Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1898, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton head office- hamilton capital all paid up 1 5000000 reserve fund 72500000 total assets 984667845 1 noarly tun millloud of dolluraj board of directors ohn stuaiit a c 1umbay llusliluut viocirealdont ieo 2toacu john llioctuii a t wood a d lee torouto wax giuuon ilr tuitnuui caanler m s steven asst cashier h m watson inspector george agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to ho collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united slates drafts ongreat britain bought and sold savings department deposits of 81 and upwards received interest alloyed at current rates and added to principal every year whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums jpbell affnf georgetown ont american and canadian wall papers ceiling papers borders a only store that carries a full lino of these goods window shades all cobra all prices curtain poles ah lengths and colors our stock is the largest our prices the lowest call in v geohynds jewelery and stationery store acton ont wtjetton jfm tyvess thdnbdayjfliecn 17 1b08 little local brieflets which caught tho eyes or ears of free press reporters this week thu u st patrick day new maple ayrup is comioin sugarmakirigfa at its height now the buow has nearly all disappeared the eap line not ccmminced to ran well yet nomination for tho vacant uoeveyhip on saturday hamiltous rate of taxation tbia year wih be 20 mills signs of spring have been numerous the past two weeks the fuee pubis aubaoripion hbi is growing rapidly every week the aurora display orf monday night was especially brilliant at times the snow vanished bo quietly the past week that we bad nofteshets here it the weather conlinoea open the farm era will soon cqmmenoe plowing a meeling of the pnblio school board whbe bold next wednesday evening 23rd rthe grokinole another of their concerta there was a very large demand for extra copies of the fjiee poess last week if yon wish extra copies of this issue call today the ease mokee vs corporation of acton was heard before judge hamilton last wednesday t the division court here judgement was reserved a subscriber atr bighgate writes en closed find h00 for renewal the fdkb paxsa ia a noveffalling friend and we never wpnld be without it now municipal authorities let us have a strict enforcement of the animal at large bylaw a once there have beenttray horses and oowi on the streets 4 we l ttbe dear little daisy is io bloom sgain the writer pioked daisies in full bloom on the 18lb december last and again on monday march 14 pretty good record for the ffiady of the snows owlng io ihe nonarrival of parr of the apparatus the lime light exhibition of views of trinidad in knox cbnrob announced for monday evening was postponed until monday evening 28th iost bey father feeny has arranged for i a sacred concert to be ed iq the oabtio chprch this evening father feeny will deliver a leolure on irelands patron saint to connection with the concert duclpie oboroh sunday aervlooa at 11 a mi and 7 pro all members are partionlarly requested to be present at the morning service livening subject the millennial age and the second coming of oar lord court olive branch i o f no 00 have had the claim of thy late w h storey adjusted and paid their cheque for 1000 to w a storey the legatee the oheqoe was in the hands of the local officers of the court within four days from date of burial mr w o king has purohased the lot and d5alldg ot mr peacock at para and will remove there this week mr king has been a oltlaon of acton for the past twonty exoept for an interval of a year or so and has proven himself a resi dent worthy of opnfidence counterfeit silver boins in olroaiatiod the latest importation of this kind is in she shape of newfoundland flftyoent pieces people cannot be too oarefol in enminlnlnfl the aller change they receive- it l huiji b tu that you have tendered ad money 4 the ne at home mostly or a local character and every item intereetlrtflr- cunilidtitea for tho cells luat thursday ufglit one of ttto windows of goodove co a utoro was a mashed aud u quantity of goods stolon this la the fourth time thieves have broken front windows and bqlpod themsolvca to goods on exhibition this petty thioviug is very annoying to mr goodove and heoffera five doll are reward for conviction of guilty parties the authorities should do their best to apprebeud the guilty onesi misconduct which will be puuiatxcil on tuesday night between el oven and