Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1898, p. 2

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mahiilkp ou wodnobday jfltb y ilev itouort fowllo mr danlol flrny son of triuik gray esq to munuardunatt of ouay haupkm in erin mtiy by itev itouort fowllo mr dan isru aumbtuaku comlkt iu tlio mot bod let eiuco- itu oh limit tttockvlllo neb ou weduoruuy istli mny by itov a coulot father of tbo lirtdt ltov and row j aluiattodr of north ilatto nut aouof iotor h armstroor eg uwntrloti nob foruiorly of actoo to mary e cooluc of stookvillo nob died iuddockat guolpb on saturday may 14th host goodevo widow of tbo lato j 11- p maddook affod 73 yean mt tuixttt pss tuubsday may 10 1308 notes and comments british and american paper including tlio new york sitn warmly endoreo the proposed anlosaxod alliance franoe and apain resent it and eteotrlo llgtti occupy attention of the council the information sought rela- i- t1ye to improvements with italian taxes at 43 par oent on hud rent 34 per cant on hoots rent a and ify percent on all yearly inoomei over 120 tlio only wonder ia that revolution has not broken oat loog ago honorable gentlemen who aro urging great britain to declare a preferential claty in favor ot canadian food ilnfft might tako a day off oooasibnally and urge the 0 p b to red n co ita freight rates on western oanadaa oereala they would tbna vary their labora and be quite at likaly to btaceed at a cabinet meeting tin situ relay the government deolded that if pomblt the stusion ot parliament ahair oloie within the next two week mr blair and mr turte will leave for europe immediately after the oloae ot the- leeiton sir ohariei tapper experts to leave for london on may 29th and mr fobter has arranged to go out to tho ooaet early in jane a new resolution jaat passed by the home ot commons reads that on and after july 1st next the salaries of the judges and junior jadges of the connty ooqrts of ontario other than the judge of the connty court of york shall be 3000 per annnm during the firs three years of jieryice after three years of service each 92400 per annnm in addition to this amount all judges receive travelling allowances of 200 if there is anything that oonld make the oonqaeat of canada easy for uncle sam il ia the foolish belief fostered by so many people that saoh a congomt is impossible ibo chines believed that china wai un conquerable and calmly seoure in that notion they bat back and permitted them selves to be defeated by the japs canadas tmeet safeguard is a knowledge that canada ia conquerable coupled with an iron resolve that the conquest shall never be allowed the reluctance among americans to volunteer tor the war must not be attribut ed to owardice for the yankees are without doubt among tlio very best fighters in the world it is one thing however to flight for the defence of oqejs oonntry and another thin to fa starvation malaria and yellow fever in the swamps and i ang les of caba for the glory and profit of the politicians and the yellow newspapers if president mokinloy could foroe a oon- boriptrta in the balls of cbngreaa and ftracri the editors reporters and proprie tors of the new journalism he would rid the country ot the most pestilent motion of its population bir wilfrid lanrior has daoured that tieimmauity from garnishee proceedings which civil servants now enjoy should be ohboliehed and thfa opinion wlllbe echoed toy every honest man in ibe dominion tito civil service ha for too long afforded protection to a minority of deadbeats who have been a detriment to honest trade and a diegrace io their more honorable ool- letgaes it is to be hoped that the from lets admirable ideas on this point will aoorj be embodied in an effective law at present several honorable gentlemen at ottawa are disagreed as to the preoise terms of the statute andlthasoonscqaent- y been abandoned for a time 1 the practical recognition of the servioes of tha fire brigade at the recent tannery bliss by messrs beardmore a co is in striking contrast to the fanuflnding or certain otticens the members of the brigade appreciate kindly words and while the cheque wnioh accompanied mcchrs beardmore coe letter is a welcome contribution to their funds the kind words with reference to tbo prompt and effloient servioea rendered an also vary gratefully acknowledged the officers of tbe brigade do not claim perfection for themaetves or their men but they are making selfsacrificing efforts to qualify tberosewes for the most efficient servioe sad kind words from citizens and ratepay ers will give