Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1898, p. 2

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horn foniikuiii acton on thursday 14th april to mr aud mrs win forbes a sou itior in aiotmllllauih on monday uth april tlto woomr lister bloo ofaaeil ltaxstlkli- uuiikikbbhi ou tuosday april 10th at tlto rubidimco of tho bride sparonts bramoka by rev i hliarp mr william jorrlo or mo hoi to miib aiinlo best of eramosa iauisknhi anuuwcm wednesday april lltb at tlio manse ci ft u do by ttio itov w 1 artuharou it a goofiio faulkner to mary albert graham both of esquesiug nifty war has been d spain and tht united states are now inaotlveconfllcton r tho seas dthstdes havemade cap tures finanxip kbrjuesing on friday april 15th john hliort ar ngod7t years months and j days ci ahkat raluiorston on saturday mrd inst allster m clark barrister agod 03 yearn nairn la east garefraxa on wednesday 20th of april john nairn ir in bu blghty filth yoar uhockon friday 22od april at lion a road llawallyn brook m d eldeit boh of pr brook of guolpb in bla 31tb yoar baixculy in oakvlllo on friday april 6th beatrice btne daughter of mr and ura r b llarolty agod ft yww 6 months z utojt ttt ttb thursday april 28 1808 notes and co owlugj to a reoent enaatmeut o the ontario legislature judgement bomrnona- 6a will bave apeoisl daya not apart for their trial and will not form a part of the regular divlalon court dockets it roe his to bo a foregone oonolutjion that parliament will not pass an insolven cy bill this session the country will regret the delay inasmuch as the want of suota a measure rives sharpers an oppor tunity to profit by preferential olatraa to the disadvantage of buneat oonfldiug ored tort by aa order in oonnoil of the dominion government regulations have been adopted for the disposal of quartz mining olaima on the dominion land in manitoba and the northwest territories inolndldg the yukon district thoy provide for free miners certificates and the staking of claims the definition of a vein and all other matters necessary to govern quartz mining- an extra of the canada gazette contains a proclamation potting in force the foreign enlistment act farther it orders that the warships of spain and the united statu shall not remain in a canadian port longer than twentyfont hoora and that snob ships aball take on only snob quantity of coil or supplies as shall be sufficient to provide for snob foreign ships to proceed to the nearest pott of their own country in 0uada the note circulation daring march waa 85930085 compared with 981083521 lb tbe same month last year in war oh 897 there were intbo charter ed banks deposits of 807407610 payable on demand and 120101840 payable after notice a total of 1108048571 last march these deposit had increased to 70471070 payable on demand and 9140525480 after notice the laoreaae la over 28000000 in reply to a question pnt to sir wilfrid lanrler in parliament recently he stated that the government expected the fast atlantic steamers will be under construc tion by the 1st of july next he also in formed tbe house that the peterson firm bad deposited tbe sum of 10000 sterling in two earns as a guarantee of good faith tbe negotiations are now progressing satis factorily tbe whole capital stock has been underwritten and a strong board organized in tbe united states war revenue meai- nrrriin- arn pl tohanro ri ti graded from 24 to 48 a stamp bur includes proprietary medicines and similar preparations the same schedule applies to perfumery coimettoa and chewing gum all olaases of mineral waters are etnbraoed in thin measure as are bonds debentures and oerlinoates of indebtedness bank oheoki bills of exchange utters of credit oertlfiates of deposit memorandums of sales of goods stocks or bonds and real estate and property of any kind issued by brokers are to pay a graded tax everton in the absence of rev p baker on sun- day mr gabriel wells took charge of the bell iu t m a mr wm tnvrill the ui llet states ultimatum to spain was answered by banding to the uou later at madrid his paeaportp virtually repjjinn that spain had no concessions to make hostilities immediately commenced and the war id now ou wahiiinhtox d c april 27th congress on monday formally declared war to exist between tho united states and spain the senate pnasod the naval appropriation bill carrying urge amounts of money for tho improvement of thoeea nghtingarm of tho federal serviot the hull armv r nrcn ization bill was passed by the senate uud now goes to confersnos secretary sber man resigned aa chief of tbe state depart ment to bo bqooeeded by assistant secre tary