twelve oclock constable graham was aroubcd frbm bis peaceful slumbers by the unearthly yells and blabphomy of com pany of half a dozen yonng menwho bad evidently been imbibing too frflely ho haa their names and will bring the oaso before a bench of magibtrates who will no doubt inflict due punishment for disturb ing the pubtio peace oar authorities sre determined to stamp out all booh disorder andha guilty parties may expect to pay dearly foe their violations of the peace the vacant reevcahip posters havo been issued announcing a meeting of the electors for the nomination of candidates for the offioo of rendered vacant by the death of w h storey esq to be held at noon od satur day next acton needd a reeya of good business ability a man who will be abreabt of the times in tho matter of muni- oipal improvementfl who w bupport the consummation of the peoples vrishea in the matter of tlcotrio light and fctreei improvements aa expreesed at the meeting of the ratepayers at tho annual domina tion and outlined in the inaugural addreeb of the late reeve the firemens entertainments the firemen held entertainments in the town hullluet friday mid saturday even ings thuy were given by a moving picture company but were not a decided u ocean- the pioturaa were about the beat tliat have been beon hen but were ralber thort and were ran through the machine bix or etht times to make up for the dellci ienoy- this gave them a very carious aspect eapeolully in the execution or mary queen of soots who was beheaded suven or eiht timea a phonograph also rendered maaia during tho eutertiilnments the julilvo orchestra assisted and violin and guitar duets were siho given where a manufactory ta appreciated on the 1st of february the orgnn factory of w doherty co clinton waa totally destroyed by tire iu order to avoid the removal of the business from chiton tho town council submitted a bylaw authoriz ing a loan to doherty a co of 835000 for 20 years the clinton citizenrt voted on the bylaw oti monday and were almost unanimous in expressing their approval of it there arc about 475 available votes in the town 457 of theae were for the loan and only 10 against it wbioh showa clearly that clinton people know when tliey have a good thing tho factory will be im mediately rebuilt and the basinoas give employment to about 200 hands an incipient fire shortly after eight oclock on monday evening the whistle on beardmore a cos sole leather tannery sounded an alarm of fire which was followed in a few seconds by the ringing of the firs bell it was found that the bark dast which bad collect ed near the roof between the barkmill shed and the main building above the fjmuicejtjiadigni tedvwbetrcnirot the late w h storey the canada qlovo works buolnoas to bo continued by mr wastoroy the legacies of deceased tho groat catcem in which lh into w ii storey eir wuh hold was furthor manifcbted laet week by tho continuoub demabdfor copios of iait lebuo of jiho fnii phekh coutaiuing tho bioruphicun rkctch etp notwithatuuding that aunio four hundred extra were printed tho entire edi tion was exhausted the day after publication and orders for hundreds wo could uot supply have qiuce been rebeivod with tiro desire as fur as rosaiblo to avoids disap pointment to those whape ordorb remain unfilled wo republish this week a synopsis of the obituary in uddition to tho half lonri engraving which which haa bcjii bo freely ro mar hod for its exoollonce and other roattors relatlvo to the deceased mid hib estate whiuh wilt bo of general iutcroat editoii all tho members of the family surrounded bis bedside when the spark of lifu ebbed out slowly but btiroly it id dawning upon them that the loving husband and father has really bid adieu to tho thiugs of after six weeks illneas arising from a cancoroue growth in the bladder w h storey reovo of aotonand found or of the canada glove works paabed pcaoflfully away ofq sunday morniup oth march for eighteen yean arid bearing the aoutdb devised for thofnfpose and was biiili upon u btuid no plid and seouru that it wilt goforward under the management of mr william a storey without inter ruption for furtyiwo yeara aotau has beep mr storey a home and ii0joillztm eyer dwelt within hor borders who was more loyal to lior n or moro anxiou for tho material progress of the plaoe of his adoption ho saw it tine from a mere post viltago with but few bouses to one of the moat prbspcroua inoorporated manioipal itieb of ita bis ou the ooutinout and to hid pereonarefforts aud the influeuco of bia large buaineas much of this