Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1898, p. 4

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remembered the fe rinrprra druwor lellh a tni lory or nil iilibimmimlril man to wlliit it onmo said orni u his bent before retiring take ayers pills arid you will sleep better and wake in better condition for the days work ayers cathartic pills have np equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for qonstipation- biliousness sick headacheand all liver troubles they are sugarcoated and so perfectly prepared that they cure with out the annoyances experienced in the use of so many of the pills on the market ask your druggist for ayers cathartic pills when other pills wont help you ayers is the pill that will qijje xtijn m ttss thursday april 14 1898 lj 3j0ntg0lils svpqsr hi8 mammy knows never riu thin ike hlin any anywboro novor soon alcli eyos aa bis oralcb a boad o hair purty aa a lily awoptor than o roflo t thatahu mammyb vordict an i- alioao bis mammy kuowa dont you bear utui talltin boon hero joat a week perfectly flurprlalu all tbo languages boll ipoakl novor nutbin like it listen how bo gooa i that blfl matnmyb vordict an i apobo bis mammy knows nowv bo think n tblokln or aomotbln tbat holl say now bos callln daddy jeet as plain aa day aint bo jeet aa purty aa a dowdrop ou a roao ttaatd bta mammys verdict an i bpobo bis manimy knows toaj him up an awing bim till boa almost out o breath cuddle bim an fclaa hi in till boa almost kissed todcatb look a joat hkb bis mammy swootor than a iraso 1 thats bla mammya verdict an i apoao bla mammy known frank l stanton in atlanta constitution varieties a michigan editor received soma varaea not long ago with the following note of explanation these lines were written fifty yoara ago by one who baa for a long time slept in bis grave merely for pastime well little chap said the stranger in thefwmhy pifilfingnpnnflftf ih nmmrn i limiriy i forgot j fricnilri could bet right lioro on iliie miilltou i from now until ilio cuuntaiiuut river turn r nu nil uud ruiih up btruitm und toll you nliout ihu hiffttrtiit thinks i know of that hank furunt aral mid unt but 1m only meniiori one iimtaiiup unci that lmpptned tt tliu timu lltnk tfut married you fto hunk knew hid fail in us well as tinyboly mid ho wan mortal afraid lio would foritubuut gtvin the minister tbo feobo ho kfpt bis miud tflucd nht to that and completely forgot everything else lie was to bo married in th evening at tbo paxhonage and when lie wtut r tt il there alone by himaelf at the appointed time aud meandered into the parlor and told tho minister to go ahead with his eplioiu the good man looked op sort o puzzled and surprised like and bald havent you or fqrfiolton euthin mr hobb r no said hank ulill tbirikin of the fee ive got it right lioro in inyveat pocket miyht pay jouaa well now as any other time why bleba you ray friend i wasnt tbinkiu of the fee said tho parson time euoqh for that after learn it but ior noticed yoqd forgotten the bride an by jiminy i says hank glanejng around eo i have glad yon spoke of it i was almoet sare id forgotten something but i couldnt think what it was he grabbed his bat and went oat on a jamp after hie intended he got baok with her before the dominie closed up the par- bouuho for tho night but it was a close shave und when the story got oat twas a long while- afore folks quit askin hank if he had forgotten anything lately easy cure for dyspepsia fifty yeara ago when a total abstainer wanted his life ibanred he had to pay an extra premium today the man who never drinks ia the favorate risk of the com pa niee oddjtha teienti6omeaever thought tbatrhen ooaldnt liye long with out taking a little poison every day i aa painful and annoying aa dynpephlu is it may bo oaeilj nwi quickly cured if the fliifforerwiir oiiiyttooarofurnrnib ully diet wrlteu mrh st rarer in tho mircli tjdtitc home joifrnul abulain for a jivon rlino from all folid foodn live at leant one week on milk one quarter burley water or koumyce then aa tliqbtomach growe trironger tuke pure milk bippiog and h wallow in it slowly you may tftko also tho raw white of an efg bhuken with a cup of milk barthelowa food plum porridgo a little bcrupod beuf broiled and finally broiled boef rice and pulled broad a glues of cool riot iced water should bo taken the flrbt tiling in tho moruiug a cup of warm not hut water half ftu hour beforo breakfast for breakfast three ounces of milk mixed with one ouuoo of burley water thin schedule should bo followed- every three hours ihrougtiout tho entire day for ono week taking tho iftht risbb of milk half an hour before bedtime koumyeb may be subbtituted for the milk or naed alter nately electric swprd an ohio inventor purtionee to add to the horrora of war by the uao of a eleotrio sword he has- submitted hie applfauees to brigadier r general flagler chief of ordnance of tho army and states in plain terms that be wauta the united states to use hie deadly weapon cxolumvoly tho b word is doecribod as being un ordinary aabor but from the blddonoar tho hilt runs an inoqlatod wlro conneated with a