Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiii no t9 t4t acton ontario thursday march 24 1898 price titrjee cents n action jfm flrsss ib puflllbued every thursday morning at the free press steam printing ofllco ulle street aoton ont tishmttopsuhaoiiiptiox ono dollar por yoar btrlatlylii advunco- all mittacriiitloub diacon- tiiiuott wlion tlio time for wliioli tlioy liavoboou paid lias expired tho data to whloh ovory subseriptlou la paid la donotcd oil tlio addrosp label jl advejivrrblna hates trauefcstt advortliio- tuonta 1u conta por noujiaroil lino for first iii- ortlon a conta porliuo for oaoh subsoquont ueortlon contiuot kates tho following table bhowa ur rate for tlio lnaortloo of advortleouiontafor loolflod periods tiyjit ittdotji imo 1 imp we alo opening new wall rolnohos 6000 e 3500 00 700 lomolxea 8500 0000 1200 300 olhoties 3000 1900 700 350 lllob 000 360 300 100 advertisements without epeolflo directions will bo inserted till forbid and chargod aocord- ngly transient advortlbomonts must bo paid n advance advertliomeuts will bo changed onoo oaoh month if doslrod for clianroa of toner than oncoa xnontli tlio composition must bo paid for atrognlai rates ohanffes for oontraot adrortlsouiontb must bo n the ofllco by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly npmoore editor and proprlotor j paper everyday thereby getting the lnrtest made goods v our stock ia largo and fivtr of ihgtt papers will perfect combinations wo show tho finest and cheapest stock in the city sec how cheap day- sells wall paper before parting vithyour money u traders bank of canada authorized capita 1 opoooo vgsiniss wivectorv j f wren m d o m oflleo and robldonco corner mill frederick btroets acton as elliott m d m b aoton giiidoate toronto univewitt office mala stroot third door south of frotbyterfan church aoton dyk bookstore tfnclpk day sells cheap spring seeds vegetable and flower all standard ki ids 3o a package or 10 for tsfio mailed to any address postpaid guaranteed fullsized packages quality the very best seeds imported direct by ourselves order early xr dryden eveein tiihoatand kobe moiioanb block douglas 8u hoar f o guelph office houna id am to 1 pm and 3 to q pm bcnixata 10 am to 1 pm varrsrxnasy surgeon a lfbedp husband v s graduato of tho ontario votorlnary colloro honorary niombor of the votorlnary medical society officii wm huabanda lot 24 con 4nab8- afjawoyo calls day or night promptly attended to dental l bennett lds dentist ft obobobtown omt1bio d r f 8 merger dentiar graduate of toronto university and rcdb oflco over drug btoro acton vlbitlso dilth tnmibdiv and flliday j mbell ddb lds pent1bt bnookvjlle a honob gnadoate of toronto unitxnsltt wort made satisfactory prloos moderate jjhwaojp fl wondayftftosn ood8aflafri day of eacn wftok d u g h cook dentist c a gjmdl am tonoiyta will visit aoton on tho first and third satur days of oftou month office mr adam cooks residence main street leqal m clean a mclean barrlsurs solicitors notarios conveyancers fto private funds to loan offloottown ball aoton ww a mclean jno a mclean a j maokinnon ilaoblbted bolicitoq convmyancen orilce mill fltroot lo mattbowa block upatalra f v gmatueson j umcleod j t aoaisters b0licir0bb cohvhtamceiib qoorgotown and milton alonoy to loan at lowest ratoa seed grain all kinds peas oata barley wheat 4o mammoth long red mangel ioc a lb xi lbs 8100 turnip seed any standard kind 150 a lb or 7 lbs for 8100 long or short white field carrot seed oc a lb geo j thoup seedsman market sq oublph cheap feed american corn cfiok1896 sound k1sd dry compare it with tlife soft new grain chopping promptly and careful lydoneatttir kockwood chopjin mils harris co trust us to look after your wall paper wants carefully trust us to make the price as low as honest business methods and straight cash buying can make it trust us guelph branch sums of 91 and upwards received on daposifand highoat ourrent rate of lnteroet paid or oorxipouddod halfyearly depobjb recoipts isbaed for largo sums deppaited adyanooa mado to reapodbible faroiera on their own namear nooharre madd for oolleoting saveatotea if payable in guolph t a qonoral banking buainesa trogbaotod a f hjongs jtfiumjfer ottri3 seconds agate ware selling at less than cost in the ordinary way so far as use goods agate ware seconds are as good as agate ware firsts its the wear the service that most women vant these things for dont miss the sale theres splendid value in this kitchen stuff j m bond co hardware guelph housecleaning the reason is here for the house to be upside down and the busy housewife is worrying about wali paper