Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1898, p. 2

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cmirain kramosa on thursday 7th april to air- mi mm win crlpps a boh mar1uev itendkv klrd march by hoy w ii gftriilmui i a thomas hughes to miss holla koutuur biukhiicvanhhaokiii trinity clmrohht tlioiilivdnt monday tho 11th april by ituv dnyiati lilll jamoh h hrfirleyoi tlvo nharn mostroul to allot ltobworth third diuihutur of iikos viilit odbbbiie cruaton lodjjo ol diei rlnuh at wiiiilbor ou tutmlny april fitliw k hnlclor conductor uraml trunk ood jouri hurciuwtatlioruiotliordrobldoiico 110 huron atruot toronto on tuosday aurll 5th agues l ilutchart siavkk on saturday april una at st miohaols hospital toronto thomas only boh of jamoti hi a von of icooltwood agod a2 yearn vatnm at it osol ft nil bo on rundav march ml arthur wm walker third eon of jatnos wlw of west qrafraxa agod a9 yoara thursday april l j 1898 note3and comments tlio chiueee give numerous indications of didtraat of ruaia an encounter be- twoen rueijftna anrl chineh9 took place at km obou nod haa resulted iu a ftobh russian demand the britiah govern moot la bonding 2000 troopi to reinforce the garrison of jamaica the second battalion of the lainater regiment now btationod in halifax have received orders to prepare to embirk on may6 it id reported the government- is consid ering the question of ways and moans for constructing the teal u railway this aura- morin the interests of the country it is likelyjhs rovornroent will make a state- racxitof its intentions this wek tbo- general officer commanding ib authority for the statement that the lodg- jookedior fenhui baid and xionr servicer medals are expeoted to reach canada within t nex few weeka the nowi will be weloomedly a largennrriber of canadian veteran soma person has been enquiring of the milton reformer what the punishment isfora person who accepted a bribe at the late provincial election the statute enacts that any person proven gqilty of receiving money foe voting most pay a flnepf 9200 or go to prison until the money ib paid it may be interesting to know that jjpswuya debt on jan na 1st was 9049475- 787 o which nearly onesixtu was a float ing debt the oharges on this great debt take twotbirds ot the annual revenue 101746000 out of a budget of 152970- 000 leaving 951224000 to meet current expenses a opstly war in cuba and donosdds in the fhlluppine islands the war with the united btates will therefore have to be ooaduoted chiefly on credit it leoms to be generally onderstood at ottawa tbat lie disputed questions between the states and canada will be submitted to a joint commission this year it will sit at ottawa it is said and sir jalian pauccalot bir blahard cirtwrigbt and sir ioaisdaves are named as the british and canadian representatives there ho etna do doubt but that the alaskan ques tions seals and gold have prompted this conference aod that a measure of trade reciprocity will be the most import an consideration u s and spain at war is inevitable unless spain ylolds siran crabr gebtnrt hern do pendence of cuba spanish evacuation mandeo 15 de- wahhinotjn april 18 tbo president iu authorized directed and empowered to inttrvflnu at ouoo to restore poaco on tho island of cuba undv secure to the poo pie thereof a hrm stable and depen dent government of thoir own and is authorized to ute tho army and navy forces of tho uuilod sutos tosouro tho end this substantially is tlio renolutiorv agreed upon by representative members of the foreign affaira cpmmitleo of the house last uiuht tho meotiiik wua hh t h residtnoe of oue ot tho meuiburti ut4 id not adjourn till a very lato hour before finally deoiding upon xhe wordinr of tho resolution as given above the committee oarefully considered sever a lather forms information was conveyed to ibe commit- tee however that a btrong resolution waa demanded and beveral members headed by mr smith of michigan madeftoontebti for the resolution that was dually agreed upon it- is now the purpose to pass be resolution before tho sun sets today there vjas a generalfeeling in wtehing- ton tonight amonppubrio moa that tho action of the congrea as foreshadowed in the resolutions renders the situation extremely critical and conservative leaders of both parties consider war inevitable as a rosnlt ot their adoption unless spain niakes a final and compluto snrrenderby giving up the island of onba the altuatiou is regarded as so critical that the bepubliaations of the ways and mcana committee as a result of private con ferences have reached an agreement ab to method of raising stoooooioogaftiorml revenue annually for the proseontion ot the war by increasing