Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1898, p. 2

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vanattku in krihoubltndfty15tb may toir v aim ira ii vanattur a son mrkrmirun iii acton on tuunulny clli to dr and mro b a mokosguo a bo married ibibukiistaciii attliooliuroli of tlio looin- r cviprv on anrll a7tu by tlio rov it r ow m ajofoi mliorof uillsrfill to mlm llislo stolls milton ont ciatronaiuibtiioniat tlio liouo l 10 litlilon liarontb hast grant st lloalrloo rljbranki on tuesday 17th may y kv o w jroll froman 15 clayton of wlbinorn to llolim 13 daulbhtor of i b armntroua ksq formerly of acton died tokt in goorfiotown on friday 13u may honry toet councillor lajiiikntsudilonly at hsrrlstonon thurify may will it o lambert marobantui ulicotb yoar winthii at bis homo preston out on wod- monday morulutf may 18 cbarlo amoroso winter agod 44yoarb and 6 inoutbs iflje retort fit f ress thursday may 26 198 notes and comments by the war tax bill- of tho united states bunkers are oxpeoted to oontlbato j289-4- ooo in sptcial taxation and thoatrca and othor exhibitions ti820060 in answer tp mr foster the podlmaater- genirul said irt tho honao of com mops last friday that the reduction of the general postage rate from threo to two cents would take place as soon as tho state of tlio reveoue would permit hwaiprvith-spaii- tho navies continue to play hide and seek in the atlantic bolioviog that the wator works system in berlin i a profitable businesd and to show that he has the utmost faith in what ho in advocating mayor rumpel has made a bonaflde offer to the company to bay ite plum for 8100000 in case tho property owncrd decide not to do so all the steamers fromeuropeto america are tilled with american ailizens who aro finding lite in europe rather too warm for comfort in gernian and french oitles it is tho same they bavd to endure insult and annoyance from an unfriendly people this feoliog is accounted for by the united states tariff and the large interest france especially has in spanish finance the publio and the pros at st peters burg and throughout russia are evincing great interest in the future of the plailip- inoislands much hostility is manifested towards any scheme by whioh the united states groat britain or germany in- individually or jointly are to retain possess- ion of the islands and some of tbe newspapers urge the russian government to endeavor to obtain from spain a loasoof some of the philippine islands in order that they may serve as a russian food base in tho pacific sir wilfrid lauriera opinions concern ing tho alien labor law will receive gooeral approval in oanada at a time when the ogiosaxon raoea are so olose to nxiity it would be in the highest sense improper to matte any amendment to the statute or praotise of the law which might bo construed as hostile canada has worried along for mbny years without an alien labor law and it will do her no injury to continue present conditions until auoh time as tho amicable temper of the two peoples has worked ont to borne sort of st oonolnsion tho death of bon w e gladstono was the subject of fitting comment in the house of commons last thursday sir richard oartwright moved that a special committee consisting of sir wilfrid laurier sir charles tapper sir r oartwright sir louis davles blr av oaron mr cobtigan and mr moloohr be appointed to pnaparea resolution of ood- dolonoe sir riobard spoke with cbjarao- toristio eloquence and referred esptolall to gladstones championing of the oppreaued in seconding the motion sir obaules tupper described the deceased statesman as probably tho most oonsplouous max of the present century in ibid country at feast where the bit- toruuss of imperial polltibs is little felt thcdoa o oomaa t m of all parties alike with a grief wbioti is almost personal in a century of oonlliot selusbness freethought and falling stwsy from anoient ideas mr gladstone stood abovo all men si rallying point for every thing that was honest honorable pure and godfoaring well nigh peerless in oraitory and btatecraf t indifferent to titles and vast wealth eminent alike in literature and scholarship lie was above all a christian gentleman a fattier husband- and patriot tho publio that ho loved not always trusted bkn it is idle to say tha hs nev er erred but on the last day when kings and tbe loaders ot nations stand forth for judgement and the good in their uvea is balanoed agafnt tbe ill few in this or any age will there be whose reoords are so brave clean and honorable as that of william ewart gladstone limehouse our esteemed