the encouragement which all volunteer firemen deserve mod expect tho council mot in regular session lubt monday evening the matter of parman- ent improvements fa now a live iseuo at each soiaiou the questions ot electric light and permanent walks are being care fully canvassed as to tbeir merits and cost tho council u wise iu its course of secur ing ull iioaaiblo information relative to the proposed new ventnros before finally com mitting tbemislvos to any definite plan the information conveyed in the reports of mr parhf eoneulliug oleotrloal enginoer gave the members a very intelligent view of the matter the next step wi 1 be f r a deputation of the council to visit somo town whore there is a plant similar in capaoity snd arrangement to that aoitedto- the needs of this municipality and thus boo u re intelligent praotloai jn formation this will likely be clone shortly and will then be followed no doobt by ameetingof ratepayers to disqnss the question with the council tbeaobjeptof the introduction of per- manent walki was freely dlsonssed at this meeting a representative of the guolph paving com pan y was present and at the request of the council gave interesting in formation which is to be supplemented by oo r ret pot clen ot we understand the coan- oil generally ii in favor of putting down a block- ot the granolithlo pavement this season it arrangements can be satisfactor ily made oar citizens would be glad to see the now pavement introduced and we believe there ii a very general feeling that the system of laying permanent walks should be introduced this year council met in regular session at eight oclock coodoillors all present reeve pearson in the chair the eighth report of the finance com mittee presented only one account that of r j parke for servioea as consulting electrical engineer for the amount of 7g0 this was reoommended to be paid on motion by i franoie and j a m array and ihen carried a letter wai received from henderson a co complaining abbot the unsatisfactory condition of the drain on mill street moved by jaa clark seconded by i francis ihat the clerk be instructed to acknowledge receipt ot messrr honderson a gos letter oomplainlug ot their drainage and to inform them that the matter will have the oo a noils serious consideration carried the matter of the assessment of farm property in the village was discussed there being a number of ratepayers interested present to contest the right of the council to levy taxes upon them for fire purposes after dltooibion open the qvestion it was moved by john clarke seconded by james clark that the olerk be instructed to have a bylaw prepared for the purpose of exempting the following farmers from the tax on fire protection w lynd jan brown w allan a mofheraon jas bussefl jamei barry and ij ugh mann carried mr henry sayers made an application to tho council to have a covered drain put in for the drainage from storey- tannery stating that he would put in the drain on t his property it the council would finish it the matter was lift over for further con sideration mr raise ii a representative of the how ihq womrn aro kept in such strict eflaltisionand often moit cruelly treated a beautiful solo with guitar acaompani- mant waa rendered by mrs moore qualph mrs dr mills guulph gave quite an exhaustive paper onsyntennjio giving followed by an antrnated dibcubsionl as in their work so in tlitir giving ihoy should strivo to have order and system and render unto the lord bis duch iu tills way they loarued to givo from principlo and not from impulse mr mooio ly request bsok another solo mrs bollert guelph and alrn mc- laohlan aoton answered in a moat ealis- faotory manner moro than twentytlvo questions handed in miss barkor gave hor annual report for trio drstrtot the breath of the btovy spirit eeemed to exhalu from every eentenqe each member present felt tho graoions inflitenoo and privilege of having as their organizer u woman ho thoroughly imbued with the midsioimry zjal and love for christ and bu qhuroh miaa barker was unanimuoualy re elected to the office ot district organizer the session closed with a conoocration service led by mrs g b ryan qaelph she dwelt upon what entire consecration in the service of god meant asking the ques tion did we put in hid keeping oar all onr dear ones our wills our mearib pur time and onr talents prayer followed and a session of special blessing and interest was brought to a olose at the evening meeting the pastor rev mr jackson occupied the chair the choir gave several excellent selections and mrs moore bang