Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1898, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton cnpltal all paid upl 4 1 25000000 resetvo fund 72600000 total assets 0846 678 45 noarly tim juiikbua of dollars board op dibeotobs ohn stuakt a o itambay rroeldunt vlooprosltlout ko iloacll john iltoctoii a t vooi aj1 vu torouto wai giuhon ml tmlnuulltjiahlor us steven aaatcashior nm vatson iuapodtor georgetown agency a general danking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department f deposits of 8r and upwards received interest allowed nt current rates and acwcd o principal eyery year whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont house i cleaning time has now arrived youll want paper for your rooms or new shades for the windows no where else can you find such an assortment of wall papers ceiling papers window shades curtain poles prices low stock the largest give us call geo hynds jewelery and stationery store acton ont thursday may 2q 1898 little lo b which caught tho eyes or ears of free press reporters this week the news at home even dow it will do no barm to keep cool the olover crop is looking lino in this aeotion court of revision next monday evening her uraoioos majesty i now in bcr eightieth year queens wcatber was supplied for tho twentyfourth mr r holmes drover continues to make large ahipmenta of stook thursday mormogs warm ehowera gave vegetation a great impetus hot house plants and flowers arc now making their appearaneo out of doors the fmgranco of opening blossoms is exhaled by tries and plants on every aide 1hu rublio softool summer vacation will extend from jane 30th till september let- the iritis and dales the forests apd meadows are effulgent in- their spring beauty guelph is having an epidemic of measleb thero have been upwards of goq cabeg alex waldie esq left samples of barley iu head and olover in bloom at this oflico yesterday tljia bettlcb iho matter the oakvillo 1 star says aoton is ero long to have oleotrio lighting a drivo or a wheeling trip through tbe country at present is crowded with pfeaburabto experiences a large amount of interesting matter inoluding correspondence is unavoidably crowded out ot this issue numbers of disappointed fisher men wondpd their way homo from neighboring streams on queens birthday afternoon saturda evening saw the largeat crowds on the a tree la that have beazt witnessed for mapy a ofay the delightful o veiling rendered promenading enjoyable tho toronto park commissioners office reports that tbo tussock moth oooooaa aro coming in very slowly it would appear that the pest has been almost obliterated mr henry tost a oouuoillor of georgetown and a highly rospeoted resident died last friday iyom heart troubled he was a native of woodbridge suffolk england and came to canada in 1881 a movement is on foot on the part of bur local merchants to have the streets watered during the four summer mouth oommohcing lit june tfegotltuibiiv are being made with mr john williams liveryman it is reported that d whellihau of oampbellvillo made forty thousand dollars by speculating iu the chicago wheat market col kerns is aleo reported to have made five thousand dollars by tho rise in the price of wheat- mi7j his reputation aa a crack marksman the portage la prairie daily graphic reports that with a dozen competitors the other day he tied the best shot id a contest for a gold medal given by the local ganolob belleville wants to have a rolling mill and propowo give bono a of 150000 w aita of ten 4jn free water and exemption from tsxatltffl tor ten years bolleyillo i pyip8 ioo ninjdh it can have oar rolling mills for half 450000 and no qooitiono asked queph herald an attractive calendar from tbfr office or the e b eddy co of hull qoe hsi g by x v i f a striking and alufsctive piece of work and bears view of the immeuss paper audi taatohvorks we ind the privilege of in s peeling a fey weeks ago complaints are made that curtain farmers to the south oast of the town soerai not jn oara how much their atoflk castile sheep and plga annoy the residents in that end of the town it is very provoking when citizens get up in the morning to flqd those animals enjoying themselves in their gardens and ruining tbejr crops if tho owners of those animals ara not more particular about their atook they need not be aorprised to and them in tho pound with damages affixed a word to tho wise is sufficient mostly of b looal character and overvltem interesting tho ttvcuty- fourth at dublin tho dublin picuio on tho 21ib nus quite u- 6iicoene tho very fine weuthor induced u largo tuteiiduob and all present uppearctl to enjoy themselves tiie jubilco orchestra provided the musical lart of tlio programme and played with fcucli exoolleutuatisfaotion that the com- mlttco douiro epocialuferenco mado to them they hunt itavo