Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1898, p. 4

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in the rain storm the man got very wet ths wetting save bun oold the oold neglected developed to a oough the oougti bent him to a bed of siokness a dose of ayera cherry peotoraj ttoren at the start would have nipped the oold in the bud and saved the siokness suffering and expense the household remedy for oolds coughs and all lung troubles ia ayers cherry pectoral tend for the cureboov 100 page iii j c aytr co lowell mus it xfoit jttt firm thursday mauch 17 1898 t ijouitg jolks thjs f w hi manaaiust b sanostftt tbe wind o tho wost hove it best thowlndo tho bait 1 ioto it leaat thowlndo tlio south has sweot in iu mouth the wind o tlio north bends groat storms forth taken together all sorts of weather the four old follows axe sure to brlnk harry and flurry rash and sourry sighing turf dying and fitting and flying through summer and autumn and ylnter and spring harpers young people measures of distance a traveler in florida says that on being kbked how far a certain place was a native replied waal i reckon hits bout two whoopo frpa bit may be some farder ho continued reflectively but 1 low hit aint raoreo two whoops and a boiler in arkansas they will tell you it ia two looks and a go by meaning yon are to pass two houses and find your destination juet beyond tbo next in other parts ot the west it ib said the natives measure die taboes in chawb of plug and will tell yon yonr destination is about two chawb awa the sc way is to say its a paddy pottawatomy la win torrest onoo produced a play oalled metaiuora supers ern engaucd to personate indian warriors uutl among them wan a bright irish lad who had a deep udmiriuioti for the tf troredian at a point in tbo play whore metamora auks am i not the treat chief of tbo pou tawatomiee the supers are suppoeod to grunt ul ugh i j he stiico manager had carefully drilled them on what tboy wero euppoheil to do but on tbo night of thopertorrnui co- tho joung iribhman was no tranrporud by torrests aoliug as to ijmte forkot that ho wus impersonating an indiau when torrebt turned to the assembled warrlpfa and thundered forth am i not the groat chief of the pottawtttomicb tho irish boy a enthusiasm broke ihruu nil reatralnt he leaped into the air with a wild shoot and brandishing hia tomahawk around hia head shouted bfgorra ye are i fighting for his own a short time ago two highway robbers from liverpool attaoked au old scotokraan on the glasgow uud carlisle road witb the intention of robbing him of all ho had the scotchman being a strong powerful man lot outrightand left knocking the two ruffians about unmercifully but being two to oue he wae soon overpowered and bis money taken after tbey had got clear away oue thief said to the other im mowed if he hasnt nearly broke ray jaw i reckon said the other that hes broken one of my ribs at least but never mind how much did yer get off hira after searching among some buttons the reply came two hapennies 1 good heavens i oried the other holding hia ribs how would he a fought for six pence i a bank bill a oanadlau on making nomo purebftnos in a detroit store h few iihvh na tendered a bank of montreal bill in pajment have jou nothing else asked thu merchant i dont liko hills isbuod b thoxu little cauailiau bank tho oaxjuok bristled at this and in a dibcusbiuo that followed boaatul that tho bill in question was idbued by tho aooood greatest tonk in the world ilia merchant lauglied and tbo irate customer dared him to step around to tho nearest b inker and refer the point to him they went i have raid that this bill ia issued by tho bocood greatest biuk in the worll trnid the canadian am i right well said thd banker i guess you are right jcb ae far as i know you are iikt 1 m antifctkrt taid the merchant that bill a good enough tor vno its toofood for you said the custo mer you 11 ncer get jour baudu on it kelt time 6ji aro offered a canadian bank bl h accept it for your banker will tell you that canada liab the safest and miti pleat bauking eybtem iu the world and ho went out leaving a merchant and his bunker in deep consultat on polite hints william dean ho wells father who emigrated to ohio half a century and more ago used this formula to get rid of an iu iruaive visitor who had worn out his welcome- he would be called out on so mo business and would say to the guest i suppose jou will not be here when i return bo i wish you good bye this was not bad except in comparison witb the superb stratagem aeoribed to gerrit