Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1898, p. 2

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born moonn in milton on wodnenlay ldtll till to mr uuil mrs j t mooro a tlnuulitor ldiowv iii iquohluk ou ratuitlay auth nit to mi mnlmrfl win lirowu ailauulitor aviukwhiii heauoaluk ou monday jfitli nit to mr mid hlr job anilrcwh a ilauhlilt r mailiiii- 1muiiwirilu tin rihllouco ol iho lllilo miihiui ih i rnfulkilr oil 1 uuiill miiloll jllh livtlio lluv 1 i louuli llmlll oltlomt rimikliuriil llion onllirultb to oscar uowln ol 1 1 ufulkur hums hickmn at llnbokmi sjra bjtur- i mill moroli bv ltov a 11 ltlumrdon ii li olllaliokiiu mi hairy n urnas of new wk into o torontii to mm lillian mtkliu widow of tlio latuz 11 nkltlln acti n dmed tolirj inrrolnlcar on saturday tlio utu ult iohir toblu 0b1 0 yars kiliu iu uruiaols on sunday uiurulog april jrd ibis hoy juo ii korr agod 71 yoari inobsuasr at burlington on fillay tho mill ult bjlrentor inglebart in mo with yoar bkblbvat sbolburno on saturday and april mary alii kaonawlii ifaol oaorgo umley ilje 2utnit jfmjpms thursday apkil 7 1898 inotes and commbnts as wai anticipated the past wtilk or so tlio benito has practically rejected the yukon bill by givlnsj it tlio all months hout ike vote standing fltjtwo to fourteen what tho next move in the mttor ii1 be hue not yet boon determin- hon mr fielding made hid budget speoob on tuesday there is only one tariff ctirjro outside of the preferential olaoses and that in the burst duticb nre increased from fifty oenta per hundred pounds io about eixtyflve oenta per hundred pounds lion w s fielding finanoe minister delivered bis annual budget apeeoh iu the tiousosl ottawa last week the total amount voted for the current year was 46080723 and the total amount asked for this year 1b 144012571 or a decrease of 0100819 rev ir carman bev dr potts and other ministers of the methodist oliuroh waited on the premier and messrs fisher and fielding at ottawa last week to ask that tin question on the prohibition plebisoatoshoald be one to wbioh a direot yes or no answer ooald be given the reqaest will be considered sir xlohard oartwright miniater of trade and commerce haa reoeived a letter from mr john waldie exm p for hal- ton lumberman arguing that an import duty aboolrl be plaoed on foited states lumber coining into this country and set ting fortb at length the reasons for the impositions of the dnties postmastergeneral mulocks new poab office bill gives a twocent postal rate for letters tfcrooghout thodominion to make up some of the loas occasioned by the proposed rednotion in postage mr mulook will ask newspaper publishers to pay half a cent a pound on all papers sont outside a radius ol ten milos from the publishing ofnoe big list of protests ovor onorinlf the elections in tho i province havo been protested 49 members seats in jeop ardy toitovio april 1 the largoit crop of prowls ati provincial election hua now bmn llod slid blill llioro uro moro td come tlio 1 1 now died nro us follows linniul protests j ji koy q c south toronto ii comcslloii t o east hamilton b a dolqubouu woat hamlltoil w it doinpaoy prlnoo edward w n wold woat durham a u tbodison oeutro simeon dr jamleien boutb oroy t d if origins east middloeox m b morlttou woat hastings d it mcdonald alengarry joliu mclaughlin btormout goorgo m boyd north grey a t wlilto north ilonfrow dr j barr dufforin j p wwtuoy dundas w jrihianrlloituilaouiiga h g ijaokuer north waterloo w h hoylo north ontario o oaldor boutb ontario c0n8ebvativc pltotests hon a b nnrdy south braut hon o w mobs westmiddlosoi hon itlobard harcqurt monck hon c j davia north york hon william barty klcgston col f b leyaxoudon g p crvlbaui brookvlllo w j mokoe north eaaox s ituasell eaat haatlnga t l panto west kent john brown north perth wm german welland j w holmes haldlmand j it barbor nalton h j pettyplooo east lambton chas r bowman north bruoo john craig eaat wollinrton john dickonaou south wentworth john mutiio south wellington androw malcolm coutro bruoo w h taylor north wddlosox w a charlton boutb norfolk j iilobardaon east york w 0 caldwell north lanark w j hill woat york how many of thebo will lapae for laok of the neoeaiary