Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1898, p. 4

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the hit of the season is made 1y ayer8 sarmv- parilln just at thiseoasoii when spring and its dobill- tatlng days are with us there la noth- inglikoayers barsaimrilla to put new life- into tlitr sluggish sya- tcmitbweepa awaytho dull- ncss lack of appetite ian- guidneas and pain asa troomflweepa av ay- cob webs itdow not braco tip it builds up its benefit i3 lasting do you feel run down take ayers sarsaparllla a bachelors thoughts awarritifo in h rhitf of beauty und a qloy bend for vcurebbok 100 page free j cxyer co lowell uuk tliitt ur two wujb to lull wlieihtr u yirl ib in luvi with iti usk her or dont ttak jier if a wo nun i really linn moro boiiho tlmn her liiikbond rho never lets him know oil tllillllrt ho moat uirln would mlhir yon atieorfcil al tjiiir parent ihui to iimfnuuto thnt their liairlh j in iv ii alwttym mcnn putlretia to u father to hour iih little cliildron suy tlio annuls niuit bo like mmm lqvo is bo pretty that the woman nro never eat io tied till they can net one of ltd winge to lust tilings with a woman can always tell you the cheap est place to get a thing at and the moat expensive way to get along withoat it some american rascals fffc tttm jfm ress thursday march 24 1898 sijf flonng jfalkfi a mortzf mistake i studied my tables over and over and backward and forward too but x couldnt remember six tltnos nlno and i didnt know what to dp till bister told me to play with my doll and not to bother my bead if you call her fiftyfour for a wbllo youll loarn it by heart ahe eald bo i took my favorite mary ann toouflli i thought twaa a dreadful shame to rive suoh a perfectly lovely ohlld each a -jjerfootlyhorridjiamoj- and i called jier my dew llttlo fiftyfour a hundred tlmos till i know the answer of six times nlno as woll as the answer of two times two next day elizabeth wiggles worth who always oats so proud said six times nlno is flftytwo and i newly laughed aloud but i wished i hadnt whon teaoher said now dorothy tell if you can for i thought of my doll and sakes alive i i answerod mary ann excltangc- it has been a good many years since we left the practice of the law for other things we like rnaoh bettcribat it qabd to be a criminal offence for a man to bby ap all or a large trtioniof the wheat com ooal pbrkjor other produdte of the country neoes- eary to eastftiri hfe for the purpose qf raising theprioo and compelling the poor to pay a profit of a million ormillion to the man that does it under the law as i used to read it my impression i that this loiter jr who has been baying ap the wheat would have been liable to be sent to prison it ia high time that trill kind of business be stopped and i should not wonder if some suoh man as the lata henry george of new york oily after looking into the mat ter might make it hot for some of these rascals fn this world laying nothing of the oext although a man of moderate means 1 would cheerfully oontribata fifty dollars to suoh a result if the old laws do not apply then one of the first things which ought to be done is for all oar state legislatures and congress to pass new ones making suoh offences as above desoribed punishable with five years imprisonment for the first offence and im prisonment for hfe for the second the most dangerous anarchists we have in this oountry today are the raaoala who bay ap on a large settle the necessaries of life to make the poor py higher prices and bo add millions of dollars to the millions they already have geo t angell strojm test cbuunoey depow against whom no one would thiuk ol olmrhin h purittinlo niirit ppoake ub foiiowh on the temperance quoutlon twentyllvo ymira uo i know every man woman uuil child in poolsjkill and it has been a study with mo to murk boya who aturtod invvory grndo of life with myeolf to aeo what bocumo of thorn i whb up iunt fall mid bojan to count tliom ovor and it was an instructive exhibit somooflhom bdaiimo olarkirmafohantb manufacturers lawyora and doctors it ib remarkablo that everyone of thou that drank ia dead not one living of my age barring a few who wero taken by sickness everyone who proved a wreck and wrecked his family did it from ram and no other cause of these who wore oharchgotng people who were steady who were frugal and thrifty every single one of them without exception owns the bouse in which he lives and has something laid by the interest of which with his hoaie woald carry him through many of rainy day when a man becomes debased with gambleing rum or drink ho does hot ere all hib finer feelings are crowded oat the poor women at home are the ones who suffer in their tender emotionb sqffer in thelraffectiona for those whom they love better than itewtbiichrutianadoaie a qood exitmple for doctor aro patie a good true story is told of a san fun- oiboo woman and a doctor with a