Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1898, p. 2

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horn uamdikmaac amoa mausa drouioro 01 nrliiy7ui way to ltov d l and dr cnidpbull hod i hat- mary died mourn jontpli moorulionilakod2iyottrflftui ilimlttoiiou wednesday may 4th luimoutbu in niuthbitawfva on bunday htu lliu bii of joint mccaugbaii ogcil 10 mccallillam iiibt nioutliu ckntbhai vera ou wednesday may 4tb ainuhnllnuloy bolovotl wife of judnh co lit or inliur wih your tiiomijch at lila rohlilouco uoar milton ou tueuday mayjrd jumiu thompson uyod 03 years mouths and 25 days iioinihok at goolpb oufrldav may ctb oiorgolt hodgson sou of the latotuoinas hodgson of kramobtt afiodjo yoars aivoimktju spadlna avonuo toronto on i tuthday urti may harriot dale rolict of tlia into prodorlck aluous eramosa in tbo 76th year of liur uuo deweys great victory the spanish float at manilla abso- lutoly doetvoyodand 700 span ish killed and woundod ilje-ctoit- jtrec thursday may 12 1908 notes and comments at tho bauk of england last saturday tho chinese minister banded over ft cheque covering the amount or the japanese in demnity tho chcqno was drawn for nearly 41 i 000000 and is the largest ever drawn ifyon tho baub of england japans cluiraa are now settled aud china in entitled to demand the withdrawal of the japanomo from weihalwei washington despatch says what are the chances of a treaty or an alliance between the united states and great britain next to the news from the front una question takes precedence here just now it hua been quite frequently dis cussed siuce tlia refusal of great britain to join tbo power of europe in a protest against tlio preteut war now comes freoh rumors of a protest without the co-opera- tiou of great britain according to these report franco and germany are strongly inolined torneet the overtures of austria in behalf of spain more than half way the fear is expressed that a flood many people will not vote for the candidates of the goverumout after it has passed a prohibitory law this cannot be helped the government promised to submit the question of prohibition and prohibition they whtget we bave popular government in cnuda and t ho people have aright to have any taw put upoq ttie ftatnitrbook that a clear majority nskb as to what effect the placing of a prohibitory liquoc law open the statute book rnay have upon the govern ment of tlio day with that the people have nothing to do it is quite another matter the govern meat mast stand or fall on its own merits whan the lime comes dan- das banner no u 6 ship or soldier lost wahhinhton may i ariqr a wook of rreat anxiety all doubt as to the bbuo of the battle of manilla was ended saturday mornink by the receipt of messages from hong kong first by nowspapers from their correapaudonta and then by the washington authorities from gommodoro dowey the victory in manilla bay was more brillistit and completfe than the moat ardent american could have hoped for not an american was killed not an amer ican ship was injured and the list of wounded was confined to half a dozen men on the cruiser baltimore none of tliirn being seriouily hurt the spaniards lost their entire fleet of fourteon warships and croisera and lonae 700 men were killod and wounded there is naturally great enthu siasm at wash iog ton over the splendid achievement of the american fleet and president mokinley has cabled commodore dewey raising him to the rank of rear admiral and thanking him in the name of the american people the oablo to man illa ia still unrepaired and news from the islands by way- of hong kong is beveral days old it is not known exact- ly therefore what the situation may he nt present bnt arrangements are being made to send several thousand troops to the pfrtlli pines at ones to oocupy tho islands until the oloia of the war at leatjt there bavebeen many rumors of a boaond great naval battle between admiral samp sons ships and the gape verde fleet in porto rico waters but at the hour of going to press nothing trustworthy bad oomo regarding such an engagement though newa of the battle may oomo at any hour now the most serious news comes from spain tho sagaita cabinet may fall fit any moment carliste are conspiring for a revolution and the peninsula is in a state of turmoil jmdl agitation a military- diotatorship under campos former gov ernor of cuba with a strong military cabinet is baggeited as a final effort to bave the dynasty the spaniards of argentina have cabled a million f ranks to spain to swell