Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1898, p. 3

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board of directors oiin htuakt aid uamhay iruuidulit ylwlruulilutit 4o hoach juhn rjiunuu a i wooi a ii lkk toronto wii iliiuon aii tuiinnullcumuiur ii h btisvtix anstcaalilor ii m watson lubimctor georgetown agency aeiwrall3pnking notes of responsible formers discounted and special nttention given to llie collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at njl principil points in canada ana united slates drafts on great britain bought and sold savlnga department deposits of sx and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added to principal every year whether passbook is brought m or not special deposit receipts issued for largo stfms j p bell affont georgetown ont house cleaning tfme has now arrived ypull want paper for your rooms or new shades or the windows no where else can ypufind such an awortmentof wall patters ceiling jpapeis window shades curtain poles prices low stock tbe largest circus a call w geo hynds jewelery and stationery slore acton ont mt qxion m f tjak thtjbsday april 21 1808 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or- ears of free press reporters thlsa week 3uo free library board metlast evening the farmors aro well advanced will their soeding operations the souools reopened on monday with nu inbreasod attendance mon a tat lrfistfen bob apart for gucjphs oivio holiday the executive of halton prohibition asspoiation will meet at millon today mrs j norrish has a fiuo assortment of latest varieties of house plntb- lor sale next blttidg of the fourth division conrt will bo held on wednesday 4th may posters aro out for the halton spring sbo ulrch will be held at milton on the 28th mr it d graham is adding tnother story to tho boose he recently purchased pn willow street mr john mcpbail osprisge who oat bis throat a few days ago ctisd last wednesday morning a p symon jeweller announces that bo will salt oat his stock and romove from within a month makeno other engagement lot next monday evening attend tho crokinolo olnbs promenade concert the animal convention of eequening banday sobogl asaaniationwillbo held at norval on friday 20lh may hamilton oonforenco will noltl its annual session ibis year in onelph commenoing thursday juno sod d eopman purchased the stock of george adams at the assignees sale on saturday afternoon- at 33 cents ou the dollar erlesunaer fl auspices next monday oveniup a prom- dnado concert will bo girou when opportun ities for u doliuhtfnl evening will bo pro vided a programme of voaul musla of tnvrichn i been arranged ami tbcro will bo ubimdunuo of uratolaua instruixiotital beleotioiib 1urtioulars uro given in our advertising ooturans we print you prosper a lldtniltbu wbqlesalo bouso for wliom tho l-tiki- piikhs jojjbnrjlmenghntod 1000 iiatf tuuooiraulars last wook wrilos wo bavo received tho printing and aro very much plcabcd with tbo job as wo find wo shall require more wo will limuk you to print us another fiooo eisotly the eamo and at tbo sable proportionate prlco our iffortb to oxecuto firstolass printing aro appreciated abroad as wellasat home they do got to tho top our old friend aud formor oitiror mr job p allan baa bean elootod to urauipr ton towilcouuoii the cotucrvatqr nays j p allon wab elected on thursday to fill tbo vacancy in tho representation of tbe west ward in tho towh counoil defeating his opponent mr j o huttou by a major ity of soven conhdenoe in mr allens judgement coupled with a feeling ttist cheaper light could be more eiihily proourod with mr hutton out of tbe counoil ws tho oanse of the result lies an jsntbuslastle stock rulser tho guolph meminj says mr rati agnbw aotod was in tbe city thursday ho- is quite an enthusiastic supporter of the gueipdjvt stook club and had quite a obat wtb some of tbo members of tho club with reference to- their plans for making tho show a success again tbis year wr agnow showed bib pigs here last year wbilo ho ibigbt bave douo better at tbo provin cial be would rather that the data of the shows would not conflict this year how ever ho will not go psat guolpb pass aloat this scnsonnblo comment a contemporary says newspaper men are blamed for a lot of things they osnnot holp such things as naing partiality is mantioning