Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1898, p. 3

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uie bank of jiamiltoft head office- hamltton capital all paid up 125000000 b j725o0o00 total assets s984607845 nearly ton mllhbus of dollars oiin stuaht iruaidant j80ard of dieeotoes a a itambav vicu1rosldent 1lo uoacll john lltoirrult a h a 11 lke toronto wy oluaoxsir tu11n11ull casblor ii b stiivenbstcolhlor the news at home jmcmtly of a local character and every item interesting vejjjbstcaahioi taomisea thui h m watbon lu kntlay af lei 1 jftirniora came georget agency a general banking business transacted notes of- i responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts ongrcat britain bought and sold sayings department deposits of 5i and- upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added to principal every year whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit- receipts issued for large sujns j p bell afiont georgetown ont house cleaning time has now arrived youll want paper for your rooms or new shades for the windows no whpre else can you find such an assortment of wall paers ceiling papers window shades cortain poles prices low stock the largest give us a call geo hynds jewelery and stationery store acton ont 8tlje juion jto rw xhuksday apbil 28 1898 little local bbieflets whlchcaujjht the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week april ends with satardevy the lawn mover ia busy again the trout fishing season opens next monday many citizens are planting shade trccb this spring postmaster mattbowe is improving the trout of bia residence war talk is the current topio in almost every circle at present georgetown band ir giving openair concerts evnry friday evening r holmes drover shipped both cattle and pigs yesterday to the toronto markets flftvcml of our military young men talk ot enlisting with tho tj b army to fight hie spauiardb mr j 8 deacon county public school inspector spent taenday at bannockbarn sohool sanitary inspector graham will com mence his rounds in about a week have your premises ready for blm ninety of brantfords citizens have been fined 93 and costs each for riding bioyolei on the bide walk contrary to law tito dog nuhliiuco a bcoro or more of big dogs arn to bo sjen iu acton which aro worthless to their ownerd and a nusianoo to everyone clee if tboy are not off worrying some farmer fcherp thoy are prowling about tho lawns idgardens o ourbltizena thoy dornoro to destroy ahrubs and plants with which residents endeavor to beautify their un any other agenoy list etjnoon t couple of youug into town leading three of these ouniuea whioh thoy had caught iu tho net of worrying their flocks- chinese mlastofs la british columbia a very i ii teres ft ig meeting was held in the methodist obureh lust tbqraday even ing under the auspices of the womens missionary society mrs morrow of fioshing n y lato principal ot the chinese girls school at victoria b o adrfrebsod lb em eating and gave very inter- eating information raapeoting the progress ot the work and its value to the homeless chinese girls as- wall aa to the country of their adoption mrs morrowcby her ex perience in th9 w5rk ia well qualified to speak on theao points mrp t eaaton president of the auxiliary here presided croieiaole club 8 concert the promenade concert under the auspioes of the crokiooleclau on monday evening was a decided success muaiu for the promenades was bountifully supplied by three orchestras and an interesting programme ofvoosl roaalo and readings was givtn aithoagh homo of the talent expected did not appear the d o quartette bang threa novel eleotfooa mr harry jeans sang an uniocompanled solo with good effect and fifr w stark read aalection from the piokwiok papers in his uanal iq teres ting style ai regards tho mublo the arthurs family string band the jubilee orobestra and mr j 0 hills parlor orchestra took part they all did remarkably well milton a need of manufactories those towns not favored with manufac tories stichab we have in extensive opera- tinn bore realizetho need very fully the milton yfbr7ier saya never in miltons history did she stand more in neod of industries than she doea today to counter act in a measure the trade that goes toi the neighboring oitfee and the present council if they do nothing more