Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1898, p. 2

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wyyjwyigiiifiymiimiyywymwy jl aonkw lu acton oo friday 11th marob to mr pamlmre john aguoir a daughter dild hi nu in naauaffawoya ou monday mrtroh 7 mury balomid wlfo of audrmr korr lnhui7hlh aar i tl i iamth at itidgoiowii on tuesday bui mnrch ljttura carniiboll bolovod wife of john 1 kulljauiuu tiiowi rton at tlio loblhouco of dr illicit 1 alormo on rhuraday jrd lust mary mar iarot howoll wlfo of obarloa ii thompson loriuorly of milton laiiid on sunday tbe lqtli inat at the rati donee of kor faihar no j53 hugbion street north uamlltou aggie youngest daughter of 1 w laird and hilar of mrs ko i a maopboreou aotou scije xton jfm ws thur8day march 17 j8d8 notes an o comments the australasian government are roported to have agreed to oontribate one- tbifd of tbo ooit of lftyinr tha rltinh paploa aablo between australia mud new zealand and canada leaving one third to be paid by canada and one third to be paid by great britain it is certainly good polloy for great bntalo to atand by the united stales in her obampioniblp of cuba and iu assura- lutf beneficent oxtemal responsibilities any where alee that ahe may think proper whether within or without the pale of the monroe doctrine the abienoe of foreign responsibility haa made the united btatei narrow minded and a olfworshlpping for- eigo responsibility la the destiny and native attribute of an anglosaxon ooaniry foreign interna la ahd retponilbllitles will not only make her more civil to all nations bnt will make her britaini friend and ally montreal wiimm the washington government hai already expended ten of the fitly millions voted by congress for natlonat deteqoe orders have been given by captain omell to the shell and powder firms under which 80000 projectile of all aallbrss and tbous ands of ponnde of brown powder are to bo manufactured commander r b brad ford obief of the bureaa of equipment has made arrangements for purchasing 225000 tons of coal in addition to some 15000 which be baa directed to be sent to key west and to the fork royal naval station meanwhile double shifts of men are at work in the shipyards and three shifts in converting ordnance rev dr carman ip answering rev dr grant bore iho- following tribute to the cause of temperance reform in ontario ontario has done well during the last twenty years to reduce the uoenses from 00oo to 8000 so that instead of a license for 800 ik is now a license for 800 people is encouraging enough to work on abolition of saloons onehalf in july 1898 the bal anoe in july 1800 prohibition for drag- gists except on medical certificate fixing hours of olosing increasing ago of minors from sixteen to twenty one years and other similar points are demonstration that the government has heeded the demand of prohibitionists and favored the great legis lative reform the klo e insane and thoughtless rush to the frozen oold fields the following letter from dr e a hall of victoria b o a native of thla county has just been received by the fbkk pnsss mv tiktn mn pitiivm at trig capital very interestrmr vlblt by members of the canadian press association ior someume 1 have thought pi request- ing yoo to call attention to the fact that at times insanity becomes epidemic and to sound a note of warning re this mad klondike rush the oondltion of affairs upon lbs trail is appalling and at skaguay a frozen hell many of the american boats engaged in transporting miners are old rotten bulks that have been idle for years anil are now pressed into service every day the return list of discouraged si ok and bankrupt fortune seekers morose ea varied only by an occasional corpse whloh bears the usual history of exposure pneumonia a lffa is too short to expend the earnings of a few years for the privilege of exper- unotpq t b work th mos sa weather and the vilest environment possible in the northwest for the shadow of a ohanoe of making a few thousands evan it nuggets be obtained ik is at the risk of a ahatteredxionsiituuorjndomsfeitsellr many of those passing through this city are totally unfit for the journey and soma are at present confined in nor hospitals to say nothing of the epidemic of meningitis at bkaguay whlob claims its viotimt dally nona but tha strongest young men abould attempt this journey in face