Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiiino 47 acton ontario thubsday may j 9 1898 pbice three cents ib rcblibhkd every thursday morning at the free p rebssteam printing oflu e iillbtitee7 acton ont teuma of suiisoniitionono dollar per year strictly in advauco all hiibserlptloub diacon tlnuou when tlio ttino for v nich tboybavo boon pmd bus oxpirod tho dato to which evory subscription it paid is donotod oa tho add rose label adtbhtibino iuteb trans on c advortibo tuonta 10 conta por nonparoll line for first in sertion s conta por lino for oaoh bubaoquont iiaerlioa oontiuat xtitbb tbo following table shows urratoafor tho inaqrtlon of advortlbomoutafor bpqeifled periods wc have the finest stock of new wall papers and our prices are the lowest -thb- traders bank of canada authorized capita 1000000 bpacb gitiobos to inobos sinoboa llnob 1 1 yft s mo i a mo luo s 81 00 as oo saoo 39 00 90 00 laoo spoo 13 00 700 6 00 a 3 00 7 00 300 100 advertisements without specific dlrootiona will be inserted till forbid and obargod accord ugly transient advertlsomonts muat be paid n advance advertisements will bo obangod onoo oaoh montb if dealrod por changes oftonor than onoo a month tbo com position must be paid for at ragulai ratas chansoafor contract advortiboroontbrnuet bo n tbo offloo by noon oa tuesdays accounts paoablo monthly b p moobb editor and froprlotor see the big vqlue we give at days uookstore gnoipli day sells cheap ifiusittiss wneztotv medical i f dmun m d 0 m oiuoo and roeldenco fiornor mu1 frodorlob 8troets acton as elliott m d m b acton gluduatk toftonto univeiibitt off ice comer mill and jobu streets acton d r drydln eye eui tuhoat and nohe molcaua blook douglas st noar p o guelph office hoints 10 a ra to lpm and 8 to 6pm sundatb 10 am to 1 p m veterinary surgeon a lfred p husband v s qradnato of tho ontario veterinary college honorary member of tbo votorlnary medical sooioty qevicvwta husbands lot 24 oon 4nass- agawoyo calls day or night promptly attended to tames s joyce vs goapuate ov oltanio veteninafct colleqk treats all diseases of domostlcatod animals enquiro at joyco bros butcher bhop mill street acton itoouib at agnens hotel calls promptly attended to day or night l benuett lds dentist qeonqetown ontabio jr coghlan d d s l ds dentist woiut cadefuuly dde phi0b3 mod ell ate obtioe ovjin bnown b drug btoue hodnsevexlyday pboufltofl jm bell dds ld8 pentibt bbookville hosou gludxjatb of tononto unltkbbrtt work mado satisfactory pricos moderate vi biting dats jiouday afternoon camp bollvillo tuesday acton office clark bhotol friday hock wood dr g h cook dentist cor coll oho si and spadiua ave tobonto will visit actonon tbo first and third satur days of oaoh month office mr ailaru cooks residence main btroot f clean a mclean liarrlsuus solicitors notaries convoyancora io prlvato fundi to loan offloo town boll acton w a mclean jno a mclean a j mackinnon eauttlsthl soliclton conveyahceil oriick mill thrnot in matthews block upstairs jb mcleod dannutkn solicitor convkyucen mowlastroot goorgotownt money to loan atlowoat onrront rates r j monabb olerk fourth division court county ot nl- oncodtejabodrabontriroandljroabflarnco iloal estate agent money to loan oto office 1orry mans blook aoton ont mtscellanso us h enby gbibt oxtawa canada solicitor of patent for invention oto prepare application for the oanxlun amor- loan and baropcd fatont oulooa and lor tno uoglatralifln of trado marka bond for nam plifot tulrtt two yoara eiporlonoo f ibanois 1sunan bookblndek wyndhamst aoolph ontario ovor william btoro aooonnt noolca of all klndn made to ordor rerlodloalaof orrydmorlptlonoarinllydoana llaunroanvrrf promptly done m abbiant dioenses ii p mooitb ipnnpn ov lannuart irfckifrbs prlvatoolllaft ho vltnanea roqolrod laiuod rolidenoo in tlio otonlng freo pihi offloo aoton panhkih ii yon wlh to rodooo yoor interest or aeouro i nrstelaai loan of money at low intereit anol on eaiiy taran ol rapatnijnt call on mo t make a specialty or lending money and liavo plenty of fundi i alio lend on tillage proportr w 0 jackson 43o3tvarak4ha orricn wyndhamst noaroltynallouelpn walllngton mnfiwl fire insurance company b71bxibirsd 160 insuranob onoaali and mntnal plan any oo nmunloatlone forwarded to my addreaj box 038 or lelopkono 118 will be promptly at tended to j0bm taylor ajent guolpu vtm nekstebet iliobkud aconohib or tlio ooontlm of wolllnnton apd ballon oriloraioluttha aji pm offlm aoton or atytesaenoelmioton will be promptly at tended to fe vedaoed to i 5 so fob vabh bales alert money to loavn on the mot fatorable aumltand attba loweat ratoe of inlerit in nmeottmoandl perirde your portrait guelph branch sumb of 91 an upwards received on deposit