the naval fund beiug ralsedihere j the fort at matanzaa has been again bombarded bo me further damage being done there the exact point at whioh the army from tampa ia to be lauded in cuba is believed neighborhood news news items supplied by corres pondents and exchanges oakvllle george dell a peddler from hamilton aged about os committed suicide ut the collfl hero on sunday evquiug by cutting his throat with a penkuife ho had a hawkors licetine o sell goods in ilamiltpn chief sumner hud ouly left him a few minutes to gat him hissappor when ho returned ho liudthe knife in his throat bevering tho wiiidpipo georqetown tho warm biidhiuiio und gonial bhowcra of tho past week have forced nature to put on her lovelies picture about georgetowns hills and valea our worthy town futhera have shown a mdateommendable epirlt in the im prove men to they aro making this spring all the main street ure beibg set out with maple trees toqho beautiful maples with our romantic ybcenbry both in valley and on bill aide will ihko georgetown ono of the morit beautiful aud attractive residential towns of ontario jraad inepeotor campbell addrebsed our oilzens last tuesday and made a tour of inbpeotiou with our counoillore no doubt as far as possible his directions will bo carried out when this is done we cordially invite our neighbors from acton to come and see our beautiful uttlo town the eovb ferric and moalpmo exchang ed pulpits last sabbath morning the bev g ai mttohell preached to a largo cottgroktioii on- righteomnoah ex- alteth a nation at the oiobs of the bevmon the congrouation sang with great enthusiasm my country tie of thee aud god eave the queen the many friends of mr joseph wil liams of the glen are pleased to hear that he bab made satiafaotory arrangements with hiaarediiore the large number of employees will be gratified to know that work will be reanmed again weregret howerijpherthat likely to remove to toronto he and his family will be greatly misbed as ho is one of the oldest business men in this locality the boys have beeu fishing during tbo week and of cuurse always report great auooest a number of the ardent bporta- men have a fasbion of late of penning up the bpeohled beauties in a little pond and then enrronnd the spot with their aoientifio skill the township co u noil met at stewart town onmonday a chjapdkine is one that wltl promptly and effectively cure mr john hltohof r dare town telle how he had spent dollttr upon dollar in vain bofore flndlnlar the mediolhethat cured him from tbo standard hid go town people who read from week to week of tho marvolloua cures effected by tbo use of dr williams pink pilla little think that right in their midst exist many who bave been relioved from pain and suffering by theyubo of these wonderful uttlo pllla after having buffered untold agonies for months mr john hitch a man well and favor ably kuown throughout the country was over ready when opportunity offered to speak a word in favor of the bo pills and waa nevor fired of recommending- themto hisfrlehde a representative of tbo stan dard anxious to know of the cause of mr bitchs reoommehdatiou called apon him at his homo recently and upon telling that gentleman the object of hie vrait mr hitch oousented to an interview the story in his own words irf as follows via tbo winter of j89i i wan takou with a severe attack of la grippe from which i was oou- flned to tbo house for somo lime tbia was followed byaeverepaius and awellings of ray lower limbs i cooauuod a physi cian and he told me t was aoate rheuma- tibm i continued under his care for about two mouths i waa unable to stand alone but sometimes wheo i got started i was ablo to make a few steps unaided the trouble was principally in my feet and ofuog to me all summer long i tried almost everything that friendlb suggested hopiog to gain relief but nojtner medicine taken iutcrnally norlinlmeats applied externally gave me auy relief the pain was very great and i was only- too ready to try anything suggested i spent dollars upon dollar indootors medioiue but all to no purpose the last week was attend ed by a physician it oostmo five dollara apd having about that time read in the news papers of the work accompliabed by dr williams ic was certainly worth tho experiment and aaoord- iugly purohabed a box from a local drug gist auclcornmenced their use diacontinu- iug the dootore medicine this was in june or july 1892 after i bad taken tho first box of the pills i could feel some change and after taking seven boxes 1 noticed a great