tban secure the location of another live ladnatry in oar midbt will have earned the gratitude of every wellwisher of the towns material prosperity stores are beoonqing vaoanl and obr young men are leaving the town and something shqpla be done and tout soon to prevent the depopulation of the placo and ro tain our ataodidg in the list of five goahead towns habit aad its force bob gardiner has been night olerk and operator sit the bell tdlepbooo office for the pass few years now bob collects fares for the guetphstrmt railway co he btarted this new life on monday list night a lady got on uptho eloraroad she wanted to got off at the oomer of yarmouth street opposite the jlymond office she got up and tagged the rope bb vera i times aatha tingle tingle boddcd on the late operators ears bob stuck his bead in the doorand shouted hello hello i what number please i then be thought stopped the car and lot tho lady oat- this is nearly as bad as the street car oonduotor who passed tho plate in tho dablin street methodist church some time ago every tf an old landmark remove theold knoxchurch bulldlnff beldbt convortbd into tenements gneofautouii oldestsnd hebtrknowri iaudniirk- lias had rutlileee hundtt plaafd upon it duripg tlio pa at week no bui ding in our town bus more hallowed and inter- chtiug memories clustering jubout it than tho old cdllicu uaud by kuox church congrealidii us a place of worship for hull urcontury and many will fool u pang at its deniolllion ihu building wab howevor vahjeless in its dumnntlcd bate und mr john eameroti who purchued it will put it to very worthy uo thzvront acclion has boon removed ton lino with the dwell- iugs on main street and will bp aonvorted intocotnfartftblo homep a further bupply of whiab wo a ro a- tpreeou t in need of in town a few parardftphs respecting mio history of tho oldo4r1rcli building will bo of general iutorej e first sticks of timber preparatory to uildjiik tliu church wero out and brouht to acton in tho early spring of 1815 butnet till junel8jfi was tho aubbtantial frambbreotccltlio building bein finished in jts17 in time to claim a gratuity of jf20000 offered by a mr buohunati of hamilton to each of the flrdt ten 4 oburcheu ereated after tbo duto ofrhfa offer y in march nu7 the first eormon waa preached by tie jev w o burne in the in- oomplete building for three yoarb follow ing the pulpit was supplied by reaident minfatera in tho vloinity aud by students from knox college of tho former the names of kova mcmillan of erin gray of norval and mchuar of toronto are especially named in the- old record and of the latter messrs dickson mckionon and mcintosh wore the first to visit the field in tho summer of 18i8 the rev fjames caraerou after ward of qlcdgdrry and mr samuel keady student miniatered for three months each in 1w9 tbe term between college bessioua was filled by wr john boas later tbe bev john boss of craoefield neighborhood news news items sittiplled by corres- pondenta and exchanges qeorqbtown revtjorln mclachlan first settled pastor tub price o wheat has already oeou affeoted by tbe xi bspaniab war both wheat and bread are booming npward the main atreeta havs a tidy ipear- anoa vow rome of toe aide atreeta wiu be improved when tbey receive tbe obrpora- tlon atteptlon tbe merchants of meant foreit are to cloae their places of bnalnesa at 0 oolock from the 1st of mayjdarlnf tbo aarnmer months except wednesdays and saturdays r- flralbrooka flh pond is to bo opened to the disciples of izak walton this season it is well stocked with very lino speokled beauties atid will no doubt become a popniar roebrt liberated here for- toronto on tuesday morniom one af tbemflbw against an afiproacbing train and was killed the ring on its foot bore the nambar d mo the uid booses at tho 0 t it engine bopss have been reraovod mr s- day engineer has made the compftdy an offer tortbb dwelling near the pompinfl hoqse and if it is accepted he will rnove it to a vacant lot on bower avenne a fasir entertained a crowd at tbe mill and main street corner monday nfjibt be pretended lo awallow jack- knivea and various other indigcatlbloa and raked in the shekels for trinkets and 6tber preparations alleged to sharpen entiery the fourth quarterly commaolon ser- iprtba present conference year iff ill beheld in the methodist ohuroh next sonday -w- baker are likely to become poisesion the lovo feast will be observed in oonneo- tlon with tbo morning service and the aaorament will be adminlttered in the evening the following militia orders were gazetted on saturday soib halton battalion no 1 company to tm aaeond lotedant provisionally win h morden vlca mcdonald promoted no s oom- pany tobe second lieatenant ptovlilon- ajlyvfrederlok b aoodwillle vice tabby ia lady in the wast and of tho town had the mlstortnne to loie her ipriog bonnet injqajjrlway t delilsrjfejrnnfl- ibgnooneat home pat the bat on a barrel iothe woodshed and went hi way the wind mew it into the ooalbloi th wood dealer bame along and threw hall a cord of wood into ibe bin and the lady bed to go i to obnron oeahter rriornluk with her b b c v one wasnt putting down bia ntokel so- b shouted fares iares pleaie thenbe remembered toptquelpb adopvuc tho jbpworth league the annual meeting of tho epworlh league was held in tho school room of the methodist church on tuesday evening encouraging reports frooi the various departments respeotior the work of tbe year were given in addition to the general work of the year the league contributed sco to tbe church improvement fundi raised about 20 for ipeoial missionary effort and forwarded ndmeroag paokets of sunday sohool papers and other religious literature tomiasion schools the omcers for the coming year were eleoted aa foll lion president bev j a af clacbjan m a president tj edmlstoo vlcoprealdent o b deptietu6 clark vtcopreatdoot missionary depl mrs joaie oram vioeprosidont ijterary dopt h p mooro vlcopresident social depu iiisle mcljain soorbtary a t brown- troaaarer maggloh matthows z orgaatstannlo btapnentoo ajaoolate orsanlstrbdna miller pdltor 3eo vineoul 8unt junior xeague mnorm assistant bupts haggle h iratlhews amelia husband the leagrie services during the year have been very interesting and belpfnl to the members and have been well attended a die windfall comlattbimway the erin advocate of laal week says from all accounts our esteexned oltiaens mrs wm stewart and her brother mr mr keady havfrigcraduatod returned to aotonin the spring of 1850 and reniained six months- on his suggestion tbe rev john maliuulin was sent fori aud being beard was called and sottlod es the first etated minister of knox cliurch bis indnctiou takingplaco on tin 20th august 1851- tho flret elders were iuncan koupedy snr james lindsay aud john mokinnon who aided by txivb cameron boas and a letter froraur j fyfeof hoialsnd bc says than he annaal meetiog of the bthal croup qold mining co bld last month was very aallataotory theoffloers eleoted wore j l whitney prea a j lookbart vice prefi fyffj beototsry- treaaqrar j w moore ridi wn cunn- iog a representative of the board li now in bngland and has good proepfott of placing the balance of the ganranteed stock this will plsco the ethel aroop in a position seoond to none in the osinp bpioe teas seeds and soaps at half regolar prlof for one month only at d the ifnll a empire iu order to furnish its resdeti with thai moat oomplaw and reliable nawi of iba spanlihaonrlcsn ipto an arraogmeut ssiwlh he najr york herald and iiondon f0xfys ttyt wl ro4l idrotloally kuiasatrie asrylos m will be fpmlsbed tbosa wqtit i t ootteapoodinia will ba employed and a fleam pepf flespatoh boots li alrcidy in ttwoo of a goodly sized monetary windfall one of these days it appears that one jacob baker fought in the amorcan war and was afterwards rewarded by being given 100 acres of land by the government upon this land a part of tbe olty ot phila delphia was afterwards built jacob died in 1800 leaving no immediate helra to enjoy bia estate tbe land wal divided into lots and leased lor a term of 00 years in 1776 this term has expired snd dnrlng all those years the bank of british north america has been eollectiog the revenue from the estate which now- amounts to 4800000000 michael biker a brother of jacobs left philadelphia many years ago and moved to the town of willlamabnrg in the county of dundas oct where ho dred the father of mrs stewart and mr baker was a son of mibfaael baker and so they are very close in kioiblp there are a largo number of ql hnl if l g well mrs stewart and be brother aland to receive nearly if not all of i37s0oo each mr william stewart aotbu list son of mrs wm stewart and