Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1898, p. 2

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1 married mitctin tboousnin st andrew a church now york on monday 7th maroli by llov i hakur mr ii mold mitotic tomun limivno ilauulitorof mr n linomor i3rln towhhm mnrrlarfu hniiuuh aimiolnttnonts mil ii 1 mourn olltuuor rosluoiuu jf i viik1 ihiuiionft on frlilnv lh1i mnroh julin clnrl uju 7ltnraaiiit7 iiioiiiib il inn u mlltouoii wltlnobilay march lotli jlullih ai iolriittkini oiuttm 7 tiiimth nud m tuvh cpjs xto zet rcss thursday march si 1b08 notes and comments i the writ for tho byeelio ion iu west prinoe pei to all iho vacancy oausod bj tho death o mr perry was issued op monduy nominations april b slid election april is mr davis bill to ullow members of tbe mounted police- foroe to be pensioned after twenty years service instead of twentytivo was pasted without opposition id the honso at ottawa british oabltgroma state thai the earl of etin and kincardine viceroy of india since 1833 desires to resign his post and that the government is oonsldoridg the appointment of a new vioeroy tbe visible supply of grain in tho united states and csnada east of the rooky mountains mnroh 21it is as follows wheat 81417000 bushels deoreasofl08000 bushels oorrj 48888000 bushels irorease 786000 bushels oats 12817000 bushels dtarease 640000 bosbels thore is talk oi a protest in balton let it oomei wll be all the same id the end john r barber will take hra seat as mem ber for ealton no matter what happens so that the liberals of this oounty are in no wise alarmed by the ghost of a protest let her walk i milton reformer mr charltons sabbath observation bill has been reported by the oornmiltee of the house df oommoue with an amendment by dr montague that prohibits tbe sale on any day of tho week of any newspaper issued in canada or elsewhere whioh purports to be published onsunday sir boadin leah eimayor of manches ter and aid wilson southern vtce-obair- roan of the m snofaeater ship canal waited upon sir rlohird cartwright on monday tor the purpose of explaining to him a proposition to establish direct communica tion between oansda and the manchester distriot of england the largo surplus of ths present unapoial year and the high prices of sonaols find tbe government of great britain with more money on its hands than it needs and it has been deoided to spend 2600000 in bnyiug sites and ereotlng buildings for the great publio departments inoloding a new war ofllco our lady of tbe sunshine is the title of an interesting illustrated work in ooorsa of preparation by george moraog of tor onto it will be issued io june and is designed to present canada in hsr resplen dent summer garb for the apeolal edifloa lion of the old world whioh to a large extent still regards this oountry as a land of snow and ioe s the fr bjll to be reformat out of exlstonoe- tho franchise of the provinces to be the basis for domin ion elections e in e p discouraging perjnry tbe witneia will be ashed to nuke n umworn atitemont in court and will than be required to swear to it first being permitted to withdraw or correct any part of hie testimony heavy penalties are provided lor the wilful ma king of false btatenifidti io court kfflsttfi police court biblea in taking an oath bat been tabooed in new york on sanitary grounds au that is needful said the magistrate to tbe policeman is that you lay your band on it he explain ed that a case had lately come to his notice in wbohaaeroaf disease bad been com municated by a police court bible and that ha bad established the rule in conse- the old bill ha9 no friends ottawa marcliurd tho jubxto on tho ftiwiciuo dill has buoti iho uvont of tlio present week all porta of rumors hate been current lately to bo clluat that iho proposed tiow bill would be would bo dropped but rtio opeuiun of the dobato ou tufhday proved concluatjyely that tho matter is u luo issue and tbat in all prob ability tbe old bill will ba legislated out of existence tbe opondk of the debute in tho cora dions wab unaccompanied by any oratorical flourisbes the solioitorgetwal mr fitzptrlck moved the seooud reading in a brief speech he was followed by sir charles tuppor who made a proposition on behalf of tho coneorvativea looking to the rotentlon of the frauobiao in the hands of ibe federal parliament but reducing tbeoost to this offer the premier dis sented and insisted that tho only reform to satiay him would bo to reform tho federal f ranohise oat oi existence tbe globe baysonoof tbe pledges that the liberal party gave to the country was that whenever theywere in a position to command a majority in parliament they would repeal the unfair enmbersome and costly frauobiao act whioh was forced into being during the memorable session of 1885 a long step in