smith in sqah emergencies ai that he used to bay ia his family prayer after breakfast may the lord bleaa brother jones who leaves us on tbe 10 o clock train this morn iog was there ever a greater victory paines celery compound the worlds famous disease ban- isher saves the life of mr church far cry meaning it is about as far as one can ahont while in many casebdistanqe is measured in time the german stunde doubtless having its origin thai christian endeavor andthe press the tunes of brockton mass once a week publishes a oh not tan endeavor column over two hundred canadian papers afford to our provincial editor the same privilege our young people are delight ed to see a space given ia the daily papers at leaat once a week to tbe consideration of what is of special interest to them each society iu sho fitohborg union mass contributes at leabt one item a week for tbe g e oolumn of the looal papers carried on by the press committee of the anion had the art but didnt know tell me pleaded tbo artless maid wherein lies the secret of the art of conversation i t1iesageab8innicdllioatrttirde-liawrb- wont to assnm when in tho aot of impart ing wisdom and said my child listen 1 i am listening breathlessly she answered weil ray obild he rejoined that is all there ia of the art of conversing agreeably when men try to get more good than cornea from well doing they always get less you are too young no matter what yonr age to lose yonr hair save it by tbe use of ayera hair vigor it removes dandruff prevents batdneix restores gray and fi hair to its original color and makes it soft glossy anj abundant no toilet is com plete without it all other medicines had failed and death was tfully expected as a spring medicine for new blood new strength and sound health paines celery compound is recommended by thousands that the facsimile signature mrs tenspot i am so glad that yon are engaged to harold wihougbby was it a long aourtbbip miss skidmore not very my oyolo meter registored about seven hundred miles tho complete cure ot mr john a church of goldbrook n b aud tho pro daotiorob1strongleterottoatlmolvln favor of paines celery compound are ot fflnunt tn nnnvlnna pvary sick peraon that paines celery compound is a medicine honestly prepared and recom mended for the curing of all sick people no other medicine known to medical science oau so well and so promptly restore lost strength and vitality in the spriog months it is not the common medicines of the day that physicians prescribe and the best olasbes of people recommend it is only a wonderful and marvellous life restorer like paines celery compound that can com raand attention and respect mr churoh writes aa follows welle luobardson co gentlemen it is with pleasure that i give testimony in favor of yonr marvellous medicine paines celery uolfipotrari t had an attack of la grippe which put me into bucii a condition that j could not bleep o eat i wa completely ron do had extreme nervous prostration and lay for days iu a half stupefied state after spending all my money for roedi cine which did little good i gave np to die when one day a paper pn paines celery compound was brought to me i at once procured tbe medicine and derived great relief from the first bottle i slept better ate better and digestion improved after ubing nine bottles i fee like a new man i can truly eay that paines celery com pound snatched me from the grave and gave m a new lease of life 1 earnestly urge all sufferers to use paine s celery compound feeling aare it will auretbem do not spend your money for medicines that canoot cure ou yours truly john a church tourist what s the nnme of that nohlo mountain j native dunnoasiid gntauj wo gall it th mountain tourist no name for that grand eminence native wots the nse of its bavin a name its tbs only rnouutaln here m jpwmlbi food to foment and ptjflfr la tho books that yoq road ia your yoath aro the onos that will affeot yoot oharaotor for time and eternity ooo of tbe greatest bleasidga to parent ia mother grares worm exterminator it effectually oipelt wormi and gives health in a marvellous maimer to the little one qrlppes legacy orlppo too ofun leave behind it weak ened heart ahattered nerves and under mined health noshing will restore the system to us old time vigor jio qalokly and perfaotly as milbnrns heart and nerve pill mr john qaiglay 80 sheriff streav st john m b says binoa i bad an attaok of grippe i have been weak nervous and ron down i doctored with aorae of tbe physi but gat no rel until i commenced oslag milbnrns heart and nerve fills which