Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1898, p. 3

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the bank im uamilton htlflroffftnr kflmititom- capital all paid lid 1 25000000 reserve fund f 9 72500000 total assets 9j84e 07845 nearly tun mtllioutf of dollars board op directors ohnstuaht a q hambay rrusldout vloo1robldgnt bo iloacu joun liiodoii a t wood a ij leu torouto vfu qmtiotml t1ium1ull toshlor ii b stlven abbt oasblur u m watbon inspector georgetown agency neral banking business transacted notes ofk3ponsible farmers discounted and special atruuion given to the collection of sale notesnjtl commerunl paper generally crafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of si and upwards teceivcd interest allowed at current rates and added to principal every year whether pass book is drought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont the news at home monrly-of- ct every item intereetlns house cleaning time has now arrived youll want paper for your rooms or new shades for the windows no where else can you find such an assortment of wall papers ceiling papers window shades curtain poles prices low slock ihe largest cue us a call geo hynds jewelery and stationery store acton ont she uton jm xzsa thubsday way 1 1898 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week god aavo our graoioaa queen qucond birthday next tuesday trout qvhiogwill bo a favorite pastime for next tuesday enqueuing sunday school convention at norval tcmorrow actoua pretty lawns make attraotivo foregrounds to nuny of our fine residences the gathering of minister in actou this week was cordially welcomed by oar citizens the queeuu birthday should be tlio most generally observed of all tbo statutory holidays acton sunday schools should send a good dekj ation to the convention at norval to morrow llib a oh offamo qoeeus birth day night several now rallies have moved into tovrn this week the concert b tbo famous godfrey band will be given in gnelph on the after noon of monday may solb moure roberteon brca havo tbo koa f t doabla- brick dwell inn on maria street- rqv j a doyle of victoria cotlero preached at siloara qq banday morning and addressed the epworth leagae on tuesday evening make no olber engagement for tbo evening ef the queens birthday bat to attend the arch of fame to be given by the methodist sunday school mr tbomaa ferryman br wonld appreciate the favor if the party who borrowed the stone hammer from the old knox oh arch property one day last week would return it mr cameron has the front part of the old knox church building removed to tbe chnngu of train service tho humruer limo tublo for tho g t r uumo iuo efikot on mondaj four of tbo trauift culing hero aro effected going east the 10 17 a m train has been changed lo 10 co and the 0 8 p rmto 6 14 tbo morn iug train from toronto whioh formerly called at aototi at 1 40 is now timod for 10 02 tho evening mail going woat has been chaugod from 7 to 7 15 p m returned to acton mr and mrs thomas momackon hate rotarnod to acton aud will make this tlioir permanent i home agaiu mr momuokou and family were among our moat eateemod at likens for years bat business interests necessitated their remov al to ay r oeveral yeara ago their return will be nordially welcomed by citizens goneratly mr and mrs momackon will rebido for tire present with their daughter ura fyfe but will bo tlio in their own borne tbe residence occupied by rev father 1eeny aa boon aajt la available 4 talc ate d campaigners visit t rev j a doyle pf viptona university ous of tbo campaigners in connection with tho forward movement for mieslonf addressed the epworth league last friday evening hia addreas was tptnted and very helpful and inspiring from a mission ary standpoint the young people here who last year adopted tbe systematic plan of weekly contributions to niiaeioiis were muob encouraged and uo doubt as a result of mr doyloe vlait others will unite in this worthy movement rev mr doyle also preached an eloquent sermon in the church on sunday evening upon tho spread of the gospel in the benighted regions ot tho earth 7ie arohoffnme this splondid cantata arranged by mr it a payne gnelpb will be given by the mothodiat sunday sohool in the church next taebday evening queens birthday the cantata oomprlsea one of the most moritonoub appropriate and enjoyable entertafnmenta that oould be presented on jqor majestys birthday it includes dialogues between representatives of tbe various m on arch s of earth characteristic costumes anthems of the various nations standard literary selection national in character oroheatral musio and marching and countermarching by the