of tha present difficulties and all should calmly count tha cost before deciding to take tha risk no man should leave a certainty for the un certainties of klondike many of tha reports of fabulous flnda are without foundation personally i know one man whom tha maritime papers represented aa having located a rich claim being offered half a million for it etc who was never in the district the wealth of the 00 an try is only exceeded by the lies exploited yours truly eehxst a hall victoria b 0 march lmb 1809 economy i buy seeds economy is not paying less monsy for a thing than you sxpeoted to pay true economy is good management and about the worst management a farmer oan be guilty of is to buy cheap saads and thus out the value of bis crops in half or worse a ytream oannot flow higher than its source and a crop cannot be any batter than its seed baal seed economy is buy ing seeds that bear the stamp of a bouaa that is koown to be reliable tben the planter is absolutely sure that ha gets what he wants spd what he pays for in every part of the country dealers sell tbs absolutely reliable seeds of p m ferry co of windsor out which have given good results for the last 42 years ferrys illustrated seed annual for 4898 contain ing information that no farmer or gardener can afford to be without will be aent free to anyone making application to the firm new music liberal offer a crowded programme tbo minimi mooting of tbo canadiau pries ajooointlou is always an occasion of mtinh nltercbt lo tlio member a ol tho craft who gallibt from nil oectiona of tlio oouutry to dlsoobb practical topiaa and to apeud a few daja logolber in eooial intercourse but wjicn tlio mooting is bold at the capital und especially whan the house of oommous is in session the interest is intensified and the environments possess unusual attrasllona to the busy men of the fourth estate who do not occupy ptaoea in the preii gallery the session held last week in the rail way committee room of the house of commons waa largely attended ancure various bastions were orowded wttn mat tersdf nraotical interest to the jqorpallstio profession toe social side was moro than usually replete with receptions dinners and other public functions while the oxolt ing debates in progress on the floor of the house ifforded exceptional opportunities for the visitors to see parliament at work in real earnest the address of major mclean of mon treal the president of the asbooition at the opening of the meotipg was able and oompiefaensive the addresses by mr frank a mamey of mtmwfa magazine and mr f james gibson of new york were highly appreciated by the association while the vliits and speeches by their exoellenoies lord and lady aberdeen ex- premier bowell and hon mr tarto gave variety to tfae proceedings and created special interest in these eminent personages the association is widening its member ship at thii session a number of mem bers from quebec and the maritime prov inces were admitted the new officers represent all braoobeb of the canadian press and inoladeb men of repute and experience as tbo following list proves president robert holmes jfew era clin ton 1st vice president w b ulngman herald stratford 2nd v100 president j b williaon globe toronto secretary j a cooper canadian magazine toronto assistant secretarj c a matthews globe toronto council dau mooilhcud dy signal goderlch w ireland star parry fioqud j t clark saturday nght toronto l j tarte la patrtc montreal a q f maodouald avuu alexandria among the attractive outside features incident to tbs stay at the capital were interest lug visits to the government print ing bureau geological survey fisheries exhibit the eddy paper mills and match factory eto mrs speaker edgar enter tained the members of the association at tea oh thursday afternoon and like all entertainments given by this oharmtng hostess it was delightful lady laurler was there with her guests mrs wilson and mils david mrs clifford sifton and her guests mrs walsh and mrs mao gannon mrs william mulock and mies molook miss boott the miaeoa tarte and misaltlonde and many members of the press association the annual dlnnsr at the russell house was a most saooessfol affair president mclean presided and on bis right and left were btii excellency lord aberdeen and hon mr borden minister of militia respectively the various toasts and after dinner