eonsctenbe the doctor performed a suoaeaslul opera tlon for a rioh woman and when asked for his bill presented one for 950 the lady smiled and said dj yoa consider that a reasonable charge oonsiderlag myclroam- itanoes the doctor replied tbat is my charge for that operation your clraana- stanofis have nothing to do with it the lady drew a cheok for 8500 and premqtr d it to him he handed it back ayiajz i oannot accept this my charge for that operation is 50 very well the lady replied keep the obeak and put the balance to my credit borne months after ehe received a long itemized bill upon which was entered charges for treatment of yarious kindsrendered to all sorts of odds and ends of humanity male and female bluok and white who bad boezr mended at liar expense she was so delighted at it that she immediately plaoed another oheok for 500 to iris credit oo the same terms and it is now being earned id the same way oojuois ik avfeeetohlcpreparalionroras- slmilflunglheroodandregula- that the ifacsimile signature im iki ftomoiesdlgeshdncheef mi- ncss and rest contains neither opiumhorptune norninexal not narcotic jmvtatotdhrsimvizrircnsit apcrfeirttlefnedy forconjilpat lion sour stonuchdiairhoca worms convulsionsrevenshv ness andlios of su jac simile signature of is on the wrapper of eveey bottde of ijeioutorlt irpit tiplnramliiiboulm only it liiot wld is tralk dontalloif tnyooo to loll m anything else on tho plsk or promiio that it jljnitu good aid 1u mwor ory pr- 1 jom a- beo thnt jon got 0a8t0bia lfeitotto sv zsf u yy tw nam if yoa want to make a ihan bowling mad jast keep cool when ho abaseayod if an alligator conld talk he woald probably iniiet that he bad a small month if some people were to think twice beforo epeaklng they would never bay anything jpont worry olabs woald be some iiao if tbey kept woman from epilling ealt on the tableolotb 3vcontlis a mans good fortune often tarns bis head his bad fortune as often averts tbp heads of hib friends children cougha- are quickly oared by a few doses of dr woods norway pino syrup and beat of all its so pioe tho youngsters take it with out any fuss not even time to quarrel a sympatbotio reporter writes a cleveland young woman to the plain deal er recently bewailed the fate of the over worked bait i want to put in a plea for the ditto bride she not only baa the same numberless lonoheb dances and dinners in her honor bat they oome at a time when she is takon up with other plaus and prep- arationa unleaa ahn irfa hralnlaaa4witof- fly her thoughts mast be otherwise ooca- p any one think sh do take thought to keep np with the whirl ho makep the mistake of bis life a pretty and popular young woman who has been through it told me the outlay for clothes for these faootions was a aerioas consideration thoy reqaire ones best and prettiest beoaase yoa cant ioialft a friend who entertains yoa by wearing in old gown and you hate toget ptwaiiw for these side shows when yoa are prepar ing an elaborate trosseau and they take so much important time jast at the billing and cooing period- as a pretty and pros peotive bride mournfully remarked wby georgieand i havent even time to quarrel if this sort of thing keeps np the inoienl cbnftneiiig jit ijx btadxy itentilated rooms has helped to poison tlie system and implant seeds of disease thousands have lost ih stbength and weight an3d are eoken in i heaeth borne people will never learn anything for this reason that they understand everything too soon a boon to cyclists- a bottle of hagyards yellow oil sboafd be in every cyclists kit asit is the most effeotivd remedy for sprains bruiflee oats btiff join xb contraction of the musoles cramps in tho legs eta new spring hats in hhrdknbs0ftshtpes nkvvest styles all colors starting as low 1 as 75c up to 3 ve handle only the best iriakes railway timm tablb a very special offering this week of winter weight beaver overcoatings cut prices to clean pur winter goods leave your orders and save money 25 coats for 20 22 coats for 18 and 20 coats for 16 made firstclass in every way new furnishings and colored shirts latest goods re n6lson 99 wyndbam st ouelph the loading tailor and furnisher cash and one price tlie right house corner king and hughson sts hamiltoil ready for the spring business it is bettortbkeep ohndien to their ducy by a bonbe of honor and by kindnesa than by the fear of punishment running sores fashion of elopemedta will inmly ravivod bo fames celery comipoundj the best of all spring med- icines purifies the blood restores nerve force and ijdst strength amobg ths fine good reiqlli that an apparent from uilog palpoa celery com- pbnndin thalgarty aprtng aaaon ia a per- eatregnlarity ol the bowela flood appetite onnd healthy aleep and good dlgeation theio beneflta coming promptly with the n of palnea celery oompocnd natarally reinlt in healtbbnlldlng and the eatabllah if a man ia able to swim he aboald txaya beoome