soldiers of tbo gross caring tbe progress ot the cantata there will bo erected npon the platform a largo arch the stones of which represent the nations an impressive climax ib reaobed when tho monarchy lay their orowns at the feet ot christianity and the soldiers of the cross take possess ion of the arch every part ot tbe pro gramme will be found of keen interest jnnthqf mrs maddoclc ot guelph mrs rosa maddook whose death in her 74th year is recorded in another column was ono of the early residents of guelph coming there with her father the late mr goodeve from england in 1832 so she hsb beop living in guelpb for sixty six years mrs maddook was a woman of bigh moral principle and christian devotion and her sons and daughters have reacson to cherish with gratitude and affeotion her persever ing an4 selfbacrifloing efforts on their behalf sho has been in poor health for some jeara and was latterly very frail she leaves three sons and two daughters mz h h chicago iii gilbert tilson- burg walter rochester n y mrs porter mt pleasant and miss hl at home mra masters guelph and mr c street and set npon a stone foncrtjatioa tbe work ot transforming tbo ediflco into dwellings will proceed at once rtbe elks baso ball team of toronto average ago18 yeara wonld like r mako arrangements for a match with a local team for the 24th may address h xtndall new office toronto apple trees have been iu bloom for some days and show signs of a largo gathering cherries aud plums alao iu flower are heavily budded pears are full of flowers and curraute strawberries and gooseberries are exlretaaly welt fruited sam tovell who drives holidays brewery wagon experienced no small amount of trouble on his way to aotoo thursday morning about a mile from eden mills the front axle ot his wagon broke and sam kegs and all tumbled out on the road guelph herald rock wood durlog tbe meeting of the synod at cobourg a meeting of the presbytery of guelph was held at which rev h a mcpherson of acton reported that he had moderated in a call at rock wood and eden millr wbiub bad resulted unanimously id favor ot mr james a cranston b a of verachoylp and cull odea in tbe presbytery of paris the call via produoed signed by both members and adherents in each place the stipend promised is 500 and a ires manea by rockwood payatalo quarterly and 800 by eden mills payable semiannually tbe oall was sustained and ordered to be transmitted to the presbytery of paris with the guarantee of stipend mr mcpherson was appointed commissioner to prosecute tbe oall before that presbytery spraying exp w bere mr hogb blacks orchard today by superintendent w m- orr a the meet g of gnelph presbytery on tuesday it wan reported that the prcsbj- tery of parla bad igread to the translation of rev j a cranston of culloden aud it waif agreed that bo be induoted into the jitorarohargeefbockwood andkdeu mill- on tuesday 81st the epworth league here was addressed on monday evening by rov j a dylo campaigner for the forward movement for missions his address was intelligent and praouoa and will result in a deeper interest in tho u of missions georoetown t sopt orr had another series of spraying experiments in mrs bradley- orchard jesterday gboboktowk racks there will bo the ninal big time at georgetown on queens birthday ths horse noes take place sb follows 2 si 1160 2 85 100 8mlo 76 farmers green running race ho entries close may 24 noon single faro on all railways h matthews beo adv f g auto aud b mra maddook was all ber life an aotive member of norfolk street methodist church guelph mercury mr and mrs g f goodevo attended the funoral on tuesday jsaqucalng sunday school convention the annual convention of esquesing sutuly school association will be held in norval tomorrow there will be three somonb and president john lindsay jr of limeboube will take tbe ohafr at 10 80 a in rev j h moartbur b d of norval will conduct the devotional service during tho morning and afternoon practi cal papers and addresses will be given by the following well known workers rev rev q a mitchell b a georgetown rev t r forbes anfmr h p moore acton rev ij ferric b a georgetown and mise bradley opportunity will be given for free discussion and the sunday sohool teachers and officers of tbe town ship are invited to take part a strong programme has been provided for the even ing sesbion in addition to apeoial musio and addresses by retiring and uew presi dents addresses will be delivered by rev j w itae of toronto junction formerly of aotoo and by john a faterson esq of toronto ex president of tho provincial sunday school association the norval friends asanre a oordial welcome to all who raty attend