Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1898, p. 4

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j j after taking a course of ayers pills the system is set in good working order and a man begins to feel that life is worth living he wha has become the gradual prey of constipation does not realize the friction under which he labors until the burden is lifted from him then his mountains sink into mole hills his moroseness gives place to jollity he is a happy jnan again if life does not seem worth living to you you may take a very different viev of it after taking ayers cathartic pills ft xtan jfm firm thursday may 12 1898 sle ijomtg folks a smatl boy s pzaint wbon tbo bllterd is blowing ootaide in the street iiiavo totay heroin thebouao xbtue to alt quiet the wholo of the time aa till aa littbj brown mouse tboy won t lot mo teaao my small brother at all or play with my email staters tbingi and mamma b not ploasod if i stop id her room and set op a store with rlogs and papa sett mad as a erasy march haro when i out pleturoa out of his books i cannot go down to tbe kitohon to slay because wo ve tbo grossest of cooks the waitress dont ltko it if by somo mlsohaoeo i upset tbo oranborry plo on bllztardy dab there isn t a boy bo unhappy and tired as i the doft bo anapa at mo if i pall bit tall and pusay eho aorateboa my hand it i put her aboard tbo piano and play abo s tbe hood of a muaioal band tho baby bo erios if i poke at his eyes and his purse drives mo out of tho plaoo anl tolls mo that all through tho rest of tho day abo don t want a bight of my face i with it would clear for i want to go out lean not stay qulot and etu i m so full of movlnesa all of tlo timo that sit ing down makes mo feel 111 i caanot do anything no not a thing i cant any i will or i won t i cannot no out and i cannot stay in wbon thoro a nothing to do but to don t harper bazar breeds snakes to 8t tho bounty given by iba inr1 m govern mint fur snukeu htadv in order toextermf nnto tlicua rip ilo- liai m to it few of the lidhuiiedt i altvoa brcerifim ihent for a living au uiiguilimm truvtllinu through qfiiirbl imlu mdo k ecllar disqpvdry in i ho hewrtfof a hen no jungle ho oamo mororb a rudi hut und elope at lituul waa a urio pit covered with tiki fitting wood- en lover he found the tfcoupauti of tho hut two tunreniitmble lookink nativos and abked tho nyanitf of tlw peculiar pit they infurmel him that they were breeders of suakea sod put them in the pit tbe bottom of which waii covered over with dried graei and leaves they kept ho easkes there soma eix months feediog them ou all kinds of em nil ertmals and birdn they then filled a largo earthen pot with poiaodoaa herb lighted it lowered it into tbo pit and secured tbe tigba flitting wooden cover and thns braoherjd the rphee the cover waa allowed to remain on for a few days it waitbeo removed apd tbe nakea taken cat by meant of a long pole with a spike at the end of it their heada were then out off and one of tbe rogapb set oat for the xmreat govern ment agency to obtain tbe bounty while the other caught freali am ten for the pit the enabea very often devoured one another bat the mothers generally manag ed to bring op their young though it was a a marvel tboy bred at all la each a place it being one would tliiok contrary to their nature a man who it tired all the time owing to impoverished blood abonld take hoodva suraapanlla to purify and enrich tho blood and give him vitality and vigor a good spring medicine ia a neaeasity with alwaya everyone hoodi saraaparilla la what the roilliono like in the spring its great power to parity and enrich the blood and baild op health is one of the facta of oommon experience of all the animals man is tbe only born ingrate much in little is especially trot of noodi piusfor nomed cine ever contained so great ouraura power la o small space tnsy are a whole medietas a doq story- a curious incident happened to a grocer last week he had bought a box of dog oikes which were packed loose not fa pick n gee as he thought people ought to see thera in order to sell them quickly ha pat tbe box outside about 4 oclock in the aft or noon a third of it seemed to be gone he aafaed bis olerka whether they had sold that ronob ic appeared that neither of tbem had had any oustomera at atl for dog cakes could it be that they had been sampled by paasereby thinking they were crackers while the grocer waa meditating a big bull dog from aronod the corner went straight to the box snatched two dog cakes and harried off he bad been the customer free luncher thief eto names which the grocer had saved for tba one who bad so far emptied the box adv enoit always ready av ways efficient always sat isfactory prevent a ebld or