tho tax on beer and tobacco and placing a tax on tea and cof fee they also agree to authorize the issue of a popular loan of 9500000000 and tho issue of certificates of indebtedneaa to meet emergencies buoaesi has crowned the british arms against the dervishes in the nile valley the intelligence given by mr balfour in the british house pf commons that eng land bos secured the leave of the port of wei 0 a i wei on the same terms as russia has seoared fort arthur has been a sur prise to the world and especially to japan in spite of the tentacles of busaia ger many franca and britain on the water of the oelestial empire there is every reason to believe that it will be thrown open to the commerce of the world mr balfour hints however that strange things may opour with regard to the final dispos- tloa ot that moat ancient pf the worlds the biqht a house hamilton crahd display at the big kins street store never bsfore in the history of the right hoase bai the pablio been regaled with bucb s profusion pf beautiful millinery masterpieces tho display of hate and bonnets- is conceded to ba the most conv plete and beautiful eyer shown fay the firm among the very newest styles in hate is the sbepberdcbb which is one of the latest frenob productions jfe droops at both baok and front while the sides tarn ap slightly many of the frenoh hata torn up abruptly at the back the front being worn well over the faoe tho pnoomatio lire brim is one of new yorks new things the variety and style of the trimmings for the season are very extensive and comprise many beaatlfal conceptions flowers will be largely need roses predominating natural are one of the novelties bibboni of coarse will bold tbeir owp bat mostly in oft plain shades and- among the very new- and popular goods will be seen a great variety of designs in fanoy straw braids satin olotb moassellne de sole tulles passim net obiffons and gauzes shrod- ed wheat cloth is probably the very newest idea id hat trimming the fashionable colors are the nasturtiqai shade burnt oramgs or oopuoine torqqoise medi- terranoan blao vlolioe and the oyer popalir green shades milton mr benjamin jones who in february buffered from a paralytio btrbke had another serious attack last week- the left side is paralyzed and little hope for bis recovery is given it is reported that mrs itiohard jones of this town and dr flatt of campbell- ville are among the heirs to the 5000000 baker estate of philadelphia john richardson of nelson towneihip gave our town a call on wednesday as the roads were very dusty johns throat beoame somewhat dogged daring the drive iu he cleared the duat- away with a certain fluid that produced a marked exhiliration of spirits then john became noisy and disturbed the peace co tie ta ble bradley happened to coma along and he and john took a promenade to the jail where the latter was left for the evening divid de forest a friend of john inter fered with the arrest to soma oxteot suffi cient at least in procuring david a rest intheoounty building yesterday morning mayor dice held a court when the two yonng men pleaded guilty and were each flnpd 92 and costs amounting ia johns case to 9750 and iu davids to 9950 reformer the following officers wore elected at the annual meeting of the epworth leaguq of the milton methodist church for the oom- i year h pfebldent llev d v snider president a higglnbotham j 1st vioeproaident frank pearen 2nd vice- preaident mary cochrane drd vfqe-vrosi- dent mrs s r bows 4th vioepreaidont wm wright bee secretary maggie bows cor secretary mary holhnrake treasurer gep wooding dr wiokaon dc co have parobased the drug and stationery business of j h mc- collom and will continue bastnessin the old stand the dr is flttiog op a snrgery in rear of the store tho royal templars of tomperanoegive a concert in their hall this evening a feature of the programme ii the smoky hollow farmers debate arnold bros will stav here to georgetown would ltko thorn rom to that town if it wburan anything for the pust two yearc hunl mr h t arnold of tuafixn of arnold brot glovu manufacturers acton to tho fiikk piikkh yesterday morning members of tho coun cil und prominent rtaiiloutd of georgntown have from time to timo boeu approaching uh with a view to tho retnoval ot our busi ness to that town jinja weeks ago while on business in georgetown v h kuhrs beovp and f v brooke and v tost councillors met mo und uukud mo what uraiiooment wn would require toacoomplibh our removal from auton to georgetown we ooniderod tho matter and aent them thu following totter on the 21h maroti iudt- tins ghohoktown council giintlkmkn altor carofiilly aousidurlng tbo quostlon at laauo wo havo decided wo