Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiii no 4j acton ontjtbio thubsdat may 12 1898 price three cents ib fuflubitkd every thursday morning at tub free press steam printing ofllce iilt stiieet aoton ont tebhbofsodsoiuxtion puoflollar per yoar strictly in advance all subscriptions discon tinued wbon tho tlmo or whloli thoy have boon raid baa explrod tho date to wfaiob every ibioriptlon u paid 1b do oo tod on the address abel aovuitibinq rates- tramlont advertiso- moats 10 cent pr nonpareil lino or first ln- fertion 8 cents per line for each subsequent jdbertlon 06htbaot iutksh tbo following tabo shows ur rate for tbe insertion of advertisement fop ipeolfled periods ftfaqg tt inches ipjnohe blaobei t 1 1 1 tn 6 mo 8 mo imp 6000 3900 9000 3300 skoo 1900 5000 lioa 700 00 1150 900 700 800 960 100 advortuoments without spoalno direoticns fill be inserted till forbid ana charged aooord- pffly transient advertlsamenta mdit be paid fi advance advertisements wlllbb chinged onao eaoh month if doslred for obarjroa oftener than snoe a month the composition must be paid for t regulai rate chancel for contract advertisements must he b the offleo by noon on tuesdays accounts payable moutblv h pmooue editor and proprietor ttsttuss jiratnrp extra strong in 1898 prpers newest and latest designs dnd colorings baby carriages windbvv shades prices for 1898 extra low call and sebgoods and prices at days bookstore guelph traders bank of canada authorized paplta 1000000 day sells cheap these medic ai t f t7ren m d o m office and residence cornor mill frederick streets aoton a s elliott m d m b c3l aoton obaddatb toronto univbiuitt oppioe corner mill and john streots aoton pr dryden h eye evn thboat and nose mcleans blook douglas bt noarp o i queiiph- pmce hours 10 am to 1 pu and 3 to 6 pm bundatb wsfm to 1pm veterinary sxthqeon lfbed p husband v s qraduato of tbo ontario voterlnary colleao honorary member of tho veterinary medical boolety otfice wm husbands lotm coninaaa agaweya calls day or night promptly attended to tames s joyce v 8 voraddate of ontario vbtsiunaxt collbqk treataialldisoaaeaj3fiomebtloated animals you want- worth wear style strength choice cheapness guelph branch soma of 91 and upwards received on deposit and high oat oarrent rate of interest paid or compounded halfyearly deposit recoipts itreaed for large earns deposited v advances made to responsible farmers on their own namce no charge made for colleitlng sales notes if payable in guelph t a general banking bualnean transacted ajp it jones maaatter linolenm from 25c to 135 per scj yd faetrtr the picture uiiue oilcloth from 25c to 45c the combination is offered in our stock of new and fashionable goods which in cludes all things new and desirable in the line of boots 8hoes and rubbers examination will show that our stock is especially strong in style besides being un equalled in variety and first in favor because of the high grade qunlity ndtblng will convince like personal inspection that for seasonable goods and reasonable prices the best place is at williams boot shoe store mill street acton enquire at joyce bros batcher shop mill treat aoton rooms at agnows hotel calls promptly attended to day or night l bennett ldb dentist oiobobtoim oxtabio jr coghlan d d s ld s- dentibt woflx cauevullvr done pzuoks jioperatb offick ovaa browns dftuo btobb houna e veiit dat fbom 0 ro fi spring is here again cooper 6v akins the tailors are prepared for li with a very attractive stock of spring suitings sprlnfr overcoatings spring trouserings in all the latest goods our workmanship is alwava satisfactory japanese floor matting t for summer comfort unexcelled from 25c to 45c yard special department for these goods on ground floor excellent light entrance wyndham st or st georges sqr j m bondco hardware gjelfh in cooking by using mckees pure cream of tartar baking powder dout want no plotur bible ive kinder gat a doubt that thorn tbar plctura sorter crowds tbo or time fiospol out it dont oncourago my beliefs tor fl it up like that with vallor arks arosu on tho top of ararat an mosos in a goun o red a rogltr fancy robe anovnrthlngalookln uluefn twenty mllo 0 jon anlotor on asdao groan lonbide ipeoklod boat an nothln loft o joseph but the colon in hli coat i l thoy cant improve that blblo i dont keor how they try an i doubtlf thoso now flxlns air approved of in tbo sky i an though theyro mighty purtyau sorter makoa show ef tho lord bad wanted plcturs bod rasdo em lous ago i i so lu spite 0 all tbo talking ive sortor got a doubt that plcturt crowds tho awoetness o tbe ol tlmo gospel out thoydont ouaotprago my boliofs wharevor thoy r tho plain ol family blblo la good onougtifor mol fbakk l stanton