Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1898, p. 1

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vol mtlfl xxiii no 4ii acton ontario thursday apriii 14 1898 pricie three cents k be cton jfm 3ress ih luiillhuud every thursday morning at tub freo ricssstcaiurrintiiigoillce yiill btiieet acton ont tunas oisuiiaouutiom oio dollar per year strictly in advanco all milncriptiotjb diacoii- tmuou wlijon tlio time for wiiicu thoy imvo boon paid bad uxnlrod thb datu to wliloh ovory subscription iu paid 1b demoted on tho uddrosb label advehtiamn llath87trftubloiit advortlso- inootn 10 conts pur nonparou lino for flrut lu- ortiou h couta por lino for oach bubboquont tiaortion contract itateb tho following- tablo buowb ur rates for tbo inaortlon of udvurtlsumoutb for bpoclbod iiorjpda bpxqb- lyli70 mo fu mo lmo soinaboa i fleooo 93500 82000 s700 lolnalioa 3500 2000 1200 300 260 sinobas 2000 13 00 700 1 iuob 600 350 200 100 advortleomontb without specific directions will be lubortod till forbid and charged accord- ngly translout advertisements mubt bo paid a advance advortiflomoiits will bo cbangod onco oach month if dqalrpd for changes oftonor than onco a month tlio composition mubt bo paid for at regular rates charjflob or contract advortihomontb must bo u tho ottlco by noon on tuosdayb accounts jiayablo monthly h p moore editor and froprjotor extra stroiiff in lttjij pkpers newest and latest designs and colorings baby carriages window shades prices for 1898 ejctra low call and ace coods and prices days bookstore gjuelph day sells cheap- traders bank of canada -xsiisitmss- dirfcinrp j f tjren m dc m olhoeandroaidonco cornor miii frodorick btroetaaoton tk- dkyden eye ean throat and nose mcleans bloolc douglas st uoarp o guelph ofpicifllouits 10 am to 1 pm and a to g pm bundits 10 am to 1 pm veterinary surgeon a 1fred p husband v 8 graduate of tlio ontario veterinary college honorary uiombor of tho votariuary medical booloty oppioe wm husbands lot 21 con 4nosb- aijaweyo calls day or night promptly attended to dental trust us- to look after your wall taper wants carefully trust us to make the price as low os honest business methods and straight cash buying can make it trust us when you want j your pictures neatly framed we will see you do nol regret it waters bros st georges square guelph authorized capita 1000000 cuelph branch bums of 91 and upwards received on- deposit and uighoat ourrcnt tato of ihtercft paid or compounded hulfycnrly jdcpobit rocoiptg issued forlare sums deposited- advapoos mado to responsible farmers on their own names no charge made for coileititik 3ules notus if payable in quolpti a qonoraj banking business irapsacted a p jr josjz8 45 and 50 are common sense prices for a bicycle even if you pay double these prices you will have no great er cycling pleasure and no better or more durable wheel gatleirity50r yale 43 and 38 dominion 43 and if you buy from us youll make a clean saving-ofifroth- io to 15 oh your wheel this should be worth your consideration catalogue by writing jjoetrp the sin of omission l benjjett lds dentist qeobgetown ontabio il 8 elliott m d m b acton giuduate toronto university office corner mill ouil john street actoo dtt f 6 mercer dentist grodunto of toronto unlvorslty aud it cd s ofllcu ovfrrr drug storo acton vlblhlvo bayh timnhday and fniday jm bell dd6 lds tkntibt dhookville honor ghaduate op toronto univerbity work mode satisfactory prices modorato vibitwo dats monday aftornoon camp- bollvillo tuesday acton oiuco clarks hotel friday itocliwoou tt r 0 h c dentist cor coiioro 81 and bpadlna ave toronto will vlelt acton on tho flrat and third satur- dayflofoacb month ovpxcumr adam cooks rcsldonco main btroot leoal m clean mclean harris tors solicitors notaries convoyancors lo private funds to loan offloo town hall acton w a molian jno a mclean j mackinnon bamiibter solicitor conveyancer oflicfi mill street in matthows block jiiblalib rn o at imieson z b moleod jl alliasteltb boljcttorb conveyance 111 georgetown and milton monoy to loan at lowoat ratoe r j sionabb ulork fourth divialon court county of ilal- ob convoy auoor agon tkiro and ijlfoabsuranco ttel isstato agont monuy to loan etc opficu porryinausulock acton ont miscellano us h enry grist ottawa canada solicitor of patonte for iuvontion etc proparcs applications for tho canadian amor- lean and european xatont offlcos and for tho hogutratlnn of trodo marks bond for- panx- phrst thirtytwo years oxporionco t1ran0is nunan bookbinder wynduatnst guolph ontario over wllliamsbtoro account books of all kinds mado to order periodical of ovory dosoriptlon carefully bound ruliucneatlvnnfi promptly dono m aruiage licenses p mooke 7rniikn ov maiiriaoe licknbbs private offlon no wltnobbcb rcrjulrcd issued rotldcdpo in tho ovoning