visitors giving news about somo folk and leaving out that about others they simply print tbe news they cau find not haeipeol messrs kenny bros have inaproved llie interiorpf their boot a bhoo store so that it lookb uko new premises k is very bright and attractive bev w m mckay of norvml will preach in knox church next sabbath morning and evening boy mri mtaopber- son takes mr mokayo work at noivil tbecommittees are now engaged in prepariog the cantata arch of forae to be given by the methodist sunday sobobl on the oveniug of the 24th of may bev br scanlan of naisoganoya preached impressive sermons in tbj methodibt cburchlabt sunday bev m mclaoblan preaobed educational aermorj od to know tho names arid resldencos of your uncles aunts and oousins even if be bboutd see them off on tbo train tell him about it its nows that makea tbe news paper and every maa woman and child in the helgborhooil could bo associate editors if t wcinmrpleare1fanainyouf personals and all other newa items the pnthiiiflstcrs of divisions 4 amis tho township council has appointed the following pathmasters for these divi sions division no 4 robert brown james bouohor 8 j mokenzie david carty alex waldie thomas oamsrod benjamin watkins henry bayere david cox peter gibbons dnnoan modougall william mallin neil gillies cameron i momillan charles davidson william a stewart john mcdonslj division no 0 william bobbie josopb basby alox lawson john ar gordon brook stvaokbammer bobert s bendor- son john shaw albert meredith james nlckell bamuol lindsay albert kentncr ira hilts levi colo thomas mitchell an old man wandered on friday the following appeared in the toronto papers william osborne sgod 72 a welltodo scotchman in his dotago diaappearod fronitho homo of his son-in- law william upthegrovo of 72 bathnrst street yesterday and tho police are search ing for him tbe last time he left homo he was away threedayrand wasoundby thepolioein king street where he was trying to sell his j100 gold watoh for 25 cents to buy a meal having bedn without foodfor noorly two days the old geotle- man reached aotoa in his wanderings hat thursday evening boeve pearson being applied to sent him to one of the beds in tbe cells at the town hall thinking bim oneiof tbe ordinary tramps who are dally passing through town instead however of vjolng to tbo town hall the old man wandered to some outhouse and bpent the nifthtthere next morning mr john f ilolden ageut for tbo london life aasur- anco company wbo knew mrodborne at toronto junotion met him on the street and took him in bharge he related the cirqumstanoo to beevo pearson who com municated with the relatives in toronto and sent the wanderer to bis home a happy nome suddenly bereaved last thursday at noonthe sad news was wired to tbe relatives here that herbie tho savenyearold son of mr h t lepaqo toronto and fred dawson the iatteia 1 ou ffiuenczat circuit the snnnal meeting of tho qne district will be held in tbe metliodj church acton en tuesday and wdi day 17th and 18tb may thirty or lo miniatcraandlaymen will be present jobu il hamilton the wellknc monument dealer of guelpb bas jl reoelved a new took of monuments other granite and marble work designs are finer and tbtf priceslgwer t ever before kho there is a new song going tho rouf of tbe papers and it runneth tbiiwie we dont want to buy at your place wont trade ibere any more yonji sorry when yoo see us going tp some store ion cant sell os any stale goj we have opened wide our eyes we di want to trade at yonr store cause yojjjs not advertise mr john taylor who has rasa the guelpb agency of tho weill mutual fire insuranco co for pavidsop for tbe past thirteen years nowentiro charge of tbo agonoy hc also tbe agent of tho perth mutual 11 inhand and queen city compahieb taylor has many friends among tbo uess men of acton wbo will bo pleas learn of his prtfiriiieut abailwaytote3lin lak newprpjeot on foot in tho vv involvlnaracash bonus to 3e repaid relin vakooovku april 18 a now projei ou foot in wbioh it is said mot mackenzie and mann aro interestedly construol a yukon bailway tbo provlaoial government he asked to rant 84000 por milo to j way from kitimat arm on tbe djptirat coldmbia coast to teslin lake and dominion government will also bo julpir for asslatonoo the contractors offer to pay the 0 ment jl per ton on