Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1898, p. 4

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1 4 duutinil cjea grow dull and dl i ah the aviii i j cara alcat away ihruitiful willowy forms bo slim i 04c fah liens with every dny isi i she still is queen aiid hath chnrmn to spare wl o wears joulh s corouul beautiful liair preserve your hair and you preserve your youth a woman is as old as she looks soys the world no woman looks as old as she ia if her hair has preserved its normal beauty you can keep iiair from falling out restoring its normal ooloiv or restore the normal color to gray or faded ttair by the use of ayers hair vigor poor economy tho track superintendent of a wouti rn railway had recently sdoptrd a new apiko whloli comparatively apoakin aa pretty expensive he aent out word tberoforo that tho spikes must be ouefutly looked after i ono day ilio road boas wao walking up the track to where a section fta wbb work iok with ilio tjcw splkea ho found poo lyint between the ruila and pocketed it did you net my lust motions about tl oae oplkep mike ho eatd to thu section bose i did that yer honor and if a molfihty careful ivo been lobo any 1 nary a wan replied mike but a triflo hoallatingly how about this and tho telltale eplke was shown him luk at thot now 1 said mike iu a jc liphd way bhuro ive had wan of the mm on a bunt for that samobpoike tho lotbt two das faith its rind i am yer honor found it tbe bpike was worth about 4 cent a detroit tribune not a servant afttr all a strange experience t tton ttt firm thursday may 19 1898 ije oung folks no place or boys tbcro so place for the boya they will find it bomo whore at d if our own homos are too daintily fair for tho touch of tbolr angora tho troad of tbolr foot tlioy will und ft and find it alab i in the btruat mid tho gild logs of bin and tho glitter of vloo aid with baartaclioa and longings wo pay a dear jirlco ior thofiotting or gain that our lifetime om ploys is wo fall in providing a placo for tho boya a phco for tlo boya doar mothor i pray aacarcasottledowu round our abort oartuly way don t lot ub forgot by our kind loving deed 1 o dhow wo rquioinbor tbolr pleasure and uoodfl though our souls may ho voxod with problems of life and worn with boaotuionu and tolling and strife ourloartb will koop youngor yoar tired heart and mine if ttoglvo thorn a plaao in tholr innormoat shrluo and to hfoalatoathour twill ho ono of our joya that wo kept a small corner a place for tbe boje botton transcript tirafc drug clerk i had jt queer expert enoo last night had just closed op tho shop iain down and got to sleep when there was a most violent ringing at the night bell tjtcond drug olerk ha ha ha i after a postage btamp eh 7 first drug olerk no be wanted second drag clerk ho ho ho waut ed to look in the now directory eh or maybe wanted to know what street it was iirst drag clerk nothing of tbe sort you might guosb all day and not hit it second drag clerk then what on earth waa it first drog clerk be wanted a prescrip tion filled niio york wttuy louffekepirto puanant irlut tmploj nicnt ngenrj iluvejcu uny objection to tho country girl puhtel none at alt madam housekeeper i li no a larjo family girl the nioro tin merrier hoiibehet ptr sluii children two of tliem quite joun girl i loo iiuil childieit houbokeeper it will be necessary for you to buko breud wash and get the mbals intend to tho pttbtry and oh amber work m eel girl i will uuo muke tho pastry and do tho rest if jou will allow me houbokeoper x cannot give jou moro than tbreo aftoruoous off girl two will bo uuflioient perhaps moro than 1 will want as my plan is to tjhe etriot attention to my household dattob and thus gut tbe work done up promptly cerj dwy po ub to havo plenty of opportunist to ribt between times housekeeper i am delighted stranger audduil ntering borfy to interrupt jou madam but jou are oon versing with ono of my patients whohas jaat escaped from ho nopelobqlyicourably iiunatio atfylum lvtirsous weekly what is health is mttci i had no appetite und cotil 1 not aoep at night and i was bo tired that i could hardly walk i saw hood a sareaparilla advertised und procured four bottles my health is now bettor than it lias ovor been since i waa a child and i hao not been alck for a lonj time mies jeeaio tarn bull