Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxtiirno 4 1 acton ontario thursday am ux 7 1898 v peice thbee cents lic xtott jm fkass 18 puillisiltid eveity thursday morning at thb freefrcsssteftm lrlnthigoflice uill btiteet acton ont tkliuhopbuiiaoiiutioh ono dollar per yoar btrlotly in advanco all subscriptions discon tinued whoii tho time for which thoy havo boon paid lias oipiroil tho dato to watch every subscription ie- paid 1b douotod on tho address label advkntihtho hates tranalont advqrtlso- uioutu 10 coutb por nonpareil lino for jlrst in- ortlou a coiitbpor lino for oaob subsequent usortlou contiuot itatkb tbo following table bllowfl ur rates for tuo iiibortlou of advorusouicutbior pechlod periods 1ti7tcmovt3 motitmo extra strong in 18i8 1a75l-1- phpers nevestand latest designs and colorings brace soluoliea 9go0o easoo 83000 700 lolaotioa 3500 2000 1200 300 filnohos 2000 1200 700 960 llnoli 600 3bo 900 100 advortlaoraonts without apoolflo dlroctiotib will be inserted till forbid and cljargod accord- ugly transient advcrtlaomonts must bo paid u advance advortlbomorjts will bo changed onoo each month if dosirwl for changes of toner than onoo a month tho composition must bo paid for at rogulai rates quangos for contract advortlsomontb must be li tho oiflco by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hpmoore editor and proprietor uaittss himiorp j ytjretfmdcm offlcoanj rosldonco cornor mill frodorlck streets acton tvr- dryden exe eaii tunoat and nose mcleans lllook douglas st noar p o guelph office houna 10 am to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm sundays 10 am to 1 pm veterinary surgeon lfred p htjsband v 8 graduate of tho ontario votorlnttry college honorary nionibor of tho veterinary medical bcoietv office wm nnabands lot 24 con 4nasa- agaweya calls day ordjght promptly attondod to r babjrcatrlhgearr- window shades prices for 1898 extra low gall and see goods and prices at bays bookstore guelph day bells cheap traders bank cf authorized capita 1000000 trust us dental ll bennett ldb dentist qeoitoetown ontamo as elliott m d m b apton gludoate tononto univenbitt office corner mill and john streets acton dr f 8 merger dektist aradiidto ot tor ob to unlvoralty and rods offleo over drugstore acton viaitiso days thursday and fbidav jm bell dds lds v tentibt bnookvitle honor quad oath of touonto university work made satisfactory prices modorato vibitiko days monday aftornoon camp bollvillo tuesday aoton friday jtocbwood d rg hcook dentist cu cuhuuum aim sima ave tobonto will vlalt aoton on- thu first and third satur days of oaah month r offioh llr adam cooks resldanco main street legal m cleah mclean barrlfilora solicitors notarlos conveyancers ao private funds to loan offloo town hall aoton wm amoiiam jno a mclean jl j mackinnon j banaifltenboiiciton conveyancer ofbice mill street in matthows block upstairs fll o mtheson j b moleop xx ahri8tehs boriioirobaconvetancens goorgotowu and milton ilonoy to loan at lowest rates x jmcnabb jlorkfourtlidivibion court county of hal- ou convoyanoor agent fixoand lato abburanco uuivl katato akout monoy to loan etc oirvitje lorryuiau aulook aoton nt j4iscellans0 us henry grist ottawa canada bollouor o fatontb f or ittvontlon etc proiarob appiioatiodb for ilto canadian anier- icau and kuronphn patent otnccii and for tho itofllstration orttrado markb bond for pam phlet ihirtytwo yoara exporionco f iranoib nunan bookbindbb wvoilbambt quolpb ontario onr wllllams aooount books ol all kldi mado to order perlodicslaof ovory dobcrlptionoarolullybounfl kallnp nofttl v promptlr do vjaeriani3 licenses n r moobe lpnnpr or maiuiiaob liornsep prlwatooflloi nowltnobboaroqoirod ibbuod roaldodpo in tuo ovonlog proo probb offloo aoton 7c01sv fitmbr8ril yoo wiu to rbduoo jourlntorobt o noire i urania loan oi monoy at low iottrtbt and on oaay torro ol pavtnont oall on mo i nlo a bpoolalty of lonainr moooy and hao plonty of land i bwubo oo vlllago property w c jackson convkr anosn amd uomby lenden opficb ttyndli stnoar city nail ouelrh wellington mutual flr ingi company biitljiilnbd 1s10 inb0banci3 on cash and mntnal plan- any ooinmuulcotion forwardod to my addro box 028 or toloiiboiio 60 will o promptly at tondod to jobn tavlobagont w m hemstbeet lloinsbb atootionkb for tbo oountlm of wellington and i halton ordorbloltatthopniih pmto omoo aoton or t myroblaonoola aoton will bo promptly at- ondodlo tfooiroduood to sboo for pabm sales also monoy to loan on tbo moat favorable umlind at t tho lowoat ratoa of intoroat in umaofthooatui pwarda acton saw mills and wood y justuses brojflin kahoraotonbil amd dbain jm lumber iattm sulnaieu wood lite ah klntli of wood in stock and promptly delltoroot lo any part of tho town at rinsonitblo prloea hardwooj and slobs ontatovo lorirth alwnyn on hand talnpbuno oooamuulcatlop trust lis to look after your wall