will naturally come in for a very reapeotable allce of the fortune if it materialises literary notes cuba and her people is a subject to which william eleroy ourtia does- full jostlooidihls article in the chatilauijuan for may and in tho same number of the roagaiina mary u knral a reliable authority on the affaire of hawaii con- tributes an illustrated artlola on tbe united states and hawaii sand henry wyshan lanier calls atlentioo to the klondike excitement in a wellwritten paper on tho new arollo 6l dorado xlondika and the greatest ot gold roabee in wbiob a large number of lllgiiratlonii are an interesting leatore the two frontlsoleceaslibw excellfot portraits of sabford bble presldediof tho hawaiian bepnbllc and olara dartop of tbe american btanoh of the bed cross society i r heady successfully carried on the work of organizing the congregation the first addition totbese pioneer oldcrs was mr donald mobayno who was ordained marob 14th 1852 tlio first doaoona were sr and arohlbald camp bell the pirat baptism recorded was on the 25th oct 1857 the bubject being janet daughter of- john mobayne aud and isabella mcponesld after ten yoara of efficient servioe- mr mclachlan resigned the paatoratc of knox cbnrcb tbotlo belpg ecvered on tbe 4th of february 1801 on the fitb november 1602 mr laucb- lan cameron was ordained and iuduoted as tho seoond pastor of tha church tbe bev james diex thompson of erin waa mod- erator during the vesttnoy at the bloao of thn year 1874 tha rav mr cameron being called to thsmeeford out a very sucoeasful work for twelve years in knox church was ended by hie translation to that field where haoontinued to labor till oalied to bis reward on tbe 20ih february 1891 on tho 29th of april 1875 tho bev donald boyd cameron of bradford was called bia induction taking place on tbe 7tb of june the liov drtbomas ward- ropo of guelnb aclodl aa interim modera- ior during the vioanoy mr cameron continued to mloiater in knox ohuroh for tenyears thepulpitbelng declared vacant by tbe bev dr torrance of jquelpb on the 3rd of ootober 1883 on tbo 251b february18d0- death ended hia labors he having reached the mature age of soventy threeears a vaoanby of two years followed the resignation of mr cameron this was tilled by the ordination and induction of bev james w rac a graduate of kbox college on the 23rd of august 1807 rev mr itae continued vitb much socceeb as pastor while the congregation remained in the old ohurchancl went with them to the new bnilding uotr occuplod uia pastorate terminated in april 1890 and he was suc ceeded by bjv h a macphersou the present populsrpastor tlie tqrouio morniug abd evening papers are in great demand and the latest news from the seat of war is eagerly iread tbe method best adapted for eprayibg fruit trees was illustrated last monday at the orobrd of m rs james bradley on the 8ih line a large number of fruit grower attended the ministerial association held iti monthly met ting at tbe rectory o rev jba fennell on monday tbe subjeot for discussion vas the past present and feasible future of cuba tbenext tneet- ipg will be held at norval at the paraon- ags of the riv jh moarthur the revs jos fennell and o a mitobell preiobed ou tbe war aueation on sunday tbe roy u a- maopherson ofaoton preaobed at- the uolon chnroh iaat sabbathv mracraffosd widow of tbe late thom- aa crawford died on monday afternoon dftor aehort illiioea of twd weeks at the advanced age of tisthtytfaree one of the ebob ja in alsnitoha another- in miobigsn and edward in qnelph the two latter were present at the fnneral mrs- allan holmes georgetown daughter of the deceased is lying ill after waiting on ber mother dnrlng her illness the funeral took plaoe wednesday at aabgrove where a short service wis conduoted by the bev g a mitchell mr fraaer left for manitoba on toes- day with a osr of tottlori effects part of his family are now in that region and he li going out to join them mr bl j bionbar of toronto junction conducted seltice ia tbe disciples ohuroh last sabbath mr f b ooodwillle left on monday to take a course at the hoy al school of infant ry toronto the rev mr biiley of knox college preached in- the congregational church last sabbath major appelbet haa passed his examina tion for a first class certificate at tbe royal sobool of infautry toronto the firo alarm