resident mr john hiiod- nay jr performed tho duties of president at esqpeslng sunday school convention at norval last friday with muoh aooeptanoe and with credit to himself mrs john mooro and miss llndiay attended the oonvontion at norval last friday aldandura jphnkonnedyandohlldren of guelpfa were gnobts at tho borne of john moore esq this week the lime business has been unosntlly busy the past montb batty trahay the- indigsnt who has lived here for a nnmber of years it the ex pense of tbe township and kindhsauted neighbors has been sent to the oounty gaol for six months for trespassing thro is rnnob good feeling among the of the congregation of the metho dist ohnrch here over the aotlon of the district meeting at aoton last week where it was determined to give regular bonday services again ijlmehoose may be made the hoed of the circuit tho foundation for mr john llndasva fine now farm residenceis about eonsplot- disastrous fire at rat pqrtaob rat poniaos may so this town iias visited by a disastrous firs last night the places destroyed were hilllard optra honse the golden restaurant lbs office ot d h carrie tax collector brents flour and feed store j courtneys liquor store chinese laundry brown taxidermist ko- holds storehouse high bohool 3loen a rays dry goods store mrs sharps duell ing celridges livery suble snd ihe ware houses of gardner co and qewge drewry were damaged the optra 00m- pany which played in the theatre lost everything miltons creamery is now 10 full operation in new ijaartars snd is bagdulof 70000 ibsof milk per week the enp of the war distant wahhinotoh may 25 definite informa tion was reooived at tho navy department yesterday that the spanish fleet under admiral cervera is in the harbor of santi ago do cuba without likelihood of oboapo american ships guard tbo narrow entrauce to tho harbor you may quote mo aa saying that we suppose the spanish fleet is at sautiagu was sooretsry longs guarded remark to the globes reporter this was said by the sooretsry shortly after an ofboial bulletin had been iseued by the bureau ot navigation denying the rumors of an engagement in the windward passage madiud may 25 the anxiety concern ing admiral cervora inoreaeee honrly the government tries to reaesoro the publio by clroolaliug favorable acooanta of santiago as a refbge for the bnjuadron nevertheless there is obvious anxiety amoogths oflipials and the press in view of tbe expeoted severance of the last cable to cuba tbe government daring tbe past tortyeigbt hours has sent long despatch es to captain general blanco and admir al cervara in response to tbeir enquiries iustruoting them ab to eventsalitiei and detailing tho reliefs and supplies they may expeot wabiiinoton may 25 tho cordial rela tions between greatbritainandthe united slates were exhibited again yesterday in the following telegram sont by secretary day p thomas t wright of tampa this government regards with kindly interebt the celebration held today st tampa in honor of tbe queens birthday if military authorities find it convenient a salnte would be an appropriate feature quelph district meetinq township sunday schools a profitable convention at norval last friday the elections to conference com mittees and the general conference memorials the olobing business of the eiitrlot meeting in session here last wednesday as we went to press inoluded the following eleotions to the annual conference com mittees rev s ssllery bd gnolph to the stationing committee bsv w h garnbam b d erin andmr h p moore acton to the sunday school oom- mittea rev j awde elora and mr john crowe of gueipb to tlio epworlh iieague committee and it iv t w jaok- son fergus and mr e r bullert ouelpb to the sustentstion committee it was moved by dr uren and seconded by t w jaokson that this ouelpb dis trict mooting of the hamilton conference hereby recommends to the favorable cop- sideration to the general conferenoe tbe proposition to raise a million dollar fund composed of voluutary contributions as a twentieth century memorial fund to aid in suoh obnnexional interests of opr chnrohos may bo determined carried moved by rev 1 w jackson ssconded by dr tjren that the district meeting reoords its pleasure at the aotlou of tbe dominion government in arranging to aubmit a plebiscite on the prohibition of the liquor traffic unenlrammelled by- any other question and we f urther express ur sanguine expectation that if an affirmative vote is polled anob doolsion will be follow ed by effeotive legislation for tbe eofcrae- ment of tbe law prohibiting a traffic fraught with so much