paper wants carefully trust us to make the price as low 93 honest business methods and straight cash buying can make it when you want your pictures neatly framed we will sec you do nol regret it waters bros st georges square guelph guelph branch bums of 91 and upwards received on depoundbtgha8toufren ratoof intereet- paid or coropoundod lmlfy early dopobit kocoipta iaaued for large bums deposited advaueob mado to reapodbtble farmers on their own naraeb no charge made for oollbtlnj sales notes ifpayftblo in guelph a general banking duainees transaeted a f it jones mnaaccr tyattvii babys e sermon i was aoatod in my study nboro a million tlioughtij wore born though ts of what would bo my loraion for tho prbaohing easter morn i was called to tol the pooplo of tuo goodness of their christ and to preach tho old old story but to picture u in life how tho jcbu camo from hoaypn bin lowly 1898 spring 1898 millinery the mew est designs in shapes shades flowers and trimmings after a successful fall trade we look for ward lo the spring season with confidence as we are better prepared to meet our cusr tomers wants miss jordans numerous friends will be pleased to know that she is again in charge of our millinery department uj tu iiibptiu uui display j c mcbeath acton ontario spring is here again cooper 8v akiiis the tailprs are prepared for it vith a very attractive stock of sprlne suitings spring overcoatings sprint trouserings in all the latest goods our workmanship is always satisfactory our prices are always right we have plates for the newest styles in bicycle suits and arc bound to please tho wheelmen call in and inspect our stock cooper ac akins main street acton tailors j h hamilton marble and granite hamiltons bock guelph ilavidgoa hand a largo quantity of scotch worway swedish and russian crhnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for sprinr slock now purchased i wil sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow all expenses to customers to and from our works john h hamilton potatoes wanted highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at syrnon bros acton we carry a full line of hardware groceries boots 8c shoes symon bros cormilland main sts acton spring term commences april 4th at the guelph bainess college and shorthand institute a most reliable and well managed school for loy and girls preparing for business life call qr wrlle for circular j sbakp prinalpmt ouejptt seconds agate ware selling at less than cost in the ordinary way so far as use goods agate ware seconds are as good as agate ware firsts its the wear the service that most women want these things for dont miss the sale theres splendid value in this kitchen stuff j m bond co hardware gxeiiih housecleaning the season is here for the house to be upside down and the busy housewife is worrying about wall paper you need not worry call at the peoples drug store and see the beautiful 1q98 wall papers and you will be happy be up to date and get the latest namely the ingrains which are all the rage perhaps you havent seen them if not we will be to show you them anyway dont buy your wall paper till you have seen the ingrain or you may rue it 30000 rolls to choose from the very latest in all otherlines also open for your inspection from 5c roll upwards all 1s9s papers dig choice and big bargains at mck drug store telephone correspondence mrs secords block acton seed grhin spring jrttheht spr1ngry p8hs okts bhrlsy icarry the largest and best assorted stock of seed grain in guelph the grain is ns pure and cean as money can buy also timothy clover rape etc get prices on my permanent pasture mixture field flower and gardcnsccds james hewer seedsman cuelph ro nob the highest price for wheat aitho pjsas warehouse oats aclon barley station flour al bran acton shorts flour and 8bed8 all feed kinds ofpeed store n or val flour the bmtjvimily flouri ln he ro arke i frank harris manager your portrait have you had one taken lately u if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits h ramshaw acton photo artist ulrthiiulovo aud for what wo all are searching vlrj tho realm of light abovo jiut to flnd wordo to express it to cay mind would not bo born not ono word lorthfafpreat wrmon to bo preah- od oneaiiforjiorn down wout pen and book tad paper than i olosoid my study door v itcbtloso ao tlia wavy t paced t up and down tho floor for that jormonl oh that sormoo 1 whore was i to got it from yot raid million thoughts i soarcboil far words and words that would not oonau thon another hindranoo rlsoi as two uuyutar- llko eyos poopod jubt around tho corner to the spot wbero dolly has ilabyd loft it in tbo study down bouldo hor old torn book nuar tbo plaoo alio lovod to play in which boo tormod hor oosy nook papa doarlo aro you busy may i not tomo in and play r not i almost abrukud aulto loudly you may como another day iopofl