Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1898, p. 3

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1ile hank of hamilton head offices hamilton- capital all paid up s 1 26000000 roaorvs fund 72500000 total assets 9 843 678 45 nearly ton m1i1oub of doliuru board op directors ohniitualtt jl 3 iiambay rruultlaitt vtoolrosidout ko itoacu john riiocton a t wood a blee toronto wfcl amson mp tuknuull caslllor hb steven att canlllor ii m watson inspector georgetown acency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to ihe collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada an united slaien drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of 6i and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added to principal every year whether passrbopk is brought in or hot special deposit receipts issued for largeetims v jpbell aaront georgetown- ont the news at home mortly of a uacal charaotor and ovorv item intorostlnir american and canadian wall papers ceiling papers borders a only store that carries a full line of these goods window shades all colors all pricesr curtain poles all lengths and colors our stock is the largest our prices the lowest call in 3eo hynds jcwelcry and stationery store acton ont i t qxton jfae pss thursday april 7 1898 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week good friday tomorrow easter will 4e welcomed by all eggs are belling for nino cants here r tomorrow good friday is a etata- tory holiday easter liliea will bo much iu evidence the next few days easter servicos will bo held in all the ahurohes next sunday march went out very quietly tbo day was bright and beautiful mr w s hall of hornby has been apppointed a ban jobo scale inspector sahools dosed last evening for easter holi jays will re open on monday 18th inst mev father feony conducted palm sunday services at georgetown on sunday tuu juter fare to toronto and return la go cents tloketa good to go today and return on tuesday mr adam cook ia arranging for the ereotlon of a couple of don bio briok stores on the ohnrob street front of his property a memorial bervico relative to tbo late miss edna maltbr will be held in tho methodist ghnroh next sunday morning mrs b a secord has leased the store v between panabakera tinahop and mckees drugstore to mr r joyce of man a wood fora meat shop eggs are a trille on tbo upward tendenay tbia week nine can ta a dozen as they were tho past week is an anpre- oedented preeaater prioe lait week mr alfred stone otguelpb shipped thirtytwo hereford bulls to tho reynold cattle company chanmng texas for whiuh he received 5000 good friday service will be held in st albana church tomorrow morning at 1030 on easter sunday thcro will be speoial muaio by the oboir at both services j annual s ustalc of g j thorp the wellknown gnolph eoedman has been received it ia well arranged and comprehensive a copy well bo sent freo to every applioant mr james carrie offirit line erin has shown sfgna of mental aberration lately and for the protection of hirmelf and fam ily he was taken to guclph on friday last it is hoped the trouble will bo only of a temporary character mr james e day acting for frank benbon whose horses woro killed in a collision with the g i it train last november near tho york road has ncoeededln getting 91000 in aettloment of all ololrna against the company guelpb mercury the boys havo already begun the iboaghttebb annual slaughter of robins and bluebirds it might be well for all to understand that the only birds one can legally bhootnow are orowa blaokblrds hawks and english sparrows all others are protected by tho game laws until september 1st an appreciable difference xlm policy holder of the gore district mutual firo insurance go of gait havo ah expuriencu very different to that of tho policy holders in another oompauy duing bumieas here tho gore is giving its policy holders a refund of 20 per cont on the premiums paid in 1807 tho con- trust with the other company referred to fa that those insurod are specially assessed above the mual assessment 20 par cent extra on thoir premium notea to keep the machine going held in kindly remembrance the public school pupils in tho threo dopurtmonts frcm which dieses were promoted this week as a result of tho easter examinations remembered vory kindly lite teachers they were loaving with pretty me miss mcplm receive a pretty uilver sugar shell aud other gifts