dttl jfntmlp falling our prices are always right we nave plates for the newest styles in bicycle suits and are bound to please the wheelmen call in and inspect our stock it is the purest it is the most vholesome it is always fresh it leaves no taste in the finished product trya sample package 5c 25c a pound rosarnoqd s way 1iy jianuiet prbscott btovrobd a tall and ebapely figure olad in filmy drapery over a lustre of milky latio and as she turned a gleam ol brightbanded brown hair of eyes of deepest violet of features like that of some young goddess in marble of a skin perfectly pal id bat almost luminous the only blush about her being that great bunuh of blush roses in ber hand tbe maidofhonor to some bride u shs walked down the aisle of the ohurcb aha trod on the flowers eo altered there and never dreamed that she trod on soott bar- reya heart as well for in the insunt of her taming that hear bad been oust at ber feet he bad been passing the cburoh with an acquaintance when tlto carriages and tbe awning and the oarpet had oaaght bit friends eyi arid akron had exclaimed ob now see here 1 and i quite over looked it its the wedding of lu moll- vanie just step in this sidedoor we shant be seen and tbey had done so and fate io that moment had altered one of ber keenest ironies for scott surrey was an insur ance olerk oa a salary of foqtteen hondred dollars a year and rosamond knight was the daughter of a man worth a couple o millions who is bbe i be asked breathleialy she is mrs peters now a minute or two ago she was la moiivaine nonsense 1 no not that one i tbe otherthe his friend turned and looked at blra so youre hard bit too he said its no ass soott you only join the undie tingalsbed herd shes for yonr betters she walks on air and wont look at any thing less than a prince royal but who is iha 4 yop wont be deterred ill take you there then just to let yon see tbe impossible why uie girl spends three thousand a year on her clothes shes my cousin rosamond knight at least ber btepfathers my cousin although im none the better for the duffer if sbe marries to please him shes bis heir hes persuaded now that i dont want nil step daughter and dont want his money and so 1 have the freedom of the knight bung alow comearbuud at five and ill take i goodness knows soott surrey knew noth ing about it he only knew that there were all the oold white forms glowing with their immortal beauty and here wat this girl mounting the stalroase more beautiful than one of themselvep alnronas white but moving breathing glowing pronounc ing his name with sweet surprise and letting the waxen ledd fall over tbe violet f yep till the lonfe lashes swept tbe checks and called up a ghost of color there tbey paused on their way to the plot a res and leaned over one of tbe oases containing those ornaments that decked some fine lady on a day thousande of years before oh aaidulqsamond dhe is dust now and here are her neoklaces her bracelets still when 1 am dead wbatproranatloqj he ehuddered bat then what abnurdfty could all this palsing life and light and warmth turn to dust rosamond was alive another hoar of enchantment he had no moreconcep tion of what the piotures were about than if be had been blind they were about bonamond that was enough with all their color and splendor hey were simply tbe hangings on the walls of heaven and he olosed tbe door of the brougham at last where her maid was wailing and lifted bia bat and walked home with his head still in tbe clouds scott did not bro rosamond now for three or four days there was a stress o work at the oboe and tho bent men were kept at their deaka until it was too lato an hoar to attempt anything else and tbe first thing that brought him to his senses was when meeting her he received a for mal and lofty acknowledgement as abe passed on and nothing more and aa be had mounted like phaeton he fell like phaeton and when he opened bra oye after the orabh he eaw where he waa there was a man of tho north aountroo in love with a lady of high degroo sang akron when he saw hi face well im glad youve waked so early glad ive waked 7 what in the world are you talking about akrou ob ive been there myself not in the house of rosamond though i know too much to fall iu love with a girl who spends my salary qii her oaudies i dont quite understand this talk of yours about spending akron said scott presently i dont eee any evidence of it bbe wore today only something dark and plain perfectly simple end it fitted her by george was like aomo wonderful bronze init ob yon poor idiot 1 laughed akrou ik was a bedford gown it cost one hun dred and seventyfive dollars sho has a half dozen of them besides all her her state affairs her array for