busy h uay b uay y obof cou rao y ouln ay como la now bo quiet do dont fret me for im drforrtn btudyink but my papas oois and buol and lis doos not lovo mo now and i watched tbo teardrops glisten and bor duar weo troublod brow tli on it was my bard hoart softonod as i raised bor from tbo floor and onco morel roao and quickly olosod aud lockod my study door tboro tho great man wltb hlb baby seated la bis lounging obalr from tboso tiny lipb of sweuinosa beard bor littlo childish prayer as bbo llepod tho words that papa would bo mado to lovo momiro found and preached an e as tor sermon such as near wai heard bo f orb ourlbt is rlsoii v tbo listeners marvollod at tbo spoakora wordo dlvino and word pictures that bo palutod woro at least to say bqblimo of hpw jesus camo from boavoii c t nia lowly birth his loyo and for nhat wo all arosoarchiug mid tbo realm of light above caby found tho words to tell it to that groat and mighty throng found tho words and thoughts tho pastor preached upon that eastor morn ada e findi ay she wae too wretched and eho hud relented fit idnt ii or sorrow bad got tho better of her reoeutmont and now she was actually inolititd to forgive one day she mastered op euflioiont courago to rneution tho fubjeot to hor hubband but ho fell iuto a frenzy of passion crying ineverl with a force wbloh shook tho doora and windows for bidding tho por woman to say another word about it she bad not tho heart to ob6y hiln aod pleaded tho can b again select jfnnttlij itcning r if aster tory nv mancoifl coppbe never oried bourgueil tiilau with viotenco and throwing hid napkiu on the table never i do yoa hear me never 1 and the old maatormaaou paced up and down the cosy diuiiikrooni turning on bis heel furiously like a bsar in a cage while poor mother bourgueil her tearful and agato and at every new attempt bourgueil was furious and mado ft terrible nene their homo became- a purgatory these two old people who ta nothing to reproach tbomaervea with wlio had loved qaov other faithfully who had lived and toiled bide by eide for more than thirty yeirfl beoftmoalmoat hostile every night t the dinnor table the quarrol broke oat anew and it always coded with soma of those stinging thursta tho 5 wound the heart do you want mb to loll you what i think bourgqeil the old woman would say you are without pity i and you are a coward to want mo to give in tho mason replied leaving the room with a stamp of his heavy foot left alone in the aoftliht of the lamp in the comfortable parlor tlio poor mother who was still true to her peasant customs and retained her white linen caps would quiotly drop burning tears on her knitting and pray for her boy bourftuoil badlost all love for bis home now that he had con- tiouahyasad face to look upon he had got into the habit of joining somo friends jn a cafe oloae by where they waited for him for a amo of manillo in dealidg out the oarda tho irritatud iriubori made long and violent speeches against the present atate of moralb where paternal sorrow was ocoaeioned by children but he awore that he at least would seta good example he would be stern to tho end he could ppeak of nothing elso and hinpartnors proclaimed him a tiresome old fellow as soon as he had bis back turned la his presence however they deplored hi a illluck in hav ing buch a scamp of a eon and highly praised hia urmnehb ono man in tho group especially invariably hailed tho raabons improdationa with an approving word or two bravo father bourguoil you are a roman t bourgueil wits from tlio province of marphe and ponoused very indiatinot notions on onliqnity still ho had some inkling or the memory of old brutus and felt highly flattered to be compared to such 1 personage- yet when lie left tho cafe and found himself in the cold dark night be woold say to himself oh i very ebftly that brutus miibb havo hohd a cruel hard heart and thut it was a borriblo thiug to condemn a son to death eaatpr suuday has oome a joyoup bright happy day merry with tho chimes of belle and the promise of warm spring days tho city itself looke ray and coquet tish women are coming homo from dhuroh and all are currying a bunch of boxplant that fills the air with a sweet fresh odor even tho old oabhorees havo a bit of it stuck behind their oars bourgueil who sat up last evening at tho eyes lowered on her plate was disconso lately nibbling almonda x for two years tho same dispute bad been springing np betwoon the old ooaple just as now at tho end of their evening meal for it was two yeara sinoo they bad fallen out with their son edward who in apiteof their opposition had- married a woman picked up somewhere in the latin quarter jubt as he was about to take his degree as a lawyer too how they had loved him and petted him this edward thid lorig- wishedfor child who had come after ten long years of married life when they had almost given ap hoping