improvement i continued taking them until i had used thirteen boxes when i tnuat aay i felt as well as i ever did in my life some of my oubtomera who bame into my yard would ask me what i was still to tlie f3ont in tho nowest tin j best assorted of dh15ss goods in all tho newest colorings with trimmings tomutcli our black dress goods require no recommond os till know wo handle oxclusivoty plioatloys thoy aro acknowledged to ho tho best colored organdie muslins with linings to match a largo variety of swiss spot and checked muslins colored piques iii host washing colors a very largo selection of cruracb english prints a largo yuriety ot salisbury suitings just tho thing for laaios hpmo wrappers ribbons laces lace curtain s aiid ombroidorios an immense stock to chooso lrotri we have this spring purchased a line selection of ladies white undorwoar and aro prepared to give you goods at less than tho material cad bo purchased or ladies blouses that it wrfuld do nny person good to see ladies collars and cutis all the latest styles gloves hosiery sinallwaros etc fiiiq higliqlass we aroproparod to show you this spring tho largest and bebt6electionof imported scotch english and irish tweodb patterns oxclusivcly confined to us never was buci a lorgo variety of fine suitings sprint overcoatings trouserings etc to select trpm over shown in georgetown before dont lorgot that mr millar is at the head of this department which fact is sufficient guarantee that evorytbing will bo satisfactory hats ilats this spring wo have cxceled ourselves in securing tho best the newest in stylo aud shape they cannot bo appronohcel in price this will be the place to buy your hats if you want the best gents furnishings a full and mngnificentstock comprising fine neckwaro shirts collars cuffs gloves hosiery underwear etc spring clothing readytowoar for boys youths and men wo have an immense stock in this department nnd can suit every person in stylo fit and finish at prices that cannot be beaten by any other house as wo buy those goods direct from tho manufacturer it will pay you to nspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere georgetowns livest store gibson millhr go georgetojszrs every day bargain day here f50e block wttkllsl st produce taken in exchange mr daltod mccarthy q o m p wao thrown from his dooart oa sunday night and rfloeiyed injuriea wiiiah causa gr7e apprehenbon a return prepared by tho department of interior bbowe that from tbo beginning of the aeaaona work np to april 80 10641 aottlera had ftone into weatorn canada the week ending april 80lh ahowa that 1c44 people had fone into tho west for the piirpoao of making their homes there thoso wlio havva kone to the ynkonare not inaiadbd the ageota of tho government io the united states aro working hard and it ia expected that bofore next winter fully 80000 people will be added to the pnpulatiod of nanitobaapd the territories the biuh prioea aainred for farm prpdnoe of all kinda aa well aa the asanranoe of excellent good ylelda of and other oereale aro largo factors in the develop- mcotthatla now taatng piaoe guelph district meeting the ministers who will visit aoton in connaotlon with the annual meetlncr tbo annual aeaaion of gnelpb diatrict will bo heldiin tba methortlat chnroh here neit tuesday and wodneaday the buai- neas will bo the reoaptionot reporta ot the yoaraworkin tbe ohnrohea throaghont tho dietriat the examination of the charac ter and utandlng of tho miniatera and probationers and other general bualneas the followingminiaters ara members of the diatriot and vith one or two exceptiona will be preaent 1 gnelpb norfolk bf john g scott william bavagd john mills and david cattanaoh aaperannnated 2 gaelph dublin st samuel sellery m a b d jaroos harris anperaun- uated goelph ypaisloy st f w tbomp- son 4 poneonbr jodaon trnax fl elora james awde b a m li fergus thos w jackson matthew swan snperannoated 7 pramoaa dixon bharpe b aberfoyle samnat gouab 9 qrtonrje 8 baillie 10 bellwoodrobort doff 11 nusiagavnya r w boanlati ii a phd 12 bookwood james keatle 18 aoton j a moiiachlad m a wna bryera aiperannnated 14 kriu w h oarnham b a 4 h crosby- w s griffin d d treasurer of the supornnnnatlon fund and it j molntyre thbmaif p perry and victor- j gilpin probationers i eaoli minister in chargo of a oironit will bs accprnpanicd by a lay reprcaentative itt l ho second daya aeaaion rev jolm q boolt is obairman of the diatriot andthobw jaokeon finanoial secretary on tuesday evening a pnbllp meeting will bo beld at wblob