mies patterson a dainty saohot and toilet articles and mianmcqueona beautiful photograph album stock moving out rapidly mr- robert holmes drover has been relieving the farmers of a large quantity of fat stock tho past few weeka and baa made their hearts glad by paying good prices for thorn last wednesday he shipped a car of hoga to toronto and on thursday two cars of cattle for tbo eatern marketa the cattle were among tho best that have been shipped here his spring and were a credit to thu far intra who fed them our country roads provincial road inspector campbell bag received intimation that between 80 and 40 townbhip itiunicipalities have this year adopted hisplan for making tho beat of tho btatuto labor system of road making itu method ia to appoint a road supervisor for the township who will boa paid official tho roads aro then dividod into fivemile dutriats und a foreman appointed for each all tho roads and roadmaking in the townbhip will be under the direction of tho supervisor the townships are buying machinery and altogether a deoided for ward step in the direction of good roads is evident improving their premises owing to their increasing buainisa and the necessity for additional space messrs gurncy a co have out an arobway at tho rear gf their store and thua effected a con venient way up atairs the second flat ia now devoted to gouts furnishings hats caps ladies shirt waibta and several other departments the room thus secured downstairs is now taken up with a stock of boots and shoes an entirely new dopart- ment tbo firm have also put in a new fire proof safe by therearrangement of bis boot and shoo store w williams baa made space for a much larger btock this bpring than he ever beforo carried the store ib much improved in appoaranoo alao by the change rev mr forbes farewell at caledou rev t rforbes preached his farewell berm6n at tho caledon appointment of the churchill congregational circuit on sun day 27th ult a member of the congrega tion writes in laat issue of the gongrtyntion- aliet with reference to mr forbes paatbrato as follows he has worked faithfully among us for fifteen months during that time there were only two sundays that le failod to come although he had to drive a diatance of fourteen miles from h if home at adton wo found mr forbes a kind friend and a faithful pastor the easter examinations pupils of aoton putdiio schookpr- motocl to hlfiher classes tlie kislur examinatiuiiu ill thepubliu bchoul were liuld liutwoult tho ruuulta in tho various lunar tinouts wro au fullovva lt011 juniouiii to bknum iii fred eaatwood bert smith george hyuds b swaokhimor john mcgann i herbert fyfe willie harding albert edmibton chas hi icten brand mapgio nurvey ida laird ada gnrney clara ebbuc maud colling anna orum lena colliti joaio stophonaon florence soper mary goodeve gertrude waltera miunio mcplierson may worden maguio aitiiurs ida day mabel mcplmil lylo grindoll c mcpiuii teacher filosi hksioil flkcoxi to thltll miua ruddiuk ena pearson florencomurrii3 ila mapn umtkoniioyv george smith johu sutindora vlllie stnytk harblctkiceilii- erueut perry man- tillie binghamv yuosi junior hkcoki yo snxion hkcond jenuio harding lilliu creamer jennie smith mary mill philip holmes willie prout joe arehura robbie hynda l tona moarthur jen tlie grants i hilton jeans mimoeaohern myrtle cook frank havlll vidafolater florenoe holme annie corry willioballautine edna stewart artie ramsbaw names marked daniel ritchie frank holmesj ernest gurney mqbcs ballamine willie plant ruby glark janio simoiip elwin perryman annio harvey marcua perryman did not obtain tbo number of marks required for promotion but were ftlowed to go forward on trial iua e fattkhsos teacher moil lakt ii to jvnioit 8kc0nw roy maphail eaura moore morton tovelt myrtle sopor myrtle dills gortio btatuam clifford ramshaw atohie wilson edith smith martha storey lottie mason hazel arnold edgar abraham tom creamer mamio mason namos markod did not obtain tho nnmfaer of marks required for promotion but were allowed to go forward on trial frou paiitjto pahtiiof tne rirht readkll walter saundere gertio swaokhamer hazel mbson aubtiii mccunn joe deolute mamloagnew ethel thomas- j charlio matthews david mill irene mnllen loio molachlan walter bauer mary sinclair bert holmea alphacaa bell bortha gamble edna coon fred forbes david folster clara moore laura coon florence speight e ii mcqueen teacher edith moeachern