tbe di root ion of the fulfil ment of this promise was taken when bolioltoroenerat fitzpatriok moved tbo second reading of the government bill to wipe ont the present system and substitute tbe provincial franchises for the purposes of federal elections a noteworthy and commendable feature of the debate that it provoked was tbe calm and judicial temper manifested by the leaders on both sides of ihe house it indicated that ibe difference between the two parties on tba question 1b not so wjde as might bave been expected from tbelr mutually hostile attitudes in the past grit and tory united in condemning the franchise aat is an expensive failure and both agreed that something should be snbstitated in its place bnt there was not unanimity of opinion as to what it should be the opposition contended for the right of parliament to control its own franchise sir charles topper made the suggestion that manhood suffrage being the rule in five of the seven provinces in confedera tion the remaining two quebea and nova scotia shquld have no verytrong reason for not adopting tbat principle tbe prime minister presented a care fully reasoned argument in justification of the proposal to revert to the order of tbiogs tbat worked so satisfactorily before it was superseded by the franchise act mr bobertoson of torooto is unmeasured terms condemned tbe franchise aot and suggested tbat instead of keeping parlia ment in session week after week engaged iu party strife tbe leaders should get together and draft a measure tbat would be mutually acceptable tbe bill introduced is a simple measure providing for tho adoption of the provincial franchises and the use of tho provincial listi and enacting that if tbo latter aro more than one year old new lists shall ba prepared for the dominion elections for those who wish to come to a decision intel ligently tbe first question will be what are jhese provincial franchises and how are ths hats prepared jhese question a are answered in a parliament ry paper intend- ed to accompany the bill manitobas accounts mr qreenwaya government fig ures out a good si red surplus for the provinoe ive cooperative experiments in aqriculture tjpwardb of 1000 varieties ot firm crops havo boon touted in iho ixporimontal de partment of tbo ont uno aurloultural college ouelph wjtlun tho past twelve yotirp und six hundrod of thorn have hem urown for at leant tho oars m mioroaeiop nfttrly nil ll chiiikiihi boris und several hundred low vu notion imported by tho experimental dopurimoiit from different parts of europe asia afrioa australia aud thb united statos have been included in these carefully conduoted experiments sonve of tho new varieties have done excep tionally well and have already been dla- tributod over ontario through tho medium of tbe experimental union with very gratifyiug resolta tho biberiau oatn maudscbourl barley korison bearded bpiing wheat and tbo mammoth cuban yellow dont wibcormn earlioet white dent and tho sal rs north dakota varie ties of corn whioh aro flow beooniiur bo popular in onttirlo were i in par tod by the expcrimeptal depertmout and after being thoroughly tested wore distributed fn small quantities tbe present systom of coaperatlvo ex perimental work in ogribukiiro was started in 1880 with 00 plots which wore situated on twelve different farma iu ontario since that date however the work has increased from yoar to year and iu 1w7 there were 11497 plott whioh were situated on 2835 farmb interested persons in ontario who wish to join in the work may seleot any one of tbe experiments for 1808 and inform the director at onco ot the cloioe made all material will be furnished entirely free of oharge to each applicant but bo will be expeoted to conduct the test according to tbo inbtruotions bent with tbe seeds and to report tbe results ot hie tebt aa soon as possible after harvest list or experiments ron 1808 1 testing nitrate of bodu superphoe- pbate muriate of potash mixtnre and no manure with corn 2 testing nitrate of soda boperphos- hate muriate of potash mixture and no manure wun maugela 8 growing tbreo legumiuoua orops for green fodder 4 growing tbreo mixtures of grain for green fodder 6 tooting four varieties of millet testing four varieties of grasses testing four varieties ot oioverb testing three varieties of buckwheat testing three varieties ot spring wheat and one variety of spring bye testing four varieueabt barley 0 7 8 9 a crippled shadow the remarkable statement of john davis of vit- tor1a strloken yvith rheumatism he wasted to a palnstrloken shad- owdootors and hospital treat ment failed to help htm dr williams pink pills restore hoalth and strength tot 11 12 18 u 15 tebting five varieties of oats testing four varieties of pirns testing turea varieties of beans tobting five varieties of oirrots