popular addresses will bo delivered by rev 8 sllery b d guolphandptliers- tlio membert of the diatriot will be antertaiiieaddriiik their stay in town by tbe following members of the congrega tion itev jiihno hcolt and layman with mr alex becord bov wb orlffln d d with blra w h storey hev wllliarn bavago with mr anthony stephenson rev david outtduach with mr john stopbenaon rev f w thotnpaon and layman with mr iaaao franels rev thos w jaokson and layman with j f drcn m d rev matthew swtfnn at the parsonage rov dlion bharpe and layman with tbe miisea nelson rov samuel ooaou and layman with mr jaraei moliim kev robert doff and layman with mr a e nloklin rov r w soinlan ph d and layman with mr jmes brown rev james keello and layman with mlaa lottie e bpeitlht ltev w n girnbam b d and lay man with mr h i moore rev a ii oraby and layman with mr n p molini rov john mills with rev william bryer rovjamta harris with mr thomas eaaton j map of cuba and vicinity e glasgow house for iadies i spring capes we are showing a full range of veretians broadclotlis boxcloths brocaded satins etc in excellent quality and value c the balance of our madeup cajes are being cleared at selling prices tilths auiifrtiseiitetita avantei atooilrl for fin in iiouk mouth apply io ijir in n srclytk ljo20jlinujiiton foil service awiiliiihkdiornoynullotaotoii hlcjqcaah or lwjif ciiiral 1 djicjlyute wanted sbvkn orilor writcrn salary or conuniealoii td ttiiitatiil porhotib advkutisrh modlcftt uiilltliiik toronto jttjbber stamps ion kino hubbor bumpu tnjit- ink otc 7 wrlto to goo curry cq king ht kait well watered pasture the undoralsmid liasiidbturofor lwutity head of cattle apply to jamesaiatthews aoton murobaotblboe wanted men fttid women who can work hard talking and wrltluft air hourh daily for nix days a wook aud will bo oontont vfitb tyn dollars wookly addrcaa new ideas cotqrprito wanted young thou and woruonor olderonoa if etill yputifl in spirit of undoubted character pood talkers ambitious and industrious can find employmodt in a rood otvtiio with 40 per month and upwards according to ability ilbvt b lin8cott toronto herf 0 rl ull f sa a pure bred hereford bull for edio fourteon months old in good condition alfex waldie acton p o lot2j coo fleflquoslubr fob salh jpouhlet3riclifoube34tjy 3d seven roothi u in each rood collars hard and soft water r larco lot no 10 mala btroet aelon also good stable term a cosy apply to jobu cameron architect or to tbo owner aweriiib- everton p o waited teachers and othor bright tnoia for vacation or pormanontly toflollcit lorcbnada an encyclopaedia of tho country in five royal qnarto volamea n6 dolivorina commlsaior paid wookly thelinflcott purlish1nu co toronto fishing peeserves notice 1b hereby glvon that flab in g and shooting on tho btream manias through theeaat part of lota 20 30 31 and tbo west part of lot 31 inthe 7th coucosaion nocsagaweya aro prohibited treepaabora will bo prosecuted uodor tbo ontario gatno laws wstark acton april 27tli 1898 forlooaocb no trespass0g the pubire is hereby notiflod hat do flehlug abootlog norswlmmldrontlio crook running through tho proportica of mobars ilobert wal lace joseph lasby and wllliana drown in and near acton will be allowod allpenoni found guilty of trespassing will bo proiooutod aa tbo statute provides v stark aoton april 27th 1808 for leasees to have beep selected but no move will likely benvade until tho gape verde fleet hu been met the ereiidcnt btb dotermloed that the fighting shall be vitoroualy forced with the foil power of the tjoited btatea in order moat speedily to terminate tbe conflict by t d tr ot th las v o a ority exerted by the madrid government beyond the bbores of the spaniab penin sula itself the cabinet bat decided on an agrea- ive oatnpaird sraiost spain in the philli- plnea five tboaeand troops wiir be aent the spaniards shoot a hal- ton boy the london graphic correspon dent who was shot as a spy was born at burlington the following ia copied from tuesdays world editor world vleaie oblige by letting me know of yoor urtain knowledge that halsted who was prliooer at san joan porto kioo wao ihot for this morning i received a letter from tbe new york herald dated may 0 saying be is still a prisoner said freeroafa halsted helonga belongs to burlington and was bronght up in bar family here any information will be thankfully received j w frbeuam freeman out may 0 the world baa no positive knowledge oar information was from our special oo r respondent in new york who has instruction to send only