a solo mfsa laura rose entered fully into tbe spirit of the piece in her recital of legend beautiful by longfellow little miss mitobell quite won the hearts of her audience by her pretty recitation mrs john crowo gave a bright talk on her practical experience in the french ivorb revealing the ignorance and aoper- stuioq of many of them mrs dr soanion read a paper on the spirit filled life or willingcoea for service using a court to illustrate the immense amount of money expended on luxuries in comparison to that bestowed on missions mrs mclaoblau gave a paper on help ful habits for mission workers using as the baa is of her remarks tbe following heads the habit of knowing the habit ot loviog the habit of giving the habit of praying tbo mission band of fergus nuder the direction of missswan gave an appropriate missionary exerctbe the singing of tho dbxdlogy and the benediction pronounced by tbe rev mr swan closed a most successful and bene ficial convention tonays war news not exciting tho fleets hava not yet come into confllotcampalflrn to be centered in cuba newsof the day gaelpli piving co interviewed tbe connbil on the njtter of permanent paveraente he m given a oarefnl hearing and requested to mbmit certain matters in writinr a oomniltteefrom the fire brigade again petitioned the council for a loan of 96000 ifoved by i franoie seoonded by job n olirk tbtt the fire committee be grmted a loan of 150 at per regnai and that the clerk bo initrhoted to hand a obeok for thai arhoadt to the brigade treagnrer- carried the inbjeot of eleotrlo lighting wee dla- baaie the oonnoil were all in favor of havinga delegtlion go to sonie town that was lighted by inoandescant lights and seoaro information and fnrther partioalars before palling the vote to the people after oonsideralile farther dlaoniaion on eltotrio light permanent walks etc the connoll adjonrned et 955 women and missions proroga th montll t tie vork tf the house of commons fpr the present session is ne grid oram may 18 the last day of the eatloo for private members bss past from monday last onlil prorogation every day willbetakon op wfthaorrnnehtai boeloess it is also likely there will soon be morning sessions as well a meeting of the boon on batnrdays so that proroga tion is within measurable dlstenoe the gentre1 opinion now is that if everything is not ipally disposed of by the 24tb the date of piorogailon will be as good as fixed not umt than june 1 ittarly everybody is anxiona to gat away as soon as possible as on aroonnt of the war very little interest is taken in the prootedinga of parliament the work of all tbe oomtnilteea is well advanoad and cue ol tbe hills whloh will come np for oonilderatlon this afternoon will be mr biehardione bill providing for garnishee ot luil eervants salariee in aaoe of non payment of debts our new oovernor general lord jersey the most likely suo- oessor to lord aberdeen xokdon eko may 18 the annonnoe- ment of lord aberaeens ruignation from the olboe of oovernoroeneral ot canada hae rovivej the minora respeoting his sncwieor nothing deflnits hae been deolded bat now that lord selborne has made ft known that he oonld not loava england iiord jersey is epoken of with mooh favor y xb london dally unit oobtende that the oovernoroeheral mast be a man of tha very flrst rank saving perhapi iodu it say i no vloeroyalty io tho empire can be measured against thai of cauda tilt body band near anoaatsr has been idcntlnod that of jolin btorey a well- tojjeklileot of hsmlltod who disappear- j qualph district convention of tho womens missionary society fourteen hundred fishermen have been drowned off the japanese cobbt oliver mowat a bank clerk committed auioide at owen sound on sunday engineer baker and fireman smytne were killed on the c p r at mooae jaw on saturday a london lad named cory fell against a barbwire fence on monday destroying the sight of one eye mrs wet mo re brantford dropped dead at the grave side as tho remaion of a friend werebeing interred on monday londons city solicitor holds that the corporation haa no power to raise money f bi p bona of a farmer named lambartna made a murderous assault upon micfaa6l joalton at kfntall dal ton was imponnd- ing xmbnrtns cattle near grimsby r ou monday qteorge w oline attempted to murder his wlfo and boo vance aged 25 shooting them and injuring both soverely heart weakness the whole us force to act there washington may 18 tbo official bulle tin boards today failed to yield any news of the movoments three fleets samp sons bahleya and the spanish flying equadron