evil aa attends the liqnor traffioi further that a copy of this resolution oe inrmshed 10 the press and tu hon ibir wilfrid laurier carried the general canferenoe was memorial ized to amend sab section section lip of tbo dltoipline referring to the duration of the pastoral term boss to read fonr years instead of tbree years and that the provisions be btrnok ont moved by roy s ssllery b d seoond- ej by a smith that the district meeting express its hearty thanks to the aoton friends fpr their generous hospitality during the sbssion of the district m eoting rcorried the financial district meeting in septem ber will be held at roakwood disastrous thunder storm mr nelson molaushllns barn strtiok byllghtnlnff and destroyed the thnnderatorm of last thursday morning waa thb heaviest of the season considerable damage was dona by the lightning in various parts of tbe oouutry daring ihe storm about 1am the barn of nelson moliangblin on tbe oth oon nassagaweya between here and koatoh- hull waa struck by lightning which set fire to tbe building and totally consumed it a cow and calf several plus and a number of hens were barued xhe baild- ing was lnsure1 in the haltoh insoranoo oo lose not over 51000 the driving house of mr d h moalis- ter on the lotb lino erin was btrnok by tbe iahtaljing andset on fire the desper ate efforts of a few neighbors who gathered together with the heavy rain succeeded in subduing the flsmes before they harl made any great headway mr moilialor is very thankfal for the esoapo of tbe whole i ofjiib outbuildings from total deatrnotiou 1 iiosidox may 10 lightning strnok the honso of j b allenby an old resident of west london and mr allenby was killed as be lay in bed the body was badly boriied and the whiskers and hair were set on are the bedclothes also oaught fire several other houses in the city were struok but no serious dsmage was done ihoehsoliv may 10 the baptist char oh here wbb destroyed by flrb this morning tbe fire was discovered about 2 oclock and by 4 oclock nothing but the bare walls remained standing tbe charoh band- some strooture was erected aboat eight years ago at a oost of 114000 ii waa insured for 1 0000 hamilton may lotb the g n w legraphddexprtsoflio a h was burnsddarlng tbs storm three canadians knlqhted messrs pelletler edirar and bourl- not reoelve coveted titles the hon charles alphonse panlhlon feiieiier upeaacer b the liomlnlon jlonse of oommons and mr john george bonrlnot clerk ol tbe house are mado knight oommanders of ther order of 8t michael and st george prlnolpal parkin of upper oanada college torpnto reoelves a companion ship in the order of st miobasl and si george tom nolly was hanged on friday morning for lbs murder of bur three slaters and brother near rawdon on the morn ing of nov alb last he made a fall confession ot tbe oriros in dummer township alex smith aged sixty wsa trampled to death by ball mr smith was a promlnant farmer and president bf tbe toirpiilp ajtloollaral boolety a member ofiljha ooonoll and an alder nf tbaprlbjirian oboieli the invariable suoccbb ot tho aunual oouventions held undor ibo auspiccm of eequebing sunday sohool absooiatioti wbb repeated at norval laat x tho de lightful spring wtalher che good roads and th general iiilescst in buhday sahools brought out a lurgo attendance tho friends came to mako a day of it aid were present in large numbers at the three sessions almost every school in tho township was repreaented all who had acoeptod placed on tho pro gramme fulfilled their eujjngemants and the programme of tlio day was consequent ly aarried ont without any interruption whatever convention opened at 1045 with devo tional exeroibos conducted by rev j h moartbor b d and tho president john efndsay jr eiij a the address of rev o a muobell m a of georgoiowu ouvths jtalation of the sunday school to tliechiiroh was fraught with muoh interest and epebjal emphasis waagivonto the duty of pafenta in the matter of encouraging their children to attond regularly both tho oharah and the sunday sobool and tg ubo ovory effort to bave tbem oarly in ljfogive themselves to jesus christ and unite with the church rev t r forbes of aoton doliverod a highly interesting address on tho effeot of the modern sunday school on the rising generation the oompariaonb briowed careful study of tho hiatoryof tho sunday school movement and tbe iugenious inter weaving and contrasting of methods gave ample evidenoe of tho value of the snnday sobool of today as au auxiliary to the training of the honio and the publio preaching sorvioos the afternoon sestiou opened