a panper bwimmera are mlf- eaatainiog the eighty who suffer in every hundred from catarrh have a friend indeed in dr asnews catarrhal powder i waa a oatarrh viotim for many yean dr ardowi catarrhal powder hai dona mo great aervloe i tried every remady id the category of oatarrh corea without any permanent relief after taking only few doaea i received great benefit and in a very abort while my oatarrh bad dlaappoiarj e i am aallafled it is the beat aaf and ojoiokeat remedy known for tbji malady today jaa b bell paoldlnjy o sold by a t brown ment ot a vlgorona eyatem that li capable of reflating aloknesa and oontaglooa diaeaaea ii eboald be remembered that apring weakneu nervonaneaa deapondenoy lang uor and that tired feeling prove that the matter in the nerves and spinal oord are not getting anffioient nqqriabraent paines celery compound will ijulokly apply a freah and abnndant supply of nutriment for every tiaaue ot the body the great medicine la prepared lor this purpose palnea celery compound 1b the only medicine in tbe world that baa earned the complete confidence of mod oat men and the beat people in every part oftheclvilized world this worldfamooa medlolne is the only one that can meet the needs of all who aro weak arid aiok and who have been ooollned in badly ventilated apartmenta during the long winter months it qnlokly expols overy traoe of poieon and dt6eabo and gives a fiow of rioh puro blood that inburea per- foot and true health if yon value your life beware of aubstl- tawth ar a by a dealei paines celery compound is wbat you noed to cure you take nothing else it ia a guaranteed spring lifegiver and health- boildor if a man never takes the firat drink he will never die a drunkard whenjou takehooda pn tbeblj okmaah lened jcwented pllli which taar yon all to ifcebot i with hooda easy to take it la bad form to confide financial proa parity to your family doctor it affeoti htowlla tafodatotbetairi safe certain and sure jin arunlsts foe ftthoo6teso2l the qbtv wi to take wl jt linn ah a vegetable remedy for dtoases arising- from plsujrdered jfjyer i5tr rnach or bowels such as heiilachc bulousness constipatlorij coatctl t bafl amvi iti at languor distre after battrisr etc mub ouu howialonotpii nbaaya i daod lamlitor pills for heajfaohesl and lilvor troubieand thsy not only re lieved me but ourua me they do no gpo ot elokea and are easy to taki j sqldbyy dggtotaiataoo when a man jlpda fault with his coffee his wife safely infers that tbe batter ctkea are all right torturin bain di keep you in misery during the day diatnrb your reat at night the banting itching and smarting nearly drive yoa wild burdock blood bitters cures all kin diaeaaea drives tbe poisons cawing hem7dof th system and make tbo wood pur and fasaltby katie ityifer oarraanla oot sayn boriockblooflbijyflured ma of mt rhsqnfoaryeaiam return of ftilnpe tjrtffittiimifa oonla bardly sleep wlthtpt pain it gtv snosess whiohmakea a man humble la aucoeas of the finest perfection there never was and never will be a universal panaoea in ono remedy for all ills to whloh flesb is heir the very nature of many curatives being suoh that were the germs of other and differently seated diaeaaea rooted in the eyatem of the patient what would relieve one 111 in turn would aginavate the other we have hdwever in quinine wloe when obtained in a sound onadolterated atato a remedy for many and grievous ilia by ita gradual jadloiona use the fralleetsyslema are led into oon- valeaoenee and strength by the inquonoo whloh qnlnine exerts on natures own netoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a cbronlo state of moroia aesponaenue and laok of interest in life ia a disease and by tranqnillzlng tbe nerves disnosee to sound and refresh ing bleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whloh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening ihe faealtfay animal fanotlona of the system thereby making sotlvlty m nenaaaagrja that is suoh a good brimful word hearten 1 it gives yon the reason wby nobody can be low in their mind until they have first got low in their heart dbnft tell anybody if no one should tell you about it yon would hardly know there was cod liver oil in scotts emnlsloo the taste is bo nicely covered children like it and the parenti dont objeot a plover man can hide the fact that bt isnt wise but a wiae man always expoaeq his lack of cleverness one of tbegreateat bleasfnga to parents ia mother gravee worm extortnnator it effebtnally eapele worma and give health in a marvellons manner to the little one ho who foresees calamities buffers tbehi twico over porteue dr xowa worm syrup ia a safe sure and reliable worm expeller acts equally well on children or adults be euro you get lows to live is not to live for oneself alone let ua help one another ftfenander indalgent mothers tell a boy to get op in a tone wbiob enoonragoa litm to stay in bed atrsogthenlng