will move togoorgotown providing ocorgotopyi wltl ootu- plyiwlth tbo following conditions vie- give ub tlio uboof tlio mckeuzio building and lot- with water and motor powur andllftbt bulualont for our requirotnunta oxouiptlon from taxob and a loan of 10000 at two percent for tbo term of twenty ycara also that wo ahould havo tbo privilege of uslud part of tbo uulldiufi for a anriory anil at the end of thoaald twenty years providing wo or our succoaora have lived up to tbo ogromout tbat a otoor dood of said inroportylifl givon ub frco annold bros n b would employ fifty bauds or moro after seeking to induce one ot our thriv- iug industries away from ba the george town council treats the matter with contempt if the following paragraph is reported correctly in tho georgetown heraldy arnold bros of acton soul a letter to tbo council stating tbat tboy would movn to georgetown in rot urn for a 10000 loan free building light water and aovoral other favors too numcroub to montlon tbo lottor was laid unfl6rtbf tabl o the georgetown people are evidently not prepared to pay for a good thing mr arnold informs us that the firm has thirtyeight employees on their pay roll at present slid are not likely to remove from aotbn a wouldbe suicide john mcpham sr of erin town ship attempted to take his life last thursday a sale ordered by tho sheriff of welling ton county was announced to take place at tbo farm of mr john mcphail br noar ospringo last thursday afternoon jubt before tho hour for tho sale mr mopbail in a fit of despondency attempted to com mit suioido by cutting bis throat he nscd a harnes knif and succeeded in inflicting a serious gash in his throat completely severing the windpipe and narrowly escaped cutting the artery he waa found in the barn by some of the women of the home and the alarm was given when several men who were present rushed in aod saw him in a standing position with the blood running from tho wound mr mcphatl is about 60 years of age at one time he was the owner of n 800acre farm in the towuehip ot erin whioh he divideoamopghis threo son giving eaqh 100 aoreav but raibfortuno has followed them mr mcphail ia still living but little hopes are held out for his reconery ifyouwlbh to ho well you must fortify your system againbt the attacks qt disease your blood must be kept pure your- stomaoh and digestive organs in order your appetite good hoods barsapariljtt is tho medioibo i to build you up purify and enriph your blood and gtve you strength it creates an appetite and gives digestive power hoods pills are the favorite family cathartic easy to take easy to operate courage from hearts and not from numbers grows dryden postmistress in toils a meeting ol the license commissioners of the bounty will be held at the court house on thursday april slat at one oclock p m to oonaider the spplioatlons of licenses for tho year 1898 dr m moorimmon of palermo has been elected by acclamation to succeed the late dr g m shaw as a member of the gonnoil of the college pf physicians and surgeons of ontario nas9agaweya midland routecaliforn1 a ex- cursion8 via the chloaao milwaukee ac st paul railway to los anaeles and other points in southern c these popular every saturday california excursions for both first and aeoondolass passeorers are personally conducted by intelligent competent and courteous courier who will attend to the wants of all pausngers en route thia is an entirely now feature of tourist par service and will be greatly appreciated by families or parties of friends travelling together or by ladies travelling alone the midland boute tour jut cars are upholstered hloeping ears and are supplied with all the auoesorles necessary to make the jonroey comfortable and pleasant and the sleeping berth rats is but 000 for two persons from chicago to california ask the nearest tioket agent for a tourist oar folder riving oomplete information about tbe midland boute or address eastern manager midland boute mo 05 ad moa i street chicago iii or a j taylor oansuflao passenger agent toron to on xiib little town of aylmer i refresh in tily- wlio awake it lias oontraotnl with his oailph paving co for 07000 jairs feet of permanent pavemeut tobe laid this mrtliov v spring seoding operations havo com menced in this vioinity tbe first to sow grain was edward darby of knatobbull he sowed a field on monday tbe concert held in the ebonozcr ohuroh under the auipioes of the ladies aid on good friday evening last was a decided success the night was all that could bo desired and tbo oharoh was well filled the programme was an excellent one mr jaoluen of rookwood sang several solos whioh were much appreciated mrs b h fletcher and mrs dr scan ian