testing four varieties of mangold sod one variety of sugar beets 10 testing two varieties of swedlbb and two varieties of fall turnips 17 testing six varieties of corn material for either no j or no 2 experi ment will be sent by express and for each of tbe others by mail tbe supply of material beiog limited those who apply first will be barest of obtaining tbe desired oatflt it might bo well for euab spplloant to make a second ohoioo for fear the first ooald not be granted particular varieties need not be mention ed as all the kindb io be distributed are those wbiob have done exceptionally woll upon the trial plots in the experimental department ctitzivrtrdireotovr ag co quo m 21 1808 rockwood qaenoe oommlsaionsr edmund e shepfiard says everytbids shipped from canada to bonth a marina grnis either by way of tbe united states or great britain it is even cheaper to send by great britain and it seems tbsl intlle process of this rounda bout transmission daoadae identity la completely lost goods going by way of new york are sailed amerloariaod loose by great britain british mrsheppsrd says instead of paving tribute to united states snips of- an outodat build if canada oan export direct tba volume of oar trade will ba enormously increased aud by this means others will grow to have oonfidenos in n at ths annual masting of tbe provincial fairs association held recently in toronto it was almost the unanimous opinion of the delegates present that tba local township fair should be abolished no definite scheme was evolved in regard to ibis matter with tbe sxoeplion that a nambsr of ibe local fair anlm to form one good show in each diatrlct tbis la along tba right una and thtrlet would be better served if tbe moneys now expended on township fairs wen put into one good show in sash oounty there would be greater induce ment for farmers to make exhibits a better class ot eitiiblis for visitors to see and the cdaotl value o on good die winnipzo maroh 21 tbe public ac counts were laid on tbe table of the legis- lsture at the opening of the session under the head of keoeipts il is showu tbat the tralanoe on co 81 1800 was 0721827 benlpts flaring tbo year on consolidated ravonne sbclxrant 9083706 07 receipts of open sooonnts 124322800 a tout of 1001158 tbore is a oaab bal ance on band of t6i0438 m which inolud- tbh u e t bri tbo total np to tleil15b for publio ohools the amount expendoi wa 10808888 for agriculture and migration 105000 01 attorneygeneralsdeptrtmcmt 91123700 pqblio works department 918460057 qovehnment wins in russell v trial show woala bs one hundred per oent greater than bait s doun smell township fairs the townablp fair did good sorvloo in tba earlier days bnt thelt necessity baa disappeared milton 1 t- the old town has been basy thisv week the spring assises were held on monday the county ooonoll on tuesday ana mo remainder of ths week will be devoted to millinery opening rev j w b hllns preaobed farewell sermons in boston cbnrch laat sunday to large congregations ho leaves this week for bis new obergo at ottawa wallerbinaobn english boy ot 10 wassenudoed to two months in gaol at hard labor for stealing an overcoat watob etc from a trsfslgar farmer last week an event of somewhat nnlque import occurred in connection with the hprldr assises hero on monday mlis olsra breltmarlln torontos female uwyer appeared before jntloe faloonbrldge aud argued wlltfsaob merit as to win the oora- pumaols of tbe ooph sbo appeared for ba plaintiff in ihe civil aotion for illegal distress dr moorlnproop ot falsririo is an applloant for in vscaooy io tba couuoll of biwj mr auldbord the liberal candidate eleoted by s i 4 majority otuwa maroh 10 oguldbord liber al is sleeted over f marler conaervatlve by a large majority the latest retnrns how that qaidbord literal bos 814 of a majority there was great rejoicing at the reform club rooms here as ibe returns were being received after mr ouldborda eleotlon was assured hon a w bos mr stratton and mr oonmee made speeches mr john clark a wellknown residentof the 3rd line eramoba died last friday night mr w m orr superintendent of tbe ontario governments spraying oxpenmoat corps will give spraying exbibitions here on tuesday 29th inat in bpite of- the thun leratorra on wed nesday evening of last week a very plossanl time was spent at ibe borne of mr thos bolls 4th line eramosa whan qufle a namber of invited guosts assembled tboro everton georgetown fruit tree spraying experiments will bo given here next monday by mr w m orr superintendent of tbe ontario govern ments spraying experiments crewson8 corners a namber of farmer in tbis vluinlty oommenoed their spring ploughing the forepart of last weak tbe roads ore still io a deplorable stats if onr municipal oounoil would make tbe f pay th slatnte labor lax