tho great sooial functions ber balldresses herteatgowns ber wrappers herwbo knows what-and- all you have fourteen hundred a year havent you soott she had a carriage oloak cdmo home today and the bill for tbe farlining w just fourteen hundred dollars to be aure she has that now and wont have to get it again but the girl thats been used to that theres always something new in the bme line wss uttering as to- the oruel fate that had kept him at bin desk as to the eternity that existed between saturday and thursday as to the wretch be wan tho wretch he was i did he accuse him self of dark mauf redlike sin was there an element of the romaotio the mysterious about him perhaps that was not the li pishing touoh all the poor lad meant was that in his position and with is narrow inoome he had no right to think of this dazzling child of wealth but somehow such fools girls are he went oeir to the onknowb iu her imagination and was magnified in i the miats of that region of space it served the purpose at any rate of making ber think about him morein the intervals of meeting him andeho met bfm every wbere for wherover she was to be therewith akronls help lie aohleved in- vltationr watched for her oorhing with a glitter iu hid eye and if she did not oome went away early feeling life a desert bat it did uot take many waltzes with him many strolls through the greenbouses many sherbets in halfcurtained corners for rosamond to see that soott surrey was no hero of dark romance but an honest wboleeome lad fit to be the high ideal of the most innocent girl alive and just as ahe bad discerned the truth soott surrey bad mads up hie rnindtodibappear out of her horizon even if it cost him bla life tbey had been daaciag together ho had seen her cheek fling oat the banner of pale sweet bloom with which now it always saluted bis ooming and she bad given him ber order of danoes to write his name where be would and later in an interval of the wild deiloious waltzes ahe had said when heabked her to walk with him we will go where it is cooler and led the way np from the ballroom to tbe large dim library it iboing tbe houae of a relative where ahe was familiar ah laheaaid thisisoool andreatfal and she drew off her gloves and throwing beraelf into an armchair motioned him to another he took inqtead a tabouret at her feet how boa at if ol she was there in the half- light of tbe long duaky room with all ber rosy oilken niualina flowing around her and the garland of graygreen poppyleaves bbe wore was this the unapproachable goddeas of that morqiog in the ohuroh her shining eyes beaming on him now her smiling lips a shiver ran through him as be sat there bis elbows on bis knees his head between his hands while be oovered her with his forgetful gaze while faroff and faint tbe daucemuslo came in gubts whose awoetness was lost in melancholy why do yon look at me so sho asked suddenly with a halffrightened foreboding because said he i shall never look at you any more because i have been a fool a madman and have just oome to my sense and am going to leave you before it is too late for you i mean it la too late for me already it was too late for me when i flrstjald eyes upon yoo and my whole heart became yoore i dont know what yon mean she orieds ia m t and re on eta ber i am a district visitor and know sorae things myself it was madness bat bow ooald be dis obey there was a short intorval of silonco while she bent over lain lor breath upon hia obeek what is this bbe aald rent of aflat servants tailormade gowns other gowne pinmoney bless my soul how many tailormade gowns would there be ind have a pennjrjjefxfor the table ko tailormade gowns foe me any moro my mafdd sister can mako mo all i want for ten dollars gbch now bir let me the pencil please iu the first place we will abolish tho flat a little house in the country for half the money hundred railway fares fifty butcher and grocothree hundred and sixty servants one hundred arid twenty a hundred and fifty apiece now for olothea you wont always want quite so much i may want a little more fifty for my boots and gloves and pinmoney and candy fifty for your cigars theatretickets now and thee and all the ret oh aud say a hundred and fifty for light and fire and twenty for charity and whore are we witbahuudred dollars to lay by every year of osr lives 1 and to think of its coming to me just as i am a- tired of the old life aa tired ab a cirousgfrl is of the chalk on her slippers who stye there isnt a providence that protoots sparrows 1 ppnt yoa tbtnk i i mean any one could be happy with all thte if you if be if homebody loves her and what was somebody to do that moment ho being human alio eb sweet eo near are yoa flad scott she whispered