made a little excitement on tuesday aftemooti bnt the prsaonoe of the inapeotor aoon set the anxious ones at rest the teat was most eatiafaotorr -the- property of the late mr george wrigglesworth waa sold inii week mr arrowamilh hnrl mr gartley were tbe pqrohasert mra grahtm late nf trafalgar has moved iuiotqwn a large numbir of new bioyoles are on tbu streets this year a colliiiati on monday evening beuaed two broken wheels mis lngriona face was badly cut mr jenkins our new photographer is very busy andbis woi k isgiving ixcellent aeitisfaotion lli- pioturo of the maaaey harris implement ihow cb our streets a few weeks ago was well taken and is now on exhibition com i no and qoino visitors to and prom aoton and varloueothor personal notes thotoaa pnscaa invites ail its readers to cou irjbace tothls column if you or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if you bave friends vlaltlng yon drop o card to tbo foes pmua- mr fred daacoti of milton was in town on tuesday mr and mrs a sopor visited- friends in strectsville last week mr and mrs tho mcmnubon of ay visited acton friends this week mlad sherwood and mias wateon of fergus visited actun relativea during the week mba coleman of torouto is spending a few eeks with ber friend miss leona holmes ftilsskatle mogk left last thursday to spend a couple of weeks with friends in waterloo mr w a fveaver of hopji bay spent a few days during the week with bis slater mrs john williams he left on taesday on a trip to britleh columbia mrs macphersoni of gait mother of bev h- a mappberspn will shortly remove to aoton sbo will take up ber residence in mr s dennys iiqusa oorner mill and wellington btroots local brieflets nassaqaweva literanv notes tile my ninuber of the delineator is oalied thi commencement nnniber it haa three fullpage illustrations of gradua tion costumei with a desoripivs article and should bu tho banner number of tbo year in genera matter the magasine will corflpsfd lavorably with many that are purely literary an addition to these are artioles of apeolal valuo to the house- keeper and hoitaoworker for lovers ot fancy work the usual departments offer novelties of interest order from tholooal agent for butteriok fatternr or address the delineator publishing co limited 83 rlohmond st west toronto out sob- soripllon price of the delineator 100 a year single copies ito mrs cleveland recently bad a new set of photographs taken the first time sbe has been photographed sinco leaving tho white house aud has given them to mr bok with permission to publish tbem in tim ijndlet home journal where they will be pnblioly seen for ibe drat time tbe set also inoludea tha first authoritative photo graphs published of tbe new princoton borne of the olevelindi milton council has introduced a by law compelling til parlies having verau dalu barne or other boildlnga from wbiob water drop on atresia or aldewajlks to place eavelrosghi and conductor pipes on burglars entered the queeqa- hotel campbellvilie aad snoeesded- in getting away with 50 oenta a few olgars and a dozen bottles of wbtiky ontburadaynight mr amon norrlih of naasagaweya loata fine brood mare last friday night it is supposed tbst aba buret a blood vessel while foaling the ioas la a heavy one to mr norrish th colt is slill living mr george midtje of nassgaweya lost a fine mare laal wednesday evening from that dreaded disease tbe cpllo he purahabed tbia mare only a abort time ago from mr jasverwiu of nasaagaweya rev mr sharp of the eramoaa circuit preached on the nautagaweyii olroult last sunday rev dr 8canlao of the niassgaweya oircuil preaobed educational sermons on tbe eramoaa circuit last sunday mits norrish rotarned missionary from china lectured for tha womans mlaaion circle of the ebeneaier ohuroh un wednes day evening of tble week mr h m taylor of naasagaweya has rented a borne and lot in aoton and- iut mu shut t quarterly oummudion servioe next sabbatb in tbe ebeneaer ohuroh at 1080 a m mr isaao haw of baysvllle muakoka left knatobbnll for toronto on mqnday after spetiding a week with friends in nas- aagttwsysj the wet weather the laat week haa kept tbo farmers back with their seeding some ot the local gardener bava bom- menoed theirgardening and it will bo the general run ihii week the eden mills methodist sunday sohool will bold their monthly review