the frame and giving ufa to ths digestive orgaos whloh natarally demardilnoreaaed anbatanoe reauli im proved appetite northrop 4 lyman of toronto have given to tho publlo their quinine wine at tho nine rate and gnagad by the opinion of sdentiats this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in tb market all druggisle se it pobkeuttfifartpfsnmgb- a boys first pair ol coughs and colds need not beendured they can be cured and that quickly many tnixtures are tem porary in effect but scotts emulsion of codliver oil with hypoph6sphitc8 is a peiniuiieii rfejthedy the oil feeds the blood and warms the body he hypophosphites tone up the nerves the glycerine soothes thetinflaimedthroaranid lungst the combination cures this may prevent serious lung troubles 5oc and ft no 11 dnifgbti scott ft rownf chmhu trol pmi0wm fr inianta and ooildreu mrrstephen wescottffreeport- ns found burdock blood bitters a wonderful bl o o d p u rifi er and gives his experience as rollows i was very much run down in health and employed our local physician who attended me three months finally my leg broke put in running sores with fearfih burning had thir teen running sores at one time from my knee to the top of my foot all the medicine i took did me no good so i threw it aside and tried b b b when onehalf the bottle was gone i noticed a change for the better and by the time i had finished two bottles my leg was perfectly healed and my health greatly im proved dress goods vigorenux tweeds for tailormadedresses 46 inches wide 35 40 ind 50c per yard fortyiwqinch bengaline allwool latest shades 50c fancy silk and wool mixtures 46 inches wide 50 go and 75c french costumea in single drs lengths very choice special for 36 and 87 suitings covert canvas armure bedford and worsted in all leading shades 60 75c 81 8r25 per yard shirt waists print shirt waists laundried collar and cuits yoke hack 50c pr with detachable collar and cuffs 65 75c and 1 black sateen shirt waists special 8r or with detachable black collars nnd cuffs 140 black lawn blouses detachable collars pointed yoke 81 muslin shirt waists full front yoke back white laundried collar and cuffs detachable 150 gingham shirt waists russian style 9150 to2 new spring mantles cloth capes fawn and navy fancy stitching 83 to 85 black cloth capes jet trimmlnr 84 black serge jackets fly fronts 8450 and 8500 speoials white quilts 1 14 size special at 89c mens print shirts size 16 only regular 8115 for 65c regular8i for 50c regular 50c for 35p men s hilf uose neirly half prjee black cashmere socks embroidered regular 50c clearing three pairs for 8r staple department cotton shirtings checks and strips light and dark colors specials at 5 7 s 10 and iric a yard fcnglisb oxford shirtings great variety of patterns 12 17 and 20c canadian flannelettes 31 inches wide 5 andjje english flannelette fine quality 32 inches wide regular 10c special at 8jc english flannelettes ceylon finish 32 and 34 inches wids special 16 and 12jc per yard wash goods crums best english prints 32 inches wide fast colors itjc special line 36ihch scotch madras 15c per yard fancy printed muslins 28 inches wide 10c per yard fancy printed muslins 32 inches wjde 13c per yard grey cotton sheetings 3ginch regular 6jc for5cregular7fjc for6jc 40inch regular 9c for 74c white cottons 30 inches wide special at 8j and 10c new cottonades soft tweed finish i2j 15 20 and 25c kentucky jean 20c per yard blue and brown denims at 10 i2ji 15 and 20c per yard flan nel ette sheeti ng flinnelettesheeting 72inch plain 28c per yard 72inch twill 35c per yard samples on application freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchases amounting to 8506 and upwards- thomas c istatfciais wo inh pohinfrtrolybut wliat-our- aotiona make aa worthy ofl obaipman one laxallver x overy night ior thirty days makes a coropleto boro of bllionaneab and- cooatipatlon that is jast 25 oohta to be oarod wcsuu w- oeltlog into debt is gatllng inlo a tangleaoms net franklin bid backache ooodujo if yoa are troubled with baoaaohe lame baok or weak back yoa will find doany kidney pills a rem tdy that will take ont tbe pains and aobes and givo yonr book needed strength r charity ofton covers a multitude of sins whloh oaght to beqovored when a woman has bad suoh a dis appointment that she wont do anything bat oryandtww candy she ig said to bo eating her heart ont spring weather w its do the wtather thats at fault its yonr kyalem ologged with polsoboqa mwi ihas makes yoa fissl doll drowiy tit and miserable let bordook blood olaar away all lha poisons porlly snrlob jroar blood ask yon feel and sigonns faith oan remove mountains bat oivll onginoera prefer to tunnel rightthrough them grippes legacy grippe tooolten leaves behind it weak ened mtart shattered nerves and under mined health nothing will rostoro the system to its old tlmo vigor so qaiokly and perfeotly as milburna heart and nerve fills