freo frebs olflco acton fhmfirs if you wish to roduco yqnr intercut or soaara k nrstclass loan of money at low interest and on oosy tonne of ropayment call on inb i uiako a spoclalty of londinr monoy and bavo plenty or funds i also lend onvinsse uropoxty w c jackson conveyanokit and movby lknubji opfice wyndhain st noor city hall guelph vvoliinston mutual fire insurance company khtahmbiibd 1840 inbukanceoncash and mutual plan any ooniinunlcatlons forwarded to my address llox rift or tolophono 06 will bo promptly at tended to john tayloli ageot g guolph vy m iihm8treet licenced auotionekb for tho goudtlos of volllngton and nalton ordoraleflat tho free prrbh offloa acton or atmyresldoncoln aaton will be promptly at- ended to fees reduced to s60o for farm sales- also monoy to loan on tho most favorablo sums and at the lowast rates of interest in sums of tfiooand p wards rj9m9c 1898 spf2i1sig 1898 millinery the newest designs in shapes shades flowers and trimmings- after a successful fall trade wo look for ward to the spring season with confidence as we are better prepared to meet our cus tomers wants miss jordans numerous friends will be pleased to know that she is again in charr of our millinery department all are cordially invited to inspect our display j c mcbeath acton ontario spring is here again coo p ft akins the tailors are prepared for it with a very attractive stock of spring suitings spring overcoatings 8prlne trouserings in all tho latest goods our workmanship is always satisfactory our prices are always right wc nave plates for the newest styles in dicyclc suits and arc bound to please the wheelmen call in and inspect our stock cooper akins main street acton tailors j h hamilton dealer in marble arid granite hamiltons bock guelph having on lind alargo qbautlty of scotch norway swedish and russian grknite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i wil sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow all expenses to customers to nnd from our works trvftw tt jftwtrtfn potatoes wanted highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at symon bros acton we carry a full line of hardware grooeries boots shoes 9 aoton macliiiic and repair shops f 1enuy guindirt lroirlotor altk wall oqtlipiod with 11 tlie mnahlnorv cooomary to oxotuta all ropalri to maoliln- ery anil affrloultural fmplomouta and to do all hlmla of stematttnkliontaihoolnsanufrnnqrrl hlaflkamltlilttfl woodwork ropalra rorrorniod loaiatlaraatory mannar wo oaa repair and maolilno or implomout of any make saw nmnlnr and flllnff donu- symon bros cok mill and main sts acton spring term commences april 4th at tlio guelpli business college and shorthand lnslilale a most reliable and well managed school for iioys and girls preparing for a business ufe call or write for circular j sharp tttucip- ouejph j m bond co hardware guelph housecleaningf the season is here for the house to be upside down and the busy housewife is- worrying about wall paper you need not worry call at the peoples drur store and see the beautiful 1898 wall papers and you will be happy be up to dale and get the latest namely the ingrains which arc all the rage perhaps you havent seen them if not we will be delighted to show you them anyway dont buy ypur wall paper till you have seen the ingrain or you may rue it 30000 kollsto choosejfrom the very latcstin all other lines aso open for your inspection from 5c roll upwards all 1s98 papers bjg choice am big bargains at mckees drugstore telephone correspondence mrs secords block acton seed grhin spring jflzheht sprindrye ohts bkrl6y i carry the jargest and best 0 ssorlcd sloe k of seed grain in guclph the grain is as pure and clean as money can buy also timothy clover rape etc get prices on my permanent pasture mixture field flower and garden seeds james hewer seedsman cuelpb ro nob the highest price- for wheat at tho peas warehouse oats acron barley station flour at bran acton shorts flour and seeds all feed kinds of feed store try nor val flour the best family flour in the marlte t frank harris manager tour po have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits j h ramshaw acton photo artist job printing including book vindilota cottar 1111 ileads 01rcurso o exooutod in tlia best rtylo of th mrt at modorato iirleei anil on short dohca apply or addroiis hplmoohr i fmcu iikbh oeqoe aoton iuoiirhubtllur stirring life is thortj not danger lost tho stilt small voice irrouiptliig to toad or thougbtlul acta and words bhould bo unuotibod oftaiin hurrying ou to do what soatns to ub ltnparativo wo miss ioda purposo for tbo moment it isut tho thing you do doar mntry w tho thins youiaave undonoi wbloh gives you a bit of boartnclio at tho bcttliifi of tho sun tho tomlcr word forgot too tho lotteryou 1 did not wrlto tho honor