Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiiino 48 acton ontaeio thtjbsday may 20 1898 price three cjnts jh 1uullbiikd eveky thursday morning at the free prcshstciun 1rlnting oiltcc mill btiuiet acton ont tisiimi qpsuiimuilution one dollar per year strictly in ml van oo all nnlihcriptloiib dlacou- thiuoit whim tlii timo fur wuicli they havo boon lluld bun oxpiriml tlio duto to which uvory subioriptlotj in paid ie douotbd ou tho address label adveiixiaina hateh transient advortlso- tuoats 10 coiilnpor nonpareil hub for first iu- tertian 3 cents por huo for oaoh bubaoquout uaortiou contract katiia tho following toblo abowa ur rates for tho insertion of adortiaotii outs for anogifloil iiorlods wc have the finest stock of new wall papers andour prices are the lowest bgaok sgooo su300 2000 3500 2000 1200 3000 1100 700 600 3m 300 s700 800 260 100 aoitioiloa 10 luohoa glnohos- linch without bpoclflo directions will be ingottod till forbid and chargod accord- ngly transient ndvortisomenta must bo paid n advance v advortlhoinonta will bo obangod onco oaoh month if losirod for cbnngob of ton or than onco avmontn tho composition must bo paid for atrogulai ratoa ohangoii for contract advortiaomouta muat bo n tbo oillco by noon on tuoeuays accounts payable monthly hpmoore editor and proprietor seethe big value we give at days bookstore guelpl day sells cheap vmitms flittxtoxp jf uren hi d o m 3 olsco and robldonco corner mill prodorick btroots acton rswmcsk 1898 spring 1898 th b traders bank of canada authorized capita 1000000 cuelph branch sums of 81 and upwards received on deposit and high oat current rate of interest paid or compounded halfyearly dopoaitrccoipta issued for largo bums deposited advancoa made o rcbponsiblo farmers on their own dames no oharpo made for c611ontin3alia notes if payable in guelph a general banking buainebstrausacted a f it jones manager atttq linoleum from 25c to- 135 per sq yd milliner yl oilcloth from 25c to 45c as elliott m d m b acton oitldfllti toronto univeilfllty office coruor mill ana joliu strootp acton ttvr dkytje eye eait tunaat and n08b mclioans mock douglas st near p o ouelph oikicehouiih 10 am to 1 pm aud 3 to c pm bdnuayh10ad3tolpnl veterinary surgeon tamj3s s joyce v s oltabuatkcr ontaihotetsiiisarycolleok treats all illnoasoa of domofltlcatod anluialb enqulro at tajco bro8iiutchor sbon mill stropt acton ltooma at ariiows ilotol oallb prorinnly attoudou today or nlgut dental t l bennett ld8 dentist jw aeohoetown 0nta1uo j i coghlan d dsl ds dentist wojik clitlully ijone 1lliceb modehate giiiciioveit bhownb dnua btone lioujiaevkuyuay itlom utoc tho newest designs in shapes shades flowers arid trimmings we have also some nice lines in prints dress goods gloves hosiery corsets neckties collars cuffs lace curtains underwear ready- made clothing hats caps c j gmcbeath acton ontario robt noble jm bell dds lds dentist bnoobville lionou qllaildatsof tosonto unvfilaity work mado hatlsfactory prices moderato vibitina days monday aftornoon camp- boll villa tuoaday acton ofilco clarka iloto friday hock wood t dti g n cook dentist- cor col logo 81 and spadlna ave tooonto yill visit aoton on thu flrflt and third fjattir- daya of oach uiuntb v opfick mr adam cooka reaidouco main fitroot m clean mclean uarribtorb solicitor notaries couvoyancora 1c rrivatofunda toloan offloo town hall acton wm a molkan y jno a mclean j mackinnon dannihten holtcitqii cokveyakceh o kuce mill stroot in mittbows blocw upstaira b mcleod llakkihtbn fioliotrob convkyancen a main stroot georgetown money toloan ntlowoat current ratoa r r j monabb oiorkfodrth division court county of hal- onconvoyancorafiout flro and life assurance uoal katato afiout money to loan etc office porrymanauloek aoton ont miscelisanro us h enbx grist ottawa canada solicitor of patent for invonuon etc prodaroa appucntions for tho canadian amor- lean and european patent otflcoa and for tbo uoglatratlnn of trodo alarka fjond for pam- pbfut thirtytwo vchtb oxperienco pibanolfl ntkan bookbindeb wvndbam st guolph ontario ovorwihiambstore account dooka of all klnda made to ordor periodicals of ovary deiorintloncarofully bound hulluc nomv itnd promptly dono jvi allriaoe licenses b v mooite lbiifp ov maihiiaqb iiloehbbb prlvatooitici noivltnobot required issued roflldvtinn lu tlio ovauiug jroe rrm oineo aoton 7wtomy- r 11 vltmeub iryonwlih toreduooyour intorcst or boouro flrstolmloan of money at low interest anil on 0by tortni of ropavinont call on mo i wbe poolalty of lending money and have plenty of funds i ibo loud on vlllftgo property w c jackson ofricb wyndbam stoar oltyhall ouelph wolllrjgton lluual fire insurance company est adxiisribd 1810 thbttttannk nnfi nd mntnal nln any jl ooinmunlcatlons