Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1898, p. 4

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v the same i old sarsaparilla thats aycrb the same oul saraavmrillii ns it wns mnde niul sold by dr jc ayer bo yeurv ato lu t laboratory it is iifferent there modern appli ances lend speed to skill and experience but the sarsapa rilla is the same old sarsaparilla thafcrnode the record co years of cures why dont vc better it well were much in the condition of tho bishop and the raspberry doubtless he said god might have made a better berry but doubtless also he never did- why dont we better the sorsaparilln we cant we ore using the mmeotd plant that cured the rndians and the spaniards it has not becn bettered and since we inalte sarsaparilla com pound but of sarsaparilla plant we see no way of improvement of course if we were making some secret chemical compound we might but were not were making the same old sar saparilla to cure the same old diseases you can tell its the jame of sarsaparilla be cause it works the aamo old cures its the sovereign blood purifier andtts avers jj jixtmt sftttlxtss thubsday april 7 1808 eas s when tho ban a broader arc marka acroea tho april sky when tho days 10 cold and dark at the thought of summer fly crooqb bo da aboyo lbo groen of tho dooryard orolt appear and birds in copse and troo aeon and roburractlon day are near a out tueliiicowoodij yellow bloom on tho gloaming knoll u set and tassoled buds and floworahavo room to fringe tho jocund rlvulot what was that the bluebirds note caroling r ftu roo clta no other cong birds throat tut bis marvellous minstrelsy tho south winds soft and balmy breath svafts us onrlam from southern soas it comos to lift from wintry death tho earth and wbtsporhopo and peace the pathos of tho robins song mow is never far away while in the fields and woods a throng of birds repeat their roundelay who shall doubt that life not death crowns the switt circuit of the year that not a soul of mortal breath shall miss at last its heavenly sphero then lot tho bells of easter ring tanodfrom botblebome faroff bky for summers new processions bring tho proof that only death shall diet jorl benton the awfuf sting sacredne8softhebbtrothal iil tho april ladies llomr journal edward w ifcik wriion on ti16 answer of a girls xlf rtioubbliis tli allegation rnada sgainet the amcrlann cirl that biio thinks lightly ofhojjmportuuce p hor batrothftl tho betrothal mr bok ubaerte flhoiild ba juat sb bunred tta tho murririo it ie the kruvcst of tho two steps which bind peoplo togotlior bucauho it is tho initiutivo only tho moat extra ordinary circumatancefj ulioali justify a breaking of tho botrothal only one othor agency in life nlouhul ia responsible for moro broken hearts and wrooked lives than broken engagements it is highly neoee- ary that our girls should have v perfectly clear idea of what a betrothal oaeans or should mean if it is a betrothal in tho sight of god a hasty imjutlhp the- tem porary bwying ot a tumultuous youthful paaeiopi tho confusion of admiration for affeotian the mistaking of respeoi for love these are not safe gronndd for betrotbalb it is never to the credit of a plrl in the eyeb of a man that she has been engaged two or thre lopes girls bboojd remem ber that too often they think that men feel otherwise or perhaps do nob care but men do that is the moo worth roar rying a man look b upon aaoflengaged girl aa ho docs upon a poach that has mnoh of the bloom robbed off beitdes men generally ooncfade that there ia aometliing wrong with euob a girl the right kind of girl will betroth herself bat onoe an unhappy betrothal can be juat as keen ft sorrow aa an unhappy marriage it has darkened the life of more than- one woman beauty covers a multitude of bidb one jsa8ti5r ixxl with tearful oyua emtio lily dalo and to tho curate told hor talti f wero fooling qui tu forlorn tho frost iiivb loftuh in tho lurch dosplto our long and faithful hontah wovo found no uowora to trim tlio oluiroh ou eatur bund ay morn ho not d i shiny ad tho ourntu nahl tho while ho bluuliuda doopor rod o idly fair uiy own of all tho jlowors that daak tho oartli you nra tho llowor of groatobt worth i than comfiyouruoh thoroll ho no dearth youll trim tho churoh alonol eunlb iiookeil baton how joseph wentout west mr brown was holding the hammer in his hand and a oouplo of big nails between his teeth he wab juat going to fbtcn on tho cover of the big mieaionary box whluh was all paokod to send out veat little bello came running in with ft dogoared gaycovered book containing the btory bfjoseul land his brethern do let her put it in if she wautato aaid mamifta jiven if it is shabby it may pleasosbnfolittle child ah right 1 paid jpupa brown all right p fluid belle it was ahot august afternoon out on tho prairie the