yop nifbbtwbavb sbnt doar arc your hau gbosta tonight tho stouo you tulljut hava llftod out of a brothers way tlio bib of hoartbocno counsol you wero hurried too muob to aay thb loving touoh of tho baud doar tho gontlo and wlobomotono that you had no timoor thourht for wftlttroubloa onough of your own tbo lutlo acts of klndnoba 80 easily out of mind those ohancoa to ho angola which ovory ono may find thoy como in night and silouooa each chill roproaohfuf wraith whoii hopo is faint and hogging and a blight has droppod on faith for life is all too short doar and sorrow is all too great to suffor our blow oouipasslou that tarries uutil too lata and its not tho thing youdo- doar- its tho tblugyou leave undone vhich glvoe you tho bit of hoartacho at tho batting of tho buu select jfamug jlcafting jviss tebbirvs reforrr iiv sbllie nunns mies cynthia stebbin was a born re former all her life long ahe had been dabbling iu qomoapeciea of reformation for tho betterment of the human family hor warring geniua mado no exoeptiun of evil wherever it waa found the churob society domeatio life nil in turn beoamo targets against which bbe direoted her roformatoryrpibilev tttwas the ambition of her dreams to be the promalkoitor of some innovation in human progression that would not only give her name popu larity in life bat immortality afterlife but while mies stebbin had for bo long been engaged in tho lank of correcting human frailties and wrongs it was not uutil the question of womaua rights be came a public ihsuo tlutt bho truly found her forte this subject struck root into tho soil of her soul with a depth and affinity born only iu her estimation of an inspired bintquauce hhe graaped tho subjects in all its multifarious- beariua and metaphorically hukedit to her heart and hy the law of equal rights if it is proper for a marrto oonrt a woman it ia proper for a woman to court a man mias fitebbin reflected conaoliniily one day as eho bat in her lonely munleas home if a woman loves a man and wiaboa to marry him why ib it not jobi as proper for her to reveal the fsot to him os for him to unoover hu heurt to her marriage id of juat as vital importance to her as to him bo why bhould tho privilege of selection be denied her it ie ono of thoae unreasonable exulusivoa that custom have faahioned around woman but whioh thank heaven i will have to yield under the pressure of equal righto all that is needed is for a few brtivo woinou to ninke preoedents of courliuti the men of i heir choioe aud a revolution in courtship is sure to follow i feel in my soul thja ia a duty woman owes to woman and aiuce i advocato this advancement for women why ehouldot i be one of thoso to hiictltlcu iliemidlveb on thluulur who knowb what the influence of aooh an exampio miuht be i yet 1 will do it i will indeed so argued and bo decided miijs- stebbin then aba reviewed the merit aod demerits of each and at length determined on a cer tain old bachelor living in her vicinity by narno john hensley aa the bubject upon whioh to begin a great reform now in all thia orotted world there waa not so babbful a man a man bo mortally afraid of women as this poor henaley not that ho was a womanhater indeed to tell the truth deep down in bis son too deep to bo seen by prying eyes or boaroely euapected by himself oven there was an adorning reverence for tbo sex be bo feared in aecrei silence ho admired their beauty and jaunty ways dot not for the world would he have admitted the fact oven in the moat secret oloaet of his aoql he would no aooner approach any female with gallant toartesy than bo would have made hiahead a target for kropps big gun ho would scoot acroaa elreeta like a fleeting criminal to avoid meeting lady acquaintances he ebonned public gath erings for fear he would be forced to neigb bor with some pettiooatcd creature in a crowded seat he lived a lonely loveless life a victim to hired houeekeepiug and monb hard jokes a to ever oonrtfng and marrying the very oontemplation of t ach familiar approachet to any woman would have ehoobed him into imbeoility this was tho man whom miss stebbin in nnoon- eoious moroy decided to rescue from single wrotchodncbb procrabtination waa not ono of misb stebbiua tins that ie if tho past bad accused her of dereliction in duty no anch charge could bo laid against her on this ocoasjon it waa exactly 10 oolook a m when tho details of her proposed reforma tion were concluded and at a quarter to 1 oolook tbo time john henaley would return to his placo of basinets by the merest chauco of course mifls stebbia happened along on the street as that gentle man emerged from bis doorway miss btebbln never appeared to better advantage although she was offering her self as a martyr to the oause of doty aho did not spurn the power that hee in per- honal