you need nol worry call at the peoples drur store and see the beautiful 1898 wall papers and you will be happy bo up to dnfe and get the latest namely the ingrains which are all the rage perhaps you havent seen them if not we will be delighted to show you them anyway dont buy your wall paper till you have seen the ingrain or you may rue it 30000 rolls to choose from the very latest in all other lines also open for your inspection from 5c roll upwards all 1898 papers big choice mck mgtjrarcxin5 at 7 drug store telephone correspondence mijs secords block acton yoii worthy wear style strength choice cheapness voters 2u5 true to your trust i tho tlmo is approaoliing will boon bo at band to vote for tlio ploblsclto turougboat ttio land tlio oaii will roeoho tba baglo will sound to rally tuo voter tho country around bravo in on aro awaklqg there is no m la taking our strooti tlioy will clear of tho traps that abound tlio day that will tost you and provo what you mo if you moan what you aajj who n you talk of tbo bar that vila institution for which monoootand if truato your country youll vote for its end so ions baslthaaiporod doou ohoriabod and pamporod to lougor otiduro what is sin to defend no powor on earth oaa transform what is wrong totbat which is right though you pralio it in aonn to rojjulato vloo is to keep it oonooaled to foster indarknosblutborrors to shield no half legislation can rescue our nation i can nave it from ruin tho trafflosgrlnt yiold ouruoysaro in perl while rumsellers stand inviting them idbldoj with manner so bland how cold you aro looking came in and got warm or gomo sod got bomothliig that oools llko a cbarm and boys think ltkindnosa dont boo in their blindness tho ucod of refusing or cauio for alarm tho rauka of the druukarda who dlo overy yoar muut gotfroah rocruits the boys far and noar got tbo boys by all moans by fool if not fair oivo tliom froo nickel drinks and tbolr dollars youll share call thorn tomporaucadrlnks 7 which you kqawhow to mix aud youll aoon have thorn saro as birds in a soaro v if mon aro dotermlnod to drink or distil inocxoteonunue if thatit tbolrjnill break laws undo too tod if none will enforce enjoying their rights whilo tboy grow worse aud worse with none to disturb thorn and nothing to ourb thorn tueoudof tho drunkard tboy soon will rohoarso thon voto for tho men who aro oaruest aud atablo to lead in tho vanguard tbo men who aro able to utoor through tbo wiles of a parliament siege whoaowordlsaatruoaa tho oath of allege whoso bonoi is poorloss well known to bo foarloas whose rocord la aloan as their frlouds cn allcso or tbat wlllothowiap called party be ware i it wll 1 load you in quagmires and then loavayou tlore your liojios will bo btraudod irhilo forced to bollovo tho jfloksoth ol an terns just laugh lu their sloovo tuoro are mou good and true bravo to daro and to do who would lay down tuolr lives if nood be to savo yo psktrlotaand truomonl away to the pollbl your frnchiso ihb power the country controls jjo truo to your homos and tho land of your blrtb tho falreat and brightost on all tlio broad earth and bush tho aad walling bo long boon prevailing and outlaw tho traffla that quenches hor mirth p l qrant in jtfewmartxt era j iuni in jlis 01716 wuro on it eli i were on our wed- din journey aint it most too good to be true judith crockett bottled her skirts and foldod together her wrinkled handa with a long sitgl of peaee the train was getting under way again eli i weathered old face beamed and nodded at her were on oor wed din jonrnty mother jest ai true as were alive onr honey moon jest risv do you flhe abked i toldeii i could not help it noway at all the minuto i bet oyeaonxoo no indeed im glad to come im glai to loik like emmy miriamd bwcet voice ppobe the dead name reverently there was a little pause and to break it she said xi ell your row huabandtiuamq you said that in i couldnt help hearing truly that tbia waa your wedding trip then judith orpohett threw buck her head and laughed tyilb such hearty enjoy ment that miriam joined in from very sympathy eli and the girls behind laugbt- ed too land puffed judith in a breathless gdbjp i hope i aint hurt your feelinv deary i had to laugh jr couldnt have helped it not if id ben goin to etitfer for it it btraok me all in a hetp whan you aaked me it eli was my new husband oh my land 1 there im goin lo stop now she put out her hand and b moot bed miriamb gently half apologidgly yea deary he is my neff husband- new evry morhin an fresh every veuin bat the good lords let me have htm 40 years ah i hope hell let me keephim always till its time to