freight untiltho s is repaid the board of trade baspbitd ai iiltoo tion urging on dominloo and prouj aovsrnments to do ullrtibey oan to railway from the british columbial o tesliu lake atartexl immedlatelyaroriible nephew and partner in boalnes had been fatally bornod the leprtga mannfaotaf- ntiog co ranaiactare door obecka and tho qw individual oonimaniou cap eervioes at 15 couuiogham avo toronto and mr 3aweon was eoked in japan ng obepkb- vben tho jnpin caught lire to ft vol j latnage to building and ttook he grasped va vesael containing tho burning haid itendidg to carry it ootdoora bat tbe ron bo heat made it boll oyer and covering a hands it oaaaed him to relax his grasp u the burning mass poured down the mrs setting lire to floor walls and stair- courageously he raahed down stairs orh tho flames and kiokej the vessel doors though terribly burned and his clothing on fire he did not forget little herbie who had been with him left in tbe room above now alt afire made a hcrolo effort to ascend tho and rescue him bat the florco flames him back and when he emerged from turning building hia otottiing was entiroly conaumed and he rolled oil und in agony the family wai aloly ularmod and willing neighbor to hiefreflone and that of poor little their efforts were too late uow- when herbie was reached from tho witbiu five minuted from the death had olaiaiod him tho s say his bufferings were very liffooation must have bcou almost eoub mr dawson was removed pitul but buconmbcd early in the ho was a most estimable young dovoted christian he had been f bis u do iv a family some hreo as beloved by all tbe remains rble were laid to rent in proa peat aturday morning and those of ffero inkrn t flliarlnttetowiy monday where they were tion mooduy night bw 11 aoinowliit ovenlful session of tho muniaipul coiiiiof if the oouaiderution of fiii por taut iimttorausboc- iuted wirh llie udvanafment of tho town are to bo regarded ua eventful a pronohul from tbo proiriitor and electrical enginoer of tho stayner kleetrio light works offering to pluoo 40 oloetrlo lilita ou aototiti streets aud maintain ibpjnfjij5ilpsryfiftrwftbproaeuted inrder to accompliah thie it la elated that an outlay of 80000 for building plant aud power wouumie iioaeaaary and one or two pqw citizens would bottle here iti con sidering tbo mattor euoli of the live mem bers of tho council expressed himaelf in favor of oleotrio light for aoton the fol lowing points to be carefully considered 1st can wo afford it 2ud would a plaot owned andoperatod by tbo corpor ation pay or 3rd la it preferable to make a contract for street lighting with outsldo partio3 and induce tbem to oxpend 9c000 in establishing themselves ia aotou tbeflo points will be looked into tbe matter of building eidowalkb iu the near future is a serious question and the tone of the opinions generally expreaaed by the strocts and walka committoh as well as by other mombara of- the counoil favored the gradual iutroduotion of per manent pvementa on the principal streets counoltrqr murray sucoeoded in getting bis motion for the ringing of the town bell for church services through at last and 1b now formulating plans to make rho public park a batter bouio of revenue coupcillor francis preoeuted elaborate plans for a new bose tower and expended considerable eloquence during the evening in bis speeches in favor of qleotrlo hht and permanent walks members all present and in thotr placos the sixth report of tho finance com mittco was preaontod and the following accounts were orjered to be paid j j lawuou ropalro to town hall 12 50 john mcquoeo oloetrlo bull oto 4 h j d mckeo napor for town ball 8 00 j dunlop momorial wreath 18 00 1 francla exponaoa to toronto l3o h swocltliainor ongfnoor 10 co a bowors flrouiaii r r 0 25 fu2 01 upon motion of councillors murray and francis aha report was adopted tho following pommuuicalion was rond tothe itkeveano couhclt municualitv of aoton gbntxeubn horowith ivo malto application ioithooiitraotomlbhtibljtrattwehrfctoir byolectrio hgbt we oitor ft ayatem of 0 llfilits of 33 eaudlo power each for tho sum of 150 por j car or ouo oi45 lights of 33 candle power oaoli for h500 hilgtits to bo plaoad iti bucii positions bs you may dotormlno wo would ask for a coutract for a poriatf offlvo years and will guarautao a llratclass llghtlug