have completely oared me a ohrirtinn munt ba uentlc to tho rutin kind to the thanitlcfn patient with the ignorenl and liberal with the bigoted rheumatic slaves are belnar frond by the thoueands under the benign influence of south ahnerloan rhoumatlo cure i wai slave to rhenmatlsm in a very aonte form for over a year i could not attend to business i tbo palna in my limba were- intense i tried booth amen can rhfinmatio core after using oue bottle i was 10 greatly benefitted i contin ued using it and to day after osiog only three bottles i am perfectly well g cole grain merchant fleaherton ont sold by a t brown or blood poisoning ho fills stimulate the stomaev rouse the liver cure headache r stlpatlon ete ascents sold by alldrni iheonly flua to take with hoods finapahlla no man is ever indifferent to the worlds good opinion until he baa lost all olaim to it baffledthe doctors if your children are well but not robust they need scotts emulsion of cod- liver oil we are constantly in re ceipt of reports from par ents who give their children the emulsion every fall for a month or tvo it keeps them well and strong all winter it prevents their taking cold your doctor will confirm this the oil combined with thehypopliosphites is a splen did food tonic oc mi 100 sit drafprtsu scott bownb chimhlitoniil but had no power to resist the heallns tide south amerloan kidney cure never palls for fifteen years i was raoked by severe kidney troubles for weeks at a time 1 waa nnable to go around ao aevere were the kalos in my side all remedies failed me and my case bsflled pbysiclana i waa indooed to try south amerloan kidney cure it worked like magio aud in a very abort while the paina left me and i m mil mrs v matthew greyrood n b bold by a t brown be atuat be a thorough fool who oau learn noil log from bis own tolly b blood fb1tters great eoula find a joy in forgiving offences little opea get tbolr ohlef delight in oherlsbing old grudges out of sorts symptoms headaohe loss o appetite tarred tongae and general indiaposltlon theseaymptoms if neglect ed develop into aonte disease it ia a trite saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of onre and a hula atten lion at this point may save months of aickneea and large doctors hills for this complaint take from two to three of permeleea vegetable fills on going to bed and one or two for three nights in succes sion and a core will be effected hewitt does yonr wife rnias yon wben yon are away jewitt bho misses mo when i am at borne bewitt- bbe oant throw aobp etriight t nk thv iirpiaoltti msfinri needed wrenatb mrs tiios mccann mooroville out ivritos i wns troubled with bll l an lou np petite i could not rest at night and wns very weiik but after using three bottles of bbb my appetite has returned and i nra better than i hnve been for cars i would not be without burdock blood bitters it is such a sufe and good remedy hint i am giving it to my children ob woods norway syrup the most prompt pleasant and perfect ouro forcoashb colds asthma bronchitis hoarseeas sore throat croup whoop- ins cough ftulnay pain in tho ghost and nil throat bronohial und lung- diseases tlio healing nnticontnimptlro virtues of tlto norway flnoro combined in this medicine with wild cherry and otler pectoral herbs and bal aams to mako a true upeoifio for all forms of disease origliiatixig from colds price 25c and 50c mrs newlywed1m going to sprinkle a httlo poison on this piece of anrfil cake and pnt it where the mice can get it 1 think it will kill them jdr newlywed why of coarse it will i bat why do yoa pat tbe poison on it odd lax liver pill every mgbt for thirty dayb makes a complete care ot billonsnesa and constipation that is jost 25 cents to be oared if the counsel be good what matters who gave it cucumbers and melons aro forbidden fruit to many persons so constituted tbat tbe leaat indulgence is followed by attacks of obolera dysentery griping ao these persons are not aware that they can indulge to their hearts content if tbey have on hand a bottle of dr j d kellogg a dysentery cordial a medicine that will give immediate relief and is a sure cure for all summer complaints hasty people dtink ibe vvnm of lite scalding hot it is a qreat public bent fit theae significant words wero used in relation to dr thomab ecleotria oil by a gentleman who had thoroughly tested ita merits la his own case having been oared by it of lameness of the knee of three or four year s standing it never fails to remove bella what makes hat mies sprocket so prond x bertha why didnt yoa hear hte advertised her