charms for the pant two hours eho hopefully employed over tho toilet each ourl feather rpflli and ribbon seemed to bo acting a knowing part in the capturing conspiracy moreover her soul was so in spired by this new purpose thatll vflp reflected in pleasant animation in her countenance good day mr hon si y she uld in friendly greeting joining him on the side walk and oontinning by his side why why gord morning retnrned her astonished und confused iiaim wave of orimnon nnrglng to his neok and face as though he had been caught in some dark orlmo it la a beautiful day persisted miss btebbln glancing smilingly into- his face and kooplng puce with hid swift stopr whywhywhyyeb i bpoao tir atam- tncred poor herialey who at thin junoturo reached a ortier and want darting off in- tnother direction leaving onr bravo bultor to her own pptoiiiitioiib in outlining tho plan for this reform mies stebbin deaided to make the initiatory advancements in her suit in chanco meet- iuga with her proepectivo partner but try as eho might aud go wboro she- would she waa amble to sp mr hfneloy again ho went to and from hia busiuoaa now by a back alley jt would beem that bo hd some premonition of impending evil and j trying toehield himself by beclusion but miss stebbiq never altered in her determination sbo promenaded the streets attendod church all publfo gatbur- iogi in fact for four ldng wcqbbihcr only reward was a flittiuggloam of him on ono or two occasions she was no however to be defeated by trifling htndraucef pahaw 1 sho exclaimed one day im disgusted with myself why have i trifled along like thin wailing for ohanqo to throw him in my way why havent i gone to him like a person ot reason and told him of my reaolotiona and ohofoo hero i am conduoting a groat reform and dallying along in a filly eontimontal fashion like tlio weak characters of a hovel i ought to bo flbhamedofmyadlftoibot auchan example in a reform courtship there is no reason why a proposition for marriage eho old be reached by any such idiotio degrees of sentimentalism if one person wishes to marry another what is to pro- vent him or her from saying so ia plain straight english the narno as wo would make known any other request v that evening a few houraafter mibb stebblns new resolution as john henaley eat in his baohelor parlor in dressing gown and slippers tho quiotneba was broken by a tinkle of hia doorbell a moment lator miss stebbin wbb u sho red into hia proaence poor hensleya fright at the eight of her was something pitiful to witness a lady caller waa an andreamod of possibility in his bachelor life so groat was bis agita tion he conld not com maud power of mind to speak or offer her a seat but miad stebbin had rehearsed for this ocoabion too often to be frustrated at tho very moment of realization sho calmly eat down at her own invitation and began a conversation on trifling bubjaota hor distressed auditor sitting on the edge of hia ohair and looking aa if he intended any moment to bolt through tho window occasionally mado some unintelligible noiaq in response now that the time had actually arrived miss stebbin found that it waa a much easier matter to aitin the quietude of her bomo and make an offer of matrimony than it was to propound the vital queation in reality to a ecarod looking flqbh-and- blood man the coldblooded matter-of- ftiot propobal bhe had elected as tho ideal courtship rcemtd to hor now like a vilo desecration of naturoa iln the- subtle influenco of cupidd power waa at work on her spirits and atthoagh sho eat with a calm exterior there waa a fierce bweet of it bt nights vouture when her doorbell rang answering it to her iutenao aur- prlso she was confronted by john henbley not tho trembling rhtslly hen b ley sbo last saw bnt a now henaloy infused with now life and courage and- inspired by hia happy pros pec tt ho stood boforo her a proud and amilfng man when b9 reaohod her parlor he turned and eald i couldnt wait until tho week was up ibad tooraqttudteliyouthati will bo your husband tmy darling i buret from misa stebblns lips in rapture and youpan never know hocontinued witheotavy oozing from every fealure what a blessing thin equal rights baainefls will ba toeomo of us poor timid follows im the happiest man iu the world this morning and its all owing to ibis bj cased equal riglite i tell you ita the greilest invention or diaepvery- or whatever youve u mind to oall it that the world has over known aud o my dear you can nover know what joy i feol over this bucccbb oried misa stebbin with a conquerors elation not only have i gainod a husband bnt my name will bo immortalized as the pioneer in gaining this new right for wom an i have been striving all my lire to do my sex borne great ood and at in at it ia accomplished no use for hiqhtoned hotels the human