day and the latter by john b moore of new york an acknowledged authority on international law and the war depart ment called on tbe several stafea for their quota to the volunteer army of tho onited states theae tmke up the important events following the proclamation of war mipmq april 27 th tbe spanish government yesterday sent a ciroular to the powers sop plena en ting its circular ot april 18 and expressing regret at the hard neuesiity of being compelled to appeal to force in order to repel thesoanda loussggresslonof tbe united states and defend the national dignity and historical integrity of tbe fatherland continuing the circular noto says history presents few evidences wherein the reason is so evident on one part and tbeoulragoomfdlfgaibed-on-theother- j spain has on her side right correct pro cedure and prudence while the united states has on her side only disloyalty and the impulse of unbridled ambition fl wasiiihoton april 27 conditions in washington are rapidly settling down to those of aotual war notioos came to the state department from the four corners of tbe globe showing that the nations as a rule are prepared to assume an attitude of strict neutrality as between the united states and spain in the present struggle in moat cases they were iu answer to the identical note sent oat yesterday by the state department to all united states embassies and legations instructing them to inform the governrrculd to which they were accredited that war lia existed since april 21 the war news is still of a mild and un exciting oharaoter tbe fleets are still far apart and no oainauies are reported in connection with tbe peaoefql blookade of havana several cunt area of merchant vessels have been made bat these are likely to be returned there have been no casualties up to the present president mokinley has issued a proclamation laying down rules as to seizure of prizes and allowing spanish vessels in port until may 21 to leave for their destination tbe question of the legality of tbe seizures already effected will be settled by tbe courts the washington administration again pledges itself to refrain from privateering in spite of the attitude of spain on that point the american atlantic ooast cities are becoming decidedly nervous as to the intentions of the spanish fleet which still lies at cape verde though portugal is said to have practically ordered it off one effect of the uneasiness in the united rttm rtij tn lha intntlnrih pf fhip pow fleet is the weakening ot the blockading fleet for coast defensive purposes one rumor baa it that the cape verde fleet may go round the gape of good hope to help the spanish fleet at tbe philippines form ing a combination which would be greatly superior to tbe united slates fleet in pacific water and placing admiral dewey in a decidedly awkward situation permanent pavements muoh cheaper and more desirable than plank walks preached in the evening in the methodist cbnroh rev dr scan- ian gave an eloquent and profitable sermon to a fall bouse from john 10 10 i am come that tbsy might bave life and that they might have it more abundantly laitweekmr hosting blaokstnith gave the topic the keeping power of god in floe practical shape he is an excellent worker in sunday hohool add league or christian endeavor work among visitors seen in tba village are miss parker of onelph and miss mo doogall of mimosa ws got a surprise when mr e tovell made his appearaace last week unexpected ly we thought he had gone west for the summer at least gordon who went with hfm la still there we bave good news of safe arrivals good prospeots and so on from the other young men who went from bare to locombe alberta and vancouver they seem well satisfied so far but time makes changes perhaps they will sur prise as too mr jackson expects to raise the frame of bis new bam in about two weeks they have been rushing work surely we bear that mrs neil mophail oaprlnjie is dead milton at last meeting of tbe town oounoll a petition containing the names of 187 citi zens was presented requesting tbe counoll to pat ths curfew belt bylaw into opera tion agalu dr anderson left last week for the post graduate hospital chicago to take a spec ial coarse in surgery john somerville has received the contract for the erection of the new meth odist church at manns corners and expects to have everything complete before the 1st of jul itrom the first of april to tho 10th inolnsive the milton pressed brick co booked orders for 87 oarloads of brick messrs bobt dowar and wm elliott left tor the west last week a large number of friends accompanying them to the station mils lizzln