forwarded to my address jlol 6118 or tolopliono 68 will bo promptly at tended to jonn rayrj agent aaelpn acton saw mills and wood yards jhwes brown manuraotultult ard okaibit is fnmcor ivila smniica woorf jefo tho hijjhest i rice for wheat at tho peas warehouse oats acton barley station japanese floor matting for summer comfort unexcelled from 25c to 45c yard special department for these goods on ground floor excellent light entrance wyndham st or st georges sqr tuxs weather prophet ita going to rain aaid glftdyi aud bbo looked botb iriorry and wiao why bow do you know cried modgo and flo with wldo and wondering oyca for you cant read and papa bays tbo woatljor clerk dont know allno does i gnobh laugliod gladya vpb just wait and hell tell you so aud aiiro ouougb from the garden where tho winds of aprlng blow btroog came a funny croak that seemed balf ojoko tho violet bodsatnong a thon noxtitwaa under tberoao troca and the curious children spied a spccklod and brown frogbopplugdoffu 1u tuo thiokgroon leavofl tobide wblio ilain moro rain vbo called for till aladgo and flo said well youro a protty dork of tbowoatlier your work la nothing but play to toll its going to rain and spoil our fun but ho bolomnlyanaworad bain while the olouds blow low lntolloo ol bdow and froggy wbb right it was plain for fast and bardor came raindrops till tbo children ran inside but tbougb suroly soaked that frog rtlll croaked and for bain more rain i ho cried xp4j dont bolieyo it liaten some day near a pool or bog aud bain more rain i bo will tell you plain tuib woathor sharp of a frog ella hi sexton in san fancuco cah thct jamiig staging jvlrs turners ti rial j m bond co hardware cufelph- mckees flour at bbak acton shokts flour and seeds all feed kinds of feed store try imorval flour the best fnmily flour in he marktl frank harris manager nursery stock apnts book agents i agricultural implement agents or anyone desiring to better their posl- rhumnd increase their income shauld write us the demand for home grown nursery stock is on tho increase we need more men if you want steady paying work write us we furnish all supplies free we have the largest nurseries in the do minion we pay both salary and comrnisaion wo engage either whole or part time men we guarantee all our stook wo furnish purchasers with oertlfloato from government lnspeotor stating our stook is lree from ban jose bpalo our nurseries comprise oyer 700 acres andgrowing stock inlarge auantlty enables ustdelat uie4ioscst possible figure men succeed with ua who have failed with others it will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you dont write unless you mean business and want profitable employment stone wellington toronto get wall paper prices 1898 at waters bros tlietpicture gallery cuelph bring pictures to be framed all kinds ot wood in stock and promptly doluerod to liny lr of tlio town at rquontlo prloes hardwood btioilalu out slovo lonplli always on liaiid tolpnouo eouimuufmtlof main 8treet plaiminc mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manulaeturor of sasb doors pramos mouldlu in 1 stjlm drissma matcbtno shot moulding to ordor ou short notion wntl asmitd stook on fcsod at rtlcc tosn thtlmw john camu9n proprietor vegetable antibiiious pills relieve and cure all forms of biliousness such os dizziness nnusei drowsiness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue loss of appetite pain in the back pain in the side sallow skin etc these pills are made from pure conccn- arated vegetable extracts and contain no cjlomel or other mineral substance their lull medicinal eflect is produced vrfihout even a tendency to gripe or sicken they are prepared from our own special formula and when taken according to dircc- ttlons they are a specific for hnbitualcon- sllpalion in cases of neuralgia nervous or bilious 3icadiiche they arc unequalled trice 25c gerbox 5- boxes l0o prepared and sold only by jdmckee cbtemist aotom mrs sccords block readthis i llflutpf a man who desires to fill a wiaiitlu steady paying position and j ean goodwafics if yqu are tmt present employed that need not prevent yoi from sending us a postal card to learn wvhnt we do for you we have the largest ryoat complete and thoroughly upto nurseries in the dominion there is largely increasing demand for homegkown tsubseby stock jill supplies sent free the trial costs you nothing you get your pay every saturday if you cannot give fulltime to our inter esala we can arrange liberal terms with you fcrpart time we grow a full line of fruit xrces berry bushes flowering shrub3 ornamental trees hedging bulbs basts t ftnd seed potatoes all our stock guaran teed and warranted tb live write and tell us you are open ior an ofler and we will