Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1898, p. 4

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fitly years ago tresitlcnt polk in the white house ctialr vvhileiu lowell wpa doctor aycr boti were busy for tiuwan weal one to govern nod one to heal ami nnpresldenth power of wilt sonictiinesdepemls on a liverphl mr- iblk took aycra plllsl trow ior ids liver 00 year jro ayers guthartie pills vrqre designed to supply o modelpurgative to people who had bo lohff injured themaelves- with griping medioines being oarofully prepared and their in gredients adjusted to the exact necessities of the bowels and liver their popularity rwasiri- stantaiieous that this popu larity has been maintained is veil marked in the medal awarded these pills at the worlds fair 1808 5ft years o cures scije rtxnt jfm ms thursday may 20 t898 to tgjjyis q tve by tbfne own boo law learn to iito and 1 mien thwart thee take no hoed and if men hate- thee have no care sins thou thy aopg and do thy deed hope utioa thy hope and pray thy prayer and claim no orown they will not give jor dtyi they grudge the for thy hair keep tfaoa thy aonlworn iteadfast oatb and to thy heart be true thy heart what thy lonl teaehea learn to know and play ont thine appointed put and thou sbalt reap mthbaihalt tow nor holped nor hindered in thy growth to thy fall stature thou ahall grow fix on the futures goal thy faco and lot thy feet be lnrodto etray now mthor but bo swift to ran aud do way tarry by the way until at last tbo nod li won and thou mayoetlook back from thy place aud aoo thy long days journey done pjuienham bttrrr true sympathy thoiewbo4iaa4wantutoriiil linnffur tug often haveho readiest sympathy but it u not always expressed so impulsivuly as lu tho followluf anecdote a gen tie ma a was out driving with bis wile who was noted for her bad temper ami in tt narrow road met a wapgoii whioh tljey had poma difficulty in naesink the lurly apparently thiumnit that the carter whs nut mukirik an much haste as he ought to get out of tho way began to rato him pretty freely juat however an they drew clour the cnuu stepped up to the carriage and re- apeotfully touching his hat to the gentle man asked whether he might say a word tho lady thinking that he was going to apologize for bis slowness iuterpoaod and raid very bharply yes say whatever you have gut to say 1 whoroupon tho man agaiu touching bis hat and looking bard at the gentleman said vary quietly sir i do pity ee from the bottom of my heart for tae govjnst a nob another one at home happy release from a trio of afflictions paines celery compound saves the life of a lady in seamo ma appreciation of american swells and the englishman said oar ariito- s craoy with their airs and mbo motions were inherited by us they are in tho main about 1000 yearaold youri are the manufaoture of yeatertlay yoa have women over there in new york and boston and philadelphia and even chicago who strike us as mightily droll why not because in plain terms we cant help considering them bramtnagem imltiuona of oar own d marohiopt oounteesee why should you resent oar judgment would yoa purchase a bevraa pup or a dresden plate if you though k ik oputioos and it not your attempt t playing patrfoiaua the most npqrioui one conceivable wo dont specially ntpeot oar own lords and ladles bat we permit tli cm to exist and of ten to make gem cf miamselveb or something a good deal worse because t bey are plan tes la because fenil- aliura and superstition broaghmhem opoii- ua beonufle to do away with tbera wopl4 entail a revolution shaking our country to its roots it ii a aot that we jeer at the men of oar own land who gain new titles we sins in spirit far more democratic than yoa ou ueilsls tjday is a concboraa of gentlefolk yoa ba no society scr far as w can learn ybq have onty a collection of plotooratio straggler and ihcia if we aro not mistaksn have pushed to the wall even those who had eotria vigue claim to birth tfati future being eapeoially noticeable in ypur new york where tho families descended from your early datoh immigrants plain and ordinary enough persons even as late as 0 years ajo have been anperaoded by ro upstarto the bold and saucy human products of your railroad and mining gam- alotb colliers wtekly the cook who dislikes peas this la merely a catch pan on the word peaapi each member of the company ii told that the oook does not ilka peas and ib oskccl what be will order for dinnir if ho orders anything wlthont the letter p in it it should be luggetied that he mlgtit wish for lotnething id addition for in- btance woaldnl yoa like o begin wish soap if he says h would he is ruled out and so the catob goes on partridge pheasant pie p pork pickles being auggobledv to the various diners thoie who tare in the aeoret of the catoh are to toe dp pa rated from those who are not one pirt o the joke is that those who axe ruled out