bioyole for eo and they got it in this way a beautiful ladys bioyole for sale dyspepsia or indigestion is occasioned by tho want of action in the miliary ducts loss of vitality in tbe etomaah to secrete the gabtrio juices without which digestion oannot go on also being the principal oanseof headaohe parmeltjee vegetable phis taken before going to bed for a while never fall to rivo relief and effect a cure mr iv w ashdown aehdowu ont writes parmelees fills are taking tbe lead sgainst ten other makeb which i have in stock i g the a hul test ooiwui evil jou bpuome guilty of it and reapon eiblo jouroolf milburnb btorlm headache powders cure the worst headache in from five to twentymiiioiesatid leftwffnabadhfter- effects one powder 5c 5 powdors loo 10 powders 25c if yoa want the favor oc god do our duty as yoa see it and the rest will take care of itbelf a boon tucjclijttb a bottle of hagyards yellow oil should be in every oycliite kit as it is the most effective remedy for sprains braiset outs stiff joints contraction of the muscles cramps in the legs etc castoria tjorenena as well as lameness and is an incomparable palmonlo abd lorreotive old peoples troubles hird for llie old folks tonioxe about constant bickachcs to bother them in the tlitmic irruiary weakiisito disturb their tcit at night oa kidwey pi strengthen ibo kidneys and balp to inul e the tlccllnlnff years comfortable mr w g mugford chestnut btreeticlmrlolrtoun p 4 writes for the post two yearn i have glasgow house acton rjvilway timq tabiib a feature withus this week will bettli early shipment or american prints fancy sateens etc just to hancl in exquisite designs and perfect color ings which will be cleared during the next ten days to make room for regular stock exceptionally tasty goods for wrappers and waists prices will range from 8c to igc worth i2c to 15c henderson co the right house corner king and hughson sts hamilton special carpet sale 1 in spite of the unpleasant weather we have sold hun dreds of yards of the carpets advertised last week some styles are all gone those still here we will offer as follows regular fti 35 brussels for 90c regular 9i 10 brussels for 75c regular r 85 wilton for 81 10 regular 81 85 axmmster for si 15 regular goc tapestries for 75c regular 1 wools for 75c regular 50c union for 4oc brussels hassocks special 45c six only indnn rugs at the following reduced prices j 3 x 10 3 regular 875 for s42 15 6 10 3 regular 860 for 45 12x94 regular 845 for 830 14 2 9 4 regular 865 for 836 122x83 regulir845 for 830 84x63 regular 824 for 815 brussels rug special at 82 50 cich remnants of oilcloths and linoleums less than halt price during this sale all the above carpets will be made and laid without extra charge and stored until required housefurnishings one case of job white blankets size 72 x 90 weight 8 to 10 lbs one third less than rerular prices bxtn super white bhnkets 8 9 and 10 lbs at 80c 90c and 81 per pair 50 only white quilts a 2 yards special at 89c down quilts 5x6 reguhr 5 50 for 84 50 6x6 regular 89 50 for 8g 75 tine white nett curtains regular 811 50 for 87 iribh point curtains regular 815 for 88 curtains lace 60 in wide regular 50c for 35c irish point sash nett regular 70c for 50c curtains muslin regnlar 35c for 25c regular 30c for 20c regular 25c for 15c gold printed art cloth regular 25c for 15c art silks 30 inches wide rcguhr 75c and 81 for 45c cranct trunk railway 1i01m1 u kt 10im1 i aht mall i xi rcsb i mull 0 46 o 1 1 i rxprrun 2 l p ui i xnrttfb 7 cu v in mai i mixed 10 47 a 111 0 11 ui 10 ci 1 11 n 11 in clohisii siaiir going woft 0 2 a ill andghoi 111 doing east 10 15 a til and 5 45 p 111 thin time table wont mto effect on moiul 1 no 40th 1hj early to bed early to rise stick to business and ad now is the lime to advertise people ire going 10 hac money to spend this win ter ns they has not had for yeara enquire at the tpi l thi hi offlce for rates and spice j h hamilton marble and granite hamiltons book guelph having od hand a larga quantity of scotch norway swedish and russian crknite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell it a reduction of 20 pee cent and will how all expenses to customers to ind from our works johnh hamilton your portrait have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable callto- day this weather just suits upholstering in all its branches proniply attend ed to old furniture recovered to look like new qjtpckjafjdrberies an han fully up to the standard thomas c watkins shops and warerooms j toot of willow st calls atlendeld to bay or night j a