malfc you a proposiiion and you will want to accept ep blackford co toronto spring is here again er h a kins the tailors are prepared for it vuh a very attractive skof r spring suitings sprlnp oyercoatlngb 8prinatrou8erinje8 in all the latest goods our workmanship is always satisfactory- our prices are always right we liavc plates for the newest styles in ulcyclc suits and are bound to impose the wtieclmen call in and inspect our stock cooper akins -lloro- acton oyery bus line tfcie undersign on raapeottally aoliolta the natron iga ot tho publio and informi thorn that well equipped and styluh rlgg oan al wy ba beourod afelila atabloa a oomfortablo baa moots al travlna betweon 0 am and 618 vta careful attention given to every ordor the want of commercial travel lari fully met john wjlliams pnornibton spring terrn commences ai lh at the gvielph business college and shorthand inslilate k most reliahloand wall managed school for hoys and girls preparing for a business life cull or write for circular j sharp friuatpal p t ph it was an unheard of event for deacon turner to leave home for a week his bieter caroline oat in miaeoori had writ ten him to come and cettle up some buii- ucbb for her and take her home with him for a visit caroline was a woman fbo would not accept exouaea eipeeuuy from her relatives consequently auoonnh tbo deacons word was law in hi own hoaw- hold this was another matter and he dared not refuse the denoons absence fiave lvira turner au opportunity to fioiah a number of pieces of work that she bad began a3 the had to care for and to cook only for her utile son willis- but sbo very foolishly planned to do twice a9 much as she could aocompllsb and thuraday afternoon found ber with a basket of onironed clothes befora her and worso than that a very tumult of un pleasant thoughts chabiug therasolvcs tlirough her weary brain mra turner was a good woman any onvbf her neiktibora would have told you vyea thtro utt a better woman iu this neighborhood than mrs turner i dont believe she ever did anything wrong iu her whole life but they had uever told mra turner so and a luiaerable gossipy tongue had brought a very different opinion of tho matter folks think theyve got a groat ioke ou yon mrs turner aaid tliia brewer of mitiobfef they are laaghing about howyou always knock under to the deacon they say its been ao long since youve had any layso in anything that you wouldnt know right from wrong if you should see it oh mrp hall do they say such thinga aljout mo that isnt half of it ohuokled mrs hall as she notod the look of sorprlie and paiu upon the fftoe of hor liitener some eaya probably your coneoience died oat years ago when it foudd it wasnt needed ha hat its jubt the funniest thing i ever heard i heard a woman say yeaterdny elis continued mercilubely that if tho deacon should die eho bet youd land in tho peni tentiary do you ihinlrhio as bad as that mri in half hall gaped mrs turner whisper j no no its only their big joko you know dont tako it ab hard tbt idea of a woman getting along without a con science its bo fanny you know tbo deacon ia ao good that yon only have to do what he bays and youre all right no strain on you it tickled me awfully and j jast had to oome and tell mrs turner did not laugh she was too bensitivo to enjoy auoh a serious joko after her visitors d opart ore alio went back to her work and tears of vexation and di oouragement gathered in ber ayes as abe rnbbed and polished the doacons oollan and onfla ail these years i have tried so bard to do right and to please everybody nd now every pari tele of credit goes tb the deacon it aint right thats nil abe oon tinned deflantly ironing wrinalea in the white table cloth and giving a few vigorous nodi towards an imaginary listener poor mr turner i she grew hot and tired those hateful words kept whirling around hor ears until at last she was half- convinced that they reretrue tbertfeapon had been gone almost a week and i dont see as ive committed a penitentiary aot yet abe said saroaatf cally ferhaya its because i havent had anything to try me well well she groaned presently i never was bo worried about anything if tboro was someone to prove that i have a conscience maybe i could rest easy mo toy me i who is that she exclaimed as a trim little figure id blapk and white ginrham dreaa and a white aunbonosl camo in at the front gate ob ivs that meek littlo pearce she wants to oeg aome olotbea for tboie brink ohlldren bnt aha need not think im going to hunt them up now as tired as i am sbo hastily wiped the perspiration from ber face and went into the front room it waa mra pea roe but she did not want old olotbea she soon explained 16 irritated mrs turner that- neverfading smile tin tll moat cringing