system for acton trastlng tbat oitbor of tlio abovb offora will moot your approval wo aro yours respectfully job knox w it kbytfoluh eloctrio llgbt aud powor statloo stoynor apl htb ibm mr j g mobeatbmerohant addressed tbo council and relocated that tho amount be was required to poy onder the provi sions of tbe tranaiont traders bylaw be refunded as in the oasa of j d mokeo iu whoae favor judgo hamilton gavo judg ment in the suit mokeo vs village of aotoo eeevo pearson replied tlit tho solicitor of tbo municipality bad assured tho counoil that the transient traders byaw is per fectly legal and that tbo council had no power to refund fecb paid under tho bylaw as requested mrrorfrgoodevemerchantrflaio tbtbo reeve that tbo other bona fide mprchshts wtoobad been obliged 4o pay tbe 860 fee under tbo bylaw should bo recouped as had mr j v mckee tbo beevo replied tbat tbe mokee oaso had not been settled tbat it was still in tbe bands of tbo solicitor aad that in any mpn orh n yfftnlr hnvn tn ba ic red ilaca nd im- portanoo asa munufaotastldg oentro which has not secured eleotrio light for itastreeta and there are rooreb of inuob amalier places wbiqh have it i thick wa as a counoil should oin for it it once and do uway wjth the rush liglits which we dignify with tbo nanw of streot lumps for my part i am la favor of olaatrio light and willing to piy my sliare to neotiro and maintain it rablo dlbcaealou as to cost atrcetitropbcoanoilior hinaielf in favor of the light there la really a in tbo cost bet weed ligbt lis baid about nd if tbat is all ill bupport it heartily iloevo pearaon tlicn fiave lits views he said i have not had any intimations tbat tbo people ofaoton want eleotrio light and i should not id any event accept the first offer made to up until fall inquiry has bocn made and otliors aro given the oppor tunity to submit flgares bat if these men can come in aud invest in an eleotrio light plant and make money out cl it then wo us a munibirnt9miouid ro into the matter and make the money joonelves this matter however should come from the people and not from oe personally i am iiu favor of eleotrio light if tho people want jlvlui i upnt believe in jaraping into a tling for there arotimti when we oant afford everything ws waut how laho money to bo provided id like- to see eleotrio light ab much as apybody but im here as iho peoples servant and i think if tho people want jt tpey should tell hio cpuncillor james clark said tbebeeve bas given quite a good idea of nay opinion relative to this gbestfou i certainly would like to see eleotrio lightbut dan we afford it our late reevo bd the matter iu hand and made some earefal investiga tions into the matter and tbe conclusions arrived at were tbat tbe town oould profit ably invest in an eleotrio lighting plant on its own aacouut this foot ia stated by a practical eleotrioal engipaer vfhom we had arranged to meet us here about the end of february but owing to the late boeve btoroya illness aud doatb par plana were disarrrbgedfljiolnotliingfflrtfaerdoneif wc can do better with a plant ourselves than by making a contract withan outsider we should at once seonre all poisible infor- ination respaotiog tbo matter djr clark referred at length to the experience and profits of private indivfdo- who owned 25 00 is oo 61 hi 100 00 sbi spi bk1 i carry of seed g pure and also ti prices on field fj seodj lis sorrowing widowed mother ia the family ptot bincerost expreased here for mr and in tbeir sad bereavement o the building will not exceed bdred dollars but over 2000 bed block on which there oe was destroyed ifiratjojasguelph sash and pl pricer t edfaok can ft hip planing mill separately and upon its merits slaved by james clark eeconded by j a- murray that the town bort boruugeacb and every sabbath during tho present year nt tho following hours 1045 a m 215 p m and g 15 p m carried the comroitteo ou streets and walks presented their first report giving the committees estimate of tbe requirements of the current year for work coming under the committees department after careful inbpeotion the work proposed is as follows 1650 stjuaro foot pormaaoot slilowalk 207 00 030 foot plank waits 22a 05 021 foot 32 inob tilo for drain on mill btroet- to pattlnfi i drain rravollintf and re- p mllliitrbot iho w oravolling tbo bills on main atrcut