as ho was about to put her into the aarrtae thatnigbt olad 1 la an archangel in heaven gladr shall we go out into the country and look for that bouse tomorrow she huug riomontoa tbo step tier starry eye her radiant smile dazzling in the snowy furs of her oloak and then hhe looked back through the open hallwmy tt the light the flowers the throng goodbye proud world ilii gotog home sho said obi soott what fool a those pcoplo are not to know howbappy tbey could bo 011 fqurteen hundred a year 1 a clever widow a widow whose bniband bncef t her con siderable means one day explained to an intimate friend the reason why she did not erect a tombstone to the memory of ber late apbnie was because she could not afford it but having finally deoldedip tfiark hie restingplace abe went to various marble yards for tbe purpose of selecting a suitable stone she was almost giving up in despair ai nothiugpheap enough could bo found when she notioed a fine handsome slab that was put aside to be out down oh thats spoiled baid the stonecutter in answer to her qasriea we started it for a man named mark but his relatives wanted something altogether different by the time we bad got the single word mark on and tbere is the marble done for ab the namd la not by any means common luv shepherd ho j outlet h niot an j so i nood not sock my own wild way aoross tbo doaort wild ho knowoth wboro thonof t urocn iatmob ho wboro the still waters glido and how to roach tbo coolness or tliolr rout bonontb tho calm hillaldq ho loadoth mot and though itbo by ruggoj wonry ways wboro thorns spring sharp and soro no pathway can aoom atrango or dcboiato vvhbro joflua goos boforo hlagontlo shonbordlng my aolaco is and gladiioas yet in btoru ho loadoth mol i shall not tako ono nobdloss stop through all in- wind or heat or cold and all day long ho boos tho poacoful oml tbrongh trialsuianitojd up tho fair bill nldo llko 101110 iwoot surprlso avaitbth tho quiet fold the gold tbain 1- well replied the widow i dont tulud relieving yot of that if youll let mo have it cheap ohj you can have it for a mere song to save the bother of cutting it down but whatever can you- do with it perhaps x oan use it waa the cute reply bat what about the price when tbe man was beaten down to a ridiodloub flgnra the wilywfdow oloaed the bargaio now the said quietin triumph ill give yoa a little job put the perfect- man after mark in same style of letter and then out the name and date i have written on tbi a paper thsaatodiehed stonecutter managed to oenofla it is an old established custom amongst many railway companies to give dutinotivo names to their principal trains which are not only peculiarly puggebtive to the travel ling poblio but appropriate characteristics of their peculiar rune in the old country for iustance is the irish mail and the flying 3ootchman in the only name by which the fabt cxprena between london andedinburgh han been known for ye urn itvlhe united statcb the practice in wide spread and tho empire state cannon ball black diamond and the fast mail are amongflt tho many titles which are familiar to travellers in canada nova scotia has the flying bluenose and new brunswick tbe flying yankee which bpeedfl between st john arid bos ton the latest train christeniffg is that of the canadian pacifics weetbouod trane- continentul expreea which is now known as tho gow train a peculiarly approp riate name for since the beginning of tho great rush to the klondike this train daily orowded with gold seekers frequent ly pulls out in two thrco four and oven as many as five bcctiona windsor street station presents an nnubually animated aoene nowa days iu consequence all eorta and conditions of men women and child- gathering to wltnesbing tho departure of the gold train and to bid good bye and wibb good luck to tbe fortune huntera who represent nearly every nationality and all walka in life it waa on ono of theee occasions that no 1 received its auriferous cognomen an old lady bubtled in svidentlyin search of some departing friend and eagerly inquired of an ocqoialhaathfl gold train gone yet gold train happy thought tbe name atuok the old lady bad unoon- eoloqbly hit upon a name far more exprese- ive than that which perhaps many a rail way magnate would have cudgelled his brains over in vain to evolve and the vgold train will ever romain a promi nent feature of the canadian pacific service while tho powerful magnetism of tbe illimitable gold fields of tbe far canadian webt remains undiminished montreal herald j mbell dds ldb s ckntibt bbooxtoxk hokoa gnintutb ov tosonto uwrvnsitt work made satisfactory prloos moderate visitino days mondsy afternoon oamp- bellville tuesday aoton offlceciarka hotel friday