Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1898, p. 3

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wru v me uajk of hamilton heapofrioe hamilton capital a 1 1 paid up 1 25000000 reserve fund 726 66000 total assets r 8846 67846 nearly ton million of dollurs board of direotobs olln htuaut lruaidunt q kamkay vlcolrouitlunt bo ltoaou joun 1lloctoit at wooi a ii leu toronto wll uluiios uv tultnuuiijciuhiar ii b stisvun abbt cushlur h m watson luaiwctor georgetown agency 3 a general hanking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discoiinicd and special attention given to the collection of sale noths and commercial paper gerierally f drafts isslicd payable at all principal points in canada and united states grafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of 3i and upwards receivcd interest allowed at current rates and added to principal every year whether passhook is- brought in or not special deposit recejptb issued for large sums j ivbell agent georgetown ont house cleaning time has now arrived youll wont paper for your rooms or new shades jbr the windows no where else can you find such an assortment of wall papers ceiling tapers window shades ciirtaiu poles prices low stock the largest give us n call oeo hynds jewelery and stationery store acton ont splje xtanvt thorsday may 12 1808 little local brieflets whloh caufiht the eyes or ears of fiee press reporters this week the uvea of advertisers remind ub wo can got trado if wo try and buecoen must crown our efforts if wo cfttob tha imblla oyo glorious eprlng weather this week council moots next monday evening gnolphpreebtery meeta next tuesday in guelpb cycling ia more popular than over this spring ulectrio light under munioipul super- visiou is among tho early possibilities here the mnplea aro out in their beautiful foliage wliicu all loyal canadians admire acton will havo an onunual number of preachtr a town next taebday and wednlbj if you are nebamed of your buainosb do not advertise but if you would not be aahamedaf yaur business advertifie tho strcota and walks committee have borne very attraotive figures from con tractors for lyiog permanent pavements rev j a doyle will bpeuk in the methodist ghurota tomorrow evening on tu6 younti l forwa mjbflffleht in miaoiodfl theguolph district of the womans missionary society of tho methodist oburoh will hold their annual oon vent ion in the methodist church fergus today tho playgroundb at tho public school were put in good order on arbor day a few trees were planted and the school- room windows adorned with plants and flower an iotcrestjdk lecture was given in the presbyterian church on tuesday evening by dr d beronlan an armenian on tho manners aud customs of tbo armenians and mohammedans 1 v nrpntvm nf walknr rp ludge a f fc a m several p m aud other members- tatho number of fifteen paid credit lodge qoorgetowna fraternal visit last friday evening a horse etauding at olerk mcnabba office door ran away with a cart on monday afternoon he was stopped at clarks hotel shed beyond some broken harness thcro waa little damage the halfyearly meeting of the general exeoativo committee of tho provincial sunday school association will be held in the lm6treet method is t church toronto on monday ibe3rd day of may verjob may now bo seen in the western bky about band own she grows larger and more brilliant each sneoessive night and tho year will be drawing to a olose before she ceases to be the great attraction of tho evening mr a w campbell provincial road iubtraotor vfsi ted georgetown on tuesday a visit to aoton would be desirable his wide experience would aid the council to arrive at some uniform and perm am on t system of read making the gautata the arch of fame tothpreeflnjeidr of the methwit bunday fiohool on tho evening otthsqawd dttthday promises to be onefibmoit iqurftbtlng and attraotive efpptfetir pwdocod in acton tbsi about 820 fclolpfi a heated journal at iprsxoo tannery safe fire to a jritidwlilohcmnsed alight- bliko t6fifimiinr were soon dbdaeslandtbe damage alight mr georro leal if resident of jot 5 oon 1 erin had 10 sheep worried by dogs on