eva teanb vincent goodeve laura coleman our local legislators crewsons corners the frosty weather of the past few days ha4 been very trying to tba fall wheat crop in thhi vjbjnuj we noiioed last weokfu ibekasaagaweya correipondenoe to tho fnsb foess an item statfng bat thegrokiqole 01 ab of this place bad received a oballoogfl from the nassnga- weya club to pi ay a game but were afraid to jidbeptrndfor that rfiasbh they tho nasaagaweya club claimed tbo champion ship ai this is the first notice we ever bad of the existence of the naasagawoya dob we were eurpriaod that tho correspond ent would make such statements if there li fluoh a u c curuem nuw nballenge them to names data and oome and ploy our gnb and then perhaps they will not be bo sure of having gained tbo charapionsbipi- mr w lamb haa purohaasd from mr d townaond bis farm consisting of ho acres at a very fais figure as mr lamb lis ona rdtdar most eolorprlding tarmors wo wih him snccesi no gains possession next fall mr towniend intedda moving to the northwest wo are sorry to hear of tho continued illnois of mr hugh mclmghllo of naiaa- gaweya who is confined to the hod go with a severe attack of rheamatiiai oounoillor a j marrsy ot acton spont a day or two at the homo of hi father mr j murray rose hill thii week mrs j anderson of at kali bponl a day or so this week at the bonne of mr n forbes hill aggie andonon who has been pending the past three or four months with friend bore and la ntihgaweyn returned to toronto on monday tocu qoloin one day take laxative ttremo gulnina table all drogglsh fund tbofitonerlf it wis to cure ascents striving by word and deed to advance tbo cause of the master whom bo bo faithfully berved on account of some of buralready fow members leaving the neighborhood we have decided not to call another minister how the matter la viewed two farmers were recently disouqsing their local paper one thought it had too many advertisements in it the other replied vln my opinion the advertisements aro far from being the least valuable part of it i look them over carefully aud save at loaat iflvo times the co3t of the paper througbthe buainess advantages i get from them said the other i believe you aro right i know that they pay me well and rather think it is not good taste jo find fa wuh the adve a alt it pays any man with a family to take a good local paper for the sake of the adver tisements if nothing more if business men fail to give farmers a cbanoe to read advortieementa in the local paper tbey are blind to their own interests to say tbo least of it yon never trade with mo said a business man to a proaperous farmer you ha vo never invited me to your place of bnsineb9and i never go where i am not invited i might not bo welcome wsb the reply the croiclnolo club concert tho programme provided by tho com mittee in charge of tho closing conoert under tho ansptcerof the- crbkinole glob last monday evening was deserving of a larger audiendo than that whioh asapmbled those who attended enjoyed an evening of genuine musical merit every number on the liberal programme waa applauded and soveral vory hearty encores woro respond ed to tho voqaliata were in exoellent form their selections were well chosen and rendored with credit mrs g mc carthy of toronto waa very happy in hor several solos and there was no lack of man ifestation of appreciation on tbo part of the sndtenco she is a oharming singer miaa nicklin though juat recovering from severe illncsa rendored two numbers in her wellknown style she is always given a cordial reception mr e b jaakbou as a baritono soloist rivals any singer of his class who baa appeared hero for many months hfs aeleotions were peculiarly fitted to his well- modulated voice and his singing showod careful training under cxporionced teachers he will always recpivo tbo best possible hearing in aoton the audionae gladly gladly welcomed mr a o beardmoro again it is a co of reeve pearsontakea his sentln the reeves blgr chair council met on monday evening and busiuoss was proceeded with promptly at eight oclock reevcoleot ponraon htiving eubacribed to the declarations of oflico and of qnaliflcation teok his seat without further ceremony councillors all prebont the committco on finance presented their fifth report recommending paymont of acoounta as follows it dirjrham work on btroots 7 50 w soil tli work on streets 7 60 ii p mooro prlutingp 5 go j evanb work on flro