Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1898, p. 4

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f fifty years ago who could imagine that thlisliould be the place where in eighteen ninetythree that white worldwondtfr of arch ami cjome should shadow the nation polych romc here at the fair was the prlje conferred on ayers fills by the world preferred chlcngollke they a record show lacc they started 3 a years oc ayeirs cathartic fill8 have from the time of their preparation been o continuous oucoess with the publiov and that means that ayera fills aocomplish what is promised for them they oure where othertffau- vlt was- fitting therefore that theworldwide popularity of theso pills should bo rooognizod bythe worlds fair medal of 1893 d fact which omphasizes the record so years of gurca thursday apbil 4e 1808 gfr scar fb botty had the scarlet fever betty stayed in bed all the plllom tbat she wanted had aboat bar bead mamm y played with her and maavber paper dolls all day when yorj bato tbe soarlet 1 oior have it jnit tbla way i betty bad tbe aoarlet fever tf and the had somobroth on a little table with a hapklo for a elotb had it in m ohlna bow all with flower gay when yon have theaoulet fovor have it jnit this way betty had the aearlet fever mammy hung a string with abaskot fromthowlndow snoh afnnny thlngt bometblng nloe eamo dp for dotty two three tlmee a day whenyon have tbe soarlet fever havoltjnattblsway so does botty aay larrta b itiananna why i should not drink beoanae i dont want to bs deceived by it prov xx i isaiah xiviil 7 because i dont want to let others bad example i cor viil 918 eom xiv21 mattxvui 0 beoanae i dont want to abase ihe gifts ot the good god eoclei v 1819 i cor x 81 booaoae i dont want jw children to bedraqkards exir5 bom v 1 is xlf 21jmj 6 becauseit is better to be my own mas ter than the devils slave john viil84 i pet ii 16 john xii 26 6 beoanae 1 want to have hippy home i tim hi 84 7 because i want to be a rood oitiseo matt xxll 31 j bom alii 7la 8 because 1 want to please jeio matt svl 24 i john fl 8 epb t 18 0 bebauso i want to save roy aoal i cor vl 10 links xxi si qal v si but 1 i oatf t do without cant do with when the world will be free -v- tbe world will be fres whonever every injilldttl reco tbo inntual debt between himself and the world of eimplo jostles the world owei ho roan a living it owes- no man a competence it owes no man wealth it owes no mau life liberty qor tbe obauoo to pursue happiueab it owes man more than tbe sum of all of them it owes man ooly justice and tho olvllizatlon or the government that wilfully or blludly ignurts that solemn obligation plot ita own deatroolion a man own the wprldjusi what the world owss biro justice governments aooisttes organized reformers nor lohools oan ever settle or adjust tbeia conditions between individ uals by the inonloation of the moral prin ciple alone they can do that by making every man awake to the sense of hs rotation to man as a brother not as a grasper as a helper not as an oppressor when that lime comes wlieh justice is a universal law the universal idea when justice throbs at the heart ot civilisation through its religions and through its laws tbe world will be free rev dr j e roberts obaroh of the world kadsjs city decli to run what are our obauoss tor reelection asked tbe state senator you havent any replied his lieuten ant ate you sore ot that positive then will you kindly ooavey the infor mation to the press that my private busi ness has beoome so pressing that in juatfo to myself and family i feet that i can no longer afford to neglaot it oonsequsntly i shall positively retuse to aocapt a re-eleo- tion under any olranmstances walked the floor night after night iri agony intense physical suf ferings from neuk- algiain head- and face disappointed so lon by doctors and medicines mis- jackson thought there was no hope for her a kind neighbor recom mends painbs celery compound the match less spring mkdioinb it was commenced with a small degree of faith having fun with the professor tint mlafl dreezlyd a clip luuxhed avhlrteratrn ho -dinrior- table- tliootlier oveninjf buo and eomo jirl frleud of hora were on tho our us i otmo up and next tq tlieui at profoaaor caput you know what a bookworm ho a and whiit an oinlted adrnirnllon lio hub for