far a son the happy bourgueil then only a simple build- or had rubbed his hands flsyiiig to hia wife r vou know clernenoc that smart fellow haussman is improving and changing the wholo city of paris from ono end to another hero is a good chance for roe if things go on this way i can make a fortanp iu twelve or fifteen years and i know one thing the little rasaal of oors wonhiieed to olimb op into soaffoldinga like bis father nor como boms every night with spots of plaster all over his gray veat and flt to drop with fatigue we will make a real gentleman of him wont we glemenne all bourgneils smbitious had bean real ized- at college edward was a brilliant pupil and the old peasant who had come to paris many years ago carrying his ahoea on his baok and a little silver tied ap in a corner of bis handkerchief bad tbo satis faction of seeing his son congratulated and loaded with prizes by the minister of in struction himself what a future this boy had before him 1 he would pass tho moat difficult examinations without any trouble they would be a more joke for him and tb on choose any career he had a faaoy for we will leave the boy ft good twenty five thousand franca income father jqoargaeil would say cheerfully alapplug bii wifes bhoulder with his strong broad hand and aaptrlofti wo will make him marry right soon it will be easy lo find somo pretty girl with a good edooatlon who will make him happy and of whom weoanfeel proud 1 ah those lovely plana i whoro bad they gone the kind old parents bad been foolish enough to furnish a room hi town for their boy that he might be more inde pendent then be met that woman and immediately his si u dies were dropped at twentylive h had not even taken hia job printing including cooks pamphlet posters wl hoada circular o ao oiwnted in tho beat style oftlie art at uiodoratu prions and on abort notice poly or addrosa h p moojtr fjtktfpllhs8 0lh0o at ton licentiates degree they were dreadfully disappointed after having built euoh floe oabtles still they did not give up all hope thoy consoled themselves saying ho ia so young 1 it will pass lot him alono awhile but pno day the imbecile had the auda city to inform them that ho adored tbia girl and waa determined to make her hia wife this waa too maoh if bonrgaeil did not fall with a stroke of apoplexy it waa a miracle indeed the veins in hia neok were swollen like cords he ordered the son out uf the house and oat off hie iuoome if youdaro to give your name to that woman the old man roared crimson with wrath you need not expect a buu from cither of ua as long as we live but the stubborn uugraleful boy bad outraged them to the end and now be waa married to this doll of bis aod living on a wreiohed oterkn salary in a luburb of the oily like some vagabond poor old oouplol how their rons conduct had mafia them suffer for these two horrible years i life waa a pleasure no longer and latoly i he aituatiou waa retting worse everyday it was the mother fault cufe playing oarde till raidiiigbt wakes up very late do is in a horrible mood and what man would not be i should like to know last night at tho usual hour ho had again to listen to bis wifoa absurdities she again mentioned edward and tried to soften him bourgueil she had mado inquiries she baid and learned that their daughterinlaw for oho was that in epito of all his anger waa not tho bad woman that they bad first thought a poor girl yes she had workcdjn a store bat what what were they tliemaelvea but simple working people even if they had become well off could they expect their boy to marry borne ricji marquiss daugh- tor and over since angelina an ugly name bub ftwastp t lletr ttll ver eince angbliua had been hia wifo no one could breathe a word against her she was a model littlo wife can it bo that you will not havo pity on these poor children tho poor mother had ntked him tearfully they are poor very poor whatdo yon think edward oarns in that insurance company where ho has found a plaoo it breaks my heart to think of it only two hundred franoa a month not more than you fpond on yonr cafe and your cigars i dont abk you to seo them but wont you help litem just n little we are living iu plegty while thoy and receiving no answer from bourgueil who was pensively turning tbe ftlaae he had just emptied between his fingers tho bid worn- an had risen from her seat and camo op to him putting a- trembling hand on his shonlder silently pleading vain effort i bourghueil suddenly remembering that ho was a rpman had again poured forth his formidable never and on this lovely eastor morniug ho is more than usually sud and illtempered this stroogtnindod old masou uo feola very nervous ho haa out his ohin twice while shaving ob no he will not bo weak enough to pay an incomo lo his nn- dutirul son a iloman i tell you would old brutus havo relented t of course not and last night he was on tbo