oannot imagine what mistake they have made until at the end they re reminded that the oook doesnt like pf and it they order anything with one or more peat in it the cook will refase to serve it out of sorts bymplomi headache loss of oppetite furred tongue aud general indisposition these symptoms if negleot- cd develop into acute dlsase tt is a trite saying that- an ounce of prevention is ed4ii attoution at this point may save months of siokueu and large doctors bills for ibii complaint take from two to three of far meleci vegetable pills on going to bed und one or two for three nights fn aaooeai ion and a care wilt be effected the terrors of rheumatism neu ralgia add headaohea are banished forever he got the girl mrq yrelawpev fluid fran tin wallim ford therlnfomuihtiik that i hivo for n long time wished lo frny to you lho president of tho bocisty ior lite bjuolohiu of uiihbmntfi looljud over her gluten und frowned tiho evidently knew whttt wan couinp but rtffi u niomcntri flileioo fihohwid in hiv most iiuprodtiivo platform tortun wfclllinon wht iiii i i lovoyoir iihuut mida gudya i havo rqaftou to bulievo that she returos my p9hlou and i wmt to iibk you to ivo her into my ketp tl mrs trolawneya fonturou burdened and thorn was uoulcl nietullio ring in her voice as buq ttnuwercd what- rccommeudut ions have you to fljr oryoarou how can you convince mo that yon wilt ulwaya love hor that you will always think her beautiful she looltn lilto her mother eatd fran- oih wttlliufonl tlntt ia enough to con vince me thkt her btauty will not diminish ttff hor ycdlrsincreane of ooubq i know this can hardly be regarded as a flual teet youjiaye tint rouohed iho oigo at whioh woman beiu fd lose fhcirvrr they wero interrupted then bub ho got the girl ole vela rid xenwer castorla ia ir siuuuol pitqliors prescriptloii-for- infants and children it contains ncltlior opium morphine nor other narcotic btibhtancc it in a itarmlcss sulistttnto for paregoric drops soothing syrups and castor oh it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years uso hy millions sof motherit castorla dcstioys worms and allays peverlslmcss castorla prevents vomiting sour curd cures pliirruooa and wind colic castorla relievos toothing troubles cures constipation aud flatulency castorla asstmtlatos tho food regulates tho stomaoh and bowcs giving- hmilthy nml natural sleep castorla is tho childrens panacea tho mot hor b frloiid iiiipuro ulouil iii rininic thiaistiio almobt universal experiquco dimidiahed perspiration during winter rioh foods aud oloac confinement indoors are some of the cauaea a good bpriog medicine like hpodu bareaparillo is absolutely necessary to purify tbe blool and put tho sy stem in a libaltby condition at this season hoods fills are the beat family cathurtlo and liver tonio gentle reliable eure health and happiness be stowed on all who make use of paines celery compound 4 wells biohardson co gentlemen i am very pleased to be able to tell yoa of the great good that 1 havo derived from the nse of yourpaiuea celery compound before using your valuable compound i was bo crippled with rheumatism that i had to crawl on bands and knees from one place to another x alao suffered from neuralgia and dreadful headaches and could not get more than one or two hours of sleep each night i often thought it would be better to die than live and endure my terrible agony i was happily advised to use patnea celery compound and after the use of eix bottles the rheumatism and neuralgia are badiahed and i now eat test and sleep well my present improved state of health is doe entirely to the healthgiving virtues of paiue celery compound whioh has done wonders for me my husband is now using it for dyspepsia and it is doing wonders for him my neighbors to whom pound have been greatly blessed yours truly mrs annie tt cobb searao man sy to take if wv sy to operate pmrnllm to noodi plll bniiu u fflolnt thorough al one maa mioii dxhooda q4ijsi fioprieton xowab hkakia 3ha onlr pllto to tak with ho to mbdao ptfilon and to regaute debire u the greateit tik of map aa a moral ajent tbe two deilrable quallsoationi plwaant to the taata and at th lime ttms effaotaal aro to ba oanfhvisiothor qravea worm exterminator children like it zeal ia the dymanlte of appeal vigor for heart anil nctvm milbarna heart and nerve pills onre anaemia kerroainesii bleepleiineii vteakneat palpitation throbbing faint 8pelit dlzzlnoef or any oonditlon arulnfl irom impoveriabed blood diiordered kervo or weak heart tba wortfaieit people are the mint injared by ilander aa wenaaally find it to lie tbe beat froit which the birda have been ebntlnnally peeking at it ii gnat prada t nalncaamaoy friends as we honeatly can espeeialljr whan it oan be done at ao eaay a rata aa a good nord it ii a great folly to make antnemy by ill word liver tronblea billoaanmi aallow oom ploxlon yellow eyea jaondioe eto yield