bookwood cooper 1c akins prepared and sold only by j dmck main street actoh ttillors drg hcook dentist cortjollego st andbpadisa ave tobonto wlllvlalt aoton on the first and third satur days of each month office mr adam cooks residence main street o t0t clean mclea trust us to look after your wall paper wants carefully trust us to make the price as low as honest business methods and st mem can make it cash buying latest and best designs of 7vipn u 7wtlst s in gran1teand warble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction j h hamilton yuu the fo auup u if yuu r want your wings singed it was soott surrey who waa walking on air ho had no thought of singed winge or small salaries or millione or sooial dif ference or any maudane things he only thought she is beautiful she is beaut i- ful she is peerless my soul has gone oat to her she is the one i love she was bent to me i was sent to her aoross tbe worlds and the ages i love her i love her i love her l poor fuol i thought akron looking ait him but if he bad thought glorious hero 1 it would have been all one to scott surrey he was in warm and rosy clouds penetrated with nunahine and joy tbe joy that comes with the intoxication of first lovq he presented himself punotaally at akrons rooms that afternoon and be bad little more idea of what happened afterward than thoso usually do who are walklbg in a dream he was only oonsoious of rich soft light frigranoe of flowers of antiqoe rags under foot of a painting here aatatae tbere of on jx and glldiog and ssvret of a smiling grayhaired woman of various other forms and shadow of ths young goddess not now in milky satin bat in some soft deshabille of a teagown and be might have hoped that he acquitted himself like a man but ho simply felt like a dis embodied spirit he may have felt like a disembodied spirit but that is not at all the way he looked with that flush on bla dark obeek that glow in his dark eye that graoloas bending of the bead with its dark thick looks that proud carriage and noble stat ure that entire aspect of absolute whole- bomeness and strength surrey said mrs knight to akron yea by jove i im glad youve waked up i i havent waked akron said soott leaning over the table more earnestly if you mean ohange by waking i never shall wake when i am under the ground fire will ran baok through my very ash ea if sbe comes near only she will never know she will never care is is as bad as that what makes yod think the wont oaro a marble diana would have made leas formal recognizatiou of mo than sho did today oh i ah 1 jhe cold ahoulder 1 dis tant stately cool we dont presume npon a slight acquaintance sir i yea i know my dear fellow it looks bad for today he said your stepfather came to my office and told me that i muat how perfectly infamous he was not rude nor oan j say unkind he baid if you marriod without his sanc tion you should never have a farthing of hia money and he would not sanction my pretentions and poverty would bo your unhappioebs and your death pshaw i i had not thought of hia money 1 i bad thonght only of my poverty and of yon bht he made mo see the misery i might be the means of entailing uponnc jle made me see your wretchedness your regrets vonr vonr ruin aa a poor mans wife zola and the waiter zola is not usually regarded abahumor- ist but there is a good story told of a joko he once tried on a paris waiter tbo waiters in parisian restaurants no matter what i a asked for are never at a iosb for an answer and when zola oneday demanded a sphinx a la marengo a member of tbo fraternity replied i am aorry to flay they are off monsieur what demanded m zola 4 more sphinx tho waiter came up close to the eminent novelist and in a confidential whisper said we have borne monsieur but i dont care to serve them to you an thoy are not quite fresh l figaro uarrlslers solicitors notaries convoyancers sco prtvato funds to loan offioe town hall aoton 1- wm a moijkax jko a mclxan trust us a j mackinnon babbmtkb bolioiton cohvetanoeb opiiob mill street in mcatthows block upstairs r- b mcleod babaibtn bocaoirob gokvbtancbn main btroot georgetown money to loan at lowest corront rates when you want your pictures neatly framed we wilt see you do not regret it r j monabb olerk fourth division court oonnty of hal- on conveyancer agent fire and life assurance heal eatate agent money to loan etc ohios ferrymans block aoton v ont miscxllanxo vs h enby grist ottawa camada solloltor of patents for invention eta prepares applications for the canadian amer ican and buropead patent offices and for the begiaitatlon of trade marks band for pam phlet thirtytwo years eiperlenoe tt1ran0i8 nunan bookbinder wvndham st gnelpb ontario 7 pverwniramabtors