stagg accompanied by her eldeit brother win f left by c p r last week for alberta miss stagg goes to meet her affianced joseph fisher who lives about 80 miles from calgary and who la a ranchman on a largs scale aud ona of tbe loading and wealthy men of that section of ooanlrv john walli a trafalgar township resident 05 years of age who cot bis throat in a fit of deipondsuoy aboot three weeks ago dlsd at the city hospital at hamilton on monday geo the next provincial praying expert- mepts to be given here will take pi see on friday p m an exchange hives some information about sidewalks which if reliable should revolutionise tbe present method of making w in t tuwim aud uul ut canad nobody denies that granolithic sldswalks are immensely superior to plank sidewalks the obief objection to the granolithic or permanent cement sidewalk is that it is alleged to be so nauob dearer than the plank but what if granolithic can be laid down at as low a cost ss plank in ottawa it has been discovered that this oan be done as a matter of fact it has been asoert aided after studying the tenders submitted for the construction of side walks that granolithic will be cheaper than planks as sidewalk material this year the ottawa journal gives these compar ative figures showing the cost of the two olasses of walks last year a fivefoot plank sidewalk oott 4 oents and grano lithic iron facing 8 5 cents per toot frontage this year the figures are flank 4 6 cents granolithic 4 1 12 oents a six foot sidewalk plank last year cost 0 oents and granollthlo iron facing 6 1 6 cents thli year plank costs g 10 cents and granoflthlo 5 12 cents an eightfoot plank sidewalk last year cost eight cents and artificial stone enrb faoing 10 15 cents this year tbe figures for both side walks are the same 6 85 oents while the plank sidewalk is guaranteed for only ave years tbs granolithic for twenty yean if ottawa can gei granolithic sidewalks at as low a cost at plank there seems to be no reason why tbs same thing cannot be done elsewhere and if it can be done not another plank ahould bo laid in the construction of new sidewalks of coarse as satisfactory results h to prices can hardly be expected to be seonred in small towns as in the cities but with experience as to methods etc the permanent pave ments oan icon be bnilt in fact are n6w 1 h alton history our original territory and the deri vation of names of county and townships the hamilton f intm publishes the following relating lotthtf of the nit mo for thin oounty mid uluo the towi ships bnitrg tatfen from a leoturo dulivcrcd by the editor of thul jurn tl in iliu cuiiten ury church recently on tho namoi of oounties and townships corrections and additions are eolioiiod by mr gardiner the editor halton county u narrted uftor william hal ton who waa blcretary to governor gore as lato ab 1810 by the umou act halton was divided into two ndingn the bust riding constating ot the townships of trafalgar nuleoit ijdqueaing massaga woya east und west flamborongh erring and boerley tho want ildiug consisting of garafraxa nichol woolwich guelpb waterloo wllraot dumfries pnalinoh eramoba oh oh riding to eleot one member as now constituted ikltpn contain the townships of esqueaing au indian name kassagaweja uldo indian trafalgar from the great naval battle in which lord nelaon lost lus life nelson from horatio nelson viscounty nelson and duko pf bronte who was born in 1758 won the battle of st vinoent under sir john jervis iu 1797 the battle of the nile in 1718 tho battle of copen hagen in 1801 fell in the battle of trafal gar oat 21st 1805 england expects every man to do bis doty there is a pretty romance which hives nelsons memory a sentiment inter oat in canada during bib eerrtoe at qaebeo in in 1782 wheu he was but 24 joare old be became infatuated with a beautifnl jana dian girl mary simpson daughter of tbo great merchant of tho period at tho time of nelsond visit aha was but 16 years old marvellously beautiful and witty oo on oot 14 1782 lord nelsons ship the albemarle wab ready io sail and ho had a very bad and tender parting with mary simpson and went down tho t lawrence to board tho man of war the next morn ing arrived and the albemarle did not heave anchor and capt nelson was seen coming back to quebec in a boat a friend of nelson a man prominent in quebec at the time espied him and asked him what bad happened nelson is quoted as having said i find it absolutely lmpos bible to leave this place without again waiting upon her whose society has so much added to its charms and laying my self and my fortune at her feet nelsons friend protested against