and hlghobt onrrent rate of interest paid or compounded ball yearly deposit becoipts issued for large sums doposited advanoos made to responsible farmers on thoir own names no charge made for colletinp 3u1ob notoa if payable in gaolph a general banking buainess transaoted a fbjonbs manaitr ottrr ovbr the be zn kansas liiioleuni from 25c to 135 per sq yd have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits h ramshaw acton photo artist readjthis tlf lutcn a man who desires to fill a itnlllltl steady paying position and earn good wages if you are at present employed that need not prevent you from sending us a postal card to learn what we do for you we have thelargeit most complete and thoroughly up- to date nurseries in the dominion ihere is a largely increasing demand for home grow nursery stock all supplies sent free the trial costs you nothing yon get your pay every saturday if you cannot give full time to our inter ests we can arrange liberal terms with you for part time we grow a full line of fruit trees berry bushes flowering shrulia ornamentil trees hedging bulbs roses and seed potatoes all our stock guaran teed and warranted to live write and tell us you are open for an offer and uc will make you a proposition and you will want to accept e p blackford co toronto the campaign prepare for winds we would call your attention to tho faot tbat we are preparod to supply you with lumber o suitable length for your bare doors viz 10 12 18 or 14 feot also sash doobs frames mouldings etc for building storm doors put up at as low a rato aa possible fu7ans bepair your puoopu or put in neff onei before it 1s too cold w can so 11 shop at foot of river street acton th08 epbace manager acton livery bus linje thounderilgnrespeotfalltiolloiuthepsxott ago of th public and ioformi tnem tfiftfe well equipped and styllih rigi can al w7 be scoured uhliaubloi a comfortable bni mta trains betira 9 a m and 818 p m carafal attaauon given to every order the want of gommerolil travel era fully met john williams acton saw mills and wood y j7c7ul br03flls msuricnvnnn amp dkalma nt dumber hath shtaglea wood eto all klndi of wood in ctoak and promptly dolivered to any part of tuetownit reuonkblo prices hardwood and slab out itove length lwyi on hand tolopone oomtnualcatlop georgetown electric works tj spb1ght proprietor- manufaoturer or 3r e dynamos ilectrimoton water motors and hydraulic rams ripe and steanl pitting and general rtepalr- ino bolngoaulppeawitnagaibrailngmleulna lam prepared to ao braains on blerolo framoi ac wbuoli eontorted from dlreet to tingoni hpokoi handle llara bent to any doilredanfflfl full line of bpokm kept jn atook batlifaeuon guaranteoil llloyolea enamelled in anj eolor tj spxigrht qeorgdlomi spring torrh commences april 4th at tho guelph bublnesb college and siiorlliand instilnle a most reliable and uell managed school for boys and girls preparing for a business life call or wrlie or circular j sbarp prlnolpmi ouejph t oilcloth from 25c to 45c japanese floor matting for summer comfort unexcelled from 25c to 45c yard special department for these goods on ground- floor excellent light entrance vvyndham st or st georges sqr j m bond co hardware guelph mckees vegetable antibilious pi lis re j eve and cure all forms of biliousness such as dizziness nausea drowsiness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue loss of appetite pain in the back ptin in the side sallow skin etc these pills are made from pure conceit trated vegetable extracts and contain no calomel or other mineral substance their full medicinal eflect is produced without even a tendency to gripe or sicken tbey are prepared from our own special formula and when taken according to direc tions they are a specific for habitual con stipation in cases of neuralgia nervous or bilious headache they are unequalled price 25c per box 5 boxes 100 prepared and sold only by j d7vickee chemist acton mrs secords dlock get wall paper prices -1898-at- waters bros the picture gallery guelph bring pictures to be framed these tou want- worth wear style strength choice cheapness the combination is offered in our stock ofnewand fashionable goods which in cludes all things new and desirable in the line of boots shoes and rubbers examination will show that our stock is especially strong in style besides being un equalled in variety and first in favor because of the high grade quality nothing will convince like personal inspection that for seasonable goods and reasonable prices the best pace is nt williams boot fc sl sto mill street acton spring is hero again rtperr akins the tailors are prepared for it with a very attractive stock of 8 prince suitings sprlnp overcoatings sprint