mr rolston struck by lightning mr t h rolston batcher had a mirac ulous escape from instant death last wednesday afternoon during the thunder storm he was at the farm of mr wra gray near crewaona corners on a busi ness trip and he aud mr gray were in the shed of the barn during tbe storm and talking to eaoh other only a few feet apart snddeuly tho eavo of ihe east end of tbe building was atruok by a bolt of lightning it ran down along tbe rafterp striking a large nprfgbt post between tho shed and the main barn shattering it to splinters then it ran down about five feet into the main wall aud took a coarse westward passing over tbe stable door and down to wbare the two men wars standing mr rolbton was struok by the eleotrio fluid on big head and it ran down tho front of bis body to the soles of his feet the hair waa burned off hia head and faoa bis olothee were singed bis breast aud limbs were also very painfully burned pieces of bis boots were found five or six yards away from where he was struck down senseless mr gray who waa standing about ton feet away was stunned somewhat but waa eoon himself aud ready to go for assistance when the unfortunate man was carried to mr grays home strange to say although there was a large part of the gable of tbe barn knocked opt the building was not ignited mr rolston has suffered much from the shook and the injuries received the s6vdtebol y painful he recovered consciousness dnrlog tho night and was removed to bis homo on main stress thursday morning he is gradually recovering miss margaret smith a middlesex sohool teaoher was fined f 5 and coats 98 88 in all or twenty daya in jail fpr hitting a papil on the head with a bard maple ruler itevs cross ley and hunter will begin a series of apeoial meetings under tfan auspfoer of tbe preabyteilan and methodist churches of markbaro village in the meth odist cburob oommenolng oh sunday next c a n a das qolden heritao e does not consist in mines alone putnams painless corn extractor fa a boon it goes right to the root of tho trouble and aota quickly and painlessly beware of lab- atllutes guelph district meetino the annual meeting to review tho totatetveftt v the annuit meeting of the guelph d s riot of tbe methodiai churoh was held here on tuesday uud wec needay tho ministers uud laymen of tho diotrict evidently enjoy u visit to aoton and sppreofato tho hospitality ot tho pcopo here the district meeting was hold hero a year ago and when the invita tion was extended last septcmbor lo oome agaiu this jear it wubuuanimoufly accept ed tho aesflion was an interesting ono and the reports from the tarioua circuits and stations indicated faithful work and encouraging progress this being tbo last year of the quadrennlum aud the ubt betjbion befora tho meeting of general conference the reports wero moro compre hensive than usual and the memorials to tbe annual conference whioh convenes iu gnelph early nest mouth more numerous the first session opened on tuesday afternoon witb bav j g scott presiding rev tbo w jaokaoo financial secre tary was also iu bis plaae rev james a molatblan m a was eleoted district beoretary and selected as his asautaut rov i v thompson of guelph the afternoon was spent in passing ministerial character examination of pro- bationors m to dootrme etc and review ing tbe spiritoalsldeot tho work throughout the distriot mr thoe p ferry passed bis examina tions for tho final year of probation and was passed on to conference for ordination mr a h orosby passed the years exam inations very creditably and was advanced ono year in hiti etindlng in tho evoning a public meeting was held when capital addressee wero delivered by rev s s cilery b d of guelpb and rev thos w jsokson of fergas rov j g scott presided and in bis opening remarks congratulated tho pastor aud congregation upon the marked improvement effected in both interior and exterior of tbe church ainco tbe dibtnot meeting was held hero a year ago the ad hens of rev mr sellery was directed especially to tho young people of the ohurob tbe four fold object for whioh the epwortb league exists waa the basis ot his very helpful remarks 1 tobvoboula 2 to enoourage an eamesf intelligent and praotioal christian life 8 to assist tbo members in tbe study of the word of god and 4 to increaie the usefulness of the young people in the church of christ the rev t v jackson gave an excellent address on responsibility tbe value of the rofltx influence coming to members of tbe league as they asuume tho duties implied in the leagae plcdgo wart impressed many hints wero given tbo young peoplo encouraging them to assume the responsibilities of life and by thib means develop