instead a i i i tr j tl nr t itrktn of allowing tbemtodosoad work we would then bave good roads let u get ool of the rats mr m orewaoa has ereoted a new saw ing mill and is now basy sawing lumber we oan now boast of having a alore black smith shop two saw mills a shingle mill and a ohopping mill in osr village aa our population inorease eo also does our in- auatries mr james ramthaw pent sunday at mrs j madermotte erin township miss ethel kentosr of balllnafad spent several days laal week visiting frlsnds here na8 mr david agnews sale on monday last was qnlto a saooei the stock was id good condition andoomsntnded good prices quite namber of yonng men from nasssgaweya are leaving for tbe north west this weak we wish them snoosss the heaviest iboudsr storm for soma lime oocrarred on wednesday evanlng of last week there was qolte a lot of hsll with tbe rain her mrandmrsnalbaolii held and two daughters formerly of knatohbnll now of b rewdaya rensw- ipgfialnwuceeh atsiohllrttk ferhape some people who live neater everton than aoton will be pleased to learn that we have a good carpet and quilt weav er herein tho person of mrs j handbrldgo bag bees are the order of tho day just now messrs w h and o ho r top went to bel wood on wednesday to the marriage of mis a densmore to mr w h wilson tho ceremony took place in the ohurcb reception and supper in the town hall where an enjoyable evening wan spent mrs momillan and mrs molean ot toronto were visiting their parents mr and mrs thos benson last week thoy returned monday evening taking their mother along for a few weeks visit in their homes charlie oongdon son ot s oongdon took the g t b train atguelph on tues day for vancouver we wish him well qalte a number of our young men purpoie going wear this week or next bev p baker bad a severe attaok of la grippe last week but was able to resume hfs work on suuday though not looking very well wo aro sorry the roads and weather made it impossible for our young people to get down to the briok church to hear hev h b ghrjatje we may aoe him at guelph in june dnring tbo conference proof upon proof aooomulntea that dr williams pink pills is theureateat medical diaoovtry of tho 19ih century and the following atory told in tho grateful pitiouts own wordj anuu saban tidtea the olalm that they oure when all other medioines full kuowidg that i am a living faaonumcri- ol tho wonderful our rig propertioa of dr avillinma piuk pills i deem it my doty as a grateful rnnu to glvo my tcritimony for the aid of such ob are nflhctld as x waa i am u rcbtdent 6f the village of vittoritt ont and have lived iu tho town or neigv- borhood all my life and aro thereforo well ho own and what i aay may bo easily proved threo yoara ago i was btrloken with and partially paralyzed by rheuma tism and after iielng under tbo aare of two puysloiana i wail given up to die i wasted to a human skeleton nothing inoro than a crippled shadow 1 lost the me of my limba entirely and food was giv eajmeby a spoou life was not worth living and snoh an existence waa indeed miserable thus i awaited the end to oome an end of human suffering too awful to depiot as a last resort 1 was persuaded by my frlepds to try medioal treatment in the general hospital in toronto and after spending several weeks there came home disheartened and even worse than before while writhing in the pangs of pain discouraged and ready to die i heard ot dr williams pink pills and of the marvellous ourea they had effected while doubting that thoy would oure me i was prevailed upon to take them the effect was marvellous for two long years i had nob enjoyed a einglo nights rest and i thou slept a sweet sleep which seemed like heaven to me i revived could eat and gradually grew et conger and as i gain ed strength my hope of living increased i have taken fortyono boxes whioh may beam a large quantity to some bnt be it remembered i had taken many times their value in other medicines and had been declared inourable by doctore the result is that x am now able to bear hard physi cal exercise all my large circle ot friends and acquaintances welcomed me back in their midst and life seems real again the fact is beyond all question that dr williams pink pills as a last and only medicine proved successful in reaohing tbo germs of my disease and saved me from a life of misery and pain again i say as a grateful man that i cannot too strongly recommend this remarkable mediolne to all fellow beings who are a alio ted with this terrible malady jambs david tfai above testimony is signed in tbe presence of ernest wedsten mavbee gtfifvfvfifntitfnimfitfirwwwfrwifprnfitfrmfwrwitrwwfj i ste need tlie room fiiuiiwniuiuiuiiiiuiiwuaiiiuuiiuuiuauuiuiuiiuiiiuiiuuiuiuiiiiuiiii wo neecve y foot of space for our big purchasers of spring goo eds which uro