aoocmnt books of au kinds made to orapr perlodloals ol every description caret uuyboqiia bulinrnawtlvii promptly done m abriaoe licenses h p moobb manrn or mawbiaos licenses private office no wltnesaos required issued residence in the evening free press offlcg aoton waters bros st georges square guelph proprietor granite marble works guelph is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and see the largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported- stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite ottioo and warjcshajdrltons block frdolwlcbandmorfolksts cu9lph ont srmnah worjtknew smburfr oat actom- livery head office toronto ont bus line authoriwed capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 60cn paid in maturity value fioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appll- atlon to r j mcffabb agent aoton the underatgnod respectfully solicits tbe patron age of tbe public and loforma them that well equipped and stylish rigs oan al waysbessworsd at his stables a comfortable bus meets al trains between 0 a xn suid 618 pm careful attentlonglvsntoevaryoraer thewanuofoomniereialtravel- lersfolly nefc john wjlli1ms peovbikton bring your custom logs in and take the lumber homo with you srvers lumbjtiyaning- minis nassariaweya georgetown electric works t j spbiobt proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams ripo and btaam flttlbe ana general kapalr idr baldsoqulppadwltb braslagniaomno i am prejwrod toaobraildgonblovola frames ao wu aile g pl aa t hpokai handle ban bent to auitdeelrodarisie fall line of spoke kepi in itoek satlafaetlon bqarantaed uloyolae enamelled id any eolor t j 8pbiget oabrgatown 1 o6ttlfl ibuglbe ibm yea metnt the karl of snrnjvl thai earl of surrey if there la aoob peraod wonldnl be half the man that boot if probably aald akron bat bool heard nothing of thai of ooarte ha waa far aboy anything of the aort ha oontrlred to keep blmeek jaak enoogh on earth to carry away the thread of an idea that boaamond rode in the park tomorrow at a urn that woald be aftaw offloehoora that day and what a lingu lar oolnoldenoo it waa that ha ahonld meat her there next day 1 how baaotlfnl how atately how perfeot ahe waa in that habit i of oourao it woald have been rode not to join her for a moment tbe groom at a dlsoreet dialaace beblod and tbe and nf that waa that fbeeton driving the eharioi ofthe eaa had no eaoh hoar aa the hoar waa to sootl boiamondbadallomil it to aaoape her too that aba waa to attend the private view of the new loan oolleotlon at the metropol itan ueit day boot know eomebody who knew eomebody elae who knew oenoral oreanola he did not waeta a moment in procuring an admiaaion how tbe work al the inaaranco tflico waa done thai day yoo yes said scptt darkly let me see by the way scott i thought you had aomo benbel she told you she allowed you to know didnt bbe you gathered from lier remarks that sho waa koioft to st luke inthefielda on sunday and to sit for her pbrtrait at jaunes studio on monday atad to hear the symphonic poem on tuesday and hero it ivtbnraday and you havent been to st xiakev lor to jaunes or am i right is that h it wasnt to be helped there was such a pressure at the office that 1 was at the desk all monday and tuesday till alter dark and the next day till near midnight and then i had no moans of knowing where hemgbt be its hard to love goddess and bo a mortal she may be at cyprus now while you are in ethiopia im in darkness enough and so ahe met yoo and as you bad seen fit after considerable favor at the deiflo hands to drop tne acqdain lanoe or tantamount abe followed your lead with a oold stare yoo are almost a necromancer akron but not quite it wasnt quite so bad av that well now surrey i tell you what ad your friend i advise you to oall in your little loves and let this charmer go surrey shook his bead you might as well advise the flowers not to grow where the aun shines heauld but why do yoa want to court paluf why not avoid her you cant marry ber be a man and dont whine for grapes ibat are bung too high andare far too sweet for you and me his stepfather mind la mads np to double her millions with bat before i disappear somewhere into outer darkness i shall give myself the one joy of telling you that- love yoo that i always shall love yon and you only and that i would die for you 1 yon had a great deal bettor live for me i said my young lady coolly and abe held out her hand and surrey seized it and cohered it with kisses then he stood op to go your father draw for me tbe picture of ibe life you had lived he said the luxuries to which you were so used that tbey were the demand of second nature and i bluahed and reooiled when he asked