interrogation point palpitation going on beneath her jaekct john heualey sat by a table over which u suf light ajieditsraya on ono bido waa a vacant chair which chanced to stand in ooar proximity to hie owu mifia stebbin at last arose and croasing the room took a eoat iu this ohair oloab to hehsleya aide but aho had not reokoned ou the effeot pfthia movement tnniiig her oyos toward htm bho was horrified at hia appear- a noc his face had trnddenly bleached to an aehon hue hia eyes were dilatod ho shook like amtui with tho palsy doar mr henfiloy aho began soothing ly dont ploase dont bo bo frightened i am not going to harm yon i havo como to see you on a matter of vital importauco to both of lid to mko you a proposal in fact a matrimonial offer i know you will think it unusual for a woman to do e noli a thing but that ia simply owing to the fale customs by which our sex has been hampered under the plan of equal rights the privilege bf ooorting will belong to woman as well as to man and dear mr henaley i am taking advantage of thia now blessing that hab come to woman to make you this offer to ask you to be to be my husband hero the eager propobor paused henaley a hand was clutching tho arm of bis chair with a vicelike grip with a lovers tenderness miss stebbin laid her bare hand on 1 hie and wont on j if you could know how tenderly i regard you how gladly i would dovoto my life to your happiness yon oould not havo tho heart to refuse this effer i do not ask you for an immediate answer this has come to yon suddenly and i would not want you to decide rabhly you will need to weigh the qaoation in your hoart so dear mr henflloy i leave tho offer for your consid eration and at tho end of the week i will oall again 8be aroae btooped over and imprinted a warm kibs on hia brow and tho next in stant was gone no tongue or pen eould describe hen- bleya condition as lie eat there after her departure he was as pallid as a corpse and as helpleaa aa a paralytic creepy philla chabed each other through hin anatomy cold beads of sweat burbt out on lite fleah as to hie mind there wab no traoe of it lefr yet notwithstanding all thia agony the touoh of that soft hand and tho thrill from that kiss remained with him a lingering ocstaby to the old bachelor it wasa wholly new sensation in his dry life and as shocking aa the thought was to his modesty ho acualy liked it it was no doubt this delightful emotion that stimulated tho restoration of john henbleye equilibrium anyway ho began to come to himself after boisou and in defiance of his bottled hjchelorhood hia bashrnlness his horror of womon tho flrbt thing he did was to wiu conalderlng miss stebbina proposal and ntraoge to bay tbe more he thought uf it he moro attrac- tivo the idea grew to him ho roviowed his lonely tviehclor life and in contrast pictured hitiiself with a wi in hia home sod he in tbo enj tyment of domestio happi ness with loving attentions as daily fare and to think ha conld enjuy all this without softoring the embarassing preliminary of courting that he knew he oonld never do he knew too that if he let this opportunity pass be would live out his pnrposeleos life a lonely old bachelor how hateful and dreary nch an existence had suddenly become to him i all night lon he pondered the qirftou of matri mony and ik grew in bin favor with swift intensity misa stebbin had just finished hor break fast aud was sitting anticipating tbo result has it ever been your misfortune to know intimately the human interrogation point thcbo persona who havo intense curiosity but whose questions are not aaked for theparpob6ortreo6mingtmief informed 00 any matter ot importance they ask questions merely to satisfy idle curiosity and delicacy evidently is a word unknown to them as a rule arnerloan women are too good natared when dealing with buoh porsonb they allow themselves to be tbe subjeotsof criticism by answering tbe questions of tho idly oarious it is the human interrogation point who bbkb as as to weight age if married nnd when if not whether you ever have bad a proposal sbo also desires to know how much money yon have to spend how many relativee you have living or dead wlih whom you aeeoolate and why do yon not associate with others whoso names yoa do not havo on your vifliting list one may not have a very good reason for objecting to answer any of these questions yet tbe facts remain that the knowledge does not conoern tbo questioner or the world at large in any way that tho questions are seldom asked in a kindly spirit and that if prompt answers are not vouchsafed tbe questioner is usually quick to jump to the contusion thatyou aro unwilling to reply because of some nn worthy motive personal affairs aro not far the public and good breeding sets itself agaiimt ques tions ot a- privato nature it ia