speeobei by lord aberdeen hon mr borden hon mr tarte a pattollo m p p w f mpe m gtfc bheppard col denison and others wero enthusiastically received the dinner was over about midnight when most of the members went to the house to listen t o the conclusion of the debate on the ynkon railway bill vigorous speeches in the concluding hours of the debate were made by hon g e foster jno momillan sir charles topper and sir richard cartwright who dosed tbs debate at ten minutes to five on friday morning the house divided on mr bordens amendment to tha govern ments hallway bill whloh was that the terms of oontrtot with mann and mokeneie were indefensible and that the gonaerva iu wnhia anppnrt tt flftvornmunt in belle went into the drawing room and hoard mabter guy malnguy oarol hid aweoteai lays or the delightful tnuuio of mr jus morrif or stood ontraucod ae m du donifttno tlio violin wimrd wovo hia opollu of molod if it had not been for the dcairo to llsteu to tbo uploiulid pro gramirtu it woulihmvo be tin iird not toulli for a wilt thoro bunhoiimny braw look ing obiula- who in iho buay world tako notes of every lb ing that u going on yet uo one seemed to be in awe of them nor of tbolr powers of duubiug the whole bacuo off with a few strokes of tlio ready piu ft they wished like editors iu the dua of king solomon editors those uonder ful beings wero nothing a coo a u ted of they were as plentiful as blaabbarrloa ou a bramble hodgo in august ai for the pameb of all these olevor and interesting meu they aro written in previous ijsugu of iho journal their hxcelleualep as in their wont wero a biqd and thoughtful host and boatosa nd expected their staff to heo that the members of the canadian preee association who were iho spooial gueste of the eveulug were introduced to a sufficient number of people and properly lookod aftorai they were jr the morning trains on saturday left with most of the members of tbo association on their way homoward the oxperieuoe of tboae who left by the 8 a ra tram was somewhat oxoiting and no pssaongf r who was on board ti anxious for a repetition of the sensation when run ing at full speed about three miles east of sharbot lako at 10 46 a m the c p r cars train of four coaches was derailed and turned on tbolr aides against a friendly embankment the euliro train with iho exception of the englno itself left ihe track a spreading rail was the cause of the accident the coaches were considerably damanged and tho track ties and roadbed torn up for a dlatanoe of 200 yarda fortunately nobody wbb senoubly burrp though many wero badly shaken up among the piesengera were sir frank smith senator lougheed and several well- known journalists tbo aacidonl caused a delay of eight bourfl and instead of reaching toronto at 3 30 p m we got in about midnight and those of us who were bound farther west were obhgod to remain in the oity until monday morning siloam anniversary borvloss were held in tho ohurob here last sunday rev h b obribtie of st catharines a former pastor preached two interostlng and inspiring sermons with his old time eloquence on monday evening an entertainment was held mr christie addressed the congregation on methodlbt hym oology and rov mr molaohlan of aotou also gave a short address and mr wood of rookwood gave a reading the acton methodist sunday school orchestra die coarbed music during tho evening the attendance was good considering the etato of the roads and a vary pleasant time waa spent a neighb a the means op restoring a little oirlto health sho waa qradually fading away and har parents doubted her recovery to health milton at tbo annual meetiflg of the bible soolety rov mr mabffy was eleotod president j s doeoon secretary james hollinrako treasurer and thos header eon depository the receipts dnriog the year was 04 75 rev j w h mltne resignation has been aooeptod as pabtor ot boston uharob and rov a mahafly b a was appointed moderator by tbe presbytery a grand oonoert in aid of tbe y p a ot tfimrphnmhwlll h fllm in ih h to introdno oar naw monthly publica tion america popular jfwfo we make ibe following liberal offer bend ne lb nameeof bra of more performers on tbo piano or organ and fifteen otnu in money or poetaged w will mall yon sixteen page of ih latest popular soogs two stepe eto foil sheet mnaio arranged for piano or organ and american popular- music for three