acquitted themselves nobly theeitohing family rendered several oboioe selections on the guitar banjo moath organ autoharp and organ there were also several recita tions given by revs bosnian and conoh and miss mabel and master manse soan- lau the ebenezer ohoir stsg a fow seleo- tlobs and all through the programme was enjoyable muoh credit is due the com mit toe mrs mboanghan mads an exoel- lent chairman and acqaitted herself to the satisfaction ot all present tbe pro ceeds amounted to about 320 r the entertainment of no 5 sohool held in the foresters hall eden mills on thursday evening last was a grand success i not loo that tbe grewsooi corners cor- respondent alleges that the nasiagaweya indlsrastlon and dyspepsia had mads her prisoner two years of distress turned to a joy song because south arrierjcan nerytne cured her suf- ferlnjrs maria edge fostmistreas of edge hill says for nearly two years i puffer ed agonies from aoute indigestion and dyspep sia i oould eat praotioally nothing with out its producing severest pain tbo doc tors co old do so littlp for me i about gavo op hope of recovery i was induoed as a last resort to give south american nervine a trial two bottles wonderfully helped mo three bottles completely oured me and for six months i have epjoyed perfect health sold by at broffn heart disease a trouble no longer regard- edasincurabl an oranoovllle lady avhp had suf fered severely spooks of her illness and tells how sho found a cure iroiii iho sun oraugtvlllu o lit a rcumrkablo oisi recently otmu under tho notice ot our reporter and for the bontlh ib may bo to aoma of our rcjidars we uro going to tell 4hcm aboul it in tho aotith ward of this town lives mrs johu hubbard u lady muoh esteemed by thoao who kuow her mrs hubbard lias been a great sufftrer from huart troublr and ulti- utely became so bad that it would not havd surprised her friend j to have heard of her death but a change has come and sho is on co morn rejoicing in good heailli when our reporter called upon mra hubbarduud mudo liis midbion kuowi bbobuid she would be delighted to tell him of her mirabulous oure as eho styled lt vofoonrao no one thought i would get batter i thought niybelficoulduot lustjnng for at times it soemed ag if my heart wai rqing to burst oh tho dreadtui eeneatioue the awful piina and woakneob together with a peculiar feeling of diutress all warned me that my life was in duiker i consulted a doctor but ho could do absolutely nothing for mo my frloi is eaw mo gradually sinking and many au fours anxiety i caused i caused them my strength waned my nerves wors shattered i could not walk for every etep oaued my heart to palpitate violently u ia utterly impossible to fully describe my condition oue day a friend brooght me a box ot dr williams pink pills and told mo to dbo them but i said there waa no use they could do no good to this my benefactor replied f that if they did not they at least oould do no harm so to pleaae her itookthobox of pills then i procured aoothor box and began to feel that they were doing mo good i took in all eight boxes and now i feel strong and hearty each day doing my housework without fatigoo or weariness for anyone who eafferbirom weaknosa of tho heart i believe tbero is no remedy so sure or that will briug each speedy results as dr williams pink pills bad i only used these wonderful pills at first i would have been spared montbs of intense suffer ing mrs hubbard but reechoes the ex perience of scores of bailor era and what sho says should bring bopo to many who imagine there is no relief for tfcem in this world dr william 3iuk pills have saved more lives than we will ever kdow of the doom of all hypocrisy is to meet witbfinal exposure sick positively enrod by tlteso tittle pills they also relieve distress from dyspcpsl indigestion and too hearty eating a per- fect remedy for dizziness nausea fcrowai- ncss bad taste in the moiith coated tongue pain in th side torflt liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pill small dose small price substitution the fraud of tho day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills crokinole plavera never wentma ohtllenrod their olab i have avldenoe to prov that they did go to tho corners nd challenge them a to the nmiigawoyi olab they uevor mads any pnblio annoanoement of their organization bat yoar oorreipondont waa told by ono ot tbe boya that ohllenned the oorber boyathattheynent d they will hear from blrq agio ahortly mr and mill xrndgan of llaakoka are viaitlug relative in nasiftgaweya uiaa mary av haw of toronto spent a few day with her mother at kuatohbnll daring the vntk mlei iiillle slmpon of orlllla formerly of naaaagaweya waa