3 conta por jino for oaob subsequent asortlon oontbaotiutbb tha following tablo shows ur rates for tbo insortion of advortisotnontafor spociflodnorloda baby carriages 1 yft 6 mo 8 mo imp aolaobos 1 86000 3300 taooo 700 to lnohos 3300 9000 laoo aoo sinohob 1 inch 9000 13 00 700 260 1 600 a 60 900 100 advorttaomonta without neolflo dlrootions will be lnaorted till forbid and charged accord- nrlytranalont advortlaementa must bo paid n advance advert ibomonta will be changed once each month if desired for changes oftener tban docoamonth the composition must be paid for at rcgulai rates chaagoa for contract advertiaomontb must be n fcheoluco by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hpmoore editor and proprietor new- styles in baby carriages first supply for 1395 at dajs bookstore guelpli tr-fb- traders bank of canada day sells cheap business directory j f tjken m d o m offlce and residence corner mill frederick streets acton as elliott m d m b ac ton r qnipuatb tordnto univebsitt opfige main street third door south of proabytorian church acton dryden d eye eaii thboat and nobb mcleans block douglas st noar p o guelph office houns 10 am to 1 pm and 3 to if pm sdndatb 10 am to 1 pm veterinary suroeon lfred p husband v s graduate of the ontario votorlnary coiioko honorary member of tbo veterinary medical society office wm husbands lot 94 con i noaa- agaweya calls day or night promptly attendod to the limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw h pxiiioaandsoles last twicet as long all cast parts have our name and address in full on them see that you get them it will pay you the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in the market guaranteed to cut 20 tons an hour and deliver 40 feet full line of straw cutters and root ptilpers roller bearings ah kinds of wheelbarrows authorized capita 1000000 cuelph branch sums of 91 and upwards kpeived on deposit and highest current roltfl of interest paid or conipoundod halfyearly dop6ait receipts issued for large btrms dbpoaited advances made torebponbribo farmers on their own names no cnrfiqinadefqrcqheitin sales notes if payable in ouelph a general banking buslnese transacted a fir jones manager poetry the wilkinson plough company limited toronto dental t l bennettldb dentist mjm okoboktown omtabio dr f s mercer dektist oradutto of toronto university and bcdb oflioouvur drug btoro acton visitiko days tuunsday and fbidav m bell dds lds tf dentist bnookvllij honor graduate of toronto universitt workmadobatibfaotqry prices moderate viaitino days monday aftornoona and fri day of each week krg h c06k jlx nfntibt- cor college st and spadina avei aunun iu will visit acton on the first and third satur days of oach month office mr adam cooks roaldonco main btreot legal m clean 4 mclean barrlbtorbbouoltors hotarios oonvoyancora lo rrirato funds to loan offloe town hall aoton wm a molkuj jhoa moleak a j mackinnon uaimiutbb solicitor contkvaxcer omice mill btreot in matthowa block upstairs rp o mthebqn jb molbod x anristbna boiaoirors conveyancers ooorgetown and milton modov to loan at lowest rates r j monabb olojk fourth division court county of bal- oncouyoyanoerabontflroandlilfoaauranoo ilnal eltato agont monoy to loau oto 0icb porrymauablook aoton ont miscellaneous h bnbx gbi8t ottawj oasada solicitor of patent for invention etc rrobarei applications for the canadian amu loan mid europoan patent offlcee and for the itfglilratlon ol trado marai bend for pam phlet thirtytyro voan e vibanois ntjnan dookbindeb wvndhambt ouelph ontario ovor wllllami store aooount booka of all kind made to order perlodlcaleof every deiorlptloncarefullybound uultnpneatlvri promptlynone m arbiaoe licenses rtp uoobe ipnnkii or uabbuab iiigehbbb prlatoofboo no wltneeaee required iaeuod robldeneoln the eveplog free pro offloe aoton 3vc0ney 171uu1br8 if you wlah to redueo toor b- otiecdro a flrbtiolbm loanof money at inalnureet audn easy term of repayment oner and d plenty of fuodi i alio lend on village property jackson ooirrttaiiqbu aasuomx liiib 0nm wyndham 8tnar city hall oobiph welllnglon mutol fire insurance company batabuibxd 1m0 tn8ubak0e on cath auaj knlqaj plan any vtm hemstbbbt lilomsid adotiohim for the counilea of wellington and halton ordervleflat thfm pmbb offloe aoton or atmyrmldenoelnaeton will be promptly at- eudedto feeanduomto iboo for farm bales alio money to loan on the moat favorable xmtwlmn rate of intarait in auma ofi mooaod pwarda acton saw mills haitovaotoavnaiio dkab lumber lath amngleu woo mlo all mod of wood in tojle an promptly deluered to any part of the town at reasonable prlom hardwood and labaeata alwayi of hand t tolephpqe oqiarooulcahi robt noble the highest 1 vice