fltono crossings wood crossings labor in building walks croiainga and lu beautifying park llsbtlribbtreotar ttlooo fo allot which the mombors of the oora- cnlttoo messrs murray and francfs- reipeotfally submitted tbje report was roferred for further consideration movod by j a murray eacouded by james clark that whereas it id expedient that provision bo made for tho manage ment of tho public park and whereas in tbe opinion of this council tbo citizens should be represented by a citizons com mittee oonitmting of not lea than three potions who shall bo duly qualified rate payers of th municipality who shall advlso and concur with the councils com- mitteo as to tbe rnanagemont and improve- tuont of anil park bo it therefore resolved tbat tbo following persona shall constitute said citizen committee for tbe curreut yfar john lawson v 8 john a houderaon mid john ii matthowa carried id spoakin to tbe question councillors francis and murray stated that they were anxious to havo the support and oon- carronco of a represeutiviive citizens committee with a viow to making tho park yield a more substantial revenue than in the past they have in view a monster domonatration for dominion pxy and spoko of bicycle tournaments etc councillor john clarke nothing would mako money like good horao races on the firstpf july in the park councillor frncitf ironically yes that would bo fine aud havo all the h men moot tbo night beforo and arrange among tbemaelves who are to wtu the raoes 3ur francis chairman of tho firo com mittee submitted plane for a hodo tower proposed to ho built with briok base and frame tower covered with galvanized iron at a cost of from 9250 to 9335 complete the matter was laid over for farther oo n aide rat ion contractor ltwson pre pared tbe plans at the request qf tbe coancil councillor francis ibeii introduced tho eleotrio light quesiion iio expressed him self in favor of the introduction of electric vlaffl v tbo pj trlbuto are going awaj friends visiting yirti drop a oaard to- ibo fnxa puimb missclara moore visited friends in corontb during the week mr qeorgo lamb went last week lo guelpb hojpital for treatment mr will statham apeuteeverul dayalast week with friends iu waterloo messr alox becord and fred it btorey wflut to gloversville n yt week on a bueiuqss trip electrhtplants witli whorn ha was acquaiut- cd and had conversed and was io favor of the counoil going iolo the baioesi if an experts opinion proved tbat it wouli be satiafaolory couolujing ha said mr keovv i am very much pleased indeed that you take a view aim liar to mine in the matter the following initiciii wai thon carried unanimously moved by james clark seconded by i franolp that tho clerk write mr park elect riaal engineer for un luterview at a special meeting to seaure from him all pofldible information roapeotin plans cost etovfor an electric light plant for the municipality carried with reference to the letter of messrp knox and beynolds of staynoras to an eleotrio- light oontraot the clerk was instructed to aokuowledga roseipt of the aommunioation and to inform tho el eo trip- ianbtbat the whole qasation vonlj be giv en further contijertttion during the meetiug councillor francis spoke of tho advisability of iordguratiog a system for gradually replacing tbe present wooden sidewalks with permanent pavements and recommended thit a blook be laid the present year beove pearson expreased himself in favor of patting down permaumt pave ment iaa he had been in favor of perma nent crossings but was not tore that the present year was the time to boznrpeuce the matter will bo looked into by the couucil and no doubt be ifiven careful consideration council adjourned at 102 oclock- dr aqnews cure fofjthe heart in a heaven3ent boon to sofferere from heart disease no matter of low long btanding it will effect a radical care dont postpone treatment if you a aspect heart weakness of anybor tnii great remedy has been tasted and proved the quickest and safest of cares reliaf in 80 minutes in moat acnte case eminent physicians are using it in their daily practice bold by a t brown w y h w i liv i a haunt- od house inquired mrs moektbn who had been considering tho advisability of moving well henrietta was the answer i mast say it would he a good deal of a comfort to be ableto hear noises without havipg to gst