granbrook out hooda pills arc tho ouly pillh to tako with hood a sareapirillu laay and yot efficient liver ills like biliousness dyspepsia headache const pstlodsour stomach indigestion are promptly cured by hooda fill they do their work pp istlr and tnorooitly bf it after dinner pill is eents ah draiitsta rraparad brd i hood oov jvtnraumiua ilu onfar rill so tako wtm hoods 8anpirm how to bead english litera ture tl o flrat thing to do in tbe study ot i dglihh literatore saya profetaor mark h l i 7v atlanta ib iu mid i intel liijeuily to hear the very voloe of it speak ing to ub directly and without impediment to make its thpoght pais through our mindn an it passed throogh the minds of those who created it to make iu thought our tlioniht thore most be no half know- letfjo no vftrno oonoepts tbe words of it bhoold not ooovey hazy notions if we are to know the foil force of it we must know hint tlis words that the author ohose were the only ones that he oonld have chosen the turns ol expression roust be happy ooce anion the thooght like a glove it is the porfeoliou of form that makes it litera ture and gives it a olaim to our attention without a lnstorioal knowledge of onr lnummtto suoh a fnll f mnob did it ever ocqnr to you whose hsir is thin and constantly falling off that this oan be prevented t halls hair benewer is a sure remedy bobaoo says that be never bad but one early flame and that one has made bim keepold times in remembrance ever since by kindling the fire at six o clock mr t j humes plnmbne ohio writes i have been afflicted for some time with kidney and xiver complaints and ud parmelees pilh the best medicine for am diseases thoie pills do not oaqfe pain or gripiog and bhonld be used when a oatbartio is roqqired thoy are gelatine coated and rolled in the flour of lioostee to preserve their purity and givesliem a plffnant bgreeablo taste tho cottouscod ludtistry of ilio south employs 10 000 people in j00 mills oan reconimuud it mr enos born berr tusoaroru writes i am pleabcd to say that dr thomas eclcctrio oil ia all that you oan claim it to bo bb we bavo been ubln it for jears both internally and externally and have always received rjeooill from its use it is our family rnediolne and i take great pioaburn in recommending ic in twenty or thirty yaarrf according to xfeutenant carranu tho united states will taokle oreit britain for canada he is mistaken tho united states is getting wiser every day toronto star zeal js tbe dymanite of appeal milborns sterling headaobe fowdore are easy to take harmless in aotion and sore to core any headache in from h to 2u minuter o onr beat literature is impossible ortti cism with tho beat of intentions oannot mako np by any mithetio fervor for what it uokaof such knowledge sufferers from physical and nervous debility and great relief in tbe use of ajorasarsapanlla tar better- thau any atlooulant its effeot is not transient and supeifloiol but deop and permament it buildi up the system by purifying and enriching the blood robber fish ever try one of those worms asked the amateur oalyone said the flab liar they are no rood the flan after he finds oat how ho lias been taken in dies of mortifi cation beforo he oan be taken out havo you tried holloways corn care 7 iia no equal f removing these troubleeomo oxoreaenoea as many have tried ii it tbe 15 year old son of jameb white baed of enniakillep was killed by falling beneath a land roller last week he had been cautioned not to ride but to walk he disobeyed his instructions was jolted off the seat and waa found dead with tbe roller on his cheat constipation cored fts important you should havo natural aotion of the bowels purging and griping do violence to tbe system iinliver pills are natnre s 6wn medicine for all disorders ot the stomach liver and bowels cure by toning tho bowel wall and stimulating the secretions leave no bad after effeots big words an line clothes said uncle ebon is berry frequently aliko in on kib- berin muoh that rely mounts ter any thing preachers and people of one mind a host of wltnesseatell or the won derful cures effeoted by dr aarrtews catarrhal powder dyipepaia and indigestion o w snow fc co syracuse n y writs plete send us ten gross of pills we are selling more of parmelees pills than any other pill we keep they have a great