small battery to be carried either in tbo cavalry mans pdctot or attached to his belt a buttontp control the current ie plaoed on the hilt of his pword in action eayu thn invontor ho will prebb the button and if the woaponabould touch tho body of tho enemy orevenhia sword the full current would bo communicated and tbo enemy would bo eobtuuned that ho could easily bo dibpatcbed an irishman was riding a friaky horse the animal presently nt itn hind fo into one of tho stirrups by jabbora baid the iriahmun if yoro going to get up ita time for me to get down j a speight co ipabtbsomfifolksrsatdrxnole kbeo dat ud a heap rather hab a reputation foh bain unljioky dan er reoord foh indubtriouaneae washington star paines gelery compound oures nerypiis- weak sick and brokendown men and women has s tho from ajgony suffering and the geaye the great spring medicine that cures when all others fail whm are you going to be when yon are man nnffin said the child nothing i why so asked the stranger beoause said the child im a little 8m little theo went with his aunt to hear mr moody at st james cbaroh on the way home the iittle fellow was in a modi tat ivo mood suddenly be evolaimod auntie i know why mr moody is so fat what is tho reason theo the aunt inquired dont you know auntie mr moody said after i was converted i took in all the world bnt what asked the fair prospective purchaser in the bioyole shop what is that tiny little pill box jnat under the haudlo bar for that mibb replied tho suave dealer is for the safe keeping of the piece of chewing gum whereupon tho deal was immediately consummated there never was and never will be a universal panaoea in ono remedy for all ills to which flesh la heir the very nature of many cuiativea being snob that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of tho patient what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual jadioious ate the frailest by at ems are led into con valescence and strength by the influence which quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirit of those with whom a chronio state of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life is a disease and by trangnilizing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood which being stimulated ooarsea throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal fanotions of the system thereby making activity a necessary reeolt strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand inoreasod substance resulr im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto have given to the publio their quinine wine at the usual rate and gtiaged by the opinion of scientists thu wine approach ea nearest perfection of any in tho market all druggists so it eminent professional men people of wealth and the ordinary people declare that paines celery compound has no equal mother what did your papa fay when be saw bis broken pipe innocent shall welle richardson co gentlemen no living mortal can im agine the terrible bufferings that i endured for four years owing to liver trouble head- oohe and sore baok i may say that in addition to the dangerous ailments jast mentioned i was continually sick at ray stomaoh with a sour taste and month all furr and c i irlud many patent medioines and was under the treatment of doctors but received no benefit i thank god for haying heard ot your wonderful paines celery compound i procared a supply and need it and experienced a great ohaoge no other remedy ever gave me such wonderful resales ti so short a time i now find myself a new woman and can sleep well and enjoy my food no sool should despair when they can procure painos celery compound the- surest and best of all medicines yours truly mrs j currle 280 pelawaro avenue toronto ont welle d riobardaou co dear sire it ia wjlh great pleasure that i testify to tho value of your great medicine painoa celery compound for nearly two ye a re i buffered from indiges tion kidney and liver t roubles after trying bdverftlxnodioinob that didnot affuot a oure i decided to try von cnmpnunrl beforo uaingifl was so low in health that i could not oat or sleep i could not lie in bed owing to pain in my back it was only by resting on olbows and knees i was enabled to obtain a blight degree of ease before i had f ally taken ono botllet of your medicine i fcogan to improve i have now taken in all fourteen bottlcb with grand results i am a farmer and am now work ing every day anyone may refer to me in rogard to these statements or tp any of my neighbors around bheflield where i am well known i am a living witneas to tho worth efpuiaoe gelery compound yours very truly gcorpo j smye shcflield ont wo11b riohariison co dear sirs i take this opportunity to express mygratitado for the good that i and my friends huvo recoivod from your valuable discovery painos colory com- pound for years i hnvo suffered from oonatapt siqk headache at times i havo been bo bad iliac i havo been nnablo to sleep two hours a night for weeks i havo tried rnnuy rnodioinea and doctor ed a great deal but novor received a hun dredth part of tho value from them that i have obtained from painos