mrs tohn qolgley 80 sheriff street st john n b says slnoo i had an attack of grippe i have been weak nervous and ran down i dootored with some ot the physicians bat got no relief until i oommenced ueing alllburns heart and nerve fills which have completely onred roe shops and warerooms foot ol willow st j j speight go undertakers and em ballmers v vactofii ont- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furmture all k a wellassorted stock at- reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co j orders left with j n 8tin80n rockwoofj will receive iramedlhtaatfenlion ooeoaetaaili cratid trunk railway mall 0 111 am 1 fixiircfh r st kxnroh 3 imn kxiirviiu 10 47ii mull 7 co pm mall 0 11 imlxctl 10 iii tiiin ov clobina if aha joirihwuft d w am antl ohoim qotlig kat 10 15 am and 5 45 lim thin tiuio tnblo ucut into effect oil luonriit novaoth 1b00 i early to bed early to rise stick to business and advertise now is thelimelo advertise people ire going lo hive money to spend this win ter ts they hie not h ul for eirs lninre at tht teli i hi sb office for rites and spice j h hamilton dealfr in marble and granite hamiltons book quelph havlug oa baud a large quantity ol scotoh norway swedish and russian grhnite and in order to dispose of to make room for spring stock now purchased i yil sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow all expenses to customers to and from our works t john h hamilton your portrait haveyou had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous- attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits h ramshaw acton photo artist brrntford galvanized steel wind mills rami towers aoouraey la the twin brotbor of boneaty lnaooaraoyof diaboneaty 0- simmona strength came back th anvil bnos mora ring with th strokes of his hammer mr thoa portoono tho well known blacksmith of gmlurlcl qnt ella jiovr sicknopb and wort iuichrf gnvo way to hetitti iwd btrongtli jjor tho past four yofti- m ton need ik to bear tho dally burden h ol llfo if yonr books woak doina kidnoy pills will strebothnu it if it pi inn and acl os doani kidney fills will enro it nc experiment in tnkine doans kidney pills j hoy cured linndreris of weak aohlng backs long beforo other kidney pills wero droained of hn jauu ran nillovll ont nffered for nine years with turriblo pain jn the back rhetimatfo pains and paine in the blnddor he spf itt 9b00 dootorinfi bat got littlo rellet ioan4 kidney pilu have complotoly onred him taniihod tho baok pal no ana all tho other paine and aches if some men had to eat iheir words miey woald toon die of indigestion nsrres have been very weak my bleep fitful find disturbed by d renins consequently i nroe in the morning nnrestod i was fnqiicntly very dizxy nd was maoh troubled with n mint thnt cntno before my eyes my memory was ofton defective and i had fluttering of tho heart togethor with a sharp pain through it at timee in tlife condition i was en till y worried and felt enervated and exhausted two months ago x began taking milburna hcarv nerve pills biiioo hint time i have been gaining in health and strunyth dally tlioy havo restored invnorvts to a healthy condition moved all dlsxinars anrl lirorttroublo and now i sleep wbjl mid derive comfort and reet from it tfit milbtirns hea an nerve pile lire agnd remedy for nervous now weakn ikart tronbloand similar com plain i g a wltltnnt saying price r0uk r oxntml ririigifltbor t mtlbura a co toru i i laxallvor plls cure dyspepsia if you expect to conquer in the battlo of today youwlll hnve to blow your trumpet in a firm and steady way if you toot your little whistle and then lay aside your horn theres not a soul will ever know that such a man was born the man that owns his acres is the man that ploughs nil day andlhe hlnnthat koepsnhumpfn is tho man thats here to stay out the man that advertises with a sort of sudden jerk is the man that blames the printer uccause it didnt work uut the man that gets the business uses bminy printers ink not a clatter and a sputter but an ad that makes you t and he plans his advertisements as he plans his wellthought stock and the future of his business is as solid as a rock for jowi and pump- jng vrithln- ternal covered q ear patent roller ana ball bekriags maple leaf grain grinder for any power no i has i o inch reversible burra- no 2 has 8inch sihglciburrs both have ball- be ari n g- b urr pi a tes r elie spri and shake teed grind fine and fast with least po wer always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use the acton tree press will help you lo this prospeiuty we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market best material ligh tes l running send for illustrated catalogue bbantfordcan johnwqueen acton aqent for above also for frost and wood finders and mowers a foil line of allkinds of farm implements and repairs y jgjtf a ax rc0 i

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