with a largely inoreased attendance after a half 5heran daed man hon william ewart ctladatone pas sed peacefully away last thuradtty a short sketch of hl life london esii mny it au tbo pttpern aro out thib raoruinj with bpeolal editlodi in blaok borders announoing tlio do nth of lr gladstone at 6 a tn tho daily chronicle beads its editorial with a quota tion from word a worth this is tbo imppy warrior this la be tbat ovory man in arini should wish to be tbo editorial bays a glqrioas light bag been extingnuhod ia the land mr gladstone 1b dead and all his life lies in the pjbjjiqemory to tut and our ohildred an inspiration and a pobsesaion forovcr the end baa oome to av eoldior at bis post it fouud him calm expeotaot fnilhfut and unshaken deutb has oome robod in the terror of mortal pain f but what better oan bo said than tbat as ho taught his fellows how to livftjr bo he tnajtbt them how to die it is impoaflbleatthia hour to survey tho mighty tauo of hid bplendld life ve would aspirin liirn the title the great nationalist of the dtlicfanfurym to italy greece bulgaria montepogrp and belgium hs name is hallowed but beyond all we olaim him as tbo patriot the great est of tbo master builders of modern eng land timidity hadnoplade in mr glad- stones soul ho was a lion among men endowed with a grantto strength of will and purpoab rare iudcodin opr age of foeble convictions hia lifo presnntcd aepeots of charm to all minds his loftruitir captivated the scholar bis eloquence and statesmanship the poltiolan his financial genius the busi ness man while his domestic relations and simple human gracloaaness appealed to all heartf beneath the editorial is the following m the lte right hon w e gladstone among his priuaipsl aabiovementa nore his work on behalf of tho neapolitan pblitioal priebnera in 1851 repeal ol the paper duty 18m dieeslabliihroent of the irish ohnrch 18g9 irish laud act 1870 elomontury education aot 1870 bia eipobitioouf the bnlgtrian atrooities perpetratod with tbe sanction ot tho turkish government in 187677 franohiae and redistribution aot 1885 and introduction of home bole for ireland bills in 1880 and 1803 in 1880 mr gladstone married catborjno bister of tho late sir stoplion glynne mp and of the late lady iiyttletod and on july 25 1889 mr and mrs gladstone celebrated their golden wedding hawarden castle flintshire wal33b tub iioue or am oladstonu hour spent in a service of praise mr u p moore gave an addresi on banday school progress aud accomplishment the valaabiowork beiog performed by tho sun day school was rehearsed andit was that by modern methods and new departments tho effort waa now belngraado lo have the en tire oommonity btndy the 8onday sohool lesson how to aeoure a oomprebensivo view of tbe contents of the varioas books of the bible and to study tho lsasona effectively was shown by bov l pertin jb a ol georgetown in a very profitable address miss bradley of georgetown created a commendable spirit of enthusiasm by lier paper on missions in ffbloh was im pressed the duty of tlio sunday school and the important part it is capable of taking to sending tbe word of god to the regions beyond the discussions which followed eabh paper were spirited and profitable and many additional points wero thus brought but a considerable nnenber of workers took part in tbo discussions miss noble of norval tho statistical heorelary presented a oarolully prepared r of th t the- township for the past year tbe officers for the coming yoar wero elected as follows president e besttlok calllnafad 1st viceprea mlds bradley george- town sodvioercsjohnri ilrn aahgrove secretary treasurer ooorgo eraser union stalislioal secretary ulss noble nor val executive tho officers pastors and superintendents of tbe township tbe programme of the evening session waa an unusually strong snd interesting one a aong service by tbe united choirs oonduoted by bev mr mckay pastor ol tbe ohnrch was an anjoyabli prelude to ihe splendid addresses which followed mr lindsay tho retiring presidsot in a few kind words introduced mr e beawiok the new president who made a brief aud happy address xwo of the strongest sunday school workers ot the province followed bev j w bo of torould jiuioilon whoso work aa a sunday sobool leader and quotation there ia a prinoe and a groat man fallon this day in israel m the following is a brief btjmmary of mr gladstonoviife bom deo 20 1800 graduated at oxford in 1831 entered parliament in 1682 at the ago 0128 appoioted junior lord of tho treasury in 1881 elcotcd presideot of the board of trade io 1818 