for wheat ai the peas warehouse oats acton barley station flour at bran acton shorts flour and 8beds all feed kinds of peed store try norval flour thebeat- panrtlytfl the ma frank harris manager the campaign prepare for winds we would oall your attention to tbo fact that wa tte prepared to supply yon with 1 amber of a aits die length for yoar baru doors viz 10 12 is or m feot also is hichincold and mckeea prfiparatlona never fail to do just what we represent them delow are ft few of our specialties mckees emujsionof cod liver on with hviophospiiites contstns5o oil is the most palatable and never tails to cure a sizes 35c and 75c besva1uegbinf mckees cakoiina pine balsam the greatest cough medicine latest sale gives entire satisfaction 2 sizes 25c and 50 cents mckees perfect liven pills cure ill ailments arising from derangement of the stomach and liver and only 10c per- box try them mckees anticeptic tooth wash a delightfully ragrint and healthy substitute for tooth powder preserves the enamel hardens the gums and imparls a sweet per fume to the breath 25c per bottle the march winds are drawing nigh when chapped handb and skin will be the order of the day so prepare yourself with a tube of lozelles gkuamofaimondsanikonbsr it-floftens- 4h6hi an pr is perfumed and is on sale at our store 25c per tube also just arrived parke davis enthymol cream parke davis enthymol tooth paste rernembejr everything is new and prices arc right at the peoples druf store sash doors frames mouldings eto for hn ifttoitwl i twrii pnt np tf asiow ta lute upostlble bvpair yoar pnrprja or pot iboew onei before it latoo cold wxcxirrjorr shop at foot of river straat acton tho8 ebbace manager clearing sale of ali fall and winter goods in orber to make room for our fine new stock of spring suits trouserings and overcoatings we wilt hold n clearing sale of all fa 11 and winter stock during the month of february we are prepared to lake your orders for suits thous9rs ousrcprts at very low prices for firstclass garments our reputation for stylo and fit is already established and we are prepared to ensure satisfaction to every customer icall early and have a good selection cooper it akln8 maim street acton tailors sun savings and loango head office toronto ont authorlted ckpitil sooqq00oo tenyear malurlty shares are paid in monthly iaatnloienls of 50c per share for no month when payments cease 6000 paid in mjtlorily value tioooo monery to loan at 3 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on oppll cation to r j mcnabb agcint aoton w barber bros papbr makzbs aeorl0i oktt tas mum lttowun or machlnp flhi iiioh obamwmkltnrwn h n flis jonrnal from wm babbxb brob seconds agate ware selling at less than cost in the ordinaryway so far as use goods agate ware seconds are as good as agate ware firsts its the wear the service that most women want these things for dont miss the sale- theres splendid value in this kitchen stuff j mbonpcoa hardware gublph klondike jd mckee chemist acton telephone correspondence trust us to look after your wall pfipffr wants rnrpfully trust us to make the price as low as honest business methods and- straightcash jauying can make it trust us when you want your pictures neatly framed we will see you do not regret it waters bros st georges square quelph main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor mannfaetaror of saab doon praniei motlldlu inallbtylea drsssoto mjltchino an mouzdino to order on abort nouoa well assorted itook on hand it jllcra iciu tbeumel john cameron prtjprletor bring your custom toya in and take the lumbar home withyou skvers lumber plaring mills nassakaweya b 8ayees propiictor has constamly on hand a full line of lumber lath shingles cedar posu wood jltc custom ugs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to tho best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p sayers ciiei pu i buftlneaa college hv inorthand institute bookkeeping penmansihlp shorthand typewriting and actual office work a specially wrjte for plrculara j sbarp principal queiph the illithvihle debate iirotlierlu bad a inootiujoat hb lively as could jo subject for dldctisaioti la salvation really froov fer tho rival uiooiin houaoa talked it out froui dark tor dawu tbnt theyd aavo tho prcbbytorianu but the mothodista wuz roiio 1 tlio uajitlataaald twue aatlu as tlio morula follorod nifjht that thoy had tbo road torsloryauwuzrunulu of it right an thp proud hiilscotiallanb aatd tlio thing uu plain as day that tboyd havotor take tho gospel tliokiils- copallau waj tlio mothodlata was ilougchi ou lioldln tor tlialr plapo anatlckln tor fboir privilege oflallhiwav frora- graco an bo thoy mat togotlior jeat oa curnoat as could bo tor sottlo