point of yield ing 1 that is what comes of listoning to womehr theyhaveut energy for two boubt the women havent bourgneil is- firmer than ever in his resolutions as be puts on a white shirt and his gray holiday suit he goes into tho parlor that cosy pretty par lor ho was bo proud of when tilings had till somo intoroat for him and looks at the clock it is ouly oleven oclock and bourgueil who lad a una appotito this morning eels cross at the thought of oat- ing only at twelve soon mother boargueil returns from ohuroh with a large bunch of boxplant she places it on a little aide- table and loddonly tho wholo room is filled with the fresh strong 0 r dourgueil is no poet he has not a very relloed naturo yet he is impressionable for all that like you or me ftnd the sight of the green branches recalls far- it memories wbilo the old woman is busy taking apart the twigs to deoorato tho rooms with them tho penetrating perfume affcutii his old heart he remembers a certain easter morning so long long ago i when ho waa still a workman and hia wife aw dressmakers apprentice it waa their honeymoon for thoy had married a few days before len then too abe had returned from char oh with a fragrant burden and made their only room bright and fsitlve how pretty abe looked and how be loved her i and by arapld illortof imagioaif n he recalls iu tin instant their long year of married life pbe had ever been so iodaatriona so thrifty so devoted and uow be tort a res her this good brave woman he makes her suffer on aocount of hie wioked son but i edward really ao wioked as all thut of course a fellow ought to honor 1 his father and mother and oboy thorn but then aro not youth and lovo sufficient ex cuses for many a fault he watches mother bourgueil with moist eyes as she goes 0 place a spray of box above edwards ploturb on the wall a pioturo of their boy in hia college suit when thoy felt bo proud of him and of his studies what is the matter the old mason a owehat hejaabouthi8 hoad swims it is that strong odor of the plant doubtless but his heart fills with some- thing that fleams very muoh like rootcy and pardon ho goes up to his wife takes hor hands and looking at the piotqre mutters ilia rough voico grown strangely soft sayj clemouco bhall we forgive bim ah the cry of joy that bursts from the mothers lipaf and bo has called her olembnoe juat as in their young days ho has not given hor thus name for moro than fifteen years and aba understands that ho loves her stillher husband her old companion 1 she throws horeolf in his arms and kisses him frantically all over his face takes his bead in both her h an 4 and wbiepora in hie ear the other day she codldnt help ittoally bhe went to seo their boy he is bo unhappy to have offended them and if he has not come a hundred times to bag their forgiveness- it is simply because be did not dare you know sho adds mid hoc voico be comes soft and caressing you know i havo been bis wife aud you really cannot blame him for loving hor she i so sweet and as fresh as a rose she just worships oar edward one can see that at ouce and eho keeps thtir little homo in such applepio ordor yos yes i know her past bat if edward loves her as sho ia and after all wo aro not of tho fashionable world and in our olasi one is not bo par ticular bourruoil feels opproaaed he ii chok ing putting a trembling finger on his wifos lips that will do ho bays send for a cab let ub take somo of theso sprays to them in sign of peace and bring them homo villi ua and while tbo old mother stunned with joy falls sobbing on her husbands shoulder bourgueil tho roman the old brutus begins to cry bof tly like a child a scene in the coke region the persuasive lash for some time judo winfrey of evaua- villo md bab been puzzled to decide what to do with the youngbtera who are brought before him for offences that were not criminal in tbemaelvqs but were in tbe nature of disorderly conduct resuliing from tho inability of parents to control their obildren the judge was often compelled to make tbo best of tho unpleasant know ledge that the bad boys fines war 0 paid by the hardworking and sober futbors he finally arranged that the refraotory boys should bo taken to a cell in tbo prison where they must bnbmitto sound flopginge by the fathers in tho presonoe of ono of the officialaof the court or prison it seemed fl a eentenua uf this borr but the judge was pleasantly burprised by the exceeding willingneaa of the fathors to help carry it out wbon the punishment waa imposed the prisoner was taken to the spcoially assigned coll and triced up that ia fastened to tho of the coll next his father was given aetont leather strap and told to inflict the bentonoe bt tho court not a single father declined to take this action tho looul humano society had the matter brought to its attention it being stated to it that the wails of the boy prisoners could