celery com pound after using three bottles i can sleep well my hodaohea havoceabed and i feel healthier and freebor than i have douo for yearfl being ono of tbo earliest bottlers in this place i am known to all tho surrounding ooantry i feel it a duty to lot others know about the medio i no that has dono mo so muob good i bond this testimonial without any solicitation yqura with gratitude mrs e wilooi creemore ont to treasure op the memory of injuries received is to store the casket of your heart with o0al instead of jewels l leave out the wioked words mamma motherrcortalnly innocent thtn i dont believe there is anything to tell you mamma the germs of consump tion are everywhere there is no way but to fight them if there is a history of weak lungs in the family this fight must be constant and vigorous you must strike the dis ease or it will strike you at the very first sign of failing health take scotts emulsion of cpdlivcr oil with- hypophosphites it gives the body power to resist the germs of consump tion 5aend9looh4ranbtt scott bowne oumun toronto hard for tho old folks to move about constant backaches to bothor tlicm in t h c daytime urinary weakness to disturb their rest at nig lit doans kidney pats strengthen ho kidneys and hlp to mreth6 decllnlnir y mr w g rllgfod chestnut street chnrlottctown p e i writes i for tho pant two years i havo had- much trouble with d i tease of the k drier und noriretentlon of urine wn dromlcnl nud ntinerd a with frcnt deal havo bet- t the use of uonn kfdoy wiio jt pnln in my back have been erently bene r ted by ills kfdd- r doctordo yon know that the majority of physicians are comparatively poor men gibbfl no i wasnt aware of tbat bqt 1 know that aomo of them are awfully poor doctors ti7 jjun spring house clean in fr while people are particular about having thoir houbq cleared ot the winters aoeumu- lation of dirt theyro not always so partic ular about their bystom it needs oleans- ing too and theres nothing will do it so thoroofihly arid effectually as burdock blood bitters alex miller ardoou ont says i have taken b bb every bpring for some years and as a blood purifier j it is oneqasllod i theroare many pebblou on tho beaoh beeide oarselvea lot each one be the object of our special care regular action of tho bowott is necessary ohealtb laxaliver pillu are the best ccabiooal catharlio for family cr ae prioo 25o any drnppiat perseoutidg a rood man is tho devlli way of allowing that ha hates god value tho frlendehlp of him who btandb by you in the storm swarms of insects will surround you in tho bunehino catch cold t yoaone of thoatiihlng mlnere abked the woman at the door yea mum im what they doy call di bulldog i btraok thirty years ago and cover give in yet sick hcmlacho mnbsldes i have been troubled with sick head aobq for over a year lately 1 have asod laxaliver pills and tind thoy help me more than any medioino i havo ever taken they do not gripe and leave no after ill effeotb mary eilen hioks sourii bay ont mrs thos mccann mooresville ont writes fi i was troubled with biliousness headache and lost ap petite i could not rest at night and w woak b i three bottles of bb b my appetite has returned arid i am better than i have been for years i would not be without burdock blood bitters it is such a safe and good remedy that i am giving it to my children shops and warcrooms cnlfs attendcid to lont of willow si diyj3rnipli t undertakers and embalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniture jof all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonableprices your inspection invited j a speight cq orders left with- j n stlnson rockvvood will receive i immediate attention georgctoavu electric works tjlsilsigiit proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motqrs and hydraulic rams film nud ktoiun iittlnit ami jontiral itcnalr- itik uuinttliiiiiul with n has brasintjniacuiuo i am iirorjuiud to do brozluif on ulovclo fraiuobi ac wiiuuih convortud iroin jjiroot totausant hpokoh tlundla bttra botitto any dobired auuln eul lino ot spokoa kept in block sutiaf action guarautcud hidyolcb ouanlvllud iu any oolpr tj- spetgrrtiv3gtown tllg gbreatest aid you can give your local news paper is your- job printing if you do not feel able to run an advertisement you can afford to give the neyvspaper your cards dodgers bill heads letter heads and envelopes to print the news- paper man needs it and it helps him to pay the printers for putting in type the thousand and one free notices he gives you and the town the free press will give you satisfactory work and the prices will compare favor ably with any place in the country try the free press crane trunk railway loiffl v- juiml air mull kxp mail thh j ir l p mivi mi xi iiiit l ii d 1 35 10 7 fi 11 io oj a in liii p in nn uv ri hi nil aiifi coll goli i uvet 11 mui u kitst jo ifi ii i ii i u ill oho pm id 5 ifi pm tliih l in nov yotii u tublu went imhs into citcct oii motidu bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with yoii shy8hs lumber planing mills nassagaweya payees proprietor has constantly on hand afull line o lumber lath