months address popular moslo oo ladianapolla ind auction 8 alb taoaadm 17tb starobieuotloo salt of farin stock and implement the property of jttal n garvin lot us oon heiqamiou 8ale t 1 oclock ww nesurmnrr aae tlonmr glvipg subslanllkl assistanoe to a railway which would not entail a mining monopoly tbe amendment was negatived xeae 65 nayi 110 the liberals voted solidly against the amddment with five coneemtiteahughes north victoria ont oottigan vlotorie n b hale carleton k b blanehard gloaoester n b and belhnne ylotoria n s tben ihe government bill waa carried by a major ity of 0i two conservative hughes and bethone voting with the government and three liberal isd a patron against it via oliver alberta molnnls nanaimo b o oasay west elgin and bogers patrob frontemo we had tbe pleasure of a long personal obat in iba afternoon with mr ban mann of tha firm of mann hokencia whose names have beoome so prominent in con nection with this tokon railway contract and who arrived from iba ooaat si few dayt before as is well known mr mann is a natite of acton and grow to manhood bare be was in excellent humor aa a result cl tbe vote on tbe bill and ia satisfied of it ultimate ancoeta in paaaing tbe home mr mann told us be would personally snmrlntnl the building of ihe new railway tbe oomlng spring and rammer h haa four of aba beat saddle horses obtainable endwlih these he will be ooqstantly moving over tha works mr mail ksilbauotber wellknown native of this vicinity hsa been given charge ot tha mann and l party hia staff oqnalalsofdrcusodenlo ilndsay ban meek winnipeg fred oalder winnipeg a m bums montreal and b e weldom st thomas mr mann aaya thla ia the laat bin oonlraot he will personally superintend ou family reside in mont- real and owing to the personal attention given to hit nllway and mining interests in the north west and british columbia be la rarely at borne for any length of jims mr minn inquired very kindly for bis father and many former friends here and desired to be remembered to all who enquired for him he ezpreated great regret a tha death of mr w h storey his interest in aolon la aa hearty aa aver the laat and perhaps tha most peculiar ly lomreellna item in tha snooaaslon of intsraailng avaota whloh obaraotetiied iba visit of lb pressmen to ottawa waa tb reosphon tendered by lord and lady aberdeen at ilideeu hall tb eleotrlo railway plaoed two tpsola cars at our die- efmijmlmbiyijgqrjrjyoand from g6vraamt mods aa their gaesu tb rmsntiom wast a most enjoyabl one und tbfjoflcflng from thefacllepsnof the ipljltsdwjnflflownloiriiiy and tbiti ufsef ferodbofdrt eotioi ohaira hall on friday evening mrs g s bowes left last week for pomona oal where bhe will spend three mouths with her sinter mrs dr tree man formerly of milton tho royal t6mplare have recently initi sted about forty new members the last list of oonviotions published shows that of the 10 oonviotions in tbe oounty tho peat three months 10 wore in georgetown 1 in milton and 2 ia oakville oeoroetown tho average attendance at tbo pnblia sohool last month was 205 tha band oonoert on tuesday evening was enjoyable and sacoessf al bnrglars robbed john balientinos store near the g t r etstlon of 60 worth ol gooda one nlgbt last week mr matthew howson will dispose of hie itock eto next thursday he he twenty fl horses rev g a mitchell b a has r received a unanimous invitation to remain pastor ol th methodist choroh a third year u odor mr milohells care the work has progress edmoflt satisfactorily as a result of the special meetings recently held thirty have been added to the ohnroh and several others are expected heavy rains melting snow rivers and streams at high flood bare fields wheat in fine order roads improving business dull ia in brief the history of tbe past week last sabbath the credit rose dan geroqsly high at the glen ud again threatened the dami the great loe jam broke loose and rushed over the dam about 2 oclock and relieved tho tremendous stress against the embankment quite a sensation was produced in the methodist church at tbe sabbath evening service in tbe middle of the sermon the eleotrlo lights suddenly went out and tbe ohdroh was left in total darkness rev mr mitobell took advantage of the moment to make some praotloal appeals to the congregation after a little delay lamps were lighted and the sermon was finished tho