tueadaynighlomaat week mr david mcqaeei anfighbof iuffeted the loss flf 8 sheep all of mr leslloa sheep had iambi and iiu ion wilt consequently aggregate ft oonujerabn earn thefnri prwi baa much pleasure in congratulating iw f w goodeve b a upon bis marked iococbs at wyclifte coufg fl was not only aucoeasful iq all bis classes bat uceessful in capturing tho wyid prlatt in dograalioa aa well wyoliffo convocation wai beld last friday on monday one o mr arch mcpher- aonv fine team hone was misbehaving blmislf when bli owner picked up a slick and bit tbe annltnal on the head tho blow wag moro satero ban intended and touched a vital spot for tbe bona fell dead fit on co tho auf trial wa worth qver 10000 geonoktowx racks there will be the atualtiig time at georgetown on queens dlrlbaay tbe horae races take place as follows 2 si 1100 2 85 floo 8-rud- 75 xarmer green banning race fio entile close may 24 noon stogie faro on all rkflwayv h matthews stoadv the news at home mortlyofa local character and everyltem interesting anotltvr tiwncry ailttlttoa alduional caiiaclty is being provided for at tho works of tho aoton tanning co ruildera are at present engaged on a two- btory addi tioti forty feet in length to the leuoh house this will accomodate foar now louohus wliiob will bo placed aa soon an the exlonalon is completed ruining profitable stock mr it iiolmesdroyer sblppodtbo finest trio of cattle lust week that have beeu seen on tha market here this soason they were tiro steers three- ears old aud one three years old in juno and they weighed 1705 theeofine animals were bred and fed by mepsra kinnaird bros ay ik onuors will bulla a dwell i u mesrfijolin and duncan robertson oj nassagaiveys have purchased the lot 14 blk 21 on the corner of agnes and maria streeth formerly owned by mr joseph audttbou now of hartney man messrs robertbon bros will proceed at once to ereatu double brick bouse on the property our oitizens gurjerajly will welcome tbena as ratepayersv jfvorflwo contracts for gravel the oommlttce on stroota and walks have made very favofablo controotfl for gravel au6r same for this year the gravel wilt cbmo from the came vein us tliat of last year but from the property of mr ilenry cole a third of a mile farther away and will cost ten cents a yard eighteen cents was paid lttbt year david mills was iho successful tenderer for baul- ing outof fivo appliounts his tender is ul cents per yard labt year 45 cents was paid from the nearer pit jtuonwaya hard on street lamps a team ofoolta belonging to mr d williamaon were standing untied at holmes weih scales on monday morning when they became frightened and ran furiously along wilbur street and down oburoh to elgin street here they struck the lamp post whlob slackened their speed and thay were caught aeross the street they did trifling damage-to-wagooor- barnebs but arnasbed the street lamp to atoms this is the second lamp arnaahed on this block within three mouths now regulation concern lag hotel shedm at tho las t meeting of the license com- misbionors of this county the following clause was inserted in tbe regulations governing licensed hotels each hotel must have bhed accommodation with proper feed mangers fur ten horses this requirement must be complied with by the firat of july the commifisionera also decided that no hotelkeeperis to accept certifioates from doctors or justices of tho peaoo unless sooh a scrip is properly dated addressed and signed arid stipulates to whom tbe luqaoriflrtahe anpplied wheat aud jflovr movlatt- the f nnoy prices for wheat and floor tend to keep tho grain buyers and millers buby this week mr frank harris buyer for r noble hafl been making tho farmers glad with the high prices he has been able to pay them dollar wheat has been a common thing for a week now but 8106 to 8110 baa been paid for moat ut that delivered hero the preeont week moat of the wheat is now oat and only small quantities are beipg offered mr harris has shipped 3q00 bushels this wook to liverpool mr clark tbe miller shipped a car of flour on tuesday also to liverpool varliagtono bicyale bylaw bnriington coancil ham enacted thefol- electric