trouserings in oil the latest goods our workmanship is always satisfactory our prices are always right we nave plain for the newest styles in bicycle suits and are bound to please the wheelmen call in and inspect our stock cooper akins main street acton toilprs eapcnrbad a lot to eay aooorln like o kansas yvoltlt to cm ovory dyohuokln funat kansas air just lull o blander darts from ttiobasyoaatora marti isult to broak tho pooploa hoartf ovor tboro la kansas 1 thats wtioro cyaloos aro boru on tbe plains o kaoias evory word a word o acorn fur tho folks in ivansas hoppori dorkcnln the sou dozens o em wolga a ton 80am to ttiink its lots o fan oraokin jokes at kansas i7ot7 its come thoir tlmo to laagb tbem folks ln kanaas qlvln otuternore tta gaff bout affairs in kansas fields a birigtn out with wheat corn for all tta o world to eat ottior crops that cant bo boat over there in kansas trains a haulln out the itult from tbo plains o kansas it all roads cant get cars onoufih for to ompty kansas ort to soo tbo farmers grin stroke tbo lilacs on their obit as tbo coabootnoi rollin in over tbore in kansas vomrih alaftln aoiigs o gleo bout ol fruitful kansas babies orowln morrlly ovory whore in kansas iurtvgauabayin olotbos toggln out from head to toes btlo i vou bet your ufa tho goes over tboro in kansas wbon tlio caroa o day is dono on tbo plains o v kansas am tbokidsboglntoyawnsleopy uko in kansas farm or wlpos bla glatses blurroov iteada a chapter ot tbo word tuon kuoels down and tbaoka tbo lord tbat be llvos in kaijbib denver daily post siztect yamtlu uaiihtg m hugries oo betty mrs eihei is in such a state 1 tbat immaculate new cook of hers decamp ed with a lot of money not to speak of a briand now parisian bull gownl ive just eoen ber mrs hughes i mean and her face was a study 1 jnflll paused to laugh and betty lovell looked up from th dainty tcijne she was trimming to ask amusedly wasnt she awfully angry 7 why it wai only last week she railed here snd extolled her to tho uktei farther if pos sible i lnrkily ahe offers high wanes so she can easily find another ali there j whore the ortam of the joke come in dont yon know and is entertain ing major lonmer tbo major jjorimer at dinner tonight 7 ho is passing through woodthorpo on hii wtiy to tho oarews for tna regimental ball mrs hughes is an old friend so she aaj a so hes staying a aoupla of dayu with them shes got all tho oatables in tho bouse for the meals snd caut net any one to cook them i isnt it rich betty roflo soddculy to the great detri ment of the toqae a lovely rose flush rls- lo in- pre ch p h c e sps nell ive an idoal ahe laid solemnly i am go in r to cook that dinner if i perish it tho attempt betty are you quite mad incredu lously what will m hughes think and if any one sap yon youd never hear tho end of it and father would be wild if bo jknew idoni oire batty aaid stoutly i want the money mrs hughes wants her dinner decently cooked why shouldnt wo mutually oblige each other 7 besides it would buy mo a new gown for the ball my pink orepon is too diigrscef nlly tthabby for anything 1 an hour later law her hard at workin aire goghes walurrsinged kltrlmnnrdwr ing making mixing as fast aa her hands could go her harassed employer had seised upon her offer with avidity and the maids falling into the spirit of the thing all hade fair to go imootbly betty had not overated her capabilities each dish was sent op perfectly cooked garnished and served piping hot and she pave herself no roil till the tiny cups of black coffee had been safely dispatched op stairs and her ovenlngs wots was 4qe- she had soaroely slipped oat of her big apron and sleeves whoa mrs hughes her self came rastllng down itslrs with a beainlng smile on her fat face u lovell youre renins she cried t uibilyv the dinner was perfect perfect tomorrow ulgbtia it to maeb to expect i oould wire to town of ooarie do yon mean youd like me to ooras brain batty asked good n at u redly i am quite willing to do so after all it is a mntnal convenience acoordlngly thoogb sorely against nells will betty sgain presented herself at the court bnt earlier in the afttrooon find ing herself destitute of parsley and no one about to fetch it she decid t be h own messenger and running hastily roand a corner of tbe spacious kitchen garden she collided heavily with some one at the other side good heavens i i hope i havent hart yon 7 a man deep voice asked con cernedly and betty lifted up ber eyes to find herself faos to face with a tall soldier ly man about 80 wbostfhandaoone eyas met ho rat anxioaaly x oh not at all thank you she mar- inured confusedly it was my fault i i dover dreamed yon wonld bs here im afraid loams pretty heavily against wftiii ynn