up and hunt burglars washington star v- kldny disorders are responsible for a large proportion of sickness if you have weak or laaxe back swelling of tbobands and feet sediment in tho urine dizzy sbnlls rheumatic painp loss of memory i aevero headaolibs yon may know your kidpeya are disordered and the remedy for you is loanj kidney pills dout lose the inroad of your story when spinning a yarn fact fancy and fable have convinced people that putnams painless corn extractor ihoold be given the preference get rid of yonr corns get rid of them without pain nso pntaama 12 x tractor and no other midlandroute california ex cursions via the chloaffo milwaukee u st paul railway to loeantfelee and other points in southern california theao popular every tfatarday california excursions for both first and aecoxidolasa passengers are porboually ooodfloted by intelligent competent and courteous couriers wbo will attend to tbo wants of all passengers en route this is au entirely now feature of tourist osrjervice- and will bo greatly appreciated by families or parties of friouda travelhn lqifflllibrvorby- udies travelling alone tho midland rente tourut cars are apholstoroj sleeping car and are oplie i with all tho accessories necessary to iake tbo journey comfortahle and pleaianl aud the sleeping berth rate is bat fooo for two poraonc from chicago to cftlifornla- ask tliq nearest ildketagent fora tourist oat folder giving complete iuforrnition about the midland route or address eastern manager midland route no 05 adams street chicago iii or a j taylor canadian passenger agent toron to ont and mrs w p brown of toronto spent a few days during ilia week with relatives in town mies mamio milne who has spent a month or so with friouda here returned to her homo at ripley ou saturday mr robert lane hi a sister ella and miss fjeabanoe uatbosoo of connlngbby were guests of mrs n f mooro this week mrs h b holmes left od monday for milwaukee where she will spend a couple of mouths with her sister mrs capt mcgregor mr and mrsh p moore mr james mooro apd mr e j moore attended tbo funeral of master herbie lepage at toron to on saturday mr asa hall has roturned from pedbtabguishene andis a familiar figure on our streets again his presence is heartily welcomed miss bdflh wright made aoton friends a brief visit this week she has been in orillia and fenetang during the winter and will shortly leave for halifax mr willie lpwryb0u of dr lowry of goelph late of aoton has passed success fully bis first year examinations at trinity medical college the fnee pit ess con gratulates him show that this medi cine hast enjoyed public tonfldenoe and patronage to a gre extent than accord- ed ehyotdrproprieury lnedlcinetthls is simply because it pmsosaes greater merit and produces greater cures than ny other it is not what wo say but what hoods sarsaparllls dors that tells the atory all advert is omenta of hoods sarsaparllta like hoods sarsaparllls it self are honest wo have never deceived the public and this with its superla medlelnalmerittiswby the peoplo have abiding confidence in it and buy almost to the exclusion of all others try it rrepnrodonlybyc r irooditco rwe mass news of the day harry murphy aged 5 was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun at fres co tt oh monday william alexander for 23 years publio sobool inspoctor for perth died at strat ford on tuesday ioaao brock ostrom who as a child was djarh5djbycreneralbrockin4812 died at sidney qn monday cardinal gibbons presided over the oiob- ing ceremonies of tbo funeral of cardinal taaobereau qu tuesday john a cunniugharh of ganaooqae was upset oflt of a bo at on jyiflnday wbi- reaobfng for bis hat and drowned mr isaao ferris was killed at st marys ou monday his horaes running away and dashing bim agatust a locomotive engineer leonard jones of st thomas was killed in a collision on tho grand trunk bailway at tilebnbarg ou monday diveruk fiber of montreal was caught in the gates of tbe canada paper companys mills at windsor mills and lost hia life last friday members of the canadian poata of the grand army of the republic are being invited to enlfet in the united states army for active service or fortiaoation work alex jordan molanctbon recovered 9350 at orangeville aasizca from dryden bros aawmillers biverview forthe loss of his right