baptismal servioe and reception of new members was postponed till- next sabbath thirty new members bave already been received into the ohurob and eight adults bapttad although the meet logs closed some weeks ago the good work still progresses and a number more will be added to the ohurob mr browha who resided in georgetown nine years ago andoarried on the carriage open the same business new towellings are being oon traded for and the business in this lino is ezpeotud to be active as there are a n timber seeking for good dwellings to rent the rev t d ilydo of the northern congregational ohurob toronto gave a sterooptloan lecture on africa on monday evening in tbe congregational ohurob the rev j h moarthur bl of norval preached in the- methodist ohuroh last sabbath morn log anniversary sermons were preached at tern gotta by the revs mitqhall and mokay mr and mrs win bowman entertained the methodist obolr at their borne last weekthe anticipated sleigh ride was turned into a waggon ride and part of tbs road all the company bad to walk through the heavy drifts this annual entertain men is graatly enjoyed arid mr tod mrs bowpoao tire held in high esteem by tbv 4teppei- s v ithe bioyohw are botng oiled up the roads and wmtbr are csrefully watobvd ih entbtutiasts aw jrtpusqlly wailux for goodtoads i i t fhr h roin tbo cxawioor oliarlottatowu crliaps the most remarkable euro that has evtfr been recorded in that ol lutlo miunie wood a i do daugbtor of mr jus woodaide or baltio ie i mr and mrs woodeide aro members of tho priuoetown prosbyterlan ohnrch and are well and favorably known inthe sottlemuut where they reside mr woodaide doos an extern sivo business in oysters a newspaper correspondent hearing of tho ro mar fable recovery of this little girl called on mr wooddide and aboeruinbd the exaot facts of tho pane the following is substantially tlio renult of the interview about a year go last juno i first noticed that my jttuo daughter waa not as bright as usual and that she oomplalnrsd at times of pains in her head and oh est up to that time abo bad regularly attended sohool and was remarkably olover for a child ot her age she did nothing except attend school and although i trover supposed it would do her maobv injury x allowed her to study too eedqlooily thinking that sbo was only a iitfle ran down i kept her from sohool for a fow weeks and expected that she wo old be all right aqaiu by the end ol that time i was badly disappointed in my expectations however as she rapidly grew weaker and lost flesh every day i was just preparing to take her to a dootor when a nelgbor called to see her and advised us to try dr williams fink fills she aemred me that fink fills had restored her own daughter to health after several dootore bad failed to do her any good i therefore resolved to rive them a trial and purohased a couple of boxes that very day i began giving my little daughter these pillb being very care fal to follow tbe direotioub at the end of a month i noticed a deolded improvement in her health and thus encouraged i used the pills three months more her health wsb quite rostored by that time and she was ahje to attend school again i regard my daughters cqro as almost marvellous and acoord all the credit to dr williams fink pills for little girls and boys of delicate constitutions no better remedy ooold possibly be prescribed what wae done for my little girl could certainly bo done for other children dr williams fink fills cure by going to the root of tbe disease tbey renew and build up the blood and strengthen toe nerves thus driving disease from the system avoid imitations by insisting that every box yon purchase is enolosed in a wrapping hearing the full trade mark dr williams pink fills for falo feople another big fire in toronto several warehouses and stores burned loss 125000 touonto marob id the big building at 27 front street east occupied by the dominion wire mfg co robert carries storage warehouse and the zopebft chem ical co was destroyed and the adjoining stores of ijrkin a co tea merchants and r h howan co wholesale liquor deal ers were badly damaged by fire whloh broke out at 4 25 saturday morning the total lose is placed at between 9125000 and 150000 the buildings were the property of the wellington estate and wero pretty well insured as also were their contents sevoral firem wore hurt by falling