fever cure an liver ma slclc headache jaundice eonitfpatlon ate ate the only rills to take with uoodasaraanariua adversity ia god a pruning knife a broker broken stomach troubles ndlaeatlon and ita distressing accompaniments were snapping thellfestrlnare south amerloan nsrvlna proved bottorthan gold mr john boycr money broker kincar dine ont writes three years ago i was very ma oh troubled with indigestion i was a great sufferer i proonred and tried sooth american nervine a few doaea wonderfully helped me and twp or three bottles cured me i have no hesitation in recommending it heartily toailsufferera from btomaoh trouble bold by a t brown reverent mutenbh t r whilo atrnmlnu in tho arilurtul gaulle through the mojitmbiqim uimiiiol which aoparatett madauinwr from south afrit mark twain 4aw mi una uaaiouhixhimifon of englibh rtjvcrenco for tho uatloi at hnihrm iih lepuiibemhocene iw folown last night iho burly ohftf onuinctr middli ngnl uhh mitiuiliiik ttlhr gaspiiliuii htu tiring tuk und hud naohed the moat extitipk place wht ro a in u overboarii was waihiutf swiftly astern on ihu irot seaa and uplifting doiairin crlo- evcrbody raoinu aft in a freuy of xetimni iind fading hope whfcu the bind uliifli had been ailent a moment began irnprehpively its closing pice tho euglhth national anthem ah simply aa if ilnoonacioun of what be was doing he paused in bis story uncovered hla head laid bia la end ciip okujiiet hu broaat and alightly beut his grizzly tiesd the first few bars fitiahod ho put on hiu cap aud took up his tale un ad naturally as if that intertouou of muelo had beou a part of it there was something touching and refined about it and it waa moving to reflect that ho was one of a myriad aoattered over every part of the globe who by tnrn waa doing aa he was doiug every hour of the twenty four thoae impressive bara forever floating up out of tbo various chimes never silent and never lacking rev erent listeners when ion are tired what is eastoria is dr samuel pitchers prescription for infants and children it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotlo substance it is a harmless substitute for paregoric drops soothing syrilps and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of mothers costoria tlostioys worms and allays foverishness castorla prevents vomiting sour curd euros diarrhoea and wind colic castorla relieve teething troubles curoet constipation and flatulency castorla assimilates the food regulates the stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castorla is tho childrens panacea tho mothers prlcnd castoria castorla is a i excellent medicine for children mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children dit g c osaoon lowell mais castoria castorla is so well ndapted to children that i recommend it as superior to any pre scription lenown to me ii a arcuur m d brooklyn jv y without extra exertion lanqufs dull and listless j our blood is faillug to supply to your mobolea and otber organs the vitalizing and strength giving properties they require hoods barsetparilla cureb that tired feeling by curloblng and pqrifyinfi the blood ft will give you energy and vigor j hood a pills are easy to take easy to operate cure indigestion bilioabuebs 25c then when one woman meets another comes the tog of war aburecnro for consumption there is no such thing scotts emulsion cornea tbe nearest to it but even that will not cure advanoed oases but taken ia time it will care tbe disease wibdom often kebea to introduce parents to their ohlldren liver troubles biliousnese sallow com plexion yellow eyes jaundice eto yield to the curative powers of lai a liver fills they are sure to cure tbe more soandal is spread oat tho thicker it gets erysipelas cured u wiah to state that i used dardook blood bitters for erysipelas in my face and a general run down btata of health the use of a few bottles cured me completely mrn cbaa cook dellevlllo ont the hair of tbe head to be an ornament to the wearer should receive painstaking care and it its color la faded halls hatr itonewer should be applied if you are going to put a dagger under tbe fifth rib of your friend yon should at least have tbe grace to jtb stain from kiss ing blnxas a prelqde to the performance use the safe pleasant and effectual worm killer mother graves worm exterminator nothing equals it procure a bottle and take it home sasploloti is the scent of conning six oils the most conolnsive testi mony repeatedly laid before the pnblio in the columns of the daily press proves that dr thomas eoleotrio oil an absolutely pure combination of six of the finest remedial oils in existenceremedies rheumatic pain eradicates affections of the throat and longs and cures piles wounds sores lameness