such a rash aot and told him that situated as yon are at present your utter ruiu will inevitably follow then let jt follow replied nelson earnestly for i am resolved to do it but despite his intentions tbe stronger will of his friend prevailed and he waa fairly oarried baok to tbe ship and forced to leavo behind the girl he loved and is waa many years before bo gave up hope of possessing her for nelson never returned to canada and mary simpson died in spinstertmod fr you vote yes or 4 prohibition plebiscite bui introduc ed in the house of commons the public library the members of the board spend ing allthelr leisure in putting it into shape tho row tree library is rapidly being put into systematic order and the members of the board are generously giving up their leisure to accomplish all tbe work necessary in the shortest possible timo the books are now all upon the shelves and o ghayim thin wp being labelled and as rapidly as can be done the lists for the catalogue will be prepared there are still several weeks of faithlul work necessary before the library oan be opened to the pnbllo tho town hall committee o the ooun oll is aiding the efforts of tbe library board very materially and by improve ments effected they have transformed the appearance of the library room a ceiling ot ash has replaced tbo broken plaster tho walls bave been papered with ingram paper and the woodwork varnished throughout a neat aemioiroular counter at the entrance wilt complete the improvements during the past week tbe library board h wnjn mminn evenfnga and being laid in many small places at very low cost it is evident from the ottawa journals figures that plank walks aa well as the granolitblo are laid in ottawa on the frontage tax system anothe erin suicide sad end of gilbert mjutoy a despon dent hills burs farmer gilbert mllloy a farmer residing near hhisbnrg committed suicide by bang ing himself in bis swamp on friday evening be bad been in a despondent condition for several days previously his family miisad mm on friday afternoon and a search was instituted bat ii proved in vain although 1 was oontlnnsd till a late hoar on friday night on batnr jay afternoon his dead body was found swing- ing from a tree in ths swamp deceased was 00 years of agv m old resident and leaves a wife and family tbe report tha tbe first lslnster regimen i knpwn as tbe old looih wsj to be stationed in canada has been confirm ed has been consulting the varions methods of operation in vogue in other libraries particulars ot which have been kindly iurniahed by librarians and chairmen of the boards applied to boles and regulations governing tho library have been adoptod and tbeio are published in another column as required by law applications for tbe position of librarian are now oalled for au applicants are requested to have their applications fo ihe bands of tbe secretary by six p m next monday the board will moot again next monday evening at 7 oclock new franchise aotjtpule omut april 27 there shall be sub mitted to the vote ut tho eteotora herein uftor dtnlared entitled to vote therein tho fallowing question are j oil in favor of the passing of an aot prohibiting tho im portaliop manufacture or pale of spirits wine ale beer older and all other alcoholio liquors for use as beverages this is the salient olause of tho prohibi tlon plebiscite bill sb introduced last week by hon sidney timber another oauee provides for the upphou hon of the election anl the frauohlso acts to the oto to bo taken under this aot fhu laltod in every provision ot those acts providing thereby not only for the franchise that is to auy those who are entitled to vote not only for the manner in which the vote bhall be taken but also prqviding for the machinery and providing tho necessary provisions to enforce law and order clause- 8 provides for the ballot paper and tbe ballot piper as proposed aontalns simply the question and beyond to the right hand ot the question two columns one under tho word yos and one nnder the word no clause 0 provides for the appointment of representatives at tho polls of tbe two sides ot this question in very mnob the same way as the election act provides for the repre sentatives of tbe candidates at the poll clanao 10 provides for tho oath being administered to the voters in the bame way as in tho election act clause 11 provides for these representa tives showing aud produoing a written atithdricyfrom any authorized or known body of electors who may wish to be represented at the poll for instance the dominion alliance or the good template or other temperance organizations on the one band and the