lo lbs curative powera of leiallver filla they ate aare to onre it ia riot oalonable what may be atoomi- llthed in everything id ufa by modarme btftlnnldra and jodloloni peraevaraom tho hone noblest of lie brote oreev lion whan aofferlog from a oat abrulot or tort derives as moob banafll tt lu mudtor in ilk pradloament from tba btalinr aoojlilngaetlon of dr tliomaa roleottio 01l ijamnaas twelling of tbe neoki tittqiiisi6f the joloti throat end lungv are teueved by it delicatie children what a source of anxiety they aire the pareiftstwisrrthtir hearty and strong but they keep thin and pale to all these delicate chil dren scotts emulsion of codliver oil with- hypo- phosphites comes with the best of hews it brings rich blood strong bones healthy nerves and sound dtgestioti it is growth and prosperity to them no matter how delicate the child it is readily taken joe end 100 all draulsu scott evbowne chtmlilf toroew worms bannotexlat either in oblldren or udalte when dr lowa worm syrnp is tjwd oso all dealers it la idleness that creates impotalbilitlea and where men care not to do thing they shelter themselves nnder a persnaslon that it oannot be done dyspepsia or indigestion is oocesloned by the want of aotlon in ihe blllliry doots loss of vitality in the storhaob to hereto tba gaatrlo jaloes without whioh digestion oinnot go an alio being the principal esqse otheadaobe parmeloea vegetable iihs taken before going to bed for while hive fall to give relief and effect a aare vr f w ashdowo aahdown oat writes parmeleee pills are taking the lead against ten other makes wblob i have jo atook it 1b the man who detornijjieh the dignity of the ocenpation not tbe occupa tion that rjaoaxarea tho digoity of the man conatipatlou cured its important you bhonld havo natural aotioo of iho bdwela pargiogand- griping do viotenoe to tba eyatem laxaliver fills are natures own medicine tor all disorders of tho stornaub ijiver and bowols cure by toning the bowolwall and btimulating thoeeoretious leave no bad uftor effeota habit in a child is at firbt libo a spiders web 11 neglected it becomea a thread of twine next a cord or rope finally a cable and then who can break it dr woods norway pine heals and soothes the delicate tissues of the throat and lungst curing ootjghs colds bronchitis asthma hoarseness re throat infloenza and pain in the chest easy to take sure to core baby brightness soon add when diarrhoea ilezcu on the littloform dr fowlera extract ofwild btrawberrv baa saved many infanta rb well aa addlti iivob mra w waltere rich mond street hamilton ont says i oared cny baby of a bad attack of chol era by obidr fowlers extract of wild strawberry nothlofl else did any rood bat the baby improved from the arab dose of thewild strawberry never clo any thing whioh if you ahoald ee in another you ahoald count a jnet occasion to despiae bim for or to tbiok lyof him sorcacionc skiit clear mra philip mitchell st marys ont eaya my little boy aped 10 was a 00m p lets mabb of sores caused by bad blood we oonld find nothing toourehim final ly i got a bottle of burdock blood bitters and before half the bottle was gone be began to improve and by the time the bottle waa flniahod be bad not a aore on him habits are etronser than mnaolea pot infants and ohildreii fat ho utm twt vnpiv uncle ben yoar son was fooling around my hen coop last night aud i oame very near patching bim he had hie hand on a chicken bat he let go wheu ho beard mo vbosp didyer aay he faadhia band on a ohkkeniaoiiihenlfit k0 iljdid pop twatnt none of toy son dat ntgtjer wtttnt nono of my rtialdg dhere never nae and nevor wil be a unieraal panacea in one remody for all ilutowhirli fleeh ia hoir tho vory nature of ir a iy cutativoh toinu aupli that were the gernaa of other and differently seated dlawuea rooted in the ayatem of the patient rwbat would relievo one ill in tarn would aggravate the other we have however in qainino wine when obtained in a aound unaiddlterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judiolqoa use tbe frailetuyateihs are led into con ooeohitreukvli irhloh quinine exerts on ma tares own rastorativm ii relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom aehronlo state o morbid despondent and laokebf intoreat in life is a diaoaaot aud by trftnquilizing thenervei diipoaea to sound and refresh ing ileep imparts vigor to tho action of the bloody whioh rboiok-atimulaud- courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal fanotiona of the ayatem thereby retaking aotlvity a ncoeimary result trengthenldg the frame and rslog life to the digeatlve organs whioh naturally demand inoreauod ubatanoo result im proved appetite northrop ft lvmau of toronto havo ffiveo to the public their qainino wine at tlie uinal rate and gnagedby trie opinion of oolentiate this wins approaobes nearest per foot ion of any in the market all druggists so it castoria cmstortn