that big quoit i on la stvlvaulan itoally krcov thoy talked fromdnrk tcrdayllnio tlioy shout- od out tbolr views thoy m ado the pulpit trlmblo rippud tlio railln off tbe powo iiut thoy como tor no dooislou till a jiroaclior aays aays bo- its eartin in this neighborhood salvations really froo au ill provo it i como up brothrou till youto ell in hearin reach jest toll ma wbarfl that salary jou prom i sod mo to pieaob v vouva bocti faodlnoii thogospot till tho souls of you afo fat an tho proachora coat la tbroadbaro an tbo wind howls through ills batl you lioton to tbosarmoiit but tho wholo con- touted crowd whoa wo tako up a collection aro aonoilu loog and lojid t cant hoar tho hymn woro fling hi tlio basket never boo an itvuy onblaaod jodgmont that youvo eat salvatlonroo i tbo irobbytorlan proacbor said hod biga ba namo tor that tio baptist said twuz aartln that tbo brother bad it pat i thoeplacopallau jlnod blm thar tffus plain aa plain could bo tbepooploln this neighborhood had got aalva- tlon froo i ono man laid down a dollar auothcr oi0 gavo nvo then tons an wontlos tluttorod till tho mootlti lookod allvo i au tho laat aoon of tbo proachors thoy wuz jottln down their notoa an bavin of tholr raoaauroa took for bran now broadcloth coats i atlanta constitution zutt yamiliy iuaijing ne pair of 2loes lty amkiia 11 llaim about thirtythree years ago a little boat was dropping blowly down tho med way below the old btono bridge of muijatono in it were rtlpb erroll and boable far- leigb and their is small wonder that they did not hurry their jouruey for to iliom it was a sail into loveludd dosae waa beau tiful tho air was redolent with the rich bftlmlytbiuerodorot hop ipr tint oqnr cosi and the sqairo began tor build fine btoro houses on his land for- ho was now dotormined to lnivo everything necebaary to tho culture of hops of tho very latest and beat doaoriptiorr in the meantime tbe whole family weroj learning extrava gances never thought of in uho days of sirnplo farming tom farleigh put no stint to his pleaeurea and thoy wero all of- an expensivo kind and doasio had develop ed equally eitonoive-derrfrcs- in tho wayof dretja and wateriiiepluaefl tho rqtiiro with all hia iutlux of ready monoy whb always in a tiht pluco in iholccond winter of her engagement beario vviisio stuy with a new acquaint ance in london ab far as itaph was concernod it watfa very unhappy visit he loved boaaio with all his heart bessie had begun to lovo many other things bp aides kalpn tlicharmaof london in all tlitir vplondid novelty captivated her imainalion a lite without tbo park and tho opera without balls and shopping aeomed like u rot urn to tbo dark bimplioity of farleigh before tho hop dajs bossio thought sho loved yet but she did not know her own heart until oue day ralph took her to eeo a little oottsge at richmond and told her how muob bis incomo wap abiinr her honestly to redeem her pledge to him at once sho was struck with dismay at ilia apparent narrowing of her life and positively refused to accede to an immediato marriage ludued tho possibility of breaking it off bad now entered her mind and bsingonoo admitted it mado rapid progress andfonnd plenty ofroasons and excuaes for its con duct ralph felt the chango but love is always blind where it- does not want to bee and one morning when ho read her engagement in tho afominp chronicle to a wealthy nmnato of the east indian board ho felt aal his life hod been buddenly smitten with blindness when a m11 ib oouetant there is no eon stanoy like it ltilph refused to blame boaaio everything und everybody were wroni but ehu j and he treasured tho little filovo that hud been a fuhblcse garo beyond all his possessions day after day ho watched the pout with a feverish hope that inpapacitated him far evory bthtif nmpoy- ment ho wroto and wrote to bessio and was quite sura that sooner or loiter sho would tlud moans to answer him tho only answor that ever came was a descrip tion of liar marriage festivities down at tho old hall at farleigh than he know his love was dead to bim and he tried to bury it in some bweot cor ner of his heart but just as he thought bo was succeeding ho ono day oame aoddenly face to fuco with bessie in oxford street he buffered so keenly after it that he deter mined on putting himself out of the way of ouch ouaounicra 80 ho advertised for floaio medical position and had three snewerr one would take him to canada ono to ireland and the other to india he determined to let tbo decision rest on which over offered him tho highest salary the indian appointment won and with in a few wceka he was on tho road to calcutta ho had doatroyed every me- were tbe little dumps of the pickery and drifting in