licensed victuallers or any other liquor organizations on the other hand clause 12 provides that in case no such person with any authority comes to represent one eido or the other the re turn ing officer may call upon any eleotor present to ootne and sot in reference to tbe counting op of the ballots and for tbo conduct of the eleotlon crewsons corners most ot tbe farmers of this vicinity will finish seeding this week a few from here attended the fruit tree spraying experiment held at mr h blaoks farm eramosa on tuesday crewsons corners and nassagaweyas orokinole clubs played another match on tuesday eenlng last which resulted in a crowning victory for the corners olub nassagaweya s best players were defeated by a 12 year old bohool boy mr j campbell who has been engaged in this vicinity for the past few months returned to his home in fort erie on tuesday messrs wm roaeelt and j for boa of acton spent sunday at mr n forbes mr l cairn of luther visited his brother mr g oann for a few days this week miss a cans who has been visit ing friends here for tbe past few weeks returned home with him rev mr luxford of aoton spent monday vibiting frienda hore sufferin van a nova scotian parmer tells miiir up ngfiftimpn hftafth had suffered from aoute rheuma tism and general debility soaroely able to do the lightest work from tbo acadian wokvlllo n s one of the most prosperoai and intelli- root farmers ot the village of greonwlok k 8 u mr edward manniog anyone intimate with mr manning knows him as a man of strong integrity and voraoity so that every confidence can be placed in the information nhioh he rave a reportor of the acadien for poblioation tbe other day during a very pleasant interview he gave the following statements k his severe snfforipg and recovery two years ago lest p m m man t rockwood the next provincial spraing experi ments to be given hero will tako plaoe on saturday 7th may next thursday may bih under tbe aunplcesoirookwood philharmonic socie ty a grand oonoort will be given tbe pro gramme will be rendered by miss steven son soprano qaelph mr crowe cellist gaelph mr j strsohan elpoafioniit and mr e b jackson baritone mr bttgh blaok will take the obalr at eight oclock the body of a man named meyer of bridgeport who disappeared three weeks ago after a qnarrel with bis family was found in the qrand river on sunday to dyo or not to dye thats the question it dye yon must on account ot your gri sszly beard use buckinghams dyo it is tho best and ihe oleanebt politeness is oalled the flower of human ity bnt man osnnot livo by bouquets alone kidney clouds bladder troubles aoute kidney disorders diabetes brlgrhte disease dispelled by south american kidney cure relief in six houre kidney bymptonin are leuiou have yon dull aeblng pains or sliffuesa in tho loins tenderness in the bidney region teadaouo and backache visual disorders dizziness sluggish circulation irregular hoart dropsical swellings hoi or dry akin sediment in the urine any of iheio indl- oats kidney dfsesse seed sowing for a fatal harvest sontb american kidney oars is ths ons proved tested aud uever- faillng speolno for kidney diseases in all forms at all stages it lias worked miracle sold by a t brown great britain has secured a dtcilve eoqp in china a british ndlcate having got a ooyear sonoesilou of an enprrooas coal and iron deposit 350 miles by 40 in extant to curb a cold inonb day sake lexatlva bromo qalntn tamils ah druggists refund tbs money ii ii falls to our oents was taken with an acute attaok of rheu matism i bad not been feeling well for aome time previous to that date having beon troubled with sleeplesbnebe add gener al debility mr constitution seemed completely run down beginning inthe small of my baok tbe pain soon passed into my blp where it remained withont intermission and it was only with the aoutest of suffering that i managed to hobble to tbe barn each day to do my oboreb 1 1 appealed to medioal men for help but they failed to bring any relief at last i deolded to try dr williame fink pills and with their nss came a complete and lasting onre i bad not nsed quite three boxes when i began to feef deoldedly better i continued using them until twelve boxes had been consumed wheu my complete recovery warranted me iu discon tinuing tbelr uae i have never felt better than since that time my health seems to have improved in syery way during the past bummer x bave worked very bard but have felt no had effeota tbe gratitude i feel to dr williams pink pills none bnt those who have suffered as i have and been oured oan appreciate an analysis shows that dr williams pink pills contain