often be heard in thovcar of tbo oity prison so tbe bociety felt compelled to interfere thinking that tbe punishment waa inhuman arid not n t or bu th pol eoar adhered to its policy asserting that it was leas inhuman to give a bad boy a well deserved thrashing than it was to compol a hardworking father to spend ono or two weoka wages in getting him out of trouble not counting tbe deprivation to his family that fines necessitated lessons of the flowers nothing teaohes us bo muoh in this world if we only watch them understand the messages they exhale and profit by them write edward w bok in 4be april ladies home journal i wish bveryone on earth might love flowera live among them and not be better for their influence by their birth they- show ua how oat of things hard oat of disappointment and failure by the overcoming of obstaoloa and the bending to difficult tasks creep forth tho moat beautiful results by their culti vation they show how di moron t natures need different treatments by tho mannor in which they refuse to thrivo near weeds they teach tho clearest lesson of human association and bhow that sin is an intru sion in this world wo learn the groat lost son that while tbo most gorgeous flowers appeal to our admiration we love the frag rant ones tho beat every lesson every pleasure wo can learn and derivo from trie tie silont mosbsugers of tho earth the flowers speak a univorsal language- they adapt themselves to grave or gay a flower is nevor midunderbtood wo asso ciate flowers with all the joyous seasons of our uvea as well flowers often speak to u when our own words seem powerlesa to exprcbb what wo roally mean they aro tho dalutiest bits of gods handiwork thoy oull to us lo oaro for thorn and to aohujyiwttjdinauawtlvfodigawi when wo respoud lo their beckoning their message is divine likn an april day shadow and bunshiuo is life but bo the flowers grow and wo come to june by tho way of march easter bells dock wo no more our doors and halls with nilatlotoo and bolly keen for all the flolds where warm or falls the kiss of dprlng are tlrod in groon now gono its snow nbito mantle drear tlio broad broaatof the prairie a wo la willi bursting leaf life and i boar tlio quivering poal of baa tor bolls up rldos tho sun with growing light ha looks whoro his tats foe bas boon lint now to mook the winters whlto tho frisking lamb is allwhsra seen the laughing torrent drowns the wolr from evory hill a brooklet wolls and on tbo lad on air i boar the clang of throbbing baiter bolls and there along tbo vhtago lane qo loving eoupttjb band in band tho lesson of the spring so plain it writ that all mnad understand joy in my joy and know no fear tiilj is tho ulo to all it tolls as from tho steeple loud and clear uursts the glad sotiifd of raster bells aahon mason the flamea grow highor and higher tili they leap np out of the trunnel heads and the long bauka of oyonw tcon at givu the ooko region a woird sky of rod refloated oil low olouds no whoro else approaahod in somber grandeur hero the soldier b fuze a follow in single flto the graceful curves of the gentle foothills of choatnut ridge and there in doablo ranks they march throwing the light of their steady torches athwart the waters of tbo youghioghehy soon after midnight while thinbeauty ia yet at itft height tho ehrillwhietlo of the wtjrka blowa itscall to labor the silent miliars trudge into the pit and the cokcdrancra gather upon the oindor yards tho ovens which have liecn charged fortyeight or seventytwo hoars aro now tilled with a rich red glow hourly becoming dimmer aud duncnerf tho flames no longer lick up oat of the trunnol hesd whloh is clear of smoke tho oven door is torn down and the hot interior cooled with watcropraytd oat of a long pipe which servos us a nozzle with a long hooked tool called a borapor the brawny coke drawer lugs and puuri dragging pieco by picco out of the oven tlio silvorfuel which is taken in wheelbarrows to the railroad cure standing on the coke aiding whoro thoy are usually placed at convenient distances each evening or ntaht ooke is scarcely cool in the cur when the ooke train is made up and hauled put of the region to pointseaat or west so rapid is the industry in its rpotitious of mining coking and shipping that coal whioh bus reposed in tho boweld of lho earth under the eliadow of the alleghauiesfor centuries may three days later iu tho form of coko be roaring out in the hlast of somo gigantic iron furnace on the banks of tho ohio or the ehorea of lake erie tho coke country by h p shydkh in the caafatt- quan for april the twinscrew system on steamers a proat meaus of safety to tho hewer flhipa is given through tho twinscrew system with tho wooden wheel ateanura whioh once crossed the ocoan safety could not well bo mentioned for in the loose construction of the whole ehipa frame au overwhelming sea could easily sweep