Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1898, p. 1

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volumk xxiii no 44 acton ontario thursday april 28 1898 peice three cents lie retort jfm ms ifl fodlibhed uvkry thursday morning xt the free press steam 1rlnting office uill street aoton ont tbimsof subscription ono dellar per your striotly iu ad van co all subscriptions dlsooa- tlnuodt vrbon tho time for u bich tuoy tivo boon paid boa oxnlrod tho da to to which ovory subscription is paid la denoted on tho address label advlcntiaina iuteh transient advortlso- metita 10 coiita per nonpareil lino for flrbt in- ortlon a coots per lino for caoli eubeoquont qbortion oonxaiot iutkb tho following table shows ur rates for tho lueortlon of advertise m on ts for specified porjodb 1 ia 6 mo 3bo ltoo aoidolieii 00 00 33 00 eaooo 7 00 loinohea 6 itiahos t 35 00 30 00 hoo 800 ao qo 1300 t00 9 00 linqti 600 a so a oo 100 adyortiaomonta without epoolflo directions wilfb lasprud till forbid and ohargod accord ingly transient advertisements must be paid q okdranoa adortlaoments will bo changod onoo oaoh month if doalred for changes oftonor than onoo a month tho composition must be paid for at regulai rates changes for contractadvertisements mubt bo n coo offlco by noon on tuesdays account payable monthly n rmoobe editor and proprietor extra strong in 1898 whll papers newest and latest designs and colorings baby carriages window shades prices for 1898 extra low call and sec goods and prices at days bookstore griielph -thb- traders bank of canada day sells cheap- business biratorp medical j f uben m d o m oflqoo and residence cora or mill frodoriok btrooti aoton a s klliott m d m b m aoton oiuduatk toronto umvenaity office cornor mm and john strcote aoton wr dryden eire ein timpit and nose moloans block douglas st noar p 0 guelph office itouna 10 am to 1 p m and 3 to 6 p ra bundatb10 am to 1 p m r-aribk- 1898 spring 1898 millinery veterinary sitbghon a1fked p husband v s gradaatoof the ontario veterinary col lone honorary mowbor of tho veterinary modical society office wm husbands lot 34 con 4nass agawoya cajladay or night promptly attondod to xame8 8 joyce v s glladuath op ovtamo veteiiimht cdllbaf treats alldisoaaos of domostloated animals enquire at jojco bros batcher shop mill street aoton itooma at agnowa hotel calla promptly attended to day or night it bennett lds dentist a obobqbtowh ontabio db f 8 merger dentist gradaate of toronto university androds offlco ovor drug btoro actoru vmt dfc j mbell dds idb a dentist bbookville honoq graduate or toronto univensixr work mado satisfactory trices moderate visitino datr monday afternoon camp- bollviuo tuondfty acton ofllco clarks hotel friday ltockwood dbg n cook dentist cor collogo bl and bpadina ave toronto will visit acton on tho first and third satur days of each month svpzce mr adam cooks residence main sot legal m olean a mclean uarriilers bollol tors notaries convoyaneers lo prlratefands to loan office town hall aoton wm a molmah jnoj a mclkah a j mackinnon daiuusten soliciton conveyancer omich mill btrpot in matthews block upstairs jb moleod danmstbb sowoiron oonvktanckh main stroot qoorgotown t monoy to loan at lowest current ratoi r j mcnabb ulerfc fourth division court county of hal- on conveyancer agont fire and life ashuranoe heal estate agent money to loan etc orriceporry mans block aoton ont miscellanko us h enby grist ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention etc proparei applications for tho canadian amer ican and european patent offices and for the utigia trail on of 1rado marks bend for pam phlet thirty- two years experience f iranoi8 nunan bookbinder wyndbim st gnelpb odtario overwilhamastore aooonnt books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound buuncneaslvanrt promptly dona m aftbiagk licenbes ii p moofte ipritkh op manniaos jjioenbks prlvwtoodlcft liowltnossasreqnlrod issued rnrirltnrn in tlto oyplilng free press offlco acton paiiheb8 if you irlh to radqoe jour intareit or loour flritlaa loan of znooay at low lotcreat and on easy torma of ropatmont oall 00 mo x make a apaolalty of londion moooy and bare planty offaodl i alio leoa on vlliavqo proporty w c jackson oolvbtanobn amd mohbt itmndhr orrloe wyndbam btnotur city hal oublpii walllngtob mutual tire insurance company batabuibzd 1840 insunahob on gali and mutual plan any aotntnnnlbatlon forwarded to my addroai boi 03s or ulephona 68 will bo promptly at tondod to john tatlou agent gnelpli mm hembtbbkt iliobmsld aoonoms or ttm oountloa of