tilf ul btralns oyer tbo river camo tbeeoboes of their eong and laughter it wob not an evening when love needed to plead ho could let his presence blend with all other sweet influences and trust to tho effect ueasio felt tbo charm of the sweet gloaming and tho still stronger charm of ralphs presence by and by tbe boat drlftod into a cove and stoppirjft aehore thoy wero in a purk that robo frad- aally toward an old rey hall see italph tbero aro likhls hi the parlor t we must go home wait hero ono mmuto beanie i havo bomothing towek you when i have mads a little practice in loodon will you bo ray wl aiibwu mu t now llkp yood honest girl ought to i will jlalph and when they camo in among the old- fl bed they were sole pi edp to share lifes fortune together for one minute they stood leamqg on au old sun dial and in the newlyrisen mootl every thing about bessie had a strangely be witohtag besnty ralph could not help noticing how exceedingly small and shapely was the band that lay in his and bow dainty and pretty the pearlcolored kid glove that oovered it when they wore partijig hobaid j bebsie this has been a great night for me give me this glove that i may know tomorrow it was not all a dream bessie laid it in her lovers hand with a mils and a kiss tako it ralph sho said it is my gage that i will redeem my promljid ralph put tho delicate littlo pledge away and went up to london ho had uorne- thing to work for and hope now and ho soon mado these influences tell bessies parents had not objected to the mat oh sqniro farleigh was the poorest of a long raoe of kenlith squires and though tbo old hall and lands remained ho had not been a successful farmer and money was very scarce with him there seemed notjilnfi better for bessie than that she should marry erroll for house and lands must no to her brother tom and every year tbs savings toward her dower had been less and less but the very next spring after boailui engagement a speculative neighbor who bad money proposed to the sqilre the planting of the rioh meadows of farleigh in bops everyone knows that ihe oultars of hops is the gamboling of agriculture itrnprnjt wt innky ronmi fni- squire farleigh it was a new crop to bis lands the yield was enormout and the rate of duty on which everything bapfia unusuolly small when tbe picking wm over the hops sold and profits divided the aqulre had four thousand pounds in the bank everything looked different now be bad found a ktondlke at hia own door and could do nothing bat abuse tbe conventiooal stupidity which had led him always to plant wheat and oats aud feed cattle simply became iho squires before him had alwas done so but he was no better able to bear sudrton riohea than most men ire he immediate ly launched into unusual expenses re tar nished the hall and rebuilt hie kennels and bought a 000 pi 0 of banting horscm there was plenty of time for beiiisi dower next years crop would provide for her and indeed be batf already begun to doubt tbe wisdom ot bessies choice ha told himself that she would never llvs id a close city and a doctor to bm was ooy associated with soenes of death and mlmry tbe peat jears orop waa anolbttf sao- tntmtoorhlbbgarrntetf qqg that lifst night in england when she had sadly burnt bsaeiaa letterp and her little glftb and oven her picturo ho had not been able to commit to destruction that dainty little flovo thut had so long comforted him it seemed almost part of bessio ond though ho several times dropped it towards tho fumq he unally put it away witli a sad and hulf repoachublo tender- neb3 it found ib homo in no very romantic place a secret drawer in hia modicino cheat and there through eighteen long yoare it romaiuod uutouohed and unlooked at in this retreat it went with rlph to culcutta und after a few months he had no temptatiou to disturb it ho nad bo- coi 1 c a e iu bra p devoted botanlat and in tho two pursuits found ample interestin life his salary waa a very gooi one and ho was not indifferent to the fact he loved money jubt enough to bo anxious to make it and as bis practice lay very moeb among native princes and begums bis pro fessional rewards wero frequently vory magnificent twenty years ago those dig- nitaries did not oalouiato quite so closely as they do now good investments werd plentiful and ralph was known as a man who always bads few thousand rupee for aprofltablo eohemo hs grew attaobed to his indian life one relay of officers after another was exchang ed or sent home on long furloughs but ralph never thought of any ohango save a few weeks every summer to the cool heights ol the neilghorrys probably ho would hvodlod a very oontented exile if ba had not received a letter in tbo eightoonth yoar of his indian life