nriving daily and to get this room wo muat clean out und mnku n complete cjenruneo ot all winter goods no mutter whnt tho snerifico now this is the g cutest opportunity cvor offorod in qoorgotowu to closo buyers seasonable goods ut your own prices comprising dross goods dress trimmings lad slvia aiuauuiiania v rtjbbkr stamps it ou fliio itumior htiuurs rutin ink ttn vwlto to ouai curry a cp luia tit tata iorouto a b elliott m i ttf p acton gtladuatl tollovro utllmilibitv omon corner will und john btreut actou j mbell ddfi 8 tentimt bltookville honott gluduatkop toronto univeiib1tt work mado batlnfaotoif trlcos moderate viaitima days mondtiw iftornoon camp- bollvlllo tuobdayotw friday itocktrood foe 3ies smallwaie mens economy in buying seeds economy is nob paying less money for a thing than you expeoted to pay- true economy u good management and about tho worst management a farmer oan bo guilty of is to bay ohoap seeds and thus cut tbe value ot his orops iu half or worse a btrem cannot how higher than its bdtfrciyatidacroxtsirairtjr tharrito seed real a in buy- iag seeds that bear the stamp of a house that is known to be reliable then tbe planter is absolutely soro tbat he gets what he wants and what be pays for in every part of tho country dealers sell tbe absolutely reliable seods of d m ferry coj of windsor ont whioh have given good results for tho iabt 42 years ferrys illustrated seem annual for 1898 contain ing information that no farmer or gardener can afford to be without will bs bent free to anyono making application to tbe arm new music liberal offer to introduce our new monthly publica tion american popular ifmie we ifcake tbe foll li offe b oe-tbe- namesof three or more performers on the piaap or organ and fifteen cents in money or postage and we will mail you sixteen pages of the latest popular songs two bteps etc full eheot muslo arranged for piano or organ and american popular music for threo months address popular musio co indianapolis ind underwear furs of all kinds at sacrifice prices boys youths and mens suits overcoats and odd pan fa at coat anfi esa than coat to make a clearance aq wo aro overstocked in tfiis department jnat to hand tho latent stylos in hau and caps from tho leading manufacturers fine highclass tailoring although this is between boasons wo are busy yes busy in thia- departm our long experience in tailoring in conjunction with iirstclnss cutting and workmanship give us full con fidence in our ability to satisfy all who favor us with their patronage we bijow a full stock of the latest in spring overcoatings fine scotch english and irish buitinga trouserings etc patterns exclusively our own directly imported we thnnk our many friends and customers for their patronago in tho past aud hope we will havo thorn all with us again thib eoason immediate or exchange sale ftmic uuderslfinod livo forlmmodlatesaloono x now hiukio hott of flameta and a cood top bugry or would oxcihwro for good mil oh eow or a bone 1 o moqiu3 son agents woman uictitlool our brest now book dlaous3os all plianca of tbo snbjoot con tains thalir and workqt miss wlllara tuo geokgetowfs livest store gibson millhrcco roe block 73ki1s st y g0rgt03an produce taken l exchange every day bargain day here p s no space to quoto prices hero but visit our store and eeo how far a little money will go literary news possibly the most generally popular book whioh has been put upon tbe market in canada and the united states this year ia in his steps by charles m sheldon author of tbe crucifixion of philip strong it is a sermontory and its ideal oh arabters apply tho question what would josas do to every action and en gagement ofevetyffky life in reaponse to a sermon from the text for hereunto were ye called beoanso ohrlbt aho bo tier ed for you leaving yon an examplo that ye should follow his steps the pastor of a oertaln chnroh in a large manufuataridfi town entered into a mutual agreernont with a number of the most active menribord to apply thoquory what would joaus do to their business and profoaaiooal kfo and to endeavor to follow in his steps in all matters tbe volume is a most interesting reheardal of tho experiences aud accom plishments of the various uhurioters con cerned it is an inspiration to more con secrated and unselfish offort on the part of christians and cannot fail to be helpful to all who peruse its pagoa it should be in every sunday sohool library and be read by all epworth leaguers christian endeavorers and temperance advocates it contains 300 pages is neatly bonnd in olotbhatsgoinpaper 25 c sendordora- y william bripftn tnropto mtmmm namagawaya bo hntwjymaroh slat una acton markets haroh 93 lege flour 8 a to to 1 2 o fall wboat wlilto st to t7 ou u to 88 pea m to 03 bya 43 to si ouelph markets matob 99 1606 flour uollsr a