wolllngtpn and llalton orjors lu t ilia fa pmrna ofooo aoton or at mrraaidaniwio aoton will b promptly at ondeuto vonnduoodto 500 for farm sales aim money to loan on tlio moil favorablo umiand lha lowoit rato of intonat in anotmoand pwardi the- no west designs irr shapes shades flowers and trimmings we have also some nice lines in prints dress goods gloves hosiery corsets neckties collars cuffs lace curtains underwear ready- made clothing hats caps c authorized capita 1000000 guelph branch sums of 91 ahd upwarde received on deposit and highest oarrent rate of intercet paid or compouudod half yearly deposit roooipta isaaed for lare bams dopoaued aotvanoob mado to reapoaeiblo farmers on theffe own names no charge mado for colleiting saleq notea if payable in guelph a general banking buaineaa traaaaoted a f it jones manager tatrg a socalled advantage in going to the ordinary bicycle agent is credit long credit six months or more he has to give something for the large prices demanded if thats what you want were sorry you canlt get it here but by paying cash down we save you at least i ooo bis mot songs bo ii oath tho hot mldsummor bud tho men had marched all day and now boslde a rippling stream upon tho grass tuoy lay tiring of gamos and idle jests as swdpt the hours along thoy oallod to ono who mused apart come friend give ufl a aonr i foar i cannot please ho saldv tho only spng j know aro those my mother used to sing for mclong years ago sing one of those a rough voice cried theres pode but true men here to evory mothers sou of ui a mot dors aongs are deari then bwootly rose tho singers voloo amid unwonted calm am i a soldier of the cross a follower of tho lamb 1 and shall i foar to own ijuscaubo the very stream was stilled and hoarts that never throbbed with fear with tender thoughts were filled ended tho song the singer said as to bis feet he rose thanks to you all my friends good nlgbt god grant us sweot repose j gmcbeath acton ontario robt noble the highest price for wheat at tho peas warehouse oats acton babuby staxtrjn flour at bran acton shorts hour and 8beds all teed kinds of feed store try norval flour tho best family flour in tho market frank harwi8 manager spring is h again cooper akins the tailors are prepared for it with a very attractive stock of spring suitings sprinp overcoatings 8prnk trouserlnxs in all the latest goods our workmanship is always satisfactory our prices are always right we have plates for the newest styles in bicycle suits and arc bound to please the wheelmen call in and inspect our slock cooper akins main stree acton tailors main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of bash doors frimos uooldtu in all atylu nrtkiama matchlno mna uovldino to order on short notloo will assorted stock on bandit iiltca tcsu tho time john cameron proprietor sbjgd crhin spring sltthettt sprung rve p6ks okts bkrl6y i carry ihe largestnd best assorted slock of seed trainfluuoph tlio grain is as as money can buy also timothy clover rape etc get prices on my permanent pasturo mixture field flower and gardon seeds hewer seedsman on your wheel which should be a very strong argument in favor of buying here bicycles at 32 36 38 43 and 50 catalogue if you write j m bond co hardware guelph exc6l in cooking by using mckee8 pure cream of tartar baking powder it is the purest it is the most wholesome it is always fresh it leaves no taste in the finished product try a s p 25c a pound prepared and sold only by j d 7usckee chemist aoton trust us to look after your yall paper wants carefully trust us to make ihe price as low as honest business methods t and straight cash buying can make trust us when you want your pictures neatly framed we will see you dq not regret it waters bro is st georges square guelph nursery stock agents agricultural implement apts or anyone desiring to better their posi tion and increase their income shauld write tls the demand for home grown nursery stock is on the increase we need more men if you want steady paying work write us we furnish all supplies free we have toe largest nurseries id the do minion we pay both salary and commission we engage either whole or part time men we guarantee all our atook we furnish purchasers with certificate from government ubpeotpr stating our stock is iree from bah jose boale our nurseries comprise over 700 acres and growing stock in large quantity enables us to sell at the closest possible figure men succeed with ua who have failed with othero it will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you dont write unless you