taken with aavero attaok of rbaomatlo fever whioh reenlted in bar death oo monday 4th init bbo waa about 89 year ot age her remain were interred in the moffat oemtiery on wednesday imt the bev or boanlan oondnoted tha bnrlal aervioe an arrpneone iiam about maglitratea wibpd and akfni nqlng mr k iliok of naaeagaweyai lloanfooati pafd iu a raoenl ntimber of ha fiiaa piu ii wi pok oorraov and 1 rww been reojoiited to rwrthbytatlnhaltireniilr reler- rtiw waaiotll qtijilnj mr blov wat obi baedat ilbii we like to devino others bat do nbt like to be divined ourselves as parmelooe vogetablo fille contain mandrakearid pandellon they oare liver and kidney complaints with unerring oertainty they also oontain boota and herba whioh have epooiflo virtnes truly wondorful in their aotion on the atornaoh and bowels mr a e oairnoross shakespeare writes- i oonelder parme- ieea pilu an excellent romedy for biliousnesh and detangoment o the ijiver having need them myself for aonoe time woman may ohango their minds often batnot their hearts mother qraves worm exterminator baa no equal for deatrbylng worms in children and adults bee tbat you get the genuine when purchasing it la easlor for a man to bo juat before be is generoua than a womau tba latest resns of pharmacentioal aoienoa and best modern applianoea aro availed of in oompoanding ayers barsapa- rilla henoe though hauacontury in existence aa a medioluo it is f ally abreast of the age in all tbat goes to make it tbe tandardbleadpurifir do higher tbo aoon climbs do moah he ahowa his tail deaths hands pinioned after a girl rote married she isnt- near so careful about eating onions surprised the qaoler his wlforhoumatlom had baffled t0ootora for yearshalf a bottle of south american rheumatlo curs rs- iloved and four bot tles cured her mr d a vanlinven governor county gapl napanoe ont wriiaa my wife was a great bufferer from rheumatism she was treated by beat rasdioal men and used many remedies bat relief waa only temorary beading of the onres made by south american rhoamatio cure we pro cured a bottle and tried it- half the bot tle brought great relief and four bottles completely oared her lis effects are truly wonderful sold by a x brown even it marriage is likoly to be a fall ure a wedding 1b always a snoooas skeptioibm thislt unhappily- an age of skepticism bnt there la one point upon wbtob persons aoqaainted vikh tbe anbjeot agree namely that br thomaa eoleotrio oil is a medicine whioh can be relied upon to onre a obngb remove pain beal aorea of variona kinds and benefit any inflamed portion of the body to which it is applied wehre still ta the fro in thonawcsl nml boat assorted of dress goods in alltlic newest colorin to match our bjnck dross goods require- no recommend as all know wo priestleys thoy are acknowledged to bo the bost colored orpjatulio muslins with linings to mntcli a largo variety of swia muslins colored- piques in best washing colors avery larco solection oi crumes english large variety ol salisbury suitings just the thing for ladies honjo wrappers ribbons curtains and embroideries an s with trimrnings audio exclusively spot and checked prints a laces litce raraenso stpek to choose from we have thi8 spring purchased a fine selection of ladies whito uadenvoar and aro prepared to givo you goods at loss than tho material can be purchased for ladies blouses that it would do any person good to see collars and oufta nil tbo latest btyleb gloves smallwaros etc ladies hosiery fine highgiass wo aro prepared to show you this spring tho largest arid best selection of imported scotch english and irish tweeds patterns exclusively confined to us never was such a liirgovarioty of fine suitings spring overcoatings trouseringsetoi to select from over shown in georgetown before dont forget that mr millar is at the hoad of this department which fact ia sufficient guarantee that everything will bo satisfactory hats hats this spring wo have excelled oursolves in securing tho beat- the newest in style and shape they cannot bo approached in price this will be the place to buy your hats if you want the best gents furnishings a full and magnificent stoctc comprising fine neckware shirts collars cuffs glovcb hosiery undorwoar etc spring clothing readytowear for boys youths and men we have an immense stock in this department and can suit every person in style fit and finish at prices that cannot be heatenbyanyotherhoaso a8wobuythoso goods direct fromthe manufacturerit will pnyyouto inspect our stook bofore purchasing elsewhere heiu adbfrlittttifiitc m seitvlce awklci intidjirnuylhillntactou tiruib ihto cabh or hlfio if thuruvu o dkclute lujbjjer stamps 17011 finn itiibliot fitiiuiph ru1n