as saw whits wnoat 89 to m ilod wlisat 80 to 83 qocwhoat 63 to 70 baclay mto m oata 37 to 9 lty s to 8 paaa 09 to 00 hay b 00 to 7 00 eggs por doa io o ia buttar dairy paokod 13 to 11 butter rolls 10 to 10 potatoes m bap u to 00 toronto markets marsh 99 1806 whltawueat 77 to 79 iud wbeat 80 to 87 ooosawhaat 78 to m oau m to 91 barley 98 to 8 paaa 7 to n hay 8 00 to 060 batter rolls 17 to 18 fjggs m to u potatoes 00 to 93 literary notes the canadian magazine for march is a handsome and interesting namber jean blowett charles lewis shaw fergus batne and winifred graham contribute entertaining stories thomas hodglns q c writos of pritish and american ulplomaoy affecting canada showing how canada lost the territory now known as michigan ohio indiana illinois and wis consin john a cooper reviews mc carthys life ot gladstone pierre marot writes of dreyfus zola and franoe j and ihomib e- champion gives the first of three historical artiolei on tbe anglican ciiuroh in canada the illustrations are cameronsand include a fine pen and ink uketoh of a hookey matoh everybody should read this national publication the april number of tbo delineator is called tho spring number and it con arms and supplements the spring styles given in maroh the literary matterforthlamoulta ranges over a very interesting field dr murrays article on headaches troated in a popular way but wlch a physicians knowledge bhould ho muoh approoiatod the journal is crowded with matter of interest to the ladies order from tbo looal agent for buttoriok patterns or tbo jelin- eator publishing co of toronto limited s3 richmond st west toronto ont the subscription prioo of tho delineator in 61 0o por year single copies 15c a br of 24 pag i gives tbo nutoxt of a highly intorebtiig address on tbe identity of moral and civil law deliver ed by rev o it morrow of alma ont recently bofore the centro wellington ministerial assooialfou it is a thoroughly modern and nptodate prohibition addrosa and is crowded with logical argument to prove the shame and sin ot a i ioe used liqoor traffic wm briggs publisher toronto prico five cents per copy 92 per 100 gubuii nov 23rd 1897 the sloan medicine company hamilton dear sirs for years i was troubled with periodical sick head aches being affected usually eery surjday and used all ihe remedies that were advertised as cures and was treated by almost eery doctor in guelph but without any relief one doctor told me it was caused by a weak stomach another said it was hereditary and incurable i was induced by ix neighbor fotry sloans indian tonic and i am happy to say i did su a few doses gae immediate relief and one bottle and a half mode a complete cure this was three years ago and the headaches have never returned i was also troubled with asthma and nothing helped me like your sloans indian tonic i can heartily recommend it to all and will be glad to give any particulars to anyone afflicted as i was w c keough for sale by all druggists or address the sloan medicine company hamilton limited 3 1 00 per bottla 6 for 5 00 the first of the japanese attracted to this country by he klondike excitement arrived saturday on the northern pnoltio steamer victoria from yokohama she had 09 japanese all told and probably half aro boqnd for tbe yukon heart rescue in 30 minutes after momentarily expecting for years that death might bnap tho vital cord at any minute this is tbe story thousands ooold tell and have told of the almost divine formula dr agnews oure for the heart- every day ohronioles the taking away of many who have not heeded natures warn ings tbat the heart was tired out and need ed the helping that this wonderful oure gives heart disorders are insidious dpnt trifle this great remedy attaoks the disoaso instantly sold by a t brown heres a little nut to crack jnsb a grain of aorn 1 the principle upon which putnams painless corn ex tractor acts ia entirely new it romovea the corn layer by layer without any pain whatever it never fails either try it tbe spring show dnrinc tbojreok sermed to be somewhat fn advance of orthodox datet people who advertise only pnot in three months forget that v moel people cannot remember anything longer than ismutevwyv j mr cunningham father inlaw of bsv b large of tho methodist church stroud fell out of his bedroom window and died from bis injuries saturday there is no reason why ono should havo a oough any length of time all that is needed to allay soreness ot tho throat or to free tho bronohlal tubes from irritating moons is ayers cherry pectoral it is a wonderful oougboure and should be in every medloineohest toronto urchins have already commenc ed bathing in the bay dr j d kellogga dysentery cordial la prepared from drogb known to th pro fession b thoroughly reliablo for tbo oure of cholera dysentery diarrhoea griping