mean business and want profitable employment stone tie wellington toronto potatoes wanted highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at symon bros acton we carry a full line of hardware groceries boqts shoes symon bros cor mill and main sts acton guelph guelph 8prlng term commences april 4th at the guelph business gellege and shrltiand institute a most reliable and well managed school for lioys and girls preparing for a business life call or write for circular j sharp principal sishct jfmrnlg ttfoding a eperirrent john jonea was telling bis wife tbey bad not been married long by the way ahaalamanwhocanjs home-one-nigbt-eo- him you think you lisvo but you have not now got in like a good boy her argument apemed uaansworttble to him eo he laughed foolishly sod blowly ollnibod luto the tub though in a hesitat ing kind of way too he was no sooner in than she grubbed his i a id pushed it under the tap and turned 00 the water at fall force it took him so tnnoh by sur prise that bq was at first rjioioulesa but he soon oommenocd to struggle violently in vain she held bio bead with both of ber bantls saying j its an old suit of olotloa you know john yqu would wear them and it wont do them a bit of harm nor yotr eitlier dear at this he gavo a superhuman effort and stood up straight in tho bathtub here here i he yelled what the devil does this mean his enunciation was very clear indeed mrs maria jonea laughed very heartily indeed i was sobering yon up dear she re plied bnt im not drank i drank that he bad to lie down on the floor while hib wife palled bis shoes eff for him he a i bo mentioned the ftot that this mans wife did not seem to take her husbands condition to heart very badly bat made rather a joke of it and twitted bim in the morning quite good bumoredly snah a spirit remarked jones strikes me as being very creditable to a woman it isut every mans wife who regards an occaeiopal lafse so leniently now as yoa know i am not a drinkiug man bat if i should get drank one of these nights i say if i should bow would you take it and he watched her face carefully us he asked the question mrs jones laughed heartily the idea seemed to amuse her very much but sbe htraigbtened out her features and assumed a shoaked expression i should be dis gusted john she said perfeotly dir- gnstcd why i shudder at cbe mere idea of your being intoxicated yon wo old lose my respeat john nbt away and what ever you do j on tnml never forfeit that no john dear i could never stand yonr being drunk i john listened with great attentibn to thia reply end he om to the conclusion that she didnt mean a word of it he bad detected in tbe tone of her voice wbat he stamped in hi mind as a false note jones was somethiug of a reader of char acter sad in bis own quiet way he bad been studying the various phrases of his w dis i h married two years ago he therefore determined to see precisely how ehe would conduct herself if he did come home drunk one night 01 rather if she thought him drunk for he decided to simulate tbe condition in order to make bis observations 1 dear me murmured mrs jonea one nigbt or early morning about a week after thia conversation already noted i wonder where johu can bo i hed never been ao late before out playiug poker i feel quite anxioup tle hour was 2 am and mrs jones was seattd in a chair with a book in her band which she was not readiog flutjdenl una hfrarh ilm will nf uay in the look of the outer door of tbe flat and in a few moments her ran noted tbe sound of somoihlng stumbling along tbe ball she grow pale and stood up the parlor door was opened with considerable violence and sbe saw well abe coald scarcely believe her eyes at tirat was this ber husband 7 tbe spectacle in tbe open door way was that of a man with a battered bat torn coat and trousers splashed with wet mud his clothes simply reeked with whisky he gazed at her with blinking eyes and bis month trembled and leered at ber his eyeglasses were fastened on to his right ear lo oh john was all sbe con id say lo mres he repeated lo wash mar wyn jar come n gimme kiss hey then be cb a ok led hey he said iu a loud and fierce tone of voice oh johi abe said approaohfng him with reluntanoe come into the room for goodness sake aod close the door the people in the flat above will hear yoa dv care 7 they do he replied still hanging on to the knob and swaying about unsteadily who oarea ha ha ba who cares dovlbitl sbe oloaed tho door and he immediately slipped to tbe floor with a thump sbe surveyed him as he lay there with an ex pression on her face that