tolling him that he had become the lawful heir to tho barony of erroll and hastings then bo went bok to england bat after tho first excitement and ploasare of bis return and bis newpoeitlon was over be began to fool a sense jof ennui and dis appointment his profession was dear to his faieart and it was im at on rift to und the oalmeasy ddties ofja oountry gentleman equivalout for theexolting inoif dents und laborsof a physician whoso air cult had extended over a range of fifty miles every way in fact in spite of wealth and honors he was bored and seriously looliuod to a journey of unlimited length in any oountry or ooaotrlos that promised him something to do or to learn he bad oomo op to london with this idea in embryo resolving to make inquiries and preparations thero bessie had no ptaoe in this movement he knew indeed that she was living in hampshire fie had no thought or hope of meeting her and would have avoided such a possibility at aomn personal trouble probably be still feared her power over him for he- had never dared to look at the only souvenir of their lova nor yet to love any other woman he did not hurry bis preparations but talked at the various oubs with various travelers on polar and tropic lands and wavered considerably in his intentions one day when ho had about decided on california and the groat west ho met an old indian acquaintance at the orien tal thoy had a long chat together and as tho major was leaving he said doctor i want you tomorrow night my daughter belle you saved her in that janglefever yon knowis to be married soou to jack pawaon of ours aud it la her betrothal party i never meddle in stiuh aflalrs major i will oomo aoqtfier night and see miss bella but the happy father would hear of no excuse and ralph was obliged to go it wasp vry splendid affair but tbe dootcr was used to indian msgninaauoo and tho bplondor did not interest him what pleased him most wbb tho roups of fair innicentiooking girls tbeir palobrown carls and blue eyes and rosy bkinp and their candid childlike joyouariess con trasted so vividly with tbn bronzecolored darkeyed halfveiled mysterious beauties of the far kast by and by waudorlog a conser vatory he camo suddenly apon a sight which gavo biro au inexpreiaibla emotion a little scented pparlcolorod glove lying ona rustic table tlo stood looking at it with astrangely tehdor feeling id iiis heart and in a few moments a youo girl glided up to him and looking bhyly in bis faoe said it is my glove blr then ralph looked at her sho woe a little rosebud of a girl clothed in pearl- gray bilk whito lace and piqk ribbons and he fell irremediably iu love with bor in that one moment ho followed her timidly about for an hour or two and finally got an introduction to hor mim bessie wil- mont it was bessio farletghs daughter of course but he was thinking so little of the old bessie tit that moment that the oircamatarjco never btruok liina until somd one asked tbo new bessie as thoy passed ber wben sho went next to farleigh well this mooting ohangod all ralphs plans he did not go to california bo went down to farleigh in a tend he found tho squire alive and prosper ing farleigh hall had become one of the show plaoes in kent and in la old gardens and again floating down tho bled way when bops filled the air with a rloher perfume than ollbanpm or nard he wooed and won tho lovelybeaalo wilraot ho has two little pearlcolored gloves now and the first bobbio lavufjhed pleasant ly whon she allowed ber tbat the two wero excellent raatohoa and made a pair the eooond gago redeems the firat bhe said with a tender happy look at the little bessie so dear to them both three years ago thoy were married and ralph does not now find tho country gentlemans life dull indeed as he has some idea of taking sqoire fftrloigha advice and planting hops io erroll meadows i havo no doubt ho will find in the uncertain ty and anxiety of their culture luxation and sale plenty ot material fur excitement if bo still thiuks itneceesary tohappincbs the angry mother jacks mistake jaok was a venturesome little obap one day be hoard at echool that tom webbs boat had struck tbe rooks under the bridge and waa breaking to pieces jaok wanted to see it so on bis way hopjo ho turned off to tbo railway bridge which croasea tho littlo river just where it was full of rooks it wa a rough and dangerous place creeping uiong thelittle boy bent over until hia ho ad grow dizzy and if ho had not jumped up quickly he would havo fallen and something else might havo happened too if ho hadstayed there two minutes l for hfliiadlno egoner s aiailway train camo rushing along that would have crushod him to death in u moment but jack thought ha had dono a very