manner produced abort of discord that rather grated ou her nervea sbo wondered if mrh pearco wua one of the women who had said thoso horrid things she could feel her heart hardening asinet the littlo woman as sbo talked soit really was not strange thathor answer was so unfriendly and entirely at variance with her nature you mubt re member that mrsrturher was vory warm and tired and had spent a very trying afternoon she turned her face red and defiant toward her visitor f mra pearce i have baked cakes for aoolals all mylifa until people thick i am always obliged to now i tell yon this is ono thing i am going to refuse 1 in ber astonishment mrs pearoo forgot to smile mrs turner continued the deacon is coming homo saturday with his stater caroline then my daughter minnie ia coming too with her three children and i have to bake forthem tomorrow 1 wont have time to bake cakes for church socials by thia time mrs pearco was sb smiling as ever ob mia turner its all right of oourse the ladies wouldnt expeot you to do it i hadnt heard about your conopany and z wont hinder you another minute she troaa to go she cast a curious side glance toward mrb turner as she started to the door yon dtdut walk mrs poarce remark ed mrs turner in aquestioning tone oh no i rode but with one of the neighbors well ita too bad you have to walk back in tho hot buu mrs turnera feelinga were beginning to struggle to tho surface ob thats nothing i 1 can walk two miles any day x was so afraid yon would not hear about the bocial be sure and come goodbye well eoliloqulaed mrs turner as she weut baok to her olotbea drying in tho basket and her irons cooling on the stove if ihe deacon had beeu here he would have met her at the gate aud when he had learned her errand he would have said bake a cake of course two of ecu if you want whos got more butter and eggs and milk than we have how about a freezer of joe cream and be would have promis ed that too but as ho jb not here why should i not settle tho question as i please but mrs tufnor found it very difficult to drive the subject from ber mind she wondered if a woman without a coneoience would be able to troat little iunooeut mrs vie roe aq be had done possibly thobo neighbors were right and she bad met right and wrong without knowing one from the other perhaps thia was the teat and she bad failed to pass by sapper timo she had worried hereolf almowt bick shocould neither eat nor drink and whon bed timo oaroe she found bhe could not sleep this was now a now sensation to a healthy woman like mrs turner sbo tried to locate tho pain so as to decide what remedy would bo most eflicacioup but alio found that waa impossible little mrs poarcov mjflrtorner that the lad o their oha ao do ream had decided to hftvo an ice cream social tbo proceeds to be used to buy shades xor the church windows i think awnings are prettier than abades ventured mrs pearoe timidly but of course i wouldnt say a word about it ill do all i oan to help bat i aint fit to fay what they nball do with the money well eald mrs turner shortly i think ha too hot for ftn loo oream booli oh mia turner thats the very time to have one yea it may be a goorl time to eat ice cream bnt its just too hard to make it oh mia turner tbey didnt want you to make ice cream unlets you was real anxloua to do ft but they said aak yon pleaae to bake a cake and if you possibly con id please bake two little meek- faced mrs pearoe always face kept floating before her oyeti changing occasionally to the wrinkled simpering one of old mra hall if they talked so awfully before what will they eay now 1 oh dear oh dear i the first itreak of light in tho east was a welcome bight to mrs turner she arose and began her days work she was very miserable and it b pbbeible that if mrs pearoe could have ropeated her request of the day before mra turner might havo given her a different answer but we shall never know it waa evident from sundry borapa of audible conversation that she was nsicg every argument to justify herself in her own estimation she spent the day in busy preparation the dacod would expect his favorite brown brtad and boiled ham there must be pies for caroline a nice chocolate oako for minnie end a pan of sugar cookies for the children beaidcb a snowy angels food as a reserve willie said bis mother i guess well go up to tho social a littlo while i would like to go onco and not have to work 1 wont take my apron and they wont ex peot me to wait on the table willie looked up in surprise he had never heard his mother talk bo strangely after the chorea were dono they drovo to town mrs turner imagined some of the ladies gave hor a oool good evening but she expeoted cool treatment she took her seat at a table qnito near the