tumors burns and injuries of horses and cattle master how many bones have yon in your body jackiwm jaokson two hundred aud nine master but the otber pupils have not bo miny jackson they aint ha 1 fish for dinn r like roe castoria for infentsand children 3r i in u hnm von had batttr go ilow in deaths host brishtb disease dlabetaa blad der troublesparalysis drop sy disease imps ready to bring you down south amerloan kidney cure has rasouad thousands an hliirmlng fact slmoit so inorodible onr wera it not bornn oat by utllllca that over uiuoiy per oent ol all poult momm exitmioniloos have proved ths oiibienco ol kidney diseaie it you eiper- ianie atmining cutting pain aoaldlng or if ilicro it lirioky dml or chalky isdlmsnt t ley gn to prove that the kidneys ars not pirforminuihtlr unoliom that there ars fireliii mbitaiicci there that sooner or lur will olik np and stop tbs whole machinery or the human anatomy booth amrlcn kiiluby core diirolvas and dis pel- all thrre pirate of good health qolok- ly and urtly sold by a t broirn bia iniit amriiauerlfharpljrobsett- nl mi liaolblo aomlan to a man who was trying to fun a hi way throogh lbs erowo si ihedoorof a theatre no i oppose o returned ilierjian or ihey wouldnt love any of the animals to block rfp the entrance boaating ia blowing oil tbe steam of aelfconcelt colio and kidney difficulty mr j w wilder j p lafargovillo n y write 4 1 am snbjrot to aevere ittaoks of oolio and kidney difflaolty and find farmeleea fillb afford me great relief while all other remediee have failed thty are tbe beat medloine i have ever ased in fact ao great is the power of tbla medicine to oleanie and purify that diioaflos of almost every name and nature are driven from tbe body flatery serves aa gas in the balloon of pride mllutlru burl hahac pu are easy to take bannlesi in aotion and sure to oare any headaabe id from 6 to 30 minuteir mrs thos mccasn mooresville ont writes i was troubled with biliousness headache and lost ap petite i could not rest at night and was very weak but after using- three bottles of b bb my appetite has returned and 1 nm better than i have been for years i would not be without burdock blood bitters it is such a safe and good remedy that i am giving it to my children frlendahip may boon dp but enmity never news from tort hope word baa been received from furt ilopr out that mr w a canon the well- known grooer hae bom owed of ahortneia of breath nervonsdew dizziness and debility by milbarna hurt and nerve m ca n t m dy lo all troubled with weakness heart or nerve purity opens the way lo a world of gladness worms eannot exiit either in ohildren or adalls when dr lows worm qyrop la need sffo all dealers what did ou atop ibat olock in your room for jane because mnm tbe plaguey thing has bome sort of a fit every morning mom jest when wlien i wants to sleep after coughs and colds the germs of consumption often gain a foothold scotts emulsion of cod- liver oil with hypophos- phites wijl not cure every case but if taken in time it will cure many even when the disease is farther advanced some re markable cures are effected in the most advanced stages it prolongs life and makes the days far more comfort able everyone suffering from consumption needs this food tonic joe and 1 oo all druggtlti scott bowne chralaa toronto a shaggy camel may bur a smooth harden there never was and never will be a universal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh la heir the very nature of many coiatives being each tbit were tba germs of other and differently sealed dlseaws rooted in the system of tbe patient what wonld relieve one 111 in tare would aggravate tbe otber we have however in quinine wine wben obtained in a eonnd unadulterated state a remedy for maqy and grievous ills by its gradual judlolous use the fr are led fno con valescence and strength by tbs indoenoe which quinine exerta on natures own restoratives ii relieves tbe drooping spirits of those with whom a chrotilo alate of morbid derpondenip and lack of interest in life is a disease and by iraiiqailizlng the nerves dispose to sound and refresh ins sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whloh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of tbe eystem thereby making aotivily a neoeaaary result strengthening the frame and giving life to tbe digestive organa wbioh naturally demand inoreawod subatanoe reanlt im proved appetite korthrop dc l man of toronto have liven to thu pubio their cjainlne wine at tli usual riur and gnsgel by tho opinion of solontiad this wine approaches nearest perfection of sny in the market all drouglatsau it before faith oau rest it must itntid a teal old xon eanl bury ohsrsoter in the grave soma persons have periodical attaciia