ink oto writo tociuo curry co kind bt etut well vatclcd pasture rpilk uncloralgnod liaa poeturo for twenty head x uf uatllu apply to acton march j0th lfcjb james matthews for sale valuaulb brick houno and lot for enlo cheap apply to 1 aj mackinnon uarrlstor wattliows dlock aatoo wanted farmehb nono or other lndubtrloiib noraoilb of tlr otlucatlpn to vhom ifdo a month wouldbp an lnducdojont i oould also odgaga a fofr lufjlob at tliolr own homoa i h tilncjti toronto for immediate or exchange sale now ijinrlo bottor harness and a cood tqp bueay or would oxcliatiro for good mi- or a liorso ich- oon t o uoore 30n geobgetowns livest store gibson tillkp go roe block mhin st 0orgt05ain produba taken in exchange every day bargain day here be prepared fbr spring by buying your dresses now we have a large range sorneof which are tho following blacv dress goods series lusters brocades plaids wool and silk mixtures blouse silks in variety sateens in different qualities aswell as prints muslins etc you can orderany of the delineator patterns or books here and save expense in sending metropolitan sheets are to be had for ibe asking c f ggodeye gos hcton these opticians and fine watch repairers cuelph ont women woald sorsaro wlien they- saw a moose eveti if they woro troabers naturally lair oompltilons would be the role rather than tbo exception a hnfortdnately it ia at present ii tho ladles woold wholly abandoa opametios aod- more geoerallv keep tbo blood para and vlgoroaa by tho use of ayori sarabparllla the ooly reliable blooodparlfier kidney deaths grow fewer as the world awakes to the olad fact that south amerlbari kid ney cure never palls tho nnsnspeoted proaenco the iusldlons oharaoter and the alarming suddenness of collapse and death from kidney diseases of ao many men and women lo apparently good health has baflled tbe most eminent physicians of the day and not until south american kidney ouro waa introduced to utterlng humanity could it ba truthfully aid that medioal aoienoa hod oonijuered this dreadful devourer of the human race a thousand testimonials toll of its efllalsncy u a nanrfaillng kidney speplflo sold by a t brown the genral average condition of amorij oan winter wheat and rye is belter than laatyear to cu1e a cold in one day lmo qpiniq tabltta au moner it it falls to oar tak laxative broaio quinine tahltts all dtobglstarafund the a boy being asked to deiorlbe a kitlan eald a kitten is remaikable for rushing like mad at nothing whatever and atop- ing before it geta there it must have been the aame boy who thus defined aoandal it is whan nobody siut done nothing and homebody jjoee und telle titl bits anxious roolhera hull dr loir worm syrup to expel worms obtldren liko it worms dont bicyclists suits you want the nicest goods always then buy one of ou fiiaby bicycle suits they are uptodate they are stylish they fit well they are waterproof and they are cheap from 4 a suit up new bicycletockintrs sweaters belts hats and ca ps a fine assortment see our new green sweater our special stocking at 50c is a beauty yoti want worth wear style strength choice cheapness the combination is offered in our stock of new and fashionable goods which in cludes all thingsnew and desirable in the line of boots 8hoes and rubbers examination will show that our stock is especially strong in style besides being un equalled in variety and first in favor because of the high grade quality nothing will convince like personal inspection that for seasonable goods and reasonable prices the best place is at tames s joycfr vs- uhaduatr op ontario vetkninixt collbok troiitb ftlldiaoabobof domesticated animals enquire at joyco bros butahor bhor ulll btrcot acton hoomo at agnows hotel calls promptly attontfod to day or olgbt want awheel you aro invjtodto examluo my aamplcaand- i cannaaaroynu of bijttor valuo thu it ia pos- aiblo to abtaln oloewhoro whaole from i25 an tlio bteaiins 1808 spocial tlto wlieol do juxo of tboyoar udoquallod 75 model e stcaros- 50 pronounced by export tlio boat valuo of tba boason comet c 0 aleht i35 and others- w stark stearns agent valuable farm t ren the ooddraigood offers to rent hta farm wut ball lot 23 con 7 nasaagaoya oomprialng ono liuudrod acres more or loaa blxty aoree aro under cultivation part or tbo balance ia wollwoodod with bardwood and tbo romatnder ib bwtuip o11 tho prom if ca tbero dro oomfort- ablo buildings tboplaoo is well watered with neverfalling spring and au excellent well and baaaiuallorcbard tbe property la ono con- ccbslon from tbo bcuooi and convonleut to cbcrob and pobt office it la four mil eg from acton and fourteen from ouolph immodlato eormobblongiverj terma reaaouablo and made nown