nlitrtu 2 50 e pearson eloanlng flro ongiuo 3 00 ii j mcnabb oojiyiafi bylaw 1 00 a t brown statlonory 40 rtiwso f o moved by jas clark seconded by john clarke that leave bo granted to introduoo d bylaw for the purpose of authorizing the ileevb and treasurer to borrow such sums of money aa the corporation may require for current expenses of the present year carried tho bylaw was read tho required num ber of times aud passed tho following letter from the offiaors of the freo library board was prosented and toad oflloo of acton frco library aoton april uh 1808 to the itoave and ooniicillors vllloflo of acton gentlemen at tho taootins of tbo freo ltbraryboard laatprldav bvoulpfl igt april a years ainco he last sang here his nam- bora were also well chosen and his inter protation of the oomposers inspirations wsb true indeed mr brent wood word of toronto proved himself a basso of remark ably deep and rich oompaba it was his first appearance in aoton bat his visit made numerous friends mr shaw of glen- williamh rendered two military eongs in a manner which proved him a very oapablo musician no artist of tho evening was accorded more voioefrrous greeting and applauss than oor local humorist mr flsnniguh as a depiater of irish ohar- cter in aodg and impersonation he js a favorite here miss clark wuh accom panist for all tho vocalists and her part was most skillfully and acceptably per formed 8ho is quite au acquisition to our musical circles snd her services will henoe- forth bo in demand the jqbllee orohestra played a number of selections daring the evening and showed that by their practice they are rapidly improving mr w wil liams president of the otnb presided with grace becoming the position reaolutlonwaa pasflod in tiarmony with the pro- visions of tho froo library aot rcquostlng the muulclpal council to loau tho board tho sum of two uundrad dollars 20000 for tho pur- ohaso of now hooka for tbo library said sam to boropald to thoobunoil ujion rccolptof qovorn- mont grant allowed on tlio purchase trusting tho matter will racolvo your prompt and favorable attention wo aroyoarftrosncctfully ji pearson oualrman s i mooro socretary moved by john clatho aedonded by jaa 01arkthat leave bo granted to authorize tho treasurer to provide the secretary of tho free library with tbo sura of 9200 being amount required to purchase new books tho bamo to be repaid by tho library board on receipt oj govornment grant carried after some timo spent in desultory conr versation the council adjourned coming and going visitors tp and from aoton ana varlousother personal notes tiiofukk 2iiehhlavitosah itbroadpri tocou tribute to thla column if you or your friomlu aro coinjt away on a boltilay trip or if you havo frioudb viditiun yon drop a card to tho f41kb illeeb i mrs t e m deoord ia visiting relatives in guelph mibb jotj nsou mill anead the easter holi days in mount porost mina cook of btdllnafad apeut a few days with friendu in town mitis haley of muoton was the guest this week of mrs j f multan miaa edna tuurston loft 00 saturday for woodstock tp resucno her bituatlon fhoro mrso mccarthy of toronto was the guest during ber atay in aoton of mrs alex secord mr bront wood word o toronto spent a aouplo of days this soek with his friend mr lou flannogo i mr and mra g ramsbaw of lowvilje a pelt t saturday with mr baroshaws sister mrs welaford t mr d henderson af p was home from the capita from saturday morning until monday evening miaa hill of eockwood was a gnest at the home of her brother mr chas hill young street a few dayadanng tbo week miss mina walker left on monday tq tako a permanent sltaatlon in the new establishment of g b ryan d go at berlin mra s a secord who has been in poor health tor some time visited ber slaters in hamilton last week and found tbo change very bonefloial mibb annie hulne of godprioh has becnyiyiliagmiaa ilannabataitord nt the home of mr george xoalie erin for a aoupte of weekfl rev t r forbes ia attending the annual meeting of the western associa tion of congregational churohea at toronto this- week rev and mrs a blair ba of nassaa- gawey a were guests of air and mrs arcb motaviah ou tuesday at the annual meeting of the dublin street sunday school gaelpb on tues day evening aid r e kelson waa re elected superintendent this is the eighth time in sucoesfiuu john a ell ib and hia partner who have been in the hotel business at new hanabarg the past year have