walls ru83ell county election the nomination held last friday election tomorrow iubhxlx march 12 nominations for this riding were held here yesterday a 1 surge crowd was present notwithstanding theoondition of the roads the following were the nominations gnkbimk guinonn clarence creek in tbe littoral interest pibrrk mabie of janesville in the oodborvative interest among the speakers to addresss tbe meeting were hon g w ross mr 8 1 rat to d m p p mr evanturol and col we need the room f we neetjeve y foot of space for our big purchasers of spring goods which aro nnving daily and to get this loomvo must clean out and mak a complete clenranco of nil winter goods no mat tor what tho sacrifice now tins is tho g eatost opportunity ever offered in georgetown to oloso buyois seasonable gooda it your own prices comprising dross goods dress trimmings ladtea smallwarcs mens underwear fura ot all kinds at sacrifice prices boys vouths and mens suitb overcoats mid odd pante at coat and less than cost to make a clonranee its wo aro overstocked in this department just to hand the latest styles iu hats and caps from tho leading manufacturers fine high class tailoring although this is betweou seasons we aie busy yos buby in this department our long experience iu tailoring in conjunction with firbtclitsa cutting and workmanship gives us full con fidence in our ability tosatisty all who favor ua with their patronage wo show a full stock of tho latest in spring overcoatings fine scotch english and irih suitings trouserings etc patterns exclusively our own directly imported wo tbnnk oui many fiionds and customers for their patronago in tho past and hope we will have thorn all with us again this beason georgetowns 1ivest store oibson tvullkr st co roe block 7wkhin st corgtoxnzn produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here p s no space to quote prices here but visit our etoio and eeo how far a little money will go rockwood mr richard molaughlin eramosa who has been iu 8 td t lako city for about a month pia vidittog his mother and brother in that returned homo last week john gibbons has mndo the flriit biojole sale in tho village ha sold a brantlord on the 2gh feb akinctoacopo was exhibited in the town half last week the mauagar waa aiok and on this oooount tbe znaohlue was run by an assistant tho kinotoecopo was very good but the phonograph waa rather in poor condition miss n btrachau of guolph and mjbb h sabine of mt forest aro visiting mibs m straohaa there ha vo been serious floods in many parts of tbe province ab a result of tbe spring freabot london gait and brant- ford faawo been sufferers guelm nov 23rd 1897 tuc sloan medicine company hamilton dear sirs for years i was troubled with periodical bick head aches being affected usually c cry sunday and used all the remedies trht were advertised as cures and was treated by almost cery doctor in guelph but without any relief one doctor told me it was caused by a weak stomach another said it was hereditary and incurable i was induced by a neighbor to try sloan s indian tonic and i am happy to bay i did su a fev doses gae immediate relief and one bottle and a half made a complete cure this was three years ago and the headaches hae never returned j was ilso troubled with asthma ind nothing helped me like your sloan s indian tonic i can heartily recommend it 10 all and will be glad to gio any particulars to anyone afflicted as i was w c keough tor sale by all druggists or address the sloan medicine company hamilton limited 81 00 per bottle 0 for 85 00 403 matheaoo m p p everton tbe funeral of the late mrs john pea voy toheeyerqn cemetery jastthoradny was very largely attended she was high ly respected by all who knew hor for her consistent christian life her love for aqd faith in god were strong and devoted tho methodists here on account of hav ing preaching servioe alternately night and rooming are having sunday sohool one boor before servioe so that tho families may oome together so far it seems to be a success mr tvilbert to veil of aoton has been visiting friends here mrs g a abbot came borne last thurs day lisviog spent a week with her sister mrs webb at eden mills the 00 c f initiated two now members at tbolr last meeting crewson8 corners the roads are in a very bad state cow tbo spring freshets have been heavier here this season than in former