hiooo deposit and how many will be lowoffs even the loaders will not gueaa at later five additional eleotion protests were sled on tuesday making 40 up to date halton post offices revenues money order business and salaries in our acoountrna offloes the annual report of the postmaster general for the past year haa juat been reoeived tho aeotion of moat interest to local readars is the statement showing the revenues and bnaineaa of the eleven account ing officers in the county whioh is bb f ollowa poatal honey order postmasters 6di neichborho news items supplied by corros- pondonta and exchanffefi qeoiroetown a vory lutorosting woilillt took plito un wadnesdayovoninii last when mr u i wurnur of oeoriietown wa uniteil in narnufio to wish 1 la miy old hi duufjlitur of mr jaw oniiialutw tlio cert mony wus purformoil by itev g t webb o brump- ton at the roalilenoo of tho briduu punints rockwood a grand trunk official expreised the opinion monday morning that the present ralo war would ultimately result in a pormamsat rate of two cents a mile this is supported by tho recent increase in total receipts allowing that the travel caused by out rates more than reooupa the roads for the redactions toronto star the oovernmont has decided to reduce the interest in the government savings bank from three per cent to two and a half per cant the reason for this ia prin cipally dao to the fact that money can he borrowed or about this amount and there fore the government generally tries to keep the interat at the amount for which mousy obd be obtained itoronqs business salary c acton 317533 3 1897140 05590 186731 10180 burlington 170 18 13186 10 54331 campbellvlllo 29703 a530 07 1033 frooman 3972s 385891 10561 goorgotown 3035x3 21526 80 131661 milton 9533 13 2672511 100010 nassagaweya 330sa 1479 27 133 03 norval 6910 58321 16728 oakvlllo 36071 1666 01 103155 palormo m 452718 10603 an insolvency bill has been introduced in the boose of commons mr fortin who introduced the bill said that it had been prepared under the supervision of the montreal board of trade assisted by mesiro a 8 kent and mr stevenson who are authorities on the subject the ni e many of th prov of sir mxkenzle boweue bill passed by the senate in 18m and reintroduced in 1895 it ia limittd in its application to traders an important point of difference between tbls and lbs bowell bill is that it does not apply to joint stock companies which come nnder the windingup act of 1882 voluntary assignments are done away with so that aailgnmenu must be compulsory the procedure is thla application is made by a petition to the court for receiving order that order when issued is addrassad to the sheriff who immediate ly tikes poiaeaaion of the property of the insolvent mr fortina bill seams to meet the most pressing demands namely no preference and protecting the rights of britlah creditors the bill has been favor ably reoeived by both parties in the commons na8saqaweya a very enjoyable entertainment is promis ed for good friday evening in ebenezer ohuroh under ibe auspices of the ladles aid trie programme includes choice selections of masio by the ohoir of the cbaroh aalio instrumental and vocal musio by tho kitobing family i solos by mr e b jackion baritone soloist of boekwood mrs h tletohnr mrs bosnian bev w b smitbof victoria university toronto short and appropriate addjrasaeabybvv w dbmllhrev s ooaoh of aberfoyle and bev dr soanlan recilationa by bev 8 conch miss kate ingle miss alma folkard and others mrs mcoaughan tho prealdsnt of the ladies aid will occupy txxc obair msitlstralea t wilson snd b akins lined robert blaok tlo and costs on saturday the revenues show a slight increase and indicato an improvement in business in the five civic offices of the county all show an inoruabo over the buaineaa of laat year exoept milton whero there waa a deorcaae ol about three per cent the mousy order bneincba deoreaeed at milton nearly 81000 at oakvillo over 8400 parllogton about 200 georgetowns money order business increased about 81h00 and aolond about shuu jmo doubi the growing expresa order buslneaa ia affecting the issue of post office money orders at many points the flgurea ahown in the oolnmn for postmasters salary