prosperity ia due hib lovo for aolon was evidenced timo and again when approaotied by oflluiala of other towns and cities with tempting induaeraentb in the shape of monoy bonqaes buildings and lands in coiibidoratfon of rennpva1 but to every advaneo ho invariably answered no he was loyal to tho last and bis lamp of life went oat when aaroeva of the town he had important improvements under oonsld- eratfon as the oorrebpcodenoe on file la hib office today will ebow mr storpy was actons first reeve was a member of the douncil in some capacity comingand going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes honors for bis fellowoitlzons who again eleoted him to tbe cbair ot the qtiief magiatraoy at the last election he was a valued member of the oonnty couoou for yearsand that body manifested their mr j o matthews viaitcd frttnla in fergua tfau week mrs c s smith has been visiting friends at windtor the patt week mrs i francia vjbited her daoghter and other relatives at woods took this week mrs n for be sr left last week for huntiville to upend a month with her sons there mr aud mrs ooaepb moore of the george to wfa herald wrre guests of prinoi pal moore tbi week mr alex cummings of dakota was in town last week renewing acquaintances in tbe scenes of his youth mra i francia has been the delegate from acton to the high coifrt of canadian home circles his week mr and mrs john glassy master john and miss gerty of georgetown spent saturday at the home of mr alfred soper rev and mrs h a macphsrsoo have beeb at hamilton this week attending tbe fnneral ormisslilrd mrs meptjersons liter who died on sunday mrsao bostdmoro who wont to one of the popular soath of england watering puoes some months ago owing toitl health is regaining strength and vigor ibs watchmen saw it and gave the alarm the firms fire apparatus was immediately brought into requisition and in a few mln- utes the fire was snbdued the danaige waatrifltig tbe buildings are so nearly flroproof that there was little danger of tbe fire spreading to any serious extent a cheap trip to the emerald laic next monday evening erin and the bred nan a or two hoars in ireland will bo given in the town hall thin enter- tainmont takes one op jrporoplote tear through the emerald tale and thffbeaa tlful views are presented annostvwidly portrayed and described tq ilgrapblo lecture giving a full and ooplflteclcouot of irelands historical eyffbts aqd domestlq life with the aid of a newlliibfc the g at d auperb o l nellet the wall paper man from goelpb was in town friday and appoint ed j d mokee the drogglst hi sgent here for wall rper mr mcket carries tha fall line of samples representing 80000 rolls moladlng the new ingrains the prettiest thing on the market jcar of thi the promptitude pf the independent orcrof foresters in ettling tbe claims for dioranoe of deoeased members of tho ordtr smanlfeitod iu the following letter received by the secretary of the court here the seeratar du ollvsljranob no acton psiabfa x beg t aekaowledge with uianas tlis ireeeipt of a ebeaue for flooo la payment of pohoyot4toquialue of tor late father and aesjrs to sipress to joa py appreolauoo ol the prompt nabubr in wblobyon have acted with bt wlahea norths eontlnuad soocoas of your braer i i am youtb tmly r wfabioasjt aotop marobhtb 1806 entertainment consisting of a view of tbe principal cities of ireland and other- points of interest also her magnificent churches boined ajbbeysi anbtept towers and crosses is promised miss mftfftle brennadhffplotilngexpbnetiroflreiands ballads and pianist harp lit and violinist will be sapported bya strong company in giving the enter talo men t a reaustlo and enjoyable flavor bev mr me alpine a reception laat wednesdayeveping a publio reoep tion wae tendered rev w b mcalpioe ba b th the bow pastor of thepaptiit church prayer was offered by bar jl b cook after which tho chairman mr j l warren addressed to mr moalplne words of welcome on behalf of the cb arch and congregation to which he cordiallyreplied addresses of welcome were also tendered him by rev mr macpherson bev wr bryers and bev mr luxford the three other ministers of the town were unavoid ably absent but sent kindly words of greet ing tho musical pari of the programme was given by mrs mokintoy apd mn warren of georgetown in two daotti sang in their usual natural and admirablo style also in solos contributed by mi nelson and mrs mokinley wboh were very well rendered musbessoy of george town presiding at the organ miss frascr of altoonapa gave a recitation- trouble n the amen