smart thing ho ran home aid at the dinnor labia boatttod that ho iittd beeu down on the railway bridgu and seon tom webbs boat among tho rock mill iiud jtint time to get off whon the express caino along father and mother lojkodnt each other but not a word was said jack thought thoy would praiso him bat they did not aftor dinner father took tlio littlo boy into his study ho looked eo very sober jack bngan to feel that aom ctlil ng dreadful was coming father ant down in bis ohnir drow tho boy up to his sido and put bin arm around him jack said he you ihouut yoii were very brave today didnt yon but going into danger when there ia no need of it is no mark of courage it ia rash and wioked then papa stopped and jupk began to ory but ho never forgot tho words of advice that followed my dear boy never try bow far you can go in a dangerous place always beep on tho safe sido a doll making town almost tho entire population of mont- reul franco is engaged in he manufac ture of dolls heads tho biscuit from which the heads are mado is composed of lime and oatth mixed and trampled until it becomes a bpocies of kaolin which is steeped several days tho longer tho batter washed filtered and trained again and again until it is dazzliagly pure and white tho somiliqafd is then poured in moulds of whioh there aro seventeen ahce and when dry aro turned out of the moulds and delivered to tho women who insert the eyes and affix the ears eto- after whioh thoy are baked forty eight hours in an oven which contains 2500 heads tho heads after cooling are polished with sandpaper and the flesh tints laid op after whioh skillful artists color tho features and put iu tho labhes and eyebrows and when the beads have beon baked seven hours longor they aro ready to bo attached to the bodies making the dolly which forms so delightful part of oil rial mis to every young femininity a complete story in photo- graphs iu the hands of clifton johnson the camera has told the story of an entire day in a oountry school with a vividness tnat words cannot approaoti tbls unique set of pictures mr johnson nude for the ladle ome journal and they are reproduced in the march issue they are of special value in showing how aoo urate and ia what detail camera can be employed in recording a aerie of incidents and also to amateur photographers as rep resenting what can be icoonopliahed when art and photography aro united fatal knowledge after he had kissed tier and pressed her rosy cheek against his and putted her soft round ohln she drew baok and asked george do you shave yourself yes he replied 1 thought so ahe said your faoe is tbe rooghest lever tbsn she stopped bqt it waa too late and ho went away with a 00 id heavy lump in his breast it is economy to profit by ihe experlenoe of others thousands have been cared by hoods 8arsaparllla why not you 7 she waa angry the boy had been in trouble again tho boy usually was in trouble of somo kind and oven a mothers patlonce will givoout in lime youretbo worst behaved hoy in tho nolghborhpod sho slid the boys father lookod up from his paper as if sorhowhat astoniahod but one glance was sufficient to convinco him that he didnt care to get mixed up in the affair youre always in some bind of a sorapo sho wont oh dont see why you cant act like othorbpya tho boy had nothing to say a boy learns early in life that there are limes when there ia nothing to do but hold hib peace and the lesson stands him in good stead later in life whon ho marries i never hear of willie long throwing buowballa at the littlo girls whon thoy are oomiug home from sunday sohool she continued jn oarnost tones i never bco jaok billings throwing stones into mud puddles to apfatter pooplo and toroqiy tandy novor talksbaok to hia cljers or speaks disrespectfully to his mother i havent said a word protested tre boy not today admitted his mother but yesterday i was actually ashamed of you because of your importinouco and today i saw you b winging on the browns gate which you have boen report edly told not to bocauqo it pulls off the hlngcb you have had a fight with harry jones too im sure i dont know what to do with you to make you behave properly this seemed to be an opportune time for the boys father to chip in so he aug- gebtod i quito agreo with you ray dear i think wo ought to dosometbing to improve georgiea manners hes too rough and noisy and rogardlosa of the rights of others he seems to have acquired a reputation as tho worst boy in tho neigh borhood and who says hod tho worst boy in tho neighborhood demanded his mother promptly it was probably that man billings that you go to town with in the morning and i wantto bay right now that his boy jack is as bad as two of our georgia or maybe