etc inolude salary oommibbioos on money orders and saving bank buainesai forward allowanbea and rent fuel and light tbe total revenues of the aoconntlng offices of hilton last year were 1886054 money order buaineaa 812418809 aalariea and allowonoea 8567060 mr illildlolt it moving hm family out io izdmonton he h taking llireo ourloaila of stook and implements tho ispwurlb league of tlio metliodlat ohurohurourrnnglug for a pio kooihi to morrow ninlit cunutiiblca ansley mill fiirrlou of this village look jamea currio of erin io guelph on frlritty wlioro ho was confined until bis ortno blioultl bi looked into it is thought ha i nlentaflyilibalaooeat at a miotlng of iho congcegutlona of ltockwood unil edeu mills on tuosdsy it was decldod to extend a call ta huv j a craneton ol versohoj io rev ii a mnc- pherson of acton tlio moderator pro lem prosidedat tho mooting hrvjehouse mr thomas boott of the third lino rave ono of his fingers au ugly gaoli in a turnip elioer a couple ot weeksuago hos been carrying that hand very carefully since the namofl of those who obtained u0 per oont and over in the muroh examinations ailimehounopiibllo school aroas followo iv sonioro marbhall 268 f svraok- bamer 225 e soott200 l garvin 107 iv junior b marshall 218 c line 193 ill senior v swaokhamer 200 j j haiuor 220 j oneill 222 w mo dowell j ii to iii junior s doernort 185 part ii senior toll e meredith 471 o gelbraltb 450 h mcdowell 425 v sharp 890 m oneill 860 n swaok- bamer 815 w bobbie 804 b merritt 800 part ii intermediate w bowmen 289 b boott 151 f mcdowell 209 m boott 208 part ii janiorv walker 250 w marshall 281 s niokell 221 k hnlner 220 part i t dobble 198 ida a food teaober arcbiteot oameron of aoton has prepar ed plans for a very fioo farm resldenoe to be ereoted tho comlog summer for mr john lindsay jr on ilia farm lob 22 ooo 6 near limehoase it will make a very handsomo improvement to this wellknown farm property everton from pain to health ill the remarkable case of john hender80n of deseron- to jutfction almost holplosa ffom sciatic rheu- matlam tho effoots of which 6hattorod hla constitution ho thoubht donth not far off when o rllondly aid plaood within his reach tho moan a of reoovery rom tlio bcijorouto tribuno itvi i beromemberod ihut luring tlio pant winter reference waa eeernl lunoa mado in tlio pontonaloolumu nf the 2uhunt to the iiidohb of john hourlortjon a woll knotn uih roapooted farmer of tho krajol road towiihhipof rohmou1 ubjut half o milo from xoseronto junotiou it waa en id that bye vory littlo hopo waa ontor- tatned of liitj rooovury aa bo continued to iteajtty sink undtr tho dlaoaao wiih wbioh lie was bflhetert farm ore oomuik in to deuoronto marhut when ackd bow ho wan ehook ihiir luadu and atated that tlio while the ohildron of mr and mrs b congdon woro playing in tho yard around tbe wood pile about a dozen cord wood atioka foil on tbe twelveyearold danghter tho other day tbe other children ruabed to the house for help when tbe atioka ttere removed and tbe doctor brought in it waa found her oollar bone was broken for tunately ber father was at home that evening else it would have been harder atill mra alex watson of toronto vialted her brothers wot and john gnndell and staters mibb annie and mtb wm everts laet week it ia a great pleasure for the members of a family to meet and enjoy christian fellowship we bad the pleasqre of a oall from mrs watbon literary note8 baron pierre do co abort in tho brilliant y fra b wri poptrlbnt t th american monthly review of reviews for april a taggostiva article in aniwer to th qaeitloo does ooimopoutan life lead to lnternatiocil frendunem soma inter- eating vlewa of cnno whero mr guditono spent tbe first half of the winter are published io connect i on with the artfole dr albert shaw also appends a sketch of m do ooubertlna own life anil achievements in promoting the highest type of internationalism one of tho most attractive issues of the month in beauty and anggeatlvenesi of cover design u the easter number of the ctiautauquan a spray of glorious ascen sion lilies on a background of pale green teems to breathe forth ttie very spirit of the reiorrootion season bespeaking a fresh ness and vernal charm for