corner in a ity ploaairg manner upon rvquett mr mcalpiho sang a- solo with gollar acoomptnimeiit shiniog for jeans which wu yry feelingly rendered and muoh appreciated the evening wan brought to a close by singing the doxology and- benediction by the pastor the late w h storey esq earth hisohairu vacant hts congenial presence is only a hallowod memory m hyelop storey wua tho otvly child of george and jane storey and was born in tho village ot ayton yorkabiro england on tho 6t of march 18 ttiw t k i i- i v- tttadvantiement of tbe puoe and to every taneral was consequently held on hie sixtyfirst birthday hia early advantages for eduction wero gcod bo thathoobtaiued a oreditable english education wliich waa sppplementcd with acadomio training he came to canada with his parents in 1845 apd they settled on dundas street in the county of york both paronts died short ly a terand at fifteen years of age ho was left an orphan in a atrango land with the determination to bucceed whioh ohar- actorlxed him through all luafuturo yoarg he apprenticed himself to tho late john g rogerp ofjjsmbton milltfj tolearn the saddlery buslnoa to the influenco of this esteemed and good man his wiso couneel and direatlon mr storey always grate fully acknowledged much waa duo in tho formation of his oharactcr from him wa inculpated thftprinniph nt tnh and oprlght baainoaa mothodd whioh bo oame the dominating prinoiploof his career in after life having completed hia ftppronticoahip in i860 be commenced baeineb in the fall of thatryeftrinaolbn in pirtnership wttnt j f taylor under the flcrn namoof esteem for biro by adjooraing on the day of the fnneralaud atteatjld in a body to his efforts aud example aotnn owes much of her attractive appearance pnblio bnildinga park and general iraprovementi ho waa always intereatej in the eduoatlon- thing calculated to aeooro material and mor hn h v a c storey taylor saddlers tho following year be was united in wedlock with han nah jane daughter of anson smith ebq of glanford by bey george- a bbll pow rector of the church of england at nlagara falls booth as a result of this uniqn seven children blessed the home three sons and four daughters- the eldest and youngest sons died died within a few months of bach other some seventeen years ago tho burvviing members of tho family in politics and was tendered tho nomination of hia party for tho ho ub 8 of commons in 1882 but declined for forty years be was a member of the metbodiit churah here and though his intereat in the church ser vices has not been so marked in pait years as iu the earlier days his love for tbe church of his choioo wai ever manifest he was chairraau of the bdllding com mittee which oreoted the oburoh in 187 and wua again chairman of tbe building committee whioh expended 1500 in im provements ubi bummer for years he has been treasurer of the traitee board and occupied that position when ho died hie leadership in matters ot church improve- mepts has always been gratefully appre- l t r above respect bo had fow equals and scarce y a superior mr storey was highly intellootual was a reader of blghclau literature and passionately admlrod an intelleetnal efforl ho waa not tbe easiest to gratify lo this respect and ono could not help feeling this in bis presenco at times but with these special features of bia make up he was kind sentaland philanthropic he bad no doubt his likes and duilkes he was positive rather than negativo in inontal organism and tbla aomotlmos would uiako htm appear out wardly mora severe in his judgmont and con- olailodb than was id tended being naturally baity vo a in retort abrowd in diagnosing the matter before him and qnldlc in asserting hit position or thougbt at times this might reflect against hltn yot bonoath it all in hlncalmor mopionti thoro was not vlmllotlvo- ness but a generous and kindly attitude as to natural abltlt with acquired outturn ho would grace any pobitlon in thu highest walks of lift and doubtloaa if liu imlao doslrod ho inlght havo boon tho ropruuentatlvo of ida fellows in moat bonurod itusnioua of profonnont ho profurod no doubt to w rk away giving his tlina exoluslvoly to tlio buuiiiuaa iu whlob ha was such a auoicsa aud which waa auch a potrut factor of blossiuft to mauy his icllowdtlauua did notfu to uou hia torli mid liuiico ho wkb by thoui luwla chief maglscratu n poaltlou lio oocuplu 1 for juumaiil thit honor lio poaeebsed at tho tlmo of bin dowoai ho took a livoly ln- torust iu tbe wulfuru of ilio tovvu waa nuxloiu for- ita umtorfttl iml moral dovulopmout aud fallnd