and thero is reason to believe that the departmcntriteblf has received no information on that point no report has reached tho navy dopartment to indicite that disqbttr iibb overtaken any nf the american vessels engaged in tho rorooval of spains torpedoes at oardenaa if one was blown up it could have been nothing more than a steam launch at most for that is the claes of bouts employed in such work tho department has no informa tion of any such accident wahiirntjton may itfththo govern ment has decided apoq an immediate militttry campuign in otrha iu the opinion of the adrnioistration the navy situation has so ahanged as to warrant landing troupe in the island despite the fact that the spanish fleet has not yet been defeated the determination to begin the mijitary operations at onofl was reached at the cabinet meeting yesterday the president and his advisers ate opposed to pursuing a temporizing policy in the war with spain and omphalic objections exist against allowing ebe elneive fleet of tbo spanish to figure any longer as a cause for postponing the military occupa tion of cuba the change in tho naval situation which in the opinion of the administra tion warrants u radical change in the plan of campaign immediately ie the gathering of nearly the whole naval force of the united states in the vicinity of cuba since commodore schleys squadron bailed for tbe south and admiral sampsons squadron ptarted westward for porto bioo the administration baa reached the conolaelon that- it will be possible with the combined naval force cot only to deal with the enemys fleet conolubtvely at the proper time but amply to proteot the transportation of military- forces to the island orouba the administration will wait until the squadrons of sampson andsohley and wat son have come together in cuban waters and have assumed snob position with reference to one another and to approaches to the island as they ohoose before order ing the troops to leave tbo united states it is evident therefore that the military occupation although it has been decided on as a measure no longer dependent on the position of spains fleet will not begin within the next few days tbe united stateb troops will probably not leave the guifooast before the end of a week the government has no fear that the naval forces will not he able to proteot the troops dnring their transportation to the island and to maintain sufe communication for the army with its bpea of supplies- in the united states hlihjk8t pjlage ljsnthe of fame faines celery compound the hope of the civilized world amaevbllouscuee in st johns npld jftetotmiliertibmmniav wanted aiily 10 uuh j clark loxi uramlhnti another proof that paines celery compound cures when the doctors fail to gaiu adoiiitancb to tlio temple of fame honor- reputation worth and wondrous aohievomeuls must bo bomo of tho nooessary qualifications pajnea celery compound lias gaiuod aril of thcsoin its work ot lifcaaving in tho world it has saved husband nifobiater brother and child to the family after tbo efforts ot tho bebt phyeiciara proved un availing paines celery compound is doing its grand work every day bringing joy and happiness to thousands of homes the cure of mr e landy of st johns ntld is worthy of the attontion of all sick and suffering people tho results as described by mr landy bhould induce every suffering man iid woman to use painos celery compound at once wells biohardson co oentlomen with nreit pleasure mako known what your paines celery compoupd has done for nac last pecember i was sfokand b offered from a- heavy cold my doctor raid i was rdn down and advised mo to give tip my wirk the tailoring business da ho thought it- was hot coduotiye to my health he gave me medioines for my troablo also for indigestion and nervousness the medi cines however produced no rood results and i was reduced to a mere skeleton and came to the conclusion that i was going to die through the influence of an old friend who came to see mo i was prevailed upon to use paines celery compound which he said would soon sot mo on my leg again after using the first bottle and the pills that go with tho compound 1 hadsnoh lgood results that i continued with the medioioe until i bad takeji seven bottles when i found myself as strong and healthy as ever before in my life i am able to work at my trade 8 well as in forinerdays and see no necessity for giving it np from the results that have blessed my efforts with paines celery compound i would strongly advise every sick person to use the great medicine which has no equal in