faraway bluffs gleamed like gold fn tho aunahiuo aud hero and there in the curly gray buffalo grass wae a vivid brim son star where a cactua bloomed inside a rough ahak little billy pritchard lay with his broken leg tightly bandaged hia tired eyes brightened as aiater maggie took a book from the bureau it was joseph and his brethern in a sweet voice maggie read all about tho young lad beloved by hia old father tho jay jittloooat the wondurfut dream of bowing ahcsvea and moon aiul cture of the jealous brother the cruel pit tho mtlo to tho wandering merohanta tho trip to igyit aud tlio bojourn in palijihuru housuliolil of tho unjtibt iinrirfonnioiit and tho dreams of iho butler twid biker and uftorwurd that of tho rtrnt mnnaroh pharaoh thoa joar phs iutcrpretation of tho droam and hia riio in powor thoa the weary famlneilrivon bro there and the boautiful lobaoo joseph taught the lessou ot forgivouoas little billy fritchard liutoucd to it all and quito forgot hid aching le and tho hot tireaomo ufteruoon i wish little bello could hivo known how pleabod ho was dont you 7 mercenary aumsgivinq mercenary alnipkiving 1b of two kinds in every oiae it conaiata in giving away aomethin for the purpose of receiving something clue often something more val uable in return thoao whp announce their benefabtions with tho bound of the trumpet do so in ordor to attract attention and gain honor and reputation and never uro honor and reputation rnoro cheaply pur- ohabod than by tbia sort of almsgiving however bit tbe oheok however long the row of flguroa in the hubacriptipn liat the act of one who gives in order to bo been or praieedot men is a distjobtly mercenary aot and dooa not belong to that ojaai of deeds which goil eees seoreotty and yet sooner or later rewards openly the reward eooht indeed is promptly given but it ends with a single breath of applause aud oblivion buries a deed which might have been written forever in the book of god the churchman learning to spell arthur in a bright little folliw jut biuiuiuun hit oditcjttton a linrt time hiiini iutliif jrvfltiimiu of vuifntf ito ounm runniiiii to ins uiicl oxcuimiu 0 unolt i can apoll auri 1 very well let tia hear mibwerod tho uncte biin buii very well let ua hear you spell another kind of son arthurs faop woro a puzzled cxprceaidn for a limo but aoon brightened with an inspiration aa ho aunt out mun moor i this wua ureotod with applauding laiikh- er tha tuialo than htkuv are you your papas eon yea air very well bpell that kind of a oon me toe triumphantly shouted the little ohap to the confusion of his unole and tho glee of the others- undo bube say dont eleotrio cars kill people pretty often round here biopsy naw pply oncet mary aaid tho eiok man to hia wife when the doctor bad pronounced it a cjbo of smallpox if anvof my oreditora call tell them i am at last in a pottitfon to give them bomethiug v firpt klondlkerveauhy that man ia wealthier than the hero in tho fairy story second klondiker ah hafl plenty of gold has he first klondiker gold i that man eata geudine butter on bis bread three times a day shops and warerooms foot oi willow st cnlla attcndeld to day or night disease suffering april a3std may health happiness how to banlsli disease and secure good health paines celeby compound the grbe at spbingr clean seb and life aiyeb it makes eresli pure bed blood for pale and sallow people v trie unbearable itchlnjr irritations caused by trouble borne skin piseases eojcroa soald bea4 baltbbenm tetter ara allayed by ono application of dr arnflwb ointment blind and bleeding piles enred iq from one to bx nights its amiiicftl reliever and a power to cure quickly and effectively heres a sentence froxn a recent testimony thought my flesbwvaon are bat dr agnewa oint ment cooled helped and healed me 85 coots sold by a t brown april is now with us tho feathered bongstara are bore egain warbling their sweetest notes in paans of praiao for a new sesson nature is throwing off her old garb the trees are budding tbe grass is ehowing new life and eoon the wild llowor a will pat on their dazzling dress of beauty and riohneea all nature seem a to be calling out to man saying be happy and rejoice give thanks to him nbo makes buob glorious provision for tbe children of eartb many a thankful prayer wl ascend from truly grateful and hoaltby men and woman from the beauties and bo an ties of the new eeaeon on the other hand a vaat multitude of halfdead broken down weak debilitated and suffering men and women will not have the capaoity to appreciate the meroies bo bountifaliy bobtowod their thought b are centered tin their aflliotions and bufferings they are moody despondent morose and some are hopeleea and in despair it is to tbia suffering oubs that we would speak words of hopo and comfort warn ing would be unnecessary if