timj for american women to rido in a body against tho human interrogation point flrat they bhould bo oareful not to ask such questions remembering that although thoy may not objtiot to publluhing their private attaira tjnolo jake boggles has got hack to cranberry co mors from a recent visit 16 tho metropolis and when any one aalth hirn howbo enjoyed his trip to new york ko ehakoe his head and gloomily romopdp not any too wjii thank ye one thing tha worried unolo jako con siderably iteeomp w it tie itiyto they put on at the hotel hepitronized whilo iniho city in the first place said boggles when telling tho story the feller behiud tho desk- owner of tho hotel i reckon by tho way ho aotedwu3 bound to hovme sign rny narno in a book v no ye dont bcz i lo eeoii that garao played lofore an yb dunt git no chance to cut my narno out an fill iu a ho days nolo abovo it nat thia trip thank ye waal ho seen it wunt no uso arguin so ho put tho name down hisbclf anthen callqd a young feller in a uniform to take me up to my room fust iting ho done was to try to git my valise away from me but i hung on to itwith one hand and hie him a cuff alongnide of the hoad with tho other an ho quit his little gamoan tended to bubirio38 in a hurry ho tritd next to get me into ono of these hore mantraps that thoy yank up to tho roof an then drop sortornccidentatlyankillleu0rad6ien people at once but aez i i drntherwalk an bo on tho safe bido thank y i mado him go ahead an bhow mo thotway whilo i tramped along behind him up 11 pair of etatrs to my room w wo got there ho thro we ppen iioiitvcint wheat jtbo caamliu11 fannur nn wo all imov htm bad a goo i year and ho ib lntiy too hi undine a pout to givo oxiimsslon to bin foulnta in tlio following linos whun tho whout la hi tliu cruuiuy aud lh u pricitu ritiuli tlm mky r aitl tlio rgostura urua crawlnp and tho clileltotia llytn high whoii tho city fiilloru squab bio for tliufaruiurh vlows itiul vutott anu tlio barn in full or timothy anij thu bins iirairulloffiat out iijtf tliun that afullur ijafoulliif at his boiiti vitblhu rlnitbuutogrutithiiii cioin a nlyht of glorioiiji ritat acd tlio balilob ouporrouud biu and tlio colta aro liicliln high wljontuowhoit is in thugruiiary audtboprluesivouct tliutiliy thorosaoinothhig kind o hiivrlyliku about lite ftky aud ileld ultb tlio atubhlo thoro alaughiu at tlio thirtybunhol ylold wltli tlio happy birds abbifjinv aud tho cattlo in a doitu and tlio liirod man acoinln round to allow lila now atokq elotbcs a fuliorruolhcoiitouttiil and at poitcu with all tlio wtnlj whon tlio golden mug of plonty likoa blohsiuff is unfurled oli i tull you nancyn happy y and lliu gala are llyfn high with tlio jranary abustiu and tliu priuuh in tho nicy t a c c in the canadian uuzlte broadcaat they have no right to force others to do so next they should be oare ful to bring ap children nob toaskquestions from idle ouriosity thoy should not hesi tate when they meet the human interroga tion point to let her uudcratund very plainly that she ie asking questions whioh do not conorn her and which will not bo auswored the hoaieheeper whiskers the teacher of the sundayschool clnas was telling tho little boya about tempta tion and allowing how it sometimes came in tbo most attractive form sbo used as an illustration the paw of a oat now bald biio yoohftvo allseen tl paw of a cat it is aa soft as velvet idnt it yesem from tho class aud you havo seen tho paw of a dog yesem well although the cats paw booms hko velvet there ia novertholess ooucoalod in it bomothingthat hurts what is it no answer the dog biteb said tho toaoher when he is in auger bat what does the oat do scratobop said a boy correct said the teacher nodding hor hoad approvingly now what has the cat got that tbe dog hasnt whiskers i said a boy on the baok seat the alliance excessive liberality a negro preacher was once preachiug with much earnebtueas upon the different ways by whioh people lose their souls among other ways ho remarked that thoy often did so through exoeesive liberality what ho exclaimed you tell rao that you never heard of that before you say minister a often tell ub wo jobs our souls for our atingincas and for being covetous but who ever board of a man that hurt himself by going too fartothor way i toll you bow thoy do tt they bit down under tlio bermou and when the preacher tonohos upon this sin or that sin they do not tako it to themselves but give this part to ono brother and that to anothor brotbor and bo they give away tho whole sermon and it does them no good aud thats the way they lose their souls by being too liberal stopped drinking to death ho was run over by the cars and killed an unknown man in one of hlspocfaets was found an mnpty wlfaftytjotne7 auother some letters among tho tatters was one much worn