lhefcng tnr nythtnff v les betty said intetmly conscious other pink cotton frook and large linen apron i came for aoms parsley iim jrs hughes cook yon know indeed may i help yon gravely audi in a moment betty beheld major ior- irner the hero the gallant v 0 stooping to gather enough parsley to stock a regl- rnenl thank yon very much and snd good afternoon good afternoon and in case i have hart on he psnl something into her hand and hetty fled safe in the iunermosl rcoetsas of the pantry she opened bar band and with a burning blush and itlood laugh gased uu on its contents for in ber palm lay a bright ahlaiog gold piece i the regimental ball vai at its heigh tb xo betty lovell it was jait one long dream of delight and her pleasure in it reached a culminating point when an officer ap proach e j her in his rear was a visibly re membered figure and o- plain lee said miss lovell mnjor lorfrner desires the pleasure of your acquaintance major lorimer mibslovoii betty bowed a wavo of aolor dyeing hor fair face crimson would bo recognize ber she dared not raieo her eyoa as bo asked am i too late for the honor of a dance are yoa engaged for the next i was but my partner has been com pelled tohako an important dowager in to supper you you may have it if your wish i tbank joul his voice was perfectly level and com posed and betty took oourage why should he remember a oooff on he strength of this assurance she looked at- him swiftly aa he placed bit arm lightly around hh waibt but his oy oa wore fltfed on her face with a curiously intent puzzled aorutlny and she lowered her own har ried ly are yoa making a long stay she asked hastily ai their steps glided round in perfect unison to the strains of boautys eyes th at altogether- depends on-oirenm- stances he answered quietly i had intended leaving tomorrow but now i caunot say shall we ait down 7 he led the way to a leioiou3 ltttlo cor ner framed in by palms sod out off alto gether from the laughing crowd boyond siokfng into a cushioned lounge she open ed her fan lazily the handle caught and brought into prominence a thin gold chain he wore round her white throat bat at the end instead of the heart which fashion decrees dangled a gold coin gleaming brightly in the lamplight she made a hasty movement to thrust it oat ot sight bat bis eyes bad fallen upon it leaning forward abruptly he took it between his augers a curious ornament la it net he bald aearchingly surely it muat have some speolal interest to be so honored ob ft has i she said demurely it was once given mo aa a tip i his eyes lighted op ah thou you are indeed vlie he replied eagerly bne who innocently dont teaao inel yoa know ill swear yon know i i recognized jou at once surely there cannot he two such faces in tbo world i tell me did yoa not labt week aot as bb mrs hufiboa 000k sbo buret into a peal of laughter though the color roee warm in her face i did indeed and jou mubt owu naively that i cooked well for her i then frankly ehe told him the story adding i was awfully bard op we always are we lovell a and it boomed a heavensent chance yon see i never dreamed i should see you 1 no bo yoa said laughing gayly shall i make a confession i sounded mrs hughes all i knew to learn something more about you but tho old lady was as discreet as a hindoo idol i coald got nothing ont of her and departed rather out temper im afraid i did not know blowly when i should bee you again it w u da l an t btrolling idly among the roses in the lovella big old fashioned garden betty holding one or two buds la her hand he was speaking quickly earnestly i cant stand it any longer betty the fel low is always hanging round you and it makes- me wild im jealous madly jealous 1 are you betty asked shyly why beoauae i love you have always loved yea since the moment i saw you bo my wife darling 1 i swear i ii love yoa and be good to yoa till i die 1 even if you wsrent betty whispered breathlessly i bhould love you just the samo alwaje 1 v t aw he oaujjht her in hia arms and kissed her bhe added demurely and ill have tbat gold picco framed 1 forgrt mt not have you any boys from tho presbyterian banner of decem ber 30th 1897 published io pittsburg pa we clip the following given as the words of an efficsr oi tbe liquor league of ohio at a meeting in which tbo interests of the saloon business were being dtsonbsed it will appear from those fact gontle- med that the buooeas of our business is dependent largely upon tbo creation of appetite for drink men who driuk liquor like others will die and if tbere is no new appetite created our oon ut era will be empty as will be oar coffers our ohildren will go hungry or we must obango our business to that of some other more remunerative tbe