reputation for the care of dyspepsia and liver complaint mr cbas a smith lindaay writes parmelesa pillsare an oxwllont medicine my sister has been troubled with severo headaobe but these pills have curod her a thoughtful olrl a lltuo rochester girl drew a dog and out ou her slate and said to her mother a cat oughtnt to have but foor legs but i drew her with six so she could ran away from the dog exchange bores oone skin clear mrs philip mitchell st marys oot says m little boy aged 10 was a oom- ploto mnsa of sores osuaed by bad blood wo oonld and nothing to oure him final ly i got a bottle orburdook blood bitters and before half the bottle was gone he bogau to improve and by the time the bottle was finialiod bo bad not a sore oo him bight bev bishop sweatman d d rev w h withrow d d rev mongo fraaer d d and others sound its praises it onres young and old mrs geo graves ingersoll writes my little daughter aged thirteen ysars buffered from oaurrh of the very worat kind no phyaioian or remedy oursd until we uaod dc agnewa catarrhal powder and after naing two bottles my obild wss completely cored it is a pleasant safe and speedy remedy for catarrh hay fever colds headaobe sore throat tonsililis and deafness sold by a t brown a womans idea of correct househeeplog is not to leave anything where her husband puts it worms oannot exist either in children or adults wheu dr lows worm syrup is need 350 all dealers it looks queer to see a dressmakor or a tailor maklog readr made clothing how a person can gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of scotts emulsiom is hard to explain but it certa happen abroad hint visilor is miss bose at home servant no sir visitor why she has just come in i i raw bor servant yep sir and she saw you too ifuggtti itching burning 8kin diseas es cured for 36 cents dr agnews ointments relieves in one uy anil cures tetter salt rheum scald head isozems barbers itch tjitier illolohes and all eruptions of ths skiu it is soothing and quieting and acts like niaiiio in 1 lie oure of all baby humors 85c buld by a t brown it seems to start the diges tive machinery working properly you obtain a greater benefit from your food the oil being predigestcd and combined with the hy- pophosphites makes a food tonic of wonderful flesh- forming power all physicians know this to to be a fact all dnikgutai soc and i oo scott downs cbcmln torom you ncod it to bear the daily bnrdens ol ilfo if your backs vonk doana kidney pills will etronutlion it if it pains and nclics doane kidney pills will ouro it nc expel lmcnt ia taking ddrvns kidney piiib 1 lioy oitrcd linndrodb of weak aching backs long beforo other kidney pills woro dreamed of mn jxmifl row rcllovillo ontv buffered for niiio ycttrs w h trriblo pain in tho kno rl p a in th oastorla in dr samuel pitchers prescription for infant3 uud clillurcu it contains neither opium morpliluo nor other narcotic substance it is n ittirinlcns milwtituto iok paregoric darops sootlilngr syrups and cantor oil it is pleasant its guarantee- is thirty years use by millions of mother ciistorla lestoys worms and alluysjltiivorlshnchs castoria id events vomiting sour curd cures diarrhoea and wind colic castoria rellotcs tcetliliier troubles cures constipation and flatulency castoria assimilates tho food regulates tho stomach and bowels giving- healthy and natural sleep citstoria is tho childrens panacea tho mothers friend castoria castorln la mi excellent medicine fr children motlicn have repeatedly told me of ittt ld eflcct ulion oieir children nil o c obooop lowell man castoria can tori n in ho well ml tip ted to children tint i rccoimjiciid it afl superior to nny pre- bcripliott known to me ii a aucilbit m d liroouyi jv y the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper thk okntjiuw comwwt tt mud way twrkt wstwohw pitt my wife oan tell what time it ia m the middle of the night when it u pttoh dark howdoei bb9 do it 3ha makea me get up and look at the olock just in time heart disease had him at deaths door dr agnowa cure for the heart worked almost a miracle o campboll mootuiron minn writea i laid juet at the point of death from moat acute heart disease and with hardly a hope that any remedy oonld reaoh my cage i procured a bottle of dr a r new a ooxe for the heart i believe this great remedy got