the longs have been talking if our goorgio was as rough and unmannerly as their willie they would havo reason to talk and you can jubt tell mr look bo the next time you see him worst behaved boy iu tbo neighborhood 1 well id juat likesomebody try to tell me that chioago post ctfiiic vi apart aivnilv and rest a hoft loving yoico falls siyoot on my our bidding mo paubo its words to iiuar tla iho saviour speaks iu uccmiuialuiir goutly ho cab couie clilldruu j cur unsatlsuod wuary of lifus imu nil u como yo apart aud rout awhilo froiritho turmoil ol earth its uqibo and frut from thorny paths thy foot have mot from ploaauros that fado aud luayo hut rcrot from grlofo tho boart can neer iorct from siim that beset from carcntlmlbccuill como yoaiart aud rest uwhtlo fronj tho purdou and boat of lifoyi lilofduy turn- christ lab tijrn tbo call olicy with hiin bur loader ourijiiltloiuitlutay our wiuulootwilj no uiorohtrnv in tho atrongth of ilislov tlia pcaco of ilia aralio jpoino ye apart aud rest awhilo how a day may be lost kindness to be kind is not bo diflioutt aa bome seem to fancy the habit of kindnebs may easily bo cultivated and ie always profitable a writer iu cascl s journal rolatcb au incident whioh well illustrates this point some years ago a friend of mine owned a handsome retriever dog tho animal received more- kjoks than curcqaeb from his master and i waa continually remonstrat- iugwith my friend on hu cfudity to hia fog biitlilb only rnnwer w thp nqhwl ono tho more you kick him tho moro ho will love you i was very kind to his dog aud my kindness was well rewarded one ufterueon my frieid and i tried to prevent his do getting in the boat hut i eventually prevailed on him to let thn dog accompany un on the return journey a fog camo on and the twell from a passing bteumor awamped u3 with ths result that our boat upset uud wu wore struuling iu tho water we could i6t uwim and the ateamora crew could not eco uu although thoy could hear our cries for hulp as i was sinking tho dog grabbed mo und pull- ed mo to the upturned boat but i could not get him to try to bave his man tor who was drowned the waste basket what an interesting study is the waste basket it id the bopulcber where many a lriendshipliarl buried where londhopoa are withering whore noble ambition sleeps but its bilenoe is perfumed with tbe flowers of poetry and enriched with many a gem of thought it it also a refuge in which tbo editor bides many a man not ouly from the aesualts of otberp but often perbapb from his own folly bot perhaps the highest value ot tbe waste basket is that it furnishes a true index to tbe char acter of the paper a truer estimate to the oharabter of a newspaper can be gath ered from an examination of the waste basket than can be learned from the flies of tho paper it resembles human life in its composite character it is d jumble of wisdom and folly of sense and nonsense of prose and poetry tho names that go down into it represent all social moral and intellectual gradea and all phasob of human character great is the wnato basket and great tho work it does for humanity the growth of christian endeavor it is to be found organized in every denomination it is iu the army and navy and among the cabmen and police it is among the men of the lifesaving atatioua it has even penetrated tbe prisons and laid hold of the prisoners and is seeking to lift thorn up to a better life where is it hot it has swept round the world and has conquered iu every clime and what is the great lesson this teaches it ia this that the profession ot a faith in christianity is not enough there must be the practice of it men profess faith and stand atone still but the word of god is hpeak unto tho ohildren of israel that thoy go forward o e chimes in with that it is an organ ised endeavor to do gods will it mqets the longing heart with enoouragiug help and sympathetic fellowship intelligence of endeavorers no one can attend a o convention without realising that tbe young people are intelligent their papers their disousalons thslr testimony given in the sunrise prayermeeting all go to show that and yet what satisfied as at first does not continue to satisfy as we mast advance young men go to college and university to get learning but many oannot do that what then shall they db we answer read booka constitute the modern university well ohoeeo books tried tested books books by the best men today the vagaries of the higher iritfplsm penetrate bar religious teaching making what before wmnwki quagmire an excellent book on this is published by tha american traot society primeval revelation by j oynddylan jones c a tfudyti all work ia for god in a certain sen bo we do our businesa for him wo