go home ao then eli an mell go together i shouldqt know how to go without eli went too she spoke quietly but tho j ova id her plain old faoo transfigured it to miriam oh the girl said softly i see now i didnt understand id the seat behind them eli was leaning forward with his elbows on his kneos ex plaining things to tbo girls most folks dont take their weddhv journey 40 years afterwards ho said aheerfally but i do know they would if they knew how good it felt judith an me could tell em 1 he rubbed his linger tips togethpr and beamed aeroas at joyce it seem a good 1 tell you i he wont on maybe its partly because weve hail to wait so long an theres been ao many putbaoke twgun and theres been snob a eight of em there was the farm to pay for lirat off we thonght wed ought to put the wod- dlu journey money into that and then the bibles came along and it went to bringing them up au when they were op john wanted to go to college an wo wanted to kind pf set the others agoin ao mo wafted for our weddin journey but wo nevor give it npf we had to put a mortgage on oar place to help the children along an ita took till labt week to pay that up thon judith an me got paubod tip and come wed plan ed just whore to go you know bottin in front of the fire winter evebins for 40 years you got your plans pretty nigh nxed up in all that time 1 he leaned over in his seat and locrghed over at them jland aiut it good to hear eli hugh v judith said we aint either of ua had much time to iuujjh till uow wevo ben prettyjaujyftlways but now wove pot a fair start laughin i feel as if we btaould keep it up the roat of the time bat land d i gueud yuu uui all l out hearing ms go bu so oh no dont go yet 1 asxiriam half rose smiling stay aud tell me about you theres e dreadful lot of you in the bar aint there i dont b appose you all belong to tbebamefamily miriams aweet face brightened why yes ahe eaid were all of ua kings daughters she touched tho little sjiiver cross she wore gently swaying it luck and forth were goiog to qulmby to the convention qaimby oried judith in delight why thats where me an elis oln to i eh went there once when he wasnt but a boy an we always said thats where wed go on our wedding journey ell wants to show mn hmfi nf tho jlaoflt ho went to x nnbolief wliero waa his quimby that be bad brought judith to the quiet peaceful quimlsyywith its pleabant nncrowded atreotb joyce and miriam and elva kept together as they were all going to the aarao hotel i dont bee tho bride and groom joyo said ahiioualy j i dont either chimed in miriam and im worried about them wo ought to have kept near them girlh the poor creatfrrea will get lobt in this crubb well philosophic elvah remcirkqd ita too late to mend our waya now gomeoni hurry 1 thorea my grandfatrj- erly httokman waiting for ue elvab waa acquainted with quimby she bad lived there part of her life and she and her graudfatberly haokrnau were old friends her married slater boarded at the palace and h waa under that mat ronly little womans obaperonage the gtrjs were to be during their short visit two days for tho convention and ono for fan was their programme early tho next morning on their way to one of the meetings of tbe convention they dropped into the big bustling depot again qfoodrae i dont ever expect to and it joyoe was baying i bhould think not who ever heard of fladiui an umbrella t elvah laughed miriam gave a little start oh aho baid ive found the bride and bridegroom look over there id the oornerl over there in tho corner surely enough were eli and judith tboy bat qp primly but their weary faces had a patient disap pointed look that broke into pate bunehlne when they saw the girls co ruing to them judith caught miriams hand land deary if it aint you she cried sofily eh dont you see who tis whod have thought now she drew miriam down beside her on tbe seat were waitin to go home she ex plained quietly going home today avhy youve only just got here loried miriam astonished yea i know deary but were goin homo wero ben waitin all night too the train dont go till ten oalocb then at the bight of the girls wondering face she added the rest of the story we didnt know qoimblyd grown up so eli thought it was goin to be like it was- when ho was here before there hub a little nice hotel then where you didnt have to pay but bo centb a day wed ought to waited till wegot more money it was all there the story miriam read it at once and there waa no need of tho sequel to it eli was telling the other girls but ahe listened uncbnbcioubly yes were goin the old mand voice quavered dejeotedty im sort of eorry oh mothers account