had never been there before and then she wandered what was to be done as sbe wondered be made two or three spasmodic movements as though trying to rise bat be fell back eaob time finally he kissed bis hand to her in a maudlin fashion hitting himself in tbe eo full off boots i be commanded she turned away with a glance of aver- iull off boots i be repeated banging his heels on the oarpet she hesitated for an instant bat obeyed him however did you get yoar clothes all over mod that way sho asked bim hub ob fell n street lhasb how he replied 01e ehu it wash odds any way t as a matter of fact ft really was an old suit aud he had insisted earlier in the evening on wearing it to the poker game somewhat to ber surprise she remember ed it as he spoke come john she then said try and get ap bee if yoa take hold of my arm ill take oare of yuu dear come there is a good boy 1 her tone was quite affectionate it seemed to have some iffeot on him for be rose without as much difficulty as might have been expected through he leaned on her heavily bho led hlra oat to the bathroom get la the bath now dear she said sweetly oen wot 7 he exclaimed the bathtub he repeated bat er got me oloze on he objected look lug vat ber ob no you haveut john situ told beally not drunk yon dont eay so 1 certainly not i i was only pretending just jo fool you yep dear i know was the reply of maria then what in the name o asterisks did yoa do that for hedemsqdtti as he shook the water oat of bis ears to teach you not to try and deceive your wife and when she left him alodo with two or three huckaback towela be oamo to the conoiuolon that be would quit studying the various phaaes of hid wifes character ban fraud boo examiner how a woman didntpractice what she preached william eaid mra twiukeohara as tbey stood waitlug for a car if yoa get a seat i want you to keep it you are the biggest fool i ever saw abont jumping up and giving your seat to women tho minute tbey get in the car and i want you to get over it theres no some in your stauding simply to lot some lozy woman sit down i wish you were half as gallant around home as yoa are in tbe street oars life would be one grand aweet aoug if yoa were but tho minnto you enter yonr owu door yoa seem to forget yonr floo manner you never hurry opeta chair for me or beera to concern yourself in the least about my comfort my dear said mr twickenham i am sorry that you haveouob apooropinion of me i will fry to do better in tho future i will see that jou always hate a ahair when i am around hereafter and 1 wish when i do not happen to sou what yon want that ypo wsuld just give roe a hint i assure you my dear that it always gives me the greatest pleaiure to know that i am doing things wbioh will make yon glad ai for getting up in tbo at roe t car and giving my scat to a lady i think tbat is a common act of courtesy that eory true gentlemun owes to hinnelf to per form nonsense 1 replied mrp twickenham nothing of the kind tlio women dont appreciate it and theres no csll for it at all it doesnt make jou a bit more of a gentleman than jou wquld bo if jou sat still of coarse if botob lady that you knew happened to stand near you it would be all right to offer her jour float other wise you only show people that you are a fool tc here paid mr twickenham why are you going away up fhoro the car will stop on the crowing i know said his wife but i want to get in at tho front end why the front end the front rcauue me irontpattot tlio car ii always occupied by men aud ive noticed that when i got in at that end bo me man is pretty sure to have ootninon decency enoogh to get up and offer mo a aeat cleveland leader canada fnd her coinaqe brief history of the currency of the country and its vflrlouslssuoe tbe basis of canadas a 1b of coarse gold and it is very intorostlng to trace the history of our coinage for the last hundred years prior to 1705 all sorts of ooioa were olroalated in british north america in that year however a step was made in the direction of a revision of canadian currenoy to remedy the evils reaul ting from the coins in ose being roduoed in weight debased in value and compoied of every variety of pieces peculiar to nil countries trading with this continent an aot was therefore passed which fixed sv standard of value founded upon the aversgo intringio worth of the gold and silver coins of great britain portugal spain france aud tho united states subsequently various aots of the legislatures established a value for these pieces at which tbey pasted in mer cantile transactions it was not until the