upon tbo proiniees or to acton poatoffics hugb motavish wanted christian men anqwqivien w b shoe store mill street acton nursery stock agents agricultural implement agents or anyone desiring to better their posi tion and increase their income shauld write us the demand for home grown nursery stock i on the increase ve need more men if yuu warn steady paying worn wrinr 09 wyndham st- ouelph the leading tailor and furnisher oabh and ome price telephone 40 we fttfaiah all aupplloa free we hay tbe largeat nursertos in the do minion we pay both salary and oommlsaion we engage either whole or part time men we guarantee all our stock we furnish purohasers with oertifloato from qovernment inapeotpr stating our stook la tree from san jose boole our nurseries comprise over 700 acres and growing stock in large quantity enables us to sell at the closest possible figure men succeed with us who have failed with others it will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you dont write unless you mean business and want profitable employment stone wellington toronto cheap feed to introduce glimpses of tho unseen tbo mostmarvolloub book since tbo publication of tlio blblo itovoalod religion demonstrated supornatural facts of tbo hlblo no loncor in doubt ftov dr austin ia tfaeodltor dr badg- ioy profeasor of pbllosopby victoria university wrltoa the introduction tbo contributors aro aobplarly and dovout men among whom aro llev dr tliomaa judge grooitev g w hsu- dorton rev wm kottlowell j h coyne ma obaplaln bearloq evancollat crossloy and many otbura ooatalnaozperloneoa of wealoy mark twain dr buokloy w t stoad and a boat of vimllar tzidd tbo veil separating tbo spirit land is drawn baok so tbat all may at least have a gllmpso full bound canvassing book 75 cenu wortb twice tbat experience unneces sary docks on time freight paid dig com- miamon bella on sight thr bbadleyaarbutsok co limited toronto the public health citizens are requested to comply with the ptjbuo he a notice is hereby given tbat all reiidonta of acton are required forthwith to clean their collars drains yards pig styos- water closets and other outbuildings- anf praniisoa and removo tberqfrom all dirt flltb manuro or other sub- atanoo wfaioli mayondangor tbo public bealth and to uavo tho same eomnleted at latest by tbe 10th day of may next on which day tbe sanitary inspector will commenco a general inspection apd farther tko notice that tbo section of tbo public health act prohibiting the keeping of bogs between tbo 15th of may and tbs 1st of novombor except in pens at leascjq feet from any dwelling house and 00 foot frcm any street or ho o with tho floors kept fooo from standing water and regularly cleansed will bo strictly onforcod all citizens aro oarnoatly requested to keep their promisee coustantly clean and thoroughly disinfected jb itooyo of tho municipality acton april 13th 1837 1898 spring 1898 millinery glasgow house acton intnuc4pationoilseasoiiableveathecve a american corn crop 1896 soundhnd dry compare it- with the soft new grain chopping promptly and carefully done at the jlockwoodchoppij itills the newest designs in shapes 8hades flowers and trimmings we have also some nice lines in prints dress goads gloves hosiery corsets neckties collars cuffs lace curtains underwear ready- made clothing hats caps c you oanuot be too rlffld in judging your- aelf nor too leniont in judging others ipytotake to operate this week showing special values in ladies and gentlemens waterproofs ladies parasols and umbrellas rllbhers in all sizes and designs we are selling shoes and rubbers closer than any other house in the county an extensive assort ment for spring trade millinery opening wednesday march 3qth jgmcbeath attphiphtknio a harris co acton livery bus line tho undorslgnod rospectfauyaoiictuthepatron age of the public and informs them that well equipped and styllih rlgi oan al ways be beonrod athlaiublm a comfortable btti meeual trains batwoan 0 a na ftnd 818 p m oatoful attention given to everyorder tho wanu of comment tnvel- lersfnllymet john wjlliams pmoraikton muss iven away free jlllnrpsrirtortll mli dr younvs klonwuvir cur in thslr locality noi4ailnr no iprlnca or capital lyorvaurlnr yoarspare tims omiktlcal pupfm oo txprin pare tin picton out wbarber bros paper makerb aeoriaetbwn ont tutmimcuixro high oeadlt wkkkitnkws thspaporused in this journal ia from he above mills wm babb11r bhoa acton saw mills pnrf w y huloraoitrabb amd dbalihu umbor wh shingles wood jbio all kinds ol wood in stook and nromntli qsllrona to any part ol the tov t xaasonablo prleaa o8sdf lb i iif tslopbono oonimanloatlop jjnskj

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