she bet a good deal of atbro on comin she aint aatd a word bleaa you that aint mothers way i but eheh feolin bad inside aubeln bo tuckered out make it worse you see you cant get much good bleep on these narrow little beats a mother elephant and her baby sleep i you havent been here all night the girlish voices ohorueed ye ell s gently right dered where weve set all night thered a hotel over across tbe track i went thete to aee about btoppin thats why were goin home judith eaid she guebbed the best thing we could do was to go right home again an wait we aint given up our weddin journey but woii have to wait a spell longer the girla staid a little longer and then went away it was halfpaet nine oclock they looked at thooloob involudtarlly all of them on their way out when they got but into the open air joyce drew a long breath and atoqd still the three sweet faces unwontedly moved had the same thought in them 1 wonder if any of our little people luvo seon a mother oepmnt put hr buby to boc 1 i saw it once and it waa auoh a pretty aiht i should like to toll you about it it was sunaet time in aummer and the gentler animals of the zoo in one of the groat oitfes of tho world were iu yardb and folds outside tho buildings when 1 reached tho enclosure belonging to mother ele phant there was a large number of men women aud children standing aloog the fence they were very quiet aaif they were afraid of disturbing eomb one as i stopped by the fence aud looked in the yard a bmcdl girl touohed my skirt pursed up her moutb arid giving roea bplemn look of warning pointed to the elephants mamma elephant had her trnnk around her babys neok and seemed to be whisper ing and encouraging him as he rubbed his bead against her knee he btood a mom ent then raised his head flapped his big little ears gave a flirt of his little cord of a tail and trotted off by his mothers side to the center of the yard there she left him and went to a pile of hay tbat stood in a corner this abetouk up buuoh by bunoh with her truuk ao nicely that bhe did not drop a wibp of it and spread it around her child who had not stirred from tho spot where she had left him when tbe hay had been all apread around the baby the mother stopped into the center and began to tread it down with her feet the little one following her motions exactly till a perfeotly even space had been trodden down then mamma elephant stepped out again went to the further bide of the yard and fumbled about tbe ground with her trunk as she came baok her baby flourished bis araall trunk and flapped bia ears making at the eame time a soft granting sound as if ho knew what was coming and liked it this time mamma btood outaideir the babys bed and beginning with ihe back of bis ears blew a small cloud of fino dust into tho folds of bkin behind them then into those around bia lega and under him till be was thoroughly powdered for the night this doneatie again pnt her trnnk about his body the little fellow dropped to his knees on the carefully trodden bed and after a few soft pats and a few soft grunts from his mother he lay aa a welltrained child of tbo elephant family should the mothers work however waa not yet done she took up delicately the hay from the edge of tho bod and began tobsing it lightly along the sides and op toward hia baok till itsridgo no longer showed when all was done tho email girl who bad warned me not to dlpturb the proceed ings heaved a great sigh and turning to mo eaid i would juat like to know what they do it for so i told her explaining the habit wild animals have of treading their beds to make aure thore are no snakes in tho gfaas tho necessity of dnau powder ing the young whose skin is tender in the folds and who are troubled by the inaeots the ifiiing up ontftdrygrab3btoini d tb oror to conceal them from tho possible hunter my i dont they know a lot i moren some folks i fancy 1 baid the little girl and ahe nover punohed nor pushed him neither though be wasnt very qujok bbo added speaking to a tiredlookiug woman who sfood by smiling no dear baid she she has but one child at a time to put to bed louise deuhlr radkisbki in ths outlook maine prohibition a- good deal is being eaid about the fail- are to enforce the prohibition law as soon as neal dot waa dead tho little doga began to bark of course the law nover haabeeu perfeotly enforced aud it baa nev er been olauned that it waa th a ststealin enforoed here are some faota about maine be fore prohibition there wore in maine seven distilleri and two brewerie nqw not one of either in tbe state many oargoes of webt india rum wero imported every year now not even