iu a condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and riohness to the blood and restore shattered nerves they are an tinfsillng sneolflo for anoh diseases as locomotor ataxia partial paralysis st vitus dance soiatioa neur algia rheumatism norvdus headache the after effects of la rrlppo palpitation of the heart nervous prostrations all diseases depending upon vitiated humors in the blood audi as borofula ohronio erysipelas ota they also botld up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheek in men they elleot a radlc- oal cure in all oases arising from mental worry or overwork bold by all dealers or sent postpaid at boo a box or six boxes for 12 60 by addressing tho dr williams mediolne oo brockvllle out the woman who makes good home made preserves doesnt often gore in tbe divorce oonrls a liv de shattered nerves- appetite gone digestion deranged-dlsoour- asedto death south american nervine is hope and health in all such ca mr o 3 curtis of ssndwiob west ont testifies i had a vary severe attaok of laurlppi whhil krt me very weak no appetite and my nervous systsm snd general oonatltution very muoh shattered i purchased five bottles of booth amerloan nervine aud when i had taken but tbreo bottles i was as well as svtr t was i attribute my rsoovery my regained strength and spdstite sntlrs- ly to ibis great remedy i cannot recom mend it too highly bold by a t bvowa iae rre slilijzothf3eroni i in tlio nowest mid best iibaorted of dress goods in all tho imtwobt coloringfl with trimmmis to match out black dress goods reqmio no reeonlmond as all know wo liaiidlockcliisivotj piiestloy b they am acknowledged to bo tho host i s r coloicd oipjandio muslins with linings to mitten a largo vitnoty of swiss spot ai muslins coloicd piques in best washing colors a very liuujo selection ot cinmcb 15nglis latgo vuttety ot salisbury suitings just tho thing foi ladies homo wiuppoa ribbofs curtains and ohibroideties an immonso stock to choose lrom wo havo this spiing purchased a fino selection of ladies white underwear and aro prepared to give ou goods at loss than the matorial can bo jmrchasod for ladies i blouses that it would do any person good to sec ladies collars and cufls all tho latest styles gloves ilosiciy smallwarcs etc checked lints a lacos lnco pine highclass thiloring wo rtroprcpaiedtoshow vooi this spring tho largest and best selection of imported scotch english and irish tweodbj patterns exclusively confined to us never was such ft largo variety of fine suitings spring overcoating tiouserings etc to select trom over shown in georgetown before dont forget that mr millar is at tho head of this department which fact is sufficient guarantee that everything will bo satisfactory hats hats this spring wo havo exculed oui solves in securing the best the newest in style and shape they cannot ho approached in price this will be the place to buy your hats if you want the beat gents furnishings a full and magnificent btooic comprising fino neokwaro shuts collarscuffs gloves hosiery underwear etc spring clothing readyto wear for boys youths and men wo have an immense stock in thib dopartmeut and oan suit every person in style fit and finish at priceb that cannot be beaten by any other house as wo buy those goods direct from the manufacturer it will pay you to inspect our btock borore purchasing elsewhere georgetowns livest stoee gibson millhr co roe block 7wv75in st produce taken in exchange georcetown every day bargain day here man in distress a whole family naffer lug a dull ach ing ot nerve or muoole or tbo acuter pangs ot neuralgia toothache or larabago makea life a misery but nervilme nerve pain care will relievo all these nervilme io powerful penetrating and effectual the flret fatal accident in connection with the reconstruction ot the victoria bridge montreal occurred on monday john bntou falling into tlto river aud drowning dache ositlvcly cured ny these rittio nils they also relievo distress fiom dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty rating a per feet remedy for doziness nausea drowsl ness badtastotn the mouth coated tongue fain in tho side torpid uvzr they regulate the bowels rarely vegetable small pill 8rnall dose 8mall price substitution tho fraud of tlodny see you get carters ask forcarters insist and demand carters little liver pills photograph cameras for amateurs pringle the jeweler of guelph keeps a large stock of cameras and a full stock of all materials used such as dry plates card mounts devel- opers toning solutionsand outfits for every size camera he has in stock now ray jr camera at 250 premo v 5 00 premo