the entire magazine one ot the conceded big things of the year in the way of illustrations ja the drawing made by w l taylor picturing christs entry into joroaalem riding on an ass it waa made for dr bradfords artiole tho last week in the life of christ id the april ladies home journal the plotaro is said by the beat orttlos to be one of the most remarkable illustrations that has ever been made by an american artist and they insist that it be done in colon larg in ire for public exhibition our italian friends have arrived one family of six has settled in part of mr mooallamt house merchant at the four corners another family of live have moved into mr a coopers house beside mr hortopa residence they all aeom pleased to get back to fair free canada tbo men are stonemasons and commenced work ou wm jaokaope barn foundation monday morning robert congdon and wilbort talbot started last week for lacombe in the woat we wish the young men euooeaa and sympathize with the parents who will mfsa them ao much ontario cattle in demand mr j n woodte of illinois has examin ed a large number of valuable herdn of cattle in the province and haa been so pleased that he haws purchased a number of valuable animals and will ship ou monday sir roderick w cameron of west alberta haa sent to tho department of agriculture aikiogfor 2600 cattle prefer- ing ontario stook a representative will arrive in toronto boon tbe cameron ranch oompriioi 100000 aoroa of land when tbe blood ib kept pure and tbe system thoroughly invigorated by theufo of ayora banaparllla sudden changes of temperature and extremes of heat and cold so obaraoteristio of certain climates are rarely attended with injurious results take it now during tbe deatrootion by fire of ceo h hees agoi factory in davenport road toronto on friday fireman thomas deacon wan killed by a falling wall bnvlnff hoafleclcaninc tbe april canadian magazine is an baiter number with a handsofhe and appropriate ooyer the leading artiole is borne daring holy week by coobtanco badyerd boa hon it is illustrated from photographs and from three special draw ings by frsd h brigden the wellknown o not canadian arti ouu e reviews and national sport renolve the usual attention taking everything into consideration the issue is highly oredltable the next number will open the eleventh volume marob mr ivl s allison of knatchbull moved to ltockwood on monday mr gecru looker has rented the house and lot or mr william husband in knatoh- biill formerly occupied by l allison mian mibel wood of kilbride epent a few days with friends in darbyville the f antral ot edna only daughter of mr and sirs thomas malt by took place tbariday uet from their residence to he family burying plot at norval the pall bearers were messrs donald alex and john mcgregor thomas and smith nellie and janim jessamin the bev j a moiiaoblad m a of aoton conducted the service and will preaob the funeral sermon on bond wproldfl next the bereaved family have tbe heartfelt sympathy of tbo oommanity 1 tbe teskber and puplla of no s school will gtrs concert la tbe foresters hall eden muli this evanlog an excellent progrsmro bas been prepared consisting ot olab ifhpglng by the boar vocal and inetrtunebul matro by taleot from toronto and vjolin letectfons by messrs dbflield and ffotofaar eraroosa it requires a strong corporation to throw a bridge aorou a rlvor it may save you time and monoy to be informed that when you need a blood- purifier ayers sarsaparilla is the kind most in favor with the medical profdtialon it is the standard and as snob tbo only bloodpurifier admitted at the chicago worlds fair methodist blayazlnt and itevitw for april again there are ten illustrated articles in this magazine tbe moat important arti cles are the yoaemite and mariposa grove with twenty engravings a liberal instalment riven of charles a sheldons remarkableqtory in bis steps or what would ttesui do whloh is attracting so muoh attention popular solenos worlds progress etc are folly treated and many other articles of intarest toronto wil liam brlggi montreal o w coates halifax 8 f husstla 1300 a year f 1 00 fpr six months auction sale register mojiday hvvah ii bale of stock imple ments bowibold fnrniture and