stitudiinl wntcjica g t it emplpyccshavo received instruc tions from gonoral superintendent mc- guian tliateaoli ono must provide himself with a fltmidurd watch which must be presented for quarterly examination and wcobly inspoatlon for comparison with btandard time to the looal inapeotors who aro to bo oppoiuted uuder tho supervision of prof molead of mcgill university who bimsolf husjuat been appointed chief time pitde supervisor on the gtr never puuuoxw aqoqfustxn hero is whav fetor cooder who died worth millions said of a newbpsper iu all the towns where a nowipappr ib publish ed overy man should advertise in it if nothing more than a card etatinghis name and the buaiuaabho is in it dues not only- pay the advertiser but it letb people sit a distance bndw tbat the town in whiou yon reside is a prosperoaa community ot bnei- nobs men as tlio seeds are sown so the bced recompaneeb necer pull duwti your sign eipeot to do business quarterly commaxilon at kndx churchy communion eorvices were held in knox churoh laek friday and sunday pre- communion eormona were preached on friday afternoon by rev r j m glas- ford of clialmets churoh guelpb mr glaasfords serraonft were impressive and appropriate and the congregation enjoyed them very mubb the sacramental vlco on sunday morning was largely attended and tho nnmber of obmmunfdanta was hibo very larjje the pastor rev h a macpherson preached a very helpful sermon before tho aaorament was dispensed death of a wellknown educationist mr d h hunter b a principal of the collegiate institute woodstock died on saturday evening at 7 oolook he was taken buddenly ill ono year ago and went to california returning two weeks ago he leaves a widow and four children mr hunter wab a prominent man he tangbt at one tirao is bock wood academy was headmaster of waterdown high school for years and many of the soub and daughters of halton residents came under his saporior tuition deoeased was born near brampton and received his early education at south dumfries and at paris and gait grammor schools a trtkato to rev job edge at a meeting of the quarterly official board of north street methodist church goderiob tho following rosolution was unanimously carried resolved that we place on record our high appreciation of the earnestness and zeal oontinually mani fested by llov joseph edge during hie iniuistration in north street methodist churoh tho lord has ownednd blessed bis labors oar churoh spiritually and financially is on a higher basis and the membership has increased the genial qualities and vory praotloal interest evinced at all times by mri edge have boon most helpful and our personal regard forbotbis a u ohthatwodeepl y regret to eeverwthe the arch of fame queens- blrthdey-feotlvitle-gon- associatton of the past four years may thegod whohas bq mpwbh thoir efforts amonfiet asgo with them to their new field of labor clinton neip era rev mr edge basaocepted an inyitktion to wellidgton street church london tho vublio jftbrary the members of the publlo library board are still pdriuing tbeworkofgetthg tho library into flhapo for opening it would bb difqonlt to persuade the publio that so many booros of hours were oeoes- eary as have been spent in the work under taken but the members have been untiring in their efforts and have freely devoted personal attention to the library which sit times was with difficulty spared from per aonal engagements and duties their interest in this important movement has h i ilium to gu fo with the work so that toe library may be opened to the reading public at the earliest possible moment the 1000 vol unties have been oiasbifled labelled and arranged along the most modernsybtem and the catalogue ib now belngpreparfdai rapidly as catrbe acoompllshed bo that the date of opening will very shortly be announced the members predict ploasnrable surprises to revdera in the extent and comprehensive character of acton free library jvcik itlt ernt are t tho most popular new book of tho pres ent year is la his step a by charles m sheldon already tho various editions issued have reached nearly 100000 copies a now volume by the same author entitled malcolm kirk has juit been issued and it also promises to reaoh several large editions it is an interesting tale of hero- ism in ovcroomiilg the world gives a vivid revlow of the triads and aooorpplish- of a poor student daring hie college days the experience misfortncoa and far reach influence of a pastor in one of the new- towns of the wdat and the untiring efforts pi himself an hia famiiyintboperfor manoo of the duties of the pastorate the prohibition question and various other social reforms are impressively andsuooess- tally introduced altogether the book is a most readable one it will be especially helpful to youpg people wbomi obliged to make their own way in hfejrice cloth 60 