pains and summer complaints it has been used buooessfully by medioal praotitioners for a number of years with gratifying results if suffering from any bummer oomplaint it is just the mediolne that will onre yon try a bottle it soils for 25 oenta job printing roads ohroulraso o executed in the bolt stylo of the art at moderate prices and on abort notice apply or address h p moore fata puus ofllco aoton aoton machine and eepair shops henry gbindbioti proprietor are woll equipped with all tbe maoblnery noooasaay to execute all repairs to maobln ery and affrloaltaral implements and todo all kinda of steamflttlnfr boneshoeing and general blaokstn thing woodwork repairs petormed in a satlafaatory manner machine or imploment summing and filing dona we oaa repair and machine or implement 6f any make baw georgetown electric works t j speight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos ehjctbic motors moat wonderful woniaa of tho century over a hnndroo beautiful portraits of tbe greatest women known with blofirpbteal ketches snap for eanvusors thelin8cottcomhany toronto ool agents 8ell klondike gold fields liko a whirlwind experienced canvovflaori reaping tho richest harvest of their lives boglnneni doing wonders nearly everybody subscribes ono young fellow on a farm at ifl a month is making 7s a lady typewriter at sj a week is clearing u a inochanlo who bad earned 81 so a day la clearing 5 a day wo want moro hqont canvassing outfit 25 coots worth l the bbadlergakitetflon co limitod toronto notice to creditors notice is horoby given pursuant to b 8 o cap 110 boo- 3d and amending acts that all persona having claims against tbo estate of john nicdcom late of tbo township of eflqueaing lu tho oonnty of ilalton who died on or about tbo floth day xt january 1699 aro required to sond by post prepaid or to deliver to james new too limohouso loat ofllco executor of the estate ou or boforo tho 6th day of april 3808 tbolr namos addrebbos and descriptions and a full statement of partlculajra of tbolr claims and the iiaturo of tbo security it any held by tbem duly certlned and that after tbo said day tbe executor will proceed to distribute tbo assets of tbo decouod among tbo parties on titled thereto h kurd only to tho claims of which they shall thon have notice james newton executor datod this 3rd day of march 1898 executors sale the farm and all effects op the lath john niokell tbo undersigned bos been instructed by james newton executor of tbe estate of the late john nlokoii to boll bv nubile auction on tho premises oast half lot 23 con 4 eiqueslng on wednesday 6tli april 1808 at one o clock tho following the farm east half lot 22 con i esnncs log comprising 100 acres more or loss this farm is conveniently situated to rail ways towns schools sud churches there is a flrateloss brick hotino wtaloli occupies a very commandlngpobition ploturosqne view tbero is r over a larro boctlon spring on tbo promisoa and the farm throughout a neverfailing is in good state of cultivation tbo property will bo sold subject to a leaio hold by thomas aomoevluo and to expiro la april 1001 chattels and household goods horse bpggy gutter llflut waggon blnglo harness and threo buffalo bobes a lot of household effects including btoves bedsteads bureans tablos lounges chairs carpets bedding lot of diahos knlvos forks spoons kitohen utensils otc tenmb of saleon fsrm ton por cent on on day of sale tho balance within thirty days thereafter chattels and houoohold goods to bo cash james newton wm dembtbeet xjimebouse executor auctioneer s a water motors and hydraulic rams ripo and steam fitting and general bepalr- ixtg doing equlppod wih a gas broxltig maanlno i am prepared to do braxlng on bloycle frames o wheels converted from with careful attention the ugliest beard and mustaobe can be made tidy and of even color by the use of buckinghams dye for the whiskers ziffle pills the also relievo dhtrctsfrom dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowsl nets sad taste in the mouth coated tongue rain in tho side torpid liver they regulate tho bowels purely vegetable small phi small doae small price substitution tho fraud of tho day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver fills the nomination in west prince to fill the vacancy oanaed by the death ot mr perry m p takes place april 0 and polling a week later street oar acoldent mr thomas sabine says my eleven year old toy had his foot badly iojured by beiog ran over by a car on the street railway wo at onoo commenced bathing the foot with dr thomas eoleotrlo oil when tho discoloration and swell lug was removed and in nine days ho oould use his foot we al ke a bottloinhqhoufr retdy-fcr- any emergency reacmthis ulutcfl a man wno dcsirc3 to ftl iff nil i cu steady paying position and earn good wages