on sunday evening next in tbelr ohuroh a profitable time is eipcoted mr robert wilson ot ejon mills purchased a fine horse at elmira last week for a good figure after years of dyspeptic misery i can at last eat a good loners meal without it distressing mf gratefully exolalmed on whose appetite bad been restored by tbe nae ot ayars saraaparllla tbia remedy wonderfully sharpens tha appetite and improves dlgeation never expect to do anything without gods help if your children tnoau and are restless during sleep ooupled when awake with a loie of appetite pals countenance ploklog of tbo nose etc yon ttiy depend npon it that the primary cause ot tbe trouble is worms mother graves wormtextermin- atbr effectually removes loss pests at once relieving the little sufferers nevor profeas on way and believe another cholera morbus orampa and klodred oomplainta annually mike th appaar get your fish rod ready council meeting next monday evening tbo gardeners are crowded with orders at present wheat has reaohed tbo dollar mark in acton market again the free library board will meet next monday evening one of 1698s five cornets is expected to appear next month tbe lawns are looking very pretty again with their attractive vernal tints tbe county of peel spring bone show bad only four horse entered for competi tion- baeo ball praotice and bloyoliug are the attractions at the park these floe evenings mcaars boardmore dcco are 6bippidg focr cars of fresh tanbark to toronto this week for tbe horse show ytbo annual sermon- to ivanhoo damp soua of scotland will bo preaobed in knox church next sunday by bev bro h amaopbrraon monday evening next la to be an eventful oocaeion with walker lodge a f and a m a viidt from grand lodge officers is on ihetmnfi our local bioycle atteuts are iiavicg nnunl ancceaa in selling wheels tbia spring nearly twenty wheels have already been djepoaed of here since the season opened from the number of boys wbo may be seen smoking oigarettei and cigars it la pretty evident the law prohibiting the aala of thess things to minors ia being violated in some quartere- a runaway team on mill street mads things lively shortly after twelve yesterday tbey ran againat the houaeat the corner of willow atreet and tore the harness pretty badly besides minor damages- on saturday morning at pimeraton there paesed awaya promiuent reefdent of that town in the person of mr alibter m clark barriaterat mr clark waia a reaident of aotou about eighteen years ago tbls is the complaint of thouaands at tbia seaaon they bave no appetite food does not relish thoy need the toning npdf the stomach and digestive organs which a course of hoods saraaparllla will give them it also purifies and enriches the blood cures that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptlo can irnbw creates an appetite overcomes that tired feeling and builds up und sustains the whole phyalcal syatera itao prompt ly ad efficiently relieves dyspepticsyrnp- toms and cures nervous hesdacbes that it seems to havej almost a maglo touob it pays to buy at bollos it pays lo buy at bolkhs tsjhe boat in fact the one true niood purifier hoodspilli are- tho beat nfterdlnner pllfsnld digestion 3a acton appreciates nice goods those wall paper samples we show at the drugstore of j d mckee are nil the rage why 1 because they are uptodate put ingrain on your walls it is very handsome and new 8ee mckees 8am pies room mouldings lo match window shades send the size of your windows and we will quote prices any color and every width supreme excellence tan only be achieved by dint of intelligent eftori and persistent application it ha not come simply as n matter of happening that our i dress and millinery departments stand supreme as against all competitors inthc frade of guelph we have worked hard for this and we huve our reward nor ia this excellence confined simply to the local trade of guelph people who have been in toronto and seen the wonders that are so loudly advertised there have been urn freest o state that in point of richness and style nothing superior was shown there tho only difference being that our prices in so many cases were much joiver than those asked fov goods equally goad in toronto orders for dressmaking orders for millinery have been placed with us during the past few weeks oyer andj over again when