open field for the creation of this appetite is among the boys after men have grown and tbilr habits aro formed they rarely ever change in this regard it will be needful therefore that missionary work be done among the boys and i make tbe suggestion gentlemen that qiokela ex- pend in tr to the boys now will return in dollars to your tills after tbeappotite has been formed above all things create appetite 1 bach a statement seems absolutely fiend ish and yet whether spoken or unspoken the fact remains that tbe trafflo exists only by recruits from among the boys want ed a hundred thousand boys must bo tbe constant motto ot this infamous business tbat a few may grow rich and their child ren live in luxury while their patroci go down to the lowest depths of degradation and poverty bnoh a frank statement ooghl to arouse rwnu tp uhft th prp tps pmfaftfr their ohildren from a molock beside whom the aooient mi not a or of orete who fed on young men and maidens from athens was a patron saint the cistern when cister wate has acaalrcd an nn- plsasant odor from lack of ventilation it may be sweetened hy suspending in the water a bag containing several pounds of oharooal wheu the water is fool through the decaying vegetable natter swept into the water through the pi es use aa oanae of premanganateolpotaah to esoh 60 gal lons of water thr premanaganate should be pot in and the water vigorously atlrred it will turn a bright purple and will soon clear the value of a smile many 3 ears ago the late dr sblppen of fliladolphia loft his house in early morning and was hurrying down the street when he noticed a bingnlar and ferocious looking man whose gsza was fastened upon him with inbtinative politeness and bonhomie he smiled raised bla hat and pasbed on when suddenly he heard a shot turning ho found that tbo stranger had just left his home with the insane purpose of killing the first man ho met he was the first man but hia absolute court eay hid pat tbe man off hisguid and the next passerby had caught tbe bullet intended for him that smile and bow bad saved his life when the country was a century jounger anj the indian was yet in the land a gentle njfn apon the then frontier was hunting with friends got separated from and completely loat bis way every effort to retrace his steps led him still farther into the wilderness and night overtook him in a dense forest overcome with fatigue he lay down nnder a tree and slept pro- qundiyinthejnorning ho awokawith a start with tbat indegoribible feeling as though some one was looking at biro and glanoiog up he saw that he was surround ed by bostilo indians and tbat the leader ot the band m war paint and feathers was bendiog ovor him in no atmablo mood he took in tho situation at a glance know his immediate danger and had no means of averting it neither did he understand a word ot their language but be was self possessed kbew the universal language of nature and believed tbat even under war punt and feathers a mans a man for a that he fixed hiii olear bold eyes on the indian and smiled gradually the fierceness paesod away from the eyes above him and at last an answer ing emile came over tbe faee both were men both were brothers and he was saved the savage took him under bis protec tion brought him to a wigwam and after a few days restored him to his friends courage self command and taot had gained the day no monopoly of happimess taken altogether all our lives are about tbe same and the older we get the sorer wo are if wo scrutinize oar barroandings that tbe world was not shaped to make anybody great or anybody small or anybody very nob or anyone very poor we mis- lod ourselves by miojudmg greatness and smallnesi and richness and poverty it is beyond the possibility of any man or woman to acquire more happiness than his or her neighbor it is quite possible to acquire greater possessions more eminent positloas more apparent reasons for pride and baaghtyness bnt sotnsl happiness is the only thing that god seems to have made it impossible for anyone to monopolize happiness in about all tbere is in hfo and when we find this one feature given as generally to the poor aa well as to tbo rioh to the small as to tbo great it seems as if the oreator had been much fairer to ob than ha has been generally esteemad to havqbeen it in q trim tr nnm families a largo n urn ber of children aro born and all grow up some good some bad but the parents of those children are not happier in tbe possibilities ot the strength of their offspring than the father and mother of the sickly babe who nourish it from feeble childhood to adoleeoonso the happiness ib in the parents not in the children tbo joy is in taking care of the child no in the ohlld