strength of oharaoter and the ability to live lives of usefulueas wednesday morning session opened as a joint ministerial and laymens meeting the following detegatoa were registered gnelpb norfolk st rov j g scott chairman and john crowo eeq guelph dublin st rev fi sellery b d and alfred smith esq guelph paisley st rev v thompson and mlnhael mcpheo eeq ponsonby rev judeon truux john crosby esq etora itev james awde b a john godfrey efi tvrfl tlw t w tmohnnn and q coming and going visitors- varlousotherpersonal notes w and and jsl groves eeq eramoaa rev bixon sharps and david ferrler esq aborfoyln rev samuel couch and blair falconhridgo esq ortou rev j e baillie and john near esq bel wood rov robt duff and john henderson ueq nassagaweya rov dr bosnian and henry daniels eeq aoton rev j a molaohlan m a and dr urea erin revs vi h garnbsm b d and a h orosby and messrs f s near and angus blair llmehoube john lane revs joho mills william bryert wil- llam savage and james harris superannu ated rev t p perry probationer from college in addition to the abote tboro were a number of visitors presont from varloua points on tho district the financial sad btatistical schedules were read by tbo lay representatives they gave a detailed statement of tho years work for tbe most part they were satis factory and showed increases tbe conneo- tional funds and the missionary offerings especially show at increase in seeral of tbe oiroufts tbo amount paid for ministerial support was considered disproportionate tp the membership returned and the ability of the olrouits oouoernod tbe y delegates to conference were eleoted aa follows dr james mille judgo jamieson g b ryan e r bollert john crowe r e kelson j a davidson samuol carter gnelph h p moore james brown leaio snyder aoton john godfrey elora q 0 groves john hunt fergas john groqgy ionson- by david ferrler rockwood blair faloonbridge aberfoyle john near orton john a henderson dracon john marshall nasesgsweja f 6 near erin h p moore was eleoted to tho mission ary committee of lbs conference in the matter of changes n olrcuit boundaries the meeting decided to re open tbe church at creweona corners and give litnehouso regular sunday servicer tho effort to consolidate the circuits lust year by which these two appointments wers affected proved unsat isfactory hence this action by tbe new arrangement rockwood circuit will include rokwood eden mills and crew sons corners- and xjimehoaie olrcuit the briok church and limehouse with young man as pastor under the superin tendence of ho minister at aotoo various other mat tecs were on tho docket as wfi went to prcir everton a u amber of tlis vlllago folk teen the beautiful flowers oa tho grave of the late geo hodgson ii is literally covered with tokens pf love and sympathy from different places where ho taught and studied as well aa from the guelph friends he was loved by all wbo who knew him rev mr doyle trill address tbo epworth league on monday 23rd op the forward movement for minions we will be glad to have information along that line there la each good news from tbe boys who went west that those wbo remain with ue aro not very contented we have fishers here from fergus ae well as from guelpb to cure a coud in one day take laxative bromo qulnlns tawetf all dtoiflisls refund tto money if h falls to curo ss cants tfha ifakb laebb invites all its readers to oou lrlbutoto this column if you or your irlonds are going away on a holiday trip or if you have frloadavlsltlngyoti drop a card to tho fjueb fhkis mr thoi stat ham isited torouto friends daring the week mr aud mrs joaiah royoe of eramosa visited aoton friends last thursday rov mr ross of nerval spent a day or two at bt albuud parsonage last week miss jessie nioklin anvived safely at brandon and found thefrienda there all well mr william and miss sadie burns of rockwood epent sunday with friends in town mre a laldlaw purvis has removed to toronto and taken up residence on jarvla street rov f w goodeve b a arrived home from wyolifife college toronto on monday evemtfg miaa rolston of guelph spent a few days this week with ber brother mr t h rolston mr john slilhaueen of the g t r is enjoying a couple of weeks wellearned vacation mrs edward nioklin is spending a week or so with her daughter mrs aid nioklin of guelpb mr and aire william coleman and miss laura spent saturday with george town friends mr arch campbell who has been very ill for ssveraltffonlhe waa able to take a drive out tbe ether day rev q a maopherson attended the session of ihe synod of torouto and kings ton at cobonrglast week mr samuel ooleman ot rockwood spent a few da a ibis weelc with his brother mr joseph