building lota the properly of adam cook aoton bale at on oolook digram 4 heiternan i a action eera while people are particular abont havidg their hoqso cleared ot the winters aocuma- latlon of dirt theyre not always so partic ular abont thoirayatom it needa oleana- ing too and theres nothing will do it so thoroughly and elteotually as burdock blood bitters alex miller ardook ont saye i have taken b b b every bpring for some years and as a blood purifier it is unequalled worubrnjkbt soon bo expootcd that ilo bhtiittd havo etibbrrjuoully recovered was thoreforo a caiieo of 0ful mirpnao to hid many fnunda in this vicinity utanng th ut itia recovery was alleged to bo duo to tbe udo of dr wtlliaoib pink pilk a reporter of tho ti tltuiif set out to dieoover if tfiie rumor could bo authenticated having reached mr heuderaoua reaidenoe the reporter found no one at home except the hired boy who informed him that mr henderson had gone with a load ot grain to the hour mill at nupauee this waa evi dence in iteelf that mr honderson must have greatly improved or he would not have undertaken such a long drive in the raw weather of early spring the boy having btwid that his master would be back about two oclock the reporter waited for a per sonal interview in a short time tbe team waa observed coming along the road when it drew up at tbo house mr henderson being told the object of tho reporters mie- eion atated that the rumor was correct bia recovery was undoubtedly due to tbo use of dr williams plub pills he said that about a year before he had been taken hi and tbe disease assumed a form of sciat ic rheumatism of a painful and distressing character tbe physioians in attendance did their bebt and would for a time euooeed in alleviating tbo pain and he would for a short time regain strength but tho dis ease would reassert itself and bo was worse if possible than before his whole byatem ueemed to bo permeated with tho disease wbioh sapped hitf ital energy he tried ever bo many remedies prescribed by doc tors or- suggoatod by friends or neighbors all in vain ho grew weaker and weaker and at last despaired of life itself he was completely worn out found it very difficult to ro as far aa the barn and was only able to move about a little when not confined to bis bed at this juncture mr ravin the a tat ioo master at deseronto junction who no doubt recalled the wonderful cure ot mr wager by tbo use of the famous medicine as reported some time bince in tho tribune recommended mr henderson to try dr williams pink pills and volun teered to send for a quantity if mr hender son woald permit him the sick man consented and mr ravin procured for him a half dozen boxes ho tried a box but with little discernable effect he however kopt on uaing tbo pills and after taking six boxen found that he was muoh improv ed he jt another supply and continued to improve pteadily the pain disappeared he regained btrength and as ho expressed it lam now able to bo about feel quito strong can attend to all the departments of my work as well as ever and i attrlbuto it all l tlio u dr w pink p to tho tribune reporter mr henderson appears a btrong vigorous man whom to see was sufficient proof of the story of bis remarkable recovery hjibj afcec table preparation ftr as slmllatlng iheroodandrcguta- tiiyj the 5 tomaxhs and dowels of i n va n is ii i ldiu x promotes digeslioncheerful- fiess indrtcstcontalns neither obiuritmorptiine nor mineral jttmtnakc otic jittvtaradasfimvslpnxmai apcrjcctjtemedy forconslipa- lion sour stomach diarrhoea wonnsconvulsionsfevcrish- mess andlqss of sl facsimile sign of yrew yohk that the facsimile signature of- is on ran wrapper 0p eveby bottije of oaatoria is put up la onedie lottl only it is not sold in balk dont allow anyone to sell you anytkisg elso on the plea or promiae that it is just as good and will answer evary pnr- pose 43- bee that you get 0abtosia the fw- 4mmmmm easter trade johnny ohaffies sunday school teacher is o lady tho other day bho abked him johnny do you knowwhat a miraole is yes ma eaya that if yon dont marry our now parson it will be a miracle easter trade has full swing at this store new easter dress goods easter gloves easter hosiery easter yeiling