speight co tho kidney and non retention ot llfre ivy 1 benefited by urine wus drapsicnl and hiiffcred o vlth pair 1 urently tho 1140 of douna kidney puu freat deal with pain in niy back hnve been 1 there hope or the bey who whatever hit failing still reveres bis mother dr jaws worm syrnp is a safe en re and reliable worm expel ler aots equally well on ohildren or adults be euro yoa get irtiws for infknts and children halu uta u 3 a love for good books prevents tho formation of many of those gross habits that defile and destroy tbo charaoter childrens coughs are quickly cured by a few doaos of dr woods norway pino syrnp and best of all its so nice tho jonngaters tnko it with out any fuse no gentleman will either qu filthy language or if ho can help it listen to it when used by others dont tell anjuortj it no one should tall yott aboat it yon would hardly know there was cod liver oil iu scotts emulsion the taite is so nloely covered ohildren like ft iui the parents dont object a nurses story tails hear aha was ourod of hoart as narva traublaa oar tots make or mar as we are tbe ohildren ol oar own deeds sprlnc wcatlitr weakness its aot the weather thats at faoll ita joor system oiorned with poisonous mataritls ibat mesas too feel dull drpwsy wesksmd miserable let bardook blood bjlurs clear away all the poisons parlfy anof anrloh yoar blood inaka yoa eel irlgh dd jlgorom lp5psf sf w ssc there never wae and rinver will be a nnlfersal panaoea in one remedy or all his to whioh flesh ia heir the very nature of many cniatlveh being anoh that were the germs of other and differently seated disease rooted in the system of the patient what wonld relieve one ill in tarn would aggravate the othor we have however id qninlna wine wben obtained in a soand anadnlierated state a remedy for many and grievous ilia by ita kradnal jadlolons ase the fralleatsyatetni are led into oon- valescenoe and streorth by tbe inflaenoe whlob quinine exerls on nstnrea own restoratives it relieve the drooping spirits of those with whom a ohronlo state of morbid despondent and laok of interest in life la a dleeaes and by tranquillsing tbe nerves disposes to soand and refresh ing sleep imparls vigor to the action of tbe blood wtaloh being stimulated oonrses ibronghout the ens strengthening tbe healthy animal fanollons of the system thereby making activity a nroemary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the dlgaalv organ v whlob natnrally dsrnapd inoreasod nwaaa resnll im- provejl aupetlte northrob lyman of it hjvj gtvan to hj poblio their the onerans dntloa tlmt fall to tlio lot of a nurao the worry cam loss of sloop irregularity of nioila soon toll on the nervous aybtem anil undormlno tlio health jdra jljaionzjoa aprofesafonal nuree living at the comer of wellington and king streets brentford ont states her undertakers and embalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention jjirstclassjhearse moderate charges furniture or all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n stin80n rookwood will receive immediate attention mm h ramshaw acton photo artist brkntf0rd galvanized steel wind mills and towers far powex and pamp iog ynthln teraal covered gear riftent bollqr ana bull berines maple leaf grain grinder two sizes for anv powlr no ijias 10 inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8 inch single burrs both hive ball bcinng burr piares relic springs and sha lecd unnd hfic and fast with least power always zuaranteed a trial given hundreds in use subscribe we make patent roller and ball bear ing steel windmills of allkinds the finest in the market best material lightes running send for illustrated catalogue bikit john tutqueeis acton agent tfok above also fob frost and wood binders and mowers a full line of all kinds of farm implements and repairs for the 5c6xoxl free press ease nn follows for he past three years i have buff red from nenkuens shortness of breath o d p ttrntlnn of the heart tho leapt xoltt r t mild mrvko my heart flutter and n 6 1 1 1 cm 11 f mind it difficult to sleep a fur i j ot milbnrns it oar t and nerve piiih i eirieticod great relief and on continuing their nwt the improve mont has been 111 irkml until now all the old symptoms aro gonu ami i am completely cured v mlibnrns heart and norvo fills aure anaemb nervonnnn woakness bleep tessness palpitation throbbing faint spells dhainets or any condition arising fr i blood dlserdsrp i you get all the looal and general news and it 1 costs yon only rt w feyesr jirfewfe 4

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