cents paper 26 oonte wm brlggs aa itiohmond st wa neatly jftaltn ceetemiuond man the clinton iii ihia to- say regarding a wflllkcofnd reapeoted rail way man couduotor d holmes of the d t r london and father of mr h s holmes agent of tfas gtr here mr holmes will soon eever his relations wt auction sale reqister satuwuy v8lh may household f ami- tore and other goods and a quantity of wood the property of william sorbet west bower aveoqe bale at 0 p m wm htmnoet auclioneer wambsday jane lit bale of hogs the property of vm brown aalon sate at 9jfjk yta hem street ancuoneer the road and will remove with hla family to leamington lis his been identified with the grand trnok and its oonneetloni longer than any other codd actor aqd has an enviable record hie train never once meeting with a leriose aooldent he start ed railroad life as a bralteman on the nortberu runuiugtnli lake huron a buffalo road wm opened ba was oonduotorof tho first passenger train entering goderiob and for many yean was on this branoh being transferred to lon don when the great western a grand trunk roads ere aroejflamated running both east and west ffpm thai olty during the forty flvo or mtere years that he has been railroading bo baa practically remain ed with one railroad in vlioungar yearn he made it a rata thai hie entire train abonld be deoorated with flags on tho 94th of may and oil one occasion when he wept into buffalo ttlb hfi train abas deoorated boatji demopitrartcne wtre xnade boio injury done hi bat travailed many thou sands of miles in bis day baa well earned the rest ho la taking and retiree with the good will and tiemoljrge sect f on of the travelling publlo eluded with thlb fne cantata splendidly rendered when juet december the mfthodiat sunday bolipol decided to colubrate tlio queens birtbdny w iili tho rendition of mr payued cantata tho arch ot fame tbeir most sanguino hopes failed to anticipate tho splendid success which marked tho couiumamtiouot thofr efforts in relation uheroto last tuesday eveuiug when the rehearsals commenced about a month ago the various coramliteeu realized that an arduous task lay before them if tbo desirod success wub to bo accomplished but all interested engaged upon tlio duties allotted with a determination to qualify themselves for tho part depending upon a thero were tho national anthems of the various countries represented to bo practiced by the school tho national literature to be studied by tlioso given tho elocutionary petite the addresses by the vurioua mono ro lie upon presentation at tho court ofthaunivorsfiilk1ng j tho ohorusoe marching und posing by christianity and her soldiers of the cross to a rehearsed and perhaps as important as any oiher the bohopling in the trade df masonry and building of the brawny eons of toil who wore feiyen tho practical work in the erec tion of the arch of 3famej when the hour announced for tho com- mencenient of tlio cantata on queens birthday evening had arrived tho church wasorowded ineverypdrt audchaira in the aisles were neceasary the community beemed to have turned out almost en masbd to honor tho occasion and participate in its pleasures the mothers and fathers were there the boys and girls wore prcbcnt the babies especially wero in evidence and numerous visitors from out of town were also sprinkled tbrougb the audience shortly after eight oclock the sunday sobdol orchestra opened tho cantata with a well- rendered selection the universal king in the pereon of the superintendcnr of the suuday school dressed in the ribh and beautiful unilorco of the patriarchs militant ioof then appeared made the introductory address and tho sixtyeight numbers of ihocantata proceeded in reg ular and welloxeouted order without a bitoh dp to and noladiui the impretalvo climax when the universal king surrender ed bis throne tho moparchs luid their crowns at the feet of christianity the soldiers of the cross assumed possesson and the arob of fatdo bore instead of the names of the niouarche who ad participat ed in its erection in blazing letters of light the inscription jesus kind of kins and lord ot lordb that the audience was pleased and im pressed waa apparent from tbo rapt atton- tion manifested and only tho most com plimentary refereoces havo been made- concerning tbo bplendid ontertainment the various parts wero taken as follows mr c williams represented the czar of rus9is in the splendid uniform of the knights of pythias mr i frances waa president of tho united stutes in a becom ing dress suit silk hat pd silken staivauil btripes pobeibly tlio roost novel cos- tame worn waa that of aprincoof india by mr james cheyne it was rich and attractive and the novelty lent a keen interest in prince cboyneu personal appear ance the german emperor was personi fied to perfection by mr fred ftixonin his doublebreasted frock coat white