keep houao for him we drivo tbo team or run the engine or keep the books or sell tho goods or carry tho mail or sow tho soums or build the houao for him hcnco we must do honest and good work always whatever our occupation it is ajt for gods eye yet it is truo that beaideh what we call our weekday work all of us have apooial work todo for god our fathers business wo are in this world for christ part of pur duty in addition to our secular affairs is to do good in the ways that bar divine maater may indicate to perform the tasks omovtt and service hat he may allot to us all of our busy days for example we are to be gentle kindly patient christly to oyery orio whoso lifo touohes ours in tho heaviest preasuro of our task work wo must novor fail to do the kindnobb that wo are called to do wo muat never bo too much occupied in thia worlds affairs to do tbo part of iho good samaritan if by our bide we find a wouuded brother wo must got into every ono of our days bomowork forcbritjt wo all remember tho story of tho king who counted that day lo3tin which somo other life had not been mado happier that day b lost iu a christians lifo which has no record of blessing to tho world and glory to god habits of industry youth is tho time to teach your childron habits of industry never encourage idlooeeb oraloth in tho young a lazy boy or girl should have their laxtnobs drammed out of them even if you ehoatd exeroibq yourself mildly and judiciously as solomon direots when the lazy youngster comes to maturity it will have that inborn feel- ing of being tired which will mako all its days a reproach and of which you the fond parent will be largely to blame if you inculcate habits of industry in the children do botbe afraid that they will hlnk you cruel tho day will come when your ashes will be bleated by them for doing your duty the school would beabsent atrncortginpatochl a ollnaremo tc muirland diatriot of a son titer u scotch county the attendanco had from various causes dwiudlodduwu to a ainnio eelfreli- ant boy and one forenoon in a lull of tho school work tho iittje follow looked up at his preceptor with a reflective air and baid maiater i think tha ggihiioii no bo in tho morn- what puts that in your head haught ily inquired thu munter bccatibo ill no bo hero tli morti im gaun to carnualh fair wiv my father replied tho youngdtcr occupation man must have occupation or be miser able toil in the prico of bleep and appetito of health and eojoymeut tbo very neces sity which overcomes our natural sloth is a blesbiug tho whole world does not con laj u even a jweroj jhor nb ilioh ji rturfl could havo spared we are huppior with tho sterility which we overcomo by indus try tban we coull havo beon witb spoutan- eous plenty aud un bout del ptoaion tbo body and mind are improved by the toil that fatigues them tbo toil is a thousand times rewarded by the pleasure which it bcatowp its enjoyments are peculiar no wealth can purchato them no iodolonce can taste them they flow only from exertions which repay the laborer make old dresses new diamond- dyes the simp lest and easiest way of home dyeing- theli- great superiority over au other ways of home dyolngr a tencent package will color from one to five pounds of goods colore that wlltnot wash out in strongrsoapbuds success in home dyeing depends wholly upon tho kind of dyes used with diam ond dyes if the simple directions on the package are followed carefully and tho bpecial dyes for cotton arc used for cotton and mixed goods and tho wool dyes used for woollen tbero is absolutely no chanoo of failure diamond dyea aro very simple and easy to ubb and by using a stick to lift the goods while ia the dyobath thero is no need of soiling the hands for beauty hrillinqny and fastness no other dye btuftd whethor for home use or for tho dyeshop equal the diamond tho latcat eolentl da discoveries are used in their manufacture they are guaranteed tho strongest and fastest of all known diss and their solid colors will not wash out in the strongest soapsuds nor will they fade when exposed tobanllglit try diamond dyea onco and seo how easy it is to make old and faded drenhea waists ribbons coats eta look liko now seldom speak of yonreelf and always with modesty kate garrio was just as hciuhii as sho could bo last summer maud in what way kale why thero was only one man p the hotel and alio ktaycd engaged to him tho whole biimmer w the sooner yon begin to bfllit tha fire tho more easily it may be eitluguiahed the sooner you begirt taking ayora sar- saparllla tor your blooddiseaee tho easier will be the a ore in both oases delay ia dangerous if not fatal be sure you get aysrs aud no other

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