of canadian cholera dtieotry or diarrhoea and have to nse groit precautions to avoid tba disease change of water cooking and green bolt are sore lo bring on the attacks to moh persons we would reoommend dr j d kellers dysentery cordial aa being the best nadiolne in the market for all summer compislnta if a few drops tea taken in vrndsateiben ths symptom an noflced no further trouble dlei hard for iha old folks to move about constant bnckachesto bother them in the dnytlme urinary weakness to disturb their eat at night doans kipnev pills suesflbfn me moseys sad btfp to make ths atodlslae years comfortable mr w omukford chcatnut street charlotlctowp p e i writes for the past two years i bavs had mnch trouble with disease of the kidneys and non retention of wine waa dropsical and suffered s rrsat daal with pain in my back vmsersivs the facsimile signature of appearsqnevery wrapper vms csjrraua eempawy vv aiuawav stssar mtarvesifertv a pair of gloves paesea through nearly 200 bands from the moment that the skin leaves the drebbera hands till tbe time when the gloves are porohased for internal or external nae hagyarda yellow oil cannot be expelled as a pain relieving and soothing remedy for all pain if a man doeent think ngbt impobstblo for him to behave right crick in tbe bark its doans kidney fills will take it ont quick er than anything olae you know of mr george dorand hamilton ont eays doane kidney fills have made me stronger removed tbo tired feeling and cored my weak kidneys and aching back never trouble another for what yon oan do yoursolf as tbe etrength of a building depends upon the solidity of ita foundation so health depends apon the oondition of the blood to expel imparities and canes tbe vital fluid to become vigorous and life- giving ayord sarsaparilla is the most powerful and effective medicine in nse tbo truly valiant dare everything cxoept doing any other body au injury sir f sidney halifax llapnenlngs every sufferer from aick headache or oonbtipatlon should know that laxaliver pills are a complete care margaret bren- nan 5 granville street halifax n s says i havo nsed laxalivor pills for constipation and sick headache and foond them exoellent if a woman is ever devoid of mercy its when she gets a moniie in a trap worms cant staj when dr lows pleasant worm syrup is used its death to tbe worms easy on the system and nice to take contains sufficient laxative so that there is no need of giving castor oil or calomel afterwards if yon see it in the yellow journals wonder if its so you a nurses story tails tiow ihawis ourod tiff heart and nurvo troubles the onerout duties that fall to tho lot ot a nurse tho wolry oaro loss ol sleep irregularity of metis soon toll on the mrs h ei menzios a profcbronnl nurse living at the corner of wellington and king streets brant ford ont states her if as col inferno 11 declares tbe dog is mans natural companion the new woman will hp e to ntiok to cats i tcetiildff time la hard on tbo babiee theyre apt to have diarrhoea and mothers know how dangerous it la mrs ghs bott harlow ont aaya 4 oan highly recommend dr fowlors extract of wild strawberry it crfred my baby of diarrhoea after all other meana failed if tbe average man conld live bb life over again bo would probably be a bigger fool than ever the man who rides a wheel only half enjoys its delights c tutu lie get a rigby porous waterproof bicycle suit in dry weather jou would not know the cloth waa waterproof r and in wet weather you can ridi all dny without getting iiet the righy cloth admits the air c but keeps out the rain any wheel- 1 man will see hip great advantage c of it at once rigby bicycle suits ore nude only by h shorey co mont real but ore sold by all i uptodnto clothing dealers oqipob9poii t shops and warerooms foot of willow st calls attendeld to day or night j a speight co undertakers and embalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges flrniturb of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n 8tin8on rockwood will receive immediate attention efrotao do tou d5 woods norway pine syrup the most prompt pleasant and perfect ours or coughs colds asthma bronchitis hoarseness sore throat croup whoop- ins conch quinsy fain in the cheat and all throat bronchial and lung diseases the heming anticonramptlve virtues of llie norway pine era combined in tins modicine with wild cherry and other pectoral herbs and bal sams to make a true specibn for all forms olduoaao originating fromoolda prlco 25c and 50c fleasnre soon palls when it oosta noth- the head of the new york house of john wanamaker says business depends upon three things merchandise service advertising and the latter is the dynamic power of the business but is too often neglected