years farmers are preparing for the spring work and wood bees are now tbe order ot the day a dumber from these parts are taking ad vi ot age of the oheap rates on the gt it at present mrrgeo cann merchant was in hamil ton laat week selecting his spring goods a namberironxhere attended the leotnre in the brick church on monday evening delivered by tbe rev h b christie of st catharines we are pleased to slate that mrs a murray his quite recovered from her recent illness positively cared try these little pills they also rclicvcjdistrcss from dyspepsia indigcstioa and too hearty eating a per tect remedy for dlziincss nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small phi small dose small price substitution tlio fraud of tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills the following licence commissioners bavs been appointed for peel john d hioltsy qeorgo atkinson david graham tvhen ton are tired without extra exertion languid dull and listless your blood is failing to supply to your mnioles and other organs tho vitalizing and strength giving properties they reqbire hoods sarsaparilta ourcs tbst tired feeling by enrlohing and purify ing the blood zt will glvo you energy and vigor hoods pills are easy to tako easy to operate cure indigestion biliousness 25o the soldier who is very brave outside of the battlefield makes himself tho laughing stock ot his acquaintances mother and dauohterset free south american nervine carries health and happiness where evorltooee rev and mrs t w luxford pastor of tbedlsoipies church acton spent monday with friends here ayers sarsaparilla the remedy with a record 5 f jures phomotiqn of general happi ness 1 is swiarod by fervllnethe steal nam palo epre tha bigblj penstfatlnr prop etties ol leviine urnka 1 nsverfaillug in oases ol rbsaqdatism nenralglai cramps palps in b back and sldtwlarabago ao webeatllllj qommend lt hy diagbter waa effootcd njlh nervous fainting epelle for over a year thoy oaoetd gceat weakness notbldg tbat ooald be dona for her gave her any relief until ws triad boo amerloan norvlue 1nerewes sv woodoriui oriango ror ih5 better after a few doses she oontinned in the treitrxieqs and to day ehe ia aa well as ever my wife tvaa also a viotlm of indigestion dyspepsia and nervous pros tration and thla groat remody haa been a great benibt to ber we oheerfully reoom mend it 3 w mollitolilr bothwell ont bold by a t brown sairageco opticians and fine watch repairers guelph 0nt new spring hats in h hnd soft shapes newest styles all colors starting as low as 75c up to 3 we handle only the best makes a very special offering this week of winter weight beaver overcoatings cut prices to clean our winter goods leave your orders and save money 25 coats for 20 22 coats for 18 and 20 coats for 16 made firstclass in every way new furnishings and colored shirts latest goods ptu alhutjiitimnts rubber stajirs i70n pino jmbuor htnmps i rib ink oto wrltutogo curry d co hliiu bt part agents glimlnns of tho unroon fuoluatlni book swoops tlio erjtlro hold of borderland uui joqtn k very body orilora marvellous illuutra tloni proopeotufl frco to cauvannora tbe biudley gaitrktson co limited toronto foit immediate or exchange sale toe tiddaraljraad fcava for immediate ualoouo dow bidbio 8ott of flarncts and a cood top buggy orjrould oxohaogo for good tnlloh cow or a liprao t c moohe bon agents woman in tbo titlo of our 1 d4i0ub3db all pha tfellfeandwoi rcat now book 10 sobloot cop talm tlio llf and work of miss willard tho moat wolidorf ul woman of tbo century over a hundred bonutlfal portrait of tbo cretet women knowst with blograpbtotl bkottboe snap for ouitusera theinbcottcompanytorouto oct agents sell k londike gold fteldi llko a whirlwind bxporleqcedmcvaasers reaping the rlobost harvest of their lives becclnnon doing wonders nearly everybody subsorlbeb one yoangfellow 00 a farm il 18 a month is making 70 a lady typewriter at a a week is clearing h a a lady jp f mecbaniowhohadeariied aladayjsolearing 5 a day wo want moro agents canvassing 35 eonts worth 1 limited outfit thb biudleygaitbetbon 00 toronto notice to cfteditobs vtotioe la lioroby given pursuant to it 8 o ll cap 110 boa 36 and amondlng acts tbat all personi baying claims against tbe estate of lata of y of hal tbomtb day of january 1808 aro roqulred to end by poat prepaid or to deliver to james newton