light coming consulting engineer parke divas valuable pblntersand inter ostlnar figures lowing bylaw 1 no person or- persons shall be allowed to ride any bioycle opon any of the sidewalks of tbe corporation of the village of darlington unlesrthey bhall have first registered their namob aud addrcbbca with the clerk of the village sacb year and reoeivo ia pormit from bim in tbe name of the municipality upon the condi tions only that each person holding any buch permit shall dismount at least within ten feet from each and every person walk- ing or standing on any euoh sidewalk and remain dismounted until tbey are ten feet at least diatancfrom any porson so standing or walking on snch sidewalk 2 any per son holding such permit violating tho terms of this bylaw shall have hie or her permit fmeitedandafaallbqhobi tu s o being convicted before any justice or justices to any amount not exceeding twenty dollars and coats 0 any and all other person or persons so riding any bicycles upon any sidewalk within the corporation of tbo village bhall be liable to a fine on being convicted before any justice or justices to an amount not exceeding twenty dollars and coats a junsfenl family it is a generally accepted fact that the loveotmusio and tbe ability and capaaity to produce it are transmitted from ope generation to those that follow and this is clearly proven in tbe caso of tho family of ourebteomed townsman c w hill esq down to the third generation tbe early robidontbof aoton remember with pleasur able recollect ion b tho breathing flute f oft notes when skilfully played by mr hill in tho fiaramercyenings back in the fifties and sixties it is well known that alibis family aromusioal and the baud and oburoh choirs and orcbebtraa in town have bean enriohed by their ability in vocal and instrumental mneio pontinuoasly for more than a quarter of a century and now comob news of tha roarkod sucoesa of mr chas hiiill bod of mr jg hill and graudson of mr c t hill at a great recital given by the pupils of prof w a willutt at toledo ohio last week the toledo btt says carrier hall never con tained a larger audlenpe than that which assembled labt evening to listen to tbe vocal recital given by papils of william a willott one of tbe beat f oat urea of the program was chas h hills rooditibn of an aria by halevy tbe enthnslasm of the audienco reached its zenith daring the rendition of bonbouors battle eve by messrs daviee and hill local brieflets berlins tax rate has been struck at 172 mills tuesdays rain was very welcomo and ilfd mqobgoodu etqusiiogsubdav school convention will bo hfl at norval on friday lotb inst in milton no bioycle are allowed to be taken oat of the livery during oburoh and sunday school hoars elora raerohanta bays signed an agreement to close their stores tbe coming summer at 0 oolook except wednesdays and saturdays tho work of urrangiug tho new free library continues to make progress the members of the board find their positions are no sinecure the luitou district bee keepers aasoaiatlpn will moot at sretetiue on satarday may 14 lb all interested in bees are invited to attend mr l g matthews has fitted op quito attractive ioe creum parlors whlob from their central looatlou on mill btrtat should ooutmand a good tradr v it is pretty generally taken as a faat that tho ratepayer dpsiro that aotond streets should bo lighted with olecjrioity it is a faot that numboraot our merchauta and oitizsus have expressed their wilhug- nofls tp put eleotiio light into their pretn- isofl provided it satisfactory aysteai is installed here in view of this tbe miinlot- pal counoil have oanoluded that thoy are jobtified in giviug tbe question of eleotrlo light carefuliuvoatigation with thqjpnr- poae of aadsrtainiug the advhibility of establishing an electric light plaut as a profitable municipal investment to this end an interview wis tirraogod with it j pirko ojudultihg oleulrical engineer of toronto latu of moutreal mr parko arrive on thurdday evening spent friday in looking ovor towu aud propiring estimates otciad in the eveu- ibg presented his report to the oouaoil ho ctbduail desired from mr par he the