shingles cedar posts wooct jstcl custom logs and i3ilt stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the beat ot satisfaction prices very clieap and made lo suit the customers pocket p sayers sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorized capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 5flc per share for 120 months when payments cease fccooo paid in maturity value 810000 money to loan at5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton h p moore pior acton ont the sensation of the bicycl a- year brhntford galvanized steel wind mills and towers jvr r is the gleelmmd ittj an oaay thing to do but ita juat as easy to get oured if you take korway pino sytup cobte only 25c at all drag fltoree wbon sobio people have nothing to say thoy acorn to talk the most fl nurses story tall how tho was ourad of hnart and narva troublos tho onorous duties that fall to tlio lot o a nurao tho tvorry caro loss ol bleep irregularity of moiils 0obn toll on tho norvotis bvrtom nnd undermine thohealth wih h l monzicn a profoshlnntil nurse living at tlio cninor of wolliobton and klut stroch b ont nliitnn hnr oar moat tras friend ii ono who oonoed- idg par fkalta from otheri reveals thsm to as io frlflndsbfp love and tratb do tonwantconinmiitlou t are yon really looking for it inviting it then pay no attention to yonr haok- log oongh and yonr weak throat yon ean prevent it ibongh take sootts emul sion early when tbe oongh first begins the trna obarm ot the home ia love of truth a toronto tobacconist mr j brelx 104 cbaroh street torotf- 10 the popular tobaooonlat says he wai troabled with weak and intermittent aotion of the heirt was sleepless nervous and losing fleh three boxes of mllbnrns ilearl and nerve fills completely onred i prlcs ii j f 111 d5 woods norway syihur the most prompt pleaaant and perfect curo for oousba colds aathma bronbuta hooraenebs soreiriopronpwlihp- ing ooagh qalnsy paiii in the olibat and all tbroat bronohial and ziiuig dlseasas bim i tho henling imtlooruramptlvo virtues of the norway pine nro oombined in this medicine with vlld ohotty and oilier peotoral herbs and bol- ama to mka a true apwlflofof sdl finnsodlswsorjgiojungfrppo 2sc ndboo w and pump tag within- ternal corerod gonr patent roller ano- ballbearjnffs maple leaf grain grinders two sizes foh any power no i has 10 inch reversible burrs no2 has 8- inch single burrs both have ball- bcari n g b u rr plates relic springs and shake feed urmci tine and fast with least p ower always tiudrantecd a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel vindmills ofallkinds the finest in tho market best material lip h t e s running send for illustrated catalogue roold jhapley 1muir1 oximij branworo can no side pullbindor xiaist accepted by all mechanics as the only correct principle the great est and most expensive improvement ever devised 5500 three new models 7000 6000 oabo aa follows for 1 he pust throe years i havo buffered from weakness sliortnosa ot breath and palpitation of tho hoart iholoastoxoltomontwonldmakomylieart anttor and jl nibht lovon found ii difficult to sleep attorluotmllburna iloart and norvo pills i eijrloiicod croat relief and on oonllniiing thoir uso tlio imnrotdr mont has boon marked until now all tho old symptoms are gonoand i am completely mllburns hoart nml norvo rills euro anaemia nervonesa weakness sloop lessnoas lapttlon throbbing fniif spoils dlzalnoso or any condition arising from imnovorlshed blood maorderoa nerves or vfoak bfoirl laxautierpinioiwan coated tongue model 22 last years construction 45 we unqualifiedly pledge and absolutely guarantee that every cleveland is of the best material and workmanship every bearing is dust and file proof every sprocket is forged and hanged not stamped etc etc and that the lowest priced cleveland contains every essential feature of merit included in the highestpriced competitor extraordinary facilities for accurate and economical construction and sustained by an enormous business permit us to make this extra ordinary and bonafide offer write for catalogue sole representative n t brown f hcton h a lozier go- lorilp- john mcqueen agent for the above has changed his ware rooms to building on v k smiths property john street where may be seen frost wood binders and mowers and a complete lino of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen f- ood engraving p photo encrav1nc s- halt tohfs juo tohontoomv for twentyseven ykara dunns thecooksbest friend largest sale in canada 60 year8 experience trade markb designs copvriqhts 4c anrono aondlnir a kol uli anil daanrlpuon may niifoklr lutnartnlii oiir opinion froo whultior an iiviintltm kohntilrnntaittjihlo rommunlon- lloiimiitrlntfrmiiindanmiil iinn1lonltonlatflta attiitrrih cflilnjit ftiioiicr fiircinirliikjatonu rntffnt inknn htmiigti mutui ftxo rooslvo ivnialnolu witliout olinnto in u10 scientific jlttierican a hnndrinmolr ihnntniliml wdoklr rnrpfmt milntloji at nny flnionttuo jntinml nrmontli 1 sold brat jjirrmt-fir- tornmma k co 3tbro new york ifico fl v st wantilnfium d tt

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