silk trousers and cavalry boots italy bad a noblo representative in mr thos brunt jr who wore the uniform of an english army ufllcer fra mil repres by mr r j edmieton in a wollflttipg dress soit and bilk hat mr a e gnrney made a striking proxy for tbo emperor of japan and wore a real japanese costume brought from tokio last year by rev mr mc- arthur of norval and kindly loaned for tho occasion austrias king franz was ably represented by mr joseph boyd in a uniform of an officer of jho20th battalion but the crowning event of tho part takeja by the monarchs was reached when miaa lizzie mclam in her regal robes of white silk and her crown and jewels appeared followed by her pages masters cbarlio matthews and willie kenneytia queen victoria immediately npon her appear- ai o i hi ntahttutr trnrlfuv hn nalinnal anthem and the school rueo and joined in the inspiring chorus as tho queeq- bowed her acknowledgments and stood before the audience her grace and beauty queenly bearing and appropriate interpretation of the character represented were admired by everyone and tho comment was heard on evory bide shes every inch a queen miss annie stephenson in a dainty gown of white with maple leaves and coronet personified canada and old ample justice to our native land canada waa followed by mias minnie nelson as christianity who liho the twelve soldiers of the orosa who accom- paniedtior was oostunacl in angel robes of dazzling whitoocaa the soldiers were misses edna miller bertie mann emma noblenellie mooro flora monabb alice thomas edith wilson eva williams bella stephenson nettio clark maggie matthews and fanny bryers the marob- ing and evolutions by tho soldiers of the cross while thoy sang onward christian soldiers and well crown him lord of all were most attractive and impress the atones of the arch blazed forth with the words jesus king of kinga and lord of lords surmounted by glistening crowns as the monarche joined them on the platform and united in tho inspiring ohorut blest be the tie that binds the elooqllonary prl taken by the three wellknown readers of the school misses mfna walker who recently took a poaitioninberlinolara mooro and miggie wilson wav performed with much credit to themselves and added much of tho interest to tho programme as they con secutively appeared to render selections suited to the countries whose claims were walkers kindness to coming homo to take part in the cantata was ranoh appreciat ed by all for the excellent manner in which the varions national anthems neiro rendered the school deserves credit the committee and the orchestra had at difficult task in mini drf the sohoot spcftii volumes for their perseverance and musical ability the builders of tho arch did their work like old time atone masons and bandied the trowels square and level ss though they had actually served a full time apprenticeship for the suggestion and general over sight of the cantata in ha preparation and setting apsolat thanks i due by the school to mra i franoli who received her in apl ration from friends who had seen ji presented in wood a took a feature deserving of mention la the sbtthat every person who participated in any way in the cantata waa a mem ber of the sunday sobool under whose auaplces i waa presented i jbt mercury regis erod between 00 and 00 degree on bunday coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varloupother personal nptes tlio ftieh riieas invites all iu rederi to oop lrlbuui to tljla column if you or yourrfrlondi uro olug away ou a holiday trip or if you have frlcuds visiting ynu drop a card to ths filhb pi1e8b ullaa qoodevo u rilllng frleod in clinton mr j c miller of orillla ipool a day id lowu last weok master hillou jrans ipeot tuaadty with hnmilton frlonits mr oeorgo robinson ot borlin spent a day or 80 with friendd here miaeea maggie and ada fyfo were homo from gaelps for the holiday film rcove fearnon spent a day or so ihia week with toronto friends mr alex gordon of duttqn was a ruost at gordon hall last week airs james kennedy of georgetown visited acton relatives last week mrs r craino ancl daagbteri of torouto were in town this week tljomiascs kestle of rookwood visited friends here on the twentyfourth mr thomas ebboge audmin mamie visileot friendain toronto this week lr and mrs james frame spent several daye dnring the week with friends ngalc mr chae h moore of toronto epeat thehollday under the parental roof mrs isarly of waterloo was tbo roest of- jurarlcaaohlan at the farsonsge this week mies eva matthews of berlin spent a few days during the week in faer former home mrd tubs ferryman jr and master edwiu went to barrie on monday to visit relatives mr john harvey has been laid dp for three weeks with illness but is slowly recovering mr and mrs 81as coleman and child ren of london visited aoton relatives during theweek mr