odleman mr geopga cuabeney ot hiawatha kansas ft visfilng at the home of his meoe mrs geo lamb and other frienda in town mr edw williams of manitoulin island spent a couple of daya thii week with hia brothert mr william williams and family mrs thof cub on mra rev j a molaxhlan and mr h p moore attended the annual coovent ion of the womans missionary society of guelph diotriot at fergus last week rev ii a- mappherson attended paris prcbbtery on monday in connection with tbe oall to rav mr cranston to rockwood and on tueadiy attended the meotfpg of tho proshteryof guelph mr l d orr u to bo congratulated upon lin success in tho reoent examina tions at tlio college ot pharmacy he passed his senior examinations taking 17th place in a class of 04 graduates rov j k gcdden of aoton who was anuonnced to preach in rt james choroh sunday morning was taken 111 on satur day ho however reoovered sufficiently to attend st james sunday evening and preached a very eloquent bermon from tbe word ye aro witnesses of me guelpb setoff at tbe may meeting of tbu official board a complimentary resolution was tendered rev j a molachlan m a pabtor of the methodist church and a very cordial invitation to stay for a scoond death of d alton mccarthy oneof can m honored sons ualleo suttcxeniy away dalton mccarthy q 0 m p is dead as reported iu last hsue mr mccarthy was driving in toronto on saturday even tog when tbe horse ran away tbe oarrisge was upset anti its oconpant thrown violent ly to the payemodt mr mccarthy sus tained internal injuries that resulted in bis death last wednesday night dalton mccarthy was an eminent law yjr and a politician of decision and deter mination he was a devoted follower of sir john maodonald in the earlier part ot hia oareer was a atrong conservative and often even after the party tie had been broken deolared that hs still regarded him self as entitled to that name but wbilehe waa a atroog party man bo was also possessed of a spirit of independence and was always governed by olsar and well defined ideas he broke away from bis party finally on tbe sohool and tariff ques tions and readers will remember tbe strong and sucoedaful fight be pqt tip against the topper government and throughout tbe provioce two years ago canada loses one of her brightest soub in the death of d alton mccarthy the funeral on saturday waa tbe largest ever seenin toronto uk 1 merit ulk tbe i lntrimlc valao of hoodsrmparm merit in medioino nan thepoww to cure uoodasarmpuluapoaimmtcctiml and unequalled ourtvo power and thare- fore it fans true merit when you bny hood baraaparlllaand take it acoordlng to direotlons to purify your blood or cure any o tbe many blood dlseaseeyou ro morally certain to recelvo benellt tie poner to cure in there you are not trying an experiment it will make your blood puro rich and nourishing and tbua drive out the gerrna of disease strengthen the nervca and build up the nholesyatem pays to buy at bolkrts it pays to buy at bollcits special selling tomorrow we place on our bargain tables the following attractions which are only a few among a great wealth of great values hosiery sarsaparilla is the best in fact the one true blood purifier prepared only by i treed it co lowell mass 20 dor ladies cotton hose st unless rcfuhr 15c for ro doz full fashioned hermsdorf dye very good regular 25c for 10 doz fine black cashmere stockings regular 40c foi staples 300 yards best 30 inch cotton shirting regular 12jc for 300 yards beautiful soft white cotlon 36 inch regular ioc for 600 yards drapery muslins regular 10c for 1 bale yard wide cotlon regular 7c for 124c i be 25c 7lc 50 lc lace curtains very special at 75c 85c 81 10 si 25 r 50 fine brussels net curtains in 5 diflcrcnl prices very cheap hoods pills jvuitdrsmilmi uterarv notes year was given mr molaoblan accepted tho invllnllorj in a kindly worded and appreciative rply nassaoaweya bev j a doyle of vlotoria university gave a very interesting addresa in tbe ebenezer cboroh on thursday evening last subject the forward movement ot missions in tlio xogues he was the means of starting the forward movement in tho ebenraer leagao miss clan adameou vice president of the mialionary department via chosen aa secretary and treasorer mrs duncan gillies ot chicago is vniting at her lathers mr john oannte mr thos xiocber lost a borse on friday last by drowning it waa turned oat to pasture and in tome way beoama entangled in tbe mod at ihe spring and was drowned mr thos wilson lost a fine brood sow last friday from some unknown trouble rov dr soidlao and mr hy daniels attended ihe ulatrlot meeting at aoton this week crewsons corners tho farmers are busily engaged