ono puncheon is reoeived formerly rum shops everywhere ono in every hamlet now in more than three- fourths of the state having threefourths of tbe population tbe grogshop is unknown an entire generation has grown op there never having seon a saloon or the effects of one theqnanilty of liquor now sold is not one twentieth of what it was before pro hibition and tho city is twice aa large the people nsed to spend every twenty yeara in strong drink the entire valuation of the state now one million dollars will more than pay for all the liquor smug gled into the state and sol in violation of law maine saves annually more than twenty million dollars which but for prohibition would be spent lost wasted in drink maine is now one of the moat prosperous states in tho uoion before it was the poorest there was dissipation tinthrift and decay now everywhere is seen thrift industry prosperity j in 1884 after an experience o prohibi tion for thirtythree years that polioywas put in the conbtitution by 1tfifr majority tin inocuration coiti first tboy piiniiiud bin full of viruj from tuiiio mojiocro cow j- lobt tliu email pox mlglit usual liiiu uml luavo pltniorka ou bin brow then ono day nlmllddr bit bim hu wuitijniiiiliii dowuat quoguo and tboy filled lilu volna in ilirin nitti an oxttuct of mad dog then bo caught tuberculosis 10 tlioy ijok lilui todorlln audlojootodhalfn gallon of liuxilli into lilm vvoll hiflfrionclaworo all dollghiod nt thoqiilck- nobbof thoauxo till ho baujjlit tub typhoid fovcr and a opucdy death was oura thon tho doctors with boujo sovftgo dldjnocu- latoahon and injected half ita gaetrlcjuloo into bis abdompu j- but aoon as ha rocovorod aa of coureo hu hud to do thoro oanio alorli arattlu snaka imp bit h m thunib iu two onco again his vioua woro op on cd to locolvo- about a gill of aomo borpoeltlno solution with tho vanoui iu it still to prepare liiua lor a voyago in on ablatic boa now blood was pinnpod into hltn from a leprous oldcliitioeo boon his oppotito bad vaulfibod and ho could not oat at all so tho virus of dyspepsia was injuctod lu tho fall out his blood was so dilutod by tlio romodios hodtakoq on6day holafd liloadowii and dlod and never did awaken with tbo ilrownbotjuard elixir though tlioy tried resiiscltatibu ho dovar showed a symptom of reviving aulina- tlon yot bis doctor still could savo blm bu persist- cntly maintains if up could only lojoct a little life into his vuint her only attempt tho wife or a young south sido doctor had been greatly worried for somo time by her hubbands bad habit of mild awearing time and again bhe had pleaded with bim to leave it off but all to no avail finally alio hit upon a bright idea whenever ebo heard him awear bho would awear with just o littlo more vehe mence hoping in that way to shook him out of tlio habit it would bo hard for tier ehe know but tbe game was worth more than the candle ao ahe bravely started in on tho morninifter1ihe took this resolve came her opportunity to give her husbands nerves the shook bhe thought would do bim good as they walked up the steps together on returning from a morning call the young doctor found the front door unlocked in violation of bis express orders dash those daahod maids anyway 1 he ejaculated why dont they keep this front door locked andtbonhib wifo began thats what i eoy too dash it all htivcut they got senuo in iheir daelied heuda thia utteranco on the part of his wifo took tho young doctor rather by burpribp but ho was too angry too bco tho meaning of her behavior so when he iot iuaidu and didcovered that lunch was not ready on time ho hwn again wliydahb it all lunch iu lite again what do tliceo dabhedtimritcftti-bjrkeeping-tiie-late-every- day dash it all yes thats what i aay hia wifo chipped in they aretobdaahed blow to bo any use aud then aa bho look ed up aho eaw ono of tho maida utaudiug in tbe doorway holding np her hands andher month wide open in holy terror well dabb you what are you standing there for detnannded her miatreub why dont yea go and get lunch well i waa juit tryiog to tell you maam thatm pourthroy tho miniatcrs wife is right here in tbo parlor waiting to see the doctor one thing is bnro tho young doctora wife will nerver swear again threehavana pictures when you want your pictures neatly iramed we will see you do nol regret it thp combination is offered in our stock of new and fashionable goods which in cludes all things new and desirable in the line of t jtmonabb ulgrkfoorth division court county of h1- on oonvoyanoor agon tflro and llfo assurance llaal kauto agont uouoy to loan oto ovyioh 1orryinnsdlook aoton out miscellaneous