year 1858 that the province of canada adopted dollars and cents pouuds nhilliogs and pence as the only monies of account the federal parliament in 1671 passed the aot respect ing the ourrenoy which gave tho provinces of the dominion a uniform ourrenoy tbe single gold staudard adopted being that of the british sovereign of the weight andt fineness prescribed by the lavs of the united kingdom to pass current at fr4 80- 20 provision was sibo made that nntil otherwise ordered tbe gold eagle of the united states of the flxud weight or 10 pennyweights and 18 grains troy sand of a settled standard of fineness should be legal tender in canada by this same aot provision was made for a gold coinage for canada bat special canadian gold coinage has not been minted bilvxr and c 1110 co in if during the reoeo ut agitation iu- tho united states with regard to tbe coinage ft transpired that there wi re many people in toronto uho thought ilitonr currency was blmstalllo aod thi1 either gold or silver was legal tender for all dobts as a matter of fact of course nor coinage has a gold basis the silver aud copper coins being subtidary coinage for tbe purpose of makiug change and for use in small trans actions a twentyfive cent pieco of silver is not realty worth tweiilyflve cents in gold nor is a penny worth two cents in gold but by aol of parliament suver coins are made legal tendir ap lo 910 and the miuor coins to 35 cen- so that ten dollars o a debt can ba 1 qjldatod in silver shoald the creditor objeot to taking more as to qovbitnubnt moxxfl iu addition to tbe coin used tho canadian government uaeb government notep these were first issued to tho province of canada under the law of 1866 the authority was limited to 95000000 on general accounts and 93000000 co replace notes of banks surrending tbefr power of issue it wad also provided thot 20 per oeut of the notes issued should bo covered by special reaervo and the remainder by government debentures so that the secur ity was ample when tbe dominion was formed the issao was enlarge to 8000000 any amount in excess of 5000000 to be covered by 25 per cent in specie or in specie and canadian securities guaranteed by the imperial government and for the remain der io unguaranteed bonds iusuod by tbe authority of parliament iu the year 1070 the isdue was fixed at 89000000 with a 20 per oent specie reaervo any excess to be covered by spools two years later the issue in excess of 90000000 were required to be covered by specie to tbe extent of 85 per cent in 1875 50 per cent specie reserve was required for 93000000 above and beyond the 800000000 and exceee over 912000000 to be fully oovered in 1880 tbe law authorized tbe ieaue of 920000000 to be covered by at least 15 per oent of gold 10 per oent additioaamn gold or dominion securities guaranteed by great britain and tbe remainder in unguaranteed domtnloo bonds and any success above 920000000 to be covered fully with gold last year an act provided tbat tba issne may exceed 820000000 provided thfttin ad to any amount rcqfllcadjol be held in gold under previous acta a further amount iu gold equal to the excess of isaaed notes over 20 millious shall be held notes 111 asd littlk these notes of the canadian govern ment are full legal tender redeemable in bpeole on demand and are of the following denomination 25 cents 81 83 8- j 950 9100 9500 and 91000 occasionally old issues called provincial notes of 95910 and 920 aro met at the end of 1b05 ever fourteen million dollars of tbe dominion note circulation were in notes of 9500 aud 910co these big bills are principally held by tho chart ered banks as part of their reserves be cause aoder the banking act 40 percent of the reserve cash moat bo in dominion notes these notes jute chiefly uaod in settlement between the banks oood secnnrrv for the dills at the end of last ear there were held in connection with tho dominion noteb specie to the extent of 810050702 guaran teed sterling debentures 919jbg07 and unguaranteed debentures 9 17250000 tbe total tbas heldamouuted to 128847869 this was in excess of tbe amouot required to be held by 95183868 iu specie and guaranteed debentures and 82250001 in unguaranteed debentures if at any time dominion notes should be issued in excess of tho amount authorized gold for tbeir redemption is required to be held to tbe full amount of the e a single soul ruth i have tiokels for tbe ooncert of the bellllingers on wednesday tught can you go jloe rat 1 to a frirnd us ehe stopped at ber gate it is prayer meoiiug night know but they sail for europe fr day night