d 1000 premo b 16 00 vive 500 vive 750 munro vest pocket 500 eastman kodak 500 bulls eye kodak 800 everything sold at toronto camera procured in a few days prices any make of glasgow house seeds farm and garden seeds in bulk for lgbdies spring cjapes fishing tackle poles lines casts 1 and all kinds of flies secure yours before monday next a t browjst tour port have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to- day this weather just suits we are showing a full range of venetians broadcloths boxcloths brocaded satins etc in excellent quality and value the balance of our madeup capes are being cleared at selling prices henderson fc co kcton read this ullutcn a man who desires to fill q it nil i cu steady paying position nnd earn good wages it you are at present empyedthat need not prevent you from sending us a postal card to learn what we do for you we have tho largest most complete and thoroughly up to date nnrsnrina in ih rinminlnn there is n aotots 5 o artist largely increasing demand for horfe grown nursery stock au bnppueb bent free the trial costs you nothing you get your pay every saturday if you cannot give ml time to our inter esta we can arrange liberal terms with you for part lime we grow a full line of fruit trees berry bushes flowering shrubs ornamental trees hedging bulbs roses and seed potatoes all our stock guaran teed and warranted to live write and tell us you are open lor an offer and we will make you 1 proposition and you will want to occepl acton- livery bus line ths uurtorslicnod respectfully ollcltt tfafftuttran ma of he public nd lnformi them ibftt well equipped and styuah rlgi oan ai way be scoured mhlomublos a oomforuble bni meota trftlni between 0 m suid 818 p m 0rfal attention given toever the widu 6t uoamevdlku tfttel- ten f ally met flrlu abberiificmrnis r tfor service awi i i mil djoraoyltiil utauloii ttriua hi 00 cash or al boif horgid o dl clute mjbfter stamps ipoit i inn utibbor blumrj phih ink ota wriiotogeo currytfc co hiiiy bt fait loronto well watered pasture r rphl uifloruinjil htib ponturo for twenty bead jl uf lutttu a 1 ply to james mattuuws fcton march ictb lfewi money to loan feoafia to loons on good farm property at fsjbjj 0jx apply to solicitor georgetown e0ji sale tbttfho and lot for elo valuable hrlck ij cheap apply to a j mackinnon harrlitcr mattliows illook acton house plants bulbs f6 sal anum1ier of bourn plants snd bulbs in oludtdrtoncbcnnas dahlias gloxinias snd modiolus for salo apply to trjlb j noubisb lako mouuc wanted farmebs sons or other indabtrloub poriona of feir oduoatlpn to whom 960 a month would bo an inducetpont i could also ongago a low ladles at tbolr own bomei t h llnaodtt toronto dressmaking rooms re yjflss hattlo thurston announces to bor oui 1vx totners that no has removed liar drost- tnakinc rooms to quarters over gurney 6c gos itoro mill street wncro abo will bo pleased to meet hor customers return you books all parties who bvoin their possession books borrowed front tha pnbllo school library aro required to roturn tbe same at once to mr t t moore tha late librarian j b peabson chairman froo library h v mooue secretary acton april 2otblb96 librarian wanted fplicationb in writing for the office of l librarian of acton free library will ba received by tbo secretary up to monday 2nd may at 0 p 111 duties pertaining to the offlco application to h p moore secretary cxplainodupou a acton april 25th 1898 wishing preserves notice la hereby given that fishing and shooting on the stream running through tbe oast part of lots 23 90 31 and tho west part of lot 31 in tbe 7tb concession nassagaweya aro prob lotted troapassors will bo prosecuted under tbe ontario gaino laws w stabh actoo april 27th 1898 for lcaseer no trespassing rhe public is hereby notified trittt n fl jl shooting norswimminffon tbe creek running tbroucb the properties of messrs iiobert wal laco joseph laabf aud william brown in and near acton will be allowed all persons found guilty of trespanfllng will bo prosecuted as ibe statute provides w stake acton april 7th lbos for leasees over so satisfied riders in this vicinity have bought steabns29 bicycles tho bteras was ever at the top of tno list selling tnvatlably for 10o 1898 stearns costs 50 better than ever lluce half satisfaction double upccial the wheel do luxoof tbe year 375 w stark agent qtuernmkci frnm3flap valuable earm to rent the undersigned offers to rent bur farm west half lot 33 con 7 hasssgawea comprising ono hundred acres more or less sixty acres aro under cultivation part of the balance is well wooded with hardwood and the remainder la swamp ou tbo