shakespeare i saw alias breezye oyes twinkling a abe whispered to lier friend and both of them looked as boknr bb two judges on the lupreirib beooh kt ssked the breizy nirl waa u whittier or loogtellow that wrote mac- both a photograph of the profossora face would titftve ebown a tbunderolood neither dear oamo tho prompt and lolciftn answer from tho other tfjrl have you ffirgotton yoqr readiur it was ella tbe professors annere were working and eo were bilipf but before be could oomrnsnd hio ppeech the kirja were foavfng tho oar and they were doubled ap with laughter as long ft i could bee- them i would aotltioke an offldavit to it but i tflrlly believe that the pro feasor was awcar- iof great oaths to himself for the next three blookn and profanity is one of his deteststlonh tho glitter or gold r lares men od so tbftt in the wild rush for wealth they too often negleor health they have dyapepaia constipation liver disorders impure blood which makes life miserable then they look for a cp re they ftot bardook blood bitters their blood becomes rich and pore the liver troubles and constipation disappear they are bale and hearty ofeain b b b ia to them a greater prlsce than gold wrinkles are often the tracks left by the paesing of borrowed trouble dr norway pine syrup heals and soothes the delicate tissues of the throat and langs curing coughs colds bronchitis asthma hoarseness sore throat inftuenza and pain in the chest r easytotakp sure to ctob y costorla is dr samuel pltciiors proscription for infants and chlliron it contains neither opium morphino nor other ifarcotlo substance it is a harmless substitute for parcfforjc drops sootnliig- syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee la thirty years use by millions of mothers oastorla dcstiroys worms nucl allays foverlshnoss castorln prevents vomiting sour curd cures dlnrrhoaa arid wlnjl colic costorla rollevcs teething troubles cures constipation and itiatulcncy costorla assimilates the food regulates the stonuicli and botvols jriviug healthy anduatural sleep cnstprui is the childrens panacea the mothers friend castoria ctmtoio ia nn excellent raedtcltie for cliilcireti mptlicrs have repeatedly tola mc of ita good effect upon their children da g cosoood lowell jlfass castoria m castoria ia so well adapted to children that i recommend it aasupcrior to nuypre- hcripllon known to me t h a akciinr ivi d 2lroowm k the fagsimile signature of arppars dn eveb jiajpper bbbhbhbbbbbnblinhbnbli dont get dtocooraged it yos and you are dot a genius a eeientiat saye yenios is a tort blepllepiy fiiieoi- nails camo on a wooderfal btory cornea trom emerson man to tbe eifeot tbat mrs jab saunders ot thalplsob lost her finder nails tfarongb abovete attack pt salt rbenm nothing loomed to do her any good till she oom- qienoed taking bbrdook blood bitters with the result that the bait rheom has all gone and the finger nails gradually grew now there 18 jov thankful nbs8 and gratitude for a marvellous curb it yon meanl xde mrongett mali jndges illl that ever lived did witboat it and so can joo its no good trring not by yonr- selt bat god helpi thou who help themselves yoa oan dolt with his hehvpbu 18 i shall have to give ap my frisjna so muoh the beuer i tiny in bad onss and yoa will find irae friends instead of false h oor w u i shall be langhftd i batter bur the laughter of fools now than tha iaagbtor of the devils in bell here after epoles vft66 what can i qainbvt7 health strength and resptot the love and trust ot my ftmlly good friends every where something put by for old age a jolet oonsoienoe the praise ot god fiy own soul lincolns estimate of a nbiohbor a new tnrlr flrntf spplttd lo abraham lincoln some time btfom bo became pre for informational to th n olal handing of one of bis nerfghbors mr llnooln replied as follows ioors of the 17lb lost received 1 am wall oqoalnted with mr x and know his oireamitanoss first of all bo has a wlfs suii baby together they ought to be worth 160000 beoocdly he has an offios lot whioh tbsre are a table worth tl60 aal- and three obalrs worth perhaps xrfmtotsil tbatw is a rat hole whioh will bear looking into bespeolf ally xours a llnooln sleeplessness is da to demons eioite- menl tbe delicately oooilltnled the finsnolsr the business mas swd those wboss oeoopatlon nsssaillttea great oienstralaor