arm through being knocked on to a oironlar saw in defendants sawmill capt drqubart of tho cameron xligb- landers wsb killed in battlo with tbo der- viahes ho was formerly an aidadecamp of hia excollency lord abcrdoen in ottawa purgatorial pills the druggist would hardly smile if you asked or purga torial pills there are jsony of them hut lie would prob- ubl luuuuii 11 pill that am not gripe a sugarcoated pill gentle in action and sure in effect what are they called ayers cathartic pills 12 varieties for 25c at tbeso nrlcoawoean only offor tho variotloa named bolow ordor by numbers and buy what you want they aro sent by xsall post paid select from tbo following list vogetablftr- i beet eclipses round 3 iteet egyptian flat round 3 cabbage win nines tad t 4 gabbago potuera brunswlok 5 carrot half lonff nantes bcarlot q ottirott oxheart or ouorando scarlet 7 cuaumbors cbloagopiokllns fl cucumber looggroon 0 celoryf ooldeosclf blanclilog 1q horbs sage ii herbs savory ia herbs marjoram 13 lettuoe nonpareil cabbago h lettuce denver maekot ourlod 15 musk motion extra oarly hackensaok nutmeg 18 watarmelou hungarian houoy 17 onion zarae bed wettaorbfluid 18 onion yollow qlobo dan vera 19 parsnfp hollow crown 90 radish french breakfast 21 lladfiu hoy oem white tipped 93 bquasb hubbard s tomato early raby si tomato dwarf champion flowers 25 altera mixed 30 mignonette swoot 27 pansy mixed 2ft pot unfa mixed 20 nasturtiums tall mixod 90 tiwoet peas fine mixed ai wild flower garden mixed tar wo will not accept am ojidku it thoio ptioes wbeie tho packets aro not selected from tbo above list fltgfl with every oltdbb providing this coupon la out out sent to bs wltb an order for twelve will ludude 1 packet ot our uammotli bliow pumpkin or big yankea bqoub to fhicb paaaa sub 1 aud f ub- l i freo of obargo x acribors address all orders lo geo j th0ep market sq and macdonnell st cueuph r potato a s wanted highest price j lid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at syrrton bros acton vve carry a full line of hardware srooenies boots shoes symon bros cokmiuani mainsts acton kf rsn- nroftio only llls to take rlooa s k1iis wiui hoods sunapsrlus acton appreciates nice goods those wall paper samples we show ot the drugstore of j- d mckee are nil the rare why because they arc uptodate put ingkain on your walls it is very handsome arid new sao mckeos 8a triples eoom mouldings to match window shades sendtlie size of your windows and wo will quote prices any color and every width perhaps you are- one of the hundreds of men who read this advt who havent bought their new spring suit or overcoat tcryouthcn this appear litrhade direct your waiting has served you this good purpose that you can et the selection of some eautiful new things in tweeds and worsted suitings which have just come to liand at less than the prices would have been a month ago simply because we bought them cheaper we have a lot of nice colorings in whipcords very stylish fojr overcoat or suit at fully 25 per cent under regular price come in and see them banner sales 1 for banner coeds this has been a banner season thus far for sales in the gents furnishing depart ment every purchase of pur elegant new styles in hats shirts gloves collars ties hosiery is carrying the banner of praise we have never been able to offer so much real merit style and value in these goods as this season special sale saturday 25 and 27 wyndham street gijelph base ball lawn tennis lacrosse and foot ball requisites c l nellis thb lshder oliblph your portrait have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits h ramshaw acton photo artist spring is here again cooper 8c akins th toilbirs- are prepared for it with a very attractive stock of sprint suitings spring overcoatings 8prlns trousorlnks in all the latest goods our wprkmanshlp is always satisfactory our prices are always right we nave plates for the newest styles in bicycle suits andare bound to please wheelmen call in and inspect our stock the cooper cv akins main street acton tailors seed grkim springwhekt springry6 fett orts bhrly i carry the largest and best assorted stock of seed grain in cjuelph the grain is as puro and clean as money can buy also timothy clover rape etc gel prices on my vperrrmnent pasture mixture field flower and garden seeds james hewer seedsman