is rn excellent ntcucine for clijldrcti mothcro have repeatedly told tile of ita good cftect upon their children dlt g c osoood jlowell jlfass gastoria castorla in no well ndnpted to children that i rccqinmend it as superior to uny pre- ttcripltoi known tomc ii a arcuefa md brooklyn n y the facsiimile signature of appears on every wrapper for ladies spring capes mull kxpro mall grand trunk railway ifini viht iuin at 2 ii in i kkpnrn ii 2 2- pm kxnrt 7 ir iin i mull ii i nin 10 fo a in 114 p111 10 cjipm we are showing a ful range of venetians broadcloths boxclotlis brocaded satinn etc in excellent quality and value the balance of our madeup capes are being cleared at selling prices there is a time for everything and the seoret of success in life lies in doing things at just tbe right minute very many persona die annually from cholera and kindred mimrner complaints who might have been saved it proper rcmediea bad been used if attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of dr j d kellogk dyeentery cordial tho noedioine that never fails to effect a cure those who have used it say it acta promptly and thoroughly anbdues the pafu and disease you oan tell by tho length of time it takes to wind a clook bow long it will run a storm is brewing your old rheumatism tells you so better get rid ofu and trust to tba weath er reports scotts emulsion is tho heat remedy torchroniorheamstism it often makea a complete cure aek a girl her age end she always tells bow old she will be atber tiexfbirthday ab long ab ehe is young for internal or external uso ilagyarda yellow oil cannot be expelled ns a pain relieving and soothing rornody for all pain a woman isnt happy wheu out shopping unless ehe is losing half hor packages will out cant help but come to the surface in the form of ulcers sores boils pimples arid rashes of one kind and another especially is thissbin the sprinq at this time of the year the blood needs purifying the sys tem needs cleansing nothing will do it with such perfect success cts d b- om writes i had boils very bad and a friend ad vised me to try burdock blood bitters sol ftata bottle the effect waj won derful the boils began lo disappear and before the bottle was doho i was totally cured as an effectual and rapid cure for impure blood b b b cannot be quailed noah webster lived from 1758 to 1843 his labor e on hia dictionary covered a period of nearly 80 yearb the cyclists friend no cyclists kit is oompleto without a bottle of hogyarda yellow oh can be taken internally or used externally fpr cuts bitoa bruiboa bpraine stiff joiuts cooghs sore throat paios in the chest eto it is always effectual has no equal as an all round remedy we notice that it ib nob the men with the plenties money who hire their ehoos blaoked dont clilol the children dont scold the little ones if the bed h wet in the morning it isnt the childh fault weak kidneys need strengthening thats nil you can t afford to risk delay neglect may entail n lifoiime of suffering doftns kidney pills strengthen the kidneys and bladder then all trouble ceases v mr john cnrson employed at m s bradt cos store hani- ilton ont says y my llttlo boy aoven yearn of nfjo haubcen troubled with mn kidneys since birth nnd conkl not lioul his f hisn1if1a if ilnl- since dirui nuu imi n in water we spent liundredu of tlol- sf lara doctorincr and tricrl mniiy dif- v ferent rcmeilirft but they wcrrf of no f avail one box of donnh kidney w villa completely cured hiiisv y 0cica5ta bow many people there aro who keep us constantly wondering how they can afford such good clothes milbarna sterling ileaducho powders are easy to take harmless in action and sure to cure any headadip in from 5 to 20 minutett a loafer doesnt seem to oare for any body except those who are bnay have you tried holloways corn cure it has no equal for removing thebo troublesome oxcreaencea as many havo tried it man in solitude is an uncomplete being he needb companionship for happinsss v story mr w franks in charge of tbe grand trunk engino shops fort dover ont says four boxes of doans kidnoy fills cured me of a vory bad- attack of kidney complaint and lame back without tho friendly exchange of kindly words and deeds without tho sunshine of loving looks and smiles of welcome and enoouragement a bouse may be a habita tion but never truly o home faa1 ffhasa i avtv i strong ueaifhy boys should never be pat into weak illfitting clothes bad for the boys f- bad for the clothes r bad for the pocketbooi i qtjirtjvc is made in almost as many sizes and jiljl1y o proportions as bojs are and thougli ready to wear tware stylisl smart and nptckdate n they are made for boyish boys for i ulothinu good hard wear aud will last until theboyfr for boys s out of them i i shofeys do not ask people to buy at one particular shop that system makes tlie garments t 1 cost ni ore every good dealer sells shoreys ready to wear clothing