not to luihla uiltid mi t iowur bo fult lu behalf of tho onloi ijulut audtjuod roputu of the placo ills pockuc o4 klwaya opwii to aaalst tho worthy puor or neoily hu did uot publish abroad his buuullciuoua lu this ruapout ho would rathtr not iwt his luft haud kuow what his right baud doatb appeal a to bltn for hulp wito lint duulud a a many can toatlfy aud from hia pookot wcro glvon many doll at a to reliuvo and blosa when ho oxpubtod no rotura cheerfully aud lovlogly did he respond to theao calla uion him when tho objootor appltoaut was worthy to my oertaiu know ledge ho did much in tbla way and all he did will not be known till the great day of the reve lation of all things when it will bo said in as much as ya did it unto ono or tho loaat of thoso my bre thorn yo did it onto me in this imperfect tribute whioh 1 boar to the worthy things belonging to our departed brother i do not forget that oar brother waa not without his falling of whioh ho one was mora consolous than imaelf and donbtloss uono mourned over them moro than he who of ni brothern is without inflnnlttos and faults the bible tolls us not how good men are but how m m ay becomegood u oldatom this la the complaint ot thousands at tbla sesjonv- they have do appetite food doos not relish they need thetoningqpbf tho stomach and digestive organs which a course of hoods sartaparjua will five them it also purifies and enrlohes the blood cures that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptlo can know creates an appetite overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system it so prompt ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptlo symp- toms and cures nervous headaches that it seems to have almost a maglo touch sarsapanlia 1 the belt in fwt the 0i trai blood curlder j pays to buy at boiler ts it pays to buy at bollerts j are tlie best nttertlnner rioods pius puuild ingestion 250 paste me upon the walls and i will make your home pretty wall paper 30000 rolls new stock from the lowest price to the finest quality have you seen 1ste will colttintre i the extraordinary bargains in black dress goods all this week more goods have come to hand the variety is immense styles are beautiful and prices very catchy many of them are lower in price than laid down for by the im porter jdont miss the chance of the cheapest dress goods you have ever seen the three special prices are 39c for 60c goods ijc for 75c goods 69c for 100 goods in addition to these we show a bcaulul range of high- class black silk ard sijk and wool crepons grenadines twills andfigurescornprising the choicest goods you will find in the city please note that otii dressmaking rooms are open for the season and ve would advise making early selection and leaving orders for spring costume e r bollert go 25 and 27 wyndham street g1jelph the hew ingrains that take the place of paint if not you will find a complete line of our new 1898 samples at the wellknown drug store of j d mckee who will be pleased to show them to you see his window for some of the newest things c l neiles l6hd9r cublph wall paper we take pleasure in advislnp you that our new lines of wall papers celling papers the 3liglit house corner king and hujjlison sts hamilton ready for the spring business all bides of our humanity and as in tuo cuo of jaeob or david hoir tbat whou- la poultonee thnynamn t g h m go t and bii biiiinoin ability broirglit him into pontact with leading uqaociiil inatltntlona andhe was honored a levrymtra- ajlo viib itlie lrceidonoy pf the caoidiau mannfaq- dltlaosjajyoqjlilraptomnh- boards of aoveral flntnoi al inatilution aptona greatest atl2ta is gone a community weorjswlth avlimily bereft a thousand hearts pour forth slnoeretl apt row and sympathy the funeralon toeidaj fternoop 8th inst was the most largely attended ever held in this part of the oohnty not poly did our oiluona and tie coorrtrysldo turn octten piaiu bqt hundtods qamefromk distance leoeaaous prpminenk oonneb tiona in bualneas and floanoial olrolea tho bounty coonoil and various benevolent in addition to mm storoy are mtb a 7 7 7 1 7 a 3 xr i if j ir r iostitutiona in all of wlilth ho waa regard seoord mrs ab nioklln and mr wa na8saoaweya the nrinfillke weather the last fair weekit haa brought the spridg birds aroani to sing their merry aodg and ehecr tie farmer for his aprlng work mr david agnews auction salt tahts plapeep monday next on his farm at knatobbull several- farmer are bnay roapls sugar making at pnamnt messrs thos b taylor and baujamln 0 wilson returned home ob wednesday last