beginning dear papa the refrain of which was now stop drinking aud be a man hardeucd men towhom eveu violent death was not an uuuaaal bight stocd by apparently unmoved by the ppeotaole of a mangled corpse but when thoy saw that lelter treasured evidently by the wretobed father though he could not or would not heoj it and listeued to its pathetic appeal ibay turned away and brushed hot toara from their faces ono touoh of liquor makes the wholu world akin christian worjb what he thought i know said the candidate for tlio small oflloo to tho veteran that yon wouldnt sell yuur vole no sub i wouldnt t that you out be bribed now yo talkiu subl but suppose 1 should make you a present of 10 what would you think the voter looked thoughtful tbeu said well marie jim jsdijn by yo pan record id eithor tbiiik yod done loa yu mln or else yo lu do counterfeithi business i atlanta constitu tion the doors an bhowod mo ono room aboqt as slick aa i over been with a bureau an fanoy bod inir an another room connect ing with it all rigged up with a marble wash dish an a marble bin big enough to hold a ton of coal alongside of it whats that fer aez i benin its a bathtub i reokon its in tended to take a bath id what dyo tbiuk its fer eez he sassy as ye ploase waal after bo had gpne an left mo thinks i bgosh ill have a swim beein it baiud goin to oobt anything extra i generjiy go awimmin in the crick when im home but i thought id like to try tho new york style of bathin jedt fer a change 80 i shocked off my clothes an got into the batbsub an turned one of the tbinga- tnajigs anlm blamed if a lot of bilin watbr didnt squirt out and nearly boald the hide offn my legs an then x grabbod another aud gave it a yank an the cold water begun to pour down from overhead like a reglar cataract an abont drownded me before i could olimb out of the bathtub i tried to turn tho gasted thing off but only made it equirt fubtor an by the time i got my ahirt an pants on au hunted up the boss of tho hotel an told him to send up somo one to shut off tho old waterworks the room was flooded an then after all i went through beinficalded in tho fust placo an half drownded ttftarwurd an abont two thirds scurt to death boideti whul dye sposo they wanted mo to do tnnnn wmt wm if inrinirnrl- nun of thb crowd wanted mo to piy a big bill fer dam ages done by the water hut iavz not a dum cent bgosht an i collared my valise an got out an hunted up a place wheru tho cockroaches et at the name table with the other boarders an nobody cared a contin ental whether ye over waahed or not an everything wuz plain an comfortablelike sbs a feller oould git arouu without puttin his foot in it bo to speak or turnih tomo oonfounded contrivance loose that ho didnt know how to turn off agin they that care fer ihebe fanoy hotels with their wash dishes an bathtubs an porpetnal waterworki an other highf alutin flxina kin go tbeacl and patron em if thoy waut to but i dont hanker fer any more stylo of that kind a common everyday hotel with an old fashioned bed in a room 10 feet square an a tin washbasin with a couple of quarts of wetter in apitobor an a hunk of yaller soap alemgeido of it ia plonty good enough for me thank ye not a success tho young man had a very dejected fook it simply goes to show he waa saying to a friend how modioority oftou seems to prosper where brilliancy fails ab lobg as i go ahead and remain mediocre i get along very well but tho minute imako an effort to be brilliant i become involved in difficulty you seo i happened to neod a httia money and tho cashier said he would advance it to me if i would make out an application and get the head of the firm to o e it so i stated tho situation to tho hoad of tbo firm and handed him my application ho looked it over and reach ed for hta pen i felt so grateful that i thought i ought to do something to amuso him something to lighten the dull mpnotony of a buaineas mans existence he had written the letter o when 1 broke in with tho observation i aesuro you bir that this la ono of tho happiest o k tiana of my existence what did hodo he threw down hid pen aud said yonngraan i wiah yon would put that remark in writing and you did so yea i was bo delighted over tho good time 1 thought he was going to have whon he daw tho joke that my hand trembled but as soon as i finished ho put tboapplica- ion- consider whether anybody with no more eoubotbau i had ought to bo trusted with money washington star that headache oan bo instantly reliovcd by taking ono ot milburna sterling head ache powdora powder 5c 8 for 10c 10 for 25a call tho devil by any name that sounds well and notice he will pull in his olaws and shako hands with you hagyarda yellow oil eurea all pain iu manor beabt for spraiui cute bruises callous lumps swellings inflammation rbeamatiam and