to mo jaat in time tho flrat dose gave mo great relief inaide of thirty minutoa and before i bad taken a bottle i waa np from what 1 thought was my doath bed i was cured and i oonafder my oure almoat rairaoulouei sold by a t brown he i bopposo you would aoream and 1 up everybody mtrte lioquo if i were tp kibb you she why ia it that aooie folks oant help borrowing troablo the cjclialfl friend no cyotibta kit is com plot o without a bottlo of hagyard yellow oil oan be taken internally or used externally tor oqts bites bruibcs sprain stiff joiute coughs boro throat paina in tbe ohebt oto it isalwaya effeolual has no equal as an all round remedy blnddcr iio epent 800 dootonog but got littlo rcliof do in a sidney pills have omplo cly cuiod him banished tho baok pains and all thootlior pains aiid aohea liver troubles bihoubdosb sallow com ploxionj yollow ejes jaundice eta yield to tho curative powers ot lax a liver pille thoy are euro to oure as fluro as a man throws a thing away be ib bare to want that very thlup lgor fin heart and nones i milborn a ilear4 and norvo fills ouro joaemia kervonancbi sloopleasncbo webknebs palpitation throbbing taint spal d o oondl a from impovorieued blood nerves or weak heart disordered castoria for infants and children tilts stalls iriatun ts troth wins no easy vietorieb tor internal or external uso hag yard a yellow oil oannot bo expelled as a pain relieving and soothing remedy for all pain guilt bai a bard pillow bilkfns say old man i hear that smith ib engaged in a buamoes that won t bear tbe light ot day wilkinsr youdoqt moan it 1 counter feiting ch bilkira oh no he a only developing photographs bah itrlghtucris soon fades wheu diarrhoea bitten on tho little form dr towlora extract of wild strawberry has raved many infanta as well aaadultu uvea mrs w walters rich mond strcot hamilton qnt baa 4 i oured my baby of a bad attaok of ohol era by using d towlers extract of wild strawberry nothing olae did any good but the baby improved from the first jjflbe of tbe wild strawberry people who tiro continually talking about the nobility of labor are the onea who are always trying to avoid work a good egyptian mummy warranted g000 jeara old oan be bougbt for 100 there never was and never will bo a universal panacea fn one remedy for all ilia to whioh flebh ib heir the very nature of many curalivoh boing such that were tho germs of other and differently seated dibokcs rooted in tho by b torn of thopationt what would relievo ono ill in tarn would aggravate the otor wo hate ho waver in quinine wine wbeo obtained in a sound uiiadult u a r t and grievous uih by ub gradual judioiouet use tho frailoatsyritoma are led into con valescenoo and strength by tho influence whiob quiuioe exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of thoso with whom a chronio state ot morbid despondem and jack of interest in life ia a disease and by tranquilizing the nerves dippssos to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the aotion of tbo blood whioh being stimulated courses throughout tbe veins strengthening tho healthy animufunotiona of theaystem thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening tbe frame and giving life to the digeativo organs wbloh naturally demand inareauod substance result im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto havo given to the publio their quinine wine at tho usual rate and go aged by tho opinion pf scientists this wino approaches nearest perfection of any la tbo market all druggists bo it 13 running sores mr stephen wescott frecport n s found burdock blood bitters a wonderful blood purifier and giv es his experience is follows i was very much run down in health and employed our 1oli1 pliyicinl who attended me three months finally my leg broke out in running sores with fearful burning i had thir teen running sores at one time from my knee to the top of my foot all the medicine i took did me no good so i threw it aside and tried bbb when onehalf the bottle waa gone i noticed a change for the better and by the time i had finished two bottles my leg was perfectly healed and my health greatly im proved kept his place titlkot tlioy say that willows son 18 i dull sobolar truer juidgetob 1 dont know was plaoed at tho foot ol trio class after ex animation but he should bo oredited