reliavjoi news hslsted may have been shot after the letter yon received wat written while hoping mr halsted la still alive we have reason to think in view of the bitterness at present existing agaimt newspaper men in porto llloo tgiat the airong probabllily is the oof or to nate man his boen made o vlctlnir kd world hamilton my 9 freeman ualated the correspondent of the new york herald who is at preient a prisoner of the spanish a b jo p ric a who it in reported has been condemned io be shot as a spy la well known here having worked on the timet herald and templar- hi parents are diad bnt his home is near bnr- llngton then y lurahl has advised bis relatives that he was osptnred while phbtographlog the spanish fortifications accidentally killed his com rade rockwood mr grieve baker was confined to the hoaeq for several dayo and for a time was in a preoiiriona oondillon aa a result of an aooldent while delivering bread in eden miiib one day last week his horse became frightened and npaet the wagon the animal kioked luriouely and mr grieve who had fallen at its heol8 reoeived a number of bows at a meetirjr of the members of the mechanics inatltato on monday evening the following ofccra were reelected for the year president j k harrin treas urer t luridy secretary miss stewart committee mebara aid on ay straohan h black lister- and misses livingstone and lee dr d seroniau gave a leoturo entitled the mannera and oaatoma of tho armen ians and mohammedans in the methodist ohuroh on monday night the lecturer is an armenian who has attended college at montreal and expeots to return to his country as a missionary the concert andor the anspipes of tbe philharmonic society laat week waa quite as fine as waa expected the talent was particularly good and it is too bad that a larger orowd did not attend miss maud btevopsod sang a nomber of- very catchy songs which beethed to flndraoro favor than her better songi mr o crowe gave sev eral eejeoiiooa cq tho cello aooompanied by hib sister misa grove which were verj fine indeed miss jean woatherstone gave a number of bootdh sketpheg ia which she is very lmmoroas mr e b jackson alwuys fiodsf ajror with bookwood aadieno- es who aro invariably glad to see his name on the programme the patrons of tho rookwood cheese faotoryhold a meeting on friday the factory is in very satisfactory oondition the dlrcotora for the ensuing year are messrs bearles jas black totten chap man argo sholtea and s harris auditor o cameron and j monabb everton the epworth league meeting of last doing that i was looking so well knowing the sick spell i had undergone and 1 would always tell them that dr williams pink pills had wrought the obange they are the aheapeat medioino 1 ever bought said mr hitob and if i had what i spont in other medioinea i could bit at case this purin i ltf was an occupaut of the room jind she heartily concurred with all her husband saidand stated that for one other membor of the family tho pills had been need with success in a caso of severe nervousness mr hitob at the time he waa aeon by tho reporter appeared in excellent health he was born in cambridgeshire england and cams to this country 27 years ago before looatlcg in bidgetown he ootid acted a brick and tile yard at long woods road middlesex county he hag been carrying ou a successful btfeinees in bidgotown for the past ten years dr williams pink pills oure by going to the root of the disease they renew and build np tho blood and strengthen tbo nerves thua driving disease from the system avoid iniltatlona by insisting that overy box you purchase is eddlosed in a wrappor bearing tbe foil trade mark dr williams pink fills for palo people if yoor dealer dons not keep then they will bo eont post paid at 50 oects a bo or six boxes for 9250 by addressing the dr willlanu medicine co- brookville oat nassaoaweya mr john kitohing lost a fino two-year- old oolt last week the result of an abscess on the brain bbv j a doyle of viotoria university and a membor of tho young peoples for- ward mobomnnt in miaalons- will lecinro mllxon the town counail is having a hot time over tho ourfew bylaw the general opinion is that it should be rigidly enforced or elss repealed owing to the crowded state of the prim ary department of the public bohool the teaoberhas been given an assistant at the evening service in the olethodiht chnroh on sunday 1st ins over thirty newmembers were received into fall con nection with the ohuroh bb a reault of the special services held last winter fay messrs orosaley