and this is their last concert but i neter atay away from prajor meeting for anything bat this is a sacred concert iud only onoo we can worship just as well there so ralaotantly sgafnht irar convictions ruth consented that nigbt tbq uri dreamed that un angel in shining raiment stood bemdo her and askod gently where uro you going tomorrow night and she answered i thought i would go to the ooncert then the angel said badly have you so little appreciation of the value of a single soul vividly the vision came back to ruth the next morning as she lay saying softly to herself wondering what it could mean bo little appreciation of the vatue of a single boqi r she decided that she must take baok bor promise to attend the concert and go to the prayer meeting both sat in the bouse of prayer with a strange joy in her soal singing llonteous grace with tuco is found graco to cover all my sin lot the healing streams abound tnako and keep me puro within thou of life tho fountain art freoly lot mo tako of thoo fljiridgtbon upwituln my heart rlaetonll the rictvmtt that wk took wo iiobod bor tlioro upon tho luu u uoaiju lior high backed jmir tho morning buullbt boainitik on thowavulotb of bor hair sho clabiod bar dolly to liur biuubt anduocouibiiiliii ttickul itor itito fltflluobfl tliun i irukficil tbo button titbit elicited doir fiod what oouhko tf mo uui briuf i bopidtlruos now usmwaraii i fln tuiyeolf liulf llutou ing to hoar bor on tlio htaira and irlion i clianco upon hor doll or on bar brownto moji t almost think if i should call suoj toddlo back again and whoa through miatu i look upgii 1bjittlu picture wo toole oilier that day on tlio lawn bho boouis oiico mnru witli mu ollco more as in tliosa other daja tlio tan gleams ou bor hair and with hor rubber doll alio plays bobijo hor high backed chair id paris ftcruncu naples jtomo aro noblo works of ait and famed collections hore at homo uplift an j thrill tho hoart but sliall ovor ulua bost thoao critics vjows conlllot tbat picture mado tlio day i proseod tbo button till it clicked fred knew how to do it the distribution of tbe specio and dom- inion notes to the several banks are firat tho controller of carrency at ottawa second the assistant receivergeneral appointed iu torpnto montreal halifax st john n b charlotteown and winni- iron tub jiob cibcuiateb the aversgo monthly circulation of dominion notes for the year 1895 was 913834000 in 9500 aod 81000 billr for 950 and 9100 notes it was 8232300 for 94 95 310 and 920 notes it was 88g1m39 for 91 and 92 notes 90743 555 and for fractional notes 9217802 tho issue of 8500 and 8100 bills in proportion to the total of last year was 111 b flee cent of 92 and 91 notes bl b par cent and of all other notes 3 0 per cent doring the decades between 1884 and 1s04 the issue of dominion notes increased 202 per cent the irene of notrs of 8500 and 91000 increased from 578 per cent to 081 per cent while tbe notes of other denominations decreased relatively to the total issue notes of 91 and 92 show an absolute increase of 91100288 or 215 per cant in 1894 and of 812807 iu 1895 coco pared with 1094 practically the increase relatively to to the whole issue has been confined to those denominations of notes wbioh are held by tbe chartered banks the irishman and the buf falo while kit carson was trapping with a party on the arkansas river oneil a green irisman went oat alono one even ing to hunt for game it was the law of the camp that every man who went ont for game was to bring in meat of some kind there was a small herd of bnffdlofeeding about six handrod yards from camp and presently those who were cooking sapper heard the report of onells riflo in a few minutes they saw oneil running bareheaded without bis gun and ohased by a buffalo ball here we come shout ed the iriebmao stop as 1 stop us tbe ball was not more than bx feet behind the irishman who tripping over a tent rope tumbled headforemost into a puddle of water capsizing several camp kettles containing the trappers sapper carson jamped for his rifle and dropped the bull as oneil rose from the puddle he was saluted with shouts of laqgbter bat bis irish wit saved him sure hs abooted dripping with mad and water havent i fetched the mate into oamp there was no bargain whether it should be dead or alive i fully revenqeo whattokat tells a story of two young women with bright auburn hair who went to a peataln restaurant for lunoleon a very florid woman with a orimson dress took a seat opposite and after glancing at her neighbors and examlulng tie xneno remarked to the waiter that