after a ave weeks visit to friends and relatives in wawanoab the water haa risen in tbe nasiaoawejs river until it ran over the roads and brldgss this is the highest it has beed for some time theannlrersary of tbe oampbellhils mstbodist cliaroh was held last bnndaij tho bev dr bosnian pastor oondooted services morning and evsdlng owing to tbe annlvstjanr m otinpball- villo there was looaj preabhlng at ebsneswr in tbe morning and oorwbln in the after last tablyv liv bveral flocks of wljd daoka bays been seenijiphlvlsfclys arrlrig v storoy aolpn mrs dr drydon guolnh and mra dr j d fayne riabland lowa in 1859 the eddlory buaiuoas watr diisolved by matntl consent mr aylor removing to qtiorgotown the boeineda was oonflnuod undumr storys perconul aupervidion until 18g8 and tho work turned out was always of n superior dues bqtar to quality ana workmanship in tlio latter year tho naolena of tbo present large busi ness enterprise known from tho atlantlo to the pitctfio na tho voanada qlovo works wua laid from the outset success attended the enterprise whioh from a small beginning has grown to tho immense husinese which employs its two hundred iliilled operatives and wlioao product a are on sale in uearly every city town and hamlet in the broad dominion for a nomberor ycara luvbsincss was oondnct ed under the arm namo of w h storey a oo mr jumea moore bciok tbo slltjnt partner mr moore subscqnently retired from tbe hnsiuess and mr storeys eldest sod fred was then admitted to partner sblp and tho bnsioeis name was changed to w h storey a son which it has over since remained a lew months after tbla cbauge bis son fred died this berevetnont was tbe heaviest blow that mr storoy ever ex per fenced and ik wae many months before tie wold become reconciled to his groat lost the past ilx years bis son william a has been bis partner in business and lifts shared with him the exacting oares of their large and growing business and with tho additional assistance of his sonsinlaw messrs alex seoord and a jg nioklin at the heads of departments ho has been relieved from personal attention to many of tbe details and enjoyed more he leisures of life w blob naturally come to a min after years of faithful spplicallon the career of mr storey gvea nnnffiat evjdsova of wlienterpruo economy mid nntiri buslnem energy can nccoinplltl the boalqess today is the lafgeit of ii olsss in tbo dominion itlalionsrd in the flriwilvnd best appointed bulldlngi whlob ed with the highest ottecm rtmdered him intimately and widely known and repre bontftlivoa from all tbeto ware preieni in largo numbers tbo serylw uras in charge of rev j a mclacbraa m- at putor of the methodist churobwho had isooiated with him jrev je howell ma of waterloo rev r jlofatbi london and uav william bryeri- all former pastors tbe memorial address tiollrered by roy j e howell id a wu a masterly eloquent and tender jribqte olosing with the following paragnpha i after reforrlng to bii early davys mr howell continued to bnsloeii captolty above tne or- dlcarv be added great loiaqsrtn suid u and with theblaaslnaofaklnd provldsnoe be madotbebnsinsm not only profitable to nlm- eif bntantmpcttatfaetola the p of acton the katpidfr up and tbe rmdoal dovfilppmont of jhbatqnjwkwil4mltfr omploymontto many oitlssuu bnt foniisbed a moderate and substantial lapport- to many famlller at times aa he told mswoiiaw he has kept the factory in operation for tbs sake of thn innoort ltimvo to fnulii ma i who otherwise would hsve 6a placed iln strati aneddliamstiuwbantkmwss nojiopeof tbo worisylswmg aiwnelo hhn this oar- ulnty evidenced undnats lad gsoainislty on bia part not to be lightly- eatmtnsd and should not be forgotten mrbtorywasamanoficdpnlss a man ot otlvemperamentsaiirtat time be would be wonderfollj iurredandimbipa weald say and do things lor whioh bs woolfl be sorry bnt second thoughts wonld mskt tmeods fochastl- ness and b would rsttira to ibe sjober wis and genarotts aouoij one oab eatlly imaglns la an flatenslve boslilbm snob tai bis grew to be uiingii would occur veir oftn whlol wonlol tax tba pattanoe ahd dbturl u quullifium of most wen and peoiallr tbou of bis oonustita uohal inakivnp daring my putorats bera 1 often mt bm to liu homo or offloe and aarn4 muoh yf bu di positloot bis promloant cralti of euaractar hu inootaswau mbuotri tp interest in him and i ew aavy toat in bis jnost tboagbuulandoalmfaaniircrtodbtmague man and a wllwlabr to bnnilty jirer bis squat aa anauiendntr shn ha had flue puwrs orimltataeanwsa repartea agttmomr nwtty j a4 oonld jtttwtoiti- oleotlppafrpm