tent from whioh the cream and oake were served while she bat waiting she could not rofralo from listening to the voioea ot the ladies inside tho tent how does the cream hold out first rate better than the oake are these a i the cakes we havo why yes you bob we didnt got as many cakes sb wo expected quite a number of ladies who wera counted as certain would not bake any- youknow if one refusal that influences othors here i coipe ohirruped a cheery voice which mrs tomer recognised aa belonging to the ministers wife mrs deem a i present yon quantity instead of quality oh mrs deema cried the ladies iu concert not three cakes i yea three cake mra pearco came in after dinner and told the how scarce the oake was ao we got the material together and baked the two largo ouca sbo helped take oare of twins and ihe baby just as we finished the cakes old aunt betty brought in this small one she baid she water in place of milk but it looks quito nloe isnt it a beautiful timo to sell cream yes so tremendously hot tho lodge meeting br aks up at nine oclock tho men areoominghoroforcake t if ul aield food and her bugo chocolate cuko from their places on the shelf wrapped tham up hurriedly bnatohed an apron from tbe drawer and was bbk to the boggy with the cakes under tlio- seat and thoreirjfiln her hands before dolly bad recovered ber breath when bhe reached theteut consternation reigned the lodge men had arrivod and had ordered the full ooureo as they culled it willie bad just arrived with bis second gallon of cream bnt there was dot a piece of cake to servo with i mrs turner tore tho wrappiofis from her cakes and tied on hor white apron npw ladies she remarked briakly i am ready to help yon i will have to ask you all to forgive me she added hesitat ingly yon see i- made a misstep and couldnt fiud tbe path uptil a little while go ictbat miserable mrs hall told you what she pretended she did lid one of the ladtec i wonder you can bear tbe sight of as someone said you were so good youotually didnt neod a conscience and the meddlesome creature turned it upside down and manufactured the rest of the story tlio ladles did not understand how much it meant to ber but they went to work and served up those delioiouo oaken with the cream bo promptiyand generously that the lodge rnen pronounced it tho fin oat social tbey ever attendod little mrs pearco clapped ber hands joyfully as abe heard the dimes aed quarters roll jingling into the money box ilor qiaal amlle waa broadened and intensified by sheer happluesas she chuckled quietly to her self maybe we oan afford awnings mra tarner stayed as long as there was a guest to florve by the lime aho arrived at homo hor plans were arranged she sent willie to bed then she went out and kindled a fire in the old cook btove her trouble and weariness were all forgotten during the next hour or two thore were bounds of beating mixing and stove doors banging which were not often heard in that bitobeu at midnight the idea bhe exclaimed as she bdatled round tbo idea of minnie coming home and finding no chocolate cake baked after she had sent mo word too itll not happen until i am considerably older 4ban i am now poorobildl sbo gets so tired of her own cook lug ill juet beat up an angeld food too white the atovofo hot it waa witii great eatiafaotion thatmre turner filled the empty places on ber shelf with duplicates of tho cakea whiob had so recently vnoatod them now laid she as iho wound the small clock and set the alurni all i m that alarm will wake mo up bo sudden with its horrible did that ill probably have a headache but it wont compare with a guilty conscience that whirrs right atongnight audday i am tbuukfullknow that inot only have a conscience but that it is a atrong healthy ono able to keep roe awako nights when tho deacon isnt hero to poinfout the etraight track what will become of them be sure to save a little well at this rate it will all bo gono before that lime mrs tumors cream melted nutasted betore her all the evil selfish footings bad fallen away aud bad left her aa ahe bad always been at hearta kind unselfish woman bhe arose liastik baying come willie qofok i muat go home why ma are you afok no im all right ill go homo aloue yon tako thia money and go to the restaur ant and bny a gallon of ice cream bring it down to the tent and it the j ad lea think it isnt enough go baok and buy another gallon ill bo here in timo to tako you home mra tamer waa usually a moderate driver bnt on this occasion ahe urged dol ly at quite a reckless gait bhe reached borne rushed into tbo house took her beau- of the young couples jnst married there muat bosoms who have started ont in life on an income on tho shady aido of 8500 a year and proapeote the prospects do cot