cuelph georgetown electric works t jr spbiout proprietor manufaoturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hvdraulic rams riim tnd stoin fitting and osnsral itplr- ina 3flltigoqdippaiillbbbubriuili8miieulnfl i ftm prensrea to do brssing on filovale prune o whmls oonssrted irosn dlraot to tngut rpokm hsnilla ban bint to any desired anglo fallllneorspoitsksptin nock batlsrutlon guaranteod lllojolm enanibllod id any color tj 8mioht qeornetown waited crtbrstlan men a women to introduce milniiiha ol tlio ummd iha most marvellods boak slnea tha pubueatlon of tho bible uanaleid religion demonstrated bupernatural facts or tha jllbla no longer in doubt kot dr austin is tbsadltor dr tbadg- loy profeanorof phlloaophy vlotorla unlewlty write the introdoatlon xho contributor are ealiolarly and devont men among wlioin are iter prtoomas judo orooitovo w- hao- chaplain searles bvangellal orossley and many others contains eiparlsnoe of wesley mark tnlu dr uuokfey w t stead and aboet of imllar men tbevelleparunf tbeplrltland is drawn baek so that all tuay t lens hare a glimpse full hound canramlng book- ts oenu worth twies that esporlenoe nnneco- sary books on time freight paid dig eom- mlmlon sella onslght tub uiladlryoaiututbon co limited toronto hats hats hats hats for heat hats for cold hats for young hats for old 1 in fact hats foj- anyone who wants a good cheap hat mens boys and girls also a fresh lot of crockery and glassware new lemons and oranges c f aoodelte gos kcton sayae co opticians and fine watch repairers guelph ont glasgowhouse a ctoh in anticipation of s weather we are fcrrrsweeksliuwing special vaiuesin ladies and gentlemens waterproofs ladies parasols and umbrellas rubbers in all sizes and designs we are selling shoes and rubbers closer- than any other house in the county an extensive assort ment for spring trade millinery opening- wag nti n rwm- wednesday march 30th heimersbn fc co ihe jrightt hottse corner king and hiiglison sts flamiltoi 8pren0- mhunury ooers special attractions at he present time our assortment is perhaps tho larg est and choicest wc have ever shown and the prices are as economical as the styles are desirable untrimmed millinery at prices tanning from 25c loi5 trimmed millinery from 8275 up childrens caps and tarns in great variety ladles sailor hats in nil the leading shapes and colon orders executed by expert milliners in time to take home with you new dress aoods allwool serge black or navy special at 25c vigpreaux twill suiting 46 inches wide all wool special 35c and 40c check suitings small neat patterns 46 inches widespecial 65c 75c 85c covert suitings 46 inches wide allwool special 60c and 75c lack sicilian at special prices very de sirable for separate skirts 44 inches 40c 48 inches 50c 52 inches 75c new designs in l figured alpaca4 inches wide special at 35c 45c and 50c staplb3 department 31 inch english flannelette choico pat terns 8jc 3 inch english flannelette choice pat terns xoc i new gala teas for boys suitings from english makers fast colors 18c to 250 36 inch grey cotton at special prices regular grjc for ic regular sc for oc spring wraps the most stylish at the least money note a few leaders ladies jackets fancy tweeds single or double breasted oo ladies iawn liox cloih jackets fly front 9600 ladies dack jackets fine twill silk lined double breasted pearl buttons 8750 ladles black srgc jackets russian blouse style silk lined braidtrimmcd moiro silk collar and cuds 81000 wash dress goods english prints best qualities 32 inches wide i2fjc good prints nt 5c 8c and oc dress ginghams navy g choice patterns commencing at ipc yard madras ginghams scotch manufacture 3j inches wide soft finish 18c american organdies and dimities fine quality dainty patterns 22c printed lawns desirable blouse patterns in greens pinks blues and hclios i2c cn diiipaktmentt our new carpets arc all in thcstock is large and the designs perfect english axminstcrs rich dark shades special at 8125 body brussels good quality special at 75c 10 wire tapestries special nt 75c velvet carp for hard wear special at- frr samples on application freight or express prepaid to your nearest raiway station in ontario on all purchases amounting to 8500 and upwards satisfaction guaranteed tkomas c watkins

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