the mof dayoipaatdayt hewm sauoo apt and bappy irwnnprninai iti most gntataa gm6m4itmw6lto mado them moot for tbe heavenly inheritance mr storey many years ago sought and found god and was for years a most aotlve and useful ohrlfltlan he was a great power in tbo ohurob and community for reaions best known to blmsoif lately he did pot tako the aamo lively and active interest in tho spiritual and aggres- alve working ot the church we with others were sorry that bis activity in this respect had sodeollnod wo often longed for and prayed that bis fine talents and powers of usefulness would be fully oonaocratod as in former years still we were not privileged to see our desires gratified in this respect wo know not the reason why wo leave that with one higher than ourselves a number ot times i spoke to mr storey when pastor bore about these things i have soon him weep and be would give some enoouragemeht that a better day was dawning he had nls own thoughts and i believe earnest thoughts about tho potent ooncarna of bis souls interest and i bopo with bis god ho settled suroly and fully tbe great matter of meetbess tat tbe end hia last words i am told before be went upon the table for the operation were i am ready to be offared the time of my departure is at band we all know that snoh might-have- been-tbeume-ef-bls-dcpartorer-thft- nndergblng of anou an operation aa be went through be no doubt approsebod tbat critical umo with prayer and serious tboughtfalness such an expression tinder auoh clraumstahoes s wortby of poto he remarked to a friend of his after the operation no matter what the- issno might bo all is wellvi might say ho was a warm friend of the matorlal- interest of this ohurob he bad to do largely with its oredtlon its evo improvement was treasurer of tbe trustee board and in tho late 1m provemsnt whlob has added muoh to tbo appearance com fort aud endurance of tbo building none took a greater interest than he unless it was cur dear friend mr sharp he was a kind husband a tender father a good nslghbprand an enterprising olttcen in conoluilon whatever in bis life is wbrtliyof imitation follow and wbatovor on tne other band is not such aa you would havo desired remember be was unman east over it the mantle of obarlty and pray that god may so golds tbe living that all may seoaro an abund ant entranoa into tho land of evsrlaaung life to bis dear wife and family i would say your loss is great bo will ba muoh missed and more andrnoreaa tho days go by those dispensa tions are sad tbsso partings are heartrending bnt remember ono wbo loves you whose eye is over all wose heart is tenderly toubbed arm- patbfsfls with you and in the abeeooe of tha companion and father will supply your need snstalnyocr heart and direct your life the home will be lonely there will be the vacant cbair and tbe absenee of- tbe weloomo voloe tbeaetbldgs will be baxd to bear only itaa andgraoaoan effectually bind op the broken heart god be all in all to you 1 am sore is tbo prayer not only of tbe speaker but of this entire congregation the peace of god tbat passeth all understanding keep heart and mind lnthokttowlodgoof godand of uls bon jesus- christ our irdamsn i in addition tu the oho rob service at the burial the woodmen of the world read th imrrsss rilti a th b thr and borders for this season are now ready for your inspection window 8hades etc our window shade and curtain pole de partment iscompuic we have an assortment of window shades to suit every one either plain or with dado fringe or lace curtain poles all colors nt all prices vvood or brass trimmings all we ask is that you reserve your orders untllyou- have examined our samples in above lines bitowjsr spring seeds vegetable and flower all standard kljds 3o a package or 10 for 25b m iu any afld pmipald guaranteed fullsized package quality the very best seeds imported direct by ourselves order early seed grain all kinds peas oata barley wheat ao mammoth long red mangel ioc a lb ii lbsiaioo turriip seed any standard llnd ijc a lb- or 7 lbs for lioo lone or short white field carrot seed 40c a lb tenderly deposited the oaatomarv sprlfl ot evmrtsen in ths grave the floral tribntes war majnlosnii in thilr artisllo beaqty andfrofualo and roprussnted all olroles vrharsin the deoeaaed had rnpyed evrjr dswspipsr d lhs oonnty referred in laatlasm tqlcsr srords to the deceased his valnstp otou and to tha oonnty in pnblio and bifiiirsa hie tho george town heram sal 1 in tho death- 61 mr w h btoreyi ol aoton flajtorr loses pas ol its brigh teal and most