me bow muoh of that life how many of those luxuries my fourteenhundreddollar salary ooald procure for yoo did you say fourteen hundred dollars 7 aald mias rosamond briskly and in the moat matteroffact totoe come over to the table under the lamp and still hold ing her hand 1n bis he waa blindly follow ing her to tbe lamp daxed and bewildered and not underatanding the evidence of bis own senses nor thai the girl was bringing down emotion from too intense a strain a servant passed down the distance of aomo lighted spaoe bearing a teatray do you know aald rosamond sudden ly how many cups of tea yoa drank on tbe first night you came to see ms i was not altogether sure that i drank any he answered her how muoh more selfpossessed women are than men she said i am an ex ample of it how i suppose they are train ed to ii from their cradles i knew the first moment that you stood bending tbere before me and when i swept yon the courtesy and the pug became tangled in my train that i that youthat i had frond my master and a stone with the foregoing epitaph bears witnoia iu one of our oometrlestothe outeneaa and business genius of a parsihjon- ioua widow scottish american very honest amputation by electricity a buzz saw for the amputation of limbs is being installed at one of the boston hospitals by a firm that deals in electrical specialties an eleotria motor will furnish the power to ran tbe device the saw will be mounted on a flexible ehaft libo that which the dentist uses only larger the bearings in which rons the eaw arbor are attaobedto a handle by which the surgeon is able to direct the saw at any angle tbe surgeons will be able to aave considerable time by the uae of ibis appliance not only does tbe saw out muoh faster than a hand tool bat tbe heat of its rapid cutting sears the fleahand blood vessels and tbe healing processes of nature are advanced to a itage which by the old method is reached only after an hoar or two a oiraulsr saw of any small diameter may be used tbo ono to be used first- will be four inobeain diameter it will revolve at a very high rate of speed papa aald johnny i am a very tioneat i it tig boy und i proved utodayv toll mo all about it asked bin father proudly taking his sou on hia knflo lwcnt to tho btore anawarod johnny and tho grocoryman went into the back roornannd left me alone near a barrel of applet i could havestolen them all but i thought i would bo honest so i only took twa new york world no uncertain verdict the logician went hunqry a creaohor was condemning the hyper critical condition of the persons who carp at the bible and who are finding fault with tbia little tbibg and that little tbinn and saying dot thli i aud orosa this t and thla ought tobe in and that ought to be out thaae people he deolared are as smart as the boy who went home from college and be oftired to prove tnat there were three ddoka instead of two there ii duok number one and there is the ladies are continual ly praising diamond dyes the etroug assertion oan bo mado with out fear of contradiction that no other package dyes for homo dyeing over com manded thctpraioo and admiration of millions as have the woudorf ul and popular diamond dyes mrs w f curtis albany p e i aays havo nsed dia mond dyes for seven yeira and have always had bncoesa with them mrs j h johnson manitoulin island pot aays i havo uaod your diamond dyes for many yoara with greatest success and tike them better that any other make of dyes mrs jan mcclelland surrey centre b c says i have bought your diamond dyes for many yoara and they have proved good and true mrs chas leaak arden station man says i am a farmers wife and have naed lots of the diamond dyes in my time tfaeylwaygmakeoldelet l as g as new mrs w j porter peterboro oat says i have been using your diamond dyea for years and thay do all that la claimed for them mrs aubln sbcfford vale p q eays have need diamond dyea for mauy years and think they are the best do not wish to try any other mako mrs chat gag no st chryboatome p q says your diamond dyes are splen did and should be kept in every house mrs obas lewis hamilton ont says the diamond dyea aro far ahead of other dyea i have ever tried they give the clearest and brightest colors no wonder your dyos aro the most popular 1 jwronev pabmbbj if yoa wiebto reduce yonr intereet or eoearo a aratclen loan of money at lowlnureel and on eaay term a of tepftinant aall on ma i make a epaolaltr or lending money and have plenty of fundi i ajao lend on village property wcjackson ooxvarakoan amd uomrr liindbji ovnoa wyndham st near city flail ouklpn wellington ifntaal fire insurance company batajiluhxn 1840 ihsoftnob on oaab and mntol plan any oommanloatlona forwarded te my