enby gbibt h v bolloltor o patonta for intentlon oto propro applications for tho canadian amor- ovnmd european pwntoffloob and for tho hojlitrmllon of trade uarka bond for pam- phtrt thlnvtwo voara exporlonoo f waters bros st qeopges 8q uare quelph bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you ibam0ib n0nan bookbinden wvndhmn st onolph ontario wy ovar w btoro aooonnt booka of all kinds made to ordor periodical of every doscrlptlonoarofallybourid bulldp nftstlanflpromptlv done lumber planing mills nassakaweya bootsvshoes and rubbers examination will show that bur stock is especially strong in style besides being un equalled in variety and first in favor because of the high grade quality nothing will convince like personal inspection that for seasonable goods and reasonable prices the best place is at williams boot shoe store mill street acton m abniaok dioenseb h p mpobe 7mnjn or minttlaqb lilcenbbb privataofflon rio wltnesiea required imued residence in tlio evening free press oflloo aoton money eanubrb if yon wlah tb reduce your interest or asenre flrstkilasa loan of money at low interest anoon eaair terniftir lotavmenr nsn onr mo i m a special ty of lending sssoy and haveilantyoffunda 1 alao lens on village property w c jackson pwihnsn amn mohgt lknpgn orriqb wyndtaam btn city hall ouelih welllngtoii mutual fire insurance company babbiabduio p ayebs proprietor has constantly oil hand a full line of lumber lath staintjles cedar posts wood jfito cukom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short nottife planing and matching done to the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket r p sayers robt noble for best values in readymade clothing underwear and qftnorajl dry goods iincst brands in tho highest price for wheat althe psas warehouse oats aclon in8ukance on cash and mutnat plan any ooinrnuoloatlona forwarded to my addros box 6 or telophone 88 will bo promptly at tended to tayrj0b agent oaelpli barley station teas coiyefts oatmeal w m hem8tbbet tjioii8d atjonohabb for tho ooontiea of wellington and halton orderlittlbefn pnasa offloe aoton or atmyroaldenoeln aoton will be promptly at- ended to pees redueed to 500 fob farm saxes also monsry to loan on tbo most favorable aoms7ana m tbe lowest rates of intereat in sums of smooand pwarda tfc acton lfti flour ai bran acioit shoxtts flour and seeds au feed kinds of feed store try norval flour the best family flour larkel frank harris manager covnmeal flonr c j g mcbeath acton ontario acton liyery jfioiottjbaaiddahlban umber ljmr shlaglem wootl bio au kinds of wood in stook and promptly delltsrod to any part of tliotownat reaaooablo prlooa hmtwoodavod alabaoatatove length always on band telepnono communication 8prlngtsbrm commences atrltthnl iho gaelph bublness eellege and shorlliandtniilwflie a moat reliable iil wll managed school for boys and girls preparing for business life i r 1 call or write for dreulau v5jbmpjpil0pi oualph v- busline the undsnlgnl rmpectf ully sollolu tne batron age of tbe public and informs them tbat well equipped alrid btyllsh rigs oan si waybbesecmred at his subles a comfortable boa meeual trains betwawt 9 am and k1s pm oaraf nl attention given loeveryorder tba wants of commercial travel- lersfollymst john williams the words drifted back to the trio of breezy sweetfaced girls behind the whole car aeemed to be full of girls girls aciross tbe title girl in front girls behind ftddetjiofthemtwitteringandlmoghing in aabdnod little gales after the worldover fashion of girls didyoa hear joyoe dirrah theyre on tbolr wedding trip i whispered elvah crane in delight the dear little old ltfyya bride i truly do you apose whispered baok joyoe shes so old she mast be most a hundred look at her dear little cork- orewonrlt behind her ears 1 gl iris girls quiok i murmured miriam nye nudging them in turn i do believe bos going to kl her 1 bdi trie kiss if it had started never reaofaed its deeunation judithcrpokett aaw itcominff and held up berfldger to warn it off land eli dont 1 ahe orisd bight where folks 11 aee you w bat 11 they think judith crockett looked over her shoulder and got a pleasant glimpse of the vista of girls faces behind her my aint there a heap of em i she oxotnimed an oh ell look quick i thorei one jest exaotly behind that looks like kittle bmmellne tbat died ive got to epeak it that one ell ive got to i ooutdnt no more help it than nothing at hv she leaned back and beckoned toutarlam nye deary she called do you mind com- lu av abttln beside me jest for a few rnl i want to speak to yon miriams tune- stopped abort bhe glanced at the