away the wii 00 1 and- wbeeloaeiug aud tho ship drift out upon tbe wide dcoan as a helpless wreok becube it had lobt its power to steer if it did not entirely capsize frotn the loss of its equilibrium but tbo older aingloscrow shipb havoadisadvantage ovor the twinscrew ships for if any damage is dons to the engino or tho ecrews thoy moat give np the forward motion by steam and with the bolpof the suilh they have to try to reach a harbor wjiero they cau repair the damage with the highbuilt decks whioh catab so much wind uud with the proportionally small sails this la not always possible and often they must pay hundreds of dollars to have themselves towed in by salvage steumerb thtfio disadvantages of tho binglecorew shipa havo oauaod tho larger bhips to adopt almost unlvoreally tho doublo screws whioh are worked by two eugihoa entirely independent of each other if through any accident one screw should beoomo useless the ship could with tho other alono reach its destination without much loss of speed a modern twinscrew fubt bteamer whiohfa furniahed with a suflicient number of watertight hatches and enough strong fastenings is very eafeapd a powerful effort of nature must bo madb if bucii a ship is lost eggs by weight egga eh ou id be sold by weight they vary so muoh in aizo that this is the only fair method for both producer and consum er t tnarla wtjrh prnrttifn th oggh lay fewer than tlioao whioh pruduoo eggs of normal size a good many of theso largo eggs are double yoked iu which caso tho hen that lays such a monstrosity ia thereby made incapable of producing an egg the following day in other word two egga onecorrrpteted with a full yolk la entangled with another less developed and both aro bound in tho sumo shell it is very seldom that these doubleyoked eggs and their way to city markets most farmers spot the large eggs aud save them for homo consumption they may wall do this for the omall eggs soil for as much a dozen as the largo ones tho poet suxo says of a woman that knowing eggs aro eggs bbo tightly bold her uaakot if the egga were sold by weight sho would he leas concerned for the iobs of one unless it was an nnuuaallv largo ono wo camo aarosa a doubleyolked egg at moaltime a day or two ago but the secand egg was a very small one with still loss proportion of yolk tho egga or a brahma aro ueually only seven to a pound while those of some italian breeds will run aa much as 11 to ix andbantams even more than this it la rather diffioalt to sell bantam egis excopt ata dieooant but tho grocer mixes all together aud bells at the same price bos ton budget a womanly woman l have heard miaa willard culled tho moat womanly of womon if this meant that sho oared jfor tho thing ihat moat women oaro for then it ib painfully false if however it meant that she oared supremely for the things that only tho best women oaro for then it ib beautifully true she did not indeed oaro for gowns ami diamonds for the admiration of men and bootal display but she loved knowledge and parity she craved tho power to sway and bhape tlio thoughts of bor gonoration aqd to lift all manhood to tbo piano of tho noblest womanhood sho fasoinated girls and women i think because bho belonged to a new species other famous women have done the work of men or supplement- ed it joan of aro led men to vlotory florenoo nigbtlngalo nursed them after battle but frances willard asserted tho dignity of womanhood and tho right and duty of women to shape the homes and tho sooiety for whioh thoy suffered aud sho began by teaching women to respect their own souls and to cease regarding them- aolves ai dependent for happiness wholly upon maaouline purposo and masoulino endeavor the oh arm of her speech tho magio ol her idealism the courage of hor piety the indefinable pressure of her inflex ible will made her sovereign first among pupils stud then among the women who throngedabodt her invisible throne for that tired feeling you must enrich and purify your blood hoods sarsap- milltt is the medicioe you need two offerings tlio day was isastor hlco a dying god iu pain tlio organ groutiud aloud tuo while tho huullglit chaotuuml by thu window htaiiib foil 011 a iiiofclny crowd on lord and pousaut prlucu ami piriali who boro an down tho nlslo thoy trod as thoy had probpurod each according to bis store au eastorgiftto god among them walkodu lordly priuco of ijuoiigo fair with lip of scornful curl who laid upon tho altar with a lofty uir a pricoloss indian jtoail tboro also canroa woman in whosu fucotvua bjuu shame sin and sorrow blont a wouiati of tho town a sooond magdulonc an harlot iionltpnti whoabcnioiitlio llguro of iucarnate sin and vlco as down tlio aifllo eho rculud and on thu altar laid bctddo thu puarl of prlcu a illy of tho hold tbo priest blessed him who gavo tho pearl said mass au hour that god bis soul might eavo but with contemptuous