leased tho commercial hotel seaforth and will take possession about the first of may siuce the east wellington election mr john craig m p 1 editor of the news- iiecord forgus has been laid aside from active work- he overtaxed himself during the campaign and is now seriously ill rev dr carman gonorul superinten dent of the methodist cliaroh in ganado left on monday via c pr for vancouver thence by ateamer to yokohama japan where he will look into the missionary intercuts of tho gauudiau chnrch mibb aggie armatrfmit who haa been in the dreaamaking buiiuess here for soveral years leaves this week to take charge of the dressmaking department of a large businohb at grand valley during her reaidence in aoton mtas armstrong has made many friends all of whom nnite in beat wiahes for her in her new home we are in reoeipt of tbo sad news of the d o mrfl mi ma a commendable club the guelph herald says tho pupils of the senior girl aubool have with thoir toaaliertt uahintauce organized a dtub the objcot of whioh in to help thorn to uflmore careful in their luuguago und gnerul deportmonr the fallowing rules are to be followed those wiahingto become raembors promising to observe them to earnestly try to avoid the use of slang toavcalloud talking and laughing on the street to consider the rights of others when walking ou tbo btreet in tho class room to move quietly oponiug aud oloaing doors quietly bo polite to alabsmatea and cacher remembering that if you please and thank you coat- but little but are of great value all pupils of tho room raay become members by signing the above rules and any member may withdraw if she wishes after giving them a fair trial so eon baid the greybeard you are to go forth to do battle with the world yes father answered the young man one of the qrbt things you should learn my hoy the old man continued is to say no i i think i uuderatand i dunno whether you do or hot tho point i am trying to getat fs that the habit of baying naw and and nit was all right while yop were ih cqltegei batalut the correct thing for a buslneas man merit talks the intrlnufe valuo of hoods sorsaparllls merit in medicinp mena the power to cure hoods sarsaparilla possesses actual and unequollod curatve power and there fore it h true merit when you buy hoods sarsapsrlllo and take it according- to directions to purify your blood or cure any of the many blood diseases you are morally certain to receive benefit tho power to cure la there you are not trying an experiment it will make your blood pure rich and nourishing and thus drive out the germs of disease strengthen the nerves and build up the whblo system it pays to buy at bollcrts it pays to buy at bollcru for the boys the perfect pill plifct in preparation perfect in operation ayers cathartic pills perfect postprandial pill pctfcct7for all purposes the pill that wilth is tho bet in fact tiioono true blooj puriner preiwedonlybyainwaacmiwcllmmi hoods pills suriifsrssiibk paste me upon the walls tind i will make your home pretty wall paper 30006 rolls new stock from the lowest price to the finest quality it is said that quite a large number of people espically canadians living in the neighboring states of vermont maine snd new hampshire are already making preparations for coming to canada in the event of war between tho united states and spain kannawin for years resident with her father mr robt kannawin in aoton mr bcaley was afflicted with lung trouble whioh caused her death after a brief ill ness the many friends of the family in aoton will extend heartfelt sympathy ih tbia heavy bereavement the various publishing nooses for copies of their catalogues moved by h p moore seconded by john cameron that tbia board request a loan of 8200oo from the municipalcoanoil for the purchase ol new book until tbo receipt by the board of the government grant to the library board carried m se the month of april a coloring and re creating time diamond dyes htae old thinks look as well as new tbfs id the great aprini mouth for ubing diamond dyes old faded and dingy look ing dresses costumes ekirta blouaeb jack ets capea shawls aud suita for- men and boya are usually looked over with a viow of fitting them for another seaeous wear the dyeing operation is an important one and demands 04 re the groat point is to get tho right dyea colors that are pure bright and warranted fast to washing and bqu light the diamond dyed tho only guaranteed dyes