bdward mioklin visited at the home ol his soninlaw aid r e nelson gnelpb this week meater harry and miss eva moore ot falmerstou were guests of their unole as moorecroft daring the holidays mr altx noble of norvsl who haa been safferlhg from the effects of tynholdl fover for the past five months is slowly recovering mrs vitliam jeans and her three little daughters left yesterday for gloversvlile k y to join her husband who preceded her some timo ago di buck commenced the praotice of bis profosaionin palermo 45 years ago on the 17th of may tbe doctor looks good for a umber o years yer mr wm c ftlatheson son of the crown attorney has passed bis first yesr ezsm- inatiodb at the ontario school of frabtloal oienoo ho is studying mining engineer- ing rev it j elliott pastor of the burling ton methodist church and formerly of iiamiltoln has been extended a unanlmona- oall to remaiu at his present charge for a illth year rev dr ross of brantford has accept ed the invitation to tba pastorate of dublin street methodist cbnroh guelph sabjoot to tho approval of the stationing com mittee of conference milton owing to ti6 cleaning on lawn services have been shut off until 1st jube the royttl templars will glvo a superior conceit this evening the sbsmrook base ball olub havo organisodior the seabon and boatof being able to put a good nine iu the field the court of revieion will be held on monday 80th inst waller bows baa just pmcl with honors an examination at the toronto college ot fbarmaoy mrs hume hugh street late of eeqaes- ing left on monday for a visit to friends in california a grand concert under the auspices of the ladies aid methodist church will bo given in the town hall milton on tues day evening may slat qeonoetown dr w d springer formerly ot acton hss been commissioned regimentalsurgeon with the rank of major of the first com pany ot volunteers ever formed in idaho dr springer was the first man commlse loned and has tbe honor of being the first man ever mastered into the united slates service from the state of idahor local brieflets dominion day will bo the next general holiday the fnxs pnxss till tbe end of the year for co cents- order a once the 20ib battalion will go into oimp at nisgaraoptbelake on june slat for a tgflvfdayi drill acton cornet band gave an entertain ing open air oonoert on the streets on saturday evening citizens and visitors alike onjoyed it the holiday rate to toronto was low enough in sll oorisoleooe fifty cents or return ticket good for three days is what the rate war did for the passengers fatriotio references to her majestys birthday were mads in the various ohunhel on bondsy in sev6ral oisei special sermons suitable to tbe occasion wero preachod tho wlogham timet wades into the town clerk for giving a toronto firm an order tor 91s worth ot loiter heads the ttmca thinks that town olerk should get iirod and that mighty qolok i the oatarplllar peat is much aggravat ed by the indifference to their presenoe on ihe wild cherry trees along farmers fences already their nests bang in unsightly foatoons on tbe trees along the roadaldes the trees infested are wortblsss sod the farmers will do themselves a benefit by onttlng them down the third annual atoursion under the snipioti of halton farmer institute to the model farm gnelpb will be hsld on saturday j3th jnne th return rates from this section for adults and ohlldren will be as follows a6too ssc and 30o limebouss 0c snd soo georgetown isc snd 3co stewarttown soo and 35o norval 60o and 35o nockwood schools ware closed thursday and fri day the teaobere of this neighborhood attended their annual oonven lion at fergos mri frank dunn who was for many nlnlllno t it in ttnulrsmnit died latt week in harrislon tho sunday school association will hold their annual convention on friday jane 10lb the names of bsv r atkinson berlin bsv f w thompson gaelph j rev h a maopberson acton i bsv w aj marllo guelpb i bsv t bogerr rj a edsb mills b f baker everton will be on th pro gramme mr conlsoo edsn mills is tb freiident bsv j a cranston of cullodeu snd veraohoylehas acosptsd the unanimous nil tendered to him from bockwood and eded hills and will bo loductsd to bis sw ohare next toesdsjr bis oongrsgallons made a strong effort to rstalb him m hi hss been an exosllsnt pastor aodjpwsolifj the vresbytery will mt lwra on tba slat whin its mr knowlea of qsl will prssob lbs ssrrnqn bsv urfjblal k miagtweyo will sddrass th fnlnljsinj ibd blr mr wilklsolbrswoss afdl alltlbjmsjj lindsred to the nwpatbtpirj tproubb a coudlnlonsjpav thsmi the floe weather of the past week has niade eyerytbinghoth in field anrl garden put on its most beautifuldresa every one seems to oaloh the spirit of the aeaaon and the lengthened days of labor give full proof of their awakened interest the qaeehs birthday in the roling thought not only with