tbe world edward landy 83 plank road st johns nfld foil service a v15llliukdjoraoynuliatacton tormn 100casbor iw if chareod o dkclute wanted sevkn order writers salary or commibalou 1 to buitablfc iorhoiib advi2utiseii r moilical uuitdliibororito btibber stamps foit flno rubber btampn pwib ink oto writotogoo curry co klug bt etut toronto hound astray- came to tlio premises of tho unaorblrned goiao tiroo afioa bluck and tan hotiad with wbito ring around his nook owner can lmvo ssmo bf iirovlcg projiorty aud paylqe oxponsoa alex 8ymon wanted v men and wonion who dan work bard talking and wrltlog six bours dally for alx day a a week aud will bo content mtb ten dollars weekly address new ideas co toronto 1898 spring 1898- millinery must be treated in time ends in certain death sonne of the symptoms are palpita tion after sllsht exertion some times severe pains dizzlhebe and falnttnsr spells it can bo exfrea i 7 tbsanboal on vanllon of onalpb puirlok of lbs womans ulsalonarv boolaly of tha hamlltdd ooohreiios btanob of the malbs- dlil oboroh as held in feroa lait thursday th day was fine jnd than wai an onomally largo attandanos of dels rstsa from the dlffarsnl soolstlsi devolloiial enrelses ware led by m a olarksoa ol bookwood alter wbloh the orraolcer ulss barker qnelpb took tbe ebalr miss lanra hoie waa appointed rooording seoretary the folloffldg anxlliaries were reported by the delegate named norfolk street cbarob qaelpb mrs rev booui dublin blreetohnroli qaelph mrs jo tovell miohol ura cook elota mrs moore fergus ttris bmll bookwoodwrs bloat aotbn mrs h p moore fibenezer minion clrole mrs rev dr soanion norfolk street chnrcli million bind goalph mrirjcrowe v ferrol million band miei bealty many of the reports showed both an in- oreaee in membership aud fund and all beipokea determination to keep on in tlio rood work hopin for still areater bleaalnna tot the fulore 1rayer by the bav mr jaokadn bloted the morning seiiioq at theafterooou aflillon mrs oeio beatty gave a biblu rsdiog from psalm 72brinf- ing ont many txiattlnl and helpful leasoni mrs o o orovea and mrs duff led in prayer mra onrnt s in a few wellohoaen wordv j welcomed the delegates io their town their homea and tbeir ohnrob to wbioh mrs moore lilbra on behalf of the delegates replied for hie kindness exteiided to them a pspsr by uiss hill of kookwood mlislons tbe great work of tbe age wss resd by mre small it showed olearly tb powerful inflttenoaof christian mlsilnm in this century mrs chrlitie aoton prepared a piper on prayer ind hisilons wbioh was rsad by mrs b v llobre bbs based ber re marke on palrn il 8 aik of lie and i shall give thee the heathen for thins inheri- tanor and the nllsrmoit parti of ths earth for thy pmhaicions praver and missions go hand in hand i aermrated they fall abort of tbe blessing olood tliey bad hot to claim moro lolly hie promise try roe and prove me from the echo plattaville ont the jtohaa read and hu published many statements from people wbo have been enred of various allmenta by the timer ly and judlcioqs use of dr willlami pick pills for pale peeplerbut never before have we had such peraonallyoonvinqiog proof of their effioaoy as in ths osse ofmre ghcorge taylor who with her husband snd family reside in tbia village to an echo reporter mrs taylor gave the following hiatory of her illness and oare and asked that it be given the widest poblioity so that others might be benefitted i am thirtytwo years of sge ssid mrs taylor and in lb6my hnsband and myself were living on a farm in perth county and it was there i was flrit taken sick the doctor was called in and said i was suffering from tieart trouble cloetonervona debility all bis remedies proved of no avail and v steadily grew worse the doctor adviied a change and we mayed to monatoo ont hero i put myself under the ohsrge of another physician but with no better roiulti at the least exertion my heart tvould palpitate violently i waefreqaently -oveireome-witihdiastnoie-end-mnting-flls- wblle in these my limbs wonld beoorne- cold and my husband often thought i vres dying i tried- several modiolnes adver tised to core troubles like mine bol with no better results and i did not expeot to reoover in feat x often thought it would be better if tbe end came for my life waa one of misery we moved biok to the farm and then one day 1 read the itate- ment of a lady who had been oared ofaim ilar trooble by the me of dr williami pink pill eo i laii to uiy husband that i wnald try this medlolnoaud- it iteemed to me that it wai my laet chance before the ont