adareea uoi 6j8 or telephone lie mil toe promptly at tended j0nn tattob abant qnelpb p sayebs proprietor haa conatanlly on hand a fall lino of lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood icto cuatom logs and bill staff cut- to- order on abort notice planing and matching done to the beat ol aatfsfactlon prices very cheap and made to suit tbe customers pocket p sayers acton saw mjlls i vyri and wood y mihoriotdblb amd duui ul lumber tmih ahlnilea wood etc w m hem8trbkt lioiasan aoonomna or tbe oountlea of wellington and helton ordera laftal the fame pane offlea aeton or atmrraaldeneeln aoton villi be promptly at- ended to feearedaeedto 8 60 tor tabic saueb aleo money to loan on ibe moat favorable earns and at tbe lowest ratae of intereet in earns of amoana pwarda w barber bros pafer makebs georcjeltbwnr ont una a araoiiutt or machine flnlpblbook papes niob obaqit vxiklt news tho paper need in ibis journal la from he above mill wm babbir e bros all klods of wood in eloak and promptly delivered to any partpf tbatown at raaaonablo prloes hardwood and alalia oat itovo lonsth always on band telephone eommunloatjor 8prlng trm commences april 4th at lbs gaelph baainess college and shertliand institute a most reliable and well managed school for boys and girls preparing for a business life call or write for circular j 3barp prlnclpml guelph 1 millions i dont expeot to marry her bot i moat see her i must speak with her great heavens 1 what a world it is i and ths poor yoanu fellow threw himself on the loans and bid faor and let the atorm pate over him akron waited a few minutes uohomo and drees aald be than i have always aid that if i aaw a fellow committing sui cide i shouldnt be the one to binder him she is to be at mrs farlelahfarleighs tonighl cotillion at one aleok pal- rkvo haa hurt hia fool i am on inch terms there that i can take you iu hia pltoe fate torsive mi i i know i am helping to rain yon i am rained now i aald soott wringing akrona band and in the moment feeling that he waa lifted from despair to joy ooald it be that presently when tome hoars had fled ilka a flub thla radiant ortaaro was in hia arm with ber breath aia sweet as wlldrotei brathaj that how- ever timidly and reverenily he olasped her wsiat that at hia toaoh a sadden flash had swept op that oheek andaad to color that those gauay robes of here swirled roond him i heaven knows what inoobereuee he as if there ooald be suoh a qnestlon i well theu tbe maater of my fate i hoold think yoa woald have aeeo the blood arglog up my temples you were aa white aa a white roaeleaf and your eyea were like two violet flames and your lips never mind my lips and i said are yon fond of pugs and yon said no not at all that la yea i mean i and her laugh rang oat like a ohlme of fairy bell ob i aald anything and everything that wae fataooa and idiotio i had gone all to pieojs i and i felt sbe exolaimed that it yoa never came to oare for me i ahouldwant to die and i felt all at oboe and at the same time fettered and bonod and ahalned aud that it i didnt break the chain i should want to die anyway and then yoa never ostme near me for fonr days after that morning in tbe metropolitan where are the writing thlngar we might have a little moro light oh yes here is a penoil and paper sit down alia aald imperious ly now sir will you make a fbhedule ot what you think oan be doue with foar teea haadrod dollars in a email family duok number two yet slid hia father and out and two make three aald the aon very rood my sod said the father now i will take duok number one for mydlnuor and your mother will lake number two for her dinner and you will haveduok number three for yours made sure it was used an old ollizen and his wife noted for their niggardliness had a onitom of allow ing the servant only one match to light tho fire with cuh morning one morning the matoh failed to kindle so tbo servant went to their bedroom door and asked for another one a whispered oontdltation was held between the two then audibly the wife aald wui yoa risk her wi another one joboj i doofc ksil hao to risk her janot replied john bat bo sure plod seek a slobt o the sue she got last nibht seakersi liter gold are otten disappointed beekers atler health take- hooda baraapa- rllla and had it moots every oxpootaliou lifo is neither a tragedy nor a oomedy it le a ohnre which wo oan aoooniplish bettor by whistling than by weeping dont wear false hair while it ia possible to retain your own ayers hair vigor the beat drtselng nouriehea and invigorates the hairroots cures soalp diseases pre vents the hair from oomiug out or turning gray and promotes a new ami luxuriant growth

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