in the world poegoaa all the impor tant virtues for tho production of perfect oolors the popular and tested diamond dyos have auoh an immenaa demand all over the world that cubarupnloufl dealers for the sake of large profits sell vile imita tion p if you would have your garments and goods richly colored and permanently avoid alt aucb imitations refuse all dyes that your dealer tells you aro just as good ab the diamond write for book of directions and color oard sent post free to any address by wolla a richardson co montreal p q have- you seen the neiv ingrains that take the place of paint if not you will find a complete line of our new 1898 samples at the wellknown drug store of j d mckee who will be pleased to show them to you see his window for some of the newest things c i nelles the lshdeh guelph we have made apurchase of the entire range of an european manufacturer of boys jersev suits 1 in sies i to 4 we bought them at a big discount off regular prices there are 33 different and dis tinct styles and prices are from 1 to 3 per suit sqrneqihemareverynattiiy4nmrned and all are nicer and neater at the money than anything you will find in the market they will go yith a rush commencing friday better call early and get first choice j j- importations and hpmc purchases are coming to hand ih grand array e r bollert 25 and 27 wyndliam street gijelpil co the right souse corner king and hnghson sts hamilton corn sowing the free library board if yon want nrtolasa guelph sash and doors at guolph prioefl t ennas can 01 your order at hi i planing mill organized and hard at work in arranging fortho new library owing to tho illness and death of the late reeve storey mailers iu connection with the new free library were bold in abeyance for several weeks tho board is now organized however and the members are actively engaged in assorting tbo old public school library auid will probably beforo tho present week is out have selected apvoral hundred volumes of the latest works suitable for a public library the members of the board ato most interested in the movement and ws expect before many weeks to havo one of tho host public libraiies in a town of actons sizo in the province hi buccesbful operation the first meeting of tho free library board wan held iu tho council ohamber uat friday uvoniogj aptuil members were present as follows revs j a mcliohlatima j k god- den m a ii a r macpheraon roove pearson johu cameron tiich t moore and ii 1 moore tjpon motion ho ileovo was elected chairman and h p moore secretary moved by rev ii a macphereon eeo- ondod by rev j a alcijaohlau that a committee bo appointed to examine the booksof sohool library a letter from tho pnblio school board handing over the control of tho old library to the free library board waa road moved by rev ii a mcaopheraon aec- onded by thoa t moore that tho old library tendered by tho public sohool board be accepted and that our thanks be conveyed to the board carried moved by thoa t moore seconded by john cameron that tbo board be a com mittee of the whole to diamine and assort the old library carried s moved by h p mooro acconded by rey ii a macpheraon tint tho committee meet to perform abovo work on wednesday everting next carried the secretary was init runted to write rov h a macphereon that revs h a macphereon j k qodden at a j a mclaahlanma jno cameron h p moore and the chairman be the board a committee to select tho cow books carried board adjourned to meet next wednes day evening gth inat at 7 oclock no people who live in glass houses shouldnt throw btonoa why beoaubo tho occupants can see them do it no peraon should fo from borne without a bottle of dr j d kellogra dysentery cordial in their possession aa change of water oooking ohm ate eto frrqaently brings on summer complaint snd there is nothing like being ready with aenre reme dy at hand which often timea laves great suffering and freqaautly yaloablo lives this cordial has gained for itself a wide spread reputation for affording a pronajt rolief from all summer complaints a man likes a womaq who shows him that she ia clover oh uoa man hkea a woman who shows him that be is olover was wusling away i could not eat sleep or alt down for any length of time i waa always in pain and waa waating away i grew very weak and hod a bad coagb i tried many different remedies bot did not got relief sinoe taking hoods sarsaparilia however i am able to attedd to nay