other girls in amused won der aud then up into the sweet wilnkled face she saw the eagerness in it and ansvrtrethhttitantiy vei indeed aba raid aud the gentle man can bavemy seat here they made the exchange and ell sat down opposite joyce and elvah with a nod of gentle friendliness he leaned forward to them pointing backward with bia thumb at judith emmaltae died you set he said confi dentially van she wanted to talk to the youog lady because she looked like em me- line bhe always wants to talk to folks that pot her in mind of emmy i dont luppoio the yoong ladyll mind now do you i couldnt bear to set up against mother ou our weddin joarney i thought wed ought to humor her behind him mother earneil voice was raurjlngoo weve bean married 41 years ell an ma u wm w years ago emmy died yon look somuoh like her deary thats why i cooldni help calling you youve got bminye eyes ah her little round ohln emmy had auoh btautlfal ohln 1 her own chin quivered a littler but still he emlled at miriam kou dont mind my call in you deary aint ever been away from home except over lo the pint sboppin ell went baok to his seat and lonohed miriams arm ivo worn thent jarnin gueaa likely motberla wore yea ont i raesa youd like to go baok to your frienda about now wouldnt you judith reached out her hand good by deary she said im much obliged to you its been a little like tuvvin a visit from emmy an ob eli she goin to quimby toot aint that nice theyre all goin i deolarel to quimby be you thats good 1 maybe youfro goin to put up to the same place too im going to take judith to the same place i stopped at itn around two corners from maine street turnin to your left both times i could walk to it with my eyea bhut were going to the palace uiriani aald on axmlnbter street but perhaps we may see you sometime oh i hope eot she pot her othor baud over tho one judith still held and looked down into the old womans face it aeemed like taking emmy away from her to go away it waa auoh a little thing to do to slay pttiently if it comforted emmys mother 1 in hia name the letters on the little cross read if there was only something wqrth while ahe could do because ot those letters it was getting lata a station or two more and they would be at qalmbj eh and judith crockett had settled down j op e again and were doling a little their heads jogging to the low monotony of the wheels tone judith woke up and nudged 11 eli wake op jest a minute i wont then miriam with a little jolt broke into a brisk businesslike tone and said weve got to hurry theres the day for fun you know yesi was thin tlngofrthat so was i we could give i that one up miriam went on three days for fun almost makes two days for them and we oould make up the root put in joyce quickly i was going to get a new oh never mind what bho npiahed- i dont need iti alter all and i dont need mine either i jangh- ed elvah softly nor i oried miriam the girls took thorn baok to the beauti ful palace hotel and made them thbir guests in all the spare rnlnntes they could find they took the happy old ooople around the olty and showed thorn ita wonders whehit waa nearly over and they wero saying goodbye to tbe girls it was- judith who laid her plain old bands oh miriam and elvaha heads like a loving littlo bene diction and said put your hand on the other head eli for me the lord only gave me two hands there dearies god bless you 1 tlio captain and officers of tho maine attending a spanish bullfight on sunday 2 somo 250 poor follows blown into eternity 3 an unitod statos battlobhip cost- iug our government it is said with ub armament and atorob aboutflvo millione of dollars destroyed half that sum would have enabled us to form in noarly ovory public bohool in amorioa bands of moroy to toaoh tbo coming gauerations olbry to god peace on earth kindness justico and mercy to overy living croaturo geo t angoll a u8efuu notion tjutil within a few years spirit levels were mado with perfeotly bmqotb sides aqd there was danger of dropping them in carrying thorn about or up and down lad ders and ao on half a dozm years ago same one thocght of cutting a groove or channel in the wood on each side of tho level to make a hand hold it may seem strange that nobody had thought of this simple device before but nobody had the mau that did tbiuk of itgotit patont ed and now ifavels are made with thu improvemeot the business sluqoard i keep yon long aint it like boln abroad on our weddin journey where theres kings an palaces an things 7 8he said they waa tbo kings danqbtera an theyre goin tb stop at a palaov eli nodded vaguely in dozy indifference to hor words well