box vaauniihed i felt in improve- rnent in my mppetiioand felt that tbii a hopefalaliin by tbe time i had nsed threo bozea moro my troublo seemed to be entirely goneand i have not felt a elogle recurrence of tho om ayitipoms since moving to platthyjiidi bavo uved two boxes aud the had the r iteot of lopin op the newest designs in shapes 8hades flowers and trimmings we have also some nice lines in prints dress goods gloves hosiery corsets neckties collars cuffs lace curtains underwear ready- made clothing hats caps ac j c mcbeath acton ontario worn lbdl bring your clip to these mills and we think there will be no trouble in arranging a trade satisfactory to yourself you have known- us as buyers of wool for over thirty years if our dealings with you had not been satisfactory you would not continue coming to us with your wool each season you know the invariable rule of these mills full and honest weight fair and honorable inspection m we ask that you bring us good clean stock youd not think of bringing any other kind to these mills in return we give you best of values out of a large assortment or tweeds friezes homespuns in single and double widths flannels blankets sheetings and yarns of our own manu facture it is worth something to know just who makes goods for you arid we widen the choice by giving you a selection from the best knitted underwear prints flannelettes shirtings cottonades denims towellings white quilts grey and bleached cottons and other good staple lines our old friends will find a hearty welcome at the mills and we shall be glad to make the acquaintance of many new ones we always pay you current price for wool and sell you our goods at closest prices c st eockwood woollen mills rogkwoob 9 ont t9s3tess2sc wanted young monnd women or older ones if still yotidr la irrfrlt of undoabtedt cbaraator aood talkora smbluoan and lndubtrlons can ttnd employment in e roo1 camo with i0 por molitb and upwrdb ftccording to ability he v t 8 jjinscott toronto heeef0rd bull fo sa a pure brod hereford bull for talo fourtcoa mpntbfl od in good condition adex waldib aoton p 0 t lot 31 coo 2 eaqueairjg for sale douhlebrlok jjoubom by 3c 8cvon rooms in oacb noodl cousetevbard and soft water larpo lot no lohnjn btrcot acton also good stable tonus cafiy apply to john comoron architect or to tbo owner g wells evcrton p wanted teacheub and otbor bright men for vacation or permavnoutly to solicit for canada ad enoyolopaedla of tho country in ftvo royal quarto volume no doliverlng commlsilon paid weekly thelin3cottpudlishingco toronto agents book buinoib la bottor than for years pant also have bettor and fan tor selling books agents olpariufliroin 10 to u0 weekly a few leaders aro quoon victoria llfo of tlr qlad atodemy mothers blbld btorles progros- ivo speaker ktoddikogold fields wbmaoe gllmpsebofthi uubqod broakfast dinner and supper books on ttino the brapleygarbetson co limited toronto municipality of acton court revision noti0e in hereby given tbat tlio conrt of btjvulon lor tho villago of aoton will bo beldoo monday 30th dax op may 1b9s at tbo town hall at 8 oclock p m all parties interested will jiloaso govern tbomnnjvff bfflptd- t t uoohe acton may 3rj 1809 in the high c0uet of justice main 8treet planipjc mlls tliesyitera sad curing blight indiiposltlooi today i am a wall woman and owe my wo to dr williams pink filliand to mo my rsitoratloo seams nothlug ibort of a miracle i was like one dead and brought baak to lire and i oanuot ipoak too highly of lbii medicine or urge too elroogly thoso who are aflliatoil toglvoit a lrlil it lua boon proved timo and again tbat vr williami pink pills ours heart troubles nervous debility ihenmatiam sciatloa bt vitua danoa and etoinaob trouble thsy make new- blood arid build up the nerves reatorlng tbo glow of niallh to pale and asllow faoea ds aqrs yoo rsl the genuine as there is- no other raerdfoino tbe same as or just ss good ai dr wllliama fink fills if yoorrjealerdoi not have them tbey will be tent iosttiaid at 60 oenti a bo or six boxes or sm by john cameron architect and cbntraotor mannlaoturor of saih doors framos af oaldlli inallstrlee dressing itjltcbulo and mouldino to order on ihort notlqe triaisortiiilritoolroirlittiattjlctittciir tbetlhies john cameron proprietor the m odern grocer in tho newest and best assorted of dress goods in all tho newest colorings with trimmings to match our black droas goods require no recommend as all know wo tiandlo exclusivetj priestleys they are acknowledged to be the best colored organdie muslins with linings to match