business minnie jnquea oshouo out there is more pleasure in giving than receiving was the proverb that a mother w9 trying to inallll into a youlbful mind thats true about castor oil mother was the aubwer she got fever and ague andbilioai derange monts are positively cared by the use of parmeleea hills tfaoy not only cleanse tho slomaoh and bowels from all biltoni matter but tboy open the excretory vessels causing them to poor cbptoor effusions from the bood into tbo bowel a after whioh the corrupted mass is thrown oat by the natural passage of the body xbey are need as a general family medicine with the best results growth in grace la the only aafeguard against baokslidiug and apoitasy still another triumph mr thoma- b b alien sauderland writer t for fourteen y ears i was afflicted with piles and frequently i waa unable to lit or walk bul our years ago i was cured by using dr thomas eoloolrio oil i bave also been aowjeot to quinsy for over forty yearf bu4 bolectrlo oil oared it and it waa a perma neut cure lu both aasea as neither pilr nor qolnfy have troubled no since a half truth u the wdraliortof a ho is conducted by tight boots corn reap ing is beat conducted by putoams painless corn extractor tho only safe acre prompt and painless corn cure beware of imita tions you are not lu our act clucked tbo old shanghai hen pubhing the goose egg out of her nest with her bill llivn red stream 12 vari f 25c at those- prices wo can only offer the varieties named boiow order by numbers and buy wliat you want tbey are sont by mall post paid soloot from tbo following hat vegetables 1 boot ecllpsea round 3 beat egyptian flat round a cabbage winnlogaudt i oabbage fottler ilraaawick a carrot lialf iodr nantes searlet 6 oarroit oxbeartorouormodo fioarlet 7 ouonmbera chicago piokllng 8 oaoumbarrlonggroon 9 colory golden solf blanching 10 harba bafie 1l horbs savory 12 horbs uarjortm 18 lottaoe nopparell cabbage 14 lottuco donvor waokot ourltxt 15 muik motion extra oarly haokonaack nutmog 16 svatormolod hungarian honey 17 onion large rod wuthorsnald ib onion yollowgloboor 19 parsnip hollow crown so itadiah fronch i3roakfant at itadlibkon oom wlte 22 bquaab huubard tipped 23 tomato oarly ruby 21 tomato dwarf champion flowers 25 a b tors mixed 26 mignonqtu awoot 27 paubynnixod 2fl potunloa mixod 20 nasturtiums tall mixed 30 bwcot peas fine mixed si wild flavor garden mixed isrwowill nbt accept an ordkb at theso prices wboio tlie packets aro itor selectod from tbo abovo list i providing thii coupon is out out and i sent to ua with an order for twelve we i will inoludo l paoket of our mammoth i show pumpkin or big yankee squash j freo of obarga to vnaa pbjebb bud- i aorlbora i when the blood la pure and rich health and vitaity are carried to every part of the body whon it is impure and watery the eceds of disease germinate and grow to clear the blood current of all impuritiep to make it rioh and healthgiving there 1b no equal to tho standard blood remedy bur dock blood jjitters young father is it a boy or u girl v doctor a cyclist no its a tandem rkithis 1 uflutci a man who desires to fill a flnlucii steady paying position and earn good wages ifyouare at present employed that need not prevent you from sending us a postal card to learn whnt we do for you we have the largest most complete and thoroughly uptodate nurseries in the dominion there is a largely increasing demand for homegrown nursery stock au supplies bent free the trial coats you npthing you get your pay every saturday if you cannot give full time to our inter ests we can arrange liberal terms with you for part time we grow a full line of fruit trees beriy bushes flowering shrubs ornamentaltrees hedgingv bulbs roses and seed potatoes all our stock guaran teed and warranted to live write and left us you arc open lor an offer and we will make you r proposition and you will want to accept j hi p rtark m toronto b irvri fq boo flhstcuss 11 1 lllo 6500 bioyoies given away free in wllllne work who will blpu jvl1lm nil sill dr younni kldncylvr cure in ihelr locllly no mddllnb no mperlno or caplul rculrl work during ytur spare time chemical supply co pictoni onti addrosi 11 orders to geo j thorp market sq and maodonnell st gublph wall paper we take pleasure in advising you that our new lines of wall papers celling papers and borders for thlaseasonarenow rendy for your inspection window 8hades etc our window shade and curtain