and hunter the awsawanr haw rfltnrnnd hta rnll tilft amodnt of assessable property in tbe town week was condnoted tbrooghout by four j of muon lfj p at 4o80oo an increase woodstock hay fi jobu form an a lad fourteen years of age accidentally shot and killed fred harford nine years of age at ottfrvllle liit night the gnn was in the hands of yonng form an who had charged it with bird shot the gnn a cold so tally wens off the entire charge entering harfords right long the boy lived about an hoar frank walker parry sound waa killed and john mcooaig ottawa iojared in an aoddent to a parry bonnd freight train at rpotharwt on satorday thsjurviuiho fiternaman murder trial first reported a dlssgrsernene and afterr wards returned a vsrdlot of not goilty the wis set at liberty on satur day night girls under fifteen years of age they did it well the audience wero both pleased and profited t la with sorrow we mention the death of mr george hodgson guelph who had been 111 with lung trouble since jannary his early boyhood was spent on a farm near this village with his parents brothors and sisters there are threo slstera and one brother left who have a home in guelph we mourn but not as those who bave no hope george was a good active ohrlstian messrs a and w venels came op on i their wheels from toronto saturday to see i aoqaalnlfldbes here they went back mon- 1 day morning mr henry grindell and some of the family of aoton visited their relatives horo in business comes when thorough sanday satlifation is given the public thats mr junioa dunbar and bride attended why nerviilrfo sells so rapidly tooth service in the dlioiples ohuroh bunday j ache la cured as if by magio palo inter- there wasa pretty fall attendance at the nal or external unds a prompt antidote in may meeting of the mlislon band sqnday nervillne try it afternoon it beiog tho last before the annnsl june meeting to whioh miss bessie ilhy amellasburg farmer named parkinson was appolnred as their repreien- jookson drowned himself in a well on stive sunday ot abbot tliooo over last year the band will give an open air oonoert on saturday evening james main sailed last week for england and when be returns will bring with bim some ot the ohoioest thoroughbred pigs and sheep that oan be procured last wednesday the corner atone of the munns methodist oborob trafalgar circuit was laid there was a large atten dance and the contributions to the building fund amounted to 1800 miss r a wass of oakville gave 9100 in gold the build ing will be of brlok and john soroerville of milton has the contract for its ereotion succe8s in tbo ebonczer churoh thi thursday eveolng a pleasant and profitablo timo ia anticipated tho nassagaweya boys aro organising a bufio ball dob near knatchbull the infaat bon of mr and mrs john mooaaghao of darby vlllo aged about ten months died on sunday evening labt the farmers around knatchbull havo purchased a car of land sajt from tho ontario peoples salt wolla kincardine and teamod it homo on tuesday mr win adamson wholutended leaving for the northwest last we ok did not go till monday ho took out a oar of cftttlo for- hugh beck of brampton fort molood is his destination albert barrows has moved his bladk- smithshop in eden mills to the naasoga- weya side of tbo town line where he purchased a house aud lot the farm ore aro busy preparing the groond for their root crops tho honesty ofour farmers is attoated in the following from the gaelph atlvocatt tho 6th br day mr dawson bought a pair of shoes from halm keil ho dropped thera on the way homo and mr abner pickett of nassagawoya fouud them out the york ltoad they were jiibt his bizo aud no ono was looking but no abner returned them mcton buy the pride of canada its the newest style out 1 see them at- r neusons 99 wyndham street guelph tltoso llttlo jpuls thqr also rclcvo distress liom dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per hct remedy tor dizziness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid uver they rcgulatotlie bowels purely vegetable small pill small dose small price substitution tho fraud of tlio dny see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills the modern grocer being the larg est makers of refrjgerators in canada we make several lines of grocers and household refrigerators in many styles and sizes modern in design with best principle of dry cool air cir culation best in sulation and zinc lined why buy a homo made or poorly made nrt icle when you can rftt an upvtodatc refrigerator for less money for prices