easter ribbons easter laces easter silks easter belts easter white goods easter blouses easter ties collars and cuits our values always please how to ftepair your watch if your watch his stopped oi die imi uelp time lo siiii the 1lsi th ng you lin do is to tell jmir wilo r iuoihr onie suiuilj that ou dun i feel cty well o thai jou will hiie an excuse fur si lynik borne frotn church ihen after nil the folks have gjrtc go up into your bedroom and lake our watch to pieces and cximinc it well to bec if you can tell what is the matter with it if you cant sec anything wrong fie a little here and there and take out a jewel or two and turn them upside down in case some- thing mipht havo been wrong j good nnny watchmakers dq jike thit then for fear the folks might be home from church before you get it finished you had belter commence putting it together and after repeated trials and a greit deal of bad language it would be ab well to put all i confounded little screws and other things you could not find a place for into your hai or handkerchief and bring them to pringle t watchmaker in r u elph w y eki atjtir rtktmt fnuiits for seltvlce awkmj ltltld iuthdj lluliatactou t 100cuali urm at it churfjtil c diclute ourht to have brought he watch in the first pi ice there aro some things you can do better than pringle but you cannot fix your watcli ns well as be can this is pnngles twentyeighth year in guelph his success is due to good workmanship and his personal attention to every job which comes into his shop no job how ever small is allowed to leave until inspect ed and found correct once in a while a mistake may be made but no one can bo more careful than pringle sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorized capital 600000000 tenyeir maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 860 00 paid in maturity value jj100 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton gurxteyxfe co mill st acton troth said a councillor at a com- mitteo meeting the fttato of our roads is a disffraco to tho country could wo not at least put our heads together and make a wood pavemant hollo way a corn cure destroys all kinds of corns and warm root and branoh who then would endure them with auoh a oheap and effectual remedy within reaob v wont you tako this seat said the gentleman in the oar rising and lifting his hat no thank you said tho girl with the skates over her arm i ve been skating and im tired of sitting down tho iiost pills mr wm vandorroot sydney grossing ont writea wo have been using parmeuea pills and find them by far tbe best pun we ever used for delicate and debilitated constitutions these pllta act llk k charm taken in mall dosoa tha effect in both a tonto and a stimulant mildly exciting the au ore ions of the body giving toot and vigor 4 positively cared by tbese little puls they also relieve distress ftom dyspepsia jndigcstiort and too hearty eating a per fcet remedy for diizimjss nausea drowsi- tass bad taste in tho mouth coated tongue tain ta tho side torpid ltver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable 8mah pill small dose 8mall price substitution tbo fraud of tlio day sec you get carters ask for carters jnsist and demand carters little liver pills bicyclists suits you want the nicest gefods always then buy one of our bj2by bicycle sllits they are uptodate they are stylish they fit well they are waterproof and they are cheap from a suit up new bicycle stockings sweaters belts hats and caps a fine assortment see our new green sweater special stocking at 50c is a beauty our raenslson 99 wyndham si guelph the leading tailor and farnibhor cash and one price telephoned bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you sryers lumber planing mills nassaeaweya p sayee8 proprietor has constantly on hand a fall line of lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood to custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best ot satisfaction prices ery cheap and made 10 suit the customers pocket p sayers georgetown electric works t j speight proprietor manufacturers of s pynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams flpo and stoam fitting and qenoml bepair- iff being quipped with a gas brasldg