data neaossiry for iutelligent aouoluiiooa npou the cost of a flrauclaas olootrio plant j the annual cost of maintenance the prob able revenuo from private larapa aud the post per anuum far lighting tho atroeti the estimates for an incandeeqout eleotrlo lighting plant wore kiveu aa follows est11jat4 of cokt etc caimdlty of junoiatop goo to 700 16 c p ilghta cupaclty of ougiiio go li p ut 80 lbs slow spend numbor olutrcot lamps to bo i m tailed so 33 c p equivalent to above in 10 c p laiplb 1q0 lamps number of prlvato latnpa to bo juatallod 300 total numbor of lamia required lii towi for bay tbroo yoars ico estitnatod coat of ontiro plant luetalled oom- plots at per above data aud iucludlug iowor bouao and polo lino oioatloo prices taken at a falravorafto uudor present market quotatipus-r- would bo not loflo than i000 and should ho not groatur than h5oc0 tbo above data rofurs to a systotn having 8 u til o lent eapacity to moot tbo probable reiairb mouuiof acton during tbo noxt ten years assuming no greater proportionate luaroaia iq population than shown by tho put statistics tbo eatimato of oost includes tbo lbatallatlon of tbo bostbystem sultod to tbo local oondltloni and requlmmentarloavlnflftuiplorooinror ox tension without noceeaitating furthor great oxponso for pole hues aud wiring or tbo ruuuing ot much now lino and further include tho adoption fit thoroughly flrat class and oluoieiit machinery and apparatus aud tbo construouon of tho system in a durablo and lloxlblo form or condition by arrongfug tbo nbcobbary spool neat fous to govora the receipt of tondoro from manufaotur- ors lii suoh a manner that all tondors aro placed on an equal basis with aaoh otbor tho pricoa on tho apparatus and machinery will bo consider ably loasonod and at tho aamo umo athoroush ly rollable plant can booecurod e6timatx op 01kiutinq kxiknheb akd uicvgkob coat of coal fob at acton i3c0 per ton cost of labor ono man per year sjoo bnglno efflcloncytljbs coal pot bono jiower hour- t doprociatlod nvo per cont por annum on entire system interoat hvo por cout por annum on ontiro investment b treat lamp ronowals avcrogo 10 por yor as tbo btroot lamps will bo run until midnight under a moonlight uohodulo and iiotmoro tbau 300 prlvato lamps will likely bo producing a rovonuo for the municipality it is advlsablo tbai thoratos to prlvato cubtomars ho bo arraofiod as to provldo for a rovouua from a maximum of lamps while a minimum of powrbo rcxiulrod for tlioir satisfactory oporatiou if thoadvlco of tbo consulting ongtnoor bo oarof ully followed lu rogard to tbo managomont of expenses aud rates tognthor with a ciobo attonlion to operat ing dotallb tbo i street lighting can bo obtained at anoxpousoof 20000 por annum for 50 lamps of 32 c p and ratos to prlvato cuttouioraueed not oxcood i00 ror lamp por year following 1b a dotall of qxpbnbo and roveaae coat of iuol par annum i5o00o labor do 400 00 intoroat on luvostmont 2o0 0o joiirooiutiou por ttiiuum itioidontal ox pen sea 10juuu io0 0o lo00o nbvonuofromaoolarapaat fi02 oooh 12o0 0o costof stroet llgbliugpor atiuum 2o0 0o as will ho eccn by abovo estimates tho oounoil propose if a plant bo invested in to provide ample power for firstolase ser vice and capacity sufficient for tho natural growth of the town and consequent in creased demand for private lamps the success of incandcacent lamps for street lighting- baa been demonstrated in many places tile past year or bo they overcome tho objectionable features of the aro lights and by tho increased uuniber installed on the the streets ensaro good llgbuni descent eystem acton will have as many eleotrio lights on tho shouts as wo have of coal oil lamps at present and tho 82 c p eleotrlo lamps proposed havo an illanoinat ing power twoandonehalf times greater than the oil lamps when they aro perfebt- ly oleaned and turned up to full blaze the rates for private lamfft will of course depend to a considerable degree upon tbo number installed it is io the plan of the councils arrangement aa at present understood that as soon as the minimum numbor of prlvato lumps caloo- uted for a paying business is reached to redjoco the