customers had hand fa is of samples from other places to com pare with the goods on our coufrfcrs toronto haipilton and other cities and towns in ontario besides plncjesin the northwest and as far as british columbia numbers of our customers have given us their orders in the dltliss and millinery departments- and why simply because in every sensp we give better service thats the reason we do the leading dkiiss and millinery trade in this city not because of flaming and lurid advertise- itients for this store employs smaller advertising space and writes less noisy announcements thnn any of jib competitors but because the reasoning ind thinking buyers know that the best of everything best in quality and best in value ia here for them have you seen our dress goods stock this season if not do yourself the justice and us the pleasure of snowing it toypu youll find it equally safjstacfofy whether it is goods at 15c yard or at 13250 a yard you require add siirely the attractions in the millinery department make it to- your profit to give it your inspection to buy 6r not to buy hi not the question tis ypurs tosee and profit by theiruiis of our labors gathered here from tho hingctmmtfetf eurbpeand america come and satisfy yourself that our claim to supreme excellence is not an empty one prices close terms cash m m boll5rt do 25 aud 27 wyiidham street guelph base ball lawn tennis lacrosse and foot bali requisites c l nelles tub lhdercuelph of jtres thi record or arilla sojtf mangel seed aoco at the asms lima as tha hot waathsr green fruit cuonmben mflona ale and many persons sua dabarrad from sating these lernptldg froita bat bay nead not abstain if tbey bava br j d kolloggs dysentery cordial and take a fear drops in water it enrea tha oranrp and cholera in a remarkable manner and ii aura to ehaok every disturbance of tba towels ji 1 do not say things batons obildren whioh yon do not waul them to rpal awipb8la8t hope 1 1 1 hbandsmltunvvlth thatdlroator suffarlnsa rttaumsatlam south amarloan rhatlnutlo cures qlvaa rsllar in i o hour mrs o saondsrv drimkbarr qua writes t mv basband was oonnnad to hia bad for two monlhe with aoatexjieiniatiw palna and fvsr doctors smtli to hills relief i about lojllop hi recovery 1 wm iodoofd- tovtlrj amu american rhetmaliopnrf asjjf tajn goiigi after eommenclpg tig bsm all pjlpbaditf him h look in all lbn now wait and ajlrotig arsai lh ftoro av try pain bold by a t ffsmvrt a nolni we sell the thx yard lono red 8awl0ored oath post red mammoth lono red yellow mtir- mediatli yellow olobe any kind only ioc per lb by post 4c a lb extra for postage also sugar belt red or white only 30c per lb rape seed 16 lb for ji oo turnip lljc per lb geo j thorp sbbdsmrn market sq and maodonnell st cublph latest and ban daalgut of monuments in granlf e and marble at 2q to 30 per cent b j h hamilton proprietor granite marble works cublph is the only direct importer of marble and granite vest of toronto and north of hamilton come and sea tbo largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others aak for tbe c immonest can adian or american granlie futlom nd worjabamtltolts block w00lwlcbakdir0zr0zkst8 cu9lph ont bntaoh workpnevr bmmbort out aoton machine auipau shops bbxbt oi weprlatar blwell amuibpsd islbt tbairtaewa these astott- want worth wear style strength choice cheapness the combination is offered in our stock of new and fashionable goods which in cludes all things hew and desirable in the line of boots 8hoes and rubbers examination will show that our slock is especially strong in style besides being un- uounlled in variety and nrst in favor because of the high grade qunllty nothing will convince like personal inspection that for seasonable goods and reasonable prices thebest pace isat williams boot fc shoe store mill street acton the modern grocer being the larg est makers of refrigerators in canada we w a lines of grocers household iterators in many styles and modern design with t principle of cool air clr- atlon bestln- ulatlon and tine lined why buy a home made or poorly made artlqle when you cat get an qjmodate refrigerator for less money for prices and description send for catalogue knowles ham nott co iflmiud brantford corner king and hughson sts flamiltou stjjib pxpartmxw unblflftohod plain bheeting h inches wide is ib and sotv 81 laebm wide 18 