taking care ot the parent all tbe stings of poverty amount to nothing they cannot wound when the heart is sound all the pride of prosperity cannot satisfy if tho heart fa sore the beauties of life are found in aaorlticos mudo not in tho mpney acquired and if wo oould only learn these things when we are ybang how much more we would straggle for tho real beauties ot life the real joys and the real pleasures than for the false and delerlous triumphs which aro only evanescent things and tortures to tho boui when the small greatness hab departed saturday night mexican bargainings a party of san franciscans recently returned from a tour of mexico in private car while tbere they had an opportunity to observe the bargaining inbtfnota of the people it aguas call ion tea mr and mrp blank were offered a very fino piece of ncodtowprk in the shapo of a teaolotb for this 100 was asked the haggling over tbe price extended over the entire day ki daily mr and mrs blank were separated and mr blank returned to the oar for spiritual comforts and a game of cards while there he was again attacked hy tbe needlework fiends and they oon sen ted to take 420 for their teaolotb he was willing to give it but was unable to toll whether it was the same one he there- gore told tbem to return in half an hotjr intending to allow bis wife to identify the deedtework but in about 15 minutes mrs blank appeared radiant and joyous informed him tbat she had purchased it at a very low price when be asked her bow muob tho replied twentyfive dollars wasnt it cheap the thrifty mexicans mado t by going to the wife from the husband didnt know him lord roberts had an amusing experience of tho irish sab official snd his ways on bis arrival in dublin as commander ot the fu in its b taken sip his quarters at tne8holboarne hotel be later on walked op to tho post offloo to givo in structions about his isttersvtnd telegrams the post office dignitary gave him the uanal form to nit in which he did and signing it iloberts sb el bourne hotel handed it hunk in ths nfflnlal wbn afar nnntng-lt- jliflol in a contemptuous way flung it back to tho field marshal exclaiming with withering sarcasm what dye mane wld this at all maybe perhaps yell be after pnttin your christian name afore tother one ave ye have one 1 progressive farming iks stubbles hi what was yer objiok in buiu that er patch c sterile land down in stony corners hiram oatbin- one of my schemes ike vm gols to pastor the cows on that er land an give them city folks that new fangled aurillxed milk right from the ow coming to the rescue visitor how old aro yon willie r willie six years old visitor and when were you 0 willie i dont know visitoroh willie a great big boy like you and not know when yon were 0 years old i willies little plater i know wheu ha was 0 years old i visitor there willie your little sister knows when was it sadie little sadienon bla birfday caste in cuba tho spaniards aro the intelligent edu oatad alaea of cuba and usually aro people of moane about scveij per cnt of tbo cubans and negroes are illiterate and will continue to be until free schools aro established by tho government tbo education of tbo masses has never been encouraged only tolerated the span iarda live in tbo oitich or before tho revolution occupied beautiful eatattb throughout the island tbay occupy ike learned professions until recently filled hie offices and owned tho big manofactur ing establishment the spaniards aro the aristocracy and cubans work for tbem to appreciate the eituation ono must understand s curious distinction aud antipathy otweou tbo cubans and tbo spaniards a spaniard was born iirspain his son who was born iq cuba ib not a spaniard but a cuban if a cuban should go to madrid when he is two weoks old and spend all bis life in tbe palace he woold still bo a cuban and not quite as good as a spaniard it a spaniard bhould go to havana when he is two weeks old and spend nil his hfo 111 that city or upon a plantation he would still be a spaniard and enjoy a distiuatlou and social position whioh a cuban can never attain tbo sons and daughters ot a spaniard are cubans- if they are born iu cuba but tbe sons and grandtionb and great randson of a cuban must always be cubans no mutter it they were born at madrid and spond their whole lives in that city no cubau can ever become a spauiarri no matter what happens to him and from the spanish point of view he id u degenerate cuba and ner people by willum eleroy curtis iu the ciaiitaitrjtian for may oftnterest to cyclists now that the bioyclo season is adhered in the law govorniug tho rights of cyclists and those in obargo of vebioles will be opportuno in oaee a person travelling or bmn upon a highway in