prjoo per lamp consistently with tbe incroaso of lamps contracted for and the general auoccsi of the entorpriass so that if the scheme of installing an electric plant is consummated it will at all times bo of interest to ratepayerd generally to eheourago tbe use of electricity where vet it can be adopted rby the estimates of the engineer it will beieontbt ajplant can be put in and operated on a safe flnaqoial basis with advantages to tbe mqnioipality and at the tame time soouro superior oleatrio lighted street s at a cost little or no greater than our present coal oil lamps cost us for oil repairs and oare in answer to a question put to the electrical engineer at the meeting last thursday evening ho stated that no town of aotonw flizo in canada that ho haul aay knowledge of had evor bad eleotrlo light of a satisfactory oharaoter where the plaut had not become a permanent and- suposis- jul inatitullon of the town in the town at barrio tbe council oxpecte to pay the entire cost of iheir plant from tho revenue derived from tbo system pat in and to give ratepayers thtir private lights for j250per l per a l letter of thanks the reevo handed in the following letters yesterday to bo publinhed wliloh show that the work done by tbe fire brigade is blgiy appreciated jbfsansokjibaq- iteovo of aoton dkau bib we havo muoh pleas uro in hind- log you borstfltb our cbook for 1500 to be aiipliod to firs drigado funds in rooognltion of tho very etnclout and tlmoly sorvlcos rendered ui at tbo rooont oro at our lannory thanking tho brigade for their randy cftsilst- woo wo are youra very truly beaudmoiib a co coming and going vlsitorirtoeindltoinaoton and varloue other personal notes tbo fukh piikbs invftes all ita roaders to oon trlbuto to this column if you or ybnr friends aro going away on a holiday trip or if you bare friend visiting yru drop a card to tbe fis lmless- r miss olarli mamshaw visited friends lu guelpb last week mr jameai brown visited friends in toronto last week mrs jennie smith visited friends lu toronto last week mr l b orr of toronto is spending a week at his home here mr willie monabb visited friend in toronto during tbo week mr james hiokey of georgetown visit od aoton friends on sunday mr and mrs j a mcgrail visited friends in toronto last week rev j e lanoely of brampton was a guost at mboreorbft last friday mr acot mrs john w bswa of miltob visited acton relatives this week mr and mrs john ballantineof george town visited friends here this week mr loaflanoagan took part at a con cert at hanover on tuesday evening i misa foster and miss robinson of georgetown spent sunday at the home of mr wm noble mr c moffat leaves next week for st paul where he will spend a month or sowfth bla sons mr ninun lindsay of georgetown spent last friday at the boms of big ion mr nflindsay mr and mrs thomas eiston were called to guelpb last week through the dolh of a relative there dr j f halated of kimberley was in town ibis week visiting bis sons family he left yesterday morning for winnipeg the misses wogibbpn of sarnla were goeats at thehome of mr d henderson m p and other friends in town last week misa hat tie thnrijon -of- aoton was a guest at mr cbaa moogku for a few day a during the past week waterloo chronicle mr fred beyers of montreal spent a couple of days during the week at the home of hia father rev william bryera miss jessie nioklin left on monday for brandon man where sbn will spend a month or so with her brother and other friends at tho oonvooatiqn of victoria upiver- sity torouto the degree of bachelor of divinity was conferred on rev w h garnham bai of brio kit ot the matt and empire bai been despatched to cuba as war correspondent this is the first time a woman has ever been chosen to fill buoh a position mr h p moore was in toronto yester day attending the annual meeting of the book committee of the metbodlat book aud publishing house of wbloh he is a member mr henry gulloden son of v g oulloden etfq formerly editor of tbe halton sew era is travelling auditor for ono of the western railways when be was married recently bis company plaoed a private car at his disposal for his