woriy airrtrreftsor morefroro it sleep u tha giatulr of aworrad jbestomaphfroflmpwriusslrt fewidoea vutbiwvajuftoii gelatltmvomtedooqultiln aaarapleeiosrssilufa ij hw u tov gooel wells btohardsoo co sirs 1 suffered lhtenssly with neuralgia in my head and face and was in such a condition tbati could not rest day or night tor two and a half year i was treated by differentdoqtorsand ased their mediolne and sometimes got a little relief bat tbe pair would oomebeok as bed aa ever i walked the floor night after night and uoflgbl 1 wonld gu oraay a uelgubur knowing my obndltlon of suffering asked me if i had tried paiues celery compoond i said no i have no faith in anything now as i have trtedso many medicioes and thsy have not done me any good how- ever ideolded totry onebottjs9tpalnes oslerr compound and lgvsjsuoh good result i oontlnnd until i had used six bottles and was cured i oan never bsaae to express my gratitude tor the great good i derived from pains celery compound tonr truly y mrs thos jaokson 60 mogee st toronto np man wa ever burned alive at the stake except he waa bound to be tbe dangers of spring whioh arise from impurltiss in the blood and a depleted condition of this vital fluid may be entirely averted by hood bamparilla this great mediolne cnresall spring bomors bolls ernptlons and sores and by enrlobing and vitalising the blood it overcomes that tired feeling and gives vitality and vigor hoods pills coro nausea slok headache billoasdess and all liver ills price 13 oebts on again good humor ia the boat shield against the dirts of satirical raillery c sim mon begniar action of tho bowels is necesbary to hesjth iisxaliver fills are the best occasional oathartlo for family or general nte price 25o any druggists it ient worth while doing a bmart deed it you can do nothing but brag about it forever alter i iant chide 1 the children dont scold i- ji tha little ones if j the bed i wot r- in the mornlnff it isnt the childs fault weak kidneys heed strengthening thats all you ennt attordto risk delay ncplect may entail n lifelimo ofsuflcriiig dney pills kidneys and ico all trouble es mr johncarson emplocd m s bindt cos store haiti- llton ont knvs w my little boy tflven years of nsro- v has been troubled with hfft bldncva uf ilnce blrlh and could nni hold his y water wo spent hundred of tlol uf lira doctohncr and tried irinn uif- ur fsrent remedies but they were rf no y bvjkii one box of donns kidney v pius completely ettred him toofyonrownhorrrbut dont be too brassbandisb uoderatlon is the soul of wiedorh there never was and nover will be a universal psnaoea in one remedy for all ills to whioh flesh 1b heir tho very nature of many entail ves being suoh that were tbe germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of tho patient what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wind when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual jadloions use the fraileatayitems are ledintqooni valescence and strength by the influenoe whlob quinine exertbon nature own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those wltb whom chronic btate ot morbid despondent and laok of interest in life is a diseaso and by tranqailizing the nerves disposes to sound andrrefresti- ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whioh being atimulatddl oouraes throngboat the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a necessary resnlt strengthening theframe and giving life to the digestive organs whioh naturally demand increauod sabstahqe resnlt im proved appetite northrop yman of toronto have riven to the publio their quinine wine at the usual rate and gusged by tbo opinion df scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection ot any in the market ah druggists so it for infaiitb and obildien ponhadrllnanlt to injury by apologizing to a pretty girl after stealing a kiss from her tbat headache oan be instantly relieved by taking one of tilbnrns sterling head- aohe powders 1 powder 5o 8 for 10o 10 for gfie- aoxloos mothers flod dr hows worm syrup to expel worms children like it- worms dont scotts emulsion is riot a taby food but is a most excellent food for babies who arc not well nourished a part of a teaspoonful mixed in milk and giveri every three or four hours will give the most hippy results the codliver oil with the