aharge of a vehicle meets a person travelling on a bicycle or trioyole he shall where practicable allow the person travelhog upon a bloyolo or tnayole snlh- cient room on the travelled portion of the highway to pass to the right in case a person travelling upon a high way on a bicycle or tricyole overtakes any vehicle or horseman travelling at leas speed or a person travelling 00 foot tho poraon travelling on a bioyalo shall gue to the other person andible warning of his approach before attempting to pass in caso a person travelling or being apon a btreetor highway on a bicycle or trioyole ib overtaken by any vehiole as aforesaid or horsemen travelling at a greater speed tbo person bo overtaken shall quietly turn out to tho right and allow tbo said vehicle or horseman to pass and the person so over taking the bioyclo or trioyolo bhall torn ont to tho left so far as is neaessary to avoid the collision the pay of trained nurses the average earn paid to pupil nurses is ten dollars a month for the first year and fourteen dollars a month during tbe second year writes elizabeth robinson scovil on the life of a trained nurse m tbe may ladies home journal the remunera tion varies in different institutions in a fewt rain ing sohools the nurses are paid nothing after graduation head nurses in hospital wards receive from twenty to thirty dollars per mouth superiuteodeuts from fivo hundred to twolve hundreddoljars a year diatrlot nurses who are employed by various churches aooietiea and some- trmea by private bonovolenco to work among tho sick poor receive about tho bame salary as a head nurse in a hospital ex clusive of board private nurses reoeivo from fifteen to twentyflve dollars a week they havo to pay the rent of a room to uao at a head- quart ere and their earnings aro more or less preoarioua it is rare for a nurse to bo employed all tho time and her work la eo arduous that it would be impossible for her to stand tbo strain ot continuous work delicious strawberry dump lings put one pint flour into a bowl add to it half a teaspoon fol of salt and a teaspoon- ful of butter and add sofflcent milk to just moisten knead lightly and roll out into a sheet about a sixteenth of an inoh in thickness out out with a largo round cotter put three strawberries in the centre of each round fold over the doughy rolling it carefully so that you cannot see the opening stand in a greased baking pan brush the top with milk and bake fn a quick oven for fifteen minutes servo with strawberry butter whicb may be made by beating two tablespoonfula ot butter to a cream and adding gradually ono 0up of powdered sugar add ono mashed bsrry beat thoroughly then add another and another until yoa have added at least four goodsized berries dish and stand aside to harden aa yon woold any hard sauce mrs 8 t borer in the may latum home journal the greatest of these an englishman once remarked in com pany tbat he had just been taken for the prinoe of wales on account of his resom blanoe to that personage 6b aaid a ticotebman present i waa orioe taken for tbe duke of argyll i have been taken for a greater man thin either of you broke in pat who they asked well said he the other day as i was walking down baokville street i met a itseonformanyyearsy and the moment he saw roe he shouted out ob holy moses is it you t failinos op great men i doqt know what to do with that olook said professor thinkard looking up in a perplexed nay at the timepiece that bung on the wall of his study the ser vant carelessly let it run down and this morning it stopped i wound it myself this morning bat it wont go why dont you start the pendulum asked tbe oallor sure enough 1 exclaimed tho profossor rising to carry the suggestion into effect i never thought of that chicago tribune men and medicines are judged by what tbey do the great cures by hoods sarsaparilla give it a iood name every where my riithr swijtuiakt blio wan tliofnlrobt bonniest lass tbat mortal ovor knew tho rotiu a blush waa on hor choolta her oyoa had aught tliu blue ql juno time bit ion utquii j liujr boad bright golden rlligluta danced and wbon m snoathouit umlkd on mo i folt piy heart outrnncod i found horeitthiff naath tho trccn ono glorious day lu 7ua tbo broozo3 with liar duncliif curls wore merrily at play i lookod at hor with ttoadfaat tinro sbo turuotl hor oyus on uio thoy brlmmod with 1ovo our warm lips mot in kisses ono two throo that day was yoara and yoora ago but i can no or forgot my first hwoatuaarts bowltohluf pyon and oil ilovoboryot as fervently as lu thoso duj s wbon first on tno abo am hod and sho oyob mo 1 know hi for i qui hor ouly ohlld tuoum 11 horsikh lu tho may ladic home- journal the village of gretna green tlio lonely