fia and 25o twilled bheetlsb 73 inohoa wide i5j 18 and 20o u laohe wide lei and s5o iie4ofaed sbeetlug 73 inchon pliin or twlllod so 39ft and 350 61 idohm wido plain or twlllod 22 j 35 and 30c unbleached 1inen damask 56 incbes trldo 25 90 39 apd s5o 64 iaobof wljto 90 4h and 50c 72 ibonei wide 60 60 and b5c bleiobed damaak 60 inoliai 40 11 and floo fl5 iaehw wide bo m and 60tf 72 laebaa wid 70 65 and ooo gjlord table olotha 64 135 colored table olotha 8xi0i uu oolorad table olotbo 8x184 1b5 skibtinqs engllab oxford bblrtlnga new patterns fast colon extra qnallty 12jc best quality canadian bhlrtings real indigo liuo priota 86 inohoa wido cbeolcs aud stripes very apeeisl isfto vrxss qxnqbams drew glnshame in checks plaids and strlpos nltsable for ladles and childrens drosses extra value b 8j 10 and lflo orsmdies udsiids and dimities for flno wash materials speolaj valae bj 10 18 and 15o flannelettes r pi an no lot to s 30 inches wijo he nor yard englibh flauuolottos 33 iucliea wido bjc 33 in oh on wido special at 10 and i2jc dress goods covort buitlngo all wool i lading abados 40 inches wide go and 75c vlgoroaux suitings 4j luchos wido all wool vory special at 35 and 40c kopp saltings 46 inches wido all suaduu vory special 75o fancy bilk and wool mlxtaro now spring shades co apd mo now deslrnoln black brooho lustra ondino waves and striped effects a540and mc now black empress barges all wool special liuos at 35 35 40 and 50c elegant allwool uroches 44 luetics wido 50 03 and 75o mohair and bllkaud wool buck grcuadioes 44 inches wido go 75 aud 85a special valuo in black coatuinea and henri etta 43 idches wide special sj and 35c 46 inches wido special 40 and 60c jdress lutings jjncnotto iu black apd colors special at 10 and 12jo skirt linings all colors 40 inches wido regu lar 15c for 115c english waist linings tu groy and brown regular 20c for 13c colored skirt linings in light g pnd fawn regular lie clearing tor 8c millinery department always attractive trimmed mhhnery no such beautiful goods can be seen any where as are on display here the moderate purse can be suited without difficulty style and elegance in hats you will find lower prices here thanyou thought possible wail old depai h sample on application paldto your nearest railway station in ontario turchascs of s500 and over pre- tliomas g watkins nemblhck when it comes to dress goods there is hot a worthy style or quality missihg here priestley high class dress goods is confined exclusively to this store our ambition was to exceed allyprevious efforts in every respect georgetown electric works tj 8pb1g st proprietor manufaoturava of bynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams gaarauitaad tbloyalaa a la any aolor j bpjitoht oaorgatdfra wanted christian mknand women rri0 iiirodsm oliinpsms ofthrti tba x asieaaoavtailoaboeaaaauiapfibuejatjon altlwbinia jtasaaladiallflpbaa bopaanatoral facts of iba blbla no doffii bl austin is tbsadltot lay ywleaapr offnlloac 1 lutsxatflean hotf twooni lanmrln altanltr an twain dr boauayt alnllsurfflaia tbavi ia drasra baok ao that atqgtlm w tysuiumsi spirit i nat all mail ai isaai bar wsslar jaan and atiost of ulapta roll boona wavasslo ants rjeartb twloa that kipsrlacat ary aiookaon urns might paid itaat ban a 1 boak t5 might paid bjf eotn- oants raiar tbh beadlbtjabbutsoh 00 umltsd toronto jzcwces brosucn suisctiotoaaa aao miiiaa ns tuissaor jstn bhlaftet wood kto all kinds of wood in atook and promptly dallraxsd lo any jpairt ot tbatownal raasooaelojnlms bardwtod aad slabs adtalora lanajtb alwaya ctdbaod talsjjdona aominitaieauae xuemi fine black henriettas fine bldok sere nw bricadcloths new lustres black chlfons new black silks newfrench vlgoreux new tadles cloths newi8atlhcoths new black- parasols s the most complete stock of black dress goods that the people of acton has had to choose from youube welcomed whether you buy or not we want you to see and then make comparisons qtfkftbt co mill st acton buy the pride of canada its the newest style out see them at senelsons 90 wyndham street cuelph i i hts hats hats hats for heat hats for cold hats for young hats for old in fact hats for anyone who wants a good cheap hat mens boys and girls alsq a fresh jofj crockery and glassware new lemonarid oranges fo cos

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