the free press can help you in your business if you will but use it and persist in using it this is cleveland year r railway time table grand trunk railway ooiisq wlbt goino i aftt mall 0 4 fin in i i xprtisb 0 j5 o m cxproib u 21ii i rxnrubh 10 47 m m mall 7 oop in mall 0 11 pui mixed 10 03 ii m tiiiis of clohinu mailh going wopt0 25 n ua and 0140 p m going eabt10 is a m and 6 40 p m thin tituo tnblu wont into cjtlci on mooda nov bolb lb9tu brhntford calvanized steel wind mills and towers for power a ad pump ivg with in ternal covered getir patent roller mna ball bearings maple leaf craincrinders two sizes for any power no i has io inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8 inch single burrs both have ball bearing burr plates reue springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ball bear- ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market best material lig htes running send for illustrated catalogue brwjtfordcan john mcqueen agent for the ibove has changed his ware- rooms to building on w e smith s property john street where may be seen raostds wood binders and mower and a complete line of tarm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen read this uyiutcn a man who desires to fill a flhilllu biddy paying position and earn good wages if you are at present employed that need not prevent you from sending us a postal card to learn whnt we do for you we have the largest most complete and thoroughly up todate nurseries in tho dominion ihere is a largely increasinr demand for home grown nursery stock all supplies sent free the trial costs you nothing you get your pay every saturday if ou cannot give full time to our inter ests we can arrange liberal terms with you for part time we grow a full line of fruit trees berry bilsbes flowering shrubs ornamental trees hedging bulbs roses and seed potatoes all our stock guaran teed and warranted to live write and tell us you are open for an offer and we will make you a proposition and you will want to accept e p blackfokd co toronto owe ob follows i hve suffered from weakness shortness breath and polpitntton of the heart for the past three years the least exdltotneit wonld mnkemy henrt to sleep after got milbnrus it ear and flatter and at night i eui fou nkemy mlitclfj ifflcnlt nervo fills i experienced great r lief and on continuing their nss the improvo ment has been marked until now all the old symptoms aro gone and i am completely ympton ouxea htlbnrns heart and nerve fills enre anaemia nervonsncbs weakness bleep lessnoss palpitation throbbing faint bpelts dizziness or any condition arising from impoverished blood disordered nerves or weak heart laxalivefpillbouancoated tongue- things to rem6mb6r ist that cleveland bicycles are manufactured by a reliable home manufacturer known to possess absolutely unequalled facilities for accurate and durable construction 2nd that cleveland bicycles are subjected to several thousand rigid inspections tests and guages during the course of construction insuring such perfection that every ounce of power is utilized in pro pulsion 3rd that cleveland bicycles are famed the world over for their reliability strength and easy running qualities mechanical skill and knowledge have made them the best in the world 4th that cleveland bicycles are the only i8g8 models that have adopted the wonderfully improved bearings the only bearing which insures perfect alignment reducing friction to a minimum no family living in a bilions coqnlry shosld be without parmeleea vegatablo fills a fow closes now and then will keep tbe liver aotivs oleaose the stomach and bowela from all blliope njator abd prevent llsgae mr ai erictvshoalimartin co ind writes 1 have tried a box of psrmeleos pills n i and them tbe best medloine for fever and agne i have ever nsed never bay whs yon dont want beoanse ita oheap physician heal thyself nurse nurse yourself six years of rheumatlo pains mrs einer professional nurse corn- wsjiii st halifax n 8 says for six years i was a great enffcrer from rheuma tism dootora treated me and i tried almost everything bat got very little relief 1 took a friends advtoi and tried booth american rheamatio oars i have proved it a grand medietas far before i had finish ed tbe seoood bottle my loffsrlofnj hid oeas iedl was oomptetely oared and have bad no rslnrn of ths pains sold oy a x brown cleyelhnd have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just saits h ramshaw acton photo artist 5500 7000 8000 tub snzorljds grbht9st bicycl6 contains the greatest improvements ever devised or included in one bicycle sole representative a t brown acton ha lozier co toronto junction larqett sale n canada

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