httla village juet ucrosn the border on tho scottish tide ib still possessed of a mysterious charrr and romunco for travelers in great britain not in the lopg straight btrctt with ltd row of frimple 7hite houeea duoa tlio attraction lie but in tbe stones told of tbo fugitive lovira who in older days crowded tbo border vitlugo ihe poorer often being united at the toll ata mst heroes tho bridge while tho more woll- to do betook themselves to the hotel which thouji no longer devoted to h moneal ubbp blill standi at tha entrance of tho village btroet the origin of llioao murriues lies in tho wild habits of distant timoa when laok of clergy iu tho riiunot wai to bo roc extent uupplied by tbo administrations ot friuru from tbo adjacent abbey who in the course of their perambulations per formed tho ritee of baptism and marriage robert elliott author of gretua green memoirs wan the eolo parson ot this famous rebort for twenty mue yearb during which period he is saij to bao united more than 8000 couples of nil ranks in society tho greatest unmoor in any ono j ear being 108 in the year 1825 the ceremony was ot the bimplcst consisting of but two quostioue do you take this woman for yoar wife and do you take tins- man for your husband tho ring the certificate and tho thing was tlmahod urea uow provided that one or tho other reeidetl in scotlandtfor three weekp mar riage may be performed thus enoedity and effectually in the httlo village of grjtna green as well as elsewhere along the border the wise bachelor you can generally judge at pretty well by tho number of weeks a ppot on the blest o of her coat is still thoro most woman wonld rather tho others thought tbey werent good christians than that they werent good housekeeper about onco a year a woman spends sev eral da s congratulating her husband on his saving her to savo up hia money rorbim no girl is really rattled when a man kisses her unleaa she forgets to say how surprised bhe is that ho over thought of her that way every girl ought to hesitato before she marries a map who doesnt liko to smoke when a woman is said to have a pretty foot h is meant tbat fiho wcaro a pretty shoe after a girl has onoo heard that bhe has boon called fascinating sha gats an idea that sho can make a man bay anything to her sho want to xeiv toil press a girl of resource two littlo giria lily and violet were ti lira ya who they had strong some twiuo for a olothebhno and were washing their dolls garments in dimtnu- livo tub and hauling them out to dry along ohino lilys brother mastor jack thojmemlo tooao mid with ono sweep ot his band jerk od tbo whole days washing from ho lino and acatlorcd it on tho grass lily bubbled over into toars at once viototwuti saddened to bnt the necessity ot plaj nift peacemaker in tho impending family quarrel wii3 tbo flrdt thought in ber mind so nbe baid tosthmgly suver miad lily lets play jack wa d high wind take your choice we are sure you will select the diamond dyes tbero aro several kind of wretched imitation and soap greaeo dyes that are sold hy eome dealers for the sake of largo drofits these dyes bring cons tern ation- and despair to every inexperienced house wife who naea thorn tho results may be atimmod up as follows mixed muddy oolors rained garments and materials bad temper and a shower of wrath on the dealer who has sold tho deceptive djea for long years tho women of canada have had before them the celebrated diamond dyos for homo coloring work these chemically pure dyos have carried satisfaction and dolight to all who have need them old f adod and dingy garments have by the aid of diamond dyes been transformed into now and beautiful orea- tfons money has been saved and tho hap pinoss of families increased where directions have been faithfully followod not a bingle failure has been recorded if you aro a novioe in the work of home idyoing yon havo now presented to yon the varied olasbesof dyes that you can pnr- rfrflfbi nd ivt tf3 nroflt an unru tiled temper and home happi ness yoa must surely decide in favor of the diamond dyes tbo only warranted dyes in tho world you cannot be deceived it the name diamond is found on each paoket of dyes you buy book of directions and card of 48 colors free to auy addreah write to wells a richardson co montroa p q a man who is always telling how he stays at home because he doesnt want to leave his wife alono generally neods watch ing ten people out of a doan aro invalids bsb arecout modical autliorily at least eight out of theso ten it it safe to allow are asnltering from pome form of btood- dlseasso which a persistent use of ayera flariaparilla would ha turu to cure then dont be an invalid

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