with the faot that bo has auooeedod in maintain ing bla position ovor slnco boston trana crtpt 1 1 h hrfttull iia xult buluhjlitdtife it iaaaailij the beatirsand rafters are to a building just what the staying is to snoreys readytowear clothes the inide of one of shorcysccatb 13 here illus trated liy a drau ing made from a photograph lhe greit advange of a coit properly stajed is tint it 1 jeeps its shape until itu norn out and docs not look like in old garment gfter a few vceks weai an ordinary ready nnde garment may look well at aril but it is made to sell not to wear snoreys nalco oil imvo n guarantee card in the pocket it i 1 pv1rertfpwtywhttf i v v llhv shops and warerooms s 1 001 of willow st 4t4 cills attcndcld to t day or night j a speight co undertakers and embalm ers acton ont- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniture of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n stin80n rockwood will receive immediate attention the most tasteful printing executed a8 an everyday achievement uaaaanaapiaceeecb not so called high art wonders with iwisied rules and mine ornaments but symmetrical well balanced typfcgraphical work carry inr an artistic air clcin ecn press work that will win the good opinion qf eery man who vieus it we do anything from a business card to a poster get our estimates see our samples and you will get nil voiir printing done at the acton free press job department woven wire fenginc ropb cmva6p you want the best and the cheapest mcmuilen s tenants and nettings com bine these two qualities no others do hog rencincs at spcciil low prices itles htumfacforod and sold t thk ontario wire fencinqco l f lotoa ontario all other varieties cheap mcmuilen s are the only good nettings sold in camda they are unequa for poultry yards tcelhs lawn 1 eneeb aik youf hardware mer chantfor mcmuilen a goods if you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at picton ont or to the b greening wirc co limited hamilton and montreal general agents james cooi cr montreal general agent for railway fencings railwattimb tablb crand trunk railway ioim1 i mall 1 r i xi mai i i 7 u 1 1 i i xi it i milt mull i mi xi i 1im7 n 11 iu it it ol t iohln i mai1 goll l c t t u iii 1 11 1 i gott 1 i ufitio j 1 1 l 1 j l 1 i tl 1h time ml u it t into tilt no jotli lh l nursery stock agents book agents agricultural implement agents or in ont desiring o better ihcir poi tion and incrcabe iheir lncomt- sliauld wne ub 1 he demand for home jrmn nursery stock is on the increase we need more men if you aitf steady paying work write us wo furnish all suppllenfreo wo have the irgdtt nurseries in the xo minion wa pay both salary and commission wo engage either whole or paft time men wo guarantee all our stock wo furnish purchasers with certificate from government inspector station our stock la free from san jose bcale our nurseries comprise over 700 acres and growing stock in large qunntity enables us to sell at lhe closest possible figure men succeed with us who have failed with others it will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you ton t write unless you mean business and want profitable employment stone t wellington toronto robt noble the highest price for wheat at tho peas warehouse oats acton barley station flour at bran acton shorts hour nnd seeds all i ecd kinds of peed store try norval flour the best rimily i lour in the market frank harris manager brmntf0rd calvanized steel wind mills and this is cleveland year towers for power and pump ing within- ternal covered gear patent roller ado ball beariazs maple leaf grain grinders two slzlr you an i owlr no 1 lias 10 inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8 inch single burrs doth have ball bearing b u rr plates relic springs and shire feed grind fine and fast with ifast power always guaranteed a trial gnen hundreds in use everything for liooks mrs may of ahbnrnham got her fooi caught botneon a plank und a rail at fetsrboro and was killed by a o p r express on saturday a vegetable remedy for diseases arising from disordered liver sto mach or bowels such as headache biliousness constipation coated roncue bad breath feeling of languor distress after eating etc vitfl obaiu howr monoton n b says i uaod la liver fills for hcadaohes and liver trouble and they not only