hypophosphites added as in this palatable emulsion not only to feeds the child but also regulates its digestive functions ask your doctor about this t6eendloo eltdrufkts hcoti et bqwwh ctrolttttprwt xhynrvsrpall mrs m boughoer ihitngyts for abou two years 1 dont think that a girl regrets the loss of her good name when it is replaoed with that stai nloe young man sidney disorders are respooslble for a large proportion of aioknea if yon hava wsak or lame back swelling of the bands and feet sediment in the urine dizzy shells rheumatio pains los of memory- severe headaches you may know your kidneys are disordered and tbe remedy for yoa is doans kidnay pllla when yon have been brought by your own folly into an unpleasant condition do uottnahs ths mat w b ot u want to keen yourkearslgla 7 of ooiiraeypa dont so you should take bcotte emolelon 1 1 is a f sot this remedy cures it rnd it oures nervousnssa nerve debility and insomanla also mri higglns what wrstohed taste tbat mrs wilkes has i mr hlggins yes i met her down stair this tltoroood and sho was wearing that ugly old iis bat you thought yon wanted- try it ii wonld be a grass iojustloe lo oootound thatatandari healing agent dr rhomss eoleotrio oil with tho ordiniry anguent lotions and salves tby are oftentimes inflammatory and utringeral this oil is on the contrary mldintly cooling and soothing when applied extornally to relieve pain and povratlally rsmedial when wallowed vmtiozaldram if there never was a cloud blue sky would beoome sb tedious as a twice told tale vexing the doll ear of a drowsy man cure every time 1 have often bad coughs and oolde as well aa bronchitis norway pine syrup cures mo every time lizzie hardy mayfloldont tbe size ot a ministers salary doesnt indicate tbe amount of treasure ho has laid up in heaven weak nud nervous too many women that way they need mllbarns heart and nerve fill mrs ft hawke hanjersvllle on eaya mil- burns heart and nerve pills cored roe of weakness andnervonbneas with whioh i bad been afflicted for a long time mattie what has beoome of your antislang society that you took so muoh interest in a fen months ago helen o its in the consomme tbe president got nutty and imigined she wa tbe only dentin tho pan to- we gave her tbe willies an the dlnkydlnk association shot the ohutes chicago unci men who fall asleop ln chnroh are ausoeptible to a religlousawakenink bagysrds yellow oil onrea all pain in man or beast for sprainp odte bruises callous lumps bwellingd intltnauiation rheumatism and neuralgia it is a specitfo to the pnenmatio tire it nlahet a great difference whioh way tbe wind blows out carit help but come to the suffice in the form of ulcers sores boils pimples and rashes of one kind and another especially is this so in the sprino at this time of ihe year the blood needs purifying the sys tem needs cleansing nothing will do it with such perfect success as d d b jessie- johnston rocltwood ont writes i had boils vorvbad and a friend nd vised me to try burdock blood bitters sol got abotte yho effect tfas won derful the boils began to disappear and bfu the udit was done t totally cured as an effectual and rapid euro for impure blood b b b cxrjnot be equalled sairageqq opticians and fine watch repairers i guelph ont a tratttootrotrotrootfyotro a a a isvsrrn o whcl only bh enjoy its delights untjl be gets a in dry wtather you would not g know the cloth was wnterprodf oj and in wet weather you can ride all day without getting wet the rigby cloth admits the air o biit keeps out the rain any wheel- man will sec the great advantage of it at oiice rigby bicycle suits oore made only by h shorey co montreal but are sold by all uptodate clothing dealers ex railwatt timb tabl grand trunk railway 101n1 wk8t qotvq ka1t imn liin t kxiucbb fi yiiltni j 2ti pm jcxiiriisti 10 tf dui 7 lo iitn hull 0 11 pm mixed 10 03 pm timk of xohircu haile golubiwoet 0 saani antlglio ini 0 oil boat 10 1g am and 5 45 pm thlh timo talilo wont into clloct on mondn nov uotb 1b0o w barber bros papeb makers georgetown ont hak3 a apeoialrt ot machine finished book papers high gkade weekly news ee04e is shops and warerboms foot oi willow st eeseceteefr cnlls attendeid to day or night j a speight co u n6ertakers and embalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited ja speight co i orders left with