machine am proparod to do braising on blovela frames o wheels converted from direct to tangent hpokos handlo bars bent to any desired angle full lino of pokes kept in stock satisfaction gaarautcod bicycles onatuelled in any color tj speicjht oeorgstown acton- livery jujbbek stamps ijoit 1 i mi itubbor hlainih xarlft inkota write to gorf curry co king bt kast well watered pasture rpiin umloraluuofl lifts iidhturo tr twoutj lead x ut cut ilu aiiply to james matthews aoton march iblh 1f08 mlt sale valuaulu llrlck iiouso nnd lot for ealo obonp apily to a j mackinnon ijarriitor mattliowa ujock acton agents rphx uoautlul lio of mlaa willurd by la or x hccrotivryand liturary uxocutoi anna a gordon iutroductloifby iiudy llgnry houiorsot sella to ovurybody oroat tinap iroaipctua fifty cente hooka on tftuo tilt iitadliv oa1 alluctjbon co llqiitod fob immediate or exchange sale the uudoralrncd havo for ironjodlatoaajoono now bidrio bott of harness add a good ton pufffty or would oxcliddro for flood milch pow or a boreo 1 t c moore a bon j mbell ixds ldb pkntibt bi10okv1lze honor glladuitb of tobonto univenhlty work mado hattbfactory prices moderate vibitinti dai8 moudav oftornoon camp- bellvlllo tuoeday acton ofllco clarks hotel friday ltockwood want a wheel iiy e i can asauro ynu of bottor val uo thai ou aro invited to exomfno uiy samplca and can aaauro ynu of bottor value than it la iiqb- bible to abtain olio wli ore wlieols from 25 ud tho 8teakn8 1b bpoelal tlio wheel do luxe of thoyoar uuoquallotf 76 model e stoofns fs3 prououncod hy exparta tbo boat value of the comet c i0 alert w 3 w stabk stearns agent valuable farm t ren the undenlffuod offorb to rent hia farm weat half lot 23 con 7 nassagaweya comurlolne ono hundred tvorea moro or less sixty acres are undo r cultivation part of tbe balance is wellwooded with hardwoodtaud tho remainder is swamp outua promises tuoro aro comfort able buildings tho jilaoo is well watered with coverfailing spring and au excollent rrell and bas a small orohard tbo property is ooo con cession from tho school and convenient to cuurob and poit office it la four miles from aoton and fourteen from ouolpb immediate possession given terms reasonable and mode known upon tbo promlres or to acton postoflee hugh motavisb wanted christian men a women to introduce glimpses of tho unseen tho mobt marvolloua book since tbo publication of tbo bible ltovealed religion demonstrated supernatural facts of iho lilblo no longor in doubt uav dr austin is tho editor dr iladg- ley profeoaor of pbilosophy victoria university writes tbo introduction ibo contributors aro scholarly and dovout men among whom aro itev dr tbotnis judge groo rev g v hon derson kev wm kettlewoll j h coyne ma chaplain searlea bvaurolist orosaloy and many others contains oxperloueos ofwesloy mark twain dr buckley w 07 btead and a host of similar men tbo volloeparating tho spirit land is drawn back io that all may at looat have a glimpse full bound canvassing book 75 cents worth twice that experience unneces sary books ou time- freight paid big com mission bolls on bight thi3 bradleygarretok co limited toronto cheap feed bus line thoondorsigqodrospoctfuliysolialtatbopatron age of the public and informs them that woll equipped and stylish rigs can al ways bo secured at his stables a comfortable bus moots al tr b a m and mb- 8 p careful atientloaglvontoevoryoraor tbo wants of commercial travel lers fully mot john williams pnopnieton wanted farmbhs sons or otlior industrious porsons of fair oducatlon to whom 60 a month would bo an inducement i could alao oagago a fow ladles at their own homos t a linscott toronto a man reoontly drank a pint of yeast in rnlatako or buttermilk ho rose tbres liours earlier thsn asasl next mornino dilmlits dlsesso beaten mra john book 8 edward street bt nhomas ont writes jdoans kidnoy pllla oared my son ot inolpient brights elieate he had terrible baokaohes and iffaya folt tired and worn his nerves mra unstrung and bis appetite poor he commenced taking doans kidney fills and is now completely onrod wliat are you crying for said tho eugar bowl to tha oroam the cook says i ana to bo whipped was the tearful reply canadas new minister of justice sir oliver