ro- hevsd us but ourul mo thoy do ok gripo or bloken and are cosy to take bold by all pmitrarlbta at flso a vial op 5 for sj100 dr 3 d kellouna dysentery cordial is a speody oure for dysentery diarrhoea obolera summer complaint sea siokneas and oomplainlu inoidental to ohiliiren teetbing it givos iminodiato relitf to those suffering from the effeots of indiserotion in eating unrjpefruu ouonrobers to it sola with wonderful rapidity and noter fails to conquer tho dleoase no ono need otaolora if thoy havo a bottle of this medicine convenient strength came back tlia anvil cnoo moro rlnfls with th strokes of hla hammer mr thoo tortoona tho well known blacknmith of ooloriclt ont tolls how btcknrpb and woaknehfl gavo way to health snd strength for tho past four years vaj when purchasing a bicycle this is all some people look at generally the poorer the bicycle the more profusely they are ornamented with gaudy enamel and decorations if you cannot afford to buy the best buy a lowerpriced bicycle made by a manufacturer who is known to possess absolutely unequalled facilities for accurate and economical construction even though it is plainer in finish cleveland bicycles are made in various grades to suit all purchasers we k potent roller ind hall bcir ing steel windmills of allktnds the finest in the mirket 13es material lightcs running send for illustrated catalogue brantfordcan soma people are heppy odly when irv ing to and oat thingi thoy have no btufoebs to know a htorm li dretvlng your old rheum a 1 dm lell ou to better et rid ot ft and trust to the weitk rr reporta beotla llmuliion u lite beib remedy for ohroliio rlieamatfm it otttn makei a complete oure how our estimate or no mo people faila aa we learn to know them a italhta mnnm storj mr w ivankb in ohargo of tho grand prank engine ebops fork dover out bj ronr boxes of doana kidooy pilli cored ma of a vory bad attack of kidney complaint and li mo back ask your pof thg iojrlds cleveland bictcles 8000 grshtest bicycle acknowledge no competitor and are the only 1898 models that have john mcqueen agent far the ibove has changed his wire rooms to building on v li snmh s proporty john street whero miy be seen most wood binders and mowers and a complete lino of i arm implements and ill kinds of kcpitrs in my ibscncc mr john t ulliott who resides on the proporty will attend to the wants of customers john mcquhen adopted the wonderlully improved bearings the only bearing which insures perfect alignment reducing friction to a minimum nerrcs have been tory wealt my bleep fitful and disturbed by dreams consequently i nroso in tho morning unrostod i was frequently ory diy and was much troubled with a mist that earno beforo my flo my memory was often dufoctuo and i had fluttorliiu of tho lioai t togothor with sharp pain through it at timos in this condition i was easily worried and felt enoi vatod nnd axlmltstod two months ago i began taking milburns heart and nerve fills since that time i havo keen gaining in health and stn nctli daily thoy havo restored my ih v s t j a it a thy condition remoed all diznnossand heart tronblo and now i bloep well and derive comfort and rest from it that mllburns heart and nerro pills are aood remedy for nervpns now wcaknosa heart trouble and similar complaints goes without saying prio co om a box at all druggists or t mllbarn oo toronto ont luzsvurer pills oure pjrspepilc cleveland bicycles 5500 absolutely guaranteed to be the very highest grade equal in every feature of merit to the high priced competitor agents everywhere cleveland bicycles 7000 beautiful and great include many new features write for catalogue sole representative a t bgsown koton h a lozjor co tmjtp junction- jivjhr thecooksbesti larqest sale in canada bo years experienoe rten p i thadc i dmarisj copvrioht cto a nvnno senslnsr n marl rh n1 tonerlntlon nor nul ktj niinoruilti nnrnnlnlcm froe wnioriui liiy mliin 1 r ilinlilimlcnlnblo rommdnlm hoiinrlrlotirrniirilontui itnnritmklk on lstmu u ntrrae ill teat afrovor f or nceitrltiii twtsnts tpehal iwtloi nllhnal him in tbe scientific hmcrican ahnntlanmolrlllnmrntml wmklr hrmtt dh culation f nnr cioniiin jonninl tcrme wis timrtjfonr mmith ijc- irnifljih et sdlttbvnii nameaenb i co lobco an isuwamftitobrjvc

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