hand bwejl to tho groundtbo flower tlio outcast harlot guvo his ploty wnf praiaed by btbhoji lord und chiirl twos god ulono could toll tliat while bo unto him gavu nolliitig but tbu poarl bbo gavo liar boart os well lonuiemaow easter observances in russia toward midnight ua tho eisler festival ia about to bo ushered in lho throngs begin to move toward to chuchct and mctly at midnight the door of the holy ot holies tbo iconobtaaih ia thrown open and the pricste proclaim in loud voice chriatahs vostkreeu obrislohs voabrcbb ibs mortvui christ is risen christ is rieeo from tho dead instantly ut theso wordb the dark churches aro illuminated liho msgio with dazzling likht and nil tho taperd thut wore extiuguishud on thursday nffjbt are agaiu lighted bulls uro bot to ringing and priests in georgooun rohos pass through tho crowds swinging iuconeo burn ers and bleesiugt ho various groups- oot- ide tho public buildings und tho streets iro brilliantly illuminated and fiery rock- ita are bent into tho midnight ally one can but wonder how thq modest ond lowly chridt would consider all this display and rejoicing if ho wero to come back to earth is thie exuhgejated form of mourning over bib death and tho wild and elaborate rejoicing over hid rossurcotiou in keoping with his humble teaching it is at this moment of loud proclaiming ml bellringing that the people in their joy km each other in r churches- every body turns to his neighbor nud repeating christ iu rinen from tho dead kisses him on tho ohcek this ojd and wellknown cubloni in ituaaiu is carried out from the epiperor down a general will lima greet tlio officers below him- and no on down to tho soldiers heads of banks and shops hand thid lilahtcr iush down to tho humblest employees though moro warm ly expressed this easter greetiug among tho russians has really no mora eignifl- tlmn our merry christmas l- the holy boaeon iu russia by eleanor hodgeus in the chautauijumi for april the observance of easter tho observance ot easter datoa back to about the year g8 at which time thorp was muoh contention arhong the eastern and wobtern churches as to wjiat day the fes tival should bo observed it was anally ordained at tho council of nice iu tho year 525 that it must bo observed throughout the christian world on tho eamo day this decihion settled that easter should be kepfr upon tho sunday first after tho fourteenth daybf tho urut jovvinh month but no general conclusion was arrived at as to tho cyclo by which the festival was to bo regulated and bouiq churches adopted ono rule aud some another thiadiveraity of iisago was put un cud to and tbo kotuan ralo uinkiug easter tho tirtit sunday after li fourteenth day of the calendar moon wm established in england in ggo after nine centuries a discrepancy iu lho keeping of eastor was caused by tho authorities of ttiokuglish churoh declining to adopt the reformation of tho gregorian calendar in 15h2- tho differenco was settled in 1722 by the adoption of lho rule which makes j2 aster day always tho first sunday after tho full moon which oppoars on or next af tar tho twentyfirst day of march if the full moon happens upon a sunday easier is tho sunday after easter to the unfortunate to thoso who have small satisfaction in thin life whoao conditions uro thoeo of mibcry and dull vaouity to whom life is a sail mistake and an injubtico if it is not to to feivo them further opportunity fuller expression larger compoiieation lho day if it hab any bigmflcapco at all tauda as the pledge of exiutencouuder other condi tions whoro their cramped aud hindered powers can havo fullor bcopo and they have at least the hope- of thai george william curtis melindys easter triumvr ah h0011 mollmly uz who sat tdny alono hi lttili clmoli pow molindy gat do bwcllohliat sho got ilat hut foh kaatah too i do prcacbuli toll bow adoiu bit du fruit and i oh do gardoii fair liullfudybofcdntrftrtjenyifrr hit perch on top huh kinky huirl all uffcolious of tho scalp suoh as sores cczoma dundruff baldness and falling hir can be ourodor preventod by tho time ly uao of hulls hair ilonewer i scoihoy ard applying ball btariugs to a groat many things now yes thoy have a ball bearing sign down whoro i keep my watch without a peer works mir acles dr agnowb curo for tho heart is with out a peer this great remedy reliovea in at an tly tho moat aggravated forms of heart disease it is tho biircst and quick- eat noting formula for heart trouble known to incdloal science und thousands of times has the hand of tbo grim destroyer been stayed by its use if i hero it pulpitatioh sliortncss of breathy pain in left side smothering sonsationb dont dohiy or you mwy bo counted iu tho loug liat of thoso who bavo gone over iuto the great majority because the best remedy in tho world ioday waa not promptly uueil hold by a t- brown

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