always materialize as soon as you think they will and when i hey do there aro generally more ways to uao extra money than were at jlrat dreamed ot people of an older generation in comfort able ci re am eta nee cannot understand why the young married folks of today cannot live within their means they de clare that the only way for thorn to arrive at their own independeuoe ii to save a little every month no matter bow little true as this doubtless ia these same flood folks har rentiao h ha is foe a- young couplo to- reel at the pleasant outalde aocial influenoos which makes apending of money easy alas i too easy it iicno thing to detormine to live consistently within tbo amount of a small income and quite another to carry it out it- is an old principle that not more than one or the income should be ipent for rent and twothirds for household expenses with onefifth each for the hosbiod and wife for personal expenses in tho city it is generally difficult to follow thia role in regard to rent but with that question settled the management of tbo reit of the money falls of tenest on the wife for she buperlntencld the household supplies and regulates tbo etylo of living of oourse unexpected and sometimes long and aferlona calamities entail hoavy expenses and there will always be butaide demands whioh it seems a dot to meet but apart from auoh emergeooiea the income may be system atically divided and tbo home may bo managed according to auoh division if both parties agree to such a plan and abide by it brooklyn eaglt notrvs he expected a washingum correspondent tells ot a public man who la a uttle hard of hearing and who eocnetimee attempts tb ave hira- ielf from annoyance by pretending to be more deaf than ha la in a publia place one day this man waa approached by an offioe who be had reason to believe waa about tobbreblm with a tale ot woe tho offloo seeker said in a low voice whioh tho others proaent could not heir whiyoa please lend me 1 what do yon say asked the public man in a tone whiob he thought would lelnr iho applicant from repeating bis tequeat in presence of bo many bat the man eald in a voice which drew the atten tion of everybody within hearing dlitance will yoa lend me 9 please the public man was ashamed to refuse why yef he said and gavo the man 2 as the borrower went away tho lender lookod after him bitterly and eaid with a aigh- id havo saved xi if i bad beard him tbe first time no war for him a balllmorean had occasion to visit hla country property the other day ilia col ored cook wanted to know what aas tho newa in the town sab the gentleman replied that he thought there would bo war and aaid jokingly 1 suppose ill have lo be looking for auotlier cook bob for youll o in tbo army of coarse youie have to look for a new cook bosp dits iho but die nlggah aint agoin in no army sab die piflierl go in do woods and go fur too there are young men in actrfn- toduy who in si few years from now will be noth ing more nor less than ca nmn barroom loiferfv tramps or orimiunls either fleeing from juatioe or serving a eentenoo in tho penitentiary thebe yonng men do not realize their position tboy do hot for a moment take tho tmioor tlio trouble tp think of their future they or many of them have comfor hoib and paronta who are either too iudulgent stupid or indolent to see thoblack future to which thoy aropointing tbey spend their time ifs measly walking about from one loafing plaqe to another telling aud listening to filthy btoriep with no idea of bettering their condition improving their mind or making any provision for their future the same class of young men are to be found in every town and tbolr influence on any oommanity is only bad the picture is a dark one bnt unfortunately ia a true one in ten years from now or twenty years from now many of thoso young men will look back to tho present day and they will botheonos to complain of their bard lqok aud wonder how it is that every other young man they know in their earlier daya tho young man tboy used to poke fun at and pasb smart remarks about beoause he refused to be one of the boys but who spent his evenings in reading useful books has prospered and now holds a good posi tion and is a useful and influential member of society- while they who had just as good opportunities arc still loafing about street oorners or worse apending their timo behind tho bars of some prison the question ariaei iu the mind of tho observer oan anything be done toaave those young men can influenoo bo brought to bear that will arouse them to a genes of thoir dangerous position the churches do not seem to reach thorn tho parents beem lo have loat all control over them they have loat any aelfroapeot they ever had and seem oontout to just drift