honey moon tour mr culloden lis nephew of mrs 8 a secord mr c brunswick smith b a boo 0 e nephew of mrs s a secord bos resigned hia position as leoturor in mcgill university montreal with its stipepd of crewson9 corners j with its flowerj showers and apring pbots is with us again mr d townsend arrived home from the northwest where he has been for the past mouth on saturday ho hois purohased 820 acres of land hoar neepawa ho peaks very highly of that country s at a recent meeting of the trustees of of the methodist cburohhera a reaolatlon wu passed by them to make an effort to persuade the methodist conference to reopen the oburoh here if they fall in this we aodorstand tbat tbalr intention is to sell u to some other demonitiatioo mr j osburn who bad his hand badly lacerated bo mo time ago is slonly recover ing mr jus damper had a couple of hia fingers of his left hand badly braasbed wklle engaged at work at mr wm grays least week he will be laid- off work for some tlrne mr 0 a ramshaw of low villo intends to work in this vicinity this summer charlies manyjxiendn will be pleased to have him with tbera again triviri oripps intends to run bis chopping mill on monday next for the codtonlenco of tbe farmers of this vicinity mr h damper lost a very valuable bono from inflammation last week mr and mrs h smith of erin visited at mr j murrays roiehlll last week wr and mrs friok and children of ac too spent sunday at cold brook- made and merit maintains thooonfldence of the people hi hoods baraaparuu a medicine cores yon when sick if it makes wonderful cures everywhere then beyond all question that mod icmopoaseeses merit j to mshbiib llbaiipmoiiu co acton gbntihuhn i i have rauob ploaauro in id- knowlodglng roeolpt of your ostcemod favor oon- tafnlng abovo ebeok and in behalf of tbe fure hrjgado of returning your ann our slnosre thanks for your kind and thoughtful consider uon and of assuring you or any other oltums tjiatyou will alvja and our voluntoor o pany ready when duty oalla congratulating you on jonr scaiio from a moroscxlouaeonflagratuu i lavotba honor bs yourobedkutssrvant i lr i jnfbaobonbesre- 91500 a year and has acoepted a position on the engineering staff of the c p r at the personal invitation of sir wm van home with higher emolument he will make his headquarters at barrie mr a kennedy son of pan kennedy esq esquesing left here yesterday for drydon lu the tbe a i go mi district whore bo will oommenoe farming od tbe property be secured last season mr kennody ik bottling in that section of new ontario which hasrbeoomo very popular and haa bright prospects hie many friends here wish him every success a lachute lady gives her experience- with palnes celery com pound she is fiescued from a ter- ible condition of suffer ing that was lead- ins to death 1nelammat0ey kheu- mati8m eeached thellljsclesof theheaet paines celery compound never disappoints the rheumatic sof- erer the m arveilou8 8prino medi cine should be used this month it drives all poisons from system the wmxriftbiciiuiubun co gkktlcusm it li with eitremo pleu- oro iht i glo yon uttlmodll id ftrcr ol yoor wonderlal romoiij pln cler oomponnd lmi january i bad grlpp and it leltim anffarliig with that dread dlieaaa loflammatory rbanmatlam my hand and fmt were awqllen jadly i alaq had the rbeomatuni in my aldea and ehonldera and in thfrtnaole of my heart i anoered very muoh nntll a friend adviaed my hnaband to proonre falnee oelery oomponnd for me i oommenoed taking the obiuponnd in april i i hay naed ion botuek and am perfectly oarad the oomponnd haa iven mo a rood appetite and made a new peraon of roe i boar falnee oelery oomponnd pralael airery day by people who have need it and i heartily reoommeir it to all who anffari from rhenmallam yonr aiooanly mmd h baidtoim tiioboti j stalker eold a fln aborthorn mr john a modonald ol mr ball to qnappelle n w i tbli week animal waa ablppcd on monday tha ia the original snrsopnrilla tbe a hstandard o tho world others s havp imitated tlio remedy gthey cant imitate the record 1 50 years of cures i siiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiii so jm mangel seed n03n