fole de partment is complete wo have an assortment of window shades to spit every one either plain or with dado fringe or lace curtain poles all colors at all prices wood or brass trimmings all we ask la that you reserve your orders until you have examined our samples in above lines a k aoton machine and bepair shops hrnity qrimdbiiti proprietor a his well equipped with all the maeblnsry neoeiaary toexobute all repairs totnaohln ery and agricultural implements and to do all klnda of steamflttlnfthorssiboemg and general blaoksmltblng woodwork repairs performed id a satisfactory manner we eaa repair and machine or lmplemsnt of any make baw urnmlng vaa xllluic done you want the best and the cheapest tlotaoiottarla mcmullens fencings nnd netting9com bine these twp qualities no others do i hog fencings at special low prices all other varieties cheap mcmullens are the only good netllngs sold in canada they tare unequalled for poultry yards trellis v lawn fences ask your hardware mer- chant for mcmullens goods if you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at picton ont or to tiih b grbsnino wire co lthitko hamilton and montreal general agents jamrs cooper montreal general agent lor railway fencings spring millinery oilers special attractions at the present time our assortment is perhaps the larg est and choicest we have ever shown and the prices are as economical as the styles are desirable untrimmed millinery at prices ranging from 25c tq i125 trimmed millinery from 8275 up childrens caps and tarns in great variety ladies sailor hats in all he leading shapes and colors orders executed by expert milliners in time to take home with you nsw dress goods allwool serge black or navy special at 25c vigoreaux twill suiting 46 inches wide all wool special 35c and 40c check suitings small neal patterns 46 inches wide special 65c 75c 85c covert suitings 46 inches wide allwool special 60c and 75c black sicilian at special prices very de sirable for separate skirls 44 inches 40c 48 inches 50c 52 inches 75c new designs in black figured alpaca 44 inches wide special at 35c 45c and 50c staple department 31 inch english flannplette choice pat terns 8jc 32lnch english flannelette choice pat terns ioc new galateas for boys suitings from english makers fast colors 18c to 25c 3d inch grey cotton at special prices regular gc for 3a9 regular 8c fur gc spring wraps the most stylish at the least money note a few leaders ladies jackets fancy tweeds singls or double breasted 8400 ladies fawn box cloth jackuts fly front 600 ladies black jackets fine twill silk lined double breasted pearl buttons 37-5- ladies black ssrge jackets russian blouse style silk lined braid trimmed moiro silk collar and cuils 9 1000 wash dress aooqjb english prints best qualities 32 inches wide 12jc good prints at 5c 8c and ioc dress ginghams navy 6 choice patterns commencing at ioc ynrd madras ginghams scotch manufacture 33 inches wide soft finish 18c american organdies and dimities fine quality dainty patterns 22c printed lawns desirable blouse patterns in greens pinks blues and helios 124c carpet department our new carpets arc all in the stock is large and the designs perfect english axminstcrs rich dark shades special at 8125 body brussels good quality special at 75c 10 wire tapestries special at 75c velvet carpets for hard wear special nt samples on application- freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchases amounting to 8500 and upwards sahsfaction guaranteed thomas cwatkin glasgow house acton in anticipation of seasonable weather we are this week showing special values in ladie8iidr6etlemejs4ti ladies parasols and umbrellas bubbers in all sizes and designs we are selling shoes and rubbers closer than any other house in the county an extensive assort ment for spring trade millinery opening- was held on wednesday march 30th kendersoii fc go sasragefc co opticians and fine watch repairers gublph ont be prepared for spring by buying your dresses now wc have a large range some of which are the following black dress gooijs serges lusters brocades plaids wool and silk mixtures blouse bilks in variety sateens in different qualities as well as prints muslins etc you can order any of the delineator patterns or hooks here and save expense in sending metropolitan sheets nrc tobe had for the asking 6 p aqosije ops xfc k2i37ijsjs7isii53si

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