drift with the evil they have surrounded them selves with and niako no effort to escape from the awful doom to whiob they are being drawn indeed it would appear that they bad become almost a necessity and that noth ing can be done to save them if you were to go to any of thoso yonng men today and point out to them that they were rapidly approaching the wretched oonditiwb of the half olothod tramp who begged hie breakfast at bis fathers door or call atten tion to the drunken wretch who is being conveyed to the lookup or tell bira that bo ia on the same road as that yoong man who was sentenced to prldon last week tor some crime committed tlioy would simply laugh in your face and tell you to mind your own busines that they were quite capable of taking oaro of themselvotf there are some young men who will rend this article and laugh at tho very idea of their over becoming like one of thoso poor miserable wretches mentioned and will not realize that thoir present course fa leading them in tho sumo direction but it iti true nevertheless too true uuiebs young man yonxhangbtoarwayof livingr bead young man tho following taken from an exchange and if yoa havo a bpark of ambition or self respect left in you yon will turn about and become a man in twenty years from now or in thirty years aome man will bo the big bsss of this country hn will be in parliament after a bard fight and all thecauniry will bo looking at him in admiration and envy the individual is a young man now do you know were ho is what he ia doing he ia out on a farm somewhere feeding pigs or building fires at four in the morning or working in a machine shop or trying to learn law in tome little one horse town wherever be is and whatever he is he ia hying ft llf that prgnntb hinn ygnbting mh tuk ov otilf story i cliojq liitu outlroui ull tho runt my tom ho liiul tlirou lovuly brotliurn but woll liu noon ioj to itlco mo bust of all tbo gtrlh oh tlioro woro otbora that nanlccl him but hoiiioiiow lio luglit from tlio first kept altur mo ho was ao enlondid i lilg aud kind and colm and full of mischief vury- a roiiip boouictltways to hla mind wllto i waa ratbor prim than worry yot whon ho waamy own i folt how fond a lovor uoar mo dwnlr alas i thmo cauio a timo of clmiffio ho carud no moro for homo nor qui tit r ilia moodavoro roeklossfwlld aadatrangu njgbt after nilit ho spout in riot itoturnlng when tlio dawulfghtoamo quito boodlobfl of raproach or bjamo and so it wont till urbnths wdro past i waa tooifrdud to bang or boat liim- or pull blawbishora yotat last jloioftmo kow ihoinotimoh mcot him holms grown ugly old and fat my haudsoino slaltcbo thomas cat uadeush b uiudoeh iu tho may ladim home journal small bet nobly paid lord fulmoulh who bred horsea know all about them ami had had for trainer that paragon john scott never bet bu once he had a promising filly queen bertha and eho was the favorite for the oiks in 1902 bbo had apparently fallen otf iu condition atfd hor owner put no confidence in hor falmouth wni inotinod to acratoh her when mrs scott joliu scotts wifo bpoke up for her favorite 111 lay your lord- ship sixpence she wiusoajd aire scott laughing for onco lord fimoutii broke lita rule never to betand exclaimed done mra scolti so queen uertlw with tom aldoroit up appeared at tbo pout and thanks to the brilliant riding of her jockey beat marigold by a short head for iho first place lord falmouth paid his bet to mrb scott in noble fashion he prooured a brand new sixpence from tho bank had it sot round with dianoonda and mounted as a broach and in that form presented it to the comely mislreaa of whitowall a second sampson some time ago a wellknown barrister bad under oros3exminaticn a yoong soldier who rejoiced in the name of samp- son and so questioned the barrister jou wish the court to believe that although a aou of mars you area peacefully disposed and inoffonaivo kind of person yes certainly and that you lfave no desire to follow in the btepa of your name uako and smite the philistines t no ive not answered tho witness and if i had ho doairo i aint got the power at praaout then you think yon would be uuable to successfully cope with a thousand enemies and utterly rout them with tbo jawbon of an ass well answered tho milled simpson i might have a try when youvo duno with the woapon a son of ireland vitality on nonsense he is saving np bia strength and growing all iu one direotlon not dividing bis fine energies between ololbaa necktiur cigarettes photographs of girls and looking glasses he la at the bottom of tho ladder ho hasnt onehalf your ohanoe or advantages he haa perhaps a very imparfeot edaoation and you would be shocked at his clothes and his coarseness in your present ordde oonditlon bat he will