and guarantees it to give satisfaction i i you will find the auarantee card in the pocket i if tjmk or loslnii 1iat1i iolljk weft 0 10 11 11 uiid g ii- o0i11b icithtlo i0 ain 111 id 0 3 pni thlh tliiio liiblu went into efkutbii motidry sluy kith ihoh brrntford calvanized steel wind mills and towers oj powex nod pvmp- jugri vrxtbln- toraai covered gear patent poller ana ball bearings v v crain grinders two sizes for anv tower no z has ioinch reversible burrs np 2 has 8inch single burrs both have ball- bearing burc plates rcl ie springs- and shake feed grind fine and fas with least pjwto r always icitaranleed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills ofall kinds the finest in the market best material lig h tea running send for illustrated catalogue n shops and warerooms foot of willow st calls attendeid to day or night j a speiglit co undertakers and em balm ers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniture of all kinds a wdlasborteri stork at reasonable prices your inspection invited ja speight co i orders left with j n 8tin8oin rockwood will receive i immediate auenlion best 6tec0l w1rb you want the best ropttfleiiva mcmuliens fencings and nettings com bine these two qualities norotherado hog fencings at special low prices all other varieties cheap mcmuliens are the only good nettings sold in canada they are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawnfenccs ask your hardware mer chant for mcmuliens goods if you cannot i w to t wwiufucimmi at wannfiirttoed ftsd bolabr the ontario wire fencihq co i plcloq ontario picton ont or to the b greenins wire co limited hamilton and montreal r general agents james cooper montreal general agent for kail way fencings brantfordcait john mcqueen agent for the above has changed his ware- rooms to building on w ii smiths property john street where may be seen rxost wood binders azvd mowers and a complete line of farm implements and nil kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants ofcustomers john mcgueen- latest andbest designs of 7vionu7vists in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction l h hamilton proprietor granite marble works guelph is the only direct importor of marble and- grunliti uusrof toronto und nurili of hamilton come and see tho largest and best imported stock in tho dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for thccommonrt can adian or american granite offico and worhshamzltotts block woolwxcbanduojifolksts cuelph ont branch works new jiamburs ont sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorizod capital s0o0o00o0 this is cleveland tear purohose not friend by gifts when thou ceaeebt to give snob will oeaee to jove pain in the heart too serious a oonditlon to negrleot a ouelph harness maker toils how he was aurod mr wm dyson the willknoirn aiuldlcr and liarnesb hiakor of ouolpli out makos tba following atatomont x lioartily ra- ootnmond slilbnrns hoard and ncrro fills to anyono auftoring from ncrvoasnosa and heart troabls they are a splendid medlolne for buoh eomplalnta for tt long time i waa afllloted with nerroaaneaa and pain is my heart whioh wai eipoolallt aarera at night oltcn dtitroylng my rost theaa pills onred me and lnvlgomted my serrbns ayatem which lo now itrong and ealthy they rei torod restful ateop besides removkigtho dfstrobbing liearfc painb whioh formerfy gave hie so inuoh aaxioty and trouble ifilburna heart and norvo fills so ou a box 8 for 9135 sold by druggists or sent by mall t milbom a co toronlo ont laxaliver plua oure consilpntlon after a years practical experience of hard rough riding over all manner of roads in all kinds of weather without meeting with a single accident have again been selected as the official wheel for the cycle squad of the tofjonto police dephrtwent th6 worlds 8000 crhtest bigycle are the only 1898 models that have adapted the wonderfully improv ed bearings the only bearing which insures perfect alignment reducing friction to a minimum other clevelands 6500 7000 agents everywhere write for catalogue sole representative m t broian f koto n hjva lozier co tprjo junction tcirycar maturity shares are paid in njonthly instalments of 50c per share for 12o months when payments cease 96000 paid inrmaturity value 810000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appu- ation to r j mcnabb agent aoton w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont k1hk a spkouttt of machine finished book papers ihom qkaob wbkklyukws the papor used in thifl joarnahia from tho abovo mills wk babber bios fob tpmmiiiba thecooks ltin canada laboibt ibali in cahadj anmhol iitkl mi tnvantlon i prol t w ac ion and doflorlniinn my 1i nnvimkiiioti 1 ptnu wont freo iftitat itaner fprfxwrtiiruiitofit tpjetiti whwjl without otiitrw in tho snrtffc american a nawmbjr lllartnitml wmklr umxtjjtr fcijifj

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