in preparing for tlieir root orop tbo narrow tscape of mr t b bolston of aoton wbo was struck by lightning lost wednesday afternoon haa been ihe priuoipal topio of conversation here tbe past week a number from here attended tbe meetiog iddrened by be j a doyle ot victoria university in the briok ohurob on tuesday evening mr and mrs btatbaro of aoton apenl sunday at mr 7 osbarna mr and mn t campbell at aoton spent banday it mr t bamsbawa mr b moore of aoton spent sunday at mr n forbes messrs bamehaw and anderson ot ljowville visited frisnda here tbia week they- also rehcred bunt psu ndigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dlulnest nausea drow nets bad taste lit the mouth coated tongas pain in the side torpid 1iver the regulate the bowels purchy vegetable small pill small dose small prloa substitution tlio fraud of tho day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills tbe june number ol tbo delineator ib called the early sammer number it has three full page illustrations of sporting oostumeb and is exceptionally atrong in every department tho college tales in may appear to have slrnok a peculiar note the local color adding to the natural inter est in the development of the stories this month there are three excellent sketches of lifa aft wellealey it fa throughout a oapital number order from the local agent for the sutterlck patterns or addresa the delineator publishing co of toronto limited 83 richmond st w subscription prioe of tfte pehncator 91 a year single copies 15o why didnt johnny ehovel off tbe walk demanded mr slmpmne aa be brnahed the snow off hia trousers and dug some lumpa of it out of ida ehootopb the poor boys back was so lamo i hadnt the heart to mike him do it explained mrs simpkins apologetically huh i where is be now demanded her lord and mauler 1 dont know im pure itggueee yep thats blm over with that williams boy rolling those big balls to make a fort soanz mangel seed noint wl sell the the xabd long bed saw loo- red oath tost red mammoth long bed yellow inter mediate yellow olobe any kind only ioc per lb by post 4c a lb extra for postage also sugar beet red or white nl s p l rape seed 16 lb for l 00 turnip iajc per lb geo j thorp sbbds7thn market sq and maodonnell st cublph latest and best designs of mionuments in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction j h hamilton proprietor granite 8c marble works guelph i9 the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton como and see the largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others aak for the commonest can adian or american granite ottto and workabamotoxrs block woolwich and uortolk 3t3 ouolph oist branch worksjfbtr htmbxxrg ont sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorined capital s 00000000 tenyear maturity shares arc paid in moptbly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease go 00 paid in maturity alue fioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli- atlon to r 4 mcnabb agent aoton aoton machine and repair shops ihtt tajlllljtl fatkslj av luil iu1 bb well equipped with all the maohlnerv ceoeasary toaiatute all impairs to maebln na agiiealtarallmplaiiiants and to do all of steam flttingninawsboelng and general blaeasmlthlng woodwork repairs performed in a satisfactory manner we oaa rapatr aud maebln or ltnptoniiife of any make baw gamming aud fllln donw acton appreciates nice goods those wall paper samples we show at the drugstore of j d mckelz are nil the rage why because they are uplo date put ingrain on your walls it isery handsome and new 8ee mckees 8am pies room mouldings to match window shades send the size of your windows and we will quote prices any color and every width base ball lavm tenuis lacrosse and fool ball requisites c l nelles thb lghder cublph pr ingle of guelph wants to know if you think ir is about time he stopped telling you how much better he can repair your watch than anyone else welt if you can tell me when the preacher in your district haa told you often enough how to do right that you will always do it without being told again then i can afford to stop this continual dinging at you about bring ing your work to me to hate it wel done many of your fathers bad their mending done by me for years but about half of you were bora since i came to guelph and possibly your parents have never mention ed to you that i alwaj a had been successful in doing their work well then agtln as i have been here for twentyeight years most of young men under that age dont think the old man knew enough to get the best placo to get bis watch fixed anyhow you nave to be about forty years old before you begin to realize