beat yoa all and thirty years from now your boast will be that you slightly know the great soanso and yoa will bang about telling how he used to feed pigs and is not too proud to admit it and yoa will be asking the pig feeder for favors common sayings many of our common sayings so true and pithy are need without the least idea from whose pen or mouth they first origin ated probably the works of shakespeare furnish ua with morn of these familiar maxims than any other writer for to him we owe all ia not gold that glitter a make a virtue of necessity screw your courage to the stioklng place not poin1 tbey laugh that win this is tho long and ahort of it comparisons are odioub aa morry aa the day is long a daniel oomo to judgement frailty tby name is woman and a host of others washington irving gives the almighty dollar tbomaa murganen enquired long ago what will mrs grundy say white goldsmith answers aik no questions aud ill give yon no libs first in war first in peace and flrht in hearts of bia follow oiltzem oot country man appeared in the resolution presented irin the house of representatives ia uecem- ber 1700 by gon henry leo thomas taseor a writer of the bixteoth century gives no belter late than never look ere yoa leap and tho rtoncn that aro rolling oan never gather moss burrxnaesifarmeubhqws the beat watering pot ia the hoe early fight these three a weed a dis ease a bad habit tho morlgago worka long hours- buy at wholeaale but sell at retail whitewash is life to woodwork and death to germs tho only good weed is a dead weed the cow the hen and the garden aro three prime money makers either less expanse or more income earn more or save more more farmers aro needed who love tho soil and are not ashamed ot their oalling skill pays better than strength the need of a good bprn mojioino is almost universal and hooda sarsaparllla exactly meets thia used a sure to gt hoods it is well known in scotland that many of the highland corps contain many irish men as many of the canadian order of tho bona of sootlanfi contaiu membora of almost every nationality a good etory ia told of sir iiopo grant commander of tbe madras army- who at a dinner given in his honor noticed tho martial pipers play ing as is usual behind the chair of tho guest of the evening and sir hope delight ed at the inspiring national tunes turned round to the most stalwart minstrel and eaid it warms my heart to listen to the bonnie lilt what pairt of scotland do ye com m connemara yer honor replied the bard expanding bia cheat with a coosbiotib pride whilo a roar of laughter echoed everywhere in which sir iiopo heartily joined tag ten times ono aro ten and each ono of our temperance young folks can try to get one other if not ten other to etaud each in his or her lot and place ae eoldibra of good habits for it is eel fish to choose safe paths for our own feet and not try to bring our dear comrades and associates into the eamo we must not forgot that we might easily drivo them away by putting on an air that says i am holier than thou but if we go about it fn the same spirit in whioh wo aay come lot us play tag tboro will be a contagion of good cheer and good will in our very tones that cannot fail to win thorn over wilb us if we are equally pleasant and persistent fnxnceh l wlllaht domestic felicity mainfalneiin families where diamond dyes are used tho happioat bent regulated and tnoat economical families in tho dominion aro regular ueorn of the worldfamousdiampnd dyes domestio felioity is ever maintained because the diamond dyea are true and unfailing in their n no other dyea oan boast of auoh words of praise from usera mra t lavin newark ont eaya have used many other makes of dvep but find the diamond dyes ahead of all as thoy givo tbo beat and fa blest colors mrn silas daury mahono bay n s says your diamond dyea give me entire satisfaction i havo used o trier makes but have settled on the good old uud reli ablo diamond dyea mtb joseph weir sutton junction t q aay a have mod diamond dyes for the last ten years aud tboy havo given mo great satisfaction i oan recommend them to all as the boat mrs g a tory bed deer n w t says i havo given your diamond dyos a fair trial and find them fxaellont failure is impossible if tho d ircotions aro followed mfsa guasie crawford kingston n b aayb have just dyed an old skirt a beau tiful seal brown will your diamond dyes and am much ploased with the result i make my black ink from your slato diam ond dye and it la tho only kind of ink i have used for years ftud i do a groat deal ot writing mrs john leslie lort colhornc ont says i havo uied diaaiond dyes in all colorf and i can safely say they do all you claim for them i

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