redhead clacks were uot served that day then the waiter came sroaud to get the yoang womens order whereupon ono of them glanced at the florid woman and then at tbe bill of fare and laid to her sister the boiled lobster is not on the bill oood f no just look at these pennies said rogulth dan to lila sturdy companion tlov my mother give me a penny a day whenever ive been a good boy i wouldnt bt paid just for being good said itoy with a toss of bis head id just as soon and a llttlo rather lie ttood for nothing ho said eternity as the moalo ceased tbo girl sprang im pulsively to her feet i meant to hear the bellringers to night she said bub i decided that i would rather come to prayer meeting and i am happier here than i should have been at tho concert i and i am sure no music conld be sweeter to me than the hymn we have just sang as tbe boar for closing drew near tho pastor arose aod invited any who would give themselves to christ to come forward as he waited in silenoe a lady in mourning walked slowly up the aisle and kneeling was ahown the way of salvation wben the service was ended a friend came to ruth and said the lady who went forward wishes to be introduced to you much astonished the girl went to receive the introduction to mrs walters i wanted to tell yon the lady eaid that i owe tbe fact of my be log a christian tonight to j oar testimony i hae not beeunside of a church for ten ye a re i came here to please a friend and when you said you would give up a concert for a prayer meeting and that no mubio could bo sweeter to you than the hy mu jesus lover of my aoul i thought to myself there muet be some thing in religion and i am going to have it so i wish to thank you tbat it is because of your testimouy tbat i ehall go homo tonight aservuut of the lord jesus cntlm ruth held out her baud and pressed gratefully that of ber new friend she knew now tho meaning of tho augets message she could not tell mrs walters how nearly bbe hud oome to proviug rccreaot to her trust nor of the dream that had iu- flaenced her in the true direction so eho answered simply i thank yon for telling mo tin 1 shall hover forget it yet fahe little guesned what cautio she would have to remember it ruths home was close beside the rail road track about midnight she was awakenod by a horrible crashing sound b f wlnttows cou s where the midnight express and the 11 30 freight had collided tbe frantic arles of the frigh toned and the pleroing shrieks of the wounded made ber shudder but ehe bravely put away all thoughts of self and calling her father was soon ready to go with him to the reaone and the first face that looked in hers as ehe stood beside tbe burning train was that of mrs walters pale and peacefnl it was though bhowinr bow intensely she buffered sbe was extricated and borne to ruths home the power of epeeoh was almost gono bho rallied a little as they laid her on ruths oonoh taking her band and pressing it to her lips sbe whispered feebly child im going it was my last chanoe wbat if you bad not spoken what if i had not taken it andkneelidg there beside tbe dead the tears raining down her faoe rath promised her father alwayn to do her duty always to give ber testimony al waye to appreciate tbe value of a bixile aouii mna a c monnow sweetness of manner i cannot forbear pointing oat to you my dearest ohild said a distinguished statesman to his daughter the great advantages tbat will result from a temper ate oonduot and sweetness of manner to all people ou all occasions never forget that you are a woman all your words and actions ahonld make you gentle i never hoard yonr mother your dear good mother cay a harsh or hasty thing to any person in my life endeavor to imitate her i am quiok and hasty in my temper but my darling it is a misfortune wbioh not having been sufficiently restrained in my youth has caused me mure trouble to subdue than anything i ever undertook awitty beoqarman sir walter scott was riding one day with a friend in the neighborhood of abbotsford they came to a field gate near which an irish beggar was standing tho beggar- man seeing the two gentlemeu approach hastened to opeu tbo gate for them sir walter desirous of rewarding the poor mans oivllity took out his purse with the intention of giving him sixpence but find ing that he had no smaller coin than a shilling he gave it to him saying now remember yoa nwe me a sixpence god bless er honor said pat aud may yer live till 1 pay ye there would not be any absolute ncoesalty for reserve if the world were honest yet even then it wonld prove expedient she