judith laid to horaelf ho mights well go to ilep again im goin to make believe itne aa littloecuroy used to do that eh an mee journey in abroad it wont do a mite of ha m au its about as nigh to palaoes and kings as eli ao me will ever get till we ent r into the blessed kingdom over aoroit bhe waa still smiling over her harmless play when the train with a jolt and wheeie drew into quimby there was a good deal of conf dilon as usual in ths station of a big city haok- men beckoned and coaxed and their strldeul voloea inoreaied the liabbnb indefinitely haoks o uttered in and out trucks threaded the cro vds and tfcreateoed mens bonei and out into the cry and rush eii and judith went in una id aston ishment thia quimby elis old fioe mi full of a good many young men spoil their chancheafdr auccess in life by the frequen cy they come late to hnsluess arriving at buaintsm iu good time does not create ability where the same is lack ing bbt late arrival at business discounts whatever ability the slothful one may liavo the bird that is late getting into the meadow secures but few worms and the yoong man who is in the habit of pelting t save your feathers s m oppor for suooesa the habit of arriving at the post of duty late betokens slotbfulneis and no employer will be in a hurry to advance persons of this type then the young man who la slow to pnt in an appearance at the post of doty is usually ths quickest to get away from it at the close of the day in other words he is quite willing to to out off somtthinx at both ends of the working day the men who have been the moat success ful in life are those who have been earl at thepoit of duly in tbe morning and have not been in an inordinate hurry to leave it at night especially when pressing matters required attention he who would bosuccesaf ut muit not only exercise well hia ability but he muet nee well the time whloh his own or employers business demands of him the country newspaper the qaestion is asked why country weeklies are not sold us cheaply as those of the cities most city weoklfea cost httlo for typesetting as they are largely made np of type already uued for the daily issues avhea tbay con tain- original mat ter-it-js- diamond dyes will make your faded hat and bon net feathers as good as new our aots make or mar ua wo are the obi id red of our own deeds a girls idea of happiness is to daaoe with one mau and leave- two or three other men walkiug tbe ball door in jealous rage now set up by typesetting machines one of which will set as much typo in a dy as flvo men working by hand the old fashioned press or the country newspaper prints perhaps ten thousand a day whilo tbo olty paper is turned out on a cylinder press cut and folded at the rate of teu to forty thousand an hour the olty paper is able to secure a circulation running into tho tena of thousands while that of the country town doea well to reaoh as mauy hundreds largo circulation too brings large returns for advertising in this wfcy the coat of each copy is very small and theoity weekly oan be sold for little more than the coat of the paper ou whloh it is printed the local press of ontario is deserving of warm support it maintains a high etandard of news gathering and servos as the means of exchange- of local thoogbt and opinion its editora are able and well- jnformec- and their oorumenl is probably tbeitroogest agenoy in tbe politioal and intellectual life of the people let no one underestimate the value ot bis local paper toronto farmers sum t may lip lhst p lafliim qr not h of thb fact that old hat and bonnet fea th oro oan bo mado to look a a good ua new by thodlanioud byea those uniorfal hom6 friends let as tell you howo do ho work use the diamond dyts prepartfl for wool and silk tbat can now bo bought from any dealer olflan the font her by boaklng it in filrong soapsuds fifteen inin utes then draw gently between tho thumb and forefluger a number of timoh und rluso in warm water dip and rcriip in tho dye- bath until tho desired shade is obtained rinse in oold water and prcbs gently with the hand between two chit he to removo the water now hold before a gentle fire shak ing elightly until nearly dry and theu oorl by taking three or four uprlgo or the feath er and draw briskly between tho thumb and baok of soltsors and so on until it is finished old feathers oan bo rocolored and made to look llko new to color feath er blaok be sore to use the diamond past black for silk and feather prepared by tbe makers of diamond dyes this js tho only successful dye for coloring foal herd a rich black w

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