the fireoraoker boy and the sport loving ybnog men not only with the pleasure seekers and the happy excursionists bnt also of the aged fathers and mothers who now think of ttfaeday with something ot reverence as tbev doudl the many years of our noble qoeen and then try to recount the marvellous growth of tbe nation doring ber long aud sdooesb- ful rslgn from very early in tbe morning visitors and exonrslonlsts from every jireotion began tp gather for tbe great oelebration tbe laorosse matoh was tbe attreotlon in tbe morning the sptedlog in tbe park and tbe broycle contests were theoblef events in tbe afternoon negro minstrels on tbe streets playing and singing and a detachment ot the salvation srtrjy rave variety to tbe musio and the attractions in the evening tha town hall drew the orowd to hear the amateur performance by a number of our citizens thoy tooktbeir parts well and tho mnsibwas very attrac tive r appropriate references wero made in all tba eburohes on suuday to the death of englands noble statesman tbe rev g a mitchell preached a sermon in the evening especially referring- to gladstone andtbe queen and tbo history of the british empire during that period einoe her birth the milton dlstriot meeting of the methodist church took ptsco last vreek in oakville georgetown formerly belonged to guelph but now is transferred to luilton rev g a mitchell was eleoled on the stationing committeeand mrl i ben nett l d8 was elected a delrgato to conference aleo mr lilt greensvrord of norval tbe report of tbe past year was moat satiafaotory aninoreaeo of 250 mem bers was reported and a good luoreaso in linahces the rev w s moalpine ba and editor warren attended the baptist cpn- veqtion at hamilton last week snd rej an interesting time and gratifying rep6rts from every department of the ohurch rev o g langford ot smiths falls made a short visit here last week on hie way to hamilton he reports heavy work look ing after a large congregation cures tali in of hoods ssrsspsulua ss fpr no other midl- cine its greet cur recorded in trutbj al eonvlnolng lsnguags of grateful men and women constitute tta most effective ad vertising many ol those cures are mar velous they havo won tbe confidence of tho people havo given hoods saraspa- rilto tho largest sales in the world and havo mado necessary for its manufacture the greatest isboratory on earth hoods sarsnparilla is known by tho cures it hss mado ourenof scrofulsjsalr irheum snd eczema cures of rheumatism neuralgia and weak nerves cures of dyspepsia liver troubles caurrh oures wbloh prove aslobuythbollerh m sarsaparilla is tho beatlnaeflhe quo trno blftod purloer hood8 frills ul1eiyvo hpn tv buy t bvttcrtir special sbllingb tomorrow we place on our bargain tables the following attractions which are only a few among a great wealth of great values hosiery 20 doz ladies colton hose seamless regular 15c for iodtz full fashioned hermsdcrf dye very good regular 25c o doz fine black cashmere stockinga regular joe foi staples j for i8c 25c 300 yards best 30 inch cotton shirting rpgular lzrjc fur 10c 300 yards beautiful soft white cotton 36 inch regular 10c for yjc 600 yards drapery muslins regular 10c for 5c 1 bale yard wide cotton regular 7c for 4jc lace curtains acton appreciates nice goods those wall paper samplesve show at he drugstore of j d mcicee are all the rage why i because they are upodate put ingrain on your walls it is very handsome and new bee mckees 8am pies room mouldings to malcb window shades send the size of your windows and we will quote prices any color and every width j very special at fine brussels net curtains in 5 difterent prices wash goqds fine lof american prints rcilar 10c for jftlnch percales very pretty regular 15c for 3a inch organdie muslin regular 20c for 10 pieces zephyr ginghams regular 18c for 75c 850 jo 8125 150 very clicap- 6jc ioc ioc i2jc parasols at better ones at 50c 75c i very extra 8j50 to 85 special values opera flannels we cleared a quantity of very prelty patterns nice for ladies and childrens house jackets and gowns they are regular 50c goods our price will be 20c everything in dry goods and nothing but dry goods e b bollert fe go 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph base biii lawn tennis iacrosse and foot ball requisites c l welles thbl6hd9b gublph this hot weather reminds one that winter is past and we musthave lighter clothes for ihe future we have made provision for this and are showing a splendid line of dress muslins and prints in the latest varieties styles and shades mens light summer wear in largevariety the prices are much lower than usilal and the goods selected are sure to please our specials this week orang and 20c per dozen they are unequalled for value our specials this week oranges- at 15c and lemons at 15c foi aotont machine and repair shops nenlty