mowats suooaasor in the laurlercablnet hon david mills with fifty members of parlia ment pralae the vlrtuea of dr aenewe catar- ral powder no one suffers the inoonvlences of catarrh more thsn the pnblio spoaker hon david mills the coming minister of jnilloe says over his own signature that dr agnews catarrhal powder gave him immediate relief people everywhere nse it john molunls waaha bridge n s aye dr agnewt catarrhal powder did wonders for me it relieves in ten min utes and permanently ourss oatarrh cold in tbe head sore throat and if nsilitls bold by a t brown v we hre still to the front in the newest and best assorted of dress goods in all tlio nowost colorings with trimmings to match our black dross goods rcquiro no recommend as all know wo liandle exclusively pnostloya thoy aro acknowledged to be the boat colored organdio muslins with linings to match a largo vorioty of swiss spot and checked muslins colorod piques in boat washing colors a yory largo selection of orumos english prints a largovanety ot salisbury suitings just tho thing for ladies homo wrappers ribbons laces laco curtains and ombroidorics an immonso stock to choose from we lmvo this spring purchased a fino selection of ladies whito underwear nnd aro proparod to givo you goods at leas than tho matorial can bo purchasod for lndics blouses that it would do any porson good to seo ladies oollars and oufls all tho latest styles gloves hosiery smalhvarcs etc fine highclass tkiloking american corn cbop 1896 sound hnd drv compare it with the soft new grain chopping promptly and carefully dorm at hip hockwood chopping mills harris co nursery stock agents book agents wo aroproparcd to show you this spring tho largest and best tolcction of imported scotch english and irish twooda patterns oxclusivoly confinod io us novor was such a inrgo variety of fino suitings sprinp overcoatings trouserings oto to solcut from ovor shown in goorgotown boforo dont iorgot that mr millar is at tho lioad of this department which fact is sufficient guarantee that everything will be satisfactory hats uatis this spring wo havo oxcolled ourselves in securing tho host tho nowest in stylo and shape thoy cannot bo approached in prico this will be the placo to buy your hats if you want tho best gents furnishings a full and magnificent stock comprising fino neckwaro shirts collars ouffb gloves hosiory underwear otc spring clothing rondyto woar for boys youths and mon wo havo an immonso stock in this department and can suit every person in stylo fit and finish nt prices that cannot bo beaten by any other house as wo buy those goods direct from the manufacturer it will pay you to inspect our btock boforo purchasing olsowhoro or anyone desiring lo better their posi tion and increase their incomo shauld write us the demand for homo grown nursery stock is on the increase wo need more men if you want steady paying work write us we furnish all supplies free we have the inmost nurseries in tho do mmion we pay both buary and commission we engage eltier whole or part time men we guarantee all our btookr- we furnish purohasera with certlfloato from government inspector statins our stook is ires from san jose scale our nurseries comprise over 700 acres and growing stock in large quantity enables us to sell it the closest possible figure men suooeed wth us who have failed with others it will cost you- nothing to learn what we can do for you dont write unless you mean business and want profitable employment stone wellington toronto these geoegretowns live8t 8t0be gibson miuun rob buock otrin st j produoe taken in exohange jo getojflun every day bargain day here xou want worth wear style strength choice cheapness tho combination is offered la our stock of new and fashionable goods which in cludes all things new and desirable in the lino of boots 8hoes and rubbers examination villi shotv that our stock is especially strong in stylo besides being uu- cqunlled in variety and first in favor because of jho hhfli grade qunllty nothing will convinco like personal inspection that for seasonable goods and keasonable prices the beat pace la nt williams boot shoe store mlliatreat acton f

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