uouralgla it is a specito tho moro you thiuk of some people tho less yon thiuk ot them bright dlseaso beaten mrs john hook d edward stroet st thomas ont writes doaua kidnoy pills cared my son of luolplant brighta diaekbe he had terriblo baokaoheb and always felt tired aud worn hia nerves were unstrung and hi appotite poor llo commenced taking doans kidney pills and in now completely cured the street corner rowdy ho is found iu acton iio is found iu moat villages towns ami cities in tbo latter ho a not quite eo arrogant on account of tliu dreaded bluo coat lie likes to prop up a telegapb pole a lamp post or a wall at th corner where ho can view the paseoreby hero he is in- bis element hia bands in bis pockets a cud of tobacco in bis mouth which ho chows vig- ousouely and tbo juice of which he is not particular whether ho deposits on the bido- walk hib ooraradeb bootp or a ladys drosb he will quiotly pasa remarks to his chum about uiae so and so who has just gono by and his friends and ho will vie with each other aa to who can paes tho most laughable remark should tho darknoes protect hi ni from view ho will whittle gigglo cougli or perform some other rick to bhow the low wit of which hn is bo proud tho expelled schoolboy and tho incor- igiblo wretch who is boss at homo from infancy is tho priuoipul recruiting mater ial for auoh a class when tho weather is too cold he eceks refugo in the bar or eomo oilier place where tho chief amusement is tho latest sluiijj or witty expeceaion which ho eagerly picks up and masters for future uho ho ia usuullyloud m6iithedliuh a good momory for prizo fights and local ecrupc 116 aau discuss with the ncuteuesu of a lawyer tho merits nnd demerits of the bul lion of ins vicinity ho will boast of his own pugilistic ppwerd and ia willing to fight according to his tongue tmy uinu ho over saw should tin meet such however he is euro to have a koto foot or toe or aomo other iicuu and his botsta gj uu- arqved r p he boon lunuches out into the competing soa of tbo world aud whero cloea ho end some reform eomo tramp others ornuniout hor nihjcstya freo eating houses uuder lock and key tho queation arises who id to blame for tliedo peculiar icaniugs did patured birtlit doom him to such a miserablo existence we liardly think so man ib not naturally had in childhood ho may have a strong will 11 tehdpney to do uh ho plcayep but if properly locked after in tinue thoso qualities may bu mado to develop ilito u good nmii tho chief fault lies with tho uo nj begins at tho mothorh icme when biio allows hor off- spring to disobey her and every time it disoheya it learns to disrespec not only its parents but everything in authority ovtrv tlio chief- author of its oxistouco what an awful reeponsipility rests on tho parent 1 what a lot deponds on tho early traiuing of u child it our raotherb could think for a moment that every act of lie r dear little ono re building up its dealiuy how careful the would bo of ita iruinipr of iibtrdmpauy and ite early schooldays you dip not see me saw a california tramp having aakod for bronkfabt at tho door of a welltodofarmer was told that if ho would saw a certain quautity of wood ho should havo hot biscuits and cofleo for two iio disappear ed behind tho barn but when tho farmers wife went to see what progrosb ho was ranking ho was vanishing in tbo distance having left behind a paper pinned to tho eawbuok upon whioh ho had written thoso words just tell them that you saw mo but you didnt seo me bbw the need of courage what we need h courage courage iu the pulpit and courage in tho pows courage for tho woman in tho household and courage for thomuu of brawn courage for tho whole army of men aud woman who knownot how to meet tho difhculiiea with- whioh their lives aro besot wo noed ilrei of all to bo well equipped and then we need courago and determination to do out best and 10 flay i go i go tj do tho beet x can brief and decisive opinions about diamond dyes mtb j ii coulter neepawu man eaye i alwayh havo much plcusuro in ueiug diamond 1jib i think they aro grand agentri for making old things look like lowi mary a kay craft leedn 1 j gives her cxperionce iu seven words 1 am delighted witli diamond dye mrb ghae uutohiugs ioiicufuiih out writes havo used several pttckages of your diamond dyed anil find ilium butter than any other make ihey nover fmlo or crook ami aru lutitely mititihieiory mrs juhu murritt sandy coo n 8 says have uhui diamond dyes for ovor seven ytuiu niul found hum tjreat dtic- cfacit mrs uaviil grunt mouiitain station out says diamond djts far aiirputa ull other dycti that i lmvu triud they say ueoplu iu thia uouniry hpend moro mouey uu bioyolua ihau on bruuii i know but tlicupeoplu unut hluiw utf with a loaf ot bread

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