appointed seorolary of the goloniea in tai57 appointed chanoollor of ihe exohequer in 1852 became tho leader of the house of com mous in i8g5 becamo fromlor of great britain iu 1808 becamo premier second time 1873 became premier third timo in 1883 became premier foarlb time in 1803 died may 10th 1808 in the british house ot oommons lord salisbury said the most distinguished politioal name of the oentory has been removed from tho world finn mr b of the honsa- ot commons said 1 apeak of mr glad stono as ihe greatest member of tbe greatest deliberative assembly ol tbe world lord salisbury farther said mr glad stone was guided in all that he did by a high moral ideal and lafl behind blm the memory of a great ohraalian man rockwood woollen mills 31 years in business fair excliange the old adage has it a fair exchange is no robbery it is much better and more than this it is an advantage to both parties to the transaction we need wool to keep our mills going you need tweeds and flannels and other goods wherewith to be clothed our proposition is that you bring us your wool clip and exchange it for these goods- we can promise you a large assortment and satisfactory qualities in tweeds friezes homespuns single and double width and blankets- sheetings flannels and yarns of bur own manufacture we know the goods are good arrd our range of stocks likewise include knitted underwear of very extra value- prints flannelettes shirtings cottonades and other useful lines everything is marked at closest prices as we buy close full weight and fair inspection are the rules that guide us in the buying of all wool at these mills hhrris s go e0ckw0od woollen mills rockwood ont jetftttt milifrtirnmmlii wanted a good jlrl or furin hcuo wun 1000 a nioiith aitily lu mikjcialik uoxw- uruuditou mehre still otlie front in the newest and beat asaortod of dress goods in nil tho newest colorings with trimrniugs to match our black dross goods roquiro no recommend as nil know wo handle exclusively priestloyifl they aro acknowledged tp be thebest colored organdie muslins with linings to match a largo variety of swiss spot and checked muslins colored piques in liost washing colors a very large selection of crumea english prints a large variety ot salisbury suitings just tho thing for ladies homo wrappers ribbons laces lace ctirjnin8 and embroideries an immense stock to choose from wo have this spring purchased a fine selection of ladies white underwear arid are prepared to give you goods at loss than the material can be purchaseaf for ladies blouses that it would do any person good to see ladies collars and cuffs all the latest styles gloves hosiery smnllwares etc fine highclass wo are prepared to show you this spring the largest and best selection of imported scotch english and irish tweeds patterns exclusively confined tons never was such a largo variety of fine suitidgs s ov trouserings etc to rfilfttit from aver shown in flaorgnrnvgn riafhrn tont fnrgftt that mr millar is at tho hoad of this department which fact is sufficient guarantee that everything will be satisfactory hats hats this spring wo havo exceled ourselves in securing the best the newest in style and shape they cannot be approached in price this will he the place to buy your hats if you want the boat gents furnishings a full and magnificent stoctc comprising fine neckware slurts collars cuffs gloves hosiery underwear etc spring clothing readytowear for boys youths and men we have an immenso stock in this department and can suit every person in style fit and finish at prices that cannofbe beaten by jjnyftther house as we buy those goods direct from the manufacturer it will pay you to nspoct our stock before pu rchasing olsowherc georgetowns live8t store gibson millmrpq roe blockisftln st produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here advice to m0theks the health of their daugh ters should be carefol- ly watched young qlrlb susceptible to troubles that msiy result in deollne pale faoes headaohes and flokle appetite the symptoms of barly deoay from tho sun ormngovlllo out soma months ago maggie the hfteca- year old daughter of mr aud mrs j sweeney of jolin btreet of this t town began to fail both in health and splrite her f aco was almost as whito ss ohallt her appetite very flokle and her limbs began to bwell mothwithstandidt her growing weakness sho persisted in attending sohool until one day the- teaohcr who knew the valos of dr illlamstinlc pllla lmnoh oases advibod her to tako thciu tho advice waa followed and mrs bwoenoy told oar reporter that almost from tho out