and description send for catalogue knowles ham nott oo limited brantford spring 1898 milliiiry waening to fishers and tbwassers aflnati warning is hereby filvon that after this datcany person or portom fishing or treanartslna along the rropnrtlcii- lpiuief by ns known aa tbe qore crook tbo blue spring and tbo wallace brown aud ijsiby crook will be summarily prosecuted w bvai1k for tho lessoes agents book business is better tban for vodra past also bavo bettor and faster sellldg books agents clearing from 10 to io woekly a few leaders are quoen victoria xka of mr glad stone my motbora blblo stories progroa- ivo bpoqjcfir qhmpaoa of tbo uosoeb uroikfast dinuer and supper books on tiino tbf1 bradleyqalutktson co limited toronto municipality of acton court of revision notxoe is horoby rlvon tb at tlio ooart of itevlalbn for tho vllliso ot acton will tio bold ou monday 30th dav of may iss8 at tlio town hallateoolock pm all partloe lntoreatod will ploaao govoru tboniaolvca accord inkly 1 ttlioolte clgrk actou may ard 19s the newest designs in shapes 8hades flowers and trimmings we have also some nice lines in prints dress goods gloves hosiery corsets neckties collars cuffs lace curtains underwear ready- made clothing hats caps c w robt noble the hlslicst i rice for wh13at peas oat8 barlby at llie- warchouse acton station ploue bran shorts 8beds all kinds offsed at acton flour and feed store tuy norval floufe tho boal fnmily flour in the market frank harris rwjaiiager main street planing mills john camerorp architect nd contrjactor mftnufaotorerof sash doors fnmom uouldln in all styles and mo el vino to order on short notice will aasortod stook oo hsnd ai rlrtai toaa th times john camrron proprietor in the high comt of justice in the matter of the west half of lot number twentyone in the third concession of the township of esquesing in the county of halton notice is borebyglvoa that ulcbaol kaloy of tbo township of esquoaliik in tlio county of ralton fannor baa undo au applica tion to tho hlgji court of jusuce or ontario for a cortlfloate of title to tbo aovo mentioned property under tbo qufetiaqtitlos aotod baa producadovldonoo whereby bo amioars to be tbo owner thereof in febfree from all luoumbraucos wbereforo any other person likvlng or pro tending to have any utlo or intfott in tbo said land or any part thereof la requlrta on orboforp uielsthdayof jane now none eniuliis to file a atatemoat of bis olalm vorlfiod by afll davit at my chambers in thoclty orouelnli aud to servo a copy on measrs mclean tfcbeau douglas street quolpb an solloltora for tbo said allobael kaloy and in default every aaoti claim will bo barred and the title of he aald lllcliaol kaloy will become ahaoln te and indefoaalbla at law and fn equity nab ject only to tbe rosterratlons mon- tloned in tho luth boatlon of tbe idl act sgd a u makinn0n local mister at gaolpli datod tbia 7tb day of may jb98 prlngle of cuolph wants to know if you think it is about lime ho stopped thhngy mn r your watch than anyone else well if you can tell me when tho preacher in your district has told you often enough how to do right that you will always do it without being told again then i can afford to stop this contlnualdlngirig at you about bring ing your work to mo to have it well done many of your fathers had tholr mending done by me for years but about hall of you were born since i camp to guelph and possibly your parents have nevor mention ed to you that i always had been successful in doing their work well then again as i have been here for twentyeight years most of young mcavundcr that ago dbny think tho old man know enough to get the best elacc lo get his watch fixed anyhow you avo to be about forty years old before you begin to realize that the old man knows a thing or two after nil however boys i just want to say that am still at the work bench overseeing and doing every- job that you bring me big and little i only charge the samo as nil other good wajen makers and only wish to do tho work of those who want it done well because my reputation depends on my good work and 1 cannot afford to do bad work of course i often do cheap work for those who merely want their watches started so aa to trade off i again state emphatically ihrit i cm desirous of returning all the money paid me for any work which has not given satiifnciion i have sometimes to do so when the airh is too old to go well and i always wish to do so when proper that i should g l prlngle guelph

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