you fully realized the fact that faines celery com pound ourea the difleaee that is now making buoh progreps and havoo in jour body it matters not whether tbe trouble be rheumatism neuralgia kiduey disease liver complaint nervous prostration agon izing dyspepsia or blood diseases painet colery compoatid 1b ablo to mafeo you whole and well- faines colory oompouud unlike other medicines ia ft true and rapid baniaher of disease it makea the blood pure eo that life and energy flow quickly to every mus cle nrrve and tiobue natures medioine promptly restores strength vifor appetite and digestion it givoa bweet sleep and repoae to tho wearied and restless will theao honest and btrong aaauranoea induce you to fiivo earths bebt medicine a fair trial in tbia time o danger 7 the experience of pbyaioiana and their kindly words in favor of fiinea celery compound should be a guarantee of success to you the marvellous results given to weak biokly and broken down clergymen jud ges members of parliament and to worthy and honorable oitizena of every city in the dominion apeak volumes in favor of painea celery compound one bottle experimented with ut this sea son la enough to make the moat critical and skeptical continue with tho medicine until they are cured it has been truly said by an eminent canadian press correspondent that no physician is over needed in homes where painea celery compound is used are yon in pain my little man asked the kind old gentleman no answered the boy tbe pains in me sprocket ive juit joined the beginners cycle olab handlebar what are your colors j3prcket black and blue l 1 a t t c mr j bretzy 104 church street toron to the popular tobaoconlit aayj be was troalled with weak and intermittent action of tlo heart was sloepleis nervous and losing flesh three boxes of mil burns heart and nerve pills completely oured hita even if we cannot give forth rays of aanahine it la not necessary for us to go out c ihv way to osit shadows ldcabuqotinietf dyspepsia psubtiaoar stomach lnajgeiuoa pronsuy tuad by hoodtr wis the do tttk work thinihflcsh perhapsits natural if perfectly well this is probably the case but many are suffering from frequent colds nervous debility pallor and a hun- dred aclies and pains simply because they are not fleshy enough scotts- emulsion of cod- liver oil with hypcfphos- phites strengthens the diges tion gives new force to the nerves and makes rich red blood it is a food in itself 50c and 100 all druggliti scott bownfi chcmlitttonm it ib perfect noneenae to argue on the snbjeot of jove affairs from a personal standpoint as every individual has ideas on that aubjeot that can never be under stood by the outsider doing a lot of speculating as to the reason of tlia very palpable attraction sick headache subsides i have been troubled with sick head aohe for over a year lately i havo used laxallver fills ana find they help me more than any medicine i have ever taken they do not tripe and leave no after ill effects mary ellen hioka south bay ont to be innocent is to be not guilty bat to bo virtuous ib to bveroorae our evil foelings and intentiona william penn bfit ifter dinner pills 18 cent ah druggists prepared by c l hood co iamttlfl tba ontv pill to take with hoods barssparuav hedo you naually take a stick with youvrheu you go climbing on the moon- taina she oh yes would you like to go along today that headache can be iostantly relieved by tavhinft one of milburni sterling bead aohe powders 1 powder co 8 for 10o 10for25o heita reported around that we are engaged she well yon know it a tniatake he yes i called to see if i could rectify it to deliberately wound ono whooarei for yon is bound in time to aot as a certain boomerang do ton want conanmptlon t are you really looking for it inviting it then pay no attention to yoar back ing oorigb and your weak throat yon oan prevent it thongh takosootla emal- sion oarly when tbe oough first begins the woman never blessed with babies always knows the most about tbe oorrtfot way to bring them np catch cold its an easy thing to do not its jnst aa easy to get cored if yon take norway fine syrup costs only 25c at all drug atorei hushmoney tbe kind acquired by tho manufacture of soothing syron sho im the first girl you over kissed he surprised why no 1 i have three sistera hagyarda yellow oil cares all pain io man or beast for sprains cuts brniaes oallons lumps swelling inflammation rheumatism and neuralgia it ia a speciflo cardinal wiseman was of rotund proportions and ho used to relatq with great gusto that when he waa staying at lord biiffords house one of tho maid servants who bad been told that his proper title waa your eminence used to bay as she dropped her reverential courtesy yob your immense l castoria for infants and children nh ibik fex urn onrr purification the cloggedup machinery