set thore was an improvement ill her daughters condition herappotlto became hotter the oolor returned to lior face and tbo severe headaohes that had made her bo miserable vanished and aha is now fooling better than aha haa done for many months ii isqnlto evident that this young nmidr en waa buffering from a laok ot blood as do so many young girls who arc at a criti cal polntlo life and it is quite apparent that there is no other remedy tho crjual of dr williams pluk pills in biioh oasos have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call tor day this weather just suits h ramshaw acton photo artist epooiallst did muoh for the sunday sohools of halton dorlog his eight ycara residence in aoton dellversd a powerful address and was listensd to with rsputtsntlon throogh out mr john a 1atteriod q c of tor- onto also delivered a masterly address he it one of the busiest ol laymen bat has spent muoh time iu sunday bohool work mr patterson was prasldonl of the pro vincial sunday school aliooiatlon two yeara ago and la an sot ii member of the central exeoative tiib sddrsssra ot theaa two gentlemen wero highly appreciated by the local workers tbe united oholrs ol norval supplied very acceptable muilo at sack sosssiorjr norvals lioapltality it wellknown it was tasted when tho convention met there eight yeara ago atid tbs good reputation tbjii establlilied was in every respect tained on this ooeatlon they enrloh the blood stimulate tbo nerveaand build np tho ontlro system and mothers will aot prudently if they insist upon their daughters taking an occasional box we know from expeileooe that dr williams tlnk rills have done great good in orangeville and vicinity and thereiasosroelya day that-our-reporter- does not eomo in oontaot with some one who haa a good word to say for thte won derful medloine dr williams pink pills euro by going to the root of tho disease thoy renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nervoa thus driving dlsoaso from the system avoid imitations by insliling that every box yon purchase is ocoloaod in a wrapper bearing the fnll trade mark dr williams pink pills for palo people mr h huloliins cxm p for north middlesex died at ida home in parkbill 6a friday evening after an illuuss lasting over eighteen months arrivals from copper iiiver altika report that two lorgs snow slides ooaiirred on tho valdes olsoier april do aud may 1 about one liyndretl people were oaught but only three were killed- bring your custom logs in and tako the lumber home with you skvrs lumber planing mills massbkaweya p sayers proprietor has conslanily on hand a full line ol timber tntti rrilnglnn cr for your trees and starry bushes we have all the necess ary materials as for skrv1ck i vnlllilidjiirbyiiullutatcjii tfraiii 4100 cash or imjk ctmriiud r drclurn wanted livkn orflur wrltcrh kftlary or cuiiiiulsiiloii j to bultubll ptthoiih advkutiheit medical iluiloluk toronto wanld men oud woinon who cftti work h ata tolulur and writitic six bourn daily for nix dnvb- a viook aud will bo content witb tun dollars wookly addrch new idkas cotororitvj wanted yovnci niou and womon oroldqr onoa if biui younr in spirit of undoubted cliaractor rood talkora ambitious and industrious can find oriployinont lua rood canso witli 40 per uioutb aud upwards according to ability bevts linscott toronto wanted te acneus and othor bright uion for vaofttloti or permanently to solicit for conada an encyclopaedia of tlio country la flvo royal qaarto volumob no doiivoridg commission paid weekly thellnacottpubllbhingco toronto for sale d ouhle brick houbo 31 by 36 scvon rooms inoaohrood collars hordand soft water larco lotjno 10 main btroot aoton- also good stable tonus easy apply to john cameron architect or to tbo ownor a wells evcrtorjp 6 agents bookbntfnomiffbottortuanror voaripaafj also have bo and fastor soflldg books agents cloarltir from 910 to 40 weekly a fow leaders aro quoen victoria life of ur qlad- fitonomy afothors btblo btoriob progre- ivo bpoakor klondiko gold fleldo womftn ollmpsosof tho unsoen broakfait dlnuor and supper books on time the bradleygakbetfion co limited toronto vm hem8treet licensed aucxioheek or tho counties of wellington and halton ordorbloflatthofnus rnehh ofllce acton or at myreaidoncoln aoton will bo promptly t tondedto feesroduced to j 500 for farm sales also money to loan on tho moot favorable sums and at tho lowest rates of lntoreat in eumo of tfsooand pwards pttpttc wltf aro about to leave x uxjuo public or m school should not overlook tho groat ttdvint- ago of a practical course of instruc