if you are at present employed that need not prevent you from sending us a postal card to learn whnt we do for you we have the largest most complete and thoroughly uptodate nurseries in tho dominion lhere is a largely increasing demand for homegrown nukjery stock all supplies sent free the trial costa you nothing you get your pay every saturday if you cannot give full time to our inter ests we can arrange liberal terms with you for pact time we grow a full line of fruit trees berry bushes flowering shrubs ornamental trees hedging bulbs roics and seed potatoes all our stock guaran teed and warranted 10 live write and tell us you are open lor an oftor and we will make you a proposition and you will want to accept heels converted from direct to tangent ha 1 a jo of guaranteod spokes handle bora bent to any desired ana fall lino of srwltee kept ta stookj batisfactipn sw hstif iu luaaii twuhwmi loyoles enamelled in any color t j spkiaht georgetown sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont cooper r akins the tailors are prepared for it with a very attractive stock of sprint 8uitings spring- overcoatings spring trouserings la all tho latest goods our workmanship isi always satisfactory our prices are always right wo have plates for the newest stylos in pjcycle siiila and urn tmund in plnp thn wheelmen call in and inspect our stock cooper akins main street acton tailors aurjiarfroff capital tsfioo00000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in moathly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 6o 00 paid in maturity value fioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayablo in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton e p blackford co toronto a womans opinion on politios aro just aboab as pronounced and reliablo as faor opinions on tbo nomsn ber husband knows that aho doesnt only thos who have had oaporianoo oan tell tho tor oorns canse pals witli yoar boota on pain with thera off pain night and day but relief ia sure to tbois who aso holloways oorn oure tbe woman who marries a man to reform him generally has a lot rnoreobanos than the woman who worries bfm to reform blm farmalees pilla posaeaa tbe power of aoting epeoiuoally npon the diseased organ stimulating to aotion tba dormant enorgies of tba ayetani therapy removing tlsom n foot so great is tba power ot this medlolqe io olcano and putify jbti duesaevpalmoitlafsry narao sndoatan are jrlysn irom lbo bpdy mr d omt- wall oorjawsll po dm writes i haws lrld earmeieev pills and ind thsm u axcsllsnt rnoaielnr and one tbat wllljl ii w barber b paper makers aeorqetown ont maes a bhoialtt of machine finished book papers aho nigil grade weekly news the paper need in this journal is from ho above mills wm barber bros main sjreet planing mills acton ont john k rchltect cameron and contractor ataaolaotoror of bash door fratnea uoaldlu in all styles dkkssma ind hould1no to ordar on short notiqa tvnll asaortod stook on band at rrtces losu the times john cameron proprietor nursery stock agents book agents i agricultural implement agents 0r anyone desiring to better their posi tion ana increase their income sbauld write usi tho demand for homo grown nursery stock is on tho increase vo need more men if you want steady pnylng work write we furnish all supplies fhra wa nam ths largest nurseries in the po- to2 25 oommbndon tk shss wholo or port urns moo w fruaranuie all oar atooitt wo jtewfe paronaoera with oertlfioate i our nurseries comprise over 700 acres and growing stock in targe quantity enables us to sell nt the closest possible figure men suoceed with us who have palled with others it will cost you nothing to learn what we can dofor you dont write unless you mean business innd want profitable employment stone wellington toronto wall paper we tako pleasure in advising you that our new lines of wall papers celling papers afrd bor wanted fanmbiw sons or other indbstrloas parsons eaueatlonto wbomaa a month woala ihi an inducement toould also aagais a fsw ladles at tbelr own nomea- r r v h iwboptt toronto soli ivlmiuil the campaign prepare for winds we would oall yoar attention to the foot that wa are prepared to supply yon with lumber of aultable length far your barn doors vis 10 u ib or u fast also babhr doors tlo for batliogr otorni 1 as low a rato tnmnaa irapat qp at -i- itt saw rnss oton liv for this season are now ready for your inspection window 8ha ties etc our window shadnd gu rtain pote de- partment la complete we have an assortment of window shades to suit every one either plain or with dodo fringe or laco curtain poles all colors at all prices wood or brass trimmings all wa ask is that you reserve your orders until you have examined our samples in above lines im2tea

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