we sell the the yabd lono red sawlogrbd gate post wed mammoth lono bed yellow inter- mejdiate yellow olobe any kind only ioe per lb by post 4c a lb extra for postage also sugar beet redor white only 20c per lb rape seed 16 lb for jroo xurnipizjc per lb that lajait tbe troth about hooda bar- aaparilbi we know it poseeeiw merit becaaaolt onre9inot once or twice or a hundred times but in thoueanda and thoubanda of caseo wo know it enne absolutely permanently when all others fail to do any good whatever wo repeat pollpisring up what we said in our inst advertisement about ths supreme excellence of our dress goods department we want todirect your attention to the following lines of sur passing value 1st whipcords very in all the new colorings 40c 50c 75c 95c 9i5 lathe best ltrftetha one tniayloojlirtntr hoods tnis sir ssb acton appreciates nice goods those wall taper samples we show at the drugstore of j d mckee are nil the rage why because they are uptodnte put ingrain on your walls it ls very handsome and new bee mckees samples room mouldings to match window shades send the size of your windows and we will quote prices any color and every width 40 inch at 42 inch at 42 inch at 44 inch at 46 inch at- black orepons and grenadines we venture to say that our range of materials choice of styles and variety of prices excel tbe combined attraction of all locaj competition prices at 3950 69 85 9sc iu25 k5p9ijt5 928250 and 8275 in the better grades our prices are exactly 50c ayard less than qudtatlons on samples from toronto shown to us by customers specials 42 inch tweed fiffeefs in 6 difiereht styles regular 25c for 15c z inch twotoned granite cloth stylish regular 50c for 35c jc inch colored wool cashmeres in b differen i colors regular 45c for 25c 21 inch uroche silks jn great variety of colors a great bargain at 35c millinery hats that look wcli neednt cost so very much tho experience md good taste of a capqblc milliner can do wonders with few materials we havo many hew dssigns to show we invite you to sec talk it over and consult your own- convenience ahotit buying our millinery trade is advancing with leaps and bounds simply because wo offer the greatest attractions and best service j spring jackets we want toclear out every spring jacket jh stock within thc next week or two and for this end ve are cutting prices in two act quick if youwantonc wcreshovin y them out prices low terms cash e r bollert 25 aud 27 wyndham street gtje lph base ball lawn tennis lacrosse and foot ball requisites g 1 nelles thb lehdsh cublph geo jthoep sebdswhn market sq and macdonnell st cublph empirft tjrewriter price 5500 visible writing in addition to all tho advantages of the 912000 machines the onrv typewriter manufactured in canada fully gurrttnteed circulars and them testimonials write for limited utmlton of eolobrated mow wlhums sowiug mtclildoa wall get prices 1898 at waters bros the picture gallery cuelph bring pictures to be framed aofon jlswliine and rppoir shops bekitv orlkoeiii iroprleter a zth well equipped ith tha naebinerr ouse corner king and hughson sts hamilton for rajring your trees and berry bushes we have all the necess ary materials as 4i4bam copper sulphate copper carbonate paris green white helebpre fc insect powder prices right and materials the very best a tv dltowjf nursery stock agents agricultural implement awntei or anyone desiring 10 better their posi tion and increase their income shauld write us the demand for home grown nursery stock is on the increase we need more men if you warit steady paying work write us we flunlah all auppllea free- wetaayathelargeat muraariei in tho do minion wetpaj both aalarr and oornmlaalon we engage either whole or part tixno men we o cmrstookia our nurseries comprise over 700 acres and growing stock in large quantity enables iis to sell at ihe closest possible figure men suooeed with us who havo palled with others it will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you dont write unless you mean business and want profitable employment stone wellington toronto the campaign prepare for winds we would eall your attention to tbe aet tbai we