of the byjtem requires cleaning out after the near and tear of the winters work nothing will do this so thoroughly and perfectly as the old reliable it cures constipation sick head aches feeling of tiredness and all the evidences of sluggish liver sjtid irhpure blood which are so preva lent in the spring it mates rich red bipod and gives buoyancy and strength to the entire system briny health then beauty fellows they clear tho muddy complexion chaso away sick headaches nnd bilious spells cure dyspepsia and rcmovenll poisonous matter from the system mm addte therrlalt i brusiola strt st john nh bnysi l- liver vit cured me of conntlpntlon indlkratlon aid lillloiie htodvichos tney have corrected the irregularities ot liver and stomach and restored niv enilra irstem to hualtliy natural action it was an aberdeen laudlord who railed lbs rent of one of bis nouns baoaois tbe walls balked oat and therefore rotdo the bonis larger bsgnlaraouon of tba bowels li nepeassrv to health lssa liver pills ire the best oooailonsl oatharlio for fsmllj or soneral use fries sfio any eraggla qas traats may uot make the world any bettor but they make it a little brighter thoro never was and novor will bo a qnivorsal panacea in ouo remedy for all ills to which fleah ia heir tho very nataro of many cutatlyoh belni sach that were the gorma of othor and differently aeatod diseaaes rooted in the ayatom of the patient- what wonld reliove ono ill in tarn would agifravato tho other wo have however in qnlnioe winewbon obtained inaaoand pnadnlterated state a remedy for many and grievous ilia by ite gradual judiolona use the frailoatayato ms are led into oon- valescenoe and atroiigth by tho inflaonoo whloh quinine exerta on naturea own reatoratlvea c roliovoa the drooping ipfrits of ihobo with whom a cbronia stato of morbid deflpoudenf and laok of interest in life ia a diaoaao and by tranqnlllzing tho nerves diapoaob to sound and refresh ing sloop imparls vigor to tho action ot the blood whloh boing atlmnlated ooaraea broughoat the veins atrongthoning tho healthy anlmsl fauotionsof the syalem thereby making activity nneoessary roanlt strenithening tbe frame and giving ufa to tho digestive orgaub whloh nalnrally demand lnoreauod aubatanoe reault im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto havo given to tho publio their quinine wino at the usual rate and gnagod by the opinion of aciontlsta this wine approaohea neareat porfeation of any in tbe market all drugglata so it disordered kidneys perhaps theyre tho source of your ill health nnc you dont know it heres liowjyou can tell i if ybu have back ache or utme back if you have puffiness under the eyes or swelling of the feet if your orine contains sediment of any kind or is- high colored and scanty- if liav q to anl nasty taste in the mouth if you hhvo dlizy spells headaches bad dreams feel dull drowsy weak and norvous then you have kidney complaint the sooner you start taking doans kidney pills the more quickly will your health return theyve cured thou- sands of cases of kid ney troubleduring the past year if you are a sufferer they can cure you book that tells all about doans kidney pills sent free to any address the doan kidney pill co toronto oat great minds mnit bo ready not only to tako opportunities but to make thorn colton aaxioue motbera liud dr lowe worm syrup to expol worms children like it- worms dont opan tm0mmark thepositlon of v break in a snbmarine cable is located by raeasurlnr tho eleotricity nooded to ahare tho remaining unbroken part j a speiglit fc co undertakers and em balmers acton ont- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges purnitur i of all kinbs a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices yourinspectiori invited j a speight co orders left with j n stin80n rockwootj will receive immediate atteniion frvvoovotovovvoooo faot4vaaao jl xjfc gcreatest aid you can give your local news- paperisyoutjob printing ilr- you do not feel able to run an advertisement you can afford to give the newspaper your cards dodgers idillheads letter x heads and envelopes to print thenews- paper mail needs it and it helps him to pay the printers for putting in type the thousand and one free notices he gives you and the town the free press will give you satisfactory work and the prices will compare favor ably with any place in the country try the free press h p mooke prop acton ont 3eoud of c proiid prospect et p railwattim e tab lb grand trunk railway faoinm wkiit ililnh iast mull llhi 11111 1 ixlinhh liua oni kxpiuiii y 2t pm rxthlbh jo 47 nra mull 7 wj 11 111 miii i i 11 pd laiixui iucipin tiiir orcioiiiks junii j0i111 vcnlu lir il111 nnd oho pm going kant 10 ia 11111 nltd i 15pm thin thnu tublo wuut into cltect en aloud a nov mill lfajo w barber bros paper makebs george5town ont hiake