a largo variety of swiss spot and checked selection of crumes eoglisb priuts a homo wrappers bibboiis laces lace noose irom wo have this spring purchased a fine selection of ladies white underwear and are prepared to give you goods at less than the material ban be purchased for ladies blouses that it would do any person good to see ladies collars and cuffs all the latest styles gloves hosiery smallwarbs etc in the matter of the west half of lot number xwentyone in the third concession of the township of esquesing in the county of halton notice is rioroby rivod that mlohaol kaley or tlio tovbibip of eiqnmlnfr in tlio county of hilton farmer hae inado an applica tion to tha high court of juitloe for ontario for a certlnoite oftttlo to tbeabove montloood property uodar tbe qulotlnit tttlei act and liu pi li pul owner tbereof in foo free from all inoumbraucei wheroforo any otber person having or pro tending to have my title or lntareet in tbe laid land or any part thereof u roqoired onorbaforo the isth day of jane now noxc eniulng to fllo a itatement or hli claim verified by affidavit at my obambers in the city of auelpb and to nrvo a copy on heaan mclean aloleau oougloi street gnolpb an bohcltors for tbo laid mlobael kaloy and in default every lucb olalm will bo barred and tbe title of tho laid mlobaol kaloy will become absolute and indefeasible at law and in equity ubect only to tbo reierratloni men tioned in tbe 23tli section of tbo said aot sfij a if mokinnon local muter atouelpb dated thl7tb day of may 18 bring your custom logs and take tha lumber home with you in fine higiiclass being the larg est makers of refrigerators in canada we make several lines of grocers and household refrigerators in nanyty les- a ilzes modern design with best principle of dry cool air cir culation best in sula t ion and zinc lined why buy a homo made or poorly made- r t i c1 e when you can get an uptodate refrigerator for less money for prices and description fo send for catal ogue knowleb ham fc nott oo limited brantford lit fuv jis hurrii resd a mosk ddreiog the dr wuiiims meaioioow iotetmiiog paper on zenana work showing brbervllle ont w barber bros palbmakebb qeorqffit5wn ont afiaoumtor y man grade whkly nmws tbe paper used in this journal is from ihoaboyeuallh u to babbxr t3h0b cor m1ll and main sts acton wo aro prepared to show you this spring tho largest rind boat selection of imported scotch english and irish tweeds patterns exclusively confined to us jtever was such a largo varioty of ne suitings spring overcoatings trouserings etc to select lrom over shown in georgetown before dont forget that mr millar is at tho hood of this department which fact is sufficient guarantee tbat everything will bo satisfactory hats hats this spring wo have excoled ourselves in securing the best the newest in ntyle and shapor thoy cannot bo approached in price this will be tho placo to buy your hats if you want the best gents fcrnishings a lull rtnd ningnificeut stoctc comprising fino neokwaro shirts collars cuds gloves hobiory underwear etc 8pking clothing readytowear for boys youths and men wo havo animmenso btock in thjs dopartment and can suit every person in stylo fit and finish at prices that cannot bo beaten by any other bouse as wo buy thoso goods direct from tho manufacturer it will pay you to nspoot our stock boiore purchasing olsowhoro lumber planing 1x1 ills massasra way a p sayers proprietor has constantly on band a full lino ol lumber lath shingles oedar posts wood eto customlogs and bill fatuir cut io order on short notice planing and mulching done io the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p savers georgetowns live8t store r blqck toeum st gofjgolto your trees and produce taken in exohange every day bargain day here potatoes wanted highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at symon bros acton we ciarry a full ljrie of hardware groceries boots shoes symon bros crockery aiid gblassisrare we have the largest stock in town and you wilt be more than convinced of this if you once examine it fresh assort ments constantly arriving we are bound to lead all com petitors in this department and therefore our prices are the lowest possible call and examine it at any rate even if not purchasing kresh garden seeds just in berry bushes we have a ll the necess ary materials as copper sulphate copper carbonate paris green white helebore insect powder iiitrifi asttath prices right and materials the very best c p 53te cos rcton a t bkowk

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