are prepared to supply yon with lumber of suitable length for yoor barn doors vis 10 13 18 or 14 feet also sabh doors f mouldings eta for building storm doors pot ap at as low a rate aa possible repair your pumps or pnt in new ones before it is too cold wa out do it shop at foot of blyof8trebt aoton thos cbbace i linens and sheetings bleached sheeting plain 72 inches wide 20 25 to 45c 8r inches wide 23 as to 50c 00 inches wide 25 30 to 55c 72 inches twill 22 25 to 45c 81 inches twill 25 30 to 50c 90 inches twill 33 40 to 60c 72 plain unbleached 15 l 20 and 25c 81inch plain unbleached 18 22 and 25c 81 inch twilled unbleached 15 18 and 20c 72lnchtwilied unbleached 15 18 and 20c 81lnch twlledunbleached 2532 and3sc sheets ready for use 72x90 plain hem- stitched 65 and 70c 81x90 75 and 90c 72x90 hemstitched 80c 81x90 hemstitch ed 90c stair linens 14inch 10 and i2jc 16 or 18 inch stair linen 13c unbleached table damask at special prices 60 inches wide 25 30 32 to 50c 66 inches wide 40 45 to 50c 72 inches wide 45 50 to 85c two pieces only of bleached table linen 70 inches wide slighily damaged regular 85c special for 65c special job in hemstitched linen towels 21x42 special 15c each 22x44 special at 20c each linen bath towels 22x45 special at 25c each wash goods section delicato shades of dimities and printed muslins fast colors 8j and 10c madras prints fast colors stripe and checks 36 inches wide 12j french organdies in great variety of patterns 15 to 25c linen crash suitings in plain or fancy stripes 25c wool dress goods wool poplins 48 inches wide all colors 75c and uioo sedan suitings for tailor made costumes in leading shades 75c and 8125 check suitings very stylish for street wear 6575 an 8 vigeroux suitings very special at 35 4 and 55c single dress patterns silk and wool mix- ture special al 86 and 87 each silk grenadines in single dress lengths very handsome designs in all popular shades j975 91500 and 81850 navy serge 42 inches wide special at 25 35 and 40c 46 inch6s vvldc spcdiil at 5uc shepherd checks in all sizes 50c samples free by mail freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchases amounting to 8500 and upwards thomas c watfcins newblhck when it comes to dress goods there is hot a worthy style or quality missing here priestleys high class dress jgoodshconnned exclusively to this store gur ambition was to exceed all previous efforts in every respect fine black henriettas fine black seree newbroadcloths n9w ktiatres black chiffons new black 8ltks new french vlgoreux new ladies cloths new satin cloths new black parasols the most complete stock of black dress goods that the people of acton has had to choose from youll be welcomed whether you buy or not we want you to see and then make comparisons mmmwt go mill st acton blouses blouses blouses we have just in a large assortment of summer blouses in all shades and size and the latest styles appreciated they need to be seen to be call and see before you go elsewhere c f gqqdeye cos scton ibomry toxc atatulrapftirvtojnaobln idmpnkiqharaliuipiamunwftiidio do of stminflttlbltv itonmmhmibb sad blaokinklibinf woodwork repair pel in iv ittaffotory mnnr wt imiolilfi w raplmnont of ibv xni gtiiitrilnkundoliugdoiio hwiie n cananvl rformod nptur and itfo baw loeulty lp ne tbaltlnr rk exhrtno o caelul ain iw v jurlnf jronr apuajlait iicoilt aictom ont potato w 1 highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver- ed at symon bros acton we carry a full line of hapdyape grooaries i boots shoes 8ymon bijps cor mlll amd mait tsi acton you want the best and the cheapest mcmullons fencings and nettings com bine these two qualities no others do hog fencings at special low prices all rttlier varieties cheap mcmullens are the only good nettings sold in canada they are unequaled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ask your hardware mer chant for mcmullens goods if you cannot buy of him write- to the manufacturers at plcton ont or to tin i greening wire co llmitril hamilton and montreal cieneral agents jamrs cooifr montreal general agent for railway fencings

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