j ftj 8tin80n rockwood will receive immediate attention the man who would walk with g6d oan not do it in a crooked path a com ill etc medicine chest taken internally or applied externally yellow oil is equally efnonooua it oareo pronp qaioay sore chost eois barm bralbas iprftiub caked breaite atiit joints and dozens of other oomplaiotb no house hold ahoald be without it it costs only 25o and is a whole medioino oheat in itself j0vehw1refehcihq you want the beat arid the cheapest thi ontario wire fencinq co l plotod oatarla mcmulteas fenctnes and nettings com bine these two qualities no others do hog fencings at special low prices ah other varieties cheap mcmuilens are the only good nettings sold in canada they are unequalled for poultry- yards trellis lawn fences ask your hardware mer chant for mcmuilens goods if you cannot buy of him writo to the manufacturers at picton qnt or to tire b greening wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents james cooper montreal general agent for railway fencings more apparent than ever tori sorloua a condition to s a guelph haimesb maker tells how ho was cured mr m dyaon tho well known eocldler and linruosa ninlir ot guelph ont- makes sh toliowing sttatcinint i heartily re commend milbtntts itoart and nerve fill to anyone suitering trom horvoosiies and heart tronblo tliey are a splendid mediolne for snoh oornplalnta for a long time i wnt afflicted with nervrraaness end pain in my heart whioh wa eapeolally aovere at nlglt of lun destroying my rest these we ourel mo andnvlgoratd my nsrvoai syrtemwliloh is now strong arid oaltllythyftorearesttol sleep besides removing the distressing heart pains whioh formerly gave as so mnou anxiety and taraue vv- mllbnrneherlandkerve pills 50 ots fthoxt for llsj oidby drncgliu or sent by raall t inborn ev co ioronto ont laxtvtiver pius onro consmprtlon iii undismayed by the many failures of 1897 the certaihity of reduced prices in 1898 and the panicky condition of the bicycle trade at the time when enormous expenses for new improvements have to be incurred it was deter mined to take advantage of the universal timidity and to spare no expense to make the gap of cleveland superiority wider than ever and the round up shows cleveland bioycles are the only 1898 models that have adopted any improvemen tof note in bearings which change always involves the greatest ftxpense- cleveland bicycles are the only 1898 models which have increased value and reduced pricoj cleveland bioyoles are the only 1898 models that have adopted the wonderfully im proved bearings to which all must come ur be classed as back n cleveland bioyoles 1898 modelsare the best we ever built 5500 rooo 80 mtodglno 2s 25 inch- frame 45 write for catalogue agents everywhere ht sole representative i the paper uijed in thia journal is from ho tiove mills wm barber btros sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont authorized capitol 600000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for x20 months when payments cease 96060 paid in maturity value 10000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to rj mcnabb agent aoton bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you sryehsr lum ber pi a n in g mills nassasaweya p sateesy proprietor has constantly on hand full tine oi lumber lath selngles cedar posts wood etc custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best ot satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket psayers i i brhistford calvanized steel jiiid mills and a towers for power and ing within ternl covered goar fatent jipjlor ana ball bearings maple leaf grain grinders two sizes for any power no 1 has zo inch reversible burrs no 3 has 8inch single burrs both have ball- bear ng bu rr p 1 a te s r cli e springs and slialtc fctsd grind fine and fast with least po we r always guaranteed a trial given hundreds inuse we make patent roller and ball-benr- ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market eesi material lightes runninc send for illustrated catalogue brantfordcan john mcqueen agent for the above has changed his ware- rooms to building on v l smiths property john street where may be seen frost wood binders and mowers and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers johnmcqujeen

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