that the old man knows a thing or two after all however hoys if lastwa ayt nch oerseefng and doing every job that you bring me big and little i only charge the same as all other good watchmakers and only wish to do the work of those who want it done well because my reputation depends on my good work and i cannot afford to do bad work of course i often d cheap work for those who merely want their watches started so as to trade off 1 again state emphatically that i am desirous of returning all the money paid me for any work which has not given satisfaction i have sometimes to do so when the watch is too old to go well and i always wish to do so when proper that i should g d prlngle guelph empire typewriter price 5600 visible writing in addition- to all the advantages of the ynooo machines the only typewriter manufactured in canida fully gurrrnteed circulars and testimonials write for them tub williams mtg co limited af stars oreelobtatsd now williams bowing machines montreal pq 600 firstciass given away f ree to llllnt werltsrs who will tisle us uvmlu snd mil dr younzs kunwunr curs in their locality ni pedaling no uprlnc or capital required work durlnir your spare mm chtmical atlfflt co fiotoh ont buy the pride of canada its the newest style out see them at r b mbljsqns 99 wyndham street guelph wash goods fine lot american prints regular ioc for 36 inch percales very pretty regular 15c for 32 inch organdie muslin regular 20c for 10 pieces zephyr ginghams regular 18c for parasols cjc ioc ioci i2jc at 50c 75c st very lxlra better ones at i 50 to 8 special values opera flannels we cleared a quantity of very pretty patterns nice for lidies and childrens house jickets and gowns they aro regular 50c goods our price will be 20c everything in dry coods and nothing but dry goods e r bollert fe co 25 aud 27 wyndham street guelph neia blhck dr6ss goods when it comes to dress goods there is not a worthy style or quality missing here priestleys high class dress goods is confined exclusively to this store our ambition was to exceed all previous efforts in every respect fine black henriettas fine black 8ore new broadcloths new lustres black chiffons new black silks new french vigoreux new ladies cloths new satin cloths new black parasols the most complete stock of black dress goods that the people of acton has had to choose from youll be welcomed whether you buy or not we want you to see and then make comparisons gurnet fe co mill st acton glasgow house for ladies spring capes we are showing a full range of venetians broadcloths boxcloths brocaded satins etc in excellent quality and value the balance of our madeup capes are being cleared at selling prices henderson fc go ftcton the right house curner king and huriisou sts hamilton linens and sheetings linen bath towels 22x45 spccinl nt 25c each wash goods section dehcme shades of dimilies and tripled muslins fast colors 8 and ioc madras prints fast colors stripe and checks 36 inches wide 12 french organdies in great variety of patterns 15 to 25c linen crash suitings in plain or fancy bleacbed sheeting plain 2 inches wide 20 is 15c 81 inches wide 22 25 lo 50c 90 inches wldei25 30 to 55c 73 inches twill 22 25 lo 45c 81 inches twill 25 30 to 50c 90 inches twill 33 40 to 60c 73 inch plain unbleached 15 ih 20 and 25c 81 inch plain unbleached 18 22 and 25c m un 1 il 20c 73 inch twilled unbleached 15 18 and 20c 81 inch twiled unbleached 2532 and 35c sheets ready for use 72x90 plain hem stitched c5 and 70c 81x90 75 and 90c 72x90 hemstitched 80c 81x90 hemstitch ed 90c stair lincnsi4 inch 10 and x2c 16 or 18 inch stair lunen 13c unbleached table damask nt special prices 60 inches wide 25 30 32 10 50c 66 inches wide 40 45 lo 50c 72 inches wide 45 50 to 85c two pieces only of bleached table linen 70 inches wide slightly damaged regular 85c special for 65c special job in hemstitched linen towels 21x43 spccinl 15c each 23x44 special at 20c each samples free by mail freight or oxprcss prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on oil purchases amounting to t5 00 nnd upwards wool dress goods wool poplins 48 inches wldo all colors 75c and si 00 sedan suitings for tailor made costumes in leading shades 75c and 9i 25 chccksjitlngs very stylish for street wear 65 75 and 85c vigcroux suitings very special at 35 40 and 55c single dress patterns silk and wool mix ture special at f 6 and iy cich silk grenadines in single dress lengths tery handsomo designs in all shades i9 75 15 00 iml 18 50 navy serge 42 inches wide sp 35 nnd 40c 46 inches wide special at 50c shepherd checks in all sizes 50c wjr thomas c watkins

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