aillndeii rropriotor altls wall otinilipedotllh alt the maoblnorv necessary toexotutoall repairs to maobln- eryandasrioultnraliraiilomedts and to do all kinds of ateamnttlae honasboolng and benoral blaokamithlnff woodwork repairs porronnod in a aatisfaotor manoer ws eaa repair and niaohlneror tmplomontof any xaake saw gamming and flllns done the queens birlhday was loyally obssrved here little pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per- fcet remedy for dlnincss nausea drowri tiess bad taste lathe mouth coated tonjao fain in the side torpid liver iley regulate the bowels purely vegetable small phi small dosoa sjnall price substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills mangel seed nojw we sell thl the yard lonored saw loo red oatb ost 36vbd mammoth lono bed tbliow xktim- mkdxatb yellow qlobb any kind only ipc per lb by post 4c a 1b exlrt for poslago also sugar beet red or white only aoc per lb rape seed 16 lb for iroo turnip i2c per lb geo j thorp sbbdskrn ilarket bq and maodonneu stj cublph rc soo fibffrouss o6900 bisv01i8 anafmloa uilkr 00 picfton ht j1 etbjbej8ta1p8 xiob woe itabbst btsmps pads rnk ale x write toose carry a oo king gt saa toronto the iwiodorn grocer being tho larg est makers of refrigerators in canada we make several lines of grocers and household refrigerators in many styles and sizes modern in design with best principle of dry cool air cir culation best in aula hon and zinc lined why buy a home made or poorly made article when you can get an uptodate refrigerator for less money for prices and description send for cntafoguo knowles ham fc itott co s- limited brantford these us worth wear style strength choice cheapness the combination is offered in our stock of new and fashionable goods which in cludes all things new and desirable in the line of pools 8hoes and rubbers examination will show that our stock is especially strong in style besides being un equalled in variety nod first in favor because of the high grade quntlty nothing will convince like personal inspection that for seasonable goods and reasonable prices the best place is at williams boot ashosstore mill street actprii price 95500 visible writing in addition toall the advantages of tho lr 20 00 machines the only typewriter manufactured id canada fuulv cunhrnt8sd circulars and testimonials them write for makers ol eslel mew williams bwtd ifaablnm c f goopliire cos buy the pride of canada its the newest style out see them at jrelsielsons 99 wyndham street guelph nehiblttck when it comes to dress goods there is not a worthy style or qtaality missing here priestleys high class dress goods is connneid exclusively to this- store our ambition a pieviou efl iii eveiy lebpecl fine bltjick henriettas fine slack sere now broadcloths newcuatreis black cfilffons new black silks new french vigoreux new ladles cloths new satin cloths new black parasols the most complete stock of black dress goods that the people of acton has had to choose from youll be welcomed whether you buy or not we want you to see and then make comparisons qxtb3stey fe co mill 8t acton corner king and huglison sts flamiltou vv- iv if y spend in dry goods always lv6 tl6 c6ll3r5 prove satisfactory here are some 6pd investments sbbbb goods popllna in ail new sliadea extra value 75c tor tailortnade ooatumes in isaamsetfmitf inert alt wool very apeelal nsnapbwd oheokst all aias soo bhrrwamts pains bhttiawih ifahmt eollara and onffa atittmiralati vwteeoliaaabdeiil iwalat frail fsents pointed yoke udeilhataeriable in polka dot bcrs r ruwaistbufall front white collar wsjatwhlu no- ipaolalslja fln waunidataeh- apioialiljo oisthixs ssmearfodescriba the tsiiielaun moat com tgaunenes srldem to si ai 1ncasilab5i o inotam wide apeelal kfaa take root order now we 1 ajlypsnaualmhon i aaraatae stimata staple departmbnt sl plain dlcacbed sheeting so and tse 01 plain pleached shutting m and o lth flalh mleaenedbbseurut fm plain bleached suaeuns s3 and tse 4 plain dlaaebad8heatloas and doe oxtobd shtrtiliaa bpootai line bnsjusb xhakiv ffaad value 18c halt quality double warp do 90o tiomnos bcst fsatbar proof tlekliigs full ranee of patteras 90ss and fiflo n fitrlpa sramarbhlrtlns faateolors largo sirmxinas r rnnaarbhlrt range of pattorns s0 80 and pbtmt8 6o0 patterns all hefadeslgnaln light dark and tnedlnni eolor tbe very bast grade fast colon outobajbtb and zephyrs fall ranga eheeka plaids and broken pattarna faateolcn a 10 is and iso 8pk0tai bale qf white quilts bare ars tbe slses and prices 72 x 81 age at ss at js a 75 tollotbatln finished qnllto lta 0o 9j3 toaaoo oolcred albmbra qullte 114 83c 1 15 1 75 sarriplettrree by snail freight or express prepaid lo 5 our nearest railway station in ontario on all porehaass amounting to fs oonnd upwards c watkins ls ssik

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