rajoaaslol business men h was a man wiu bad a taste lor the uaotlfal as my he een in his argnj works h hafl a hand lo in connection wlthbls own afflrs as well aa the village ol aoton noiloeablyjils aotpry real- thshqiinenol whioh ttts deoeased geo j thobp seedsman market sq cublph plaoed nponaflrmar basis than eystr before tbe real and personal property oompf lied in the estate is beqaeathedas iollows the two daughters mrs ales seoord arid mrs a b nloklla are eaoh to receive a 16000 interest in tha bnsloess ihedaogh- ters mrs dr drydan and mr or payne are eaob to reoelve a m0o0 intsrsat in the bnalnessj the grardon mr fred h storey la to rroelv a t00 intireat in the bnslness all tha remaining latithl p deomisdjn hs ilanipbtsoiitl prppsrly is willed to the eon mr wa storey who will in future manage the bnaioeas in addition lo the sbbvfhrtstorey left life insnranee aggregating 58o00 of this suiututafi wadtoteyieeeivsevmfjooor mrs james firs tbrook 000i aid mrs storey the widow of debesstd reeelvsi tha balsuos bonderund villa the family resiaenoe is iai to mrs blorej the meoators ot the etlkla ere w a storey mre storey a e nlokllo and geo w beardmore of torontd from the above it will be smit that the members of the family are all srall provided for and lh flnanol el standing of the large and well organlaed buslneis ia materially enbanoed mr storey was an ardent believer lo life insoranoe and it may b ot lotttset to the pnblio to note that for the put twenty years his payments for prtmiome on tbo polloies bald have averaged ipwaldaof 12000 r yr- this som onjittbdid will give ah idea of the aggriskatsi dosvi dress goods vigorenux tweeds for tailor- made dresses 46 inches wide 35 40 and 53c per yard forty iwo inch bcngnline ni wool latest shades joe fancy silk and woo mixtures 46 inches wide 50 60 arid 75c french costumes in single dress lengths vory choice special for 86 and 87 suitings covert canvas armure bedford ahd worsted in all leading shades 60 75c r br25 per yard shirt waists print shirt waists laundried collar and cults yoke back 50c or with detachable collar and cuffs 65 75c and 9i black sateen shirf waists special si or with detachable back collars and cuffs s140 back lawn blouses detachable collars pointed yoke si- muslin shirt waistb full front yoke back white laundried collar and cuds detachable 8150 gingham shirt waists russian style s150 to 1275 nevy spring mantles cloth capes fawn and navy fancy utltchlngrltosj black cloth capes jet trimming i4 black serge jnckets fly fronts 84 so and i500 specials white quilts 114 size special at 89c mens print shirts size 16 only regular 9li5for 65c regular si for 50c regular 50c for 35c mens half hose nrarly half price black cashmere socks embroidered regular 50c clenrlng three pairs for 81 staple department cotton shirting checks and strips light and darkcoors siwcins at 5 7 8j 10 and 17ac a yard english oxford shirtings great variety of patterns 12j 17 and 20c canadian flannelettes 31 inches wide 5 and 7jc english flannelette fine quality 32 inches wide regular ioc special at 8c english flannelettes ceylon finish 32 and 34 inches wids special 10 and i2c per yard wash goods crums best- english prints 32 inches wide fast colors i2c special line 36 inch scotch madras 15c per yard fancy printed muslins 28 inches wide ioc per yard fancy printed muslins 32 inches wide 13c per yard grey cotton shcetiniis 36 inch regular 64c for 5 regular 74c foroic 40inch regular oc for 7jc white cottons 36 inches wide special at8j and ioc- n e wcotto nad es soft tweed finish 12 15 20 and 25c kentucky jean 20c per yard blue knd brown denims at 10 12j 15 nnd 20c per yard flannelette sheeting flannelette sheeting 72inch plain 28c per yard 72inch twill 35c per yard samples on application freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchases amounting to s500 and upwards thoirnas c watkins wfsrirs we have practically no old goods to ofter everything new fresh and uptodate larger stock than in fprmer seasons all from the best makers latest novel effects make it a point to see our stock in above lines itflllil 0jl- acton hewi 0ooiis hew drjsaa q- new raiioy citoocts heprookery new massware new grrootsries gorhe and see them at c f gqcgipip gos cheap cheap cheap tusli- v fencinps abweli as mcmulleni choice si eel wire nettings t for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc are sold much lower this year than ever before thoy arn tho best ask you hardw nr merchant for them wwitit mismmii

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