ns tan o the langor so common at this season is due to impoverished blood hoods bar- uaparilla euros jt by enriubiug the blood for several ycirs i could seo nothing very funny about it laughed tho young wife but x roaluj now that there was an amusing elde to it i was young ot fond of company and rather infatuated wiljh the foolish idea that i would nover marry at any rate i proposed to have a good time hftforn 1 itirf rinyn ni ftllypimfj men of- my 9t wore pretty much tho bamo to me before i bad come to realize it fred was at tho house two evenings in the week besides taking mo homo from church this was not in accordance with my plans and i told lit iu mora directly than i should perhaps that bo was getting too freqaent i also showed him in numerous little ways that ho coald not monopolize me he took tbe hint and ou can leave a girl alone for discovering that su6h an expanenoo does not set well with a young mau but froci was vory mutterof fuct und i soon found out that i did not understand him after we had not been each other ft r some time ho- walked homo from church with mo ono evening i have beau thinking thia thing all over he baid abruptly i had mado up my mind to ask you to aiurry mo but uow im convinced that you wont bait ai soon as i left hun i realized how i could have told him that ho wub flittering himself and that ho httd only spared me the annoyance of refusing htm but the truth is that i never answered u word and the etrmgoat thing to mo is that just as eoon as he said that i would not auit i was anxioub to provo that i would inaido of three uaonlha ho had proposed detroit fret press the poor ropemaker what have you done today i naked a rope muker q hit iph l f hi mork just twisting tow my ilngors sore my lungs choked with dubt i did uot come to the prayermeeting last night i was too tired i went to bleep when i wae trying to bay my prayer a ibometimes think if it wfre not for mary i would end it all nothiog bat work work work i am bo tired and only makf enough to keep body und soul together thia is otio bide sbe tho other a ship with cloven hundred bouib on board is being driven upon tho shore a laud of orage like giaut teeth stretching up sheer und sharp one anchor after another id dropped each checking tlio poed of tlio vensppa drift tbo last anchor is down will it hold yep tho elup id baved i go tell tho ro makernotto think of the toil and the duat and tbo monotony hut of tho eleven hundred men and women saved these things are written iu tho limbs book of hfe tlio ring of ovory hammer ihooliokof every needle tho whir or every loom thoy whotruly wait upon tho lord shall hear his ttdgois strengthening thorn as they strengthened cliribt with eongs of peace and goodwill to men bfv dn w btm- nktt wlliqut frightening children noior frighten your iittlo ones into obedience with foolish threats many a timid shrinking and cowardly man has to thank tbo cxperlonco of his nursery aye for this defect in hia constitution it is wicked and cruel to tell a child that if he is naughty tho blaok man will take him away or bonvithing equally terrifying as foolish nurses and cjireleab mothers have learned to their cost small wonder if the child whoso buboeptlhle mind has been tainted with btoricbof tho supernatural rows op a helpless cowardly specimen of humanity unfit to fight tho battle of life how to dress when money scarce well is diamond dyes solve the problem in tbo past diamond dyea havo anved hundreds of thauauida of dollars to tbo wieeandthft ofthia co diamond djcs nro money nuvore in every borne for by their aid old fadod nd oaat off olothing can ba mado to look ab fresh and stylish an now goods diamond dyea aro tho only original and only rcllablo paokago dyos and lmvo nover had an equal thoy are true frltnds when money is scarce and will bolve the vexatious problem of how to make small incomes oover inoreailng family demand avoid imitations nud worthless des eeo that yonr dealer supplies you with the diamond wrilo for book of dlrtctluita and color oard lent post frco to any tumrosa by wells a richardson co moutna 1 q dont irnnjloe every man who figures on marring u heiress is a horn imthoma- tloian dont think every uoinnn uho looks in a mirror is hopolessly lost in admiration spring is full of terror a to nil wlioao oonstlttitioti is not able to resiht the sudden ohangfli of wmporalurti mid other usalubrltiefl of tho teiihon to put the system in condition to oercumu theeo dvils nothing is so effective an ayer haroapu- rilu tuko it now

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