llmebouee poet office bxeeator of the john nifjkoll ito of the township of esqueslng lu tbo oounty of halton who died on or about tbamhb day of january 1808 aro roqulred to end by poat prepaid or to deliver to james poet office executor or the the 6th day of april 189b estate ouor bofo trinl r addi full statement of particular of theft claims and tho ufttaro of tbe security if any bold by thain duly certified iud tbat afttir tho said day tbe executor will prooeod to distribute tbo asset of tbo dcoeuod among the parties ootitlod theroto having roflard only to tbo claims of wblob tbey ball tben bavo not lop james newton exooutor dated tuls ard day of marob 1806 executors sale the farm amd all effects of the ate v johnniokell tlio uudcnlcncd lias boon ldstrnctod by james awton exooutor of the eatta of the late john nlckell to toll bv nublla anotlon on tbo nrotnlus oast btlf lot 33 cod 4 eiquoilug on wednesday 6th april 1898 atonoo qlock tho following the parm east half lot fl2 con 4 eeue lnreonaprlalug 10q acres moro or less this farm ft conveniently situated to rail ways town schools and churches thoro is a antolosa brick bouno which oecuplop a very oomraandlne position giving a pleturesquo view over a largo section there is a novor falling sprlog on the premises and the farm throughout is in a goad atato of conization tbe property will be aold apbject to a lease held by thomas bonerrilla aid to expire in april 1901 017attel8 and household goods horae ilagsy cutter light waggon single harness and three buffalo uobes a lot of household efleou including stoves bedsteads boreata tables lounges oh ire carpets beddtna lot of dlsbes knives forks bpoous kitoh en utensils eto terms of sale on farm ten per oent on on day ofiale the balance within thirty days thereafter chattels and household goods to be caib james newton wm heustrbet llmelionis executor auctioneer potatoes wanted highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver- ed at symondrrsr acon we carry a full line of hardware groceries boots shoes symon bros cor wuland main sts7 acton g p t t i 1 p t t are fresh and always the best for sale everywhere refuse skibsti lutes stick to terrys heeds and prosper 1898 seed annual free write for it d m ferry co potrolt mjoh cash store for best values in eeadjmade clothing underwear and i general dry goods r e n6lsqn 09 wyndham st- ouelph the leading tailor and foralsher cash and one price thjese toutstant worth wear style strength choice cheapness hsgysuds yellow ou ooras sprains braless wound ants frostbllosoliilblalob sllogs of inscgts baroa soalds oodiubiodb slo pries 35o tortarlnc tjkln diseases keep foa in rolsary daring the day disturb junr rest si nidht tbe barnidk ltohldg and smarting neatly drive yon wild bardook blood bitters cares all skin dleensea drives tho poisons causing them oal bt ilij system and makes tbe blood pats and beeltby kills bydsr oetrnania ont saya bordook blood bitters oared roo of salt rheum four yctra sgo and i have had no relorq of it nlnoo i was ao bad ibat i ooold hmdly sloop viltb tbe pain it gave tlio combinatio is offered in our stock of how and fuglitonaljlu cixjus wliiuh lu- eludes all things now and dosirablo in the- line pf boots shoe and rubbers examination will sbow that our stock is especially strong in style besides being un equalled in variety nna first in favor because of the high grade quility nothing will convince llko personal inspection that for seasonable goods and reasonable prices the best place is nt a lot of secondhand watches in good running order at low prices at finest brands in teas coffees oatmeal conimeal mow c w vfi mill 8tret aoton aoton machine aud repair shops hbruly obindbw prdtirietor j 1 1 1 1 1 ann well eqolpped with all iba maoblnery naosamrytosimntesu rspalrs and asriaahanl iuvlengsiiu aa skfes hh well eqatppea vrim an sn naaoidsrv nsoesssjrr to situate sit rspalrs to maetaln and asroaltursl imiilomrtu 4nd to do all is of tcsmdfl tusirjianeahemngand lanaral inasauefaotory nttusa ws eaa i mublne of implooiimt of any ibi gnnteleg and blftiljvnm j g mcjbeath acton ontario j 8 second hand watches tak en in exchange for new ones cheap feed american corn chop 1896 sound hnd dry compare it with the soft new grain chopping promptly and carefully done at the bockivood chopping whtj m

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