aareollxttpr machine finished book papers high grade weekist news tho paper ubo3 in tliis joamal is frow ho abova mills j j wm baebejl bhos main street planing mills acton ont tiohn cameron architect and contractor mauufaoturcr of saab doors framo3 mouldlu inalutylcs dressno matching api moulding to ordor on short notlco wnll abortod atock on lnna ot 1 litis igeu thoumob john cameron prodrletor the campaign prepare for winds wo woald cull your attention to tho fsot that wo aro prepared to supply you with lamber of baitablo lonjjth for yoar baro doora viz 10 12 id or ieot also sash doors rt7t frames mouldings oto for buirding storm doorbpntop at aa low a rato sb pobalblel repair yoar pomps or put in now ones beforo it is too cold wr cas porr shoo at foot of river street acton thos ebbace manager b rhntf0rd galvanized steel wind mills and towers for power and pump- iriewithln- ternri covered gear patent roller ana ball bearings maple leaf grain grinder two sizes- for any rower not has io inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8irnph single burrs both have bal- boaring burr plates re lie sprin s i shake77 feed grind fine and fast with last p ow er always tzuarantccd a trial given hundreds in use so the orowd ran that silvor orator off the platform yea air oyory tooth in hia head waa tilled with gold thought my head would burst a frederlcton ladys terrible sufforlnfr mas oeo donxnnr tolls tits following omarkablo atory- ol relief from aafferlna ted reetoratlon to health whloh shoshl the greatest improvements of any year the greatest reductions ever made a combination never equalled in bicycle history cleveland reputation sustained in every model it takes nerve it costs money but it controls the business factories replete with the greatest facilities for economical construction manuacf- turing from the crude all parts sustained by an enormous business throughout the world puts it beyond the power of ordinary manufacturers to duplicate cleveland quality at cleveland prices ns we malic patent roller and ball-bear- in steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market bes material liy h t es running send for illustrated catalogue brantfordcan many people are inoapsbla of loving and there sre many others who ought to he ilear away all doahta aa to the efllcaoy sf milbnrna heart and norvo pills from ths minds of the most akoptloal for bovornl yosra i havo boen a oon- itant sufforer froin nervouahoadaohe oncl ilia pain was io intenso that aometimea i was almost orary i roally tlioaght that my head would burnt i consulted a num ber of physicians and took many remedies but without ebeo6 i noticed milborns heart and nervo lills adrertlsod and ss thoy aeemed to auit my caao 1 got a box mi began their use before taking them i was wry weak and dehlllhted and would some timoa wake out of my aloop with a dls- treaaed amothorins feeling and i wiurfm- quantly hsed vfilb sgonudqgipains id the region of the heart sol often oonld aoaroely jnustsr up oonrnge to keep np the atrugglo corllte in thia wrotohed condition bu- hurns heart and nerve fills loams to the rpsouo today i itato with gratitude inat i am vigoroua and strong and all this improvement is dio to tuts wonderful reinody mordel 35 model 36 55 model 37 model 38 70 model 39 j model 40 j 80 guaranteed equal to the highest priced competitor beautiful and great tlrewdtlds greatest bicycle acknowledges no competitor contains the new bearings and many new features- john mcqueen agent for the nhove has changed his wnre- rooms to building on v l- smiths property john street where mny be seen fxost wood binders 7 and mowers and a complete line of farm implements nnd all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t klliolt who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqveen y if y6jwj od emgha- photo km for twbntyaavblm tbfljta model 22 45 cleveland improved bearings in themselves a cyclist lecture on cycle building irish conceded by mechanical experts to be the only correct principle no twist binding no side pull andmany other artistic costly and effective improvements no sole representative mt boswn kcton h a lozier fc go torbrito s thecooks best friend largest sale h canada 00 years bxperifinpe ytradk marks oufon copyhtqht ac jlp kntci and iofiorlptlon mar ruitnhir naoorum our opinion rrco wnouior aa lnvfinilnn is iinthnblr ratoiitjiliia pommanlen tlotia ktrlctlt oonndontfni hundbonk on pmtbnto nontfrao oidoat aureno9forafturinpattit intonu takon tnrnaati ituiiii a uo raovlro tptctat notice without ofinrjro in clio scientific jlmericatt a luindiomolr ulnntrntrd woeklr lnrjoal clr tminunn of nnr anlanmno joiininr tarma u yowijnnr months i hold brail owidwi munn jtc0m bbwtorlt branch oflloo ff p bu wuhlngludt v v

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