tion at tho guelph business college aud shorthand institute btudonts may ontor any timo k summer session will coin racdco july 4th writoor call if interested circulars free j bhaitp principal municipality of acton court of revision notice la hereby given that tbo court of revision lor tbo village ol actoa will bo bold on monday 30th day op may i89b at tho town hal at 8 oclock p in all risrtlos interostocl will ploaso govern thomaolvos accord ingly tt mo0ue clerk aoton may yrdlb03 in the high coubtqf justice in the matter of the west half of lot number twentyone in the third concession of the tpwnship nf rfqupqina in the county of halton notice is herobyclvbn tlmtuicliael kaloy of tho township of esquosinff in tho county of ilalton farmer has uiodo au applica tion to the nigh court of slubtico for ontario for a certificate of title to tho abovo uontlotiod proportuader tho quiatinir tltlosact and lias produced ovldenco whoroby lioaiipoarato bo the owner tberoof in foe free from all incnfnbrniicob whoroforo any other person havitlgor pro- tending o havo any title or interest in tbo said land or any part tlioroof is required ou or boforo tbo 15th day of juno now noxc onming to fllo astateinont of ills claim vorlflod by ailldavlt at my obambera in tho city of guelnh and to sorvo a gopy on messrs mclean ueleau douglas btreet gualpuaa so lei tors for tho said michael kaloy and in dofault every auch claim will be barred and the title of the said midi sol kaloy will become absolute andludofosibla at law and in equity nabjoct only to tho reservations men tioned in tbo stb boction of tho said act bgda mmokinnon local master rlguelpb datod this 7th day of may 1 potatoes wanted mimmtmjb copper sulphate copper carbonatej i paris green white helebpre insect powder prices right and materials the very best highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at syrrion bros aeton we carry a full line of hardware groceries boots shoes- symon bros coli mill and main sts acton c5t obtb wood eto custom logs and bill stuff cut lo order on short notice planing and mulching done to the best oi satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p savers georgetown electric works tj spetgut proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motoh3 water motors and i hydraulic rams tips and btesmi phtins ana oeaan bepalr- ing uslateqpliinixiwluiasmbcaauijniaelili i ltosobrasl eositsrsmfit sills llanrksn inarantmii blerams ans3a3jirj vhkjuat1uinimjarsmbraauisttiaocilna ae hw fro hpokas uandlsllaaybsntla rjspmha a t browi the campaign prepare for winds we would oil jour attention to the fact that wo sre prepared to supply yon with lumber of anftabla length for yoar darn doors via 10 12 13 or 14 feet alio sabh doors frames mquldimab elo for building btorm doors put np at as low a rate sa possible repair our pomps or pat in new cnes before it is ten oold ya out so rr prlngle of cuolph wants to know if you think it is about tlmo he stopped telling you how much better lio- can repair mil- uflh itlnn nnn ri wi1l if you can te mo when tho preacher ia your district has told you often enough how todo right that you will always do it without being told again then i can afford lo slop tbia continual dinging at you about bring ing your work lb me to have it well done many of your faihors had their mending dono by me for years but about hall of you were born since 1 came lo guelph and dossiblv vour oarents havn nm- m possibly your parents havo never mention ed to you that i always had been successful in doing their work well then agtln as i have been here for twentyeight years most of young men under that ago dont think tbe old man knew enough to ge the best elace to get his watch fixed anyhow you avo to be about forly years old before you begin to realise that the old man knows a thing or iwo nflcr all however lioys i just want to say that i nm still at tho work bench overseeing and doing every job that you bring me big and little i only charge the same aa all other good watchmakers and oply wish to do tho work of those who want it done well becauso my reputation depends on my good work ohd i cannot afford to do bad work of course ioflra do cheap work for those who mitrety want their watches started sons to trade off i again atalo emphatically thai i am desirous- of returning all tho money paid mo for any work which ins not given mtlslacllon i bave sometimes lo do so when die tscii is too old lo go well and i nlnys wish to do so when proper that i should g d prlnrlo guolphi viv

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