premises there aro comfort ablo buildings the place is well watered with devorfailing spring and an excel lout well and bas a small orchard tbe property is ono con cession from tho school and convenient to church and post office it ia four niiloa frqw acton and fourteen from guelpn immediate possession given terms reasouablo and made known upon tbe prom it os or to acton postojtlco htjgb motattfitt the public health m citizens abb requested to comfly with the public health aot vtotiob is horeby given that all rovldonts of j1 acton aro required forthwith to clean their cellars drains yards pig styes water closets and other outbuildings and premtsoa and remove therefrom all dirt filth manure or other sub atance which may endanger tho public health ud to have the samo completed at latest by tho 10th day of may next on whiou day the sanitary idlpeotor will oommeuoe a general inspection and farther take notice that tho section of tbe publlo health aot prohibiting the keeplntt of bogs between the ifith of may and tbe 1st of november except in pens at least 70 foot from any dwelling house and 60 feet freni any strtfot or lane with the floors kept foee from steading wstor and regularly cleansed will bo strictly enforced all cltlsens are earnestly requested to koop their promises constantly oloan and thoroughly disinfected j d fbaitson ltoovo of the municipality acton april lath 1897 rules and regulations acton feee library e p blackfoed co toronto given away tree to wtlllne wotvsrswho will hslp us advertise sns sell dr younss kldnsyuvsr curs in thslr locality no psddllns no experience or cspltal requlrsj worlc during your ibsrs tlmt chcmical aupplv co rictom ortt john williams the campaign prepare for winds wo would oall onr attention to tha fast that wo aro prepared to supply yoa with lumber of suitable length for yoar barn doors vis 10 13 is or 14 feel also sa8b doors frames w mouldings sta for building storm doors pnt np at ss low a rate aa possible pomps repair your pumps or pnt in new ones befors it is too oold ws oan do it shop at foot of rlvarstrsjat acton thos ebb 8fe iinaffc 1 the librarian shall nndor tho direction of tlio free library ooard havo tho charge and superintendence of the library and shall be responsible for the care and safety of all the books and other public property contained in the library 9 residents or ratepayers of acron and vlolnlty notuddor it years of age known to the llbiananorvouohoaforbyresponiibleoitisens oan draw books on registorlus their names aud residence and agreeing to conform to tho it u lea and regulations adopted by tho hoard tlio iilbrsrian whoa it is doomed necessary may rcijulro a special deposit x only ons book oan bo drawn at a iituc no book oan be kept longer than two weeks but a book may bo rodrawn ones for tbe same period unloss it has in tho meantime been applied for by another member i llooks of reference cannot bo takoti fioni tho consulting room 6 a floe of five oents for each day up to tbo valuo of tho volumo will bo imposed for detain ing a book longer than tho time allowed by the rules fi will alio lo imposed fm turning down leaves marking or in anv other way in jorlngordencliigabook for the destruction or loss tjt a book a fine shall bo imposed apod the metpbor equal to tbo value of the book 0 mo ono wlirbe permitted to take books from tbo sbelvos except the librarian and mombers of tho freo library hoard 7 nolto and loud conversation at tbe library booms are atriatly prohibited 8 tbo uso of tobacco is prohibited in tbe library 0 the library shall be open on mondays wednesday and saturday from 7 to 690 p m 10 any person incurring a fine may draw onee after the penalty is laonrred but the card will be retained and the further prlvllegos of tbe library suspended until luohrlnw be paid 11 krfijbook shall be retained or laid aside by tbe librarian for any reader and all books be fore bslntf relsinod shall bo placed on tbo helves 19 no book shall be issued unless tbe ltbrjiry card is preset tod at tbo time of drawing 18 all books returned must be registered im mediately on